What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 13, 2016 08:12PM I just watched a video this morning with a raw fooder making a cooked recipe. This is someone who had RAW in their channel name at some point. Even though I am subscribed to said channel, I didn't notice when the same changed and RAW was gone.
Last night I watched a long-time "guru" stating that they had changed their views about cooked food. And I continuously watch in amazement as a formerly 100% raw and high-fruit person now gravitates towards packaged/prepared/processed foods and eating out frequently, it would seem. This is a person who as recently as last year documented their massive fruit intake. Now it doesn't seem to be the same although I really don't know the totality of their diet, I admit. My point: is this proof of the ultimate impossibility of 100% raw in non-tropical regions? In the tropics, I bet I could be a fruitarian without a second thought. Not only access to good-quality and inexpensive fruits but also the heat and humidity making it easier to gravitate towards lighter and more watery foods via fruits. I believe that raw foods have therapeutic value. It has shown itself to me time and time again. So the idea that we should be at least high-raw is attractive. But I just watched the sequel "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and Joe Cross says that he is 40% raw and he bases that on caloric intake. To me this suggests a lot of raw unless he's eating a lot of avos, LOL. So it is interesting to see how this movement is changing, as it becomes more and more mainstream. *Edit: I have deliberately avoided even using 'he' and 'she' so as not to call out individuals in this movement. ![]() Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2016 08:16PM by banana who. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 13, 2016 08:25PM My theory is a bit different. Some come from serious health issues, including morbid obesity. And detoxifying is key, it would seem, to shedding that excess weight in a healthy and rapid manner.
Eventually when the acute situation is no longer present, cooked food isn't seen as bad anymore. Which it probably isn't. IMO, any dis-ease or dis-order has an energetic component--psychological/spiritual connection. Maybe raw vegan raises the vibration and allows for quicker healing? Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 09:26PM >>Nobody should be feeling guilty about eating healthy vegan cooked plant foods anyway such as steamed vegetables.
ah there it is. people (organic1) feel guilty about me saying that steamed broccoli isn't necessarily healthy. he can't comprehend that I may eat something and know that it's not as healthy as I would like. and say so. funny because you eat things that you know are not healthy and the people around the world who eat those items don't start crying , "but I eat that and I think it's healthy! waaaa waaa." what if I say cooked potatoes? healthy? french fries? lollipops? raw stone ground oil? collard greens?? cooked ? raw? am I allowed to have an opinion that is the opposite of yours? So just to be clear, if anyone makes any judgement about a food anywhere on the internet, people who eat that food should feel justified in crying , "waaa, waaa, someone said steamed broccoli isn't healthy" what a mean person she must be! control freak much? you and suez have so much in common. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 09:43PM bananawho,
what is the big deal that you need to keep secret a public youtube video as if they are going to sue you for "exposing " them? Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 09:52PM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > My point: is this proof of the ultimate > impossibility of 100% raw in non-tropical regions? > In the tropics, I bet I could be a fruitarian > without a second thought. Not only access to > good-quality and inexpensive fruits but also the > heat and humidity making it easier to gravitate > towards lighter and more watery foods via fruits. Ok, I'm going to test this. I live in a temperate region and I'm going to buy a tropical bird or animal and everyday I will provide it with equal amounts of two kinds of food, tropical and non-tropical and I'll document which one it likes best. Just joking, but the theory is possible to test. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2016 09:53PM by Ifeelgood. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 09:57PM 40 below fruity seems to do it on the frozen tundra Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 10:11PM fresh Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > 40 below fruity seems to do it on the frozen > tundra She moved out of the 40 below zone a long time ago. She lives a MUCH MUCH milder climate now in British Columbia. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 10:16PM thanks for the update. and your point relative to whether she did/does raw in a cold climate? none it would seem. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2016 10:18PM by fresh. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2016 10:19PM fresh Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > thanks for the update. and your point relative to > whether she did/does raw in a cold climate? none > it would seem. You're welcome. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 14, 2016 01:55AM fresh Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > bananawho, > > what is the big deal that you need to keep secret > a public youtube video as if they are going to sue > you for "exposing " them? Good question. I have been accused of "gossiping" by someone and others have also suggested that it isn't cool to name names. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 14, 2016 01:57AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > fresh Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > 40 below fruity seems to do it on the frozen > > tundra > > She moved out of the 40 below zone a long time > ago. She lives a MUCH MUCH milder climate now in > British Columbia. It still has snow, though. I really can't figure out that climate because Seattle rains a lot and yet doesn't seem to have snow and this place does. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 14, 2016 02:34AM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > fresh Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > 40 below fruity seems to do it on the frozen > > > tundra > > > > She moved out of the 40 below zone a long time > > ago. She lives a MUCH MUCH milder climate now > in > > British Columbia. > > It still has snow, though. I really can't figure > out that climate because Seattle rains a lot and > yet doesn't seem to have snow and this place does. In many areas, at lower elevations, it's actually warmer than Seattle. I know someone who even grows bananas in B C! 40 below fruity shows a lot of hiking videos which look like they are shot in the higher elevations but I don't know what zone she spends most of her time in. In any case she is in close proximity to comparatively balmy winter weather - probably even within hiking distance of it. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 14, 2016 03:50AM I know! She just did one hiking on a mountain and said it was close to her yet I have heard comments that made their climate seem very warm and I just didn't understand how somewhere that far north could be like that. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 14, 2016 05:10AM Banana who said, '' In the tropics, I bet I could be a fruitarian without a second thought ''. I bet you couldn't. I moved to the tropics ( Cairns North Qld ) thinking the same thing - along with many many others, but the reality was way different from the fantasy. I even lived on an organic farm where I ate fresh jackfruit, papayas, bananas, etc. fresh off the tree - but there was nothing magical about it for me.
A lot will depend on your genetics - not your willpower or if you are doing it right or wrong, or living in the tropics, and even then, commercially grown fruit ( even organic ones ) is different than what the apes in the wild are used to eating. Listening to John Kohlers videos interviewing ' long term rawfoodists ', amongst other things a lot of them now use green powders ( not raw ) and they have a wide variety of foods to choose from, other than sugary fruit. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2016 05:11AM by BJ. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 14, 2016 02:13PM Could you elaborate? You are speaking of Australia? Now I heard that it is expensive to buy fruit there. Was it mostly about the price or on the farm were you able to eat whatever, whenever?
I am interested in your experiences but you didn't provide much to go on. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 14, 2016 04:03PM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > fresh Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > bananawho, > > > > what is the big deal that you need to keep > secret > > a public youtube video as if they are going to > sue > > you for "exposing " them? > > > Good question. I have been accused of "gossiping" > by someone and others have also suggested that it > isn't cool to name names. "name names"? you're kidding right? i've not known you to live your life based on what others think. what do you think? "person X is adding in come cooked food check out this video." does that mean you're insulting them? exposing them? people can be free to get what they want from it. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 15, 2016 03:02AM Okay, okay... ![]() So Megan Elizabeth is now posting cooked recipes. At least did one the other day. I believe she even has an e-book with some. Rawvana ate her first cooked dish in a few years. Is she now gonna be RawTill4-Vana? Freelee used to show her amazing variety of fruits she was eating all day and recently she was talking about vegan gummi worms. I even heard Matt Monarch the other night saying he doesn't believe what Norman Walker says (or was it Herbert Shelton?) said about cooked food. These are people who preached the raw way for various amounts of time but definitely were very vocal about it. I actually think this is good in many ways. However, it seems like dominos collapsing against themselves. It seems like some people are so into imitating others that they start to question themselves when others come out as eating cooked again. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 15, 2016 01:53PM Hi, Powerlifer ![]() Anyway, why are you on this forum if you think this doesn't work? What is the end game for you or even the attraction ,eh? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2016 01:54PM by banana who. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 04:43PM Is Gosia on a deficient diet? (for the love of God will you please leave b12 out of it for just one second) Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 04:52PM because you are always going on about my alleged deficient diet and I was wondering if you think Gosia's diet is deficient since i am presuming it is similar.
regarding b12 it seems you just said that was most of your problem, in addition to the metal issues you had. neither of which have anything to do with the vegan diet causing you failure, since we are all aware of b12. everyone above the age of 6 is aware of b12, are you thinking you're presenting some kind of news flash? Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 05:03PM organic1 Wrote:
> Its fine for you not to care about vitamin b12 > deficiency as you eat your cooked B12 rich fish, > whilst championing the rest of us into dangerously > deficient strict vegan diets. I am going to ask you again, since you ignored me last time. WHEN do I eat MY cooked b12 rich fish? Your failure on the vegan diet had nothing to do with the "vegan diet". absolutely NOTHING. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 05:15PM The most high lord of logic and science, fresh, has issued forth his command for a second time. LMAO at this pompous little jackass. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 05:26PM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Actually it has everything to do with vegan > diets. > > It was another classic example of how > categorically devasting it can be to ones health > just just waive or ignore dietary intake of > vitamin b12, as we are recommended by these raw > vegan guru's. > why were you listening to a raw vegan guru? whose fault is that? maybe you should have listened to someone else? it is a known issue with vegan diets and comes from bacteria, as such it is not caused by your vegan diet but by your failure to make the necesary adjustments just like someone on a meat diet with absorption problems would need to do and we wouldn't blame the meat diet. > As to when you eat fish, how am i meant to know ? > I just go on what you tell us, which is that you > occasionally eat fish. What I told you recently that you repeatedly ignore is that I have not had any in over a year and a half. and I am also now back to all raw vegan. so why don't you tell me what your point is? > > Which i still find a strange food choice, > considering you're the most aggressive defender of > strict raw vegan diets known. why do you constantly put words in other people's mouths? What I am a "defender" of is making intelligent choices regarding health and diet and for many reasons i believe a raw vegan diet is the best , and one must always insure that one is not eating too much or too little of any nutrient on any diet, it is good to take whatever considerations that one feels necessary for ones health. yet if you feel better, keep bleating like a sheep in every post that the purpoose of this board is dangerous and my particular diet is deficient, while curiously avoiding making any comments on anyone else eating the same diet (if you like them). Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 05:32PM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > The most high lord of logic and science, fresh, > > has issued forth his command for a second time. > > LMAO at this pompous little jackass. > > LOL > > I know, my posting in almost instaneous real time > wasn't quick enough to satisfy his manic demands. don't know what you're talking about. I have posted several responses, weeks, months ago to various organic1 statements/questions and he conveniently ignores them and continues ranting about the same thing even though he has been corrected. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Anon 102
Date: January 15, 2016 05:38PM Since I called Organic 1 Or-manic 1 he's using that on fresh every chance he gets so to take the focus off of him. Lol. We all know who the real manic one is. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 05:44PM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > The most high lord of logic and science, fresh, > > has issued forth his command for a second time. > > LMAO at this pompous little jackass. > > LOL > > I know, my posting in almost instaneous real time > wasn't quick enough to satisfy his manic demands. Lol, it's like he's one of those toy rock-m-sock-m robot's only with really short arms. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Anon 102
Date: January 15, 2016 05:51PM PooZ, I know Perseus cut your head off once. You must let us know how you grew it back. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2016 06:01PM by Anon 102. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 05:54PM poor oozy must not have had any toys when she was young.
it's Rock em, Sock em, not Rock-m-sock-m and I had one and it was fun ! at the time. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 06:07PM another question I asked after organic1 made a comment about my "deficient" diet of
bananas and romaine was Is that my diet? just another one of those questions that organic1 ignores so as to maintain his lack of honesty and inegrity propaganda campaign. Re: What exactly is going on?
Posted by:
Date: January 15, 2016 07:11PM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Can you not even read anymore ? You need a top up > in the ole fish by the looks of it. where did i > ever say your diet is just banana's and romaine > lettuce. > that's what you said. > fruit and romaine lettuce diet is what we now call > your recommendations lol. Being that your scared > of healthy foods like nuts and seeds, sprouts and > any other vegan plant-food. another false statement. shocker. > > as gone on your last typical sample diet, low in > selenium etc you said. > I am going to ask you one more time, what do you think my diet consists of so that you don't imply otherwise in the future? oh let me guess you will ignore this question again. some were low compared to the RDA's, you moron. which I just posted the other day were opinion. > Which i find really funny, because you were pawned > YET again the other day, when you got the amount > of B12 wrong for sardines, of which you were > trying to make your point saying nutrients would > only be 50% absorbed, until pointed out they had > about 8 times the amount of b12 anyway, so > debunked your own stupid logic. > yes and I thank you for correcting me. Unlike you I am able to admit when I am wrong. > Well fresh my friend, if these nutrients only have > 50% absorption rate, you must be severely > deficient then, you must be getting like what > 0.5mg of zinc on your diet and what 0.5% of the > RDA for minerals like selenium ? ![]() yes, it's tragic to go 35 years on my diet healthfully. tragic. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.