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RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 11, 2014 03:54PM

Here is a Recap from “The Teachings of the Essenes from Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls”:

The JR Insert below represents those sections from “The Teachings of the Essenes from Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls” where the Essenes point out that “Ignorance of the Laws of Nature was responsible for all evils and that the rulers and the ruled were equally to blame.” In other words, “man's deviations from the Law are the cause of all his troubles” and that the “path of learning to live in harmony with the Laws of Life, of Nature and the Cosmos can solve his individual problems and the problems of the world.”

JR Insert from “The Essenes” file…
Chapter 1
The Essenes And Their Teaching


To study and practice this teaching is to reawaken within the heart of every man an intuitive knowledge that can solve his individual problems and the problems of the world.

They had no servants or slaves and were said to have been the first people to condemn slavery both in theory and practice. There were no rich and no poor amongst them, both conditions being considered by them as deviations from the Law. They established their own economic system, based wholly on the Law, and showed that all man's food and material needs can be attained without struggle, through knowledge of the Law.

The teaching explains the Law, shows how man's deviations from it are the cause of all his troubles, and gives the method by which he can find his way out of his dilemma.

Chapter 2
The One Law


Moses saw the Law broken everywhere. Egypt had been built without regard for it. Despite the nation's great military and political might, there was no law of equality. Misery and slavery existed everywhere; rich and poor alike suffered from oppression, epidemics and plagues. He learned that ignorance of the Law, of the laws of nature, was responsible for all evils, and that the rulers and the ruled were equally to blame. [JR: Most of our Problems are Self-Inflicted.]

The three periods of Moses' life, in which he discovered the Law and its manifestations, represent the three periods into which nearly every man's life can be divided. The first, Egypt, has been called the period of bondage, of the darkness of ignorance, when the free flow of vital energy is obstructed by ignorance and false values. Mankind's Egypt, his slavery, consists in the totality of his deviations from the Law.

The second period in Moses' life corresponds to the desert in an individual's life when his false values fall away and he sees nothing but emptiness ahead of him. It is in this period man most urgently needs inner guidance that he may find his way back to the Light, the Law.

The third period, the Exodus, is possible for every man. There is always the Light showing the way to the exodus. Man's Egypt of bondage is never eternal. The Exodus under Moses lasted forty years, but it was only a beginning on the path of intuition, the path of learning to live in harmony with the laws of life, of nature and the cosmos. An exodus for humanity can only be accomplished through the cumulative efforts of many people over many generations.

But it can be accomplished and it will be accomplished. There is always a Canaan, which is not a mythical utopia, but a living reality. The exodus is the path that leads toward Canaan, the path that Moses trod, the path to which the Essene practices light the way.
End of JR Insert from “The Essenes” file.

The JR Insert below represents those sections from “The Teachings of the Essenes from Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls” where the Essenes point out that the “Law” has to do with our Health and our “Way of Life.”

JR Insert from “The Essenes” file…
Chapter 1
The Essenes And Their Teaching


To study and practice this teaching is to reawaken within the heart of every man an intuitive knowledge that can solve his individual problems and the problems of the world.

The teaching appears in the Zend Avesta of Zoroaster, who translated it into a way of life that was followed for thousands of years. It contains the fundamental concepts of Brahmanism, the Vedas and the Upanishads; and the Yoga systems of India sprang from the same source. Buddha later gave forth essentially the same basic ideas and his sacred Bodhi tree is correlated with the Essene Tree of Life. In Tibet the teaching once more found expression in the Tibetan Wheel of Life.

The Essenes lived on the shores of lakes and rivers, away from cities and towns, and practiced a communal way of life, sharing equally in everything. They were mainly agriculturists and arboriculturists, having a vast knowledge of crops, soil and climatic conditions which enabled them to grow a great variety of fruits and vegetables in comparatively desert areas and with a minimum of labor.

They had no servants or slaves and were said to have been the first people to condemn slavery both in theory and practice. There were no rich and no poor amongst them, both conditions being considered by them as deviations from the Law. They established their own economic system, based wholly on the Law, and showed that all man's food and material needs can be attained without struggle, through knowledge of the Law.

They spent much time in study both of ancient writings and special branches of learning, such as education, healing and astronomy. They were said to be the heirs of Chaldean and Persian astronomy and Egyptian arts of healing. They were adept in prophecy for which they prepared by prolonged fasting. In the use of plants and herbs for healing man and beast they were likewise proficient.

They lived a simple regular life, rising each day before sunrise to study and commune with the forces of nature, bathing in cold water as a ritual and donning white garments. After their daily labor in the fields and vineyards they partook of their meals in silence, preceding and ending it with prayer. They were entirely vegetarian in their eating and never touched flesh foods nor fermented liquids. Their evenings were devoted to study and communion with the heavenly forces.

Their way of life enabled them to live to advanced ages of 120 years or more and they were said to have marvelous strength and endurance. In all their activities they expressed creative love.

They sent out healers and teachers from the brotherhoods, amongst whom were Elijah, John the Baptist, John the Beloved and the great Essene Master, Jesus.

Records of the Essene way of life have come down to us from writings of their contemporaries. Pliny, the Roman naturalist, Philo the Alexandrian philosopher, Josephus the Jewish historian and soldier, Solanius and others spoke of them variously as "a race by themselves, more remarkable than any other in the world," "the oldest of the initiates, receiving their teaching from Central Asia," "teaching perpetuated through an immense space of ages," "constant and unalterable holiness."

From its antiquity, its persistence through the ages, it is evident the teaching could not have been the concept of any individual or any people, but is the interpretation, by a succession of great Teachers, of the Law of the universe, the basic Law, eternal and unchanging as the stars in their courses, the same now as two or ten thousand years ago, and as applicable today as then.

The teaching explains the Law, shows how man's deviations from it are the cause of all his troubles, and gives the method by which he can find his way out of his dilemma.

The Law was planted to reward the children of Light with healing and abundant peace, with long life, with fruitful seed of everlasting blessings, with eternal joy in immortality of eternal Light.

Chapter 2
The One Law

The teachings which Moses brought forth at Mount Sinai were practiced fifteen hundred years later by the Essene Brotherhoods in Palestine and Egypt.

To understand his teachings is to understand the values the Essene practices have for man today.

Moses was the giver of the Law, the One Law. He established the monotheism that was to become not only the fundamental tenet of the Essene Brotherhoods but of all western civilization. The most authoritative information we have about his teaching comes from their Brotherhoods.

In the second period of his life he spent forty years in the desert following the path of nature, studying the book of nature, as have many other great geniuses and prophets, including Jesus. In the huge vastnesses of the desert, with their solitude and silence, great inner truths have been brought forth. In this period of his life Moses discovered the One Law, the totality of all laws. He found that this one Law governed all manifestations of life, and it governed the whole universe. To him it was the greatest of all miracles to find that everything operates under one law. Then he came upon the idea of the totality of laws. And this totality he called the Law, spelled with a capital "L." [JR: One Law has to do with the Law of Cause & Effect - Nurture the Tree of Life or Satisfy our Needs.]

He first observed that man lives in a dynamic, constantly changing universe; plants and animals grow and disappear; moons wax and wane. There is no static point in nature or man. He saw that the Law manifests in perpetual change, and that behind the change is a plan of Cosmic Order on a vast scale.

He came to understand that the Law is the greatest and only power in the universe and that all other laws and all things are a part of the one Law. The Law is subject to no other law or laws. It is eternal, indestructible, incapable of defeat. A plant, a tree, a human body or a solar system each has its own laws, mathematical, biological and astronomical. But the one supreme power, the Law, is behind all of them.

The Law governs all that takes place in the universe, and all other universes, all activity, all creation, mental or physical. It governs all that exists in physical manifestation, in energy and power, in consciousness, all knowledge, all thought, all feeling, all reality. The Law creates life and it creates thought.

Moses saw the Law broken everywhere. Egypt had been built without regard for it. Despite the nation's great military and political might, there was no law of equality. Misery and slavery existed everywhere; rich and poor alike suffered from oppression, epidemics and plagues. He learned that ignorance of the Law, of the laws of nature, was responsible for all evils, and that the rulers and the ruled were equally to blame. [JR: Most of our Problems are Self-Inflicted.]

It became evident to Moses that everything created as a result of deviation from the Law destroys itself and in time disappears. Only the Law is eternal.

The third period of Moses' life, the Exodus, began when he determined to dedicate the remainder of his days to the realization and application of the Law, and to bringing mankind into harmony with it. He recognized the enormity of the task before him in attempting to make both the ignorant masses and the arrogant rulers accept the Law and live in harmony with it. Seemingly insurmountable obstacles confront all world reformers, when pure idea meets the opposing force in the inertia of the human mind and the resistance of entrenched power. It represents a revolution of the dynamic against the static, of higher values against pseudo-values, of freedom against slavery, and it is not limited to one time in history, nor to mankind as a whole, but occurs repeatedly in the life of individual man. [JR: Unrealistic Optimism (Denial) and our Need for Power (Greed or the Dark Side of our Behavior).]

When Moses found he could not change the Egyptian rulers or the masses of the people, he turned to the small minority, the enslaved and oppressed people of Israel, hoping to convert them and establish a new nation based wholly on the Law. He is the only figure in universal history that did establish such a nation.

Moses saw the universe as a gigantic Cosmic Order in which existed inexhaustible sources of energy, knowledge and harmony at man's disposal. He had always remembered the two legends of his ancestor Jacob who had fought and conquered an angel and later had had a vision of angels ascending and descending upon a ladder connecting heaven and earth. He identified these angels as the forces of nature and the powers of man's consciousness and saw that these forces and powers were the connecting link between man and God. He identified God with the great universal Law.

He came to the conclusion that if man is to reach God, he must first become master of all the forces which are manifestations of God, of the Law. He wanted to make his people "strong with the Law," which is the meaning of the word Israel. And he wanted to create a system of life which would make it possible for them to conquer the angels as their forefather, Jacob, had done. This was the foundation of occult science as it is termed today, of the science of the angels, later recorded as angelology.

Moses wanted his followers to realize that they are in constant contact, every moment of their lives and in all points of their being, with all the forces of life and the visible and invisible universe; and if they contact these powers consciously, and become continually conscious of them, they will enjoy perfect health, happiness and harmony in body and mind and every department of their lives.

In later Essene traditions the abstract idea of the Law was conveyed by the symbol of a tree, called the Tree of Life. Moses had received a great revelation when he saw the burning bush in the desert. This represented two aspects of universal life: warmth and light. The warmth of the fire symbolized the fire of life, vitality in the material world. The light, symbolizing man's consciousness, represented the light of wisdom as opposed to the darkness of ignorance in the immaterial universe. Together they represent the whole universe and the idea that man in the center draws life and vitality from all the forces of the cosmos.

The Essenes symbolized this teaching in their Tree of Life which pictured to them in a concrete form that man was a unity of energy, thoughts and emotions and a unit of life force constantly communing with the totality of energies in the universe. Moses wished to see man living in harmony with the laws which govern all these energies inside and outside man, and to become conscious of them and utilize them in every moment of life.

In his study of the totality of the Law Moses attained an intuitive knowledge of the origin of the world and the beginning of all things. It was from this beginning of all things he derived the laws for daily life. He learned that all things are parts of the whole, put together according to law; and the seven elements or basic forces of life appeared in seven great cycles of creation, one element in each cycle. He grouped the days of the week into a corresponding cycle of seven, considering each day to correspond to a different one of the elements. This was symbolized in Essene traditions by the seven-branched candlestick, the candles of which were lit every seventh day, the sabbath, to remind man of the seven cycles and the seven basic forces of the visible world and the seven basic powers of the invisible world of man's consciousness.

The three periods of Moses' life, in which he discovered the Law and its manifestations, represent the three periods into which nearly every man's life can be divided. The first, Egypt, has been called the period of bondage, of the darkness of ignorance, when the free flow of vital energy is obstructed by ignorance and false values. Mankind's Egypt, his slavery, consists in the totality of his deviations from the Law.

The second period in Moses' life corresponds to the desert in an individual's life when his false values fall away and he sees nothing but emptiness ahead of him. It is in this period man most urgently needs inner guidance that he may find his way back to the Light, the Law.

The third period, the Exodus, is possible for every man. There is always the Light showing the way to the exodus. Man's Egypt of bondage is never eternal. The Exodus under Moses lasted forty years, but it was only a beginning on the path of intuition, the path of learning to live in harmony with the laws of life, of nature and the cosmos. An exodus for humanity can only be accomplished through the cumulative efforts of many people over many generations.

But it can be accomplished and it will be accomplished. There is always a Canaan, which is not a mythical utopia, but a living reality. The exodus is the path that leads toward Canaan, the path that Moses trod, the path to which the Essene practices light the way.
End of JR Insert from “The Essenes” file.

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: December 11, 2014 04:40PM

Bible thumping megaphoned shoutings from the American South's Bible belt is a real turnoff to intelligent people who might otherwise be open to eating raw vegan.

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 11, 2014 09:27PM

I especially like this part here…

He (Moses) recognized the enormity of the task before him in attempting to make both the ignorant masses and the arrogant rulers accept the Law and live in harmony with it.

This part above really blew me away because it’s exactly what I’ve been saying for a very long time about Not having the Knowledge we need to Solve most of our Problems, i.e. the Ignorant Masses, and the Problems of Knowledge that are getting in our way, i.e. the Arrogant Rulers and all of their minions, which includes Internet Shills and even Useful Idiots.

Remember, Internet Shills could NOT exist if not for the Useful Idiots!!!

Here is one of my many Posts that basically say the same thing that Moses said…

Raw Vegan Survey…
Posted by: John Rose
Date: August 25, 2013 11:05AM

When it comes to the Knowledge we need to solve most of our Problems (which includes a Raw Vegan Diet) and the Problems of Knowledge that are getting in our way (which includes our Government and the Psychopaths who Control all of our Major Sectors of Endeavor), everyone can fit within 4 Main Groups and then, there are 17 Sub-Groups within these 4 Main Groups.


For those who have not taken my Raw Vegan Survey, please do so!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2014 09:36PM by John Rose.

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Date: December 12, 2014 12:14AM

I really like the Essene Gospel of Peace when it says that cooked foods drive out all the angels who will serve you. In my experience, when l was getting into raw and was 80 - 90% raw the cosmic consciousness was greatly limited with any cooked food, but with 100% raw the consciousness of the environment and cosmos was greatly expanded, and that was before enlightenment.

To me there is a massive difference between 90% raw and 100%, and the big difference is in consciousness. For other people eating different diets it is obviously different.

To me, this tells me that humans are meant to be 100% raw non meat eaters, but unfortunately the non ideal environment/world we live in makes this not so easy to do. Btw, l say non meat eaters because the Essenes had small amounts of raw dairy so as not to deprive the calf of the mother's milk, but l have no idea how raw dairy (carefully selected and consumed in a humane way) would effect one's consciousness, but it seems it may not be a problem according to the Essenes. Still, l think yukky old animal products are best done withoput if one is able to do so.

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: December 21, 2014 07:50AM

Is anyone going to see the movie about Moses starring Christian Bale as moses, or do you think its just programming?

Here is the trailer. Looks dumb.MOSES MOVIE TRAILER

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: December 28, 2014 11:02PM

I agree!!!

Cooked is Hooked...

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: December 30, 2014 12:05AM

"What is the law?"


Know what that's from? "Island of Lost Souls." Bela Lugosi says it. I just saw it again the other night. winking smiley

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: December 30, 2014 06:49AM

Raw is law. Its the law of nature. Fresh dead or rotten. You pick the animal you want to look like. I want to look like a fancy monkey. Not a vulture.


Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: June 26, 2020 11:09AM

Raw is the Law!!!

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: June 27, 2020 01:51AM

Thanks, John, I love the Essence Gospel of Peace!

The Sproutarian Man was a nice guy!

But, oh, the ghost of The Mean Girl eye popping smiley

So glad she's gone!

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 04, 2021 12:48AM

Thanks, John, I love the Essence Gospel of Peace!

The Sproutarian Man was a nice guy!

But, oh, the ghost of The Mean Girl eye popping smiley

So glad she's gone!

Yes, "The Mean Girl" - I still have a hard time figuring out why Prana allowed this abusive person to keep abusing everyone here for so long. The fact that Prana finally banned her after months of abuse makes you wonder why it took so long for him to do the right thing!

I love Chapter 2 "The One Law" where Moses understood "ignorance of the Law, of the laws of nature, was responsible for all evils, and that the rulers and the ruled were equally to blame"! Interestingly, I only read that book a couple years before I started this Thread and it confirmed what I've been saying all along about the First Cause and what would happen if we all had a Minimal Biophoton Level where we all Felt Connected to everything around us and had a Gift Mentality instead of an Exchange Mentality and we knew the more we give the more we receive. Indeed, life is an Illusion.

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 04, 2021 01:03AM


And yet Edmond Bordeaux Szekely only LIVED to be 74 despite following AND publishing the "Law" in numerous books.

(So you can't address my response to your last thread, so you had to start another? Hmmmmmm)


Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 04, 2021 05:45AM

Isn't it funny how JR claims to never read my posts, but then quotes ALL MY POSTS!!!

Re: RAW is the LAW!!!!!!
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 04, 2021 03:07PM

“The Teachings of the Essenes from Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls” starts off with “To all those who perceive that peace for the whole depends upon the effort of the individual.” and ends towards the very end of Chapter 2 by saying, “An exodus for humanity can only be accomplished through the cumulative efforts of many people over many generations.”

Once again, this book confirmed I was on the Right Path because I was saying this before I even read it.

Here's a snippet from my file on "Solution Will Not Work Unless... & ...Until They Do It" followed by one of my Posts where I explain the difference between Hypo-Heliosis A and Hypo-Heliosis B to "The Mean Girl":

The Solution to Every Problem that is 100% Within our Control will NOT work unless all of us or, at least, most of us Play our Individual Role and get rid of Hypo-Heliosis A and no one can understand this Solution until they do it.

Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 24, 2015 03:29PM

John Rose
Hey Sue Schadenfreude,

As much as I know you’re not going to want to hear what I’m about to say (because I know Empathy infuriates Psychopaths), I still Feel sorrow for people like you because I understand that all of you guys are simply a Reflection of us and when we don’t like the Worst of the Worst of us or when we don’t like the Sickest of the Sickest of us, that means we don’t like ourselves as a Collective and the only way to Change the Collective is for all of us to Change Individually.

Hey Sue Schadenfreude, I was thinking about you in these Videos…




Yes, we can Change Ourselves Individually, but if the Collective doesn’t Change, things will NEVER Change because no man is an island, the Individual cannot Escape the Collective, and as long as the vast majority of us are Sick and Dis-Connected, as long as the vast majority of us suffer from Hypo-Heliosis A, our Species, both the Individual and the Collective will still suffer from Hypo-Heliosis B where Collectively, we have literally Lost 1 of our Senses and I’ve coined that condition Hypo-Heliosis and we have Hypo-Heliosis A on an Individual Level and we have Hypo-Heliosis B on a Collective Level where most of us are Sick and Dis-Connected!

So we can Individually get rid of Hypo-Heliosis A by bumping up our Individual Biophotons and that will help us Feel Connected to Everything around us, but we’re mainly supposed to Feel Connected to our own Species and as long as the vast majority of us are Dis-Connected where we No loner Feel Connected to Everything around us, especially our own Species, we will continue to have the Wrong Mentality where we Compete for Resources on an Abundant Planet when we should Cooperate and Share the Abundance this Planet has to offer and we will continue to have a Dark Side to our Behavior where the Darkest of Dark Side to our Behavior or the Worst of the Worst of us or the Sickest of the Sickest of us own and Control Every Major Sector of Human Behavior for thousands of years and they intentionally Mis-Direct all of our so-called Experts to make sure that none of them and, therefore, none of us ever figure out how to Solve any of our Problems so that the Status Quo remains the Status Quo and when I’m referring to the Status Quo, I’m not referring to the actual Systems themselves, I’m actually referring to a very small group of people who, once again, own and Control every Major Sector of Human Endeavor, so that they can Control our Belief System because if you can Control what people know, you can Control what people do and when people don’t know what to do, they’ll make Mistakes and they’ll be Sick and then, Sickness begets Sickness!!!

So we can Individually get rid of Hypo-Heliosis A by bumping up our Individual Biophotons, but remember, no man is an island, the Individual cannot Escape the Collective, and as long as the vast majority of us are Sick and Dis-Connected, our Species, both Individually and Collectively will still suffer from the most Common Disease and the most Dangerous Disease that’s ever afflicted Mankind ever since the Fall of Mankind and that Condition is Hypo-Heliosis.

Peace and Love..........John

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