Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 04:20PM You're welcome, Ela.
I had that biopsy of a few salivary glands inside of the lower lip done. I wish I hadn't because until then my teeth had been so even that dentists mistakenly thought I had had braces when I was younger. After the lower lip salivary glands were taken out (which were located on the lower lip above the lower middle two teeth) those two teeth began shifting apart and continued shifting and loosening while the other lower teeth remained fine. I don't know why this happened but I tend to blame it on having those salivary glands removed because that is not at all the way, or direction, teeth typically move when people age and it didn't start happening until after the biopsy was done. But I don't know. If you have any amalgam tooth fillings all of that extra chewing can cause the release of mercury which can do a real number on many systems. In my case it was found that in the biopsied neck lymph glands,( which were sent to Mayo Clinic), it turned out there was 5X the amount of mercury in the tissues that is considered clinically significant.(At that time I had been a vegetarian for almost 2 decades so there was no way the mercury got into me from fish via bio magnification.) I doubt those lymph glands were even functional at all any longer as they were actually fused together. I still have my medical paperwork from that time but it is in deep storage for now. I'm glad you will be letting us know when you get further news - and please take the recommended supplements - at least those for which you know you are deficient in. Take care, Ela. *** Also, have you compared the pH of the saliva coming out of you cheek glands? Are both sides the same pH? Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 17, 2016 07:15PM Thank you so much, SueZ. I didn't know about the effect of biopsy, the doctors told me it's something easy to do, they didn't say anything about such effects. I would never do that biopsy anyway, I'm too scared of it.
From what I know, I have composite white fillings, the ones you put layer after layer, and dry / harden each layer with that lamp. I hope there is no mercury in those layers. I haven't checked my saliva PH, that's a great idea. Yes, I'm taking my vitamin D daily in high doses. Update. Today I got the result of the specific blood tests for autoimmune diseases. As I understand it, there is no indication of an autoimmune disease (I hope I'm not wrong). There are some tests that aren't in the recommended range: the serum Complement C3 is lower; the Immunoglobuline A (IgA) is higher; the CRP is lower; in serum protein electrophoresis, the concentration of the serum protein Alpha 1 is lower (though the percentage of the Alpha 1 is within range); the TSH is higher. All these tests aren't by much out of the range. I have the appointment with the imunology doctor on April 12. As usual, I'll keep you posted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2016 07:24PM by Ela2013. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 23, 2016 09:36AM "I didn't know about the effect of biopsy, the doctors told me it's something easy to do, they didn't say anything about such effects."
Ela, I don't know of anyone else who had that biopsy so I don't know if anyone else had such effects. Also, I was awake at the time of the surgery and heard the surgeon say "I'm taking this other one out, too, because it's just begging to come out". So maybe it just happened because the creep took two out. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 24, 2016 07:14PM Yesterday I posted my concern about my parotid glands on Dr. Graham's forum. He asked me if I could post photos and my current diet. After telling him my menu, he asked me if I had my tonsils removed. He hasn't seen the photo yet. Then I took a pic of my face and posted it there. Here is the photo of my parotid glands. Excuse the quality / lighting - I took the pic in the bathroom, in the mirror. I hope you can see the parotid glands. The doctors said the left side is more swollen.
I'm putting the link to my thread on Dr. Graham's forum where I posted my photo. my parotid glands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 24, 2016 07:52PM Some details I forgot to mention about my ultrasound appointment:
- The ultrasound doctor told me that my parotid glands are connected with my submandibular glands (I understood that they usually aren’t connected). - I also told her that I have a teeth issue on my right side so I chew almost exclusively on my right side, so she said that could explain why my left parotid gland is more swollen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 25, 2016 01:24PM This morning I realized that you need to join the forum of Dr. Graham in order to see my pic, so maybe you don't want to register just to see it.
So I uploaded it on a free photo sharing website. Here is the link: my parotid glands If you click on the pic, it opens it in a separate window. If you click on "view raw image" in the bottom left of the pic's frame, you get a large pic which you can zoom to get an even larger pic. SueZ, what do you think? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2016 09:24PM Today I had the appointment with the best orthopedic hip surgeon in my country. Some of the conclusions were:
- the left hip is in venous stasis (I'm not sure if it's the same with bone avascular necrosis - which is part of my illness). The venous stasis causes the alteration of the metabolism (but not hormonal imbalances): the cells aren't nourished, the waste isn't eliminated (it made me think about a possible cause of my lymphatic stagnation / blockage) - my illness doesn't cause an autoimmune disease but it can appear within an autoimmune disease - severe vitamin D deficiency influences the bone, but doesn't cause my hip dysplasia - sun exposure for vitamin D is a must (vitamin D supplements are useless) - I'm not allowed to take medication with corticosteroids and steroid antiinflammatory medication because they make my hip dysplasia worse (I wouldn't take these anyway) It looks like the cause for my swollen lymph nodes could be the alteration of my metabolism caused by the hip illness, like the doctor explained (malnourished cells, waste accumulation). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 01, 2016 06:19AM Ela,
![]() This sounds like a good possiblity. When you are eating a raw diet, the body certainly wants to repair issues the are plaguing the body, and this may result in being sick or having inflammed lymph nodes. So I wouldn't call this ordinary detox, but rather a sign of deeper healing. ![]() Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 12, 2016 02:05PM I just came back from my appointment with the immunology doctor. I say it's good news ![]() - She said that I don't have an autoimmune disease. - Seeing that my TSH was a bit higher, she mentioned hypothyroidism, but didn't say for sure. - She said that I may have been overworking my parotid glands by chewing so many raw fruits and veggies. - Also, she said that I may have certain anomalies like I also have in other areas of my health, like my low production of hormones coming from birth (especially low estrogen), which helped not manifest an autoimmune disease (she mentioned that especially women get autoimmune diseases due to high estrogen levels). - She recommended salivary biopsy (of the lower lip) to see if there is any accumulation of lymphocytes in my salivary glands - which I don't want as I read it's tricky. - She also mentioned that could be something, but at the beginning, so that's why I don't have the required symptoms yet (I hope this is not the case). - Also, she recommended to repeat the specific antibodies after 6 months, to go see an endocrinologist for my hormones, to get tested for HIV (I remember I got tested once in my life, my husband as well, and we were both fine), and to check my parotid glands in time to see if any changes occur. - She said that the only thing she could do is to give me anti-inflammatory medication, but she doesn't think it would help. - She said that if I'm not bothered by the swollen parotid glands visually, then do nothing and leave it at that for these 6 months. - I told her that I've been drinking a tea to help the lymphatic system (yellow bedstraw tea - I brew this tea raw, leaving the herb in cold water to infuse over night and to keep the properties), but she also said not to drink any tea that stimulates the lymphatic system because it could make things worse and make the parotid glands even more swollen - guys, do you think this can happen, making things worse by drinking tea that stimulates the lymphatic drainage? Do you think I should stop drinking the tea? - In conclusion, she said that there is no reason / symptom that indicates that I have an autoimmune disease. I want to do anything I can to help my lymphatic system naturally, so that in 6 months the blood tests won't indicate an autoimmune disease as well. Btw, I've been working on practicing positive thinking on not having any pain in my hip, and also on not having any autoimmune disease as well, I guess it's working ![]() But God is the only one to help me in my health ![]() So I'm going to celebrate with my massive bowls of zoodles and lettuce salad ![]() P.S. Guys, what do you think / know about lower lip salivary gland biopsy? She mentioned doing it in the hospital and being hospitalized, which I definitely don't want to ![]() Btw, I had to pay for the consultation with her again, this time less money, but still...And when I go again after 6 months, I'll have to pay AGAIN and more money for the consultation, which I don't like and don't want. I'm thinking of finding another immunology doctor where I don't have to pay every time, but this one is really good and I really like her, plus I'm already under her observation... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2016 02:19PM by Ela2013. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 12, 2016 02:09PM Prana, thank you so much for sharing your opinion, it's good to know ![]() SueZ, why did you have your salivary glands removed? Was there a reason for that or you went for a biopsy and they just removed them altogether? The immunology doctor told me to have just a biopsy of the salivary gland in the lower lip - which as I understand should be taking out just a tiny bit of the inner lower lip to test it, and not removing the whole salivary gland. Can you give me more details? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 12, 2016 02:37PM I also told her that I noticed that in the morning the parotid glands are more swollen and towards the evening they get less swollen.
And also that when I massage the parotid glands, they get smaller. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 12, 2016 03:28PM I made an appointment at the endocrinologist she recommended, it's only on November 14, and free of charge ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 13, 2016 03:16PM "But God is the only one to help me in my health"
I believe we are always connected to God, even those who call themselves atheists, LOL ![]() My comment to you regarding God was connected to your mentioning rapid heartbeat after being spoken to in a harsh manner. I wanted you to see the connection between the emotions and the body and not to discount it as a random occurrence. Honoring our feelings is (IMO) so important. Sometimes we shove down feelings because they are unpleasant or scare us. It has been said that overeating can be a way some use to shove down upsetting emotions. I am sure all compulsive behavior stems from this in some way. The reason I brought God into this is that I believe God is all about joy and not suffering. I believe that we are here to be free and light and full of hope and peace. And I said all of that to honor and support you because you seem like a wonderful person. You are deserving of all the best that life has to offer. ![]() Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 13, 2016 06:08PM Today I went to see my family doctor about all these recent health issues and to give her copies of the medical papers to attach them to my medical file, and also to give me a refferal to cardiology (my cardiology appointment is on Monday morning).
It was a very good meeting, I really like my family doctor, she is very good and communicative. Plus she said she has nothing against vegetarianism (though I mentioned I'm a raw vegan and not just vegetarian, but here some people thing of veganism as vegetarianism). I told her the medical conclusions of the doctors I went to, and her conclusion was the following: - she doesn't think I have an autoimmune disease, she said that all these health issues are caused by the fact that my pituitary gland is small from birth and doesn't produce enough hormones (almost my whole life or at least the second half of it I had issues on the hormonal level - lack of menstruation and other hormone related issues). - she mentioned hypothyroidism too, because of the TSH being slightly higher. - she also said that my severe vitamin D deficiency is causing all these issues, affecting my bones, causing me the heart arrhythmia; she didn't want to give me a referral to the cardiologist at first, saying that it's no need to and that I should fix the vitamin D deficiency, because the heart arrhytmia and the dizziness that came with it are caused by the severe vitamin D deficiency; but since I already made the appointment with the cardiologist for Monday, she gave me the referral. - she told me to change my appointment with the endocrinologist to a sooner date, but I'll have to pay for the consultation, because the TSH being higher shows that I need to address this issue now and not in 7 months; so I called the clinic and changed the appointment from November 14 to tomorrow morning, with the same endocrinologist as it's very well prepared and I want to benefit from her knowledge. - she definitely didn't agree with the biopsy, she said I must not do it, she was totally against it (which I'm so glad about). - she also said I don't need to have hip surgery, there is no need to (I'm also glad about this). - she agreed that due to my raw vegan diet and chewing, I might have functional hypertrophy of the parotid glands, overworking the muscle. - she wants me to take vitamin D2 in olive oil, a product for babies, 1000 IU / day (they are capsules and she recommended opening them and only taking the vitamin with the oil - I don't want to take it though she said it's natural, I need to check the ingredients anyway); I told her I already take D2 as I don't want D3, she said that D2 works as good as D3 (which I liked); I also told her I take 10000 IU / day and not 1000 IU (which is too little anyway). She said take 2 caps / day (I imagine both caps have 2000 IU). - she also wants me to take a combination of calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium and probably something else, I don't remember now, it's a product for osteoporosis, but I don't want to take this either. I told her that I took calcium + vitamin D2 and that in one year it didn't solve my deficiency, my vitamin D was even lower. She said that I need calcium to absorb vitamin D, but I have no calcium deficiency. She said that without calcium there's no use to take vitamin D. - she saw in my blood test report that my urine PH is higher (mine is 8.5 and the accepted maximum limit is 7.4), she said it's normal for vegetarians and that it wouldn't hurt to drink more liquids. Guys, why did she said that I need to drink more liquids as my urine PH is higher than the accepted maximum limit? I thought the higher the urine PH, the better... So I'm going to the endocrinologist tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 13, 2016 09:23PM Banana Who, your words are so wonderful, thank you so much for your reply ![]() Yes, it's a deep connection between our feelings / our thoughts and our body's reactions and health. Ever since I started practicing positive thinking, my mood changed, I feel like a different person, I'm happy and not worried and I'm focusing on what brings me joy and what I'm passionate about ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 14, 2016 11:29AM Today I had my appointment with the endocrinologist. She is such a wonderful person (before going, I asked God that the endocrinologist be a wonderful doctor just like all the other doctors He sent my way).
We talked a lot about all my hormonal and health history, and also about my raw vegan lifestyle. She totally approved the raw vegan diet, she was all for it, she said that looking at me she can say I am a raw vegan - she was like "you eat a lot of carrots" and "the blood tests are good like those of someone eating a lot of grass" ![]() She saw my MRI of the brain and said I do have a cyst near the pituitary gland, it's a congenital cyst that isn't active and doesn't need to be removed, but it needs to be checked through MRI. So she recommended an MRI since I haven't done one in like 6 years. So I misunderstood my situation saying I don't have a cyst (my husband also told me I do have a cyst, but it's not active). She also said I could have functional hypertrophy of the parotid glands due to chewing the raw fruits and veggies. She told me I also need to get tested every 3 months for my vitamin D level, since I take such high doses, and that taking higher doses could cause heart arrhythmia and vitamin D toxicity. But I think that since I have such severe vitamin D deficiency, toxicity in my case isn't a problem, at least for now, when I should at least up my level to 10 or above. But I'll get tested again as I also read this online. I don't want to have the brain MRI again as it's not pleasant at all, I kind of have claustrophobic feelings when I'm in there, but I'll pray and think positive thoughts all that time and be fine, like I did in the past MRIs. So next week she will give me a referral to the MRI and complete hormonal and thyroid blood tests, and I should be able to pay less using her referral. If I remember any more details, I'll write them here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 26, 2016 11:40AM My results of the recent blood tests: calcium, sodium, FT4 are a bit low, TSH is still a bit high. Tomorrow I go to the endocrinologist.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 26, 2016 04:06PM Ela I know that by what you're eating and your health struggles that you have many nutrient deficiencies which is affecting your body in many ways... likely adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, etc. Your thyroid needs iodine and selenium in order to function properly. Unless you supplement with iodine or eat sea vegetables on a consistent basis, you're most likely iodine deficient and have low thyroid function, especially when combined with low selenium. The conventional thyroid test (TSH) is almost useless when testing thyroid function.
Vitamin D actually increases calcium levels and you need to take it with fat in order to properly absorb it. So if you were taking a D3 supplement on an empty stomach or with fruits/veggies, you're essentially throwing money in the garbage. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2016 10:02AM Thank you, jtprindl.
Yes, you make good points there. I take vitamin D2, 10000 IU / day, with my huge veggie meal in the evening or throughout the day after my fruit meal. I was hoping that taking it in between or after my veggie meal with greens is ok. Maybe I should include fats in my veggie meal too. Actually before starting taking the sea/ocean calcium (combined with D2) for a year and a month, my calcium level was just fine. After taking that sea/ocean calcium, my calcium was low. I never took / don't take vitamin D3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2016 10:05AM Guys, I really need your opinion and advice on this issue.
Today I went to the endocrinologist with the blood test results. She said that based on my low FT4 and high TSH (not with much low / high though), I may have hypothyroiditis. I also got tested for thyroid anti-bodies and they came back negative, so I don't have autoimmune thyroiditis. She said it may be a secondary hypothyroiditis or idiopathic hypothyroiditis. I asked her the cause, she didn't know, she couldn't tell me. Obviously, she gave me a prescription for the famous Euthyrox, which I promised myself I wouldn't take no matter what even before going to see her. Surprisingly, she didn't put me on Hormonal Replacement Therapy for estrogen and progesteron, since these hormones came back just fine this time (as opposed to the past - yay!) ![]() She told me she won't give me Calcium pills since she knows I don't take them, but she recommended getting the calcium from sesame seeds paste mixed with honey. I told her I don't eat honey. She asked why. I said "because it's not vegan". She asked why. I said "because it comes from bees". She said "but bees aren't animals". I told her about why honey isn't vegan and that bees are living beings too. She said that there are also bee keepers that take good care of their bees. She told me to take vitamin D from sheep wool 25000 IU / week, even though first she said that it's great that I take 10000 IU / day from natural D2. Confusing.... She said I need to repeat TSH after 2 months. She said I need to repeat vitamin D test after 6 months, even though she first said to repeat vitamin D after 3 months as I can get toxicity. Confusing again... She told me to go see a Maxillofacial Surgeon to check me out too. And come back with the MRI results (I'm on a waiting list for the brain MRI so I can do it free of charge). Surprisingly, she said I should've waited until I had the MRI result and then come to her with all the results as it wasn't an emergency, even though my family doctor rushed me into having the hormonal tests as soon as possible because they are urgent (so I had to pay for the first endocrinologist visit to give me these tests, but looks like I could've waited until my initial appointment in November after all). Confusion no. 3... She told me that raw veganism is extreme, that raw vegans are fanatical. She gave me the example of a lab doctor that was raw vegan and eating raw spinach from the farmers' market and that at some point became deficient and gave up on raw veganism saying it's a bad diet. I was dissappointed, as at my first appointment she was very supportive of my raw vegan lifestyle. Yet another confusing moment... My plan is to stick to the raw vegan lifestyle, drug-free and searching for the best plant-based solutions. As you all know, many people healed their thyroid issues on the raw vegan lifestyle, plus so many other issues like autoimmune diseases and such, ending up quitting the Euthyrox and other drugs. I never EVER had thyroid issues and the fact that she didn't even know to tell me the cause or more facts about my supposed hypothyroiditis doesn't convince me of her skills and knowledge, given the fact that she immediately put me on the standard treatment with Euthyrox without even further investigation or just to say to wait few more months to see if it regulates itself (like someone told me the doctors told her). And this doctor is said to be the best endocrinologist in my town. Btw, my results were: my Sodium is 134 nmol/l and the range is 136 - 145. My Calcium is 8.17 mg/dL, and the range is 8.6 - 10.2. My FT4 is 0.799 ng/dL and the range is 0.89 - 1.76. My TSH is 5.16 and the range is 0.4 - 4. If you have any opinion / advice, please share your thoughts with me. And thank you so much ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2016 12:27PM Ela, thyroid can be a serious and simultaneously delicate issue. What you are eating and what you might be missing can affect this, but there is no place for experimenting by non-experts. Can you get an advice from someone who is a raw vegan, and also well informed on the topic?
I recall that Don Bennett has been writing on this topic. [health101.org] [health101.org] Also, Karin Dina perhaps might be a right choice - she is licensed, but I am not sure whether she is experienced in this area. [rawfoodeducation.com] ![]() RawGosia channel RawGosia streams Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2016 12:30PM by rawgosia. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 08:00AM Thank you, Gosia.
Here I have no raw vegans in real life. All my help and support comes online. I talk to Dr. Graham on his forum too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 08:03AM Yesterday I went to the family doctor with these recent results and the conclusions from the endocrinologist.
I told her I won't take any artificial calcium pills and no Euthyrox. She said it's my choice not to take Euthyrox and that no one can force me to take it. She said to take at least calcium extracted from plants, if I don't want to take lactic calcium, but I said I'd rather not take calcium in a pill form. She said all my issues are from my vitamin D deficiency, calcium deficiency. She said my sodium level is good. But in the end she also told me all my health stats are a disaster. I also told her about my recent second gallbladder attack this year in March and that I upset the gallbladder with sauerkraut and pickled carrots. She said to eat carrots raw, grated in a cabbage salad. I said I can't eat whole carrots as I have some dental issues. I told her that I made carrot juice and ate the carrot pulp too. She said not to make carrot juice as it has a high glycemic index and I must eat the whole carrots so I get the fiber, that I shouldn't separate the juice from the fiber. I also told her that nutrients are easier and faster absorbed through juicing. She didn't agree because juicing makes the pancreas secrete more insuline. I told her that vegans believe in juicing for better absorbtion of nutrients. She didn't agree. It was very hard for me to try and stay firm on my position and defend my raw vegan lifestyle. Especially because she is a doctor. I personally am aware of this theory of high glycemic index of juices, but I don't agree and I like carrot juice. And orange juice. But I also like the carrot pulp and the whole oranges. She said I should juice if I do a juice cleanse / detox for a short time then go back to eating fiber. I told her I wouldn't do that as I like eating and chewing solid food. She asked me if I got the vitamin D and calcium she recommended. I told her they all have vitamin D3 and I don't take vitamin D3. She said that it doesn't matter if I take D3 or D2 as the D2 becomes D3 in our body anyway, so the source doesn't matter. I told her the source matters to me as D3 is from sheep wool and I don't take any non-vegan supplements. She didn't agree. We seemed to not be on the same page. She concluded that my issue with the parotid glands is a functional issue do to overtraining my glands by chewing raw fruits and veggies, that I don't need to go see a Maxillofacial Surgeon and that I will go see her when I need my prescription for the free MRI, once I get called to go and do the brain MRI. I plan on eating fruits and veggies high in calcium and sodium (the ones that agree with me and I tolerate and like). Btw, before this blood test, this year in February, my calcium was just fine. I think it may be just a phase that my calcium turned out low this time. The low sodium may be because I eat no added salt, and no celery as it's high in oxalates, and I must avoid oxalates because of my gallbladder. I will eat lots of fresh dill and tomatoes. And no pills, artificial hormones for me. And definitely no Euthyrox. I searched about Euthyrox online and it's a very controversial drug with lots of side effects. I read stories of people who took it and they really messed up their thyroid. I told the family doctor about this too, but she said they are all just stories and I should be careful with what I read on the internet, as the internet is a real danger because I get all kind of untrue ideas and theories. She said to take Chlorella and / or Spirulina for Iodine / salt. I told her I thought of taking sea vegetables like kelp powder for my Iodine at some point, but I don't want to take it as it's high in salt. She said I need Iodine. I told her that the endocrinologist said I don't need to take Iodine. I personally don't want to take anything from the sea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 04:21PM Vitamin D3 is superior to D2...
[www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] - "This meta-analysis indicates that vitamin D3 is more efficacious at raising serum 25(OH)D concentrations than is vitamin D2, and thus vitamin D3 could potentially become the preferred choice for supplementation. However, additional research is required to examine the metabolic pathways involved in oral and intramuscular administration of vitamin D and the effects across age, sex, and ethnicity, which this review was unable to verify." [www.vitamindcouncil.org] - "He analyzed 50 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a total of 94,000 participants that used some form of vitamin D and reported mortality rates as either primary or secondary outcomes. Within these RCTs, 32 of the studies used D3 (74,000 subjects) and 12 of them used D2 (18,000 subjects). He found there was a 6% relative risk reduction when supplementing with vitamin D3, as opposed to a 2% relative risk increase when supplementing with vitamin D2". [www.longevitywarehouse.com] (2-month supply for $13, 100% vegan) Also, please consider adding some high-quality sea salt to your diet. Our body needs sodium and avoiding it is a bad idea. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2016 02:07AM I don't see anything wrong with the sodium levels.
her level is 134 and the low end is 135. hardly something to be alarmed about. unless the following exist fatigue nausea and vomiting headache loss of appetite confusion or disorientation hallucinations loss of consciousness or coma Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2016 06:10AM "her level is 134 and the low end is 135."
Blood tests are not always that accurate because they don't test what's being absorbed and utilized by the cells. The body takes what it needs from tissues to keep the blood healthy. [arltma.com] Blood minerals are maintained at fairly even levels at all times. Large fluctuations in the blood sugar, mineral or hormone levels could affect many sensitive organs and glands that the blood is in contact with at all times. If the blood becomes low in a mineral such as calcium, calcium is removed from the bones or other tissues to replenish the blood. A person can have osteoporosis, or demineralized bones, but their blood (serum) calcium level will be normal. Serum magnesium can be normal, but a person can have a cellular magnesium deficiency. The same is true for all the minerals! As a result, the blood serum is not a good place to measure minerals. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: May 02, 2016 05:33AM that may all be true.
it is also true that your statement on sodium regarding ela has no basis in fact, and it didn't seem prudent to me to make a recommendation based upon nothing.
Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: May 06, 2016 12:49PM Dear Ela
I hope you can find a specialist you are happy to listen to. I am concerned about you and hope you get better soon. A little bit on iodine which may be of interest to you (e.g. antagonists): [www.veganhealth.org] Regards Gosia ![]() RawGosia channel RawGosia streams Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: August 31, 2016 11:46AM I've been going to the dentist to have some cavities filled and after having these cavities filled, my swollen parotid glands and lymph nodes seem to go down...but nothing sure yet...there might've been an issue with with teeth affecting them...
I read about swollen salivary glands being related to a localized gum infection or a problem with a tooth...and the first doctor (the ENT doctor) who saw me told me to solve my dental issues. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.