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Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: sgc ()
Date: January 10, 2007 06:45PM

To anybody living in the San Diego area, check the Ranch 99 Market, they have fresh durian right now for 4.50 a pound.
Whole fresh Durian! First time I saw that in California, and it's way better than the frozen stuff, taste and texture.

Raw Fruit Festival
Health, Fitness and Fasting Retreats in Spain

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: Yogamama ()
Date: January 10, 2007 07:15PM

I have yet to eat some durian fruit. sad smiley No one has it in my area. What's it like??

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: TroySantos ()
Date: January 10, 2007 10:40PM

If it's from Thailand, realize it's not in season. I have been told by a friend who lived on Hawaii for six months that it's in season there all year round. Various varieties, coming and going with the seasons. But in Thailand, the main season is around June to September. In the south of Thailand there is a short season at the end of the year, but I doubt they export it as the quantity that is produced is very small.

This way is not compatible with Zen practice. This way IS Zen practice. - Dr. Doug Graham

Nothing whatsoever should be attached to. - Buddha

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: January 10, 2007 10:49PM

I wish I could try a fresh durian. So far I tried the frozen versions only. Seemed heavenly. Beating that would be bliss.


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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: sgc ()
Date: January 10, 2007 10:50PM

They are MornThong from Thailand, and Orkos is also selling some fresh in Europe, so it must be in season somewhere in Thailand...

Raw Fruit Festival
Health, Fitness and Fasting Retreats in Spain

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: January 11, 2007 02:33AM

The monthong season in Thailand starts around May, but in the south it starts even later. My favorite place there, Koh Samui, has it high season at the end of July through August.

The Thai's have figured out how to get durian to fruit year round. If you were there right now, you could get fresh durian. I think the supplies slows does a bit mid February until the real season start. However, there are always some fresh durian around.

There are also other varieties in Thailand that have a different season.

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: January 11, 2007 02:53AM

Mmm. If there was ever a paradise on earth, that must have been in a durian land.


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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: pikt ()
Date: January 11, 2007 07:18AM

where in SD is the market??? too lazy to get out the yellow pages.

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: TroySantos ()
Date: January 11, 2007 04:37PM

Sure, you can get fresh durian in Thailand year round, but just don't expect organic when it's not "in season". This is not currently the season for it. Loaded with chemicals. Having said this, I've also eaten it off season and have sometimes liked it well enough. There are bad ones more often out of season than in season. I suppose this is typical of any fruit or vegetable.

This way is not compatible with Zen practice. This way IS Zen practice. - Dr. Doug Graham

Nothing whatsoever should be attached to. - Buddha

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Re: Fresh Durian in San Diego, SoCal
Posted by: sgc ()
Date: January 11, 2007 05:12PM

pikt Wrote:
> where in SD is the market??? too lazy to get out
> the yellow pages.

There is one on clairemont mesa blvd (7330), 2 blocks east on the clairemont mesa exit on 805.

Raw Fruit Festival
Health, Fitness and Fasting Retreats in Spain

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