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Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: November 04, 2014 05:25PM

I think people have a hard time with fruits because:

1-We are degenerated away from our once healthy state...

2-We have given up our role as Paradise builders/keepers on the planet to pursue distracting pursuits that prevent us from coming together to create Earthly Paradise...


(Thanks Jonas!)

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 04, 2014 09:40PM

I have seen this highly dubious video and read the links and l am absolutely disgusted at such horrendous disinformation. I am not having a bar of this nonsense and l will be coming out and doing my best to debunk this polluted thinking pushed onto the vegan world.

Was this foolish idea ever published in a peer reviewed journal, or was it only some scientist giving an opinion?

Soon l will post some peer reveiwed science on what we really are, and l will discuss why the nonsense ideas of humans being frugivores is simply that, nonsense. I will also show how there is no proof that humans evolved from primates...a large data gap exists, and we CANNOT go assuming we evolved from Apes etc because we are similar...that would not be proper scientific method, and such reporting makes me wonder if people misinterpreted Dr Walker's findings or if Dr Walker had an agenda and consequently never was able to have this published in a respected peer reviewed journal.

Anyone who does deep meditation will know we are not evolved from primates and will know we are not frugivores either, that's why l am absolutely determinded not tp let this piece of disinfo slide past.

Nothing disappoints me more than the disinfo in the paleo and vegan world. All l want is truth, not nonsense babbling.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: November 04, 2014 09:44PM

The Sproutarian Man
All l want is truth, not nonsense babbling.

You Go, TSM!

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 04, 2014 10:09PM

<<<Was this foolish idea ever published in a peer reviewed journal>>>

Do you really expect anything of any true significance to be published in a peer reviewed journal?

You claim that you are so enlightened and that you understand how the SYSTEM works and yet, you still expect anything of any significance to come out of peer reviewed journals!!!

As long as we are a SICK Species and live in a SICK World, SCIENCE CANNOT BE TRUSTED and therefore, should NOT be relied on for any type of PROOF!!!

"Trust Us We're Experts!"
by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber

“The idea that all scientific experiments are replicated to keep the process honest is also something of a myth. In reality, the number of findings from one scientist that get checked by others is quite small. Most scientists are too busy, research funds are too limited, and the pressure to produce new work is too great for this type of review to occur very often. What occurs instead is a system of “peer review,” in which panels of experts are convened to pass judgment on the work of other researchers. Peer review is used mainly in two situations: during the grant approval process to decide which research should get funding, and after the research has been completed to determine whether the results should be accepted for publication in a scientific journal.

Like the myth of the scientific method, peer review is also a fairly new phenomenon. ...As government support for science increased, it became necessary to develop a formal system for deciding which projects should receive funding.

In some ways, the system of peer review functions like the antithesis of the scientific method described above. Whereas the scientific method assumes that “experiment is supreme” and purports to eliminate bias, peer review deliberately imposes the bias of peer reviewers on the scientific process, both before and after experiments are conducted. ...peer review can also institutionalize conflicts of interest and a certain amount of dogmatism.” "Trust Us We're Experts!" p. 198

“‘The problem with peer review is that we have good evidence on its deficiencies and poor evidence on its benefits,’ the British Medical Journal observed in 1997. ‘We know that it is expensive, slow, prone to bias, open to abuse, possibly anti-innovatory, and unable to detect fraud. We also know that the published papers that emerge from the process are often grossly deficient.’

In theory, the process of peer review offers protection against scientific errors and bias. In reality, it has proven incapable of filtering out the influence of government and corporate funders, whose biases often affect research outcomes.” "Trust Us We're Experts!" p. 199

- Tim O'Shea



Publish or perish is the classic dilemma of every research scientist. That means whoever expects funding for the next research project had better get the current research paper published in the best scientific journals. And we all know that the best scientific journals, like JAMA, New England Journal, British Medical Journal, etc. are peer-reviewed. Peer review means that any articles which actually get published, between all those full color drug ads and pharmaceutical centerfolds, have been reviewed and accepted by some really smart guys with a lot of credentials. The assumption is, if the article made it past peer review, the data and the conclusions of the research study have been thoroughly checked out and bear some resemblance to physical reality.

But there are a few problems with this hot little set up. First off, money. Even though prestigious venerable medical journals pretend to be so objective and scientific and incorruptible, the reality is that they face the same type of being called to account that all glossy magazines must confront: don't antagonize your advertisers. Those full-page drug ads in the best journals cost millions, Jack. How long will a pharmaceutical company pay for ad space in a magazine that prints some very sound scientific research paper that attacks the safety of the drug in the centerfold? Think about it. The editors aren't that stupid.

Another problem is the conflict of interest thing. There's a formal requirement for all medical journals that any financial ties between an author and a product manufacturer be disclosed in the article. In practice, it never happens. A study done in 1997 of 142 medical journals did not find even one such disclosure. (Wall St. Journal, 2 Feb 99)

A 1998 study from the New England Journal of Medicine found that 96% of peer reviewed articles had financial ties to the drug they were studying. (Stelfox, 1998) Big shock, huh? Any disclosures? Yeah, right. This study should be pointed out whenever somebody starts getting too pompous about the objectivity of peer review, like they often do.

Then there's the outright purchase of space. A drug company may simply pay $100,000 to a journal to have a favorable article printed. (Stauber, p 204)

Fraud in peer review journals is nothing new. In 1987, the New England Journal ran an article that followed the research of R. Slutsky MD over a seven year period. During that time, Dr. Slutsky had published 137 articles in a number of peer-reviewed journals. NEJM found that in at least 60 of these 137, there was evidence of major scientific fraud and misrepresentation, including:

reporting data for experiments that were never done
reporting measurements that were never made
reporting statistical analyses that were never done (Engler)

Dean Black PhD, describes what he the calls the Babel Effect that results when this very common and frequently undetected scientific fraudulent data in peer-reviewed journals are quoted by other researchers, who are in turn re-quoted by still others, and so on.

Want to see something that sort of re-frames this whole discussion? Check out the McDonald's ads which often appear in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Then keep in mind that this is the same publication that for almost 50 years ran cigarette ads proclaiming the health benefits of tobacco. (Robbins)

Very scientific, oh yes.



Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: November 04, 2014 10:10PM

Anyone who does deep meditation will know we are not evolved from primates and will know we are not frugivores either, that's why l am absolutely determinded not tp let this piece of disinfo slide past.

Good luck with that. Remember to multiply your dietary beliefs times 7+ billion people to see the implications of what you are infering, namely decimating the landscape to produce weak annual seed crops so that you can sprout.

Contrast that with what the world would be like if we created Food Forests Worldwide showcased in the two video links I posted in the " Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Cause Disease" thread. These are PERMANENT food production systems that IMPROVE the landscape and the atmosphere!

Perhaps instead of meditating you should spend more time in the WILD landscape listening to her...

(For the record, I agree that we did not evolve from animals...)

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 04, 2014 10:26PM

Note: I would love to accept the idea that we are frugivores, but l am not going to accept such an idea when everything runs contrary to such an idea. If you fall for illogical disinformation that isn't proven by proper solid science you are falling for a lie which is a curse because it is only illusionary thinking.

First l will start with a few little teasers to get us thinking and using some common sense here. O.k...lets take the blinkers off and put our bias aside and start thinking about some things. When l have done this post l will try and come back tommorrow and post some science and point out holes in Dr Walker's babble.

Questions to think about

1. If humans are frugivores, then why are there hardly any humans who can live successfully on fruit?

2. If humans are frugivores, then why are there very few people who can even live on greens and fruits without getting negative symptoms?

3. If humans are frugivores, then why do many raw vegans report feeling better when they start eating animal products again?

More questions to think about

1. Why isn't Dr Walker's findings reported in a respected peer reviewed journal?

2. Could it be that Dr Walker is making many assumptions in his research and that is why it was nbot worthy of being published in a respected journal? Eg...he comes across markings of some culture's teeth as fruit eaters so he assumes that all mankind was like that. BIG MISTAKE!!! No-one can make that assumption unless they check the dental records of all the samples found across the planet. Finding a bunch of dental records in one area does not mean mankind were frugivores, it just means that a certain culture were frugivores.

3. If some early humans were frugivores, are they directly linked to modern day human? If there is not proof of this then who cares if `so called' early humans were frugivores because we cannot prove it has anything to do with us.

4. If there is proof that we are decended directly from `so called' early humans, then how long did these fruit eaters live? Did they live as long as hunters and gathers, and were they as intelligent as hunters and gatherers???

A peer reviewed 2008 paper showed that primative people living on fruit diets had vastly undeveloped parts of the cognitive parts of the brain that were smaller in comparision compared with people who ate a diet if fatty acids....that was said to be a big part of modern man being able to do more complex things in a modern world. I am still not sold on that idea, but l thought it was worth a mention.

A final question for today

1. Show me the proof that mankind was dirctly linked to primate frugivores?

If we are going to be taken seriously as vegans, we need to be able to properly answer these questions and use proper logic when having a discussion. I used to buy into all this muck discussed in the video but l realised l was not doing myself any favours because it reflected poorly on my credibility and intelligence by trying to argue such a floored argument. Finally l had to wake up to myself, open my eyes and start using the `real' science and common sense and meditation to make my conclusions.

We want to try and identify with a group and be something, but the truth is that mankind can be many things. That is a very powerful statement, please read it over and over again. "We can be many things"...we are not restricted to one diet group because many parts of the world are different and are changing, so new circumstances will arise, and humans are created to take advantage of changing circumstances, that's why humans will never be exclusively frugivores, carnivores or anything else....we are a mixture and unique to anything else. Feed a monkey junk food and he probably won't live long, but feed a human junk food and he will probably stilllive to 70. Comparing mankind to animals is a big mistake because he is not an animal, he is alien by nature.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2014 10:33PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 04, 2014 11:06PM

<<<1. If humans are frugivores, then why are there hardly any humans who can live successfully on fruit?>>>

Fruitarianism and Vegetarianism


I do not intend to enter into any lengthy discussion of comparative anatomy and physiology at this place, but will content myself with saying that every anatomical, physiological and embryo-logical feature of man definitely places him in the class frugivore. The number and structure of his teeth, the length and structure of his digestive tract, the position of his eyes, the character of his nails, the functions of his skin, the character of his saliva, the relative size of his liver, the number and position of the milk glands, the position and structure of the sexual organs, the character of the human placenta and many other factors all bear witness to the fact that man is constitutionally a frugivore. As there are no pure frugivores, all frugivores eating freely of green leaves and other parts of plants, man may, also, without violating his constitutional nature, partake of green plants. These parts of plants possess certain advantages, as has been previously pointed out, in which fruits are deficient. Actual tests have shown that the addition of green vegetables to the fruit and nut diet improves the diet. -Herbert M. Shelton


<<<2. If humans are frugivores, then why are there very few people who can even live on greens and fruits without getting negative symptoms?>>>

The reason why a Raw Vegan Diet Fails some people is because the Raw Vegan Diet is our Ideal Diet in an Ideal World. Unfortunately, we no longer live in an Ideal World, but that doesn’t mean we must discard our Ideal Diet and ignore our Anatomical Limitations. What it means is that we must Modify our Ideal Diet realizing that we may have become Dependent upon some of our Mistakes. But hopefully, those will only be on a Temporary basis due to Temporary Impairment, as opposed to Permanent Damage by going beyond a Point of Irreversibility or Irreversible Tissue Degeneration.

<<<3. If humans are frugivores, then why do many raw vegans report feeling better when they start eating animal products again?

See answer to #2 above.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2014 11:10PM by John Rose.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 04, 2014 11:10PM


I will read all your stuff tomorrow and give it careful consideration. Looking forward to it.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 05, 2014 01:04AM

Just one last thing....

The BIG questions

1). why are humans not hard wired to eat meat like certain animals?

2). why are humans not hard wired to eat green vegetation like certain animals?

3). why are humans not hard wired to eat nuts/seeds like certain animals?

4). why are humans not hard wired to eat fruit like certain animals?

Answer = because there is no perfect diet that mankind is hard wired to. A vegetarian won't neccessarily live longer or be healthier than a meat eater, a vegan won't neccessaarily live longer or more healthy than other humans on meat or vegetaroan diets, and fruit eating humans won't neccessarily be healthier than other vegans or vegetarians or meat eaters either.

The other question

1). Why are humans not hard wired to a certain diet but animals are?

AHA!!! That is where the rubber hits the road...this is the biggest question of all, and there is a good reason why this is the case. There is a good reason why there is NO perfect diet for mankind,and if anyone tells you otherwise they are not enlightened and still living in the illusions of darkness.

We can NEVER have a perfect diet for mankind for a very very good reason, and not all humans IMO can be vegan in this lifetime either unless certain conditions are brought forth.

Why would have some people been hunteres and gathereres in the past, and why would have some been plant eaters? There is a good reason, and it is no accident that some parts of the world may not have had fruit/greens/many edible plants and other parts had fruit and edible plants.

The biggest question of all

What is the really big difference bewteen mankind and animals in the spiritual sense???

If you can answer that, the `so called' mystery is easily revealed. Another day l try and find the right words to talk about this so the secret is revealed and hopefully makes sense. This will be the talk of the talk because it will talk about what we are and why things are like they are. This will hopefully be the gold star talk that will put all the silly low level deluded frugivore talk in it's place once and for all.

Note: you can never transfer the wisdom from a book or words into a person and make them all knowing and fully enlightened because only the light of enlightenment can enhance one’s enlightenment. …one must grow into wisdom because it cannot be transferred by manmade processes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 01:19AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: November 05, 2014 01:24AM

We can NEVER have a perfect diet for mankind for a very very good reason, and not all humans IMO can be vegan in this lifetime either unless certain conditions are brought forth.

Those conditions you speak of are the WORLDWIDE planting of Permaculture Food Forests as illustrated in the video links I posted. Unfortunately this will require cooperation amongst the human family such as dissolving borders around the globe, giving up the concept of "private land ownership" so that WE can work the land planting these forests in appropriate climates for each species and other impossibilties.

Even the deserts can be transformed over time until the entire planet becomes an Oasis with an ever improving climate...
Greening the Deserts

God’s “heaven on earth” was originally in Paradise, the Garden of Eden; which literally means that man’s living, man’s eating, man’s happiness, man’s living, man’s absolute health, has existed and can again only exist under “fruit bearing trees”. The promised resurrection as a God-like being is based on divine laws of reality of life and not on abstract ideas and miracles.

We start the resurrection of man by reconstructing the Paradise, planting fruit trees, vineyards and gardens--as our new residence. We bring not only a scientific system of healing based on Natural laws, but a regeneration,--a complete resurrection of the flesh,--water, air--”spirit” (from the Greek word “Spiro” meaning air) and by divine food of God--i.e.: Fruits!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 01:34AM by NuNativs.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: November 05, 2014 01:54AM



Did hominids eat fruits and veggies during the Neanderthal era?

They definitely ate fruit. Last year, paleoanthropologists found bits of date stuck in the teeth of a 40,000-year-old Neanderthal. There's evidence that several of the fruits we enjoy eating today have been around for millennia in much the same form. For example, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of 780,000-year-old figs at a site in Northern Israel, as well as olives, plums, and pears from the paleolithic era. Researchers have also dug up grapes that appear to be 7 million years old in northeastern Tennessee (although, oddly, the grapes are morphologically more similar to today’s Asian varieties than the modern grapes considered native to North America). Apple trees blanketed Kazakhstan 30,000 years ago, oranges were common in China, and wild berries grew in Europe. None of these fruits were identical to the modern varieties, but they would have been perfectly edible.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Diogenez ()
Date: November 05, 2014 02:19AM

a better question , does the sprout man eat too much fat and not enough food to maintain poise or eat fruit

life vs lifelessness

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Living Food ()
Date: November 05, 2014 04:32AM


The Sproutarian's post

My take on it:

Humans are not hard wired to eat any specific diet because we all have different requirements depending on the development of the soul. Some will thrive as meat eaters but be unable to sustain a raw vegan diet, others will be able to live on little to nothing. Some humans have the ability to live off the cosmic vibrations, but most will not have that ability because it is a planet of mostly young and undeveloped souls and their light is dim. Many will have to eat meat because that is the karma they take on in this lifetime. Because of this there will always be people who can thrive on the most horrendously deficient diets and those who will fail even on what should be very nutritious diets. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. And again, what determines this is the level of development of the soul, the karma taken on in this life, and the ability to harness the electromagnetic vibrations.

Now...we have the ability to harness the light and sound and attain enlightenment, and I don't think animals do. This is what makes incarnating in a human body so special...we have all been given an amazing gift, the gift to trump all gifts. Don't waste this very special opportunity. Forget the distractions of the media, the sports, the cell phones, the Internet etc. Do away with the negative emotions and mindsets like greed, anger, jealousy, and ego. Focus on perfecting yourself and reconnecting with nature and the higher power, for all else is an illusion and a mirage.

I know this post is written very badly, but hopefully the message still gets across. I had a beautiful reply earlier when I first read The Sproutarian's post and was filled with enthusiasm, but I am distracted at the moment and this post did not do the subject justice at all.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Living Food ()
Date: November 05, 2014 04:42AM

This brings up two other very important points I plan to discuss shortly:

1. Why John's "tipping point" and NuNative's global food forests are not feasible on this planet at this current time.

2. Why I recommend a sproutarian diet even though everyone is different and has different dietary needs.

This thread is shaping up to be very interesting indeed smiling smiley

My above post would also serve to explain why the majority of the folks in the universe are humans, even though I am talking about many many different planets with widely varying conditions. Methinks there is something very special about the human body winking smiley

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 05, 2014 08:24AM

Living Food Wrote:
> The Sproutarian's post
> My take on it:
> Humans are not hard wired to eat any specific diet
> because we all have different requirements
> depending on the development of the soul. Some
> will thrive as meat eaters but be unable to
> sustain a raw vegan diet, others will be able to
> live on little to nothing. Some humans have the
> ability to live off the cosmic vibrations, but
> most will not have that ability because it is a
> planet of mostly young and undeveloped souls and
> their light is dim. Many will have to eat meat
> because that is the karma they take on in this
> lifetime. Because of this there will always be
> people who can thrive on the most horrendously
> deficient diets and those who will fail even on
> what should be very nutritious diets. What works
> for me may not work for you, and vice versa. And
> again, what determines this is the level of
> development of the soul, the karma taken on in
> this life, and the ability to harness the
> electromagnetic vibrations.
> Now...we have the ability to harness the light and
> sound and attain enlightenment, and I don't think
> animals do. This is what makes incarnating in a
> human body so special...we have all been given an
> amazing gift, the gift to trump all gifts. Don't
> waste this very special opportunity. Forget the
> distractions of the media, the sports, the cell
> phones, the Internet etc. Do away with the
> negative emotions and mindsets like greed, anger,
> jealousy, and ego. Focus on perfecting yourself
> and reconnecting with nature and the higher power,
> for all else is an illusion and a mirage.
> I know this post is written very badly, but
> hopefully the message still gets across. I had a
> beautiful reply earlier when I first read The
> Sproutarian's post and was filled with enthusiasm,
> but I am distracted at the moment and this post
> did not do the subject justice at all.

Ahhhh, Living beautifully stated, that is so spot on. Are you sure you aren't enlightened, because if you aren't, you ought to be. You have made my day reading that, it is so nice to see other people talking like this and on the same level of understanding.

You know what?...humans cannot be hard wired towards a specific diet for two main reasons:

1. because they have the ability to evolve quickly in a human body when the circumstances are right. For eg, a person can go from meat eater - vegetarian - cooked vegan - raw vegan - fruitarian - living on hardly any food within a short time. Humans need this flexibility to be able to do what their path sets them out to do.

2. not all humans can be plant eaters because certain karma is incurred and their can be a mismatch between spiritual development and the food one eats. Mankind cannot be frugivores because not all humans are evolved to eat such a diet high in vibrational frequency because some humans are very unevolved and basically animals in suits (eg, violent prisoners).

Humans are wide ranging in spiritual levels so the diets available to humans will be wide varying. And when one considers that a human can progress spiritually very quickly (when the circumstances are right) heir needs this flexibility more than ever.

With animals this flexibility to various diets isn't important like with humans because the potential for spiritual growth is very slow and limited in almost all animals.

I hope l got my point across here. I was going to talk about this tommorrow, but my sproutarian Friend Living Food got me sooo excited that l was bursting at the seems to write it right now.

Living Food...I have a special gift for you

I can hook you up with sproutable poppy seeds my dear friend. Oh can harness the golden jewels...the glorious blue foods high in many many nutrients. smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley

I'll get back to this tommorrow. I feel so happy having said what l did in this post because it is so important for mankind to start moving forward as a group and leave old ways and beliefs behind. Cosmic truth will come more and more as we all start to wake up. In 5 years time we are going to be talking about things we never dreamed of before, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Folks...get ready, because this is going to be a BIG ride.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 05, 2014 08:42AM

Living Food Wrote:
> This brings up two other very important points I
> plan to discuss shortly:
> 1. Why John's "tipping point" and NuNative's
> global food forests are not feasible on this
> planet at this current time.
> 2. Why I recommend a sproutarian diet even though
> everyone is different and has different dietary
> needs.
> This thread is shaping up to be very interesting
> indeed smiling smiley
> -------------
> My above post would also serve to explain why the
> majority of the folks in the universe are humans,
> even though I am talking about many many different
> planets with widely varying conditions. Methinks
> there is something very special about the human
> body winking smiley

I can't wait to read what you have to say Living Food. I am totally pumped up about it.

The awesomeness of the sproutarian diet never ceases to blow me away. Scientifically the diet has nothing remotely close as an equal. Wait until l get all the stuff out of my head and onto paper about the sproutarian diet, it will blows minds sky high like never before. We can tame the excessive inflammation like no other, we can tame oxidative stress like no other, we can tame AGE's, we can flood our bodies with FRESH high nutrient food, we can develop diet synergy like no other. You think l make this up??? Ugh ugh, NO WAY! I am straight down the line here and l can back up everything l say 100% with peer reviewed science.

I don't promote the sproutarian diet because l want to be bias, l promote it because the higher powers told me 20 years ago to bring it to the world in a special package that is so exciting that it has the potential to change the world in a way that boggles minds. I am not the guru or the star for this diet...l am only the mere messenger delivering what they told me to all those years ago. It's not my is THERE information, and they chose me to sell the package and get others doing so too. Dr Brian is a messenger, Vik is a messenger, Dr Ann was a messenger...we all have our angles to promote it. We are all servants of the higher powers because we sproutarians deliver the message `they' want us too.

My dream would be to see 1 billion sproutarians within my lifetime. Wow...imagine that type of world.

Get `em on the sprouts, get `em in the garden, get `em at full power. We can do it folks, we can do it. What we need to do is get machinery to help grow stuff so more people can manage the lifestyle. If machines can grow the food and we can change our taste buds towards hardcore foods the world can be our oyster because we can take charge of this world again. We can be the masters of this world and not the slaves like we currently are.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 05, 2014 03:26PM

Living Food wrote:

<<<Humans are not hard wired to eat any specific diet because we all have different requirements depending on the development of the soul.>>>

By saying "development of the soul" are you referring to Reincarnation?

Reincarnation (and even heaven) sounds really nice, but neither 1 of those 2 propositions set very well with me as they do NOT appeal to my Sense of Logic.

<<<1. Why John's "tipping point" and NuNative's global food forests are not feasible on this planet at this current time.>>>

My "Tipping Point" will culminate into NuNative's "Global Food Forests" and the "Tipping Point" could happen almost overnight if we could duplicate what Bill Bright did in the late 1990s!!!

TSM/Brian wrote:

<<<My dream would be to see 1 billion sproutarians within my lifetime. Wow...imagine that type of world.>>>

Yes, this world would be a BILLION times better as sproutarians as opposed to Meat Eaters, but both are NOT part of our EVOLUTION as they are part of our DEVOLUTION.

In contrast, this world would be a TRILLION times better as FRUGIVORES as opposed to Meat Eaters and a THOUSAND times better as opposed to Sproutarians.

For those who believe that our Diet DEPENDS on (1) "the development of the soul" and on (2) "certain karma [that has] incurred" start by reading this snippet from an article by Rev. Brother Nazariah, D.D. below and then, go to the link and read the rest of the Article.

Remember, “This subject requires the Wisdom of a Buddhist - you have to be able to hold 2 possibilities in your brain at the same time - it’s very difficult for most people to do.”

By the way, I only present this Article for Food for Thought and does NOT mean that I necessarily believe it is the gospel!

by Rev. Brother Day, D.D.

"Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus"
-- Thomas Jefferson


Planet earth was, originally, a VEGETARIAN PARADISE. In the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the first humans are told by God:

"Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and the fruit of the trees, for you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth on the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so." [Gen. 1:29]

Obviously, something occurred which overturned God's plan for a vegetarian earth. But who -- or what -- would dare oppose the will of God?


A host of fallen angels, demonic soldiers of Satan, came to vegetarian earth and instituted bloody sacrificial rites, flesh-eating and warfare. Several ancient manuscripts provide the above information. In The Book of Jubilees, fragments of which were found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, we read that fallen angels came to earth and:

"... the way of life of every creature became corrupted; and they began to devour one another."

In The Book of Enoch, also found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, we read:

"The fallen angels... began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh and drink their blood. Moreover, they taught men to make swords, knives, shields, and breastplates...."

These fallen angels mated with earth women and produced a race of half demon half human giants that terrorized the world. Finally, in an attempt to purify the land, Mother Earth and Father Sky responded: A flood was sent. The Book of Jubilees makes clear that the flood was a response to the demon-caused fall of mankind from vegetarianism to flesh eating. Martin Larson, in his excellent book The Essene Heritate [subtitled: "The Teacher of the Scrolls and the Gospel Christ."], writes:

"... it was basic Essene doctrine that sin did not derive from Adam but from the activities of the fallen angels known as the Watchers.... Some of the lower angels came to this earth to give instruction.... They became degenerate and could no more ascend to heaven. This was the Fall, precisely as we learn in Enoch and Jubilees.... This, according to Essene-Ebionite doctrine, was the origin of that dreadful impiety, the eating of meat. Blood, thus shed, polluted the air with noxious vapors; mankind was filled with diseases; and death came prematurely and in agony."

Another ancient manuscript, The Clementine Homilies and Recognitions, informs us that NONE OF THE BODIES of the demonic entities survived the flood; BUT THEIR EVIL SOULS DID SURVIVE! And they continued to cause trouble. Because the demonic entities no longer had physical bodies -- and were forbidden by God to incarnate as humans -- they had to get their bloody thrills vicariously. In The Clementine Homilies and Recognitions, the Apostle Peter explains:

"But the reason why the demons delight in entering into men's bodies is that, being disembodied spirits and having perverted desires after meat and sex, but not being able to partake of these due to being spirits, and wanting organs fitted for their enjoyment, they enter the bodies of men in order to gain organs with which to satisfy their lusts, both meat and sex."

Peter goes on to give many more "gory" details. Through the flesh diet, the demons are able to decrease the rate of vibration of your aura (energy field around your body) to the point they can pierce it and enter your body. Then, they attach themselves to your mind and "make suggestions" to you, suggestions which you believe are from your own mind. Through the agency of your body -- including your sex organs -- these demons get their vicarious "thrills". Because they feed off of emotional turbulence and pain, they attempt to influence human behavior in such a way as to increase the likelihood of wars, violence and crime. Tens of thousands of these demons "hang out" at such places as slaughter houses, battle fields, brothels and bars, feeding on the negative energy. In order to "cultivate" their "garden of pain", these demons attempt to influence politics, business and religion.

Shortly, we will consider how the sentence directly above -- especially the word "religion" -- relates to the false apostle Paul. But first I want to expose you to two more ancient accounts of the fall of humanity from original vegetarianism. The second of the following accounts is especially significant in that it links the fall from vegetarianism to the beginning of demonic, animal (and human) sacrifice in religion. The first of the two accounts is from the Oahspe:

"And in that same time the Beast rose up before man, and spake to him saying: 'Whatsoever thou findeth to eat, be it fish or flesh, eat thou thereof taking no thought of tomorrow.' And man ate fish and flesh, becoming carnivorous, and darkness came upon him and he neither heard the voice of God or believed in Him."

The fall from original vegetarianism into flesh eating and then human sacrifice is described in The Covenant of Love (a version of the New Testament revised with help from the Dead Sea Scrolls and published as part of Upton Ewing's, The Essene Christ). We read:

"And God said to man: 'Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed and every tree in the garden... to you it shall be for meat....' But alas!.... The will of God was no longer obeyed. Divine principles were overcome by sensual desires.... The most sacred of trusts of all time was annulled by the lusts of the appetite, and the blood of an innocent creature stained the hands of man....

"The Tree of Life was rent with pain. Its leaves hung limp in sorrow, its precious fruits fell to the ground in rot, and its stench deplored the sickening deed....

"Fear and foreboding grasped the heart of every living creature. The bold became vicious and the meek fled in terror, and the carcasses of dead beasts became the abomination of carnal appetites....

"Farther and farther man strayed from the truth of God. More and more did his power of choice become dominated by greeds and lusts. Weaker and weaker became his will to resist the cravings of the senses. Greater and greater grew the separation between the way of God and the way of man. And the True Light was obscured by the denseness of man 's own maleficent designs, and he no longer recognized the Divine Presence. Man thereafter began to invent his own god or gods.... [at which point the demons set themselves up to be worshipped as gods.]

"They arranged a variety of lewd ceremonials and lurid dances to please the indulgence of a 'sensuous God'. They spilled the blood of virgins, of children, and of the gentle lamb and the faithful ox upon the temple altars to satisfy a lustful God."

While the last paragraph of the above excerpt is shocking enough -- dealing with human sacrifice -- Peter, in the Clementine manuscript, makes an additional claim; he declares that the demons not only instituted animal and human sacrifice, but even CANNIBALISM:

"... these bastard men tasted also human flesh. For it was not a long step to the consumption of flesh like their own, having first tasted it in other forms."

Although most historians do not believe in fallen angels -- or any other angels -- it is a matter of historical record that animal sacrifice, human sacrifice and cannibalism occurred -- and in some dark corners of the world still occur -- ON TEMPLE ALTERS IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. (There are many traces of that demonic religion in the sections of the Old Testament which were composed by the scribes of the cult of sacrifice; that cult of sacrifice was briefly described in the first pages of this article. The Essenes declared that much of the Old Testament came not from God, but from the fallen priesthood of the sacrificial cult. The Essenes described the Old Testament "Book of Leviticus" as "the work of a wicked angel". In Leviticus -- which you will find in the Pauline "Holy" Bible on your book shelf -- we read such things as:

"He shall lay his hand on the head of the victim and it will be accepted on his behalf to make expiation for him. He shall slaughter the bull before God, and the priests shall present the blood and fling it against the altar all around the entrance.... He shall then flay the victim and cut it up.... The priests shall arrange the pieces, including the head and suet, on the wood on the altar fire, the entrails and shins.... And the priest shall burn it all on the altar... a soothing odor to God."

We also read in the "Holy" Bible, Book of Leviticus:

"This is the law of the guilt-offering: it is most sacred. The guilt-offering shall be slaughtered... and its blood shall be flung against the altar. The priest shall cut out the entrails, the two kidneys, the haunches and the long lobe of the liver. The priest shall burn these pieces on the altar as an offering to God."

Charles Vaclavik, in his book The Vegetarianism of Jesus Christ, accurately reports:

"The altar of the ancient Judaic Temple was a slaughter house, butcher shop, and barbecue pit. The Essenes were absolutely opposed to the sacrificial cult of Judaism; they considered it -- and the eating of animal flesh -- to be of demonic origin."

Now, let us begin to examine how all the above relates to Paul. You will recall that Martin Larson asserted (assertion #1 on our list of six) that Paul taught IT WAS OKAY FOR CHRISTIANS TO EAT FLESH, EVEN FLESH FROM ANIMALS SACRIFICED TO IDOLS. First, let us see if Larson is correct; did Paul permit the eating of flesh, even flesh sacrificed to idols? As with Paul's upholding of slavery and his downgrading of women, we need not look far for evidence to confirm Larson's assertion in regard to Paul and meat; the nearest Pauline Bible will suffice. In his Epistle called "Romans", Paul wrote:

"... he whose faith is weak eats only vegetables.... For meat destroys not the work of God."

Later, after Paul had led an outright schism against the "old Apostles" (i.e. against those who had actually known, walked with, and been trained by Jesus), he went so far as to call vegetarianism a doctrine "taught by demons"; in 1st Timothy (the same epistle in which he ordered Christian slaves to work extra hard for their Christian slave masters), Paul declared:

"The spirit clearly warned me that in latter times some would abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars... commanding people to abstain from meats, which God created to be eaten with thanksgiving.... For every animal created by God is good for eating, and none are to be refused if received with Thanksgiving."

Shortly we shall see that Paul even encouraged the eating of meat sacrificed to idols. But before doing so, we need to compare the above words of Paul with those of Jesus. After all, Paul has asserted that those whose "faith is weak eat only vegetables" and that "every animal created by God is good for eating". He has even gone so far as to call vegetarianism a doctrine taught by "hypocritical liars" and "demons". QUESTION: Does Paul consider Jesus to be a "hypocritical liar" or "demon"? For, consider the following words of Jesus on vegetarianism; in the Essene New Testament we read:

Jesus said:

"Verily I say unto you, they who partake of benefits which are gotten by wronging one of God's creatures, cannot be righteous; nor can they understand holy things, or teach the mysteries of the kingdom, whose hands are stained with blood, or whose mouths are defiled with flesh.

"God giveth the grains and the fruits of the earth for food; and for righteous man truly there is no other lawful sustenance for the body....

"Wherefore I say unto all who desire to be my disciples, keep your hands from bloodshed and let no flesh meat enter your mouths, for God is just and bountiful, who ordained that man shall live by the fruits and seeds of the earth alone."

Of course, Jesus practiced what he preached: he was himself a vegetarian. In The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, we read:

Jesus said:

"Of the fruits of the trees and the seeds of the herbs alone do I partake, and these are changed by the Spirit into my flesh and my blood. Of these alone and their like shall ye eat who believe in me, and are my disciples, for of these, in the spirit, come life and healing unto man."

In another verse of the same manuscript, Jesus declares:

"I am come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood, and if ye cease not offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not cease from you, even as it came to your fathers in the wilderness, who lusted for flesh, and they ate to their content, and were filled with rottenness, and the plague consumed them."

Immediately prior to the above quotations of Jesus, I listed two excerpts which prove Paul upheld the eating of animals; but what about meat sacrificed to idols? In his epistle called "Corinthians" (the same epistle in which he ordered women to keep their heads covered as a sign of submission to their husbands -- or have their heads shaved bald as punishment -- and never to speak in church), Paul wrote:

"As to eating meat offered in sacrifice unto idols, it makes no difference to God whether you eat such meat."

Compare the above words of Paul with the following words of Peter; in The Clementine Homilies, Peter declared:

"But you are still ignorant of this law, that everyone who worships demons or their idols, or sacrifices to them, or partakes with them of their table, shall become subject to them and receive all punishment from them, as being under wicked lords. And you who, on account of ignorance of this law, have been corrupted beside their altars, and have been satiated with food offered to them, have come under their power, and do not know you have been in every way injured in respect of your bodies. But you ought to know that the demons have no power over any one, unless first he be their table-companion; since not even their chief can do anything contrary to the law imposed upon them by God wherein the demons have no power over any one who does not worship them by being their table-companions in the eating of flesh.... But you, being ignorant of the foreordained law, are under the power of the chief of demons through evil deeds, wherefore you are polluted in body and soul, and in the present life you are tyrannized over by sufferings and demons.... If therefore, ye wish to be the vesture of the Divine Spirit,.... neither believe in idols, nor partake with them of the impure table...."

In the Clementine manuscript, Peter repeatedly uses the terms "table of the Lord" and "table of the demons." The term "table of the Lord" is used to indicate all vegetarian foods. The term "table of the demons" is used to indicate all non-vegetarian foods, all types of meat. IMPORTANTLY (very important in that it serves as a MAGIC KEY to unlock the true meaning of important passages in The New Testament), Peter asserts that anyone who eats any meat from any source is guilty of eating meat offered to demonic idols -- whether or not any sort of demonic ritual was connected to that particular piece of meat. That is so, insists Peter, because the practice of eating animal flesh was originally introduced by demons to humanity as a sacrificial rite. In reality it still is exactly that, according to Essene-Ebionite Peter, whether or not the flesh eater is aware of that fact. Thus, Peter concludes, "eating any animal flesh is always a tribute to the demons," is a "direct link" to various demonic rituals including "human sacrifice and cannibalism" and constitutes "EATING THINGS OFFERED TO IDOLS" -- a clear violation of the commandment against idol worship. All potential converts to Essene-Ebionite Christianity (original Christianity) were told they must choose between the table of the Lord or the table of the demons. There was no room for compromise.

In regard to the Essene Christian belief that Paul was "demon-driven" in his effort to subvert the teachings of Jesus (assertion number five in our list of six), consider the following words of Peter in The Clementine Homilies:

"Many not knowing how they are influenced, consent to evil thoughts suggested by the demons, as if they were the reasoning of their own souls.... For as fire serpents draw sparrows to them by their breath, so also these demons draw to their own will those who partake of their table of flesh meats."

We see from the above that Paul, according to Essene Peter, may have been influenced by demons without knowing it. According to Peter, any human that eats meat becomes susceptible to demonic influence -- WHICH IS THE VERY REASON THE DEMONS INTRODUCED THE MEAT DIET TO HUMANITY IN THE FIRST PLACE. To the Essene Christians, how suspicious it must have seemed that:

Paul first attacked them (the attack in the temple described earlier in which Paul threw James, the Brother of Jesus, off a balcony and murdered many Essenes) JUST AS JAMES WAS ABOUT TO GAIN THE AGREEMENT OF THE MAINSTREAM JEWS TO GIVE UP ANIMAL SACRIFICE AND RECEIVE BAPTISM AS VEGETARIAN CHRISTIANS (one of the requirements of baptism was vegetarianism); and,

Paul, after faking a "conversion" on the road to Damascus, infiltrated their movement and founded a meat-eating version of Christianity in which even meat sacrificed to demonic idols was "kosher". Obviously, the disembodied demons who delight in entering human bodies to experience various vicarious thrills (described in detail earlier) AND CAN ONLY DO SO WHEN THE PROTECTIVE HUMAN AURA FIELD IS SLOWED DOWN BY THE INGESTION OF FLESH, are not going to give up without a fight! Thus, because Paul was the human who led the charge to protect the interests of the demons against the reforms of Jesus -- and Paul was definitely the point-man -- it is reasonable to assume that he was indeed "demon-driven", that he was a tool used by the demons. This was the opinion of the Essene Nazarene Christians.

Again, I realize it may be difficult for some modern readers of this article to believe in disembodied demons. But I will confess here and now that I believe the Essene Christians were correct in their analysis: PAUL WAS UNWITTINGLY INFLUENCED BY DISEMBODIED NEGATIVE ENTITIES. I am not alone in my agreement with the early Essene Christians in this regard; consider the following words of Rev. V.A. Holmes-Gore, a respected scholar. In his book Christ or Paul, he writes:

"Let the reader contrast the true Christian standard with that of Paul and he will see the terrible betrayal of all that the Master taught.... The powers of evil which failed to defeat the Master's mission by bringing about the crucifixion, partly achieved their object by working through Paul and his friends to alter the teachings and give them a false interpretation.

"It is clear from his own Epistles that Paul was the victim of evil forces and received his visions from an unreliable source, for in II Corinthians, he says: .... 'I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.... And by reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations... there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me....' Thus, Paul admits that his visions and revelations came to him from... a very unreliable source.... Had he been caught up into the seventh heaven, or into the Angelic world his evidence might have been trustworthy but that was not possible for one who befogged his spiritual vision by eating flesh and drinking wine....

"Various other sayings of Paul suggest that it was some kind of possession by the powers of evil.... Thus he speaks of having to wrestle against something not physical.... This passage and the reference to the 'thorn in the flesh' as the 'messenger of Satan' sent to buffet him show that Paul was the victim of the evil powers, and it is therefore easy to understand how, WITHOUT REALIZING IT OR EVER INTENDING IT, he became a vehicle of those influences which were determined to betray the Master's teachings and defeat His mission.

"It is evident that when the principalities and powers failed to exterminate Christianity by accomplishing the Master's crucifixion through agents such as Caiaphas, Herod and Pontius Pilate, they tried another way of accomplishing their object. When they saw that the Gospel could not be exterminated they devised a more cunning means of rendering it ineffective. They used false teachers, of whom Paul is the most famous, to popularize the Gospel and rob it of its power to redeem mankind.... Thus did the evil powers use Paul as their Chief Apostle to defeat the very religion which he believed he was especially chosen to promote."

We come now to the last in our list of six assertions from Schonfield and Larson. Assertion six is: READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE!!!



There are Six important assertions that are made in regard to Paul in this article:

JR’s Recap:

1) Paul said that it’s OK to eat meat sacrificed to idols;
2) Paul said that it’s OK to have slaves;
3) Paul said that women were inferior;
4) Paul replaced Jesus' doctrine of salvation by drawing attention away from imitating Christ and fixes attention on his sacrificial death;
5) Paul was the "demon-driven enemy of the Messiah"; and
6) Paul had been the enemy of Essene Christianity from the beginning by infiltrating the movement to destroy it from within.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 03:35PM by John Rose.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 05, 2014 04:46PM

It was interesting reading this article again and since I have learned a few things since I originally read this article and even after I have re-read it many times, I was able to Connect a few more Dots.

Here are some of my Notes...

JR Insert from “Essene Christianity Versus Paulianity” file…
Later, after Paul had led an outright schism against the "old Apostles" (i.e. against those who had actually known, walked with, and been trained by Jesus), he went so far as to call vegetarianism a doctrine "taught by demons"; in 1st Timothy (the same epistle in which he ordered Christian slaves to work extra hard for their Christian slave masters), Paul declared:

"The spirit clearly warned me that in latter times some would abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars... commanding people to abstain from meats, which God created to be eaten with thanksgiving.... For every animal created by God is good for eating, and none are to be refused if received with Thanksgiving."
End of JR Insert from “Essene Christianity Versus Paulianity” file.

The JR Insert above is exactly what the Takers did to the Leavers in Ishmael by Daniel Quinn and is another example of how the Rulers of the World turn Villains into Heroes, which is what they did to Einstein and Heroes into Villains, which is what they did to Hitler.

JR Insert from “Ishmael by Daniel Quinn” file…
"About 2000 years ago, the Takers adopted as their own story that had originated among Leavers many centuries before." p.154

"...the Takers came to adopt as their own a story an enemy once told to denounce them...the one told by the Semites to their children about the Fall of Adam and the slaughter of Able by his brother Cain." p. 175

"The premise of the Taker story is the world belongs to man. The premise of the Leaver story is man belongs to the world." p. 239
End of JR Insert from “Ishmael by Daniel Quinn” file.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: November 05, 2014 04:49PM

John Rose
Yes, this world would be a BILLION times better as sproutarians as opposed to Meat Eaters, but both are NOT part of our EVOLUTION as they are part of our DEVOLUTION.

In contrast, this world would be a TRILLION times better as FRUGIVORES as opposed to Meat Eaters and a THOUSAND times better as opposed to Sproutarians.

Good stuff John! I don't know why TSM ignores the abundance of Fruit based food forests and instead is stuck on what I consider arguing for his limitations. Then again, I agree that we'd be better off with people on sprouts than animal based fare...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 04:54PM by NuNativs.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: November 05, 2014 05:22PM

The communications sounds like a parasite that loves raw grains and that is appearing as higher powers. Fungus also love moist grains.

The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
> I don't promote the sproutarian diet because l
> want to be bias, l promote it because the higher
> powers told me 20 years ago to bring it to the
> world in a special package that is so exciting
> that it has the potential to change the world in a
> way that boggles minds. I am not the guru or the
> star for this diet...l am only the mere messenger
> delivering what they told me to all those years
> ago. It's not my is THERE
> information, and they chose me to sell the package
> and get others doing so too.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 05, 2014 05:46PM

NuNativs wrote:

<<<Good stuff John! I don't know why TSM ignores the abundance of Fruit based food forests and instead is stuck on what I consider arguing for his limitations.>>>

Exactly, you bring up a good point that it takes very little effort to maintain Permaculture Food Forests, whereas, it takes a HUGE percentage of our day to attend to all of those little sprouts.

Panchito wrote:

<<<Fungus also love moist grains.>>>

It’s funny that you mention Fungus because all this time I was thinking about how Fungus has the ability to control our Cravings for Food Choices and that TSM/Brian must be under their spell.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 05:48PM by John Rose.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: November 05, 2014 06:39PM

"it takes a HUGE percentage of our day to attend to all of those little sprouts."

I can juice 16-24 ounces of fresh sprout/grass juice near daily with merely 10-15 mins of watering in the morning and at night. That's only 20-30 mins per day and the tradeoff is truly fresh greens loaded with enzymes, phytochemicals and minerals. Not much different than someone tending to a garden in their backyard.

Our diet's need variety and fruit is simply one part of that variety. The fruit we eat today is different than what our ancestors ate in the sense that they ate straight from the source and their food was grown in pristine, high-nutrient soil. That's a lot different than store-bought produce grown in depleted soils and where the fruits are unripe, bruised, and weeks old. Another issue is that fruit in general doesn't deliver adequate amounts of many nutrients required by humans, such as EPA/DHA, selenium, sodium, and zinc. Fruit is a great source of many nutrients but very poor sources of a multitude of critical ones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 06:42PM by jtprindl.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: November 05, 2014 07:00PM

I eat 17 lbs of berries per week plus other fruits smiling smiley Lots of greens too

EPA/DHA flax, chia seeds and walnuts
selenium Brazil nuts
Zinc pumpkin seeds

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: November 05, 2014 07:06PM

"EPA/DHA flax, chia seeds and walnuts
selenium Brazil nuts
Zinc pumpkin seeds"

I know of the many sources of these nutrients, but none of those are fruits. If humans are frugivores, why don't fruits provide anywhere near the amount of those critical nutrients? For example, you'd have to eat 12,100 calories of bananas to get 100% RDA zinc. Besides, it's not like we had access to every single nut, seed, fruit, and vegetable all at once on a consistent basis like we do nowadays due to the convenience of the internet and grocery stores. Different foods originate from different areas of the world.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 07:08PM by jtprindl.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: November 05, 2014 07:58PM

" If humans are frugivores, why don't fruits provide anywhere near the amount of those critical nutrients? "

what are you comparing fruits to, sprouts? Sprouts are NOT natural. They require technology, techniques, delivery trucks, reading lots of books, tips, lost of overlooking, cleaning, pest controls, eating an unnatural diet, having supplies like water, sprays, tools, scales, cloths, pots, trays, supplements, etc.

So, again, what are you comparing fruits to?

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 05, 2014 08:15PM

JR wrote:

<<<it takes a HUGE percentage of our day to attend to all of those little sprouts.">>>

JT wrote:

<<<I can juice 16-24 ounces of fresh sprout/grass juice near daily with merely 10-15 mins of watering in the morning and at night. That's only 20-30 mins per day and the tradeoff is truly fresh greens loaded with enzymes, phytochemicals and minerals. Not much different than someone tending to a garden in their backyard.>>>

My comment had to do with a near 100% Sproutarian Diet as TSM/Brian advocates.

As far as comparing "tending to sprouts" to "tending to a garden," I think that there is a big difference because when we are "tending to a garden," we are getting Fresh Air, Sunshine and Exercise and in most cases, we get none of those while "tending to sprouts"

<<<If humans are frugivores, why don't fruits provide anywhere near the amount of those critical nutrients?>>>

I've already answered this above...

Fruitarianism and Vegetarianism


I do not intend to enter into any lengthy discussion of comparative anatomy and physiology at this place, but will content myself with saying that every anatomical, physiological and embryo-logical feature of man definitely places him in the class frugivore. The number and structure of his teeth, the length and structure of his digestive tract, the position of his eyes, the character of his nails, the functions of his skin, the character of his saliva, the relative size of his liver, the number and position of the milk glands, the position and structure of the sexual organs, the character of the human placenta and many other factors all bear witness to the fact that man is constitutionally a frugivore. As there are no pure frugivores, all frugivores eating freely of green leaves and other parts of plants, man may, also, without violating his constitutional nature, partake of green plants. These parts of plants possess certain advantages, as has been previously pointed out, in which fruits are deficient. Actual tests have shown that the addition of green vegetables to the fruit and nut diet improves the diet. -Herbert M. Shelton


Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: November 05, 2014 09:18PM

"what are you comparing fruits to, sprouts? Sprouts are NOT natural."

I'm not comparing anything, I'm making comments about fruit in general. How are sprouts unnatural? Sunflower greens turn into sunflowers, kale sprouts turn into kale, broccoli sprouts turn into broccoli, wheatgrass turns into wheat, and so on.

"As there are no pure frugivores, all frugivores eating freely of green leaves and other parts of plants, man may, also, without violating his constitutional nature, partake of green plants. These parts of plants possess certain advantages, as has been previously pointed out, in which fruits are deficient."

Fair enough, this goes along with what I'm saying, which is that fruit is only one of the many varieties of food of which humans were intended to eat.

"As far as comparing "tending to sprouts" to "tending to a garden," I think that there is a big difference because when we are "tending to a garden," we are getting Fresh Air, Sunshine and Exercise and in most cases, we get none of those while "tending to sprouts""

Well yeah in that regard, I was just referring to the amount of time spent.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 09:29PM by jtprindl.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: November 05, 2014 09:33PM

The big difference is that all those crops require annual farming including growing the seed crops every year that you will then sprout VS planting trees that are permament, abundant sources of food. Food Forests are a futher step forward in that a multitude of foodstuff can be grown in one sustainable Oasis if you will. Once established you can walk away from them for years and they continue to grow food. A day or two of chop and drop labor gets them super productive again.

I don't think we should ONLY eat fruits, but they should form the bulk of our diet and when grown in this manner...

Look TSM, they use beans to get things started!
7 Food Forests in 7 Minutes

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Date: November 05, 2014 09:41PM

John Rose Wrote:

> []
> by Rev. Brother Day, D.D.
> "Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of
> Jesus"
> -- Thomas Jefferson

When people start quoting satanic texts and making assumptions that the world was once a perfect paradise,that is when we run into trouble and buy into the carefully crafted illusion from the devil. Humans have been told to worship middle men as Gods...BIG MISTAKE!!!

Do you really think the Earth was once a high level place for high level beings and a paradise?

I put it to you that these texts that say such things are just plain old stories spread by people up to no good. I put it to you that the Earth has always been a training place for people who are mainly low level souls.

I put it to you that there would be very few planets which would be fruit paradises.

I put it to you that many planets would use technology, and hopefully free energy so the planet is not damaged. There is nothing wrong with technology if we build it right, and hopefully mankind becomes more wise and uses technology in a better way in the future.


The dubious `natural argument

The argument about things being natural is a dubious low level argument too, and l am NOT having a bar of such talk. Sprouts may not be `so called' natural, but living on sprouts is a mighty potent lifestyle that can bring people to a mighty high level. If food makes one thrive and is whole and vegan, there is nothing wrong with that.

Fruit is often trucked into locations and served in shops non fresh and arguably not properly ripe, and NO fruits and vegetables served in shops or at farmers markets are natural either because the plants are prone to post harvest losses and cellular death (see the food N.H people buy in youtube videos for proof of greens undergoing cellular death). I very rarely see greens and fruit sold in shops that is fit to eat, and Dr Clement reports exactly the same thing. In fact...Dr Clement has a special class that teaches people how to pick quality fruit and vegetables because most people have no idea of what quality fruit/vegetables should be like, and l would strongly argue that most N.H people are in that group....they settle for scrappy foods and call it natural because they know no better (the videos don't lie folks).

The most powerful statrement of all!!!...this is what it is really about

What are humans supposed to do all day, sit in paradise eating fruit? No no no...heir must interact and try new things...heir must create good and bad experiences so heir learns right from wrong and eventually develops wisdom through complex interactions. Heir must live in a greedy world to learn not to be greedy, heir must live with temptation in order to resist it. Heir must live among the muck and imperfection in order to rise to perfection.

If you live in a paradise you will never be tested. That's how the beginning of time started...we never realised what we had because we never had memories of our downfall, so eventhough we were perfect, we had no wisdom. We can live perfectly in paradise, but we don't have perfect wisdom because we will never appreciate what we have until we experience the downfall and experience lust, greed, deception etc

Don't see all the muck going on around us as a bad thing, for it is an opportunity to learn and develop wisdom. Even if we did wipe out the planet, the memories of the billions will be etched into the memory of the soul and be used as wisdom to create better lives on future planets. Remember, planets can be destroyed and recycled in the universe and life can be remade, and time does not really exist, so nature is designed that way in case us silly humans/aliens make mistakes.

i'll get back to this.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 09:56PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Science Verifies That Humans Existed As Frugivores
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: November 05, 2014 10:01PM

"The big difference is that all those crops require annual farming including growing the seed crops every year that you will then sprout VS planting trees that are permament, abundant sources of food."

The majority of fruits require a tropical climate with warm weather all year round. That does no good for people living in areas of the world where it's winter half or more the year. Besides, when discussing the nutritional properties of foods, bringing up the work involved in growing those foods is irrelevant. So what if it takes a bit more work to grow sprouts? They still offer vast nutritional benefits. Also, lots of fruit trees don't even begin to produce fruit until many, many years after it was planted whereas sprouts give one food very quickly. I'm not making this into a sprouts versus fruit argument, they both have major health benefits. My main issue with fruit is that it's not fresh nowadays unless you eat it very shortly after picking it from the source. Big difference between picking a tangelo or pomegranate or papaya off the tree or blueberries off the bush & eating it fresh and buying them from an organic co-op.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 10:06PM by jtprindl.

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