Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 05, 2015 08:07PM The folks that have been around the raw food community for awhile will know what Im talking about....it seems that even though the vegan movement is growing, the raw vegan movement is dwindling into *hipster meatavore* types who often become virulently anti vegan eventually. Many of the former raw vegan *gurus* in our community have dropped veganism....the Gianni's promote dairy and eggs (and I think fish), the Monarchs (rawfoodworld) sell and promote all kinds of non vegan stuff (colostrum, deer antlers, pearl powder, and others), David Wolfe has spoken in support of eating bugs and sea creatures, Fred Patnaude promotes dairy (and fish I think) now. Sergei Boutenko is raising money for a video about *getting abs* that includes eating non vegan...dairy, eggs(in the video teaser) and so on and so on. I keep hearing about more and more vegans who cave in to pop culture eat go back to flesh eating. Even Dr. Gabriel Cousens...of whom I have great respect and love for, is promoting carnosine, in supplement form, that normally is ONLY found in MEAT. So.....what gives here? Are there any long term raw vegan leaders left? What are some of the folks who are current now, that you love, who are fully vegan? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2015 08:11PM by veganreikiangel. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 12:20AM Vegan...angel:
What are some of the folks who are current now, that you love, who are fully vegan? Tai: Lou Corona, Brian and Anna Marie Clement. Regarding Sergei Boutenko, it's one thing for him to be eating animal foods now that he is well, but he was healed of type 1 diabetes on a strict raw vegan diet. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 04:26AM I am honestly feeling confusion about this as well. I was feeling great on a varied high-raw diet until my candida flared again. I feel my best on a whole food, plant-based diet (something along Jameth Sheridan's guidelines, minus grains) but without fruit or legumes my energy levels and digestion are totally compromised. I did a slightly modified version of Cousen's low-glycemic plan and it was no better. 80/10/10 worked for a while yeast-wise but caused weight gain, paranoia, and insomnia in me (though did help tremendously with my digestion). Even with lots of avocado and coconut, I eat too many nuts and my weight still plummets to an unhealthy low. I hear so many things about veganism, paleo, raw and it is overwhelming. I think they all prove that eating whole, natural foods is the first step towards health and that's about all I know. Although a high-raw, whole food vegan diet is my ideal it is not working for me right now, not without some quality carbs. I will admit to eating some wild seafood and local, pastured eggs in the last month. I am not thrilled about this, or bragging by any means, but it has helped ease up my digestion issues a bit. My RD and hydrocolon therapist both suggest I try some local, grassfed "ethically raised" meat but the thought of this makes me nauseous - I originally went vegan years ago out of love and compassion for animals. Yet in the short-term, is this the best thing for ME?
I seriously hate this. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2015 04:26AM by Manta91. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 04:30AM Not looking for approval of an omnivorous diet, really. I guess I'm just venting. It's like I don't know what to do anymore ![]() Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 05:10AM On another note, I am especially surprised about the advocation of dairy - raw dairy seems to have some restorative benefits, but isn't it still acidic? I'd imagine it being problematic for most, at least when consumed regularly. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 05:57AM Manta,
I am not criticizing you, but just leaving a few comments. First, raw dairy has hurt some people. My vegan mentor was a dairy farmer and it was the infected milk (mastitis) that caused his daughter to lose hearing in one ear. I myself got sick twice from raw goat cheese (organic, etc), when I experimented as a raw foodist (not to mention getting strept throat numerous times as a child drinking raw milk). Even my cats got sick from raw, cruelty-free, no-kill goat yogurt (not sure if the goat was sick or if the culturing process went wrong). So, some people have done well with regular dairy, but others just succumb to the pathogens. But even those who do well on dairy, care must be taken. Too much estrogen in milk is not good for men and even not for women. Regarding your colon hydrotherapists recommending meat...I say to take that with a grain of salt. My two colon hydrotherapy teachers are both overweight and both meat eaters. I'm sorry, but nothing about their health ever convinced me that eating meat was right or good for them; on the contrary, it seemed wrong for them and their weight. There are many foods and herbs that are medicinal and anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Things like raw garlic, medicinal mushrooms, probiotics (like Bio-k) and an immune booster like echinacea angustifolia, astragalus, etc can help with candida. Raw aloe smoothies might help as well. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 01:24PM Appreciate the feedback, Tai. I am doing some herbs, spices, coconut with anti-fungal properties... It's more so the fact that my overall health felt compromised with my already stated dietary ventures. My hydrocolon therapist is actually familiar with raw foods, by the way - she was at HHI in the 90's and still has their newsletter in her office! Since then, however, she seems to be following a more paleo-style diet now.
Again, mostly venting. I am honestly not sure what I am going to do. I thought maybe I could try it once, and if it didn't sit we'll with me in any way I wouldn't have to do it again. But I still find the thought to be totally disgusting. At this point, I guess I have an idea of what doesn't work right now, but I'm not sure how far I want to push my limits to find out what does. Yet if there's a time to be selfish in such a way, this is probably it. Thank you for your tolerance. This has been far from fun or indulgent and my dietary changes have been reluctant at best. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 01:31PM Should note to others, I feel more comfortable discussing these matters here with some healthy conflict rather than have "you need meat!" shoved down my throat on a paleo forum or the like. I can't stand the aggression or bacon-obsession. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2015 01:33PM by Manta91. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Utopian Life
Date: August 06, 2015 04:40PM Megan Elizabeth
Chris Kendall Ashley Clark John Kohler Fully Raw Kristina Bam Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2015 10:11PM Manta, have you tried eating lots of raw garlic (potent anti-fungal) and kimchi (rich in probiotics)? Make a drink every morning consisting of lemon juice, manuka honey, and water. Take a medicinal mushroom blend everyday for immune system support as well as the anti-fungal properties of many medicinal mushrooms. You may also be interested in 10 Undecenoic Acid.
I can see how many have trouble maintaining the raw vegan lifestyle but all it takes is dedication and education. For me, it gets easier and easier the longer I stay raw. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2015 03:25AM My exeperience on a varied diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables was great - stable energy, tastebuds changed, and my previously chronic headaches only came around my cycle. I felt very content until I had to give up fruit again (and do have to cut it out entirely for the first month or so). My problems actually have less to do with the yeast itself right now - I've got an arsenal of probiotics and anti-fungals on hand - and more to do with the effects of the diet (and all the moral conflicts coming up with it). Ultimately I will know what's best for me, so, sorry. I am just frustrated that my ideals at the moment are not working out. My bird, on the other hand, is doing great on her new high-raw diet...
At least one of us is happy, eh? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2015 03:27AM by Manta91. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2015 06:10AM Well the Gianis were only in it for the money and to get followers to buy their products. I think a lot of people in the movement were just in it to make money. I am raw vegan for a long time but even if I decided to quit I would still be vegan. I have not eaten animals for over 30 years. I think a lot of people, especially since you tube are just looking for a way to make a buck. Most of those people were never ethical vegans. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2015 03:17PM Manta91 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I am honestly feeling confusion about this as > well. I was feeling great on a varied high-raw > diet until my candida flared again. I feel my best > on a whole food, plant-based diet (something along > Jameth Sheridan's guidelines, minus grains) but > without fruit or legumes my energy levels and > digestion are totally compromised. I did a > slightly modified version of Cousen's low-glycemic > plan and it was no better. 80/10/10 worked for a > while yeast-wise but caused weight gain, paranoia, > and insomnia in me (though did help tremendously > with my digestion). Even with lots of avocado and > coconut, I eat too many nuts and my weight still > plummets to an unhealthy low. I hear so many > things about veganism, paleo, raw and it is > overwhelming. I think they all prove that eating > whole, natural foods is the first step towards > health and that's about all I know. Although a > high-raw, whole food vegan diet is my ideal it is > not working for me right now, not without some > quality carbs. I will admit to eating some wild > seafood and local, pastured eggs in the last > month. I am not thrilled about this, or bragging > by any means, but it has helped ease up my > digestion issues a bit. My RD and hydrocolon > therapist both suggest I try some local, grassfed > "ethically raised" meat but the thought of this > makes me nauseous - I originally went vegan years > ago out of love and compassion for animals. Yet in > the short-term, is this the best thing for ME? > > I seriously hate this. Manta, How long have you been seriously, no cheating, dedicatedly trying to clean your body? I went through something very similar to you it sounds like, where nothing seemed to agree with my body. But I had to go through stages or cleansing, strengthen one organ, then another, eliminate parasites, then candida, heavy metals, then mold, etc. Certain things that didn't work when i was highly toxic where highly effective later on; such as clay. When i first took it, it seemed to flare toxins around and i experienced literal hell, inflammation like you couldn't believe. After over a year of heavy cleansing, I tried it again and it made my skin shine and radiate like crazy after a few days. All in all, I believe I have spent two years now cleaning my body and i'm still not at 100%. I have found a diet that works best for me, all raw, high fat in form of flax/hemp/chia seeds, sprouted pumpkin and sunflower seeds (lately made into yogurt, TSM is right, this is truly a super food), a green juice a day with only thee pounds of leafy bitter greens and nothing else, lots of kim chee and kraut salads, and lots of anti fungals/baterials/anti molds, including heaps of garlic, ginger, 160.000 hu cayenne, milk thistle, neem, noni, etc. My chronic cystic acne is now gone, but if i eat certain foods it does return, although i have to eat those certain foods consistently and frequently as opposed to before when the reaction was almost instant. I likely have another few years to go before my body is at 100%, but its a small price to pay knowing I don't have to deal with these issues anymore. I wish you the best of luck in your diet endeavors. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2015 03:18PM by tezcal. Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
banana who
Date: August 07, 2015 04:37PM Manta91 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Not looking for approval of an omnivorous diet, > really. I guess I'm just venting. It's like I > don't know what to do anymore ![]() How about following your own intuition instead of looking to others to emulate? Re: Former RV *gurus* not vegan anymore
Posted by:
Date: August 08, 2015 04:36AM Can someone make me a list of the former RV GURUS so I can guess.
OH RAW VEGAN. I thought you meant raw vegans who owned RVS HA Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2015 04:38AM by suvine. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.