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Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: suvine ()
Date: August 21, 2015 10:22PM

I do, do you like? I read the Grape Cure when I did it, and I did it in Miami Ink.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2015 10:22PM by suvine.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: August 22, 2015 03:24AM

Hi Suvine,

By the way, you are beautiful as a brunette. It's fun being blond, but the picture you posted of your natural color is by far the most flattering, in my opinion. The raw vegan community will always give you love and support if you ever go au naturel.

Your thread gives me a chance to tell my tattoo story. I was in a supplements class once and they started talking about tattoos. Through muscle testing, one lady's breast cancer was found to have a connection with her tattoo on her back, which was directly behind the breast cancer. They used a cold laser on her tattoo and it had a profound impact on the breast cancer. Their protocol has been to massage wheat germ oil into a tattoo and then do cold laser. They say this really helps the scar tissue that's formed from a tattoo and it will help a related health issue connected to the tattoo.

They said there is a problem with inks not being regulated in the United States. I looked it up and found it to be true, such as cinnabar (containing mercury) in red ink.

There is a saying in herbalism that whatever you put on your skin, you should be willing to eat. Because you will absorb things on your skin to a degree. People who put garlic paste on the soles of their feet (severe health crisis) can taste it in their mouths. I had to mail a bunch of envelopes once and I didn't want to lick the envelopes, so I used my finger instead to wet the tip with water and then run my finger over the glue. After 20 envelopes, I could taste the glue in my mouth. My body had absorbed the glue through my fingertip.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: suvine ()
Date: August 22, 2015 05:31AM

I know I am not as pretty with blonde hair - like here in this photo- I know.

I sometimes we get tattooes before we go raw. In my case, it was a cover up of something far worse. I was just asking if anyone else has a tattoo.

I know fruitarian who has her whole arm fruit salad. She did it to commit herself to the diet because she really wanted to commit. But mine here was a coverup of something really bad. It was like a spaceship looking thing.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2015 05:36AM by suvine.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: August 22, 2015 07:53AM

Pulse Passwords and Electronic Tattoos Forerunner to Mark of the Beast


Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Date: August 22, 2015 08:48AM

Tai Wrote:
> Pulse Passwords and Electronic Tattoos Forerunner
> to Mark of the Beast
> []

We need to be very careful of this type of technology, because once people accept it's convenience the microchipping of human beings is just around the corner. And when they micro-chip human beings they lose all their rights because as soon as someone protests or speaks out against the dictators (the system) the government just has to turn the microchip off so the person doesn't get paid or is unable to make purchases through the micro-chip.

And yes, the dictators are now getting the slaves used to making purchases through their mobile phones. Not only can slaves be tracked by these devices, but making purchases this way gets the slaves used to convenience so the microchipping idea will be easier to sell to people full of chemicals and drugs because they can't think clearly and are mind controlled etc.

Arron Russo talks about the Rockefella/illuminati plan to to completely enslave us in the near future just before he was killed. And yes, Tai's link is the next step in the plan imo.

Check out this 6 minute video for a real wake up call. See from 3:40 - 4:30 about micro chipping humans. He also talks about one of the greatest cons of all time, the women's liberation movement that ended up taking away women's rights, making them pay tax and breaking up the family. Women thought they were being freed, but the poor things ended up enslaving themselves like men. See...the slaves are very VERY easy to fool. Fooling the slaves is like taking candy from a baby.


Good point on the toxic tatts Tai. smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2015 08:59AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:59PM

I don't understand how someone who is against poisons injected into people via vaccines would willingly pay someone to inject cadmium, lead, chromium, mercury, etc., into their largest organ with needles which might even be reused.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: Living Food ()
Date: August 23, 2015 08:14PM


Arron Russo talks about the Rockefella/illuminati plan to to completely enslave us in the near future just before he was killed.

I pity those people enforcing these evil things, because theirs is a fate I wouldn't wish on the most evil being in the cosmos. I shudder just thinking about it.

I wish there was a way to save them, but they have gone too far I think.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Date: August 23, 2015 10:34PM

Living Food Wrote:
> I pity those people enforcing these evil things,
> because theirs is a fate I wouldn't wish on the
> most evil being in the cosmos. I shudder just
> thinking about it.

Yes,l shudder about it too and often think about how awful their fate is going to be. They could change their fate IF they changed their ways, but you know their karma has locked them into an evil path because they can't see the benefit of goodness. Many of these evil plutocrats are now in their 80's, 90's and David Rockefella is now 100, and you KNOW their ultimate punishment is just a hair's breath away.

The sad thing is that these deluded people seem to think they will reincarnate back into the bloodline families they were currently born into so they can continue their reign of evil over the people, but they will be horrified that they were completely tricked for being a servant to the King of evil, and heir will chew them up and spit them out knowing their fate and how they fell for the reincarnation stories heir planted in the heads via old legends/myths believed by the bloodlines.

> I wish there was a way to save them, but they have
> gone too far I think.

I would like everyone to be saved, but they did bring it on themselves by not thinking righteously, so l don't pity them too much because they did make the decision. The more evil you committ the more you are controlled by other things, but that is no excuse because they made the decision to join the evil in the first place.

It blows my mind that there are poeple like that in this world. Just imagine wanting to enslave mankind and think they are nothing but common animals and the `so called' elites are entitled to treat the world's people as trash because they are king of the jungle.

David Rockefella - 100. Just imagine what is controlling this man to get him to do the things he does. He has the wealth and power now, but next week he may face the consequences for eternity. He is in a very bad position, but he has no idea. I think like that with all these old plutocrats.

Just imagine what this man must be thinking and feeling. It would be terrifying and mentally scarring to connect to his spirit for a few minutes. Even trying to imagine how this man would think completely creeps me out. And what's more...there are plenty of these type of guys out there too.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2015 10:40PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: August 23, 2015 11:13PM

I was thinking maybe natural dyestuffs could be used for an alternative for the extremely toxic chi smothering tattoo pigments of today but I guess I was wrong. If the ancient nomadic Pazyryk expert dyers couldn't pull it off what are the chances it could be figured out now?

Anyway, so long as this is a tattoo thread I thought the Ukok princess's most intriguing (but not vegan) tattoos might be of interest to readers here ...


Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: August 24, 2015 01:02AM

I was thinking maybe natural dyestuffs could be used for an alternative for the extremely toxic chi smothering tattoo pigments of today

There are henna tattoos (natural henna without artificial dyes). If someone wanted to remove their tattoo, they could always use a temporary henna tattoo to cover a faded tattoo, or during the process when their tattoo is being removed, which I understand takes a number of treatments.


Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: Utopian Life ()
Date: August 25, 2015 03:44AM

I do temporary shimmer tattoos but nothing permanent. Usually something referencing yoga.

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: suvine ()
Date: August 25, 2015 09:07AM

Yeah, I saw today these metallic fake tattooes like necklaces and jewlery down the back

Re: Does anyone have tattooes?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: August 27, 2015 05:14AM

henna tatoo certain kinds wash off i mean they are not permanent
but need to check what all the ingredients are in "henna" i mean maybe they add chemicals too or something i never had it done but i think it might look cool on my hands

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