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Re: What is the Meaning of Life?
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: May 11, 2015 11:40PM

"In this Video, I give the Definitive Answer to 1 of Life’s Most Perplexing Questions"

The joke of the century.

Re: What is the Meaning of Life?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 12, 2015 02:46PM

coconutcream wrote:

<<<I like your videos.

What is the meaning of life according to John Rose.

We are in plato's cave and the only purpose we have here is to escape Plato's cave.

Got that folks?

Then to get out we can get out. To make everything around us better. We have to make a paradise. Once we get out of the cave and into paradise the thing we do in life to give it meaning, is we have to be true guardians of the planet.

In Plato's cave we must get out and once we get out we will know what to do.

I like this.

What is Plato's cave?

Thats the meaning of life. Get out. How? He has a three step process. Satisfy two groups of needs and he added two preliminary steps for that in case you can't. You will correct 5 main mistakes, then you can take the third step. Based on the ripple effect.

The anatomical limitations we have, like society and how we damaged ourselves. Now we have to do damage control. But only if we work upstream and work the 5 main mistakes.

Did I get that right John?

I googled PLATOS cave and this video came up


Thanks coconutcream, you get an A++++++!!!!!!

Peace and Love.......John

Re: What is the Meaning of Life?
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: May 17, 2015 10:49PM

It made my day you are happy. I am glad we are friends.

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