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Biochemical Individuality - Why Do Different People Have Different Dominant Systems?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 10, 2014 09:28AM

Here is an old post of mine where I question why some people are Fast Oxidizers and why some people are Slow Oxidizers. In other words, why do different people have different dominant systems?

Re: Apple cider vinegar - Any testimonials?
Author: John Rose
Date: 06-11-03 06:20

Hi Ruah,

<<<"ACV raises the alkalinity of the extra cellular fluid that surrounds your cells."
"Apple Cider Vinegar helps your system maintain its natural pH balance"
So are these quotes wrong?>>>

Gabriel basically had to rewrite his chapter on "Acid-Base Balance, a Basic Key to Health" in his latest edition to "Conscious Eating" because of Biochemical Individuality, which was one of the three additional chapters that he added to this latest edition.

This comes from Chapter 3 in his latest edition of "Conscious Eating"...

"The startling point here is, it is not the food or nutrient that determines the alkaline or acid effect in the body. It is the dominant system of that person which determines whether a nutrient will react in an acid or alkaline way in the body." p. 49

"...the same food or supplement for people who are oxidative system- dominant will have just the opposite effect in a person whose autonomic system is the dominant force." p. 49

So Gabriel has modified his views on Acid-Base Balance based on Biochemical Individuality, but it is my belief that different people have different dominant systems because they are toxic, deficient and out of balance, and that foods and/or supplements still have minerals that make them either acid or alkaline. This is only my belief...I have never read anyone else who also thinks this way, but it sort makes sense to me. In other words, I believe that our bodies are so smart that they know how to survive when conditions are not ideal. For example, if we are constantly bombarding our bodies with acid forming foods, then our bodies become Sympathetic Dominate so that acid foods will actually alkalize us.

So is Apple Cider Vinegar an acid or a base?

It is an acid. Once again, in Chapter 8 of Gabriel's fourth edition of "Conscious Eating" - "Acid-Base Balance, a Basic Key to Health", Gab lists 10 "Ways to Acidify the System" and Apple Cider Vinegar is listed as #1. Remember, this was before he applied the concept of Biochemical Individuality. Nonetheless, Apple Cider Vinegar is still acid forming.

So now we must ask...does Apple Cider Vinegar acidify or alkalize?

According to Cousens, " is not the food or nutrient that determines the alkaline or acid effect in the body. It is the dominant system of that person which determines whether a nutrient will react in an acid or alkaline way in the body."

So my question is why do different people have different dominant systems?

Once again, I believe that some people are toxic, deficient and out of balance, and once they detoxify and rebuild they will be back in balance and once again acid forming foods will acidify our system.

Here are some of my notes on Biochemical Individuality from "Conscious Eating" by Gabriel Cousens...latest edition...Chapter 3.

"The startling point here is, it is not the food or nutrient that determines the alkaline or acid effect in the body. It is the dominant system of that person which determines whether a nutrient will react in an acid or alkaline way in the body." p. 49

"...the same food or supplement for people who are oxidative system- dominant will have just the opposite effect in a person whose autonomic system is the dominant force." p. 49

Oxidative System - Dominates in 60% of the population
Autonomic System - Dominates in 40% of the population - Involuntary

Oxidative System - Dominates in 60% of the population
Autonomic System - Dominates in 40% of the population - Involuntary

Oxidative System - Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats into ATP
Glycolysis - 33% of cellular energy
Citric Acid Cycle - 66% of cellular energy
Specific vitamins and minerals are needed for these cycles.

Slow Oxidizers need High Carbohydrates and Low Fat & Protein
Fast Oxidizers need Low Carbohydrates and High Fat & Protein
Slow and Fast refers to how the Glycolysis Cycle is working
Citric Acid Cycle needs the right balance of Glycolysis and Protein & Fat catabolism.

Fast Oxidizers need C - 30-35%, P - 50-55%, F - 20-25% [acid blood]
Slow Oxidizers need C - 55-60%, P - 30-35%, F - 10-15% [alkaline blood]
Mixed Oxidizers need C - 40-45%, P - 40-45%, F - 15-20% [7.46blood]

Oxidative Dominate - Proteins and Fats alkalize, Fruits and Vegetables acidify
ANS Dominate - Proteins and Fats acidify, Fruits and Vegetables alkalize
Diets and Lifestyles impact degree of dominance.
Circadian Rhythms - P, C & F ratios vary with time of day.

Sympathetic acid blood high Carbohydrate diet
Slow Oxidizers alkaline blood high Carbohydrate diet
Fast Oxidizers acid blood high Protein diet
Parasympathetic alkaline blood high Protein diet

Sympathetic - left brain, anterior pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal medulla, kidneys, bladder, uterus, prostate, gonads, skeletal system, cardiovascular & neuromuscular system. [Goldberg: Energizers - dominated by the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.]

Parasympathetic - right brain, posterior pituitary, thymus, tonsils, parotid, lungs, adrenal cortex, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, intestines, appendix, bone marrow, digestive system, immune system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, and excretory system. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are strongly influenced by the parasympathetic system. [Goldberg: Conservers - slows heart rate and increases intestinal, liver and pancreas activity.]

3 Queries:

1) Am I emotionally stable after eating?
2) Do I have increased physical energy after eating?
3) Am I craving any foods?
Peace and Love........John

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