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Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 08, 2015 03:56PM

tezcal wrote:

<<<I think the football field analogy paints a very horizontal line of evolution, start to finish>>>

Time is Linear and is NOT Circular!

However, there are Cycles - see my JR Inserts below.

JR Insert from “Astrological Age” file…
Astrological ages occur because of a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. One complete period of this precession is called a Great Sidereal Year of about 25,800 to 25,920 years and it is divided in twelve astrological ages of 30 degrees each (ca. 2150 to 2160 years).
End JR Insert from “Astrological Age” file.

JR Insert from “Generations” file…
Strauss and Howe hypothesize that all of society is unfolding on a regular cyclic basis. Specifically, this cycle repeats itself every four generations (80 to 90 years) or so. They further contend that each of the four generations within each cycle has a very distinct personality. These personality types repeat, revealing apparent social similarities from one cycle to the next.
End JR Insert from “Generations” file.

<<<Humanity seems more cyclical in nature.>>>

Cyclical - YES - see my JR Inserts above - Circular - NO.

<<<What is civilized anyway?>>>

The definition of “Civilization” is when we moved into cities, which was 5,000 years ago, and we moved into cities after we moved into farm communities from the Agricultural Revolution, which was 10,000 years ago.

Peace and Love.......John

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 08, 2015 04:03PM

Tai wrote:

<<<Can you share your source of knowledge that makes you so certain that this was the fall of mankind? Also, John, just curious what you think of Michael Cremo and his work on forbidden archeology, and how he shows that many civilizations have lived on earth.>>>

As you well know, Cremo is a Vedic Creationist and I don’t believe anyone knows how it all started and I also think it is extremely arrogant for anyone to presume that they do know. There are many things that are beyond our comprehension, especially when it comes to how it all started, and I am the first to admit that it is beyond my comprehension.

All I do know is that every culture refers to a Golden Age and every culture refers to the Fall of Mankind, however, what we did that made us “Opt out of Nature” seems to be missing as if someone doesn’t want us to know. Whether or not we have repeated this cycle over and over or not is really not as important as what we did. The fact is we did something and it was a HUGE MISTAKE!!!

So what could we have possibly done to have created so many problems?

The answer to this extremely profound question is, as expected, an extremely simple answer and that answer has to do with Cooking our Food. Cooking our Food destroys a Nutrient that Feeds 1 of our Senses - our 6th Sense or our Spidey Sense, which is what allows us to feel connected to everything around us. As a result, we have the Wrong Mentality. As a result, we Prey Systematically upon our own Species. As a result, we Compete for Resources on an Abundant Planet when we should Cooperate and Share the Abundance this Planet has to offer.

In other words, we “Opted out of Nature” when we took something that we mastered from Nature - Fire and applied it to something we need that comes from Nature - Food.

Does this sound too simple?

Only to those who do not understand that everything that is profound is simple!

<<<And what do you think of the mention of the "vimanas" (ufos) that are recorded in the Vedas, so long ago. The vedas make it sound like very early man recorded sightings of ufos. Do you believe that's all bogus, that we are alone here...totally in charge of our destiny and there is no outside influence or technology except that what comes from humans?>>>

Yes, we are the only life forms in this entire Universe.

Of course, I’m being sarcastic, but it doesn’t matter where we learned to Cook our Food. The fact remains that Cooking our Food alters our Food for the worse and that, in turn, alters us for the worse.

By the way, the Nutrient we DESTROY when we Cook our Food is called a Biophoton and if you are interested, I’ll email you my file on Biophotons. Interestingly, Biophotons tie into an experiment that Einstein did called the EPR Paradox where they proved that faster than light communication exists. This experiment has also been duplicated many times with the same results!

According to Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp [who coined the word Biophoton in 1976 after he invented an instrument to measure it in 1974 (40 years ago!)], all Living Systems store Sunlight Energy in the nucleus of their cells and use this Coherent Sunlight Energy to Communicate to everything else.

Once again, Biophotons Feed our 6th Sense or our Spidey Sense and when we started Cooking our Food, we literally LOST 1 of our Senses - the Sense that allows us to FEEL ONE with EVERYTHING and that is the FALL OF MANKIND!!!

<<<I am sincerely curious to know your cosmology in a few sentences.>>>

You should know by now that that is impossible. smiling smiley

Peace and Love.......John

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 08, 2015 07:58PM

Dear John,
OKay I emailed you to receive the biophoton file. I appreciate your generous sharing. Thank you so much.

John Rose wrote:
Once again, Biophotons Feed our 6th Sense or our Spidey Sense and when we started Cooking our Food, we literally LOST 1 of our Senses - the Sense that allows us to FEEL ONE with EVERYTHING and that is the FALL OF MANKIND!!!

In general, I agree that raw living food has unparalleled life force energy. At the same time, nature itself is very harsh for our naked bodies, and humans adapt the best they can. You mention that raw food enhances our 6th sense, etc. I have personally witnessed shocking greed from people who have learned the power of raw food: the capacity to push others aside to get the best of the best, the scheming for prime real estate for the ultimate raw vegan lifestyle, and the vanity. I read stories of people complaining at the Woodstock Fruit Festival how the Pioneers got to eat a lot more durian, while the regular attendees with no durian were left to watch salivating at the Pioneers. I read about so many fruit conflicts between the haves and have nots. There seems to be a subtle greed for the best and the freshest, and everyone else is left in the dust. Some people, like Ryan and Anji, were forced to eat cooked food at the festival because there was not enough raw food. Isn't this just a microcosm for what has happened globally? The elite get to eat the best of the best while the pawns get to eat bread crumbs.

I have sat with humble people who have their 6th senses activated, as in ESP (clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc) friends. My friends don't fight or struggle against others to have the best of the best in this material world, as in the finest raw blueberries. THey would adore eating such blueberries, but would be the first to share with everyone. THey eat simple food, like rice and vegetables. THey are Chinese and don't have much money. So I simply have to disagree that raw food activates ESP or the 6th sense. I know raw living food enhances brain function and probably is excellent for the pineal gland, but the human body is a lot more complex than that. Some of the best well fed raw vegans I have met have been the most selfish people without ESP or the sixth sense.

(If raw vegans think cooking is the ultimate sin, then they don't have to examine their greed and vanity or willingness to step on others as possible sins.)

Sometimes we cannot control where we live or the selection of produce available, especially in colder areas. But we can control our emotions, our thoughts and our hearts. Is the fall of mankind related to the availability of food or how humans think and feel? What we think and feel is more within our control than often what our food availability is. (I don't mean this absolutely. I do help so many cases of people with sick livers who are really cranky people and when they detox, they are much happier and friendler people.)

SO while I am the first to agree with you about the lifeforce in raw living food, I believe the fall of man related to something different than food.

I still like your journey with raw food, all your observations and measurements. I enjoy reading your explorations and sharings of healings with it.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2015 08:08PM by Tai.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 10, 2015 09:11AM

<<<I believe the fall of man related to something different than food.>>>

"The word for fasting literally means "to cover the mouth." Sin came into this world through our mouths--eating." -Bishop Carlton D. Pearson

The Fall of Mankind HAS to do with 1 of our Essential Needs and the ONLY Logical choice HAS to be our FOOD!



The Fall can be this and the Fall can be that, BUT HELL NO, the Fall can NOT be our FOOD!

Unnatural Food has to be the STRONGEST ADDICTION in the world and it seems to work, in some ways, like Crack Cocaine where the Drug Damages the Frontal Lobe and now the DAMAGED Brain can no longer make good decisions.

Unnatural Food doesn't Damage the Frontal Lobe like crack cocaine, but our LOVE AFFAIR with these Unnatural Foods Shuts Down most people's Frontal Lobe and the net effect is the same as the Crack Head. In both cases, the Frontal Lobes are NOT working and those affected keep making Bad Choices.

In Buddhism’s Eight-Fold Path, the very first of eight requirements to eliminate suffering by correcting false values and giving true knowledge of life’s meaning is to have the Right Views (understanding): We must clearly see what is wrong. As Dr. Phil would say, we cannot change what we do not acknowledge.

As long as we think it’s OK to Cook Food, we will continue to need to use various Systems and Protocols that only address 1 of 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and that Group of Needs has to do with the DAMAGE that was done to Ourselves, our Society and our Environment and when we look at the Damage we’ve done to Ourselves, that includes Physical, Mental, Emotional/Psychological and even Spiritual Damage.

The point here is that we can Remove all of the Primary Causes by Satisfying all of our Essential Needs in the 1st Group of Needs, but we cannot change everything overnight and may still have another Group of Needs based on the Damage we’ve done to Ourselves - Physically, Mentally, Emotionally/Psychologically and even Spiritually.

So there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy - one has to do with the Law of Cause & Effect and our Anatomy and our Environment and the other has to do with the Ripple Effect and the Damage we’ve done to our Anatomy and our Environment - one has to do with our Anatomical Limitations that we were given at birth and the other has to do with the Anatomical Limitations that we Inflicted upon Ourselves.

So based on our Anatomical Limitations that we were given at birth, we have a Species Specific Diet just like every other animal on this planet and just like every other animal on this planet WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO COOK OUR FOOD.

Indeed, it boggles my mind to watch ADDICTION in the process!

It boggles my mind to witness countless people constantly Shutting Down their Frontal Lobe to Protect their Pleasures!

Here is my File Preview from my File on Addictions, which includes a special section for Cooked Food aka the Fall of Mankind aka the first HUGE Mistake where we LOST 1 of our Senses!!!

Note: This File Preview might take several posts...

…File Preview for Cooked Food...
• In other words he can't stop eating them. That's the rag. He is addicted to sesame sticks, like some people are addicted to coffee and chocolate. Raw foodists are never "addicted" to anything because all raw food has a natural turnoff mechanism built into them. For instance, after eating a certain amount of dates I can't look another one in the face til the next day. This is a safety mechanism to keep from overdosing. Cooked or highly processed foods don't have this attribute built into them. Raw foodists have complete control over their emotions and desires concerning foods.
• I can assuredly say I was thinking about food MORE often when I was addicted, yes addicted, to cooked and processed foods. I can easily skip meals now. On the SAD diet, no way!!! Breakfast, lunch, dinner at the same times every day. With processed cakes, candies and cokes in between.
• Cooked and processed food is the ULTIMATE Addiction. My raw food experience: Obsession at first (mainly because it is relatively hard to find natural food in today's society).....but after a while freedom sets in. Freedom from that disgusting addiction. No one ever said it was going to be easy becoming "natural" again.
• Cooked food creates a highly stimulative effect in the body, and this of course always produces a proportionate low after the digesting is done and the body needs to recoup the loss. When we experience this low, we want the thing that created the high. The desire for it can be so strong that no amount of 'will power' can keep us from it. This is addiction, and it's the same no matter what substance you're talking about; it can even apply to certain behaviors.
• I ever miss the taste of cooked food. I guess if you ask reformed drug addicts if they ever miss the high, they'd have to say 'yes' if they were honest. What they'll all tell you, tho, is that those fleeting moments of artificial stimulation and fake pleasure aren't worth the cost. It's the cost that I contemplate now when I think of the taste or smell of cooked food. The cost is so dear, the pleasure so momentary, and the benefits of doing without so huge, that it doesn't make sense to dwell of what we 'lose' by giving it up. It's really a matter of changing how we perceive it -- I used to associate cooked food with good times, being with loved ones, security, warmth, love, fun, etc. Now that I know it was a big contributor to most of the misery I ever felt in my life, and is responsible for the misery my loved ones continue to suffer (because they still indulge), I can make appropriate associations.
• Any amount of cooked food thickens the blood and quickly causes cooked food cravings. For most people, it only takes two months of 100% raw eating to lose any addictive cravings for cooked foods. Once you see the incredible waste of time it is to eat most cooked foods, you stop thinking about eating them at all.
• He's (Paul Nisson) saying, like Victoria Beutenko, that it is harder to be high % raw than it is to be 100% raw because the addiction is continually restimulated by even a small amount of cooked food. I can say that, from my own experience recently, that seems to make sense to me. I can be raw and doing great, but one bite of a piece of bread, or one potato chip, and I'm off... running... can't stop eating. That is an addiction.
• For me, cooked food is definitely "addictive" in the sense that I tend to have used it not as a way to nourish myself or assuage hunger feelings but rather to assuage emotional uneasiness, embarrassment, tension, anxiety, worry, low self-esteem, edginess, nervousness, social awkwardness, guilt, and in one way or another I guess you could say downright FEAR of something or other.
• When a bit of emotional discomfort starts to churn those natural chemicals up in the bloodstream I can get this real strong craving for some cooked food.
• Foods are stimulating according to the amount of work needed to digest them. If I were to create a scale that would include all foods, with the least stimulating at the bottom and the most at the top (which is difficult to do because there are so many different and perverse ways people have of stimulating themselves with food), naturally fruit and tender greens would be at the bottom and junk foods at the top. Not all raw foods would fall near the bottom, though, and not all cooked foods would come in at the top.
• Awhile back, I had an exchange with Shirley Johnson and she said that if she had the power to make everyone be a vegan, she would not exercise her power because everyone has free will. But do we really have free will? Yes, in a way we do, but to do so requires knowledge of choices and that we do not have. Before we are even able to walk or talk we are indoctrinated into a way of life that makes us addicted to a lot of wrong choices and addiction has nothing to do with free will or will power. The desire or craving for cooked foods, animal products, grains and processed foods for most of us is not a free choice, it’s an electro-chemical neurological brain impulse and has nothing to do with free will. How can we exercise free will without involving our brain and how can our brain function without the right food? And more importantly, how can we make the right choices without the right knowledge?
• People who are emotionally attached to cooked foods aren’t actually addicted to them since it is physiologically impossible to be addicted to something that is harmful to us. The body simply is not put together that way. It is designed to thrive and cannot become addicted to a harmful substance. The human psyche, however, can become very much addicted to the shift in perception that occurs after we ingest certain substances. A yearning for that shift in perception is the ever-present illusion that lures us to eat cooked foods.

…End of File Preview for Cooked Food...
…Best of the File Preview......
• And you know what they say about Addicts, they want everyone to be one, which is eventually what happened.
• The new view of addiction ties together biology, chemistry, behavior, and emotions in the brain.
• The inescapable fact is that nature gave us the ability to become hooked because the brain has dearly evolved a reward system, just as it has a pain system...
• Drugs don’t contain highs, they trigger highs in the brain’s pleasure pathways, circuits that have evolved long ago to reward and reinforce behaviors crucial to our survival. In that sense, our brains are addicted to life. …Any activity that produces rewards in the brain’s chemistry has at least the potential of addiction.
• Addiction = Pain + Learned Relief
• The true cause of all addictions is uneasy feeling that is temporarily masked, or tranquilized, by some substance or behavior.
• The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Since anxiety is a negative emotion, it follows that it is caused by a disruption in the body's energy system.
• So addictive behavior is not simply a bad habit. It is an anxiety driven need that begs for relief. ...their substance or behavior only relieves their anxiety temporarily. It merely masks the problem for awhile. That's why it is a tranquilizer. When the effect of the tranquilizer wears off, the anxiety surfaces once again.
• Addicts...tend to use drugs as a substitute for coping strategies in dealing with both stress and their everyday lives in general...
• Empaths crave something, anything, to focus on rather than the huge array of chaotic emotions that flutter into or bombard our energy fields. The addiction is a form of self-protection; it is an effort to hide from someone or something else.
• The first thing you must understand about addiction is that alcohol and addictive drugs are basically painkillers. They chemically kill physical or emotional pain and alter the mind’s perception of reality. They make people numb. For drugs to be attractive to a person, there must first be some underlying unhappiness, sense of hopelessness, or physical pain.
• The life cycle of addiction begins with a problem, discomfort or some form of emotional or physical pain a person is experiencing. They find this very difficult to deal with.
• This person encounters a problem or discomfort that they do not know how to resolve or cannot confront.
• He feels his present situation is unendurable, yet sees no good solution to the problem.
• The difference between an addict and the non-addict is that the addict chooses drugs or alcohol as a solution to the unwanted problem or discomfort.
• The painkilling effects of drugs or alcohol become a solution to their discomfort. Inadvertently, the drug or alcohol now becomes valuable because it helped them feel better.
• Drug addiction, then, results from excessive or continued use of physiologically habit-forming drugs in an attempt to resolve the underlying symptoms of discomfort or unhappiness.
• People who are addicted initially take the drug because it makes them feel good, but over time they just take it to return to normalcy. ...what junkies call "straight," which is not sick, but not high either.
• Cooked food creates a highly stimulative effect in the body, and this of course always produces a proportionate low after the digesting is done and the body needs to recoup the loss. When we experience this low, we want the thing that created the high. The desire for it can be so strong that no amount of 'will power' can keep us from it. This is addiction, and it's the same no matter what substance you're talking about; it can even apply to certain behaviors.
• I ever miss the taste of cooked food. I guess if you ask reformed drug addicts if they ever miss the high, they'd have to say 'yes' if they were honest. What they'll all tell you, tho, is that those fleeting moments of artificial stimulation and fake pleasure aren't worth the cost. It's the cost that I contemplate now when I think of the taste or smell of cooked food. The cost is so dear, the pleasure so momentary, and the benefits of doing without so huge, that it doesn't make sense to dwell of what we 'lose' by giving it up. It's really a matter of changing how we perceive it -- I used to associate cooked food with good times, being with loved ones, security, warmth, love, fun, etc. Now that I know it was a big contributor to most of the misery I ever felt in my life, and is responsible for the misery my loved ones continue to suffer (because they still indulge), I can make appropriate associations.
• Addiction is the search outside ourselves for something that is in actuality very deep within our own psyche. For whatever reason, we’re afraid to turn within, so we try to find our wholeness in our outer life -- in a substance, in activity, or another person.
• Addictions and compulsions are the shadow-side of our passionate nature. ...It’s no accident that alcohol has been called "spirits." There is a deep, primordial connection between the spiritual quest and addiction.
• An addiction is when you need something from outside of yourself to feel good. It's a lot about "need" and not just "want". You get an addiction over time, by not staying connected with your true self. You get rid of it by getting back in touch with your true self - through meditation or some other healthy activity.
• When you have an addiction, you just want and want that thing, whatever it is. It practically takes control of you! It's uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. The comfort is, when you get it, you feel sort of satisfied. Unfortunately, your higher self isn't comfortable even when you're getting the need met, and so it's not complete happiness.
• ...when someone kicks one addiction they somehow manage to pick up another in its place. ...the addiction is not overcome is merely shifted.
• If you're an addict you need to be given tools to manage the craving, to manage the compulsion, and every once in a while you may have a crisis and need reinnoculation, perhaps another treatment.
• Introducing Bach Essences, These flower homeopathic essences help to balance some underlying emotions and habits. This may be very useful when erradicating an addiction.
• I also liked the explanation about how emotional addictions can develop, and how cells in the body can come to prefer the effect of experiencing strong emotions over getting proper nutrition.

• Addiction means always having to say you are sorry and finally, when being sorry is no longer good enough for others who have been repeatedly hurt by the addiction, addiction often means being sorry all alone.
• As the addictive process claims more of the addict's self and lifeworld his addiction becomes his primary relationship to the detriment of all others.
• ...the addict does indeed love his addiction more than he loves them.
• ...addicts don't "resolve," because that means coming to terms with the ugly realities they have created, and abandonning egocentered fantasy.
• ..."addicts don't resolve" the idea being they like to leave everything up in the air as long as they can, and entertain the notion that things can be the way they want (King Baby), or the fantasy that things haven't really gone as wrong and as badly as they have, etc. To resolve (as in conflict) means coming to terms with external realities and, among other things, what someone else wants or needs or is entitled to, not just King Baby's. Addicts like to preserve, as long as they can, their "egocentered fantasies" (my words) that things are or might yet be some more favorable way that the ugly reality that the addict persists in creating by his/her self destructive behavior. They want to protect the fantasy of NOT being in a downward spiral as long as possible, or the having of options on wife and normalcy AND whore, drug and thrill.
• "For while psychotic denial may indeed protect the addicted individual from seeing the proverbial 'elephant in the living room,' he usually will be left with a certain smell and perhaps other reminders of the presence of the elephant that must somehow be accounted for and explained away in an agreeable manner, i.e. in a manner that does not betray the presence of the elephant... The addict is frequently quite ingenious in developing personal theories of his behavior that attempt to acknowledge, even if in a minimized and diluted fashion, the destructive consequences of his addictive behavior, while linking it with a complex, often Byzantine web of justifications, excuses, complaints and explanations, the bottom line of which always seems to be that 'I don't really need to stop just yet' or 'Now is not a good time to stop... This is in most cases a gradual and insidious process which is unrecognized by the addicted individual - the "host" for the "parasite" of addiction. The end stage of this transformation is represented by the addict as puppet to the addiction's puppetmaster. The addict then exists for one purpose only: to carry out the desires and demands of the addiction. Everything human and individual has been suppressed, over-ridden, or shoved to the sidelines by the inexorable and irresistible "push" of the addictive process... Addiction thrives best in an atmosphere of unhappiness, resentment, alienation and estrangement, secrecy, mistrust and in most cases, ultimate despair of meaning. And it cannot continue for long in the opposite atmosphere, i.e. one of happiness, emotional well-being, healthy relationships and genuine honesty. Serious addiction, therefore, necessarily points in the direction of an unhappy and dissatisfied world view, and away from the opposite, happier and healthier perspective. A happy addict is a contradiction in terms."
• “It’s every alcoholic’s dream to find some way to still have it.” Oprah

…End of the Best of the File Preview…
…File Preview... - 1
• I can assuredly say I was thinking about food MORE often when I was addicted, yes addicted, to cooked and processed foods. I can easily skip meals now. On the SAD diet, no way!!! Breakfast, lunch, dinner at the same times every day. With processed cakes, candies and cokes in between.
• Cooked and processed food is the ULTIMATE Addiction. My raw food experience: Obsession at first (mainly because it is relatively hard to find natural food in today's society).....but after a while freedom sets in. Freedom from that disgusting addiction. No one ever said it was going to be easy becoming "natural" again.
• Any amount of cooked food thickens the blood and quickly causes cooked food cravings. For most people, it only takes two months of 100% raw eating to lose any addictive cravings for cooked foods. Once you see the incredible waste of time it is to eat most cooked foods, you stop thinking about eating them at all.
• An addiction is when you need something from outside of yourself to feel good. It's a lot about "need" and not just "want". You get an addiction over time, by not staying connected with your true self. You get rid of it by getting back in touch with your true self - through meditation or some other healthy activity.
• When you have an addiction, you just want and want that thing, whatever it is. It practically takes control of you! It's uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. The comfort is, when you get it, you feel sort of satisfied. Unfortunately, your higher self isn't comfortable even when you're getting the need met, and so it's not complete happiness.
Addiction, Lies and Relationships
Preview of the article below...
• Addiction means always having to say you are sorry and finally, when being sorry is no longer good enough for others who have been repeatedly hurt by the addiction, addiction often means being sorry all alone. Addiction is often said to be a disease of denial but it is also a disease of regret.
• "If you really love and care about me, why do you keep doing what you know hurts me so badly?"
• ..."the best defense is a good offense" ...Unable any longer to carry the burden of his own transgressions he begins to think of himself as the victim of the unfairness and unreasonableness of others who are forever harping on his addiction and the consequences that flow from it.
• He has become almost totally blind to how his addictive behavior does in fact harm those around him who care about him; and he has grown so confused that hurting only himself has begun to sound like a rational, even a virtuous thing to do!
• As the addictive process claims more of the addict's self and lifeworld his addiction becomes his primary relationship to the detriment of all others.
• ...the addict does indeed love his addiction more than he loves them.
Addictions in Empaths
Preview of the article below...
• Empaths crave something, anything, to focus on rather than the huge array of chaotic emotions that flutter into or bombard our energy fields. The addiction is a form of self-protection; it is an effort to hide from someone or something else.
An Interview with Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
• Preview of the article below...
• ...addiction is not a voluntary circumstance. It's not a voluntary behavior.
• A user has a choice about that next drug, but an addict does not.
• Most people need treatment. Why do they need treatment? They need treatment to deal with the cravings. They need help to deal with the compulsive, uncontrollable drug use.
• You are an addict because your brain has been changed by drugs. You're in a state where the drug has totally taken over your being.
• If you're an addict you need to be given tools to manage the craving, to manage the compulsion, and every once in a while you may have a crisis and need reinnoculation, perhaps another treatment. You see, if it were only a brain disease, I could come up with a magic bullet. But it’s far more complicated than that. Addiction is a result of a combination of historical factors, environmental factors, physiology --
• Drugs -- including alcohol and nicotine -- cause a whole series of brain changes, one of which is a surge in a neurotransmitter substance called dopamine.
• So, there's something about these biological changes that are going on at the cellular level that gets translated into compulsive, uncontrollable drug use on the behavioral level. What addiction really is, then, is a result of brain changes which over time get translated into behavior changes.
• For example, if you take amphetamine heavily for long periods, it lowers dopamine. You stop taking amphetamine -- the dopamine is still down. It could take six months, a year or longer for dopamine levels to go back up.
• People who are addicted initially take the drug because it makes them feel good, but over time they just take it to return to normalcy. Heroin addiction is a wonderful example. Initially, people take heroin because they like the high, but over time they keep taking it to avoid withdrawal sickness. If you saw the movie TRAINSPOTTING, you saw a great example of somebody who didn't get high anymore when he took the drug, he just became what junkies call "straight," which is not sick, but not high either.
• Compulsive, uncontrollable drug use is a phenomenon that's universal in addictions, not unique to a specific drug. So if there's a common behavioral pattern, shouldn't there also be a common brain mechanism that underlines that common behavior pattern?
• All drugs of abuse affect dopamine levels, but each drug has its own individual effects as well.
• The act of taking a drug is in effect pushing your dopamine levels up and that has very dramatic and pervasive effects, not only on the immediate experience, but potentially in the longer run as well.
• One of the major predictors of the tendency to become addicted is how much stress you are under. The more stress, the more likely it is you will get addicted.
• Yes, the brain of an addicted person is literally different from the brain of non-addicted person.
• There is no motivator more powerful then the drug craving, than that need.
• So loyalty is not important anymore. The job is not important anymore. Family is not important. Nothing matters but satisfying that physical need for that next round?
• If you speak to addicts about the nature of the experience, drugs are their whole world. All that matters, all that consumes them is drug seeking and drug using.
• Do you think most of us have in common a desire for what drugs do to us?
• I think there's no question that everyone would like the experience of what a drug of abuse does. That's why we call them psychoactive drugs. Pretty much everybody enjoys having their dopamine levels shoot up dramatically. That happens during sex, for example, but that doesn't mean that everybody likes the experience so much that it consumes them.
• Addiction is about compulsive, uncontrollable drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative social consequences or health consequences. Most people think they smoke because it's a habit. The truth is people smoke because they love the dopamine surge when nicotine hits the brain.
• Only in the last six months have we actually come to understand the phenomenon of binging on drugs. And some of it has to do with this spike in dopamine levels produced by drugs of abuse. When you take crack cocaine, for example, it quickly rushes to the brain and then it causes a spike in the dopamine level. And with crack, that spike goes up very fast and it comes down very rapidly as well. So what the addict is trying to do when he or she binges is keep dopamine levels up. ...So the difference between binging and not binging has to do with whether that particular drug keeps dopamine levels up or you need to keep taking it in order to keep those levels high.
----------------------------------------Part Two
• In order for drugs to change your mood or perception, they have to be doing it by changing your mind.
• People take drugs to modify their brains. ...there are at least two ways to change the brain -- you can change it with drugs, or you can change it with behavior, by learning or getting support.
• There's no difference between a behaviorally induced brain change and a biologically produced brain change. It's still brain change.
The Subconscious Current of Addiction
Addiction - A Whole New View
Provided by Psychology Today
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...the disease model and all other single-cause theories of addiction can lead to blind alleys and bad treatments...
"The most likely truth about addiction is that it's not a single, basic mechanism, but several problems we label 'addiction,'" "There are things about individuals, about the environment in which they live, and about the substances involved that must be factored in."
The new view of addiction ties together biology, chemistry, behavior, and emotions in the brain.
...people vary in their ability to manage problems and pleasures, "but we must recognize that we all share the same circuits of pleasure, rewards, and pain.
Preview of the article below...
Nature has supplies us all with the ability to become hooked--and we all engage in addictive behaviors to some degree.
"The inescapable fact is that nature gave us the ability to become hooked because the brain has dearly evolved a reward system, just as it has a pain system,"
For the teetotaler and politicians, it's a self-control problem; for sociologists, poverty; for educators, ignorance. Ask some psychiatrists or psychologists and you're told that personality traits, temperament, and "character" are at the root of addictive "personalities." Social-learning and cognitive-behavior theorists will tell you it's a case of conditioned response and intended or unintended reinforcement of inappropriate behaviors. The biologically oriented will say it's all in the genes and heredity; anthropologists that it's culturally determined. And Dan Quayle will blame it on the breakdown of family values.
The most popular "theory," however, is that addictive behaviors are diseases.
The old domino theory that one drink equals a drunk proved, for some, to be baloney. We know with cigarette smoking and alcohol and other addictive behaviors that moderation, tapering, and 'warm turkey' can be very effective."
It's easy to see how the disease model and all other single-cause theories of addiction can lead to blind alleys and bad treatments in which therapists adopt every fad and reach into a bulging bag of tricks for whatever is in hand or intuitively meets the immediate moment. But what we wind up with are three myths about alcoholism and other addictions: that nothing works, that one particular approach is superior to all others, and that everything works about equally well.
"The most likely truth about addiction is that it's not a single, basic mechanism, but several problems we label 'addiction,'" says Michael F. Cataldo, Ph.D., chief of behavioral psychology at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes. "No one thing explains addiction," echoes Miller. "There are things about individuals, about the environment in which they live, and about the substances involved that must be factored in." Experts today prefer the term "addictive behaviors," rather than addiction, to underscore their belief that while everyone has the capacity for addiction, it's what people do that should drive treatment.
So while all addictions display common properties, the proportions of those factors vary widely.
Addiction always causes changes in the brain and mind. These include physiological changes, chemical changes, anatomical changes, and behavioral changes.
Addicts ... They have problems with self-regulation and impulse control, tend to use drugs as a substitute for coping strategies in dealing with both stress and their everyday lives in general, and don't seek "escape" so much as a way to manage their lives.
All addictions appear now to have roots in genetic susceptibilities and biological traits.
The new view of addiction ties together biology, chemistry, behavior, and emotions in the brain.
...all drugs of abuse--even those that differ radically in structure such as morphine and cocaine--do the same thing. They reduce use of glucose in the brain, addict's brain is permanently different from what it was before and after the initial exposure.
...they got a "pretty dramatic effect" in two other areas of the brain, the amygdala and the hippocampus.
"What we're talking about is like conditioning," says London. "Over time, events that happen concurrently with the euphoria begin to contribute to the drug experience and are involved in a sensitization process.
...people vary in their ability to manage problems and pleasures, "but we must recognize that we all share the same circuits of pleasure, rewards, and pain. Anyone who takes cocaine will enjoy it; anyone who has sex will enjoy it. There is nothing abnormal about getting high on cocaine. Everyone will. There is a natural basis of addiction and we need to get away from the concept that only bad or weak or diseased people have problems with addiction.
‘I Can’t Help Myself’
Is Addiction a Matter of Choice?
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Many doctors agree, saying you can still choose not to take drugs, even if they do cause changes in your brain.
"You can look at brains all day," Satel says. "They can be lit up like Christmas trees. But unless a person behaves in a certain way, we wouldn't call them an addict."
The rats in cages chose morphine; the rats held in a nicer environment preferred the water.
The monkeys who'd been bullied by the "boss monkeys" banged a lever to get as much cocaine as they could. But the dominant monkeys, just by virtue of being dominant, had less interest in the drug.
"Individuals that have no control in their job show a greater propensity for substance abuse than those that have control,"
'You can never get over an addiction on your own. You have to come to us and buy something to get over an addiction.' It's not true, and it's dangerous to tell them that,"
...choosing is what it takes, making that decision.
"You can't tell people, 'This is all you're fault and there's nothing you can do about it,' " says Frey. "You have to tell them, 'This is all your fault and you can make it all better if you want to.' "

To Be Continued...

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 10, 2015 09:14AM


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The Nature Of Crack Addiction
Preview of the post below...
Many Crack users can go for long periods, a week, a month, without using Crack and suffer no major physical withdrawal symptoms. At least not the type of heavy physical withdrawal symptoms we associate with heroin or alcohol addiction.
The common pattern among Crack abusers is to binge and abstain. It is possible to have a Crack binge, suffer the negative effects and abstain from using the drug for a period of time.
The problem of course is that inevitably, the user will binge again. Binge and abstain, the cycle can go on for years. In fact, for many Crack users, this pattern of behavior constitutes their addiction.
Because Crack users can get away with not using for short periods of time, they are known to fool themselves. They often feel that they can control their habit and continue to manage their lives, they feel that they are not addicted.
...they are the victims of a severe psychological addiction.
Because the average Crack user has gone without Crack for a period of time and suffered no major withdrawal problems, they are known to fool themselves.
...the very first step in fighting Crack addiction is to admit that you are addicted.
To begin the process of recovery, you must face the fact that the drug is dominating your life, that you are not in control, that you cannot control your use of the drug.
Emotional Freedom Technique -
The Manual
File Preview (Addictions only)...
• Using EFT for Addictions ...when someone kicks one addiction they somehow manage to pick up another in its place. Most people who give up cigarettes, for example, usually gain weight because they substitute food for cigarettes. Likewise, people who get beyond alcohol often revert to heavy uses of cigarettes and coffee. In these cases the addiction is not is merely shifted.
• The true cause of all addictions is uneasy feeling that is temporarily masked, or tranquilized, by some substance or behavior.
• ...Changing a pure habit like this is easy because there is no anxiety involved. ...When addicts have cravings they seek out a favorite substance (cigarettes, alcohol, etc.) to tranquilize their anxiety. They do so, of course, in an effort to relax, calm their nerves, take their mind off of things, take a break, etc. All of these reflect different forms of anxiety which are driving them toward the addictive substance or behavior.
• So addictive behavior is not simply a bad habit. It is an anxiety driven need that begs for relief. The real problem for the addict here is that their substance or behavior only relieves their anxiety temporarily. It merely masks the problem for awhile. That's why it is a tranquilizer. When the effect of the tranquilizer wears off, the anxiety surfaces once again.
• Often, their anxiety becomes even more intense when they are deprived of their tranquilizer. This increases their withdrawal symptoms and builds a barrier against giving up their addiction. The pain of withdrawal becomes too great a price to pay. They much prefer the risks of their addiction.
• The withdrawal problem ...This brings me to an attractive feature of EFT. It dramatically reduces the pain of withdrawal and often eliminates it entirely. This is but one of many features that sets EFT apart from all other methods. Withdrawal consists of both physical and emotional factors. When people discontinue an addictive substance, the physical need for it usually leaves within 3 days. This is a natural process wherin the body rids itself of unwanted toxins. But the emotional factor (anxiety) tends to persist for weeks or months and sometimes it never leaves. In my experience, anxiety is the biggest part of withdrawal. This is obvious when you apply EFT because the anxiety usually subsides to zero in a matter of moments. And as the anxiety leaves, so do most of the withdrawal symptoms.
• Let's turn now to the solution. We will begin by applying what you learned in the earlier parts of this manual. Please recall the discovery statement upon which EFT is built: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." Since anxiety is a negative emotion, it follows that it is caused by a disruption in the body's energy system. And that, of course, is easily addressed with The Basic Recipe. Eliminate the "zzzzzt" and you eliminate the craving. It's almost as simple as that. I say almost because, to be complete, I must discuss another important barrier in your way....Psychological Reversal. To emphasize its importance, I devoted an entire section to PR in an earlier part of this manual. I urge you now to read it again because it applies in a major way to addictions. Please remember that PR is the cause of self sabotage. It is the reason people thwart their own efforts and behave in a manner contrary to their own best interests.
• All addicts know their addictive behavior is heading them in the wrong direction. Many try repeatedly to overcome it and, even if they make progress, they eventually defeat themselves by slipping back into their previous behavior. This is a classic example of PR. PR occurs in over 90% of all addictive behaviors. That is why we find it so difficult to put addictions behind us. Our energy systems change polarity and subtly work against our otherwise well meant efforts. That is also why we can eliminate addictive cravings and still find it hard to discontinue our addictive behavior. I know that may seem strange...but it happens consistently. If you have repeatedly failed to put an addiction behind you, I guarantee that PR was a major factor.
• To be effective, then, we must eliminate both the immediate cravings and the Psychological Reversal.
• How to address the addiction This is straightforward. Just aim The Basic Recipe at the addiction and repeat it throughout the day. It will help reduce any anxiety that is driving the addiction as well as correct for any Psychological Reversal. However, we must remember that The Setup does not eliminate PR permanently. PR usually comes back and, in the case of addictions, does so frequently. Thus...and this is will need to perform The Basic Recipe a minimum of 15 times per day. 25 times per day is recommended. This will keep your anxiety (and thus your cravings) at a low level and will continually keep the subtle (but damaging) effects of PR out of your way. In time, the PR should fade and diminish as a problem. The 25 time per day recommendation should be spaced so that the tapping is done throughout the day.
• How to address the craving If you follow the above precisely, it is unlikely that you will have much in the way of withdrawal or cravings during the day. But, if you do, you must perform one or more rounds of The Basic Recipe until the craving subsides. This is in addition to the recommended 25 repetitions for the addiction.
• Addressing specific events that cause your anxiety While the above routine, if followed diligently, should assist you in breaking an addiction, I must also, in the interest of thoroughness, urge you to address the specific events underlying the anxieties that addictive behaviors strive to tranquilize.
• Fortunately, there is a solution to this that I placed on the EFT web site. It is called The Personal Peace Procedure. It’s value here is to systematically collapse every specific event in your life that causes anxiety, addictions, or limits of any kind. Here, for your review, is a copy of The Personal Peace Procedure.
• The Personal Peace Procedure ...In essence, the Personal Peace Procedure involves making a list of every bothersome SPECIFIC EVENT in one's life and systematically EFT'ing their impacts out of existence. By diligently doing this we can pull out every negative tree from our emotional forests and thus eliminate major causes of our emotional and physical ailments. This, of course, propels each individual toward personal peace which, in turn, contributes mightily toward world peace.
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• The first thing you must understand about addiction is that alcohol and addictive drugs are basically painkillers. They chemically kill physical or emotional pain and alter the mind’s perception of reality. They make people numb. For drugs to be attractive to a person, there must first be some underlying unhappiness, sense of hopelessness, or physical pain.
• The life cycle of addiction begins with a problem, discomfort or some form of emotional or physical pain a person is experiencing. They find this very difficult to deal with.
• This person encounters a problem or discomfort that they do not know how to resolve or cannot confront.
• He feels his present situation is unendurable, yet sees no good solution to the problem.
• Everyone has experienced this in life to some degree. The difference between an addict and the non-addict is that the addict chooses drugs or alcohol as a solution to the unwanted problem or discomfort.
• The painkilling effects of drugs or alcohol become a solution to their discomfort. Inadvertently, the drug or alcohol now becomes valuable because it helped them feel better.
• Drug addiction, then, results from excessive or continued use of physiologically habit-forming drugs in an attempt to resolve the underlying symptoms of discomfort or unhappiness.
• L. Ron Hubberd discovered that when a person uses drugs over a period of time, the body becomes unable to completely eliminate them all. Drugs are broken down in the liver. These metabolites, (the substances the body converts the drugs into) although removed rapidly from the blood stream, become trapped in the fatty tissues. There are various types of tissues that are high in fat content, the one thing in common – and the problem that needs to be addressed – is that these drug residues remain for years. Tissues in our bodies that are high in fats are turned over very slowly. When they are turned over, the stored drug metabolites are released into the blood stream and reactivate the same brain centers as if the person actually took the drug. The former addict now experiences a drug restimulation (or “flashback”) and drug craving. This is common in the months after an addict quits and can continue to occur for years, even decades.
• Addicts Cannot Stop Using Drugs For Two Reasons. These Are:
1. Mental and physical cravings caused by drug residues which remain in the body.
2. The Biochemical Personality caused by drugs and the lifestyle the person adopts to get them.
• The Narconon® New Life Detoxification Program is a precise regimen of exercise, sauna and nutritional supplements that rid the fatty tissues in the body of drug residues and other accumulated toxins.
Cocaine Addiction
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A) Cocaine can cause feelings of anxiety and depression, which may last for weeks. Attempts to stop using the drugs can fail simply because the resulting depression can be overwhelming, causing the addict to use more cocaine in an attempt to overcome his depression.
--------------see page 5
As the drug wears off, these temporary sensations of mastery are replaced by an intense depression, and the drug abuser will then "crash", becoming lethargic and typically sleeping for several days.
--------------see page 8
Use of cocaine in a binge, during which the drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly high doses, leads to a state of increasing irritability, restlessness, and paranoia.
Anorexia and bulemia is not about food, so get to the bottom of it now.
• Introducing Bach Essences, These flower homeopathic essences help to balance some underlying emotions and habits. This may be very useful when erradicating an addiction.
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• I used to be addicted to alcohol and used it in just the same way. Whenever I felt emotions that were uncomfortable, I would pick up a drink. It was my way of avoiding those feelings. Through AA and my sponsor, I learned healthy ways of facing those emotions and dealing with them.
• Now I'm feeling that I use food the same way. Am I really addicted to cooked (and processed) foods, just like with alcohol?
• Are cooked/processed foods addictive? Victoria Butenko says so in her book, 12 Steps to Raw Foods. What do you all think?
• He's (Paul Nisson) saying, like Victoria Beutenko, that it is harder to be high % raw than it is to be 100% raw because the addiction is continually restimulated by even a small amount of cooked food. I can say that, from my own experience recently, that seems to make sense to me. I can be raw and doing great, but one bite of a piece of bread, or one potato chip, and I'm off... running... can't stop eating. That is an addiction.
• For me, cooked food is definitely "addictive" in the sense that I tend to have used it not as a way to nourish myself or assuage hunger feelings but rather to assuage emotional uneasiness, embarrassment, tension, anxiety, worry, low self-esteem, edginess, nervousness, social awkwardness, guilt, and in one way or another I guess you could say downright FEAR of something or other.
• When a bit of emotional discomfort starts to churn those natural chemicals up in the bloodstream I can get this real strong craving for some cooked food.
• I also liked the explanation about how emotional addictions can develop, and how cells in the body can come to prefer the effect of experiencing strong emotions over getting proper nutrition.
• Cooked food creates a highly stimulative effect in the body, and this of course always produces a proportionate low after the digesting is done and the body needs to recoup the loss. When we experience this low, we want the thing that created the high. The desire for it can be so strong that no amount of 'will power' can keep us from it. This is addiction, and it's the same no matter what substance you're talking about; it can even apply to certain behaviors.
• I ever miss the taste of cooked food. I guess if you ask reformed drug addicts if they ever miss the high, they'd have to say 'yes' if they were honest. What they'll all tell you, tho, is that those fleeting moments of artificial stimulation and fake pleasure aren't worth the cost. It's the cost that I contemplate now when I think of the taste or smell of cooked food. The cost is so dear, the pleasure so momentary, and the benefits of doing without so huge, that it doesn't make sense to dwell of what we 'lose' by giving it up. It's really a matter of changing how we perceive it -- I used to associate cooked food with good times, being with loved ones, security, warmth, love, fun, etc. Now that I know it was a big contributor to most of the misery I ever felt in my life, and is responsible for the misery my loved ones continue to suffer (because they still indulge), I can make appropriate associations. I'm only 4 years into this process of mental counter-conditioning so I'm not fully 'there' yet, but I will be.
• For me, having that stuff in my mouth for a few minutes isn't worth the cost.
• Foods are stimulating according to the amount of work needed to digest them. If I were to create a scale that would include all foods, with the least stimulating at the bottom and the most at the top (which is difficult to do because there are so many different and perverse ways people have of stimulating themselves with food), naturally fruit and tender greens would be at the bottom and junk foods at the top. Not all raw foods would fall near the bottom, though, and not all cooked foods would come in at the top.
• "The public" is addicted to the potent carcinogens in fast food; they are obese, sick, and eat according to their own addictions as well as to the socially reinforced boundaries put forth by the food industries, which meld easily with their own abusive past; they don't listen to scientists in the first place. Ask someone at Mc Donalds what scientific facts they know about their cheeseburger and fries; and for resources to specific studies that support their use of these foods; they will give you nothing but a blank stare.
• I view religion as promoting the opposite of mental health: aiding and abetting a lack of self-awareness, dishonoring and degrading human beings, promulgating immaturity, irresponsibility, dependency, and self- alienation, etc, etc., etc., etc. In short, god caters to the weaknesses of human beings; not our strengths.
• Religion (and the idea of it) gives us rules and simple philosophy, but not the tools (i.e. the self-esteem necessary) to implement the philosophy. And that's basically the problem: it's substitute for healthy self-esteem (which is essential for mental health) and places the role of "self" in the hands of a make-believe supernatural Super Being. The enemy of religion and God is a healthy "self" and healthy self-esteem.
• And where is the healthy aspect of a so-called "relationship" with God? It's it's all one-sided; the entire "relationship" is made up in one's mind. In psychological circles, this is called a "fantasy bond," whereby one finds substitutes for unfulfilled emotional hungers, for healthy relationships, and for healthy self-esteem.
• Regarding AA, no doubt, many people have quit addictions (fantasy bonds with a particular substance) with the "power of God." But are they any stronger because of it? No. They admit to being powerless.
• In my mind, the mentally healthy solution, in any context, is to REMOVE THE CAUSE of one's problem (the fantasy bond) and replace it with healthy living (in this case,
mental health and self-esteeming thoughts and actions).
• But this isn't what A.A. does. It merely helps people change the fantasy bond to something else; equally immature, and people stay weak; i.e. feeling "powerless"
and impotent.
• If we merely helped these people attain mental health, they'd find out just how much power they really have. But that isn't what is done with AA. It's a shame that we cater to weakness, rather than help people build true inner strength.
• "God" as a substitute for "self," for self-esteem, and for personal power is a pretty poor one. It doesn't help make people strong; rather, it helps perpetuate fear, neurosis, and dependency on externals and fantasy bonds to feel good. That's hardly a model for self-respect, self-responsibility, and self-autonomy.
• And a big problem is that the good feelings of the fantasy bond are short-lived - because true self-esteem is earned; attained through productive thoughts and actions, not through passivity/belief, prayer/hope, and mystical faith.
• The woman in the long-term AA program is a good example of how belief takes away our power. All we can do for people who believe they are powerless is tell them they are not (like we're doing now, with our comments on this thread), and show them by our example how much power each of us has (which we also do, with our healthy lifestyles).
• In many ways, religion and medicine are analogous. The less we rely on either of them and the more we take responsibility for ourselves, the healthier we will be.
• I think you make some interesting points. Including the correlation between religion and medicine. In fact, all dysfunction is consistent with itself; as are all healthy actions and beliefs. In my mind, this is the role of philosophy: to enable us to see these correlations.
• We also have a need for self-esteem. This is something religion has no meaningful answer for; including how to get it. Certainly, being mentally passive, and asking for God's help, will never get you self-esteem. It must be earned by you; through your own productive thoughts and actions.
• And faking self-esteem (i.e. "pseudo self-esteem"winking smiley is precisely what people do to the extent they lack self- esteem. That, and the corresponding rationalizations, people make to meet this need for self-esteem, is hardly a rational or creative solution to a mental health issue.
• ...the problem with religion and religious belief. It simply does not promote a healthy sense of self, of self-esteem, of self-worth.
• What actions, thoughts, and reactions will help us grow and develop spiritually/emotionally?
• And that brings us to active, not passive, methods. We have a need to achieve, and to grow/develop emotionally. And that is only done through productive/virtuous and profound thoughts and actions. This, in my mind, make us more spiritual.
• Whereas with fantasy bonds (whether they be with religion, addictions, unhealthy love/interpersonal attachments, political philosophies whereby government plays the role of parent and savior, or modern medicine playing that part, etc.), the role of the individual is largely a passive, dependent, (and often) a supposedly victimized one.
• These fantasy bonds are at the core of a person's primary defense system network. (The manifestations of which [unhealthy projections, withdrawal, disowning, denial,
etc.] are secondary to the cause.) And I think these unhealthy attachments make us less spiritual.
• My big problem with religious mindsets and eastern mysticism is the seemingly universal condemnation of the human ego. This they apparently want to annihilate because it is the ego (an unhealthy one anyway) that is the source of all evil.
• While that may be true, the ego is also the source of all good! Few people in the spirituality business seem able to make that all-important distinction between a healthy ego and an unhealthy one. And there is a HUGE difference between the two.
Science Of Mind:
• Addiction is the search outside ourselves for something that is in actuality very deep within our own psyche. For whatever reason, we’re afraid to turn within, so we try to find our wholeness in our outer life -- in a substance, in activity, or another person.
• Addictions and compulsions are the shadow-side of our passionate nature. We’re expressing our spiritual fire in erroneous or irrelevant pursuits. They show us those areas that we have not fully brought to Light. It’s no accident that alcohol has been called "spirits." There is a deep, primordial connection between the spiritual quest and addiction.

Introduction to Addictions by Ron Kennedy, M.D.
• For example, in alcoholism, the alcoholic usually is the last to notice the addiction and will lie to himself to conceal it from himself. This is called denial. Alcoholism is merely an obvious example. The mechanism concealing all addictions is the same.
Handling Addictions by Ron Kennedy, M.D.
• Any addiction you may have makes you less conscious than you are supposed to be. In a state of less-than-perfect consciousness, you will miss what your life is all about. Nothing clouds your consciousness like an addiction.
• Here are the common experiences you can expect followed by the addictions, the giving up of which will bring up these experiences. Primal pain is the pain derived from abandonment of the soul. It comes disguised as boredom, depression, vulnerability and physical symptoms.
JR’s Notes:
• I really do understand why Herbert Shelton thought that False knowledge must be exposed as much as the TRUTH be told because most people’s belief systems and addictions to unnatural foods don’t even allow most people to entertain our way of eating.
Cocaine, Crack:
• ...addicts don't "resolve," because that means coming to terms with the ugly realities they have created, and abandonning egocentered fantasy.
• ..."addicts don't resolve" the idea being they like to leave everything up in the air as long as they can, and entertain the notion that things can be the way they want (King Baby), or the fantasy that things haven't really gone as wrong and as badly as they have, etc. To resolve (as in conflict) means coming to terms with external realities and, among other things, what someone else wants or needs or is entitled to, not just King Baby's. Addicts like to preserve, as long as they can, their "egocentered fantasies" (my words) that things are or might yet be some more favorable way that the ugly reality that the addict persists in creating by his/her self destructive behavior. They want to protect the fantasy of NOT being in a downward spiral as long as possible, or the having of options on wife and normalcy AND whore, drug and thrill.
• "For while psychotic denial may indeed protect the addicted individual from seeing the proverbial 'elephant in the living room,' he usually will be left with a certain smell and perhaps other reminders of the presence of the elephant that must somehow be accounted for and explained away in an agreeable manner, i.e. in a manner that does not betray the presence of the elephant... The addict is frequently quite ingenious in developing personal theories of his behavior that attempt to acknowledge, even if in a minimized and diluted fashion, the destructive consequences of his addictive behavior, while linking it with a complex, often Byzantine web of justifications, excuses, complaints and explanations, the bottom line of which always seems to be that 'I don't really need to stop just yet' or 'Now is not a good time to stop... This is in most cases a gradual and insidious process which is unrecognized by the addicted individual - the "host" for the "parasite" of addiction. The end stage of this transformation is represented by the addict as puppet to the addiction's puppetmaster. The addict then exists for one purpose only: to carry out the desires and demands of the addiction. Everything human and individual has been suppressed, over-ridden, or shoved to the sidelines by the inexorable and irresistible "push" of the addictive process... Addiction thrives best in an atmosphere of unhappiness, resentment, alienation and estrangement, secrecy, mistrust and in most cases, ultimate despair of meaning. And it cannot continue for long in the opposite atmosphere, i.e. one of happiness, emotional well-being, healthy relationships and genuine honesty. Serious addiction, therefore, necessarily points in the direction of an unhappy and dissatisfied world view, and away from the opposite, happier and healthier perspective. A happy addict is a contradiction in terms."
The Nature Of Crack Addiction
Part 1 Chapter 1
The Nature Of Crack Addiction
Part 2 Chapter 1
A Subconscious Current of Addiction
Part 1 Chapter 2
A Subconscious Current of Addiction
Part 2 Chapter 2
...Chapter Previews...
The Nature Of Crack Addiction
Part 1 Chapter 1
• The common pattern among Crack abusers is to binge and abstain.
• Binge and abstain, the cycle can go on for years.
• Because Crack users can get away with not using for short periods of time, they are known to fool themselves. They often feel that they can control their habit and continue to manage their lives, they feel that they are not addicted.
• What they often fail to realize however, is that even though the physical dependency may be minor when compared to other addictive drugs, they are the victims of a severe psychological addiction.
• Scientists now report that cocaine is one of the most addictive substances known to man.
The Nature Of Crack Addiction
Part 2 Chapter 1

• a period of time and suffered no major withdrawal problems, they are known to fool themselves.
• It is extremely important to recognize that the very first step in fighting Crack addiction is to admit that you are addicted.
• To begin the process of recovery, you must face the fact that the drug is dominating your life, that you are not in control, that you cannot control your use of the drug.
• Being unable to admit that you have a drug problem is called DENIAL. It is one of the biggest obstacles in overcoming addictive behavior. You must come to recognize that you are not in control even though you may think you are.
• YOU MUST ADMIT THAT YOU ARE ADDICTED. You must admit that your addictive behavior will continue unless you get help.
A Subconscious Current of Addiction
Part 1 Chapter 2
• See the addiction as a force that operates on the subconscious level. This means learning to be aware that there is a powerful current of addiction running beneath the surface of your conscious intention not to use the drug.
• But in a few days, when you are feeling back to normal, the subconscious current of addiction resurfaces and overrides your conscious decision to stop, resulting in yet another occasion of use.
• It is this subconscious current of addiction that keeps the Crack addict locked in a pattern of addiction. Despite your most sincere intention not to use the drug, the powerful subconscious current of addiction is always lurking, waiting for a moment of weakness, an opportunity to exploit you and make you use the drug.
• When you are not trying to stop you are flowing with the subconscious current. When you give in and use the drug, you are increasing the power of the subconscious current of addiction. On the other side of the coin however, when you decide to stop, you are pitting your conscious will and intention against this subconscious current of addiction that you have made strong by your use of Crack.
• To be successful in overcoming Crack addiction, the power that your subconscious current of addiction has to dominate your conscious resolve not to use the drug, must be identified, controlled and rooted out at its deepest level. All-out psychological warfare will be necessary to diminish the power of this addiction to the point where it can no longer dominate and control your conscious free will.
• Psychological warfare means becoming fully aware of the patterns of weakness in your life that allow the addiction to assert itself. Psychological warfare means practicing the techniques that empower your efforts to overcome your addictive behavior.
• Be aware however, that once you have experienced Crack, this subconscious current of addiction stays with you for the rest of your life.
• A tiny seed of the subconscious addiction will always be with you. If you are not extremely careful this seed may explode into a full-blown addiction even years later.
A Subconscious Current of Addiction
Part 2 Chapter 2
• Scientists now tell us that cocaine is physically addicting.
• Cocaine use does cause neurotransmitter depletion which IS linked to a physiological craving for the drug.
• In Part I we saw that it is helpful to look at your addiction as a powerful subconscious current that has the power to control you. This means that even when it is your conscious decision not to use, the powerful undercurrent of addiction is lurking beneath the surface, waiting for a moment of weakness to make you use.
• Even if you use the drug as little as once every two weeks, the subconscious current of addiction is there. No matter how much control you may think you have over your use, this subconscious current of desire will surface and force you to use again and again.
• To begin your recovery from Crack addiction, it is important to understand that your conscious intention not to use the drug means very little until you have recognized the power of your subconscious desire to use Crack.
• If you use Crack in any amount, you are an addict. If you are an addict, there is a powerful undercurrent of addiction that you will have to root out at its deepest levels with every trick of psychological warfare that you can take advantage of.
• You must examine how this pattern of subconscious addiction works in your own life. You must look back at all the times you have said: "I will not use this drug today. I am tired of wasting my money; I am tired of the fear and paranoia. I am tired of the way this drug is ruining my life."
• And even though you felt this way, somehow the powerful desires lurking beneath the surface found a way to catch you in a moment of weakness. You found yourself using the drug despite your strong intention not to. If you are like most Crack addicts, this happens quite often.
• Answer this question: How successful have you been when you have made a decision not to use the drug on a given day? Think about this subconscious current of desire. Have you been tricked into using time after time despite your most sincere intention not to use?
• Write down your thoughts about the way the subconscious current of addiction affects you:
• To recover from Crack addiction, the next step after recognizing that you have an addiction problem is to understand the power of this subconscious current of addiction.
• Once you recognize that there is something deep inside you that you must fight, you can use the tools of psychological warfare to root out and master this subconscious current of addiction at its deepest levels.
• An important point to be aware of: Even after you have successfully regained control over your life, a tiny seed of this addiction will remain with you. Once you have experienced Crack, you will always be at risk of reawakening your addiction.
• This seed of addiction can explode into a full-blown addiction years after the last time you used Crack. You must be very strong in your commitment never to touch this drug again.
...End of Chapter Previews...
• A while back, I had an exchange with Shirley Johnson and she said that if she had the power to make everyone be a vegan, she would not exercise her power because everyone has free will. But do we really have free will? Yes, in a way we do, but to do so requires knowledge of choices and that we do not have. Before we are even able to walk or talk we are indoctrinated into a way of life that makes us addicted to a lot of wrong choices and addiction has nothing to do with free will or will power. The desire or craving for cooked foods, animal products, grains and processed foods for most of us is not a free choice, it’s an electro-chemical neurological brain impulse and has nothing to do with free will. How can we exercise free will without involving our brain and how can our brain function without the right food? And more importantly, how can we make the right choices without the right knowledge?
• People who are emotionally attached to cooked foods aren’t actually addicted to them since it is physiologically impossible to be addicted to something that is harmful to us. The body simply is not put together that way. It is designed to thrive and cannot become addicted to a harmful substance. The human psyche, however, can become very much addicted to the shift in perception that occurs after we ingest certain substances. A yearning for that shift in perception is the ever-present illusion that lures us to eat cooked foods.

End of File Preview for “Addictions”

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: January 10, 2015 11:55AM

TAI, I see you posted about Michael Cremo..Let's talk about Michael Cremo. I love him. I listen to his interviews all the time. On Coast To Coast and Caravan to Midnight. His website is amazing. You guys should all check him out. Its all new stuff now. Mankind has been around way longer than we thought!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2015 11:56AM by coconutcream.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 10, 2015 01:59PM

The Biggest Mistake
JR (
Date: 08-05-00 22:00


Purity Reflects the Sun

"Pure, clear, clean water perfectly reflects the sun. Put a drop of black dye in it and observe the contrast. Then try red, brown, yellow, etc. Keep doing this for some time and two things will happen: there will be no reflection of the sun and any further drops will cause little or no contrast. There are two points here: 1) purity is required to reflect the light, and 2) when the body is filled with filth from eating "non-foods: (anything but raw fruits, raw vegetables, and sprouted seeds, nuts and grains) there is little noticeable affect when we eat dead foods. But when our bodies become more pure, we begin to notice the effects of the dead foods much more strongly." -Dr. Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D

"I meet with people every day (or hear from them by mail) who have so many virtues that they are unable to recognize that their many small vices are slowly killing them. They will tell me that they live Hygienically at least ninety percent and ask: Why should I be sick or why don't I get well? If ten percent of their life is wrong, this is not supposed to count for anything. Of course, they always exaggerate in their favor the actual extent of their Hygienic living. When we say that to get well, all causes of disease must be removed, we do not mean that one may practice all the virtues but one and that for this he is entitled to substitute or to retain one of his pet vices." -Herbert Shelton

"...every mouthful of wrong food eaten becomes an obstruction in the bodily machine, an encumbrance, a restriction of your vitality, strength and endurance. Regardless of how small it may seem at the time, it is an interference with your standard health." -Arnold Ehret

From my experience, most cooked foods will stop the cleansing process. The only exception is cooked starchless vegetables, which will work initially, but will eventually stop the cleansing process and will ultimately put more garbage right back in. I also agree with Ehret when he said that the only people who will be able to understand this are those who have completely cleaned their system out and then eat only 100% raw. In other words, the cleaner that one gets, the more obvious are wrong foods. The converse of this is also true, the more toxic one gets, the more obvious are the right foods, which is why a lot of older people say...I can't eat fruit, it gives me diarrhea. Little do they know that diarrhea is a good's the colon's way of getting rid of garbage.


Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: January 10, 2015 02:20PM

"...every mouthful of wrong food eaten becomes an obstruction in the bodily machine, an encumbrance, a restriction of your vitality, strength and endurance. Regardless of how small it may seem at the time, it is an interference with your standard health." -Arnold Ehret


Johnny Lovewisdom claimed that Shelton claimed that Ehret enjoyed coffee, wine and cigarettes, and that coffee drinking caused his demise. In "Lebensfragen", Ehret described his use of coffee, alcohol and cigars, prior to his detoxification path, and use of meat, during his early dietary experiments. Lovewisdom also maintained that Ehret promoted grains, nuts and seeds as ideal foods, even though Ehret described them as part of "The Destructive Diet Of Civilization".
Unless wikipedia is wrong

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2015 02:21PM by RawPracticalist.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 11, 2015 12:29AM

Dear John Rose,
I am excited to learn from you, as you have much more experience with raw food than I do. I really like your idealism, heart and discipline. So please don't take the following critiques personally.

John Rose wrote:
Raw foodists are never "addicted" to anything because all raw food has a natural turnoff mechanism built into them. For instance, after eating a certain amount of dates I can't look another one in the face til the next day. This is a safety mechanism to keep from overdosing. Cooked or highly processed foods don't have this attribute built into them. Raw foodists have complete control over their emotions and desires concerning foods.

According to Mike Arnstein, he became addicted to dates, couldn't stop eating them and developed 26 cavities in one and a half years. Matt Monarch wrote a little book many years ago describing his binges on fruit where he couldn't control himself. Robert Lockhart ate nothing but durian for two months on his durian farm, much to the chagrin of his Mrs. SOme people have traveled to Asia just to eat fresh durian en masse.
John, I agree to a point, but there are too many stories of fruit bats destroying their teeth. If there was a shut-off mechanism, why didn't it go off before they lost their teeth?

John Rose wrote:
From my experience, most cooked foods will stop the cleansing process. The only exception is cooked starchless vegetables, which will work initially,

In general, I agree with the first sentence when it comes to foods, but not herbal medicine. I agree with the second sentence, and would give asparagus as an example. It is good for cancer, both raw and cooked. Going back to the first sentence, it does not apply to SAD eaters. The korean temple diet (cooked organic brown rice, veggies, etc) is brilliant at detoxing major toxins out as shown by Metametrix laboratory tests. But I totally agree that raw juices are much faster.

John Rose wrote:
He's (Paul Nisson) saying, like Victoria Beutenko, that it is harder to be high % raw than it is to be 100% raw because the addiction is continually restimulated by even a small amount of cooked food.

I read in later years, Victoria Boutenko wrote that she thinks that sometimes it is better to eat cooked greens than a lot of nuts. I can totally understand that, given her large size and also watching her raw cooking video where she uses too much oil and fat. I guess she got sick of always drinking green smoothies and maybe decided to just have some steamed greens. Considering that when you are that overweight, even extra calories from fruit (for her famous raw fruit and green smoothies) can sometimes be too much. You do know that she discontinued her early book, "12 steps to raw food" because of its intense zealotry.

Lastly, going back to the concept of the fall of mankind, if I had to use one word to describe the reason for it, I would simply say, "selfishness." And this selfishness is so much more primary than cooking of foods for the fall of mankind. Let's say a raw foodist wanted all the fruit for themselves, so they pushed the weaklings out into a cold terrain where hardly anything grew. Then the weaklings were forced to eat whatever they could find and maybe had to use cooking to make the food edible. So then who is morally superior? The weakling who did not fight back or the bully who would not share paradise? Also, is it any wonder if the weaklings developed the sixth sense and ESP, while the bully eating the best fruit never developed the sixth sense (going back to our earlier discussion in this thread)? I have friends who lost their beautiful gardens because they were Jewish and had to abandon their homes during WWII. One was forced to live in Siberia and another lost an amazing estate and farm in Hungary. Both of these women later developed the sixth sense and ESP, despite their aged and worse-for-the-wear bodies.

It turns out, when it comes to genuine ESP and the sixth sense as you refer to, it is governed by spiritual laws and not the material laws of might makes right. And this is why you will see so many raw vegans lacking this sixth sense. Why can't you and SueZ express loving kindness to each other as brother and sister, since you both eat a 100% raw vegan diet?

Lou Corona is one of the most spiritual and connected raw foodists that I know of. He definitely has that 6th sense you speak of. Yet, without divulging too much private info about him, his connection to spirit happened way before the raw food diet. And he details his change. Before he was even instructed to change his diet, he was FIRST and FOREMOST instructed to LOVE and FORGIVE everyone who ever hurt him or abused him. And not only was he told to LOVE and FORGIVE everyone who hurt him, but he was also told to BLESS them with peace, love and success in their lives (not verbatim, but close.) The reason Lou is so special is because he took this first and main message to heart (of changing his mind and heart for the better) as the foundation for his healing.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 11, 2015 01:29AM

coconutcream wrote:

TAI, I see you posted about Michael Cremo..Let's talk about Michael Cremo. I love him. I listen to his interviews all the time.

I have listened to some of his interviews and talks and bought his thick book. I skim it sometimes. I have sat and talked with him on two occasions. John Rose is right. He is a vedic creationist. Michael Cremo does not emphasize his personal religion, because creationism applies to many faiths and the archeological evidence he has uncovered just challenges the theory of evolution. So, his work is of interest to many faiths or even those willing to look at archeology with an open mind. I love Michael Cremo too. He is seriously dedicated at uncovering the truth of the history of the planet.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 11, 2015 06:25AM

Hey, John, who is the author of those words below? I know you got that from your file, so I know that it does not necessarily mean that you wrote it. If you didn't write, do you endorse the message?

John Rose wrote:
• I used to be addicted to alcohol and used it in just the same way. Whenever I felt emotions that were uncomfortable, I would pick up a drink. It was my way of avoiding those feelings. Through AA and my sponsor, I learned healthy ways of facing those emotions and dealing with them.
• Now I'm feeling that I use food the same way. Am I really addicted to cooked (and processed) foods, just like with alcohol?
• I view religion as promoting the opposite of mental health: aiding and abetting a lack of self-awareness, dishonoring and degrading human beings, promulgating immaturity, irresponsibility, dependency, and self- alienation, etc, etc., etc., etc. In short, god caters to the weaknesses of human beings; not our strengths.
• Religion (and the idea of it) gives us rules and simple philosophy, but not the tools (i.e. the self-esteem necessary) to implement the philosophy. And that's basically the problem: it's substitute for healthy self-esteem (which is essential for mental health) and places the role of "self" in the hands of a make-believe supernatural Super Being. The enemy of religion and God is a healthy "self" and healthy self-esteem.
• And where is the healthy aspect of a so-called "relationship" with God? It's it's all one-sided; the entire "relationship" is made up in one's mind. In psychological circles, this is called a "fantasy bond," whereby one finds substitutes for unfulfilled emotional hungers, for healthy relationships, and for healthy self-esteem.
• Regarding AA, no doubt, many people have quit addictions (fantasy bonds with a particular substance) with the "power of God." But are they any stronger because of it? No. They admit to being powerless.
• In my mind, the mentally healthy solution, in any context, is to REMOVE THE CAUSE of one's problem (the fantasy bond) and replace it with healthy living (in this case,
mental health and self-esteeming thoughts and actions).
• But this isn't what A.A. does. It merely helps people change the fantasy bond to something else; equally immature, and people stay weak; i.e. feeling "powerless"
and impotent.
• If we merely helped these people attain mental health, they'd find out just how much power they really have. But that isn't what is done with AA. It's a shame that we cater to weakness, rather than help people build true inner strength.
• "God" as a substitute for "self," for self-esteem, and for personal power is a pretty poor one. It doesn't help make people strong; rather, it helps perpetuate fear, neurosis, and dependency on externals and fantasy bonds to feel good. That's hardly a model for self-respect, self-responsibility, and self-autonomy.
• And a big problem is that the good feelings of the fantasy bond are short-lived - because true self-esteem is earned; attained through productive thoughts and actions, not through passivity/belief, prayer/hope, and mystical faith.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: January 11, 2015 10:03AM

I have mystical faith that the raw vegan diet is heavenly.

God to me can be ideas...the right ones..

If you can imagine you can do the raw food diet, you can. That is fantasy. But can be made reality of you believe it. Live the idea...or make it your religion.

According to Mike Arnstein, he became addicted to dates, couldn't stop eating them and developed 26 cavities in one and a half years.

How does he know that was the dates. Was that the only thing he was eating or was he binging on crackers, we do not know. I will never forget him eating his food out f a bucket and his wife comes up to him and asks if he is mopping the floors and he turns and he is eating out of it. HILARIOUS. My god, did I ever say I am so attracted to him, he is beautiful man. God bless him!

L. Ron Hubberd discovered that w...

I cannot believe you are bringin up L Ron Hubbard. I read so many books on the people who escaped from Scientology. I know all about it. Have you seen the movie THE MASTER about L Ron Hubbard?

Here is the trailer. Reminds me of my days in LANDMARK. Same kind of mind control hypnosis stuff. THE MASTER MOVIE TRAILER

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2015 10:13AM by coconutcream.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: January 11, 2015 01:09PM

Pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard quote from before he hit the big time ...

"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2015 01:11PM by SueZ.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: January 11, 2015 01:19PM

SueZ Wrote:
> Pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard quote from before he
> hit the big time ...
> "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If
> you want to get rich, you start a religion."

Or market yourself as a raw food guru. Sell hope to desperate people, ridiculously expensive supplements, superfoods and condiments that are not raw, books full of crazy claims, etc.

Same thing, I guess.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: January 11, 2015 07:03PM

Jtprindl I made a meme for you to emphasize your point. Feel free to use.

We should make BC memes a thing

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2015 07:04PM by coconutcream.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: January 11, 2015 07:07PM

I can't decide if BC is blonde or brunette. Grey, probably!

He does look very good for his age but I believe he has had peels/lasers, filler, and/or facelift. He is extremely image conscious.

I find him to be very attractive in a superficial way.

But his insides are not very impressive.

Show me a guru who is not full of ugly stuff inside.

I like Dr. Fuhrman the best. He is not pushing 100% raw or 100% vegan, either. However he does sell very expensive supplements.

Some venting in memory of lost bone in raw vegans
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 11, 2015 08:33PM

John Rose wrote:

About 6 years ago, I wanted to make sense out of all of the books that I had been reading, and I wanted to test whether an 80% raw diet was as good as a 100% raw diet. So I decided to eat 80% raw for the next 30 days to see what would happen. This was a step back for me - I had been 99% raw for the previous year. In the first 20 days, I gained 17 pounds. From days 21 to 30, I didn’t gain 1 pound. My suspicions were right. I filled up my colon back to where it was before I emptied it out from my Juice Fasting.

I remember after doing this experiment, reading about Paul Bragg and how he said that he was always hungry and didn’t have adequate energy during the first 2 years at 100% raw so he went back to 1 cooked meal a day, and he too coincidentally gained 17 pounds. I also read after my experiment, that the same thing happened to George Malkmus after he went 100% raw for 1 year to cure his colon cancer and he too went back to 1 cooked meal a day and he too very coincidentally gained 17 pounds. It is extremely coincidental that all three of us gained 17 pounds, but when you consider that we were all almost the same age when it happened to us, it’s not that surprising. The only difference between me and these two gentlemen is that I immediately went back on a Juice Fast and guess what happened - I p-o-o-p-ed those 17 pounds out of me.

I find this very interesting, but I am still not convinced. Consider that Mike Arnstein said that when you eat raw food, you must eat MORE raw than what you ate cooked, because you will not absorb all the raw calories, because some of the raw calories are part of insoluble fiber that will leave your body. I witnessed this painful truth in adult men that lost too much weight trying to eat only raw. They wouldn't or couldn't grasp that they had to eat MORE raw food and this required discipline. Instead of one plate, they needed to eat two. Look at how Freelee and Durian Rider made videos of going into raw restaurants and ordering massive amounts of raw food and eating everything and still stayed skinny. But that applies to low fat raw.

Let's talk about fat. I was vegan for years before I tried going all raw or high raw (I was never a fanatic more than a week at a time at all raw). As a vegan eating cooked food, I was always skinny. Sometimes too skinny, sometimes just moderately. I never gained weight, no matter how much I ate. But later I tried eating raw food and before I knew it, I started gaining weight. Pretty soon I gained 17 pounds, to use your magic number! Weight fluctuates, a few pounds up or down. (So you gained weight eating cooked food, but I gained weight eating raw food.) I had never gained weight before. I didn't know I could. Well, I looked at my diet and realized that when I was vegan before, I never ate the quantity of fat I did trying to eat raw. I ate a ton of avocados and rich nut dressings for salads. I ate nut crusts for raw pies and nut cheesecakes. I drank raw coconut milk to my heart's delight. We made gourmet raw with a lot of nuts and seeds and I finally realiized that the reason I didn't gain weight as a cooked vegan was because I ate a low fat diet without realizing it. Indeed, my body was able to gain weight and then I had to learn how to eat a low fat high raw vegan diet to maintain proper weight.

Nowadays, I don't care if I gain a few extra pounds eating raw nuts...making amazing and delicious salad dressings. I burn it off when I want. But the point I want to make is the reverse of what you stated above:
"If I were to go out tomorrow and eat 600 calories of dead food and that was all I ate, I would probably gain 2-3 pounds" As I just explained how skinny I was eating a whole foods low fat vegan diet (raw and cooked).

Okay, I don't want to spend any more time debating this topic. The only reason I shared is because I witnessed casualities in raw veganism. I helped run a raw vegan potluck years ago (as a no way was I responsible for its free form) and I was blessed to hear amazing healings, but I also witnessed disasters. The saddest failings were two older men, very underweight, that lost bone mass and suffered spinal compression fractures. They couldn't grasp basic nutritional science because they were under the spell that if you were 100% raw, you would be healthy and whole. Then the tooth disasters. I don't need to share all have heard them yourself. Then I saw some cancer patients that did not get cured using only raw veganism and frequently going to wheatgrass juice spas. I compared those results to the results that herbalists get using herbs in combo with high raw veganism and the results were crystal clear to me.

Let's take Charlotte Gerson. In her 90s, she had a hip/pelvis fracture. She shares her story on youtube. She followed the gerson program and healed rapidly. The program is a combo of many fresh raw vegan juices throughout the day and some cooked food, like vegetable soup. Her healing was truly rapid compared to this one raw vegan I know that took so long to heal his broken bones and never corrected the compression fractures. I took note of her method of avoiding water, when the body is in need of massive amounts of juice and nutrition and started juicing things like chard and beet stems (very salty) and making rich vegetable and legume soups with only vegetable juices as a base (no water) and gave them to this man, along with raw juices and raw food and herbal medicines and he started to feel better than just with only raw food.

So I only share this info not to debate or to lose friends with any 100% rawists here, but to say, hey, cooked food is not a poison. Raw living vegan food is the best, but consider an elderly man with kyphosis and shrinkage, very underweight and imagine such a small space that is left for his stomach, who feels cold all the time because he lost so much weight trying to be all raw...and now he feels stronger with some warm mineral-dense soup.

I totally support 100% raw when it works and the adherents are totally healthy. I encourage you purists to stay pure, as long as it works for you. I only speak out for those that didn't thrive on it for a variety of reasons.

Mike Arnstein made a video explaining to newbies how to succeed on a high fruit all raw diet. He emphatically said that you must eat more raw food than what you ate cooked. I don't agree with the intensely sugary things that Fullyraw Kristina eats (like too many dates), but she accurately portrays the actual quantity of food that one must eat on such a low fat diet (and that would be so much more for a larger man). Mike Arnstein, even for being a $$$$$ gem dealer, still bought non-organic produce. So, if someone is sick from pesticide poisoning and also on a tight-budget, can they afford that diet? No way.

I have seen enough case studies from Metametrix labs to know that pesticide toxicity is a real problem.

And the fact is, some people don't do well with high fat. I have had enough cases of people with gallstones that I have had to put on a low fat diet.

(And for all the people who are skeptical of expensive raw gurus, I actually stand behind Lou Corona, because he knows how hard raw nuts and seeds are to digest for the average people. Maybe not SueZ, but for many people. So, not to scam people, but to help rawists stay raw, he teaches how to make nut and seed yogurt. No one has to buy his probiotic. They can buy one at the store or make their own. He helped many people who were unable to digest nuts and seeds before and lost too much weight just eating fruits and veggies. So the seed yogurt helped them recover their weight. But as you all know, I only stand behind Lou to a point, because I don't push 100% raw, although I respect it. And of course, I don't agree with everything he says. As I shared, I drink distilled spring water in a glass. And by the way, if you listen to his 2000 lecture, he says he was 90% raw, due to his travels. Later in life, he said he paid for eating some cooked food in the form of mucoid plaquing, which agrees with John Rose. At the same time, why do raw foodists guilt-trip themselves for not starving when they are traveling and are really hungry? We can't always live in paradise 24/7. At least Lou did eat enough cooked food when he traveled and did not end up like my skinny friends who lost bone mass. Who cares about mucoid plaque when you just saved your vertebrae?)

Okay, end of my spiel. I write this in the hopes of spreading compassion, tolerance, kindess and truth for others in their health journey.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: January 11, 2015 09:31PM


I am going to piggyback on Tai's post.

There is reduced metabolizable energy in a very high fiber diet. If you are eating a 100% raw very high fiber diet you are not able to use all of those calories (unless you are 100% juicing, which I doubt).

In practice people who switch to raw (without a large amount of juicing) need to increase their calorie intakes by about 20-25% to keep from losing weight. I, too, consumed massive quantities of food when I was all raw, and I had to spend a lot of time actually eating!

If you switched to cooked without decreasing your calories, it would make sense that the long-term outcome would be a corresponding weight gain. And it would also make sense that when you switched back to raw you lost the weight eventually to get back to your "starting" point.

That weight gained and lost would not have been toxic garbage in your colon, but more weight in bone, muscle, fat, and water. Yes, there will be some exogenously formed advanced glycation end products that your lysosomes can't break down. But the amounts in a fairly decent cooked vegan diet that avoids garbage, processed foods, fried foods, etc. will be minimal.

On a cooked diet with better choices--steamed vegetables, cooked legumes, soups, sweet potatoes--a population can live very well. Consider the Okinawan centenarians--this is how they ate--very low fat, very low protein, very high in vegetables but almost completely cooked, and not much fruit. They were also very short and very thin as a whole. They are the ultimate in the literature, so far. Not all of them, just the calorie-restricted low fat low protein high vegetable ones.

Yeah, maybe it is not that elusive ideal. But it's not that bad. One could do much worse!

Maybe high fruit is the ideal. On high fruit you would not even have to restrict calories and maybe get the same or better benefits. I have experienced those moments of clarity and lightness that you describe myself, although I am unable to support those feelings with anything credible in the standard literature. I also eat raw leafy greens and raw fats (not too much).

But I am unable to convince myself that a little bit of cooked starch now and then is a bad thing. Or that doing so will have any kind of severe consequences.

Right now I consider our best evidence to come from Luigi Fontana. I doubt he is 100% raw or even 100% vegan. But from the looks of him, he may be close to both.


I hope that we do have such information in the future. But for now it will be more of a "he said, she said" thing.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 11, 2015 09:43PM

<<<Lastly, going back to the concept of the fall of mankind, if I had to use one word to describe the reason for it, I would simply say, "selfishness." And this selfishness is so much more primary than cooking of foods for the fall of mankind.>>>

Hey Tai,

Selfishness can NOT be the Fall of Mankind as it is NOT a Primary Cause - it is a Subsequent Cause.

Here is a snippet from an article by Dr. Gabriel Cousens called Impact of Economic Globalization on our Diet where he refers to Losing our Connection with the Divine:

What can we do about this greed economics that is causing so much poverty, pain, and malnutrition? The first question we need to ask is, “How did this come about?” In the Kabbalistic tradition we go back to the Adam and Eve story. One oral tradition tells us that Adam and Eve were really one soul and they very much wanted to grow spiritually and follow God’s way, and they were told by the serpent that the forbidden fruit tree would actually help them grow spiritually because their eyes would be open and they would become like God. With the first bite they just had an attraction, enough of awareness that they were losing their connection with the divine.

But one oral tradition of the Kabbalah, reports that they took a second bite. With the second bite they switched into the consciousness of receiving for self alone, which we call greed and selfishness, and moved away from the consciousness of the Tree of Life which is to receive in order to share for the healing of the world. This, in essence, is the original sin and is really the foundation of Economic Globalism, as we know it today.

By the way, I interviewed Gabriel back in 2003 and asked him about this article and whether he was referring to Biohotons relative to losing our connection with the divine and the original sin and he said YES!!!

<<<Why can't you and SueZ express loving kindness to each other as brother and sister, since you both eat a 100% raw vegan diet?>>>

ZeuS is clearly an Internet Shill and a Psychopath, which explains why she is incapable of expressing love to anyone and I have NO respect for Psychopaths. ZeuS has an obvious Agenda and I realize that most people have been brainwashed to believe that everyone has good in them, but that, unfortunately, is NOT true. Approximately 4% of the population are Psychopaths and they are very easy to spot if you ever take the time to study their MO and keep track of what they do and I have done both.

<<<The korean temple diet (cooked organic brown rice, veggies, etc) is brilliant at detoxing major toxins out as shown by Metametrix laboratory tests.>>>

When I said that “most cooked foods will stop the cleansing process,” I was referring to cleaning out the intestines. You cannot clean house from the past when you are making the body clean house in the present.

As far as Mike Arnstein or Matt Monarch or anyone else and their eating habits, please give me a break. We don’t have enough details to really know what’s going on.

Every animal knows what to eat and how much to eat as long as the food is natural and grown on fertile soil and it’s called the Aliostatic Taste Change. Life is NOT supposed to be complicated and it shouldn’t be any harder for us to figure out what to eat than it is for a deer to figure out what to eat. However, we have DAMAGED Ourselves, our Society and our Environment and now we have another Group of Needs we must Satisfy - see my Post above about the Ripple Effect.

Once again, as long as we think it’s OK to Cook Food, we will continue to need to use various Systems and Protocols that only address 1 of 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and that Group of Needs has to do with the DAMAGE that was done to Ourselves, our Society and our Environment and when we look at the Damage we’ve done to Ourselves, that includes Physical, Mental, Emotional/Psychological and even Spiritual Damage.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 12, 2015 01:08AM

John Rose wrote:
As far as Mike Arnstein or Matt Monarch or anyone else and their eating habits, please give me a break. We don’t have enough details to really know what’s going on.

Before I respond to this, I am going to refer back to your earlier quote

John Rose wrote above:
Raw foodists are never "addicted" to anything because all raw food has a natural turnoff mechanism built into them. For instance, after eating a certain amount of dates I can't look another one in the face til the next day. This is a safety mechanism to keep from overdosing. Cooked or highly processed foods don't have this attribute built into them. Raw foodists have complete control over their emotions and desires concerning foods.

Okay, I found the video of Mike Arnstein. At 3:20, he tells of his addiction to dates. And after, he tells of his teeth disaster.

Regarding Matt Monach, his binge eating was early on in his raw eating career, but it was long enough, if done by the wrong person, to inflict damage. Take for example, Mango, and his story of losing teeth by overeating unripe mangoes. Where was his raw food shut off mechanism? Mango's story is more realistic, because a lot of raw fooders don't have the money to buy the best ripest fruit and to see a dentist in time to bring them to their senses.

Here is an excerpt from Mango's story eating from the unripe grove:
"And quite unexpectedly, 6 weeks into the mango season, one evening while chewing on a mouthful of salad and tahini, a piece of one of my top front teeth flaked off.
"It felt so bizarre.. Suey looked at my mouth, and my top front teeth seemed to all be translucent, almost see-through, like all the enamel was gone.
"Within the next 3 weeks, I lost my 4 top front teeth, between the canines, and another 3 or 4 on the sides of my mouth...
"I am convinced that had I not eaten those unripe mangos, my teeth (barring other mishaps) would probably have still been fully seated."

THe take away lesson from Mango is that he was simply hungry in that grove and didn't have the ability to go into town easily to buy food. So out of hunger, irregardless of any shut-off mechanism in the unripe but RAW mangoes, he ate a ton of mangoes because he was really hungry. Sometimes it is real gnawing hunger and not an addiction why people eat food, whether it is raw or cooked food.

P.S. I am not anti-fruit. I happen to agree with Mike Arnstein that ripe, watery, juicy fruit is okay to chew (within a balanced diet) and ONLY to the degree that is right for each person's blood sugar and teeth health.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: January 12, 2015 02:19AM

Tai Wrote:
> Okay, I found the video of Mike Arnstein. At 3:20,
> he tells of his addiction to dates. And after, he
> tells of his teeth disaster.
> []

I watched a little and he said to stop eating dried fruit. However, there are studies that say that raisins actually prevent cavities. I think the real culprit is in the saliva composition. Raw fooders, specially fruitarians, are low in the amino acid lysine, and lysine helps prevent cavities. You have Tim Van Orden (lost front teeth), Durian rider (new fake denture), and Mike Arnstein (lots of cavities) just to name the famous ones. There are probably many other with teeth probs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2015 02:24AM by Panchito.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 03:13PM

Tai wrote:

<<<Consider that Mike Arnstein said that when you eat raw food, you must eat MORE raw than what you ate cooked, because you will not absorb all the raw calories, … they had to eat MORE raw food … Instead of one plate, they needed to eat two.>>>

This statement is not entirely accurate as we do need to eat more volume of food in order to get the same amount of calories because Fruits and Vegetables have so much more Water and Fiber than most cooked foods, but we do not need to eat more calories and it’s not 2 plates instead of 1 - it’s more like 5 plates instead of 1.

Vegetables on an average are about 10 calories per ounce and Fruits on an average are about 20 calories per ounce. In contrast, most foods people eat on the SAD on an average are about 75 calories per ounce.

If we ate 100% Fruits, we would need to eat 3.75 plates (75 / 20 = 3.75) instead of 1 plate.

If we ate 100% Vegetables, we would need to eat 7.5 plates (75 / 10 = 7.5) instead of 1 plate.

If we ate 50% Fruit and 50% Vegetables, we would need to eat 5 plates (75 / 15 = 5) instead of 1 plate.

Now let’s compare what Arnstein said above to what Dr. Gabriel Cousens says below…

The Energy of Live Foods by Dr Sir Gabriel Cousens M.D., M.D. (H) D.D.

There is a tremendous amount of extra levels of energy in live foods. One of the studies that most demonstrates this was done in Russia by Dr. Israel Breckman. The experiment was simple. He fed the same mice cooked food and live-food at different times. This was the exact same food and the exact same mice, the only difference was, the food was either cooked or uncooked. He measured the amount of energy and endurance the mice had when they were eating only live foods, and when eating the exact same amounts of food in its cooked state. The mice had three times more energy and endurance on the live-food than when they were eating cooked food. If nutrition were a simple matter of calories, there should not be any difference in endurance and power between eating the live and the cooked food. However, there clearly was a difference in the effect. This is because foods are not simply calories. This calorie paradigm, developed in 1789, is completely out of date, even though it is still being used by people in the nutritional sciences. What is the difference?

Food has subtle nutrients, general nutrients, electrical energies, phytonutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. The electrical potential for our tissues and cells is a direct result of the liveliness of our cells. Live foods enhance the electrical potential in our cells, between the cells, at the interface of the cell membranes, and at the interface of the cells with the microcapulary electrical charges. When cells have the proper microelectrical potential, they have the power to rid themselves of toxins and maintain their selective capacity to bring appropriate nutrients, oxygen, and hydrogen into the cell, into the nucleus of the cell, as well as to feed the mitochondria. This helps to maintain, repair, and activate the DNA. Professor Hans Eppinger, who was the chief medical director of the first medical clinic at the University of Vienna, found that a live-food diet specifically raised the microelectrical potential throughout the body. He discovered that a live-food diet increases selective capacity of the cells by increasing their electrical potential between the tissue cells and the capillary cells. He saw that live-food significantly improves the intra and extracellular excretion of toxins, as well as absorption of nutrients. He and his co-workers concluded that live foods were the only type of food that could restore microelectrical potential to the tissues. In essence we can say that by restoring electrical potential to cells, live-food rejuvenates the life force and health of the organism.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 03:15PM

Tai wrote:

<<<But the point I want to make is the reverse of what you stated above:
"If I were to go out tomorrow and eat 600 calories of dead food and that was all I ate, I would probably gain 2-3 pounds" As I just explained how skinny I was eating a whole foods low fat vegan diet (raw and cooked).>>>

Your experience and my experience are 2 different things.

You gained weight, as expected, simply because you ate too many calories.

I gained weight because I had a DAMAGED Colon and whenever I flushed all of the “old crap” out of my Colon and ate Raw Food afterwards, I NEVER gained any weight. However, EVERY time I ate Cooked Food after I flushed all of the “old crap” out of my Colon, regardless if I ate less calories, I gained weight! EVERY time - without an exception because I had a DAMAGED Colon and it wasn’t FAT - it was CRAP. I know because the only way I could get rid of those extra pounds was to do another Juice Fast and when I did, I saw all of the proof in the toilet!

For some reason, I can’t seem to get my point across about the Ripple Effect. Please tell me Tai, what don’t you understand about the Ripple Effect? What don’t you understand about the DAMAGE that we’ve done to Ourselves, our Society and our Environment and now we have another Group of Needs we must Satisfy?

PLEASE tell me what you do NOT understand as this is the main reason why I come to this website. I need y’alls feedback! Please help me explain this in a way that you understand.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 03:18PM

John Rose wrote (1):
<<<As far as Mike Arnstein or Matt Monarch or anyone else and their eating habits, please give me a break. We don’t have enough details to really know what’s going on.>>>

John Rose wrote above (2):
<<<Raw foodists are never "addicted" to anything because all raw food has a natural turnoff mechanism built into them. For instance, after eating a certain amount of dates I can't look another one in the face til the next day. This is a safety mechanism to keep from overdosing. Cooked or highly processed foods don't have this attribute built into them. Raw foodists have complete control over their emotions and desires concerning foods.>>>

Tai wrote:
<<<Okay, I found the video of Mike Arnstein. At 3:20, he tells of his addiction to dates. And after, he tells of his teeth disaster.

First of all, the “John Rose wrote above (2)” above was NOT written by me as it was simply in my file on Addictions and was actually written by someone else. However, I have had the same experience with dates as the person who wrote that post.

Secondly, I have to go back to what I wrote above that “we don’t have enough details to really know what’s going on”! Arnstein NEVER gave any details! Did he eat 5 dates or 50 dates? What did he eat for the rest of the day and how much did he exercise? Is he only eating 2 plates instead of 1 plate when we should be eating 5 plates instead of 1 (see my post above)?

Once again, NOT enough details!!!

And then, the problem he had with his teeth had to do with not brushing his teeth after eating dried fruit and he did NOT have this problem with juicy fruit.

Remember, we have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and I could give example after example of people who failed on Raw Food because Raw Food only addresses 1 of those 2 Groups of Needs just like I could give example after example of people who failed using only Herbs and Acupuncture because Herbs and Acupuncture only addresses the other 1 of those 2 Groups of Needs and I call these 2 Groups of Needs the Science and Art of Solving Problems that are 100% Within our Control.

The Science has to do with the Law of Cause & Effect and the Anatomical Limitations that we were given at birth and the Art has to do with the Ripple Effect and the Anatomical Limitations from making Mistakes that have DAMAGED Ourselves, Society and the Environment.

Once again, what don’t you understand about the Ripple Effect? What don’t you understand about the DAMAGE that we’ve done to Ourselves, our Society and our Environment and now we have another Group of Needs we must Satisfy?

PLEASE tell me what you do NOT understand as this is the main reason why I come to this website. I need y’alls feedback! Please help me explain this in a way that you understand.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2015 03:24PM by John Rose.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 03:22PM

arugula wrote:

<<<That weight gained and lost would not have been toxic garbage in your colon, but more weight in bone, muscle, fat, and water.>>>

I document EVERYTHING and trust me it was NOT “weight in bone, muscle, fat, and water”!

Here is part of my post above

I gained weight because I had a DAMAGED Colon and whenever I flushed all of the “old crap” out of my Colon and ate Raw Food afterwards, I NEVER gained any weight. However, EVERY time I ate Cooked Food after I flushed all of the “old crap” out of my Colon, regardless if I ate less calories, I gained weight! EVERY time - without an exception because I had a DAMAGED Colon and it wasn’t FAT - it was CRAP. I know because the only way I could get rid of those extra pounds was to do another Juice Fast and when I did, I saw all of the proof in the toilet!

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 03:53PM

Tai wrote

<<<I ate a ton of avocados>>>

I wanted to follow up my post above about your weight gain coming from eating too many calories by saying that once I woke up and accepted the FACT that we can NOT Violate a Law of Nature without Paying the Price or without a Negative Consequence or without Nature Warning us with some type of Signal, usually some form of Pain or Dis-Ease, I finally stopped eating Cooked Food because I got tired of going back and cleaning up the Mess from my Mistakes.

Once again, there was only one way I could clean up this mess and that was to do another Juice Fast, which is partially why I have fasted over 1,100 days in the last 22 years on 138 different occasions. Not only did I document everything going in and everything solid coming out, but I also kept a Fasting Journal so I could look at every fast I did and I would note how many days in between each fast and the reason why I needed to fast. In other words, I would document the offending food out to the side and once I stopped eating Cooked Food, the only Food that necessitated another Juice Fast was when I ate too many avocados.

This reminds me of what Ann Wigmore said about never to eat more than ½ of an avocado a day, but her rationale was flawed as she thought it was too much Fat. The problem with too many avocados has to do with how they go through our Food Tube and they are very sticky and have a tendency to go to DAMAGED places in our Food Tube just like the Cooked Food would go to those DAMAGED areas.

What I found really interesting about my experiences is that I would try to flush the Cooked Food or the avocados out by Eating 100% Raw Food and even 100% Fruit and I could NOT flush that CRAP out unless I did another Juice Fast, which, once again, is why I have fasted so many times in the beginning when I was UNWILLING to ADMIT that COOKING is Violating the Laws of Nature.

"Man has an infinite capacity to rationalize his rapacity, especially when it comes to something he wants to eat." -Cleveland Amory

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 05:22PM

rawenzymes/chris/temp/troll wrote:

<<<Do you have a digestive disorder John ?

It sounds like you might do, if you are not even able to digest half an avocado.>>>

Who said I could not digest half an avocado?

It was Ann Wigmore who said not to eat more than half an avocado and I said I got in trouble when I ate too many avocados.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 05:42PM

<<<You said you needed to flush out the avocados and cooked food, which to me sounds like you have a digestive disorder.>>>

I already explained that I had DAMAGED my Colon from the kind of crap that you eat chris. However, I do NOT have that problem any more because my Colon has healed.

Why are you so disrespectful chris?

You have been asked to leave and you keep coming back.

Have you damaged your brain from all of those drugs and alcohol you consumed as a teenager?

Do you ever feel remorse for being such a prick?

Of course not, Psychopaths do not feel remorse, which explains why you keep coming back here and disrespecting everyone.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: January 12, 2015 05:48PM

There's a way to verify for sure:

Weigh every single thing you put in your mouth before you put it in your mouth.

Weigh every single thing that comes out of you, liquids, solids, and in-between.

They do this in many nutritional studies.

If your cooked food was pure junk devoid of fiber, or close to it, and also salty, that might explain some solids and fluids retention. But it should all come out once you decrease sodium intakes and increase fiber intakes.

I never had a problem except for one day; I was too busy to eat my salad and it really irritated me that I had to wait a whole day.

I think of cooked food as "not as perfect" rather than "poison." It can still have plenty of fiber if you make the right choices: lightly steamed veggies are not bad. I accept that some people prefer not to use them.

I also accept that eating junk makes some people feel like junk. It does that to me, too.

Re: Is some cooked food bad / okay?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 12, 2015 06:22PM

arugula wrote:

<<<Weigh every single thing you put in your mouth before you put it in your mouth.

Weigh every single thing that comes out of you, liquids, solids, and in-between.>>>

That's exactly what I have done, except there are too many variables with liquids (breathing, perspiration, etc.) so I stopped trying to match liquids in and liquids out.

I have documented everything I have eaten for the last 28 years and I have documented everything solid coming out of me for the last 24 years. Ever since I did my 90 Day Juice Fast in 1994, I have weighed every BM since then. I can tell you how long it takes to come out and the %. I have worked very hard to heal my intestines from eating all of the wrong food and I have worked very hard to find out how food goes through our 30 Foot Food Tube and this is one of the many pieces of the puzzle that they do NOT teach to our so-called Experts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2015 06:32PM by John Rose.

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