The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 25, 2016 03:41AM I happened upon one of my many Braggs books this afternoon. I cannot recall the name exactly but it is a vegetarian recipe book. I was startled and puzzled to discover that this book has beef recipes and other meat dishes. Also egg yolks, etc. No yolk, folks!
Why does this surprise me? In later books (the recipes in this one seem dated for various reasons) it would seem that the emphasis was more raw vegan. I could be wrong about this but it always seemed that way to me. Perhaps all their books were just republished from earlier times--I'm not sure. So I looked at Patricia's Wiki page and apparently Paul was her father-in-law! There are so many mysterious things that I am curious if anyone has extensive info on these two. Googling it yields scant results. Or did for me. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 25, 2016 05:39AM from chet day.
For years, from the accounts I'd read, Paul Bragg died a robust and healthy man in his 90's in a swimming accident in Hawaii. In April of 2006, however, I was pointed to a link on Google Answers that reports of Bragg dying at the age of 81 in a car accident. Regardless of his age and cause of death, I've always appreciated Bragg's work because of his emphasis on two things: exercise and listening to one's body. Bragg listened to his body and, as he writes on page 78 of his book, The Miracle of Fasting, has a lot to teach us: Over the years of following a program of fasting, and with a diet containing an abundance of raw fruit and raw vegetables, my body has become so keen that it practically tells me what to eat at every meal. Over the years on this diet, my body has lost the desire for meat and fish, and my diet is composed of raw fruits and vegetables, cooked fruit, and cooked vegetables with nuts, nut-butters, seeds, raw wheat germ, Brewer's yeast, and legumes. This is what my body seems to thrive on, but as I said, I don't like the word 'Never,' because there are times when my body tells me to eat a piece of meat or a piece of fish, or to have some natural cheese or a few fertile eggs. In other words, my body has developed an instinct for the selection of foods. Chet's Commentary on Bragg Well, my experience since 1993 has been that the serious health seeker's body will develop this same keen instinct for eating the right foods. Instead of letting some ego-driven health guru tell you his/her system is the only system, why not listen to the voice that really knows what's right for your body, the voice within, the voice of desires for foods that speaks clearly once you learn to listen to it. And Paul Bragg apparently ate more meat than he let on, as two readers of my newsletter reported in 2002: PAUL BRAGG LIKED BURGERS Chet, good article on the health gurus who have switched from vegan/vegetarian to adding meat to their diets. We were vegetarians in the 70's and changed in the 80's when we studied Dr. Ray Peat's work. We noticed our patients that took the longest to respond to treatment were the vegans and vegetarians. Regarding Paul Bragg, we always saw him at a restaurant in the Ilikai Hotel in Waikiki. His favorite meal was a char-broiled hamburger according to the waitresses that served him. At that time, he professed to be a vegetarian. He was a nice man and ran a free exercise class on the beach. He reminded me of my father-in-law who wrote a book called, "If Man Made It, Don't Eat It," and Haal always told people he was a vegetarian, but we knew he enjoyed a good steak 2-3 times a week. Now if we could only get people of the polyunsaturated fats and soy.... Aloha. -- Sharie and PAUL BRAGG LIKED BURGERS CONFIRMED Chet: A short note to let you know that the info on Paul Bragg that Sharie reported about eating burgers is correct. You know I live in Honolulu. I've run into a couple of older guys at the gym who used to exercise with Bragg at Fort DeRussy in Waikiki in the mornings. They told me the same thing about the burgers. -- Dr. Stephen Brynes Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 25, 2016 05:44AM both harvey and marilyn diamond started eating a lot of animals years after fit for life. harvey doesn't look like it's working for him
here's a bizarre statement from marilyn Ahimsa is a practice that we must apply to the gift of life itself. If the vegetarian diet were the healthiest then in South India, we would not see not only the largest numbers of diabetics in the world, far larger than those in the meat eating north of India, but also the shortest lifespan, with poverty factored out of this equation. I was a strict vegetarian for 18 years and continued for nearly another ten years with few exceptions. However, my research showed me that the choice to eat animal products IS ahimsa: COMPASSION FOR ONE’S OWN LIFE AND THE VERY REAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS OF THE HUMAN BODY. The longer you abstain, the greater will be the damage. I lived this truth and live now to warn others against what I experienced. I wish only to see a strong and vital population in this country, so that we can regain our stability, prosperity and stature. And OUR HEALTH! Science has shown that even plants experience pain, so where do you draw the line? If you inhale air, you kill living forms of bacteria, so then, you must stop breathing to practice what you preach of ahimsa. Peace and planetary health is not on our plates. It’s in our hearts. So let’s end the aggression that has overtaken diet and respect people’s choices for their health. I respect whatever choice you wish to make. Let freedom ring, even in diet. Thank you for you interest, and please accept my sincere and heartfelt love, Marilyn Diamond meanwhile... "Medical experts say poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle is the main reason for the rise in diabetes among the urban poor. "It is a false belief that only those eating burgers and pizzas can get obese and develop diabetes. High consumption of fried items such as kachori, samosa and gulab jamun can also led to the onset of diabetes," said Dr H P S Sachdev, senior consultant pediatrics at Sitaram Institute of Science and Research." so marilyn not too bright, or rationalizing as humans do. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 25, 2016 12:03PM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Why does this surprise me? Probably because you haven't read any of KFCA's posts on the subject of the Braggs in Coconutcream's thread ... "Paul Bragg was in the Source Family Cult" [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: January 25, 2016 04:25PM This 'listening to your body' is all very well, and I'm all for the 'mind/body connection', but it's important to remember that your body doesn't always have your best interests at heart ![]() For instance, our bodies could be host to parasites that just want to ingest as much sugar as possible, lol. When they communicate their cravings to us, how can we tell whether it is really 'us' or them? One has also to take into account the amount of addictive chemicals that are added to processed foods these days - MSG, salt etc. How are we to know that we're following the best possible course of action for our body, or simply feeding our addictions? So perhaps when Paul Braggs was enjoying his char-broiled hamburger, confidently reassuring himself that he was simply listening to his body, it was not in fact the case. I would say the best thing to do is cultivate a strong awareness of what's going on in your body, but don't always just follow blindly - add your mind into the mix too and decide whether it makes sense on a cognitive level. PS - I remember reading an article about how a pregnant woman's body will do everything in its power to keep the foetus alive, even when sometimes that is detrimental in some way to the woman's own health. Apparently it's a uniquely human occurrence. I wish I could find that article again, it was really fascinating. ![]() Free Newsletter: [bit.ly] Facebook: [www.facebook.com] Instagram: [www.instagram.com] Blog: [RawFoodScotland.co.uk] Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 25, 2016 04:54PM <<<This 'listening to your body' is all very well, and I'm all for the 'mind/body connection', but it's important to remember that your body doesn't always have your best interests at heart winking smiley>>>
Exactly, this is a very important Piece of the Puzzle and I labeled it Piece #5, which is a Malfunctioning Survival Mechanism - see the Video below... [youtu.be] ![]() Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: January 25, 2016 04:58PM lisa m Wrote:
> One has also to take into account the amount of > addictive chemicals that are added to processed > foods these days - MSG, salt etc. How are we to > know that we're following the best possible course > of action for our body, or simply feeding our > addictions? > After posting this, it just occurred to me - funny enough, aren't salt and MSG the chief ingredients in Braggs Aminos? And wouldn't it play out perfectly to tell people to listen to their bodies, and then sell them something that was purported to be a 'health' food, which contained highly addictive substances? So after doing a bit of research to find out what's exactly in Braggs Aminos, I have come to the conclusion that I would personally stay away from this company's products at all cost! They are so secretive and ambiguous on their website as to how Aminos are made, I don't trust them at all. I also came across a very interesting theory on how the product may be made: [theashbulletin.blogspot.co.uk] "The other topic you asked about in your letter was about how Bragg Aminos are made. Once again, here's an armchair biologist's answer, meaning that I don't know this for sure, but it's the only thing that makes scientific sense. If I were given some vegetable protein and were asked to make it into amino acids without spending a lot of money on it, I would boil it up with some hydrochloric acid. This would break it down to amino acids, but of course it would be too acidic to be palatable. So I would then neutralize the acid with baking soda, causing the reaction mixture to look like this: 2HCl + Na2CO3 ===> 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O So the salt gets made by mistake as it were. Now someone (I forget who) followed up on this and contacted the Bragg company to ask if this was how they did it, and they denied it. However, they didn't disclose how they do actually do it, so in the absence of correct information, and with an extremely salty taste in their product, I still consider the above process to play at least some part in their procedure." ![]() Free Newsletter: [bit.ly] Facebook: [www.facebook.com] Instagram: [www.instagram.com] Blog: [RawFoodScotland.co.uk] Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: January 25, 2016 05:00PM thanks for sharing your video John. Are you on Periscope? If not, you should be! ![]() ![]() Free Newsletter: [bit.ly] Facebook: [www.facebook.com] Instagram: [www.instagram.com] Blog: [RawFoodScotland.co.uk] Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 25, 2016 05:28PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > banana who Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Why does this surprise me? > > Probably because you haven't read any of KFCA's > posts on the subject of the Braggs in > Coconutcream's thread ... > > "Paul Bragg was in the Source Family Cult" > > [www.rawfoodsupport.com] > 48483#msg-248483 Perhaps you also missed KFCA's posts on the Braggs in threads such as this one [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Here's one of her posts from that thread ... Re: Is Being a Health Expert Bad for Your Health? Why Health Gurus Die Young Posted by: KFCA () Date: November 05, 2011 01:48PM Well, Tam, it was quite a long journey to find the truth here. As to Paul Bragg's age & place of birth, it became clear that Paul lied about both. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, early documents that I'm sure Paul thought would never again see the light of day came out back to bite him. Since it was apparent that Paul was born in Batesville, Ripley County, Indiana on Feb. 6, 1895, rather than in 1881 in Virginia as he claimed in numerous newspaper interviews & even in People Magazine, I decided to check this "age" angle out. Unfortunately, Indiana didn't require birth certificates until 1907 so that document would be non-existent. However I got amazingly lucky when I contacted the Batesville Public Library & the librarian there got interested in my project. In a storeroom she found microfilm of an old hand-written "Record of Births" of all babies born in Ripley County, Indiana in 1895 (a few were from Dec. 1894), and, lo & behold, there was Paul Bragg, born "Feb.6, 1895". She kindly xeroxed & sent me a copy, which I have in my possession. BTW, although Paul Bragg claimed in at least one of his books that his father was a farmer who fed his stock organic apple cider vinegar to make them well, his father was always a newspaper typesetter/printer, originally in Indianapolis, then Batesville (the librarian also found this info), and later got a civil service job doing same, working for the Federal Government in Washington, D.C. Paul's story was pure hog-wash. As to his death, although internet stories have him either dramatically dying in a surfing accident at age 95 (witness our poster) OR, while giving a speech (presumably at the Second Annual Health, Diet & Fitness Show in Miami where he was to be a speaker), he collapsed & paramedics filled him with drugs & he immediately died because his body was so pure, or some such. Actually on the morning of his death, he had what sounded like a stroke in his rooms at The Crest View Apartments & was taken to the emergency room at a local Miami Hospital where he finally died of a heart attack at 1:15 PM in the early afternoon of Dec. 7, 1976. Within two days he was cremated at the Lithgow Funeral Center in Miami, FL; I don't know the disposition of his remains. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 25, 2016 05:34PM What do you want to know? I have extensive info on both. It became quite clear early on that both Braggs went beyond telling tall tales to essentially reinventing their Life Stories. With the internet & its genealogical sites, unfortunately nowadays, it often comes back to bite you. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 27, 2016 03:19AM @Fresh: LMAO--WTF?
It is so bizarre to me that someone can market something like a diet and be very dogmatic about it and then do a 180 and we are supposed to just go along with the program. Proof that to follow anyone's diet advice to the letter is probably pretty foolish since they can change on a dime. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 27, 2016 07:39PM It was known "to change on a dime" even back in the 1930ties, to wit:
From Paul Bragg's 1930 "Health Food Cook Book", "There Are No Meat Recipes In This Book", Chapter III, Page 15: "Meat & all flesh foods are unfit for human use. Meat is a corpse; it is a dead animal....Why should humans make graveyards of their stomachs?". From Paul Bragg's 1934 "Health Food Cook Book"," Meat--The Nerve Builder", Chapter XXL, Page 120: "Meat is an important item in the diet for building perfect health....The old idea that we should not eat red meats is erroneous. There is no scientific basis for such a statement...." Funny how the story changes in four short years. BTW, I got those quotes from a couple of his books in the stacks at the Life Science Building's Library on the University of Cal-Berkeley campus. A little nostalgia note in that inside the 1934 book was a folded up typed letter on Live Food Co, stationery from Paul Bragg & dated that year, forwarding the University the copy with his compliments. Almost 80 years old when I ran acrossed it. Nice touch I thought. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2016 07:44PM by KFCA. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 28, 2016 02:02AM Wow, how interesting! This cookbook I referenced came out about 20 years ago (another edition) but the recipes seemed quite dated. I was just shocked at the extent of the various types of meat. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2016 03:16AM Paul also said in his books that he tried the strict raw food diet for two years but lost too much strength no matter how much he ate for his athletic pursuits so he added cooked foods back in and re-gained it.
I also find it interesting that he talked about the longevity of the all the various groups of health minded eaters from fruitarians to omnivores and that he observed that the omnivores had a longer lifespan than strict fruit eaters or rawists... Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 29, 2016 05:05AM Correction: in my original post, I stated that it was a vegetarian cookbook. Obviously it couldn't be as it contained meat recipes. I looked on Amazon and it's not there. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2016 08:44AM I've had all of his books on several occasions and due to moving ended up with none of them. He had 2 separate cook books: The High Protein Vegetarian ( Meatless ) cookbook, as well as a normal cookbook which included meat and fish. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 29, 2016 03:16PM NuNativs wrote:
<<<Paul also said in his books that he tried the strict raw food diet for two years but lost too much strength no matter how much he ate for his athletic pursuits so he added cooked foods back in and re-gained it.>>> Yes, I remember reading this a long time ago and this illustrates that most people simply do NOT realize how much food they have to eat when they go Raw and most people do NOT realize how much DAMAGE they have done by Eating COOKED Food as is illustrated in this old post that I wrote almost 16 years ago. [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Subject: THE 7TH COMPONENT OF WEIGHT Author: JR...(John Rose) (HSTNA030-0121.splitrock.net) Date: 05-10-2000 00:18 Jeff Novick wrote: <<<to the person who said they gain weight on a 2000 calories defecit, and loses wt on a 2000 calorie excess, I would offer you to come to my center and let us observe you under controlled setting ( or any other rseacrh center) and have this documented. You would become world famous. ![]() John Rose wrote: <<<I have been able to gain weight on a caloric deficit of 2000 calories, and I have been able to lose weight on a caloric surplus of 2000 calories. In both cases, the weight was not fat, muscle or water weight - it was uneliminated waste matter - the residue from unnatural food.>>> This normally does not happen to me, but it has before, and it can happen to you or anyone else. Let me be more explicit. Since I've been 100% raw for 5 years now, if I were to go out tomorrow and eat 600 calories of dead food and that was all I ate, I would probably gain 2-3 pounds. It wouldn't be fat, muscle or water. How do I know? Because I would then do a Juice Fast the next day, and even if I juiced 2000 calories more than I burned, I'd see the residue from this cooked food come out of me and I would lose the 2-3 pounds that I gained. I have fasted over 600 days on 113 different occasions, and many of them were because I could not maintain a 100% raw diet when I first went raw about 10 years ago. I have done research in this area that no one, that I know of, has ever done before. The research I'm talking about is using my own body as a guinea pig. You would not believe how far I've gone to make some sense out of all of this. About 6 years ago, I wanted to make sense out of all of the books that I had been reading, and I wanted to test whether an 80% raw diet was as good as a 100% raw diet. So I decided to eat 80% raw for the next 30 days to see what would happen. This was a step back for me - I had been 99% raw for the previous year. In the first 20 days, I gained 17 pounds. From days 21 to 30, I didn’t gain 1 pound. My suspicions were right. I filled up my colon back to where it was before I emptied it out from my Juice Fasting. I remember after doing this experiment, reading about Paul Bragg and how he said that he was always hungry and didn’t have adequate energy during the first 2 years at 100% raw so he went back to 1 cooked meal a day, and he too coincidentally gained 17 pounds. I also read after my experiment, that the same thing happened to George Malkmus after he went 100% raw for 1 year to cure his colon cancer and he too went back to 1 cooked meal a day and he too very coincidentally gained 17 pounds. It is extremely coincidental that all three of us gained 17 pounds, but when you consider that we were all almost the same age when it happened to us, it’s not that surprising. The only difference between me and these two gentlemen is that I immediately went back on a Juice Fast and guess what happened - I po-oped those 17 pounds out of me. Now I understand what Jesus meant in the “The Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book One” when he said, “For no man can serve two masters. For either he serves Beelzebub and his devils or else he serves our Earthly Mother and her angels. Either he serves death or he serves life. I tell you truly, happy are those that do the laws of life and wander not upon the paths of death. For in them the forces of life wax strong and they escape the plagues of death.” Jesus made over 16 references in “The Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book One” about this uneliminated waste matter in our colon and referred to it as Beelzebub. Jesus said, “And fast till Beelzebub and all of his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother come and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. If you look Beelzebub up in the dictionary, it says that it’s the chief devil - Satan. If you go to a King James version of the bible and look Beelzebub up in it’s dictionary, it says that it’s the Lord of the Dung Hill. This is a piece of the puzzle that I can get real excited about!!! When asked how to keep this demon away after we destroyed it through fasting, Jesus said, “But I do say to you: Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food that goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For only life comes only from life, and from death comes always death.” I was on day 63 of my 90 day Juice Fast when I read the “The Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book One” and if I hadn’t seen Beelzebub with my own two eyes, I might of had a hard time believing what I read. All I know is that when I got all of this filth out of me, it changed my life forever. I finally felt connected to everything around me for the first time. Dr. Norman Walker talks about cosmic energy vibrations and how every cell and organ, etc. vibrates at a certain frequency, and as long as we are toxic, we will not vibrate at the right frequency. Dr. Gabriel Cousens also alludes to this in “Spiritual Nutrition And The Rainbow Diet,” “It is a total mind-body-spirit ecstasy vibrating in every atom of our being with every atom in the universe.” So once again everyone, if you have not fasted until you stopped seeing Beelzebub come out of you, you don’t know what you’re missing - you’re in for a treat. Peace and Love, John Rose [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Once again, most people do NOT realize how much food they have to eat when they switch from an Unnatural Cooked Food Diet to a Natural Raw Food Diet and then, some people whine because they’re not able to eat enough and think that there is something unique about those of us who are able to eat the only food we are biologically adapted to eat. My question for you guys would be - Have you guys never exercised? This reminds me of something I read in the very first book I read that made me go Vegan called “Eat To Win” by Dr. Robert Haas, which illustrates what happens when one actually moves their body like we were meant to move it: “Weekend athletes usually are unaware of the enormous physical demands that world-class competition places on competitors; nor are they generally aware of the enormous appetites of these competitors—Gene and Sandy Mayer, world-champion tennis players, each ate at one sitting 15 Big Macs and several orders of French fries (large), and washed it all down with a couple of milk shakes—of course, that was before they adopted this program!” -Dr. Robert Haas - “Eat To Win,” p. 124 Now I’m not saying that we should all exercise like a world-class athlete, but when we look at the Blue Zones, one of the things they all had in common was that they all exercised 4-5 hours a day. However, it was not as strenuous as a world-class athlete, but they were burning a lot more calories than those lazy asses that complain because they can’t eat more than 3 or 4 bananas in one sitting and then whine about. Yes, BJ, I’m referring to YOU!!! ![]() By the way, I find it really odd that this website will not allow the word p-o-o-p to be used, which explains why I had to use a hyphen when I used the word in the post above. ![]() Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2016 03:26PM "This normally does not happen to me, but it has before, and it can happen to you or anyone else. Let me be more explicit. Since I've been 100% raw for 5 years now, if I were to go out tomorrow and eat 600 calories of dead food and that was all I ate, I would probably gain 2-3 pounds. It wouldn't be fat, muscle or water. How do I know? Because I would then do a Juice Fast the next day, and even if I juiced 2000 calories more than I burned, I'd see the residue from this cooked food come out of me and I would lose the 2-3 pounds that I gained."
A perfect illustration of how being ignorant and bat shite crazy are a bad combination. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 29, 2016 03:38PM WOW, I share a very valuable experience and what does the resident PSYCHOPATH have to say?
As usual, nothing that helps anyone! This is a Raw Food SUPPORT Website, so why in the hell are you here, PooZ? ![]() Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2016 03:45PM It's really interesting how few people understand or were able to figure out that transition phase where it's difficult to satisfy hunger (whether it's a bodily adjustment or not eating enough). even bragg! caused pooz, sean from 30badsucks, mcdougall, niko, and many others to fail on the diet. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2016 06:33PM Now as far as Patricia Pendleton Bragg's actual family background. Her great-grandfather came to California from the East Coast---Maryland I believe---during the California Gold Rush, circa 1849. Two of his sons eventually went into the salt processing business in the San Francisco Bay Area around the turn of the 20th Century, eventually organizing the Continental Salt & Chemical Works, which later became the California Salt Company, "a concern producing and refining over 70 percent of salt produced on the Coast. This company enjoys a world-wide export trade." (Oakland Review, 1917, copy available at the History Room, Oakland, CA Public Library.)
Patricia Bragg's maternal grandfather, Herbert C. Coward sold (& retired from) the salt business circa 1926, and died in 1937 in Piedmont, CA. One of his & his ex-wife's two daughters was Nettie Coward, mother of Patricia by her second marriage in Oakland, CA in 1928 to Harry C. Pendleton, a transplanted to California native of Georgia, USA. Patricia was born in an Oakland, CA hospital to them in 1929, another child, a son, Harry, Jr., was born in 1930, her parents separated in 1934, and their Final Decree of Divorce was issued by the Alameda County, CA Superior Court in 1938, with Nettie being given full custody of the two children of that marriage. In the 1940 US Census, Patricia is shown at age 10, living with her now-single mother, Nettie, & two brothers (one a half brother from Nettie first marriage circa 1917) on Pala Ave. in Piedmont, CA. Bottom line, Paul C. Bragg was never Patricia Bragg's biological father nor was she adopted by him as a young child. Not sure why she had somehow forgotten to mention Harry C. Pendleton ANYPLACE in her life until the truth was recently found out. Oh well, invent a whole different Life Story to suit one's agenda. Makes one very skeptical. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Anon 102
Date: January 30, 2016 02:19PM PooZ is Beelzebub. She must be flushed away. She is an ancient, ancient, old, old, gnarled, wrinkled being who is very vicious. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 30, 2016 04:09PM <<<PooZ is Beelzebub. She must be flushed away. She is an ancient, ancient, old, old, gnarled, wrinkled being who is very vicious.>>>
Yes, the T--U--R--D must be flushed away!!! According to Webster's dictionary, T--U--R--D - usually vulgar : a contemptible person. Once again, I am amazed at how appropriate the word "T--U--R--D" is to describe this pathetic excuse for a human being! ![]() Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: January 30, 2016 04:18PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > I was on day 63 of my 90 day Juice Fast when I > read the “The Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book > One” and if I hadn’t seen Beelzebub with my > own two eyes, I might of had a hard time believing > what I read. All I know is that when I got all of > this filth out of me, it changed my life forever. > I finally felt connected to everything around me > for the first time.” > Thanks for the EGOP reminder John, I love to read that every so often, really brings me back to the core of the rawfood diet. question re your juice fast - how were your teeth afterwards? Lately I'm a big fan of chewing; I eat a big salad every day and give my jaw a good workout, feels good. So I'm wondering how it affected your teeth to not use them for so long? Another question - what does Beelzebub look like? I'm dying to know ![]() ![]() ![]() Free Newsletter: [bit.ly] Facebook: [www.facebook.com] Instagram: [www.instagram.com] Blog: [RawFoodScotland.co.uk] Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: January 30, 2016 05:30PM My intention in posting this was to see if anyone has a link to more extensive info on the Braggs' background. Who is now running this huge corporation? Does she have kids? I didn't get that idea from Wikipedia that there were heirs.
It stands to reason that there are shills/entities who wish to discredit alternative health "gurus" or businesses so even Wiki is suspect in that regard. However, since there seems to be so much conflicting info on these characters (and add folks like Herbert Shelton and Norman Walker to the mix), it makes one wonder what the truth really is... Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2016 05:45PM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- it makes one wonder what the truth > really is... there's no need to wonder you are breathing that's all there is to know enjoy. Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2016 07:09PM Banana Who: To get back on track of the subject of your original posting:
1. As far as known, Paul Bragg had 3 biological children with Wife #1, all now deceased; none with Wife #2, who divorced him in the early 1930ties. 2. As far as known, Patricia Pendleton Bragg had no bio children from her two marriages, although when she married Paul Bragg's son, Robert Elton Bragg, in 1952 in Phoenix, AZ, Robert was divorced from his first wife & had a son from that marriage, born in Los Angeles County, CA in 1948. So technically I guess she was a step-mother during the years of their marriage. However when Patricia was interviewed by Vicky Uhland for the "Natural Foods Merchandiser" magazine issue of 4/24/2008, she stated she was never married and that her "intended" had died in an accident a week before their wedding. (Google "Patricia Bragg: Born To Do Her Father's Work-New Hope 360" on-line for her further life details...at least as reported via Patricia.) Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2016 07:57PM KFCA Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Now as far as Patricia Pendleton Bragg's actual > family background. Her great-grandfather came to > California from the East Coast---Maryland I > believe---during the California Gold Rush, circa > 1849. Two of his sons eventually went into the > salt processing business in the San Francisco Bay > Area around the turn of the 20th Century, > eventually organizing the Continental Salt & > Chemical Works, which later became the California > Salt Company, "a concern producing and refining > over 70 percent of salt produced on the Coast. > This company enjoys a world-wide export trade." > (Oakland Review, 1917, copy available at the > History Room, Oakland, CA Public Library.) > > Patricia Bragg's maternal grandfather, Herbert C. > Coward sold (& retired from) the salt business > circa 1926, and died in 1937 in Piedmont, CA. One > of his & his ex-wife's two daughters was Nettie > Coward, mother of Patricia by her second marriage > in Oakland, CA in 1928 to Harry C. Pendleton, a > transplanted to California native of Georgia, USA. > Patricia was born in an Oakland, CA hospital to > them in 1929, another child, a son, Harry, Jr., > was born in 1930, her parents separated in 1934, > and their Final Decree of Divorce was issued by > the Alameda County, CA Superior Court in 1938, > with Nettie being given full custody of the two > children of that marriage. In the 1940 US Census, > Patricia is shown at age 10, living with her > now-single mother, Nettie, & two brothers (one a > half brother from Nettie first marriage circa > 1917) on Pala Ave. in Piedmont, CA. > > Bottom line, Paul C. Bragg was never Patricia > Bragg's biological father nor was she adopted by > him as a young child. Not sure why she had > somehow forgotten to mention Harry C. Pendleton > ANYPLACE in her life until the truth was recently > found out. Oh well, invent a whole different Life > Story to suit one's agenda. Makes one very > skeptical. KFCA, in this video, @ 9:34, Patricia Bragg says she is the great, great, great granddaughter of General Braxton Bragg and @ 12:34 she says her God father was Del Webb, etc. [www.youtube.com] Re: The Mysterious Braggs...
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2016 09:21PM Par for the course for Patricia Bragg & her fantasy stories.
The first instance that I'm aware of where Paul Bragg claims relationship to the Confederate Civil War General Braxton Bragg was an interview with William Helton of Honolulu's Sunday Star Bulletin on August 4, 1969, to wit: "Bragg was born in Virginia in 1881 and says his great-grandfather was Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg....". Pure poppycock. In my research, in addition to doing a Bragg family tree, I emailed Fort Bragg, and my email was turned over to an officer there who told me that coincidentally he was in the midst of writing a biography on Gen. Braxton Bragg (told you sometimes I just get very lucky), and that the General and his wife (I can't remember if her name was Ella or Etta---something like that) married circa 1850, and had no children. His wife, who was considerably younger, outlived the General by several decades. As far as the Godfather story, I'm sure that just another story. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.