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Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: September 12, 2014 07:14PM

Mike Adams has tested vaccines and said they were positive tested for mercury.

He has a free online preparedness course for free. Here I give the synopsis to PART ONE.

Mike Adams gives a free lecture pandemic response. He says this is to survive a pandemic, not listening to the CDC


I will give you guys SYNOPSIS

He is concerned the government, pharmaceuticals are going to get alot of people killed. This is not for those who love going to the pharmacy and believing in medicine you get from your doctors he says, you will die in a pandemic, he says.

Vaccine interests, modern solution is vaccine. Secondary solution wash your hands. Thats with every outbreak, pushing it, making it mandatory, that is all they know how to do!

They will never talk about natural solutions or anti viral herbs. WIll never talk about anything like sunlight, raw foods, anything that will save lives except for vaccines. He says they will get people killed.

He says if there is an outbreak, the hospital is the most dangerous place to go. ( I know this to be true myself) Hospitals are full, you show up to a hospital you get infected! Thats what he says.

He says this spreads in taxis people are going to hospitals. Boom you are infected if you touch your eye.

Mainstream media will knowingly lie to you. There is a top cdc scientist who was there since 1998, he has confessed publicly, that he conspired and committed cdc fraud and autism with vaccines. This is not debatable, he admitted to it and shown sorrow. He wrote letters to head of the cdc. Mainstream media has completely censored this story. Not CNN fox news, not USA new york times, etc..they will not dare, it is a recorded admitted official top scientist..they will not.
It should be top news.
They buried the story to bury this so you do not learn that autism is created by vaccinating children. The whole house of cards is falling.
The mainstream media WILL NOT TELL YOU THE TRUTH- THEY ONly know to push vaccines.

To make a flu vaccine you need flu strains with weakened viruses, problem is that this years flu strains protects you against last years flu. Thats what he says guys.

For people who are not time travelers, a flu shot is a medical hoax. What you need is vitamins. Your immune system needs to be built up.

Mike says he has not been vaccinated in 20 years. He travels to Taiwan into bird flu season, no problem. He builds antibodies by eating right. He says he can handle ebola. He is pretty sure. I agree.

This is not false hope he says, chemo is false hope he says, and vaccines for ebola as vaccine is false hope. How this evolves the disease, the virus outmaneuver, and yes they can go on tv and say they have a vaccine from the strain 7 months ago.

You need to think about your immune system. Some survive exposure and survive. People credit their survival to things like god or health. WOuld you take a drug that has a 40% fatality rate of taking it?

WHen they do roll out these vaccines, its experimental.

Immune system is your only chance, the human body is a blueprint for perfect health. You need to activate with tools. Babies are not born incomplete without vaccines. They put babies into comas and sometimes kill them. We come from a long line of survivors who survived these diseases.

I will tell you the other parts at a later time, this is only part one.

If your child dies from this vaccine, they say it is your fault not theirs, and its medical hogwash. We can do better he says.

Hospitals DEATH CENTERS< STAY out, stay alternative ways, stay away from them, build up your immune, drink clean water. Good hydration. Support family members, have a back up plan that doesnt involve calling the cdc up for experimental vaccines.

If you want to live you have to stay away from hospitals and cdc.

Even if you think vaccines save babies. There is no harm in doing this. What if there is no vaccine, what if its irrelevant. YOu need additional information.

He is releasing it free of charge. That was part one.


Summary overview of this episode:

This information is intended to help save lives
What you get from "official" sources is incomplete and often just propaganda
Why this information is being released for free
How the CDC will get a lot of people killed in a pandemic
You need to expand your knowledge to increase your odds of survival
The CDC is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the vaccine industry
Vaccines are foolishly worshipped as the one and only solution to any outbreak
Modern medicine is clueless if they don't have a vaccine
Why the medical industry refuses to recommend nutritional therapies and natural medicines
If there is an Ebola outbreak, the hospital is the most dangerous place to go
Ebola is spreading through taxi cabs
You can be infected by touching a contaminated surface
Why the media will lie to you about pandemics
The truth about mainstream media censorship of vaccine truth
Why an Ebola vaccine may be completely worthless even if it exists
The shocking truth about flu shots and why they don't protect against this year's influenza strains
Natural immune-boosting therapies that help protect you from ANY flu strain
The outright abandonment of medical ethics by government and medical institutions
The ability of pandemic viruses to adapt and evolve is far faster than the ability of vaccine makers to manufacture vaccines
Why an "Ebola vaccine" may be obsolete on the very first day it's available
To survive, you need to think beyond the vaccine
Ask yourself: Why do some people live and others die from Ebola?
Experimental Ebola drug has so far produced a 40% fatality rate
Why you already have a genetic blueprint for survival
How to activate your genetic "miracle" that will keep you alive
Why modern humans are frail and weak compared to our ancestors
We are all living in an immunosuppressive environment
There are far better options available than what the corrupt medical institutions are hawking
If you want to live, you need to have a plan that doesn't rely on the vaccine industry
Why I'm driven by compassion for humanity and the drive to save lives

Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: September 12, 2014 07:35PM

When I die, I'll be happy. But who am I? Why worry about human made definitions. Humans are an earth pest no matter how they beautify themselves. Look around a city.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2014 07:37PM by Panchito.

Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: September 13, 2014 01:57AM

Can see your point Panchito.

Still, it's worthwhile to cultivate compassion for all beings, including humans.

Posted by: banana who ()
Date: September 13, 2014 04:58PM

Life is a pandemic. We're always being threatened with this or that. The hospital advice is spot-on. My father recently passed away and I was going to the hospital to visit him and I hated it because I knew it was all messed up. They are so afraid of germs and yet they think that drugs will heal people. They are weakening these patients with a barrage of meds. Plus they were always poking and prodding and I thought it was so horrible and the opposite of how it should be.

Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: September 15, 2014 05:52PM

Great responses guys, each of you, grain of truth in everything.

HERE IS PART 2 transcribed by yours truly


He says if you are not prepared you are behind the curve

Ebola is not being contained. The perfect storm is in place, if ebola is fought, something else is coming, high population densities and a terrible immunosuppressive lifestyle..weaker immune systems, more chronic disease in the history on our planet, and the medical system is clueless, only vaccines, and nothing else. Many medicines suppress immune function, many drugs, especially chemo, psych meds, actually create increased vulnerability. Medical community creates weakness.

We are in real danger and if you are not preparing, then what are you thinking? Everything you depend on, water commerce, finance, transportation, to live..can be shut down by a pandemic.

Think of in Africa, spreading all over taxi cabs, no more hospital beds, all full, but riding around in cabs. They are infecting everything...with ebola. Easily picked up he says.

Think about where you get your water, going to atm punching buttons, how you going to get money out if there is ebola on the surface. you can get it by getying back change, do you have latex gloves. It is not a bacteria, it is smaller. It is tiny viral fragment that can get into your body and replicate, its not alive you cannot kill it, except with uv light or bleach. Where does your water come from, the tap. Well, what happens if a worker at the worker plant coughs into the water. It survives fluoride and chlorine.

So what do you do? When city officials say you cannot drink the water? What do you do? Do you have backup water supplies, most people completely dependant on the system, for everything, no ability to survive in a pandemic. This can happen overnight.

Martial law is in place in Africa, you cannot go outside, and if you are infected you cannot leave your home. This will be the same story in every nation. No hospitals, they are the death centers.

DO you have a battery powered radio? Do you have food and water, natural medicine, anti viral you have any? Safely locked away? For your neighbors? For most people around the world, the situation is dependant on the infrastructure, They add to the panic and chaos and run around desperate.

Fema has nothing to offer you but free body bags. And dead bodies spread it.
It kills after a person is dead, its horrifying.

One of survival strategies is have to. Migrate and isolate. Most people cannot do this. Behind the curve most people are. How do you isolate yourself? Lock yourself in! Don't come out or let anyone in. Survive on what you have until what? Pandemic burns through population, can take weeks or months, how are you going to survive this?? Medicine, hygiene, soap? Where is your water, cook your food, heat your home, how how how? Defend yourself and defend your home from others desperate and want to loot you to feed their dying kids? The governments roll is to pick up the bodies. They have cremation centers set up, fema does. The bodies spread disease.

Gruesome and blunt he has to be, fema will go through cities and pick up bodies he says the people doing this wearing bio protective suits.

Lets pray this never gets to London or Sydney...Madrid, Hamburg, its going to be freaking apocalyptic. THese bodies will be everywhere in the street. You cant go to quickie mart to get water. There will be death everything, cities will be death sentences. YOu do not want to be suck in a city.

Important to think about, any kind of high population, you need an evacuation plan. A bug out location you need to have a back up plan, even if its an rv. Have the materials to survive during the time this disease burns through the population. This is not exaggeration. African nations - those who stayed in the cities are now

Life and death situation this is, folks. If this spreads...imagine if Mexico city..will be a death zone overnight..if that happens, it will be a very clear dividing line those who survive and the victims, those who did not plan ahead.

The vaccine people will be hoping for, will not come. Blind luck those who survive. Most survivors are those who plan ahead. WHo have the immune boosting support.

Many people will die from lack of food and lacy of water and infrastructure, death by looters, exposure, dehydration, etc

This is why preparedness is soo crucial, even if the virus doesnt kill you dehydration will. Your forest in your backyard will be quickly depleted by other people.

60 day fast will not work. You do not want to be fasting during a pandemic.

So also think of secondary threats.

Also he talks about CME's and solar flares and power grids...etc talking about NASA warnings. Noone is listening, because too many are interested in celebrity news.

I LOVE MIKE ADAMS! Infowarrior and Conspiracy theorist and he is a raw vegan. I think Natural News is a great website. This was funniest meme online of him I could find:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2014 05:54PM by coconutcream.

Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: September 15, 2014 06:40PM

Thats real doom.

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