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Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:01PM

Here are my notes on this discussion of Pleiomorphism between Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Barre Lando...

Dr. Barre Lando on Waves and Pleiomorphism
1:02:17 Minute Video

Nov 25, 2020
Andrew Kaufman

JR Notes:

5:41 MM
Dr. Barre Lando: Well, the Microscope lacks the resolution of other more powerful Microscopes, but it does allow you to see elements in their Live State. And in my studies at the German school, you learned what you were observing under the Microscope and, you know, you would, of course, see Red and White Blood Cells and within Nature or the Condition of the Red and White Blood Cells you could tell a lot just by observing them. For instance, sometimes Red Blood Cells would actually have things extruding from them. 6:20 MM

10:31 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: So it sounds like there’s a lot of Factors in here and so the Viscosity, right, it could be related to a lot of things - maybe Toxicity, maybe Dehydration, right, or Improper Structuring of the Water in the Blood, for example. But the Fibrin that you mentioned that is Sticking the Blood Cells together that, as you said, is a component of Blood Clots, right, and it’s normally in like a Precursor State in our Blood and something has to activate it to make it Sticky and Polymerize, right, into its Vibrant State and so there’s a Role for a Fungus because you mentioned Mucor, which is a Type of Fungus, I believe, so can you just elaborate on that a little bit? 11:17 MM

JR Insert from “Blood Clots” file...

No Side Effects! Over 15,000 people in Europe and Japan have been given enzyme supplementation or therapy with enormous success, all with no important side effects! The reason there are no side effects is because enzymes are food forms, not drugs. Much of the serious scientific interest began with Dr. Ernst Freund noticed that most cancer patients get thrombolysis (blood clots that cause heart attacks), and most thrombolysis patients get cancer. He suspected that the common connection might be enzymes. On testing their blood, he found both patient groups to be lacking in three important enzymes. Recently researchers found that two of those enzymes destroy blood clots and the other creates macrophages which break down fibrin. Cancer cells hide under a coating of fibrin. Once the cover is removed, our bodies' killer cells destroy the cancer cells.
End of JR Insert from “Blood Clots” file.

11:17 MM
Dr. Barre Lando: In the conventional sense, we would consider it a Fungus, but Fungus is only the Fungal Stage. There’s only one Phase of that Cyclogeny of that particular Organism. For instance, one of the techniques that I would do when I take somebody’s Blood - I take, at least, a dozen or more Blood Samples and look at each of them - one of them would be a Control Slide with nothing on it but the Blood. The other ones I would put Developers on them and the Developers were actually the Protit Level in that Cyclogeny of all these Organisms on each of the Slides.

Now the Terrain is going to grow certain things depending on its, you know, particular condition. So, for instance, if I put the Slide on with the Mucor Developer - the Protits from the Mucor Cyclogeny, then you would see all of a sudden, and this stuff happens very quickly under the Microscope, you don’t have to wait days for it to develop it, it happens in moments, so you actually see these Fibrin just, you know, come out of nowhere and pretty soon you look like the whole Slide is like cobwebs.

So just to finish real quick, you have the Protit and then, you know, there’s books like Gaston Naessans has books, the old German school books where you actually see illustrations and the things I used to see myself under the Microscope. So you see from the little point of light, then you would see it develop into what we call more of a Colloid, round, larger thing, then you see two of these Colloids come together - they actually create a Membrane within each other, so now you see like an elongated, you know, sort of Organism, but you can see the two distinct Colloids on each side. And then, pretty soon those fill out and they become what we call Chondrits and then, they start becoming very modal and look like little, you know, snakes crawling around on the screen. And then, it would enter the Bacterial Stage and then, it would enter the Fungal Stage. So the Fungus is only One Stage. For instance, Streptococcus is the Bacterial Stage of another Organism called Penicillin Notatum. 13:41 MM

13:41 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: So Barre, this is really amazing stuff, but let me back up just a little bit because I have a feeling some of the listeners may be a little bit confused about what you’re talking about. So just to back up right here, we used a couple of big words, right, like Cyclogeny. So I think what you’re saying and please, you know, correct me if I’m wrong is that we have these little specks called Protits that are emerging from some of our own Blood Cells and that these go through a kind of Developmental Cycle where the tiny little speck expands and changes shape and form into a bunch of different Intermediates and that some of these Intermediates are things that we would recognize as Bacteria and Fungus and perhaps even other Microorganisms, right, or simple Single-Celled Organisms. And then, they can, actually, devolve back into the little specks or Protits if the Environmental Conditions would warrant that, right?

So this is how it makes the whole Cycle, like in a circle, and that’s what we call the Cyclogeny and what Barre, I think, observed was different Intermediate forms of this in different Disease States. And then, he is using certain Strains of this to help identify which one he is actually seeing in the Blood, right, like which Pathway or which part of the Cycle it’s in and because that gives more information about the Disease State.

So did I adequately summarize that Barre? 15:23 MM

15:23 MM
Dr. Barre Lando: No, you did it brilliantly. The only thing I would add to that is that every Stage of that Cycle has a purposeful function and I would throw away the Disease State because very often when these or that terminology we’ll say because when one of these Organisms is in a particular Cycle, it’s there for a purpose in order to provide a service for the Terrain - to Clean it Up, to Dissolve Tissues and things like that. So very often when they’re in those Stages, they also produce Enzymes and things that make us Feel Not that Great, you know, Raise our Temperature, Inflame Mucus Membranes, you know, make our Body Up Chuck in different ways, but that’s its purpose and we erroneously label that as Disease. And then, if one of these Organisms, like the Bacterial Stage of say Penicillin Notatum, which is Streptococcus, if that’s circumstantially found at the Scene of the Crime, then we say that created the Disease. We take Antibiotics, sure enough it, you know, dampens down that Level of the Cycle so that the Symptoms disappear, but you didn’t do yourself a favor because you impeded what it was trying to do for your longevity. 16:57 MM

17:57 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: But perhaps even a better way of thinking about what an Illness or a Disease really might be is when these Systems are so overwhelmed that they can’t do it and they go into this kind of Chronic State. But even those things, you know, like if you assist the Body in Repairing, it can get back to Health.

18:17 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: So what you’re talking about of implicating the Bacteria or other Microorganisms as the Cause of the Illness, right, it’s really important because in this Terrain Model, what it says is that there is an Insult to the Tissue, like so we can Sick with a Strep Throat. Now I know in many children, this is associated with Dairy. So there’s some material in the Dairy itself, right, and it could be maybe the Casein Protein or it could be a Parasitic Organism that’s formed by Pasteurization, right, or it could be, you know, some product of one of the Bacteria that’s in there because of Resistant to Antibiotics, right, but something in there it Damages the Tissue in the Throat, like as you swallow it down and then, in response to that, your Blood Cells or perhaps other Cells send out these Protits and there’s other names for them, right, like Microzyma or Somatids and they then go to evolve to the Stage of Streptococcus and come there because those are the Right kind of Bacteria to Clean Up the Throat Tissue, right, and because they’re Eating the Damaged Tissue, of course, they excrete Wastes, just like we excrete Wastes when we Eat, and their Wastes happen to Irritate the Tissue and Cause the Symptoms. But it’s, actually, also an important part of the Healing because those Waste Products like dilate the Blood Vessels in the Tissue, which Causes Swelling and Secretions and that increases the Blood Supply to bring more Nutrients for Healing and the Secretions accelerate Removing the Waste Products from the area, right? And so, using Antibiotics will Interrupt that Process and Relieve the Symptoms, but it actually Interrupts the Healing so that Tissue is Never allowed to completely Heal and then, that Causes Recurrent Infections usually and perhaps other Problems. But this is kind of how we’re explaining like this Beneficial Role or more scientifically, apropos Saprophytic Role of these various Microorganisms along the different Stages. 20:34 MM

24:43 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: But, you know, one of the things I wanted to ask you about this because I get this question so much and I see so many people and especially a lot of doctors even ones who are really, you know, in the right sort of frame of reference about the Plandemic still always say, you know, we need to work on Strengthening our Immune System, right, like I think Dr. Shiva who’s pretty famous guy in this whole scenario, right, that’s his like big mantra and there are many others even Dr. Buttar said that, but I always like say, you know, this really perpetuates the story that drives the Pandemic, you know, and it’s the wrong way of thinking about it. So how would you reframe that into a way to actually give some Health Information that people could use to just make themselves more resilient and Healthy in general? 25:38 MM

JR Comment: I just addressed this in one of my recent Videos. We don’t want to “Strengthen our Immune System” - we want to keep our Lymph System Clean so it does NOT Back Up, which is the Root Cause to most of our Dis-Eases. Lando really does NOT answer this question very well and, basically, says Satisfy your Needs, which is True, but that does NOT address the difference between Strengthening Our Immune System, as opposed to what’s really going on with the Disease Process and that’s our Lymph System Backing Up. Clearly, neither one of these guys understand Auto-Intoxication well enough to articulate what’s really going on with the Disease Process.

25:38 MM
Dr. Barre Lando: #1 and this would get into other areas that might be a little too involved for this conversation, but when you get into subjects like New German, which has very evidence-based, drawing the links between the Psyche, the Nervous System and then, the Biological Triggering of Biological Events that we then term for the Disease, it really brings in the Psyche, our Emotional, our Mental State, our Belief Systems as a Main Factor as far as the Health of our Bio Terrain.

So the more we harbor Fears, Anxieties or Belief Systems that we live in a Malevolent Universe and our Bodies will actually turn against us and it’s just inevitable and we’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop that is definitely going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy and we can even explain that in better detail with Waveform Mechanics, things like that. But when you get into, you know, what people are mostly concerned about these days Eating Antioxidants and all these things that are supposed to make us Healthy, you know, it’s important. Diet is important and it’s good we have the Fuel because on the Biological Level, we do need some Gas to Run the Engine and the Cleaner that Gas is, you know, the more we Eat Unadulterated Food, you know, that’s Not Processed, you know, then the Body will have the Resources in order to Run these Programs that are designed to Heal us in the first place.

So I say, first, it starts with your Emotional State, it starts with gaining a greater Awareness, Mentally, to understand that maybe some of our Belief Systems were wrong from the get-go and then, also take care of ourselves, you know, Oxygenation with Exercise and Good Food and Good Water and it’s very, very simple actually. 27:42 MM

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Yeah, well that’s just it. It’s so much simpler than people think, right, and there’s no reason to run out and take a million supplements, just, you know, Eat Clean Healthy Food, work on your Emotional State, right, like maybe have some kind of daily Contemplation Exercise, which could be Meditation, it could be Prayer, but it could be your own thing you create, just a space for yourself to check in, you know, to let your Consciousness be guided to a State of Balance, right? 28:16 MM

30:16 MM
Dr. Barre Lando: But with Waveform Physics you’re really acknowledging that Thoughts are things. Every single Thought that we have, and Walter Russell demonstrated this best, creates an Event, an Electrical Event and a Polarization and that Polarization, in turn, creates a Vibration, just like a Static Guitar String. When you pluck it, now it creates that Vibrations - that’s a Polarizing Event and then, when that Guitar String comes to rest, you know, all Polarizations are always seeking Harmony, seeking rest and so, when our Thoughts are producing these Electrical Events if they’re aligned with a True Awareness of who we are in the first place, our potential to Manifest through our Thoughts and how Nature uses the same exact Processes and the same exact Patterns that we get to use through our Thoughts, then when those are more Harmonized with the way things really work, you know, that is going to create a Resonance that is Not going to be a Dissonance that is then going to outpicture and, you know, like the Water Experiments that you’re talking about it’s Not going to allow our Body to go into any State of so-called Disease.

And in Bio Terrain Medicine, I observed a long time ago you see these Purists come in that do everything right - they, you know, do all the right things - they even say they Meditate and everything, but their whole intention is not just for the purpose of, well, let’s just say, it’s more to ward off bad things - they Eat Right to Prevent Disease - they Meditate because they’re supposed to and then, you know, that in and of itself creates a Dissonance. So that’s why, you know, some people that are doing all the Right things still get Sick and then, people that smoke cigarettes and everything live till they’re 100 Never have a Problem.

So, you know, it just all contributes to the understanding that it’s really about our Thoughts and, of course, Emotions give the Velocity for those Electrical Forces, those Vectors to pop into Manifestation in the first place. So you have to have a little bit of Emotional Content and that is, you know, what I believe 1 of the Elements, only 1 of the Elements that explains Pandemics where people start getting Sick. The Real Contagion is these Anxieties that start on the Mental, Emotional Plane. 33:03 MM

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: So, you know, just to give the context again, you know, what we’re really talking about by talking about Wave Mechanics here is we’re talking about the Materialist versus the Non-Materialist View of Science, right? So this is a major Philosophical shift because really everything we are taught as this Reductionist, Materialist Paradigm of everything’s a Particle, everything’s Physical in the Material World. But here, we’re talking about that that’s not all there is, right, that there is this other unseen Non-Material part and it has a lot of influence and perhaps it may really be guiding the Material World. And it’s not like we’re totally Ignorant to this in the Materialist View, right, we just talk about it as being an emergent property so that it can only, you know, come from Material rather than it being a separate realm. But like what you were talking about the Thought resulting in a Charge and a Vibration and a Polarity, right, and you can get a Basic Neuroscience Textbook and see when they talk about the Action Potential, right, that’s exactly what’s going on. You have a Moving Charge, right, across an Axon, which is a long projection from the Cell and it creates a Polarity, right, which gives the Communication to the next Cell and, of course, this is going to give rise to Electromagnetic Vibrations, right? And that’s all out of Mainstream Physics, but we don’t acknowledge that it has any importance whatsoever when it’s perhaps the most significant thing that there is for Health. 34:55 MM

Dr. Barre Lando: Yes and the Level of Electricity that you’re alluding to is on the Biological Level. 35:03 MM


Re: Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:35PM

Here are a few snippets from my file on Pleomorphism...

Günther Enderlein (Dr. Eddy & Wikipedia)

Günther Enderlein (7 July 1872 – 11 August 1968) was a German zoologist, entomologist and later a manufacturer of pharmaceutical products. Enderlein got some international renown because of his insect research but in Germany he became famous because of his concept of the pleomorphism of microorganisms and his hypotheses about the origins of cancer, based on the work of other scientists. His hypotheses about pleomorphism and cancer have now been disproved by science [JR: This must be from Wikipedia - yes it is - see below.] and have only some historical importance today. Some of his concepts are however still popular in alternative medicine. A blood test is named after him: dark field microscopy according to Enderlein.

Based on the early work of Béchamp, who was an opponent of Louis Pasteur, and based on a point of view of contemporary Wilhelm von Brehmer (1883–1958), and on his own microscopic observation, he developed his own complicated pleomorphism hypothesis. He was convinced that every microorganism would pass through a particular development-cycle, that he called cyclode (bacterial cyclode). Béchamp had issued earlier the opinion that in every animal or plant cell there were small particles, that he called microzymas or granulations moleculaires. These particles were able to transform into pathogen bacteria under certain circumstances. Pasteur and the majority of the scientific community at that time did not accept this opinion, although later studies by renowned bacteriologists suggest that the scientific community was becoming more favorable to pleomorphism up until the mid-1900s.[1][2] These studies were inconclusive and subsequently disproved.
At that time it was also known that plasmodia (the causal agents of malaria) were able to change form during their different developmental stages.

In 1925 Enderlein published his main work: Bakterien-Cyklogenie. He developed not only a complex hypothesis, but at the same time he created also his own terminology that makes reading his papers difficult or even impossible. He stated that small harmless and beneficial herbal particles were present in every animal or plant which may transform into larger and pathogen bacteria or fungi under certain circumstances. The smallest particles are called protits, symbionts or endobionts. Protits are, according to Enderlein, small colloids of proteins, sized between 1 and 10 nm. Enderlein distinguished between acid and alkaline symbionts. These particles are able to be transmitted via the placenta before birth.

Enderlein was convinced that these small particles were harmless and necessary for health. Only the larger organisms developed out of these particles were pathogenic bacteria or fungi, Enderlein uses the word valent for pathogen. The smaller harmless particles are able to interact and to control the larger valent particles or organisms by their ability to destroy them by a process of merging. After death the smallest particles survive and may serve for another host-organism, and they participate in the process of decomposition.

JR Comment: Decomposition is Cousen’s Turn the Compost Button Off.

A disturbance of the symbiotic friendly coexistence between the smaller particles and the larger organism would start a dangerous situation he called mochlosis that leads at the end to a disease, facilitated by a wrong way of thinking and living. In such a case, he speaks about an increase of valenz, the most primitive protits would build up one-dimensional chains, called filit. These filits may build up a two-dimensional and later three-dimensional net of filits. But this only at a pH higher than 7.3. In a healthy ambiance, such a filit-net may never build up. The filit-net leads to larger particle: the symprotits and later the chondrits. These chondrits have more or less the size of a virus with 15-300 nm in size. The dark field microscopy is able to show them, says Enderlein. If this process continues, we will observe larger particles called mychits, or bacteria-nuclei forming the basis of a bacterium.

• Apathogenic forms within a cyclode are: protit, filium, filit, spermit, symprotit, chondrit, microchondrit
• Pathogenic forms (dynamovalent) are: makrosymprotit, makrochondrit, sporoid symprotit, filitnet, mychit (bacterial nucleus), cystit, thecit, diökothecit, bacteria, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, amoebit, zoit.

(other named stages are: basit, phytit, rhabdit, cystit, linit, ascit, synascit.)

According to Enderlein, the different diseases of man are related to particular cyclodes leading to particular microorganisms. He was mainly interested in two cyclodes: the cyclode leading to the fungus Mucor racemosus and the cyclode leading to the fungus Aspergillus niger. The mucor racemosus cyclode leads to diseases concerning the blood, spine and rheumatism. In these cases a marcant filit-net should always be present. An injection of harmless symbionts may help here as they are able to destroy larger valent microorganisms.

Günther Enderlein (Wikipedia)

Enderlein recommended a vegetarian diet of raw foods to cure various diseases.[3] He developed a range of homeopathic remedies to treat a range of diseases from tuberculosis to cancer. His remedies included "Mucokehl" and "Utilin".[3] Enderlein is cited by those in the alternative medicine community. His ideas have been used as the basis of Sanum Therapy: a form of homeopathy which has been described as quackery by medical health experts.[4]

Re: Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: November 29, 2020 09:27PM


JR Comment: I just addressed this in one of my recent Videos. We don’t want to “Strengthen our Immune System” - we want to keep our Lymph System Clean so it does NOT Back Up, which is the Root Cause to most of our Dis-Eases. Lando really does NOT answer this question very well and, basically, says Satisfy your Needs, which is True, but that does NOT address the difference between Strengthening Our Immune System, as opposed to what’s really going on with the Disease Process and that’s our Lymph System Backing Up. Clearly, neither one of these guys understand Auto-Intoxication well enough to articulate what’s really going on with the Disease Process.

Thanks, John!

About the Lymph System - Would you say a Rebounder is a good way to keep the Lymph System working properly? Is that enough?

Re: Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 29, 2020 09:48PM

Thanks Jen...

Yes, all Exercise, especially Rebounding, moves the Lymph System, as well as breathing with our diaphragm, but none of those are good enough all by themselves if our Kidneys are Not Filtering and our Kidneys might Not be Filtering not only because we're Eating too much Animal Protein, but our Kidneys might also Not be Filtering if we're under a lot of Stress and our Adrenals are exhausted and that's because our Adrenals are the control glands for our Kidneys.

I explain the Effects Stress plays on our Adrenals and Kidneys and, ultimately, the whole Disease Process, especially how Stress Effects our 10 Body Systems, in The Greatest Weapon Against Stress -

Re: Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: November 30, 2020 10:07AM


About the Lymph System - Would you say a Rebounder is a good way to keep the Lymph System working properly? Is that enough?

No, you need to be in the NATURAL landscape testing yourself by hiking/jogging over mountains, for a minimum of 1-2 hours. If you can't vigorously climb at least 1000+ feet up and down CHALLENGING terrain with ease, you can't be considered healthy. It's interesting that strict raw foodists do not test their VIGOR and STAMINA in the natural landscape, basically because they CAN"T! They are WEAK!

Re: Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: November 30, 2020 12:57PM

Here's another snippet from my file on Pleomorphism...

Dr. Kaufman w/ Adam and Josh Bigelsen on Terrain Theory
1:08:34 Minute Video

Aug 27, 2020
Andrew Kaufman
51.4K subscribers

JR’s Notes:

29:28 MM
Adam Bigelsen: Yeah, these things Morph into everything, basically. Dad said they helped create who we are and they help us decompose. 29:34S MM

30:03 MM
Adam Bigelsen: So as Josh said, with the Pleomorphism experience those little guys will Morph and Change based on the Terrain.

Josh Bigelsen: Yeah, basically, as they go into a Bacteria, the Bacteria that are created to Clean Up the Soil. So I always look at Bacteria like it’s the Body’s Vacuum Cleaner - they’re going to Clean Up all the Garbage, right, so it’s there to help you. If we don’t fix the stagnation, the pH is going to continue to Change then the Bacteria turns into a Fungus so the Body starts to Mold and that’s the way my dad always viewed Cancer was that Cancer was a Mold. 30:34 MM …you make the Body so strong that it can’t Mold. 30:48 MM

Re: Pleiomorphism with Drs. Andrew Kaufman & Barre Lando...
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: November 30, 2020 04:02PM


No, you need to be in the NATURAL landscape testing yourself by hiking/jogging over mountains, for a minimum of 1-2 hours. If you can't vigorously climb at least 1000+ feet up and down CHALLENGING terrain with ease, you can't be considered healthy. It's interesting that strict raw foodists do not test their VIGOR and STAMINA in the natural landscape, basically because they CAN"T! They are WEAK!

I live IN the Natural Landscape - the Mountains. The back of my house is built into the mountain which is 3,000 feet above sea level and my house is 1,300 feet above sea level. I can and do hike the mountains often and easily.

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