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The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: August 19, 2020 10:37PM

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: August 20, 2020 12:18PM

JR’s Notes:

0:38 MM
Dr. Thomas Cowan: So the first thing I would say is that the Germ Theory, which many people ascribe to the late 1800s in Pasteur, was actually goes way back to even Greek times, you know, Ancient Greek times.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Right, Aristotle.

Dr. Thomas Cowan: Yeah, and it’s because, for very simple reasons, that if you observe the World, which we all do, it appears that people in the same place sometimes get Sick with the same thing and so it’s not at all unreasonable to say that may be passing something back and forth. And so that thought has been there for, literally, thousands of years. Now that’s one of the sort of modern Proofs that there are Viruses and Bacteria Causing Disease and I would point out that any of us would think that’s actually nonsense because, for instance, in Japan, in whatever 1945, a lot of people died because somebody dropped a bomb on them and Nobody thinks that’s a Virus. So one can’t say because a lot of people in the same place gets Sick that means it’s a Virus or even that’s it’s Contagious. So that’s the background.

And then, came a change in Human Consciousness to a much more Mechanistic, Materialistic Mode of Thinking, I mean, thinking like Descartes thought that only Physical Substance exists. That I would say is a radical departure from how every prior Human Culture or people thought about Life and the World. So this Theory that we’re only based on Substance is very radical Theory. But anyways, that was sort of Philosophical background to the 1890s. And then, came some Experiments and some Invention of the Light Microscope and people started seeing these Unicellular Organisms called Bacteria. And then, came the Theory that some of the Diseases that we see and maybe even most of them are because this Bacteria goes from one person to another and makes them Sick and that’s, basically, the foundation of the Germ Theory. 3:01 MM

3:01 MM
Now interestingly, and at that time and now we’re talking 1850s to 1880s, there were a lot of people and particularly a guy named Beauchamp who said that’s just Not True. In fact, these Bacteria are just Scavengers in Nature - they’re Feeding Off Dead Material and they don’t Cause any Disease. It’s the situation of the person.

So then, you have this sort of Debate of Germ versus Terrain and Terrain just means the Condition of the person or the Animal. So then, Pasteur got into this and decided to try to sort this out.

Now here’s the way that I would describe it to people and I would say almost to a certain extent of all the things I may say, if you want to remember anything, this is the thing to remember.

So let’s take an example of how this works - we’re talking Terrain versus Germ. So let’s say you have a Cow and for whatever reason you don’t Feed the Cow properly. So instead of Feeding the Cow Pasture and Grass like Cows are supposed to - you Feed it Grains and Cardboard and Dead Cow Parts and, you know, all of the other things we Feed Cows. So now, you have a Sick Cow and then, to top it off you spray Glyphosate and DDT and other, you know, worming agents and Fungus Killing Stuff and whatever, all of that gets absorbed in the Cow’s Tissues, which is the whole point, and then, as we know, anything you Poison an Animal with comes out in the Milk. So then you have this Poisoned Milk and then, the person drinks the Milk and gets Sick.

So the Theory then is you Transmitted something from the Milk to the person and you got them Sick. And then, you look under the Microscope and you see this Bacteria - that’s called Listeria, which is a so-called Pathogenic or Disease-Causing Bacteria in the Milk. And then, you look in the stool of the person who has the diarrhea and you find the same Bacteria and it was as if it was a Eureka Moment in History - end of story - we’ve now Proven that Germs Cause Disease. Now we’re talking Bacteria.

Okay, so what’s the problem?

Well, it turns out there is another possible explanation and that explanation is also very simple and very logical that you have Poisoned Milk and the role of Bacteria in the World is to Digest Poisons wherever they are found. And so, the Listeria are Not there as a Pathogenic Organism - they’re there to Biodegrade, in other words, Eat the Poisons in the Milk. In fact, they’re helping you and the Cow out. 5:54 MM

5:54 MM
Now we have 2 very reasonable explanations. I would only point out that if you look into Nature, which is, you know, what I’ve tried to do for 40 years as a student of Goethe, he said, don’t start with Theories - start with Observations, otherwise, you may get blindsided.

So if you look into Nature, you, for instance, if you put, you know, wonky stuff, wonky stuff is a very scientific word by the way, meaning Bad Stuff in your Compost Pile, you’ll get Funky Bacteria. Nobody says the Compost Pile has an Infection. Everybody says the Bacteria are Biodegrading that and if you weren’t such an idiot, you would stop throwing that Stuff in your Compost Pile. Okay, fair enough.

Same with a Pond - you have a Pond - you put Poisons in it - you get Algae growth - the Algae are Eating the Poisons - they’re helping you out because you were, “dumb enough to put Poisons in your Pond.” Nobody says the Pond has an Infection. Now anybody would say that the Problem is the Poisons and as soon as you stop throwing the Poisons, by some Miracle because they don’t have any more Food, the Algae go away.

So getting back to our Milk, we have these 2 very reasonable explanations. One is it’s the Listeria, the Bacteria, the other it’s the Poisons, the Bad Quality of the Milk, and the Listeria is just Eating the Poisons. So the question is then, how do you know which of those is True?

It’s very simple, all you have to do is isolate the Listeria from the Milk, Feed somebody pure Listeria and then, you could also Feed them the Milk without the Listeria and you could see if they get Sick.

So this is what Louis Pasteur did for 40 years. He was the first to be able to do this, sort of, I mean, he, basically, stole the idea, but anyways, he took Pure Cultures of Bacteria isolated from Pathogenic, you know, from Sick people, Feed them to Animals or people, made them Sick, did public demonstrations and he was the Fauci of his day because he Proved the Germ Theory and he was saved humanity. And so, there you go, except there was one problem. Well, maybe not a problem, but he did have the integrity to keep a personal diary and in that diary, which he told his heirs never to publish, but apparently, one of his heirs, I think his son-in-law or something hated his guts because he’s kind of an asshole, but published it anyways. And in there, Pasteur admitted that it turns out that Not once was he able to Transmit Disease with a Pure Bacteria, Not once and in order to do these public demonstrations, he had to actually spike it with like Arsenic and Mercury.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Oh my God, he spiked them?

Dr. Thomas Cowan: Yes, because how are you going to make people Sick? He already knew that he couldn’t, so and anyways, when you’re famous, you know, you know the rest, but you keep going. Once you get caught in the Fraud, you’re in trouble, so then you have to escalate. And he didn’t tell anybody, except he told people in his diary and then, famously on his deathbed he said the Germ is nothing - the Terrain is everything because he realized he was a complete Failure and a Fraud. 9:36 MM

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: August 20, 2020 04:18PM

Thanks, John! That was good. Simple to understand - that works for me and to share because most people don't want to hear scientific or complicated explanations. This one and the Dr. Ted Noel mask video are perfect. thumbs down

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: August 20, 2020 04:49PM

Yeah, the Dr. Ted Noel mask video should get everyone's attention. Here's another good 22 second mask video ala Dr. Ted Noel at the top of this page - []

Correction in comment above...

Dr. Thomas Cowan: Yeah, and it’s because, for very simple reasons, that if you observe the World, which we all do, it appears that people in the same place sometimes get Sick with the same thing and so it’s not at all unreasonable to say they may be passing something back and forth.

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: August 20, 2020 06:32PM

Pasteur was a useful idiot!

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: August 21, 2020 03:17AM

Yes Terrain has a large part to do with it, but he conceded that virus', cancer etc., are the DECOMPOSITION/SCAVENGERS of Nature, thus virus' exist...

(And 9/11 was NOT an inside job, and Hitler was a murdering lunatic).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2020 03:18AM by NuNativs.

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: August 21, 2020 04:59AM

thus virus' exist...

yes what they call viruses may exist and they may be exosomes

COVID19 - a new virus that causes illness DOESN'T EXIST.
unless you have evidence? been over this a thousand times already.

(And 9/11 was NOT an inside job, and Hitler was a murdering lunatic).

watch the video I posted.

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: August 21, 2020 10:25AM

<<<Pasteur was a useful idiot!>>>

Prana, useful idiots don't know what they're doing and are simply being used, whereas, Pasteur knew what he was doing and had to have been a Psychopath to have done what he did.

fresh, nn is not as stupid as he appears - it's just a SICK game he's playing. I truly feel sorry for his family or anyone else who has to deal with him in person, especially his father who probably wants NOTHING to do with him and may very well be the source of nn's SICKNESS!

My guess would be that for every time nn takes a dump here on someone's thread he really wants to do it to his dad who has probably disowned him as a son. Indeed, this is very sad on all levels and I hope they can resolve their issues.

<<<My Dad was a Dean, go figure, I'm his worst nightmare...>>>

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: August 21, 2020 03:08PM

Come on Rose, you're better than that...(maybe)...

"Character assassination is dirty fighting, make no mistake about it. It can be cowardly (like anyone who bad-mouths you behind your back to friends or colleagues), or it can be in-your-face (like politicians who make no secret about their intent to wreck an opponent's reputation)."

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: August 21, 2020 09:25PM

It's like you you go to a WILD place and you see coyote excrement on the ground and then another coyote comes along and takes a dump on the dump. Crap on top of crap...

Re: The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr Thomas Cowan
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: August 22, 2020 12:42AM

I SO hope JR has a file on me.
THEN, I will have arrived!!!

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