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Self-Limited Diseases...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 06, 2016 05:57PM

One of the biggest reasons why so many people who study food are so confused is because they do NOT understand why we are SICK and are overly focused on Deficiencies!!!

To help those who might still be confused, here is my File Preview for my file on Self-Limited Diseases...

…File Preview…
• ...these sufferers get well, but they are not cured for no cure is known. Recovery is said to be spontaneous. It is the result of lawful and orderly processes that take place in the body of the sick person.
• Diseases that get well in this manner are said to be self-limited. This simply means that they are brought to an end in a more or less definite time by the organism itself and not by treatment. They are all spontaneous recoveries. These spontaneous recoveries are the things on which all the alleged cures ride to glory. It will not escape the attention of the reader that the self-limited diseases are all acute; that the chronic diseases tend to run on for years and to grow progressively worse and that for these, there are no cures. Almost anything seems to cure the self-limited diseases, nothing seems to work when the disease is not self-limited.
• If we understand that it is the sick person that recovers and not the disease, we will understand that there is a vast difference between treating disease (the popular delusional practice) and caring for a sick person. In the first case, the efforts are directed at controlling, suppressing, palliating and destroying symptoms and local pathologies; in the second instance, the efforts are directed at removing the causes that have impaired the body and at trying to supply the body with its physiological needs. There is no effort made to cure the disease, as it is well understood that healing is a biological process and that no man can either duplicate or imitate the process. There is no treatment of disease for the reason that there is no disease, per se, to treat.
• "Contrary to popular belief, a cold is not something that we 'catch,' but it represents a process of getting rid of something we have slowly accumulated." "To remove a gall stone and pronounce the patient cured is tantamount to saying that the stone was its own cause."
• "What does the average individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. ----- The people and their doctors are all in the same boat together with a blind man at the helm. They lack the chart and compass and drift aimlessly on a sea of ignorance and misinformation."
• Let us look at measles, which is defined as a "catarrhal fever, a typical enanthom," (eruption on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, throat, occasionally bronchus and gastro-intestinal mucous membrane). "The internal enanthema (eruption) is to be expected, or suspected, when the exanthema (external eruption) fails to show up.
• All of the symptomatology of measles, carefully compiled by the makers of medical text-books, as well as of all other so-called diseases, has very little meaning for the physicians of the various schools of so-called healing. What does it mean? It means that all of the eruptive fevers - all of the so-called diseases of the mucous membranes, those of the nose and lips, those involving the throat and lungs, and ending with pneumonia, and all of those that involve the outer skin - are but different forms of elimination of pent-up by-products of metabolism. They are processes of vicarious or compensatory excretion.
• Exaltation of function - rapid heart action, rapid breathing, diarrhea, increased temperature, etc., etc.- as seen in the various so-called acute diseases, diarrhea, increased temperature, etc., etc.- as seen in the various so-called acute diseases, represents efforts of the body to eliminate toxins and repair damages. In this respect, exaltation of function is desirable and beneficial under certain conditions. Such exalted function indicates a wrong somewhere and this wrong should be searched for and righted without depressing or weakening the sum of the vital energy.
• A cold is a catarrhal disease, a "catarrhal fever," and is a process of vicarious elimination. Contrary to popular belief, a cold is not something that we “catch,” but it represents a process of getting rid of something we have slowly accumulated. What does cold weather have to do with the cause of colds? People "catch" colds as often in warm weather as in cold weather. An increase in temperature may precipitate a cold as often as will a decrease in temperature. They have colds as often in dry as in wet weather. Men have colds as often as women, although they dress heavier. Indeed, men have more catarrh than women, because they dress more warmly, dissipate more and eat more.
• Back of every catarrh is a toxemic state. Catarrh is impossible in the absence of toxemia. Toxemia is produced by anything and everything that enervates the body. Enervation inhibits (checks) excretion (elimination) permitting the accumulation of uneliminated waste. The accumulation of body waste - end-products of metabolism - produces toxemia.
• Toxemia is the universal, basic cause of all so-called disease. Adventitious complicating causes may be super-added to toxemia. By checked elimination is not meant constipation, but checked excretion through all of the excretory organs of the body. Toxemia is not caused by constipation and is not removed by laxatives, enemas and colonic irrigations. Nor will the use of kidney medicines increase elimination through the kidneys. None of the so-called blood-purifiers can be of any value in remedying toxemia.
• The ultimate cause of mankind's many so-called diseases lies in the enervating habits of mind and body practiced almost universally. Because this is so, the ultimate remedy for our diseases is a correction of the habits of life.
• Today, as in the past, when a man becomes ill - he takes a pill from a box, potion from a bottle, gets an injection of a poison from a hypodermic syringe, or has an organ removed. No attention is given to cause. His life is not changed, his habits are not corrected, and in a short time he is sick again. Neither the physician nor the patient is able to trace a connection between the two so-called diseases. So-called health is again restored and the incident passes from memory.
• Again, within a short time, another illness (which is as much of a surprise as were the prior two illnesses) develops and still no thought is devoted to its connection with the two preceding illnesses. So long as the real nature of disease and real source of cause are not understood, this will continue to be true.
• The medical axiom that "all diseases tend to recovery" is much overworked, and by no school more than by the old school or self-styled "regulars." Why? Because the primary cause, the universal cause of disease - toxemia - is not known. The many diseases which the medical tongue so flippantly describes as functional derangements that "tend to recovery," are simply crises in toxemic saturation. In their alleged "self-recovery" in spite of "cures", palliations, and the "chief function of the physician to guard against complications," there is no recovery at all.
• Like the escape of excess steam through the safety-valve of an engine, the steam pressure is lowered for the time being; but unless the cause of toxemic saturation is removed, crises will recur time after time, as the toxemia continues to increase, and the "curing" has to be done over and over again.
• This requires that the wisest of physicians must be constantly busying himself "guarding against complications" - complications that he is almost always responsible for building.
• What is a self-limited disease? Disease is remedial effort. It is a process of purification and repair. When the process of compensatory elimination that is called disease, has reduced the toxemia to the toleration point, the symptoms subside spontaneously and the disease is said to be cured. But the patient is not well. He is still toxemic. The cause of the toxemia has not been removed.
• The toxemia will again rise above the toleration point and another crisis will develop. Crisis will follow crisis until organic change takes place. Gastric ulcer, diabetes, Bright's disease, heart disease, diseases of the arteries or nerves, cancer, etc., follow in the wake of recurring crises.
• Here in this land of so-called self-limited diseases is where all the curing methods and systems shine. Just as anything and everything seems to cure a cold, so anything and everything that may be used with which to treat the patient suffering with measles or pneumonia or gonorrhea, etc., will appear to cure. Here in the realm of "self-limited" disease the regular and the irregular cults, the faddists and the mountebanks, every phase of the curing system from the erudite professor to the most stupid lout prove the virtues of their cures. In this every-doctor's land, grandma's cataplasms cure, grand-pa's brass-ring cure for rheumatism cures, the rabbit-foot charm and buckeye for piles cure, penicillin cures pneumonia and anti-toxin cures diphtheria, the punch in the back cures measles and the herb tea cures gastritis. All cures are successful in this grand jamboree of "self-limited" crises. Christian Science and prayer are as effective as the most scientific treatment. The prayer may be, as in Africa, directed to a petrified frog - no matter, it cures.
• Our toxemic crises - so-called acute diseases - keep pace with the ebb and flow of toxemia as our habits of living hold this down within the limits of toleration or increase it above the established limits. Toleration is a state of chronic disease, a state, for example in which chronic catarrh, is continuously active throwing off toxins. Acute diseases are intermittent due to the fact that toxemia is pushed above the point of established toleration only intermittently. Chronic disease means chronic provocation. To point this differently: disease begins where cause begins and persists where cause persists.
• It is in this field that all of the cures and curing systems meet their Waterloo. The pathology which has been in the making since the development of the first of these "self-limited" crises reveals no tendency to spontaneous disappearance. Rather its tendency is to grow worse and more complicated with the passing of time. Organic change occurs in more and more tissues and organs and these "complications" defy the best efforts of the peddlers of cures. Cause has been present from the beginning (the first cold of infancy represents an established toxemia) and has never been removed.
• The physicians are long on diagnosis at this terminal stage of the evolving pathology. They name exactly the pathological status quo and, although they do not hesitate to treat the patient and to accept money for their experiments, they freely confess that their treatments are ineffective. They have all been experts at curing the continuous series of recurring crises - the "self-limited" diseases - but they are all helpless before the end-point of the development of which the first crisis was the initiation. They cannot cure cancer, or diabetes, or Bright's disease, or endocarditis, or arteriosclerosis.
Pneumonia...My Biggest Nightmare
• My next topic is Pneumonia...My Biggest Nightmare. Not for me, but for my siblings. In 1997, pneumonia and influenza combined ranked as the sixth leading cause of death. My concern is that if any of y’all get this dis-ease and if you end up going to the hospital, then there is a good chance that you might die from a self-limited disease, which simply means that recovery is spontaneous just like a cold. The trick to NOT DIE from Pneumonia is to NOT EAT!!! If any of y’all go to the hospital or your doctor and are diagnosed with this symptom, please do NOT go to the hospital and allow them to force feed you and give you drugs.
• I fear there is too much truth in the statement of Professor B. F. Barker, M.D., of the New York Medical College: "The remedies which are administered for the cure of measles, scarlet fever, and other self-limited diseases, kill far more than those diseases do."
• Certain forms of diseases--measles, smallpox, scarlet fever, etc., are said by certain modern authors to be "self-limited"; and medical journals are still discussing the questions, "Where is the seat of fever?" "Is typhoid fever a blood-disease or a nervous affection?
• [Dr. Bigelow, of Boston, in a late work ["Nature in Disease"], says "By a self-limited disease, I would be understood to express one which receives laws from its own nature, and not from foreign influences; one which, after it has obtained foothold in the system, cannot, in the present state of our knowledge, be eradicated or abridged by art." Dr. Bigelow's notions are entirely consistent with the prevalent false doctrines of the nature of disease.]
• Venereal Disease is a detoxification process that involves the reproductive organs. During its acute stages, it is a self-limited healing dysfunction. If one suppresses it, it becomes chronic. Lesions develop only after the condition becomes chronic. Contrary to popular conception, it is not contagious. It is similar to having a "cold" of the respiratory tract. It is a "cold" of the reproductive organs. Suppress the "cold", and one develops chronic inflammatory problems of the lower respiratory tract. Suppress the "cold" of the reproductive organs, and one develops chronic inflammatory lesions of the reproductive organs. One should not suppress these detoxification lesions with any drugs or surgery. One can heal it completely and permanently through the following methods. One can expose one's reproductive organs nude in the sun and that will clear up the lesions. One can go on a water fast, lying down in bed, eyes closed, feelingly meditating on whatever symptoms, one has, until one is asymptomatic.
Syphilis - Is it a Mischievous Myth or a Malignant Monster by Herbert M. Shelton
• Dr. Hermann, of Vienna, a graduate of the great medical schools of Vienna, and for thirty years superintendent of the syphilitic wards in the Hospital, Wieden, near Vienna, which is one of the greatest institutions in the world for the treatment of so-called leutic ailments, has written several books in which he vigorously combats the idea that "syphilis" is a constitutional disease, and shows that under proper hygienic conditions, the disease is self-limited, runs a regular natural course, and never produces any "tertiary stages." The doctor states that during those thirty years in this great municipal hospital, while under the closest constant scrutiny from doctors and medical schools, he treated sixty thousand cases of so-called "syphilitic" disease without the employment of mercury. He also states that in all the cases thus treated he has never observed a single spontaneous recurrence, nor the development of "tertiary symptoms," nor any evidence of hereditary transmission.
“Fasting Can Save Your Life” by Dr. Herbert Shelton
• Gonorrhea
• “Gonorrhea is a self-limited disease. This is to say, it runs a more or less variable course to recovery. Patients get well under all kinds of treatment and they get well with no treatment at all. A number of years ago some tests were made and it was discovered that warm water was as effective as the drugs popularly used. The course of gonorrhea runs from four to six weeks. Its course can be shortened by rest and fasting. Complications can be prevented in all cases by fasting.” -Dr. Herbert Shelton, “Fasting Can Save Your Life,” p. 149
“Mucusless Diet Healing System” by Prof. Arnold Ehret
• “Nothing is easier to heal than this “cold” or “catarrh” at the sex organ, if untouched by drugs or injections. Doctors must admit that this condition may exist without actual sex intercourse, and therefore the germ can hardly be blamed. Gonorrhea is simply an elimination thru this natural elimination organ.” -Prof. Arnold Ehret, “Mucusless Diet Healing System,” p. 170
…End of File Preview…

As I just mentioned in my Post - HOW DISEASES ARE CURED, we cannot bury our heads in the sand and not address these issues of Deficiency, but we cannot bury our heads in the sand and not address these issues of Toxicity!!!

Re: Self-Limited Diseases...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 06, 2016 07:13PM

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.

Re: Self-Limited Diseases...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 06, 2016 07:31PM

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance!!!

Re: Self-Limited Diseases...
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: January 07, 2016 01:35AM

Great post John

People are not ready to re establish harmony and equilibrium within their body.
Millions and millions of dollars are spent each year for a cancer cure yet teaching people to live in harmony with the law of health and nature will make cancer go away.

Also most like to identify with the condition, the disease. They call it my headache, my cancer, my tumor. It is given life, residence, love and attention. why would it leave. Yet it is not a thing but it is made into a living thing.

Re: Self-Limited Diseases...
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 07, 2016 09:52PM

>>The only reason we focus so much on micro-nutrient deficiencies around here is because you guys can't form a basic healthy diet that supplies all the basic essential nutrients we need.

you constantly make statements without providing any evidence.

provide evidence

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