What is Your Cell to Nucleus Ratio...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: April 13, 2016 09:22PM Do Raw Foodists have a better Cell to Nucleus Ratio?
[youtu.be] 7:14 MM So without further ado, I’m just going to get started into the Science - this is from the University of Chicago - Hull Biological Labs... There is one quality of fasting which is genuinely awesome and even miraculous, and yet it is truly natural to life. This characteristic is the ability of living things including humans to regain youthfulness. This physiological (scientific) characteristic is called rejuvenescence. And this is scientific research - this is Universities of Chicago Southern California, places that have being doing this for some 30 years, you know, research on Fasting with Animals, Micro-Organisms, humans of all kinds and this is what they’re saying… In some cases certain creatures that normally live and die in a few weeks have been kept alive for several years. Now think about that - an Animal that would normally live and die in a few weeks is being kept alive for years with Fasting. What would that mean for humans? You know, and obviously, it doesn’t apply the same for humans, but there are some similarities. Humans can benefit from the same physiological characteristic present in his tissues. At the department of Physiology at the University of Chicago, Dr. Carlson and Professor Kunde fasted a 40 year old male two weeks discovering his cellular physiology was that of a seventeen year old. They see this is in the actual Cell. These benefits are acquired by ridding the cells of toxic metabolic accumulants. One of the characteristic features of youthfulness is seen in the cell to nucleus ratio. Youthful cells have a preponderance of nucleus material, while old and senile cells have a preponderance of cellular material. […nucleus vs. nuclear…TT has it as nucleus and Scott has it as nuclear…] Meaning if you’re 40 or 50 or 60 or 70, you’re cellular material becomes much greater than that of the nucleus material and when you Fast, it reverses it, it reverts it back to its original Stasis. Now this is 2 weeks of a Complete Fast - that’s like Fasting on Water for 14 days, but what that did is, literally, in my opinion, took 14 years. If you go back to the ancient text and look at what they were saying, 1 day of a Water Fast equates to 1 year of Physical Damage and things we’ve been doing to our bodies. [JR: Essene Gospel of Piece] And I can go deeper into this later... 9:51 MM JR: What follows for several minutes up to the 11:37 MM are some very interesting examples of people Retracing. Here is a snippet from my file on "Scott's Natural Health Institute" where I highlighted the section that was used by Tyler Tolman in the Video above and I put what Tolman added to this in italics: [fasting.ms11.net] HEALTH BY GOD'S DESIGN Therapeutic Fasting by D.J. Scott, D.M., N.D., D.C. ... REJUVENESCENCE There is one quality of fasting which is genuinely awesome and even miraculous, and yet it is truly natural to life. This characteristic is the ability of living things including humans to regain youthfulness. This physiological (scientific) characteristic is called rejuvenescence. There is no other way. Experimental scientists have clearly demonstrated rejuvenescence by fasting lower forms of life. Some of these forms of life live out their entire life cycle in a few days or weeks. They can be easily used for such experimental research. Deprived of food, such creatures can be fasted back from the adult to the embryonic stage of life. This is as if they are reborn. The process can be carried on through many generations after their brothers and sisters have died. In some cases certain creatures that normally live and die in a few weeks have been kept alive for several years. This principle does not precisely apply to man. Man cannot be fasted back to the embryonic stage. But man can benefit from the same physiological characteristic present in his tissues. At the University of Chicago, Carlson and Kunde fasted a 40 year old male two weeks discovering his cellular physiology was that of a seventeen year old. These benefits are acquired by ridding the cells of toxic metabolic accumulants. One of the characteristic features of youthfulness is seen in the cell to nucleus ratio. Youthful cells have a preponderance of nuclear material [nucleus material], while old and senile cells have a preponderance of cellular material. ... [fasting.ms11.net] By the way, Dr. David J. Scott was the founding president of the International Association of Hygienic Physicians and you can read more about him on the website I linked to above. ![]() Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.