Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 08, 2016 06:07AM I was just reading about how the younger generation has certain attributes that indicate that they are starseeds (this was specifically connected to Pleiades but I think that is not the only place that is applicable). One of the qualities is really caring about animals. I know personally several young people who are vegans and it used to be so rare, especially for high school or college kids. By extension, you could say that all these 20-somethings who are raw vegan are attracted to it precisely because of their advanced spiritual consciousness.
It's really amazing how these Crystal Children are way-showers. We really need to respect wisdom wherever we find it, regardless of chronological age. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2016 06:09AM by banana who. Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: April 08, 2016 11:54AM Lots of these terms have been thrown around these days. People would be wise to be careful of the things they are channeling. Humans seem to be very trusting and seem to hang on virtually every word of the entities they channel, but who are these entities?...we can't be sure, but most of these channelers seem to believe virtually anything they are told by these entities.
And we get these poor `so called' spiritual experts such as the poor lady l was reading about last night who began her talk with: "and also if you only knew who I was that only a few know about, you would not even be saying this" and then she blew her self puffed up credentials by clearly showing she knows nothing at all and is a big bag of wind: "To Peggy I say, once you are in the Presence of Angels and Pleiadians you would never say such things to a Contactee again because you would feel the essence and vibration of the experience first hand and it is impossible for Dark to mimic and imitate it quite like it really is" I can tell her for a fact that low level dark spirits can give dark low level vibrations that the average person thinks is uplifting and powerful and calming. How do l know? Because l have experienced it. I and many others used to think a certain `so called' high level being gave off powerful high level energy, but now their energy reeks and feels extremely low level and toxic since l started my new practice because it has enabled me to feel low level energy very easily where l once wasn't able to. Many of those channelers and mystics and spiritualists also give off low level energy because they are in touch with with [dark] spirits who are not what they claim to be. When the average person lives in delusion the dark entity can give off perceived good energy. I never used to be able to sense dark energy when l did my previous meditation practice, but since my new practice l can easily sense dark energy in many of these spiritual practices and entities that say they are Pleiadian. The world says the Pleiadians are here to save the world, but fortunately some say to be aware of these imposters for they are not what they tell the world, and some people can easily pick up on their dark energy. I put it to the world that most of these people with "advanced spiritual consciousness" have no such thing, rather, they are just confused and wouldn't know good energy from bad energy like the lady and people who channel these entities and hang on every word they say because they live in delusion and are far from enlightened. See...we get so much talk and fluff in this new age movement. We get starseed this and starseed that, and Crystal Child this and Crystal Child that, and light worker this and light worker that, and the pleiadians are here to save us blah blah blah. And if you listen to what these poor people say you start to realise they really have no clue because most don't seem to be able to sense good energy from bad energy. The enties that these people channel must be laughing their heads off at our naivety. When l listen to these videos of the `so called' Pleiadian messages of love and light blah blah blah there energy absolutely reeks because those messages are NOT from a good source claimed to be the is from a very dark source with messages full of deception on every one of those videos, BUT you need to know what to look for because they are very good at deception in their messages. The spirit world is very dangerous and we need to be careful. Humans are easily manipulated and tricked by entities. many of us doing spiritual practise think we are advancing and getting clarity and enlightening to things in the universe, but you'll likely find most folks are only finding clarity in a bubble that is not the true reality, and in that bubble one isn't able to tell good energy from bad energy. Once one breaks out of that bubble you'll find much of the spiritual mutterings to be utterly meaningless babble. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2016 12:01PM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: April 08, 2016 12:19PM The more pure the spirit, the more sensitive to one's energy you get. It NEVER fails! If someone is in touch with dirty spirits or is a dirty spirit, one can sometimes know when they reach a certain level of purity. Most spiritualists are in touch with deceptive dirty spirits, and that is why most in my experience have toxic fields. AND if you listen to these spiritualists or entities you can get your field dirty too.
Be careful who you listen to, and choose your meditation practice very wisely my dear friends. I've made big mistakes and been there, so l do know what l am talking about. You think the internet and these aliens are going to give you the answers about the universe and how to become free and how to become enlightened? NOPE!!!! These aliens and dirty spirits and 99.9999% of spiritualists won't tell you anything except a bunch of hot wind. The smartest thing l did was stopped listening to these videos of starseeds and chrystal children and aliens and angels online and burn all my new age spiritual books. Have gotten closer to truth since l realised those videos and the new age movement was always going to keep me from truth. The truth movement is basically the lie movement with some truth mixed in. The spiritual truth movement is the complete delusion movement. Why? Because the spirits lie and manipulate people because humans go searching for things and are easily taken advantage of by deceptive spirits. . Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2016 12:26PM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 08, 2016 07:05PM Please accept my comment as being respectful but you are thoroughly confused. I am not speaking of channeling anything.
"Starseeds" describe evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy, whose specific missions are to assist Planet Earth and her peoples to bring in the Golden Age at the turn of the millennium.Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They find the behavior and motives of our society puzzling and illogical. Starseeds are often most reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, e.g. political, economic, health care, etc. Even at an early age, they tend to discern the hidden agendas of such conventions with unusual clarity." [] My point is that I have watched various videos with young people who know all about energy and sacred geometry and other esoteric ideas. It has NOTHING to do with channeling whatsoever. It is ancient wisdom that they just seem to embody. And this crosses over into their diet because they are very attuned to nature and all creatures. I once read a book written by a Christian fundamentalist about demonic possession and attacks and it seemed to me that the author was at a low vibration to even focus upon or experience such things. I believe that if you are a high-vibe person, that is just not your reality. Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 09, 2016 08:27PM TSM: I just want to apologize for my tone in my last post. I was a bit irked because I was inspired to post something positive after seeing a particular video and the response wasn't where I wanted to take it but that doesn't mean I should react like that.
In any case, I hope that anyone interested in these younger (but old) souls will check out videos about the indigo, crystal and rainbow children. It's fascinating to me. Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: April 10, 2016 07:42PM
I wasn't bothered by the tone of your post, but I feel l should apologise for spoiling all your fun and enthusiasm about these things. I should have minded my own business and not said anything. I understand your interest in these subjects because l used to be the same when l was into new age thinking. These days l make it a policy to keep quiet most of the time and not make comment on most things, but I did slip up slightly when l made comments here. It is a lesson to me that l must zip my lip most of the time, especially when it comes to broadcasting thoughts publically. Why? Because one must enlighten to things on their own journey and it is out of line for me to make such comments in public. Making such public comments is a sign of having non restrained speech,and to me that is a sign that one lacks control and understanding of true wisdom, for if one understand they would not do such a thing. I can only aim for higher standards in the future. Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
Living Food
Date: April 13, 2016 01:05PM
Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if everyone were to conduct themselves like this. We are all human beings so of course we will make mistakes and have conflicts, but if everyone were to examine their own conduct when they experienced a disagreement (like what banana who and TSM did here) to see how they may have contributed to the conflict and apologize sincerely, what a harmonious and divine place this Earth would be! I actually know many many people who live by that principle and apply it in their daily lives everyday, but it is very nice to see it becoming more mainstream. Selfishness is a destructive paradigm, and it's well past time we saw a revival of compassion and tolerance in this world Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
Living Food
Date: April 13, 2016 01:20PM Banana who: I expected that kind of conduct from TSM because him and I follow the same spiritual/meditation practice which emphasizes being an exceptionally good person and thinking of others first, so of course he would apologize for his lack of tact and for upsetting you. But I want to say that I am VERY impressed that you also held yourself to that high says very good things about you Re: Starseed Children and Veganism
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 13, 2016 02:16PM
Well gee, thanks! I am a bit blunt when I deal with people in person or online and I don't mean anything by it but of course we have to deal with others in as compassionate way as possible. Online things can seem even harsher and it's always better to be as civil as possible. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.