Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 16, 2015 10:28PM The other day I was making a smoothie and I had some organic barley flakes lying around and I threw them in the Vitamix with everything. Tasted pretty good. I thought about it--the reason I even liked protein powder was that gritty gravitas that it provided.
So I am looking right now at really raw oats. I see that they are $7 a pound but the shipping doubles the price. Maybe I could get some sort of deal where I don't have to pay more than $10 a pound for it. In any case, 28 grams of raw oats = 3 Tbsp. and 5 grams of protein. To me that is plenty, especially when combined with the actual shake ingredients. Compare the oats' profile to that of the $30 or $40 container of raw protein powder: [www.google.com] [www.gardenoflife.com] For the oats, use the packet table on left as the source) ![]() Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2015 10:35PM by banana who. Re: Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 16, 2015 11:28PM Just when I thought I had heard of everything...I give you...SPROUTED OATS!
![]() [www.amazon.com] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2015 11:31PM by banana who. Re: Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
Date: June 17, 2015 04:34PM I just looked up the price of oats on the commodity exchange - 252 cents per bushel with 32 pounds per bushel that is 7.9 cents per pound! Organic shouldn't any more than twice that I don't think. With transportation and marketing markups organic oats should still be under 50 cents a pound.
[www.nasdaq.com] Re: Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
Date: June 17, 2015 05:01PM brome Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I just looked up the price of oats on the > commodity exchange - 252 cents per bushel with 32 > pounds per bushel that is 7.9 cents per pound! > Organic shouldn't any more than twice that I don't > think. With transportation and marketing markups > organic oats should still be under 50 cents a > pound. > > [www.nasdaq.com] > 7d That only could apply if you buy your oats in train car/container load quantities as they do in the commodity market. Re: Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
Date: June 17, 2015 10:59PM We have raw oatmeal at the coop I should get it and make granola and show you guys.
I posted the recipe in the recipe section, its annette larkins recipe Re: Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 17, 2015 11:34PM brome Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I just looked up the price of oats on the > commodity exchange - 252 cents per bushel with 32 > pounds per bushel that is 7.9 cents per pound! > Organic shouldn't any more than twice that I don't > think. With transportation and marketing markups > organic oats should still be under 50 cents a > pound. > > [www.nasdaq.com] > 7d Yeah well, you know how it goes with jacking up the prices...Remember that anything RAW will garner even more dough, even though it's less processed and ostensibly should be even cheaper. But sprouted grains and nuts are more labor-intensive, which you would know if you ever do that sort of thing. Not much trouble but it does take extra time. Re: Really raw oats as a substitute for protein powder in shakes?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 17, 2015 11:36PM suvine Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > We have raw oatmeal at the coop I should get it > and make granola and show you guys. > > I posted the recipe in the recipe section, its > annette larkins recipe I would love that recipe! I have been looking for gRAWnola recipes but they are hard to find. I want something that reminds me of that glorious granola from the '70s that was about a 100 lbs. in a box. It was amazing stuff--stuck to your ribs. Coconut, dates, raisins, almonds...the whole nine yards! The stuff nowadays is lightweight crap--just the oats and some flavoring usually. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.