Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 22, 2016 06:11PM Guys, I need your opinion on this ![]() This evening something weird and very scary happened to me. I came back from church feeling peaceful and happy. While preparing my dressing for the zoodles, I suddenly started to feel my heart beating really loud and really fast, I could feel it and hear it like coming out of my chest, while I was feeling dizzy, like I was about to faint. I sipped on water and took deep breaths, and sat down. This never happened to me like that. For a while now I've been feeling my heart racing at times, all of a sudden, even while sleeping or just being calm and reading on the internet. I read it's arrythmia or more likely tahychardia, and it's a symptom of thyroid disorder. My TSH is a bit high which usually is a sign of hypothyroid. I also read that tahychardia is a sign of stress, and I've had quite a stressful time. But not this evening. Today it happened after my husband told me something in a harsh voice, he was bothered by me making noise while he was sleeping. Coincidence or not, immediately after he said what he said, I started feeling this. An immediate measure when having this issue is to caugh few times - most times this measure worked, but not today. Both my mom and my grandmom have heart problems (my mom even has a weird heart problem). Ever since I was a teenager, I always had this weird feeling / intuition that something is wrong with my heart, but I never had an EKG. I remember when I was young about being told I have some irregularities with my heart, but those were never checked out by my mom. I think I definitely need to have my heart checked out ![]() What do you think? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 23, 2016 09:45AM Ela, You use cron-O-meter, right? Does it tell that you are getting enough magnesium? Are you able to afford and eat enough food to cover the bare minimums of all the other nutrients?
It is very important to give the body everything it needs to cope and repair or it can't do it. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2016 09:45AM by SueZ. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 24, 2016 02:16AM This books recommends these two supplements:
COQ10 Carnitine (bacteria derived) [www.amazon.com] It is supposedly an energy crisis and mitochondria is what makes the energy. Mg helps with the contraction too. But it is best to have it diagnose just in case. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2016 02:17AM by Panchito. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 24, 2016 09:03PM Thank you everyone for your advice ![]() For today's menu, my magnesium is at 166%. In the past (when I was still entering my foods into Cronometer - I stopped doing that lately, I did it today for this thread) it was between 76% and 121%. My menu is usually made of apples, oranges, mandarines, butter lettuce, lemons, carrots, zucchinis, fresh dill, cucumbers, tomatoes (in colder seasons). During warmer seasons I add to this menu the seasonal fruits. When I have very little money, I can only afford apples and oranges and I try to add carrot juice / butter lettuce juice from time to time. I guess my menu depends on the seasons and on what money I have. But I usually get my magnesium. I've been going throught a lot of stress lately due to more factors in my life, so that could be a strong cause of my heart issues. I will definitely get my heart checked out, I want to be aware of any problems I might have. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2016 09:04PM by Ela2013. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 25, 2016 02:42AM FYI. Avocados have carnitine (~2 mg each) Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 25, 2016 03:58AM My wife has been having the same type of thing you describe of late. She is pretty high strung in general and stresses out about things to the max. I am the exact opposite...
Long story short, she has been having palpitations, waking her up at night, tight chest, neck, chest pain shortness of breath and all the rest. She eats well and ingests a myriad of superfoods and supplements and exercises daily. Today, we went to emergency to get her checked out. 4 hours later after running all the cardiac tests, blood test etc., she is fine. No sign of anything as far as her heart goes. Stress wise, she definitely needs to improve as to her response and how she views events in that she is making herself sick. It's almost comical how relieved she is right now. Diet is only a part of health, and as regards all the stressors and out response to them, maybe a small part. Don't play around with heart symptoms though, better to use the medical establishment for what they're good at, a gross diagnosis for major problems and/or damage and then take it from there, preferably down the alternative route foregoing surgery and the rest... Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 25, 2016 01:44PM Thank you so much, NuNativs.
It's great that your wife is fine. I guess an important factor in my life is too much stress as well, I need to let it go and solve that part. I will go soon and have my heart checked out. I hope nothing is wrong too. Panchito, I really don't like / eat avocados. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: March 25, 2016 02:15PM NuNativs Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > My wife has been having the same type of thing you > describe of late. She is pretty high strung in > general and stresses out about things to the max. > I am the exact opposite... > > Long story short, she has been having > palpitations, waking her up at night, tight chest, > neck, chest pain shortness of breath and all the > rest. She eats well and ingests a myriad of > superfoods and supplements and exercises daily. > > Today, we went to emergency to get her checked > out. 4 hours later after running all the cardiac > tests, blood test etc., she is fine. No sign of > anything as far as her heart goes. > > Stress wise, she definitely needs to improve as to > her response and how she views events in that she > is making herself sick. It's almost comical how > relieved she is right now. Diet is only a part of > health, and as regards all the stressors and out > response to them, maybe a small part. > > Don't play around with heart symptoms though, > better to use the medical establishment for what > they're good at, a gross diagnosis for major > problems and/or damage and then take it from > there, preferably down the alternative route > foregoing surgery and the rest... It sounds like your wife had a panic attack. Anxiety disorder has led people to actually go to the ER thinking they were having a heart attack and nothing is found. That is when you know it's anxiety instead. You feel like you're going to die. It's a terrifying feeling. When people continuously tamp down their feelings and don't acknowledge them, those feelings don't go away. They bubble to the surface. Funny that it did so for her in the middle of the night because that is when you cannot control your dreams or distract yourself with activity as easily as during the day. One of the biggest causes of buried feelings leading to anxiety is not standing up for yourself and allowing others to have control. Also, trauma from childhood may be buried for years and get triggered later for whatever reason. I still don't understand what the purpose of going to an allopathic doctor is. Being diagnosed does not solve the problem, nor does it guarantee that the MD even will properly diagnose it in the first place. I can't speak for Europe, but I would imagine that they are slightly or even more enlightened regarding diagnosis and what is recommended for curing the dis-order or dis-ease, but in America, going to an MD can lead to a merry-go-round of this test or that, all sorts of scary possible scenarios if you don't get this surgery or that procedure. In other words, you get into their clutches. But people somehow feel "safe" when an authority figure tells them something than trusting their own intelligence and ability to solve the problem independently. The bottom line: getting to the buried issues that are coming to the surface and need to be cleared away. Concentrating more on the spiritual (not dogmatic religion of "sin" and other tactics employed by the Elite/authority figures to gain control of the sheeple through guilt,shame and fear) and less on the physical. Pursuing your dreams rather than having a narrow focus on body. The body is temporary. Even if you take the best care of it, you have to also pour energy into your consciousness so that you are thinking the highest-quality thoughts, doing what makes your heart sing, etc. Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2016 02:21PM by banana who. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: March 25, 2016 05:40PM Ela, this is exactly what you posted: "Today it happened after my husband told me something in a harsh voice, he was bothered by me making noise while he was sleeping. Coincidence or not, immediately after he said what he said, I started feeling this. An immediate measure when having this issue is to caugh few times - most times this measure worked, but not today."
Now why would you see this as a coincidence and not cause and effect? I feel that this is a very important question to ask yourself because it may relate to other physical symptoms that you have been experiencing, as well. The 5th chakra (energy center) is located in the throat region. So any issues or symptoms like the coughing you experienced may be related to a blockage in this area. When someone feels like they cannot express themselves, the throat chakra may close on itself and perhaps result in coughing and other issues. We are energetic beings at the end of the day, I believe. I was part of an energetic healing meditation with a group of people last night and when the instructor mentioned the throat chakra, some people did cough ![]() How did you feel when your husband treated you like that? Did you feel misunderstood? Did you feel like you had done something wrong? Obviously those of us who have been in long-term relationships do experience friction between one another sometimes. I don't think that is abnormal but I do think one has to be connected to that person with an emotional bond. Just being married does not make people connected. And feeling like you must stay in a marriage that is basically incompatible doesn't make sense. It's like a life-time sentence. So you will have to decide if overall your relationship is a positive or negative influence. You will have to transcend religious and cultural programming and really dig deep to see if it is a good fit. Because what will change if you don't do so? Will things magically get better? I feel that when WE change, those around us cannot help but change! And you also have to feel deserving of the good in life. If a person feels that they must accept whatever happens to them, then the result is a life of passivity where one is dependent on outer circumstances for their good. And that is not a position of strength, IMO. I say all of this because I have experienced it myself. But I always have believed that I had a voice and have always spoken my mind. So that alone has been a saving grace. I have heard that anxiety (of which I include eating disorders and hypochondria) exists to distract us from whatever is so painful and hard to face. So it actually serves a constructive purpose, believe it or not. ![]() Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2016 05:46PM by banana who. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 25, 2016 06:21PM Thanks banana you're right on the money with this... Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 26, 2016 01:04AM Ela2013 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Panchito, I really don't like / eat avocados. I would do some research on this as carnitine seems to be important for the heart. Consider this. Very low protein diets will not allow to sythesize enough derived DNA products (made from aminoacids) like maybe carnitine. Make sure you look for alternatives. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2016 09:31PM I made an appointment to have my heart checked on April, 12.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2016 09:50PM I made a mistake - the appointment for my heart check-up is on April, 18.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: April 01, 2016 06:25AM One thing that works for me to reduce stress is a regular hatha yoga practice. In hatha yoga, the breath is the most vital part of the practice, with regular deep diaphragmatic breathing. This slow deep breathing really helps release stress that might be stored in the body, plus because of the relaxing that happens as a result of the yoga practice, its easier to face difficulties without a stress reaction. ![]() Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: April 01, 2016 08:25AM Thank you so much, Prana.
Yes, removing stress from my life is so important for my health. I've been reading about deep breathing for helping the lymphatic system, but I need to find a good explanation on how to practice deep breathing (which I rarely do and not correctly). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 01, 2016 06:17PM Not to mention that it circulates the oxygen/energy to other parts of the body to nourish them. Great recommendation ![]() Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: April 02, 2016 07:15PM Knowing how the brain works can help a great deal. Stress and anxiety can be caused by your imagination working too well. We have a set of role characters (like movies) we switch over. The victim character and the judge character usually create lots of anxiety. Yet, they don't exits. They are purely imagination. There are hormones levels that are triggered by thoughts too. Learinng about this takes time but people attribute problems to only what they are aware.
See more here: [www.amazon.com] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2016 07:18PM by Panchito. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 03, 2016 12:01PM Seems like an interesting book! ![]() I feel like the body is emphasized too much without regard to the feelings a person has. Everyone is aware of the connection between butterflies in the stomach and feeling anxious about something. And obviously if someone reprimands you and you have an adverse physical reaction, it's a direct connection. So to me, that trigger is very important. A positive example is holding a kitten in your arms and the release of oxytocin. ![]() Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: April 04, 2016 12:58AM the gut has its own independent brain.
Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 04, 2016 03:51AM How can matter (gross) dictate Thought (immaterial)? I don't believe that. Just a respectful alternate viewpoint... ![]() Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: April 04, 2016 06:51PM how can a camera dictate the outcome of a picture? Thoughts are not immaterial not even concepts and ideas. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
Date: April 18, 2016 09:17AM Today I had the appointment to have my heart checked. The doctor consulted me and I also had an EKG. She said that my heart is perfect and she recommended to take magnesium even if my level is fine. I told her I am a raw vegan so she said to take magnesium from nuts and seeds then as I know better the plant sources of magnesium ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Heart problems?
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: April 18, 2016 11:42AM Ela, a good hypnotherapist will be able to help you relax deeply. Or if you can't afford that, check out some of the free guided relaxations on youtube. I'll be putting some up myself soon, if you sign up to my newsletter you'll get updates as to when they're available. Mine will link into healthy eating too which is a bonus ![]() Glad the Dr's visit went well. I make my own magnesium oil to apply to the skin (it absorbs much better transdermally). ![]() Free Newsletter: [bit.ly] Facebook: [www.facebook.com] Instagram: [www.instagram.com] Blog: [RawFoodScotland.co.uk] Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.