Cleaning chia seeds
Posted by:
Date: March 22, 2016 08:53AM Hi all
Today I opened my first packet of chia seeds. Like all seeds, I began to rinse them in a pot under a tap thoroughly, only to realise that this is not to be done in the case of chia seeds. They became mucous like and swelled up. I still did some rudimentary washing and have now kept them soaked for a few hours before I eat them. I know that if I lay them in a single layer, flat, upon a tray they will also sprout, but at the moment I am happy eating them in their mucilaginous form. But what I am curious about is - how do I know these seeds are clean? All other seeds I use need to be washed several times - 3 to 5 - before the mud comes off them. Only then I soak them overnight. I live in India, and I suppose the possibility of contamination is higher here, even though the seeds I got are organic. The packaging does not say anything about washing them or about how they are prepared. Do you eat your chia seeds without washing them? How can you be sure they are clean? Re: Cleaning chia seeds
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 03, 2016 11:29PM Can't you just wash them as you go along? What were you going to do with them? I don't think I wash them--I use them for pudding. But if they are organic, I don't think you have to worry about that. After all, we have to draw a line somewhere. No point in eating healthy and still worrying about something else, especially if it's organic! Re: Cleaning chia seeds
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: April 05, 2016 12:24AM Yes, cleaning chia seeds is impossible. I eat a lot of chia. Chia does seem much cleaner than other seeds, but l can never be sure it is clean.
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