What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 16, 2016 06:48PM Has he ever disclosed what he eats on an average day?
I want to believe some of the things he says but he doesn't exactly look the part. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 16, 2016 08:30PM As I recall, from what I remember of one of his videos from around a few years ago, he said he doesn't eat the way he tells his clients to eat because he can't due to the stress he is under from trying to heal everybody. He also said he loves eating at an Indian restaurant. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 17, 2016 10:15AM Hey fresh,
Thanks for posting that Video with Dr. Morse and here are some of my notes... [www.youtube.com] Dr. Robert Morse ND 'No such thing as diseases, its 37:40 Minute Video JR’s Notes: Part 5 [youtu.be] 0:38 MM I’ve had a ton of degrees and none of them means nothing because you learn nothing in school. You learn some basic stuff. Where you learn is working with people over 40 years and my friend Dr. Jensen worked with people for over 75 years and when you work in this field, our goal is always Regeneration of Tissue and Cellular Genetic Remembering. You know, when you look at cells in our discussion in Part 1, was a breakdown of the Human Body and this is essential for you to learn. It is essential for you to lose the Fear when it comes to Cancer - any Cancer. I don’t care - they Fear Pancreatic Cancer. We’ve had some people overcome their Pancreatic Cancers through these Health Programs. Do we Treat Cancer? No, we don’t want anything to do with Diseases because they don’t exist. 1:33 MM [youtu.be] 5:55 MM Corrosive Side of Chemistry… …you can’t stop an Acid with more Acids… …because the Pain and Swelling is an Acid Condition of the Human Body - it’s Not an Auto Immune Problem. 6:33 MM [youtu.be] 6:33 MM Any doctor that use the term Auto Immune has no clue about what causes anything. [youtu.be] 8:51 MM This is the kind of Health Care System we have and Obama has forced the Americans to buy into is a System that can’t cure anything, that makes the world think they are the smartest people on the planet and yet, they are actually the opposite. 9:05 MM [youtu.be] 17:14 MM If you’ve got Cancer - I don’t care if it’s Lung, Bone, Blood - it doesn’t matter what Cancer and the location, Health is the only antidote. Health is the only remedy you have. Return your Cells to a Healthy Condition because Cancer is of a Cell. You can have Tumors - Tumors are just a pocket of fluid. What kind of fluid do you think you find in Tumors? The same thing in cysts. The same thing in Boils. Absolutely! What fluid do you have in there? Interstitial Fluid. Interstitial Fluid in the Human Body is Blood and Lymph. Comes down to that simplicity of that thing. Don’t be fooled because your life is in your hands, literally. 17:57 MM [youtu.be] 18:15 MM But if you want a remedy, if you want your Body Healthy where you have No Ills, you have No Complaints, No Tumors, No Inflammation, then you’ve got to understand what Causes all of that. And all your Body is - is a bunch of Cells and 2 Major Fluids and there’s only 2 Sides of Chemistry. There’s not anything much simpler than that. Pick which Side of the Chemistry is going to hurt you, which we know what that is already. Just go out and buy muriatic acid at Home Depot and pour it on your hand and see what you have to say. 18:48 MM [youtu.be] 27:31 MM Dr. Morse’s Herbal Healing Center 941-255-1979 www.robertmorsend.com 27:43 MM Part 7 [youtu.be] 30:49 MM The 2 Sides of Chemistry - the fact that Acid is the Corrosive Side of Chemistry. [youtu.be] 31:07 MM It all boils down to 1 Major Fluid and 1 Side of Chemistry - that’s the Lymph Fluid and the Acid Side of Chemistry and that’s where you can find the bulk of Man’s Pain and Suffering. Change your Diet, change your Intake of Chemistry and Physics and that whole thing turns around on you. Yes, there are Symptoms in Detox where you get Congestion, you get Mucus out, Tumors disappear, Aches and Pains as your Body is Rebuilding Tissue that’s been Damaged, but you can’t Rebuild Tissue in an Acid Medium - you can’t get Healthy in an Acid Medium. Why would you give more Acids to a person? That should be criminal. 31:45 MM [youtu.be] 35:10 MM So if you have Cancer - any kind - Lung, Bone, Liver - most of these Cancers are Not difficult for your Body to clean up - Not in terms of Cancer the Disease, but when you’re breaking down your Body with Acids, wouldn’t it make sense that you Remove the Acids - Not add more? That’s pretty Common Sense. So you got to get some Common Sense in there. 35:34 MM [www.youtube.com] ![]() Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: January 17, 2016 11:10AM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > As I recall, from what I remember of one of his > > videos from around a few years ago, he said he > > doesn't eat the way he tells his clients to eat > > because he can't due to the stress he is under > > from trying to heal everybody. He also said he > > loves eating at an Indian restaurant. > > If thats true, you have to give him 9/10 for the > most creative excuse of why he can't follow the > raw fruit diet he promotes and prescribes to his > patients for "healing" serious diseases. > > What a man, putting his own health at risk eating > all that indian cooked food and getting overweight > just to heal us. > > So this raw vegan fruit diet he promotes makes you > so weak, that you can't handle the rigorous > stresses and demands of sitting at a desk > sedentary all day playing "doctor". Good point about Dr Morse. I like the man very much, but a bunch of things he says doesn't ring true at all. Remember when he made some claim about treating a massive amount of patients over 40 years, and someone did the maths and it seemed impossible for someone to treat that amount in one day. I also recall he made a claim on youtube the raw fooders don't get deficient. Dr Morse seems to be a very good healer with his shorter term diets, but he doesn't seem so clued up on helping people stick with sustainable raw vegan diets for the long term. www.thesproutarian.com Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: January 17, 2016 11:26AM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Well by the looks of Johns posts Dr Morses cancer > theories are based on the incorrect acid/alkaline > theory, which has been debunked so many times that > its not even worth entertaining, James Sloane is > your man for debunking acid/alkaline theory > easily. Yes, this acid/alkaline theory is absolutely bananas. It is so appalling that the theory doesn't even measure all the acids in foods, instead it only measures a partial number of acids. And...what about the acids in foods that we aren't even aware of?? So what is an acid and alkaline food, really?...I don't even think anyone truly knows. I've even seen vegetables on the acid/alkaline chart being classified as acid and chicken being classified as alkaline LOL. It is quite possible that all foods are acid if we take into account all the acids in the foods. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2016 11:29AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 04:03PM B Clement has a similar excuse for why he doesn't follow his diet.
I like how you are now using the term sub-optimal instead of deficient ! not sure what the question is , is it "why can't morse do his own diet?" well there's several possibilities... there's your TOE (theory of everything - i borrowed that from astronomy) which is that any problems with a diet are blamed on the diet. Which only a simpleton would believe. then there's other reasons like, oh, I don't know, there's cooked food all around, it's addictive, people are lazy, not committed to the diet, whatever. Doesn't say anything about the diet to me, nor does it concern me. I do what I do. then we have these lunatic assertions below !!! "Ok lets exclude science if you want, but this isn't eeven based on anecodotal experiences anymore, because these gurus haven't even tried the flaming strict raw vegan diets they go to great lengths selling and promoting to others for a single day in their lifes. Just try the strict raw fruit 80/10/10 diet you promote for 1 single week, thats all i ask, then come back and tell me just how keen you are, to go without your "cooked raw till 4" meal or the occasional fish indian cook outs, which happen conviently every night after 4pm when you suddenly forget your vegan or raw." Just so we're clear here. You are saying that there is no person who has ever done strict raw vegan for one day. Is that right? no, wait, you changed it to a week. so what is it, a day or a week? I can't tell you how much you make me laugh sometimes. how about this, why can't organic1 follow his diet for just one day!! no junk food! just cooked veg, meat and some fruit. just one day!!! come on now do it! prove it! Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 04:19PM then, post your daily diet so we can learn from your brilliance! let's see if it's suboptimal... oh, wait you can't - it doesn't fit the rules of the board or some other excuse? better for you to sit back and say everyone else's diet is suboptimal. easier for you that way. or instead of just posting your diet (like i did), check it out on cron first and make sure it hits all the RDA's, then tweak it a little. then post it. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 04:26PM "there's your TOE (theory of everything - i borrowed that from astronomy) which is that any problems with a diet are blamed on the diet. Which only a simpleton would"
So is fresh, (the king of logic and science), now calling Kristina Fully Raw out as an example of a simpleton? Kristina Fully Raw blames her teenage health problems on her mother's oily Lebanese cooking. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 04:38PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > "there's your TOE (theory of everything - i > borrowed that from astronomy) which is that any > problems with a diet are blamed on the diet. Which > only a simpleton would" > > > > So is fresh, (the king of logic and science), now > calling Kristina Fully Raw out as an example of a > simpleton? > > Kristina Fully Raw blames her teenage health > problems on her mother's oily Lebanese cooking. sounds reasonable. is it possible for you to consider the difference between blaming what is clearly a healthful diet (RAW) that has literally created miracles of healing and a clearly unhealthy diet (cooked) that has devastated humanity physically and mentally ? Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 04:54PM We know he eats fruit everyday because he would frequently share how he had a bad watermelon. And he spoke poorly of the fruit in Florida or at least
where he lives. That was surprising. Morse does not sound strict at all. It sounds like he could easily cheat out in the open. Those who love him would not care, because he is there serving really sick people. But it sounds like from Brian Clement's data that fructose can cause weight gain, so maybe Morse doesn't cheat as much as we think. Two of the most amazing pulse masters I know of are not healthy. One is a smoker and one is overweight. The overweight one is just devoted to his work. Their accuracy is astonishing. (The smoker one had seen like 300,000 patients in China and he hadn't reached 60 yet). One of the most amazing acupuncturists I know recently passed away from cancer. It sounded from his students that he was an alcoholic. He was brilliant with acupuncture. Too bad he couldn't do acupuncture on his ego, which was the cause of his addiction. It was the way he celebrated a long day, far beyond just a physical addiction. I think he liked the bar and restaurant scene. It really crushed me because we all liked him so much and I was not done taking his classes and now I have to learn from his student. Anyway, as much as I liked my alcoholic teacher, many love RObert Morse, no matter how he cheats, except that it proves that his diet is not very practical or satisfying long term. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2016 04:58PM by Tai. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 05:27PM >>no matter how he cheats, except that it proves that his diet is not very practical or satisfying long term.
I still don't know what "his diet" is Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 05:38PM ... nah. Never mind. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2016 05:39PM by SueZ. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 17, 2016 08:31PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Hey fresh, > > Thanks for posting that Video with Dr. Morse and > here are some of my notes... > > [www.youtube.com] > Dr. Robert Morse ND 'No such thing as diseases, > its > 37:40 Minute Video > > JR’s Notes: > > Part 5 > > [youtu.be] > 0:38 MM > I’ve had a ton of degrees and none of them means > nothing because you learn nothing in school. Good Lord, john rose is an vacuous idiot - and note how selective he is in his choice on whom to use his grammar police bully hat - of course Morse "didn't learn nothing" for all the degrees he has. Every frigging one of them is from a diploma mill. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: January 17, 2016 10:57PM organic1 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Definitely and again the health benefit from > eating these foods, has nothing to do with how > alkaline they are or even their PH in general. > > The benefits are derived from the vitamins, > minerals, phyto-nutrients, antioxidants, fiber and > other macro-nutrients these typically healthy > plant-foods contain. Agreed. After taking 100 pages of notes and compiling large amounts of studies on the acid/alkaline theory l came to the conclusion that full spectrum nutrition is the answer to helping maintain health, and that the acid/alkaline diet is not an important factor in most cases. Also remember that there were various hunter and gather cultures which ate lots of meat and cooked their foods, and their diets would have been considered very acid, yet they were reported to have had great health. The problem these days is the high sodium low potassium diet of modern processed food leading to kidney damage and acidosis conditions, but whole food full spectrum nutrition seems to provide adequate buffering from any bad conditions occuring from highly acid diets imo. What about the scientists who report the diets of the long lived people? Most of their food is cooked and acid also. Meat for breakfast and various dairy and cooked vegetables, and fried in apricot oil too. Some say we should eat 80% alkaline and 20% acid. But that means we must eat mainly raw fruit and vegetables. But but but, that is very restrictive imo and may lead to deficiencies if one is not very careful because one has to base their foods mainly on the more limited alkaline foods. Personally l prefer a more acid diet via ferments and to increase acidity in the intestine to deter pathogens and to increase digestive capability via good bacteria levels. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2016 11:00PM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: January 17, 2016 11:13PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Morse does not sound strict at all. It sounds > like he could easily cheat out in the open. I think l recall from the website 30BAD Sucks that Dr Morse does cheat, and out in the open in front of large numbers of people too. I think someone was saying he was drinking coffee at a lecture or something (I think). Regardless, he seems well cleansed and his skin is incredible probably due to efficient cleansed organs, but he seems to have the look of a man eating other things besides from healthy raw vegan foods (fructose overload???...nah). Anyway,l don't think he pretends to eat perfectly, he seems to do whatever he wants and probably doesn't hide it. Check him out at 27:39....he has a belly and man boobs. [www.youtube.com] Just saying. www.thesproutarian.com Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 12:20AM fresh
I still don't know what "his diet" is Tai Robert MOrse is a fruitarian dreamer, who once ate a mono diet of pure navel oranges for six months in his 20s, I think before he had kids. He claimed to do a lot of astral traveling during his mono orange diet. I think everyday he intends to have a high fruit day all raw if possible, but if the melons are bad, we are left to guess what he eats for lunch. Like SueZ said, he once went through an INdian food phase that he later regretted. Ah, but his teeth show that his fruit diet wasn't the best, right? By the way, when I talked to BRian CLement, all his teeth looked intact, but he did not have a hollywood smile. His current veneers (or whatever he has) may simply be for cosmetic purposes. Robert Morse worked in a hospital as an RN for a long time, he said. That would not be a papermill credential, although it's just an RN TSM With no scientific evidence of these raw fruit diets curing cancer, we have to use common sense, which leads us too how good can any severely nutritionally deficient diet be for curing severe diseases ? When your dealing with parkinsons disease for example and requiring robust top-ups of dietary vitamin b12 to deal with the oxidative stress disorder and elevated homocysteine/nitrites, then sub-optimal diets just won't cut it im afraid and infact could severely advance these conditions through poor intake of these already depleted micro-nutrients such as vitamin b12. My question to these raw food gurus is, how do you expect to beat serious diseases such as cancer, when your not even supplying the basic nutrients your immune system needs to functional optimally ? Tai: Lorraine Day was cured of breast cancer doing a modified Gerson program and simultaneously, her parkinson's was cured. I will one day ask if she used a multi B for her parkinson's. By the way, Richard SChulze cured many of cancer using hard core juicing and herbs and the "Incurables program" and he always had his patients take a whole food supplement that gave 100% of RDA for some of the basic vitamins and minerals. [www.herbdoc.com] Max Gerson also gave his patients a few supplements. My aunt and friend with liver cancer used SChulze's superfood supplement when they did their program. I never heard of people losing their teeth on SChulze's program, whereas that one lady who beat cancer with Morse lost a couple and she didn't use supplements to fill her RDAs. TSM: Also remember that there were various hunter and gather cultures which ate lots of meat and cooked their foods, and their diets would have been considered very acid, yet they were reported to have had great health. Tai: Did you watch/read the data shared by McDougall about the eskimos and hunter gatherers? THe latest data showed that they suffered from diseases that would be expected of such diets. Also, from examining bodies found in bogs, researchers found starch in people's mouths, which indicated that hunter gatherers relied on starch, besides hunting. If you did look into this, what did you think? I am pretty convinced of the CHina Study by T. Colin Campbell, which shows that a low animal food diet lowers chance of cancer. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: January 18, 2016 01:11AM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Tai > Robert MOrse is a fruitarian dreamer, Of course he is a fruitarian dreamer. Look at his office, it often has one piece of fruit on his desk, and never to be seen is fruit all over his office. Maybe he likes to visit the canteen for his lunch. > He claimed to do a lot of astral traveling during his > mono orange diet. Oh, and l wonder what good that did him. Did he do it for fun (a thrill) or did he do it to cultivate himself and purify his mind. No need to answer that....so many treat astral travelling as a game. One bloke toldme the other day that he likes to have outer body experiences, and my first thought was `what for'? I never said anything to him of course. > Ah, but his teeth show that his fruit diet wasn't the best, > right? Oh,l never knew that. > When your dealing with parkinsons disease for > example and requiring robust top-ups of dietary > vitamin b12 to deal with the oxidative stress > disorder and elevated homocysteine/nitrites, then > sub-optimal diets just won't cut it im afraid and > infact could severely advance these conditions > through poor intake of these already depleted > micro-nutrients such as vitamin b12. Thanks Tai for making that point. When someone has disease one would definitely think they need ample nutrition. Eventhough Dr Morse seems to recommend lots of cleansing and fruit for poor health conditions, it doesn't seem optimal IF the nutrition isn't in the diet to build people up. If he is cleansing people and not building them up with ample nutrition,is this really the most optimal way? Just saying. O.k...how about this. What about using a Hippocrates style diet WITH herbs included. In that way you get cleansing, good feeding and use the powerful herbs to do their thing on the organs and in deeper cleansing. ?? > > My question to these raw food gurus is, how do you > expect to beat serious diseases such as cancer, > when your not even supplying the basic nutrients > your immune system needs to functional optimally ? YES YES YES!!! Tai,you hit the nail right on the head. My thoughts exactly!!! Also, Dr Morse seems to be stuck on a natural hygiene type of thinking, but he has the advantage of using herbs. The question is...would he have near the success rate in healing if he just used fruit and natural hygiene methods without the herbs?...I somehow doubt it. > By the way, Richard SChulze cured many of cancer > using hard core juicing and herbs and the > "Incurables program" and he always had his > patients take a whole food supplement that gave > 100% of RDA for some of the basic vitamins and > minerals. > [www.herbdoc.com] > > Max Gerson also gave his patients a few > supplements. > > My aunt and friend with liver cancer used > SChulze's superfood supplement when they did their > program. Yes, nutrition to feed and build up the body. It makes lots of sense. Slow cleansing also so stress isn't placed too much on the body. I like the HHI way...cleansing and lots of nutrition support. People say Dr Morse has a higher success rate than HHI in healing, but l say, prove it. > > I never heard of people losing their teeth on > SChulze's program, whereas that one lady who beat > cancer with Morse lost a couple and she didn't use > supplements to fill her RDAs. Yes. > > TSM: > Also remember that there were various hunter and > gather cultures which ate lots of meat and cooked > their foods, and their diets would have been > considered very acid, yet they were reported to > have had great health. > > Tai: > Did you watch/read the data shared by McDougall > about the eskimos and hunter gatherers? THe > latest data showed that they suffered from > diseases that would be expected of such diets. > Also, from examining bodies found in bogs, > researchers found starch in people's mouths, which > indicated that hunter gatherers relied on starch, > besides hunting. Does this apply widely or just small areas? It seems to me that much of the world was forests during different time periods and that starch diets would have been very rare in most parts of the world. McDougal saying that we lived on starch diets is highly questionable because that wouldn't have been wide spread imo. I think he may be a dreamer like how the fruitarian/frugivore crowd likes to argue that mankind lived on fruit at one stage. Some humans obviously did, but it doesn't mean that was widespread. > I am pretty convinced of the CHina Study by T. > Colin Campbell, which shows that a low animal food > diet lowers chance of cancer. It seems to apply under when certain factors are taken into account. www.thesproutarian.com Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 01:13AM Tai, I never heard Morse say he worked as an R.N. when he worked in a hospital's ER on any of his videos - and I was listening specifically for what capacity he worked there in. Is that something he told you in person rather than on a video? I did hear, somewhere, that he had a wife who was an R.N. If he has a bona fide R.N. degree why would that be the one he leaves off his credentials while keeping the fake ones? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2016 01:18AM by SueZ. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 01:51AM SueZ
I never heard Morse say he worked as an R.N. when he worked in a hospital's ER on any of his videos - and I was listening specifically for what capacity he worked there in. Is that something he told you in person rather than on a video? I did hear, somewhere, that he had a wife who was an R.N. If he has a bona fide R.N. degree why would that be the one he leaves off his credentials while keeping the fake ones? Tai: I thought I heard him say he was a nurse several times. Maybe I misunderstood? I am second guessing myself since I never read what school he went to. I thought both he and his wife were nurses. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 02:25AM >>>Robert MOrse is a fruitarian dreamer, who once ate a mono diet of pure navel oranges for six months in his 20s, I think before he had kids. He claimed to do a lot of astral traveling during his mono orange diet.
thanks Tai Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 02:35AM TSM
O.k...how about this. What about using a Hippocrates style diet WITH herbs included. In that way you get cleansing, good feeding and use the powerful herbs to do their thing on the organs and in deeper cleansing. ?? Tai For sure, And HHI has a lot of herbs in their supplement formulas. THe thing that the Gerson program found is that people who were drinking 3.5 quarts of veggie juice a day often couldn't also stomach wheatgrass juice. So I think Hippocrates has tested the limits of people's stomachs with some of their protocols. With the Schulze method, herbs are used extensively throughout the day, but wheatgrass juice is not emphasized. THe same with the Gerson method. I think how many bitter herbs a person can take on top of sprouts and wheatgrass juice will depend on their stomach. But some formulas are not bitter and not harsh on the stomach. One reason I end up using fruit with some people is because of their delicate stomachs and digestion. Some people couldn't handle 4 oz wheatgrass juice, 2 large green juices, large amounts of sprouts and the necessary dosages of strong herbs. A balance has to be struck. TSM Also, Dr Morse seems to be stuck on a natural hygiene type of thinking, but he has the advantage of using herbs. The question is...would he have near the success rate in healing if he just used fruit and natural hygiene methods without the herbs?...I somehow doubt it. Tai No. Some of his lymphatic formulas are hard on the stomach. When a person is taking a very extensive herbal regimen with strong and harsh herbs, a mild diet is important, which is why the high fruit diet works well or the veggie-fruit juice program (incurables program) Robert Morse is an herbalist and has herbs for all kind of things. I can't imagine him suggesting a natural hygiene diet with no herbs. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 03:05AM SueZ, you stole my thunder from downunder. It seems John ' Moe ' Rose is very selective when it comes to criticising ( Aust spelling - we use 's ' instead of 'z ') people for their grammar. What I don't understand is how on the one hand he claims ' cooking is the downfall of mankind ', yet he is happy to supply us with mindless numbingly boring and inane quotes ad nauseum ad infinitum from these same meat eating cooked food eaters. Maybe he doesn't have any original thoughts of his own.
Fresh, can you help me out with your logic. At one point the oldest living person in the US was Charlie Smith at 112 years of age. When asked what his secret for a long life was he replied ' I eat a can of sardines every day '. Does that mean that everyone else who eats one can of sardines a day and doesn't live a long life is ' DOING IT WRONG '. Your logic seems to be that because one person is able to do it then everyone else is doing it wrong - even if Dougs diet has a 99.9% failure / abandonment rate medium to long term ( without cheating, adding B12, powders, seaweeds, etc which aren't raw and don't fall within the paradigm of his diet ). So we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, we should differentiate between a diet of cleansing and healing ( like fruit, raw, juicing and fasting ) with a sustainable nourishing long term diet which seem to be two different things nowadays. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: January 18, 2016 03:12AM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Tai > For sure, And HHI has a lot of herbs in their > supplement formulas. THe thing that the Gerson > program found is that people who were drinking 3.5 > quarts of veggie juice a day often couldn't also > stomach wheatgrass juice. and > I think how many bitter herbs > a person can take on top of sprouts and wheatgrass > juice will depend on their stomach. But some > formulas are not bitter and not harsh on the > stomach. Yes, one thing I often find with people is that when they start a sprout diet with green juices they need to add in fruit so the diet isn't so harsh in it's overall cleansing so nausea is kept away. I often recommend new people to eat fruit 25 minutes after consumption of green sprout juices (especially wheatgrass juice) so they can avoid vomiting. If that fruit is not added in the whole diet gets very harsh in it's cleansing over the days and one feels too wiped out and sick until the fruit is added. As one gets cleansed the fruit is not needed. I find using fruit to curve off the harsh effects of the diet works way better than seed pastes after green juices are consumed. Any idea Tai on why that might be?...could it be other factors like bitter v's sweets and the liver?? > > Tai > No. Some of his lymphatic formulas are hard on > the stomach. When a person is taking a very > extensive herbal regimen with strong and harsh > herbs, a mild diet is important, which is why the > high fruit diet works well or the veggie-fruit > juice program (incurables program) Yes, l can see that. I find fruit is very good on green juice fasting, it stops the nausea for some people. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2016 03:15AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 03:28AM BJ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------ At one > point the oldest living person in the US was > Charlie Smith at 112 years of age. When asked what > his secret for a long life was he replied ' I eat > a can of sardines every day '. Does that mean that > everyone else who eats one can of sardines a day > and doesn't live a long life is ' DOING IT WRONG I don't think so. You would need to define what your statement is. I don't see a claim in there. I haven't made any claim regarding longevity for example. too many variables. I would only make a claim regarding failure to thrive or not and the reasons why. > '. Your logic seems to be that because one person > is able to do it then everyone else is doing it > wrong - No, it seems clear to me that we are mostly similar physiologically as humans. and I do tend to take frugivory being the best for humans . I don't mean to say doing it wrong is the only reason, although I do quickly say that sometimes , I do mean it can be 1- permanent physiological problem/difference in the body 2- temporary problem with the body since people adjust 3- problem with the way the diet is done either food choices or dietary design I see 1 as unlikely from the evidence or at least rare. even if Dougs diet has a 99.9% failure / > abandonment rate medium to long term ( without > cheating, adding B12, powders, seaweeds, etc which > aren't raw and don't fall within the paradigm of > his diet ). you're making up a statement that I don't accept. > > So we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, > we should differentiate between a diet of > cleansing and healing ( like fruit, raw, juicing > and fasting ) with a sustainable nourishing long > term diet which seem to be two different things > nowadays. I understand people do that but I don't agree. I see what I consider as an ideal diet as good for both cleansing and healing. not sure if that answers. in other words the claims i was addressing were "the diet is deficient" or "vegans can't succeed" which is countered by examples making the proposition false. longevity claims appear to have too many variables and harder to ascertain the truth or falsity of the proposition. the example claim you seem to be making to disprove the logic is "if you eat sardines and don't live long you are doing something wrong" I wouldn't make that claim of that sort. too many variables plus I wouldn't pick 1 food item to make a claim like that, that sort of thing. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2016 03:41AM by fresh. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
Date: January 18, 2016 04:04AM >> even if Dougs diet has a 99.9% failure / abandonment rate medium to long term ( without cheating, adding B12, powders, seaweeds, etc which aren't raw and don't fall within the paradigm of his diet )
-I don't agree with him regarding b12 but i also don't think he says don't take it if you need to. -I don't see any nutritional deficit in the diet as defined. the fact that people don't do it 100% for 100 years doesn't say anything about the diet to me, no more than failing to exercise 3 days a week for 50 years means that exercise is a failed endeavor (if that were the definition of proper exercise). - I also wonder WHAT diet you would claim has the best success rate? The problem is defining success. - I suppose there are other diets result in less "failures" but so does going to the top of everest vs going to the top of the hill behind your house. in other words I don't agree with those who think that our best diet should be the one that's easiest to do. in this culture. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2016 04:06AM by fresh. Re: What does Robert Morse eat?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: April 10, 2016 05:08PM TSM wrote:
<<<After taking 100 pages of notes and compiling large amounts of studies on the acid/alkaline theory>>> Hey TSM, Do you have anything on the pH of the Lymph System? If not, could this the Piece of the Puzzle that ALL of you guys are Missing? ![]() Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.