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E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Date: March 04, 2015 04:26AM

E3 live will never be sold in Australia again, the government has banned it. The defunct E3 Live Australia has used their lawyers to try and get around the loophole but it is impossible. E3 Live Australia have now gone out of business.

The Australian government have ruined so many good things. Sesame and poppy seeds are all irradiated or killed off regardless of whether they are local.

This is a lousy country to do the raw food lifestyle in. We once had a good country where we could buy the algaes and non irradiated seeds, but the govt seem determinded to stop everything that other countries take for granted.

Sprouting seeds are at outrageous prices too, and some seeds are priced more for the wealthy. Certified organic fruit and vegetables is also priced towards the more wealthy too. Watermelon is priced at $4.00 per kilo.

The raw vegan organic lifestyle is for the privileged in this country. If you don't have good cash flow, forget it, you need to stay on SAD. The poor are kept well and truely in their place.

This country is now so corrupted by big business, it has become a filthy dirty moral place where common sense is long gone. There are rules for everything, we are so over regulated. There are some local laws where we can't even whistle in the local park without being fined. Other laws say we can't put a up a tent in the back yard. And people wonder why us Australians study the laws and stand up to these tyrants, enough is enough. If we go 1.5 mile per hour over the speed limit we also get fined unless we know the law, but 99.9% of Australian don't.

I will NEVER EVER be ruled over and told what to do by evil tyrants running this country. I NEVER EVER pay any fines because l know how to get out of them legally, and l NEVER EVER let them take points off my licence either,and there is NOT a single thing they can do about it because l KNOW my rights and how to enforce them. When they play hard ball with me l will play a harder ball,and l don't care who they are because l know how to win. I will not let dark satanic creeps ever tell me how to run my life and what to do.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2015 04:32AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: March 04, 2015 04:55AM

TSM, do you want me to refind for you that Oz map of where the Hydrilla grows wild there?

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Date: March 04, 2015 10:18PM

SueZ Wrote:
> TSM, do you want me to refind for you that Oz map
> of where the Hydrilla grows wild there?

Yes please. I would much prefer to grow it myself. I could then ring the local govt in that area and ask them to help me locate it. The Vegan Society would also have contacts, but having a map would be of great help.

THeSt0rm Wrote:
> I'm sorry. You never got any Hydrilla?
> Wow.

I do get the Hydrilla sent in from the U.S, but if l make an issue for it not to be irradiated the bag gets ripped open and sent back to the U.S. These days l just have it sent and hope that customs doesn't irradiate it.

Mr Kearns has asked customs many questions about irradiation in the hope that they will let something slip, but the answers have been very evasive and carefully worded.

The other day another man who sells algae told me something really silly. He said that a man from the govt said that irradiation issues are vastly over blown scare tactics by the health food industry. LOL LOL.

The thing is, Australian customs don't irradiate everything, so it can be pot luck.

The scam

I imported seeds and they wanted me to pay for an import licence, a seed import certificate, and to pay over $1,000 to get the seeds tested in a govt lab before they could release them to me, and only on the condition that the seeds pass the tests (all of this would have cost close to $2,000 for only 8 kg of seed). When l said no to the fees the customs still sent the seeds to me anyway. See, it's all revenue raising.

Next time l will use a negotiable financial instrument and only legally pay them $1 instead of almost 2K and there won't be a thing they can do about it. If thery refuse the payment (unlikely) you take them to court because they fall into dishonour, and l would win with a clear and shut case with proof of their law breaches. It's all govt and these sharks fees are already prepaid by the system's account they set up for me at birth, so everyone still gets paid. When they ask for these excessive fees it is just a try on to see if people are stupid enough to pay it...they are fishing for suckers.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2015 10:28PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: March 04, 2015 10:35PM

The one I posted for you long ago was a really good one but I don't have time to search for it now.

Here's a starter map ...


Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Date: March 04, 2015 11:00PM

Is this the link:


From this thread:

I'll make sure l save the link and have a good look at it on the weekend.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: e3liveaustralia ()
Date: December 31, 2015 03:11AM

Dear "The Sproutarian Man", My name is Kerry Burke and I am the Australasian Importer and Distributor for E3Live. I am new to this site and am extremely concerned with your subject - E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.

Not only are we approved by Government regulatory authorities, here in Australia, we have a new website, new Australian Approved labels, 100% Certified Organic in Australasia by Australian Certified Organic (ACO), plenty of stock and an ever increasing list of stockists.

Please feel free to contact our office at anytime on +61 2 6251 0090 if you require any further information.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2015 03:17AM by e3liveaustralia.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Date: January 03, 2016 04:19AM

e3liveaustralia Wrote:
> Dear "The Sproutarian Man", My name is Kerry Burke
> and I am the Australasian Importer and Distributor
> for E3Live. I am new to this site and am extremely
> concerned with your subject - E3 Live/AFA blue
> green algae will never be sold in Australia again,
> the govt has outlawed it.
> Not only are we approved by Government regulatory
> authorities, here in Australia, we have a new
> website, new Australian Approved
> labels, 100% Certified Organic in Australasia by
> Australian Certified Organic (ACO), plenty of
> stock and an ever increasing list of stockists.
> Please feel free to contact our office at anytime
> on +61 2 6251 0090 if you require any further
> information.

Thankyou Kerry,l am absolutely delighted with this news that E3 live is once again available in Australia. Amazing! I shall ring your office in coming days.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Date: January 03, 2016 11:17PM

Had a long chat with Kerrie Burke of E3 Live Australia and must say that he is a very pleasant and professional chap who really knows his business. One of the most impressive men l have ever spoken to in the health food industry, he has really gone the extra mile and done things at the highest level.

Many people here have spoken about the toxicity of E3 Live, however the E3 live that Kerrie sells is all certified organic with the documentation to prove it is not toxic.

The lake is administered by the Dept of Ag in Oregon, and the algae will not be toxic IF it is harvested within a 2 degree temperature range, but unfortunately many unethical companies harvest it at all different temperature ranges,provide toxic aglae and also do not go to the trouble of providing organic certification.

In coming days l will provide proof that E3 live algae from this company is safe with documentation and l will also provide other countries it is available in.

From what l understand, the brand Gabriel Cousens, David Wolfe and Brian Clement use is under their own private brand and may be organic to strict standards. It would make sense since these people wouldn't want to be taking unnecessary risks with patients/clients.

I will start a new thread on this soon.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 11:18PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: e3liveaustralia ()
Date: January 05, 2016 04:52AM

Dear organic1,

My name is Kerry Burke. I am the Australasian Importer and Distributor for E3Live. I have known of E3Live for almost 20 years. I would like to point out that I will only provide clarification for the processes of E3Live and not the other harvesters at Lake Klamath. Your concerns are generic so I will try and crystallise your points, appropriate to E3Live.

Lake Klamath is administered and managed by the Department of Agriculture, Oregon. The Department is active in establishing and implementing guidelines of activity for all users of the lake. E3Live have been harvesting on the lake for almost 3 decades and have worked tirelessly with the Department in establishing Codes of Practice, Standard Operating Procedures and GMP's at our facility. All of these documents are available to the public.

E3Live Credentials:

* Certified as a Food Standard facility with the Department of Agriculture, Oregon. In addition we have a Health Certificate disclosing we meet all the regulations, including GMP's, as a Food Standards Facility;

* Certified by the USDA - NOP (National Organic Program) as 100% Certified Organic;

* Certified by Oregon Tilth as 100% Certified Organic;

* Certified by Australian Certified Organic (ACO) as 100% Certified Organic;

* Registered and approved for Human Consumption by The Department of Agriculture (Australia);

* Assayed and Tested for purity, as a Biological Material and fit for Human Consumption by The Department of Agriculture (Australia); and

* We also have independent testing of the lake after the Fukushima Nuclear accident of 2011 and the possible impact on the purity of the lake. We were the only Lake Klamath harvester to have these annual tests done.

We are also very proud the we have been providing our E3Live AFA to NASA for their astronaut program for the past 20 years.

Now if this is insufficient evidence, we do provide our own laboratory and independent test results. We test for:

* Yeast and Mold using testing method FDA-BAM 18.02 8th Edition;
* Coliform using testing method FDA-BAM 4.03 8th Edition;
* E. Coli using testing method FDA-BAM 4.03 8th Edition;
* Staph. Aureus using testing method FDA-BAM 12.0 MPN;
* Salmomella using testing method AOAC 999.99;
* Microcystin Content using testing method ELISA; and
* Heavy Metal Testing using testing method ICP/MS AOAC 999.93.

EVERY batch of E3Live harvested AFA is tested 3 times before batching. Every bottle has a Lot Number and Expiry Date disclosed on the bottle. Each product is supplied a Certificate of Analysis (COA) and on request a Data Sheet is also supplied.

We are very serious about our business and maintaining the very high integrity of our Brand. WE can not speak about the other harvesters on the lake and don't feel the need to, however, if you have any specific concerns relating to E3Live - AFA, please feel free to contact me at or +61 262 51 0090.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2016 05:06AM by e3liveaustralia.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 05, 2016 05:00AM

so what are the average levels of the below

* Yeast and Mold using testing method FDA-BAM 18.02 8th Edition;
* Coliform using testing method FDA-BAM 4.03 8th Edition;
* E. Coli using testing method FDA-BAM 4.03 8th Edition;
* Staph. Aureus using testing method FDA-BAM 12.0 MPN;
* Salmomella using testing method AOAC 999.99;
* Microcystin Content using testing method ELISA; and
* Heavy Metal Testing using testing method ICP/MS AOAC 999.93.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: e3liveaustralia ()
Date: January 05, 2016 05:09AM

Dear fresh,

This information is available to the public. Kindly send me an email at requesting this information and i will gladly send a copy of the test results to you.

Re: E3 Live/AFA blue green algae will never be sold in Australia again, the govt has outlawed it.
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 05, 2016 05:55AM

received. for organic1

april 2015 sample
microcystin .16ug/g
all others were very low as well

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