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Re: How is salt a cleanser?
Posted by: sunshine79 ()
Date: December 20, 2006 04:12PM

Salt makes us thirsty only when we ingest too much of it - it's actually the kidneys which send the thirst signal, as the kidneys are responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance - i.e. salt & water. Both are essential - that's why when you sweat, you need to both drink water AND eat something salty afterwards to replace what you've lost.

Run 5 miles on a summer day and then drink only water afterwards & see what happens - you'll feel "off".

Re: How is salt a cleanser?
Posted by: Yogamama ()
Date: December 20, 2006 04:32PM

I agree completely, sunshine. I am a runner, and after running on a hot day, and not replenishing my "salt" (I use Himalayan Salt Crystals), I feel very spacey and like you said, just "off".

Re: How is salt a cleanser?
Posted by: na(raw)dia ()
Date: December 20, 2006 11:13PM

greenie Wrote:
> I agree with FruityJules. I've tried that salt
> water flush several times, with precisely the
> 'right' amount of salt etc. and never eliminated
> with it, just felt bloated and toxed out from the
> salt, which WAS absorbed. That stuff is poison.

Try drinking the salt water, you sometimes have to play around with the amounts...but once you're done. Drink some apple juice or pear. I've had the several times happen to me where I drank the salt water and nothing came out especially after a few days. Once I drank the juices it takes some time and it'll all come out...

Re: How is salt a cleanser?
Posted by: greenman ()
Date: December 21, 2006 02:06PM

After this thread would you still do the Master Cleanse?

Re: How is salt a cleanser?
Posted by: rawmark ()
Date: December 25, 2006 10:57PM

Ok folks,

I'm definately on a different wavelength from all of you but I want to share my findings. First, salt is not bad for you. Dr. Batmanghelidj spent years rotting in a prison and discovered the benefit of salt and water. When a specific amount of salt is added to water and consumed your body actually puts this liquid to work feeding and nurturing the cells. The salt aids the body in instructing the cells where and how to use the water and send the proper hydration the the necessary organs. More info can be found on [] or [].

Second, when doing a salt water flush it is advisable to do some specific yogic poses or exercises that will move the sw into the stomach to cleanse. When a higher level of salt is mixed with water the body actually treats it like a food and it passes down the longer instestine rather than the smaller intestine. If there is food in the passage way then one must do specific exercises to create the necessary peristaltic motion to move the salt water through the colon and allow it to flush out the system. I'm doing a swf right now and feel totally awesome. I'm on day three of a tibetan swf. I do, however, spend about twenty minutes exercising and flexing to get the sw down through my colon and into the stomach. Usually at about this time I feel a "tingly sensation" and can stop exercising and go the bathroom. I generally run back and forth for about 1 1/2 hours and know I've finished with I feel a dry feeling in my mouth. This is when I take a big swallow from my 40 ounce jug of water and salt. Go to the watercure site to understand what I'm speaking of. Did I mention that when not doing the swf I start my day off with a glass of sole'? Go to [] and read up on the benefits of sole. Just imagine the immediate absorption of over 80+ minerals in an ionic state. That's what the sole is and you can make it yourself.

I hope this clears up some of the confusion about doing a swf. The one thing that Stanley Burroughs didn't mention in his book is that different bodies react differently to the swf and a bit of stimulation to the stomach to get the liqud flowing may be necessary.



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