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JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 18, 2020 06:45PM

Here is my File Preview and Best of the File Preview for my file on Psychopaths. I created my 292 page file on Psychopaths the same day I created my 113 page file on Con Artists, my 44 page file on "The Arrivals" and my 244 page file on “Magic and Magicians” and I created all 4 of these files right after I watched the 8 Hour and 17 Minute Documentary called The Arrivals. I watched the entire 8+ Hour Documentary in one day and then, I woke every morning around 2 AM for 2 weeks or so where I transcribed about 60 percent of this Documentary, which is what helped me realize that the Powers that Be are Magicians and, of course, this ties into Psychopaths and Con Artists.

Note: The purpose of EVERY Video and Post I make is to help put an End to the Needless Suffering on this Planet and the purpose of this specific Thread is to identify the Psychopaths and Con Artists who are part of the Obstacles on the Hero's Journey and remember, these SICKOS worship Satan and they want us to Suffer.


...The Best of the File Preview...
• “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.” -H. L. Mencken
• Key Characteristic
• These then are the basic Characteristics that Psychopaths exhibit.
• 1) Lack of Empathy
2) Lack of Remorse
3) Superficiality
4) Grandiosity
5) Irresponsibility
6) Impulsive Behavior
7) Compulsive Lying
8) Manipulative
9) Anti-Social Behavior
• Common Types of Psychopaths
• 1) Narcissists
2) The Victim
3) Con Artists
4) Malevolent Psychopaths
5) Professional Psychopaths
6) Secondary Psychopaths
• The Psychopath’s Modus Operandi
• Their Strategy is as follows:
• 1) The Interview
2) The Seduction
3) Divide and Conquer
4) Fear and Tyranny
• Defense Against The Psychopath
• 1) Facing Evil
2) Recognition
3) What Not To Do - Empathy Cannot Defeat the Psychopath
4) Attack
5) Evade
• 3) Con Artists
• Not all Con Artists are Psychopaths, but Psychopaths make convincing Con Artists. Being excellent Liars, they put that talent to use by cheating others. Without a Conscious or Remorse to stand in the way, they are free to cheat old women out of their life savings, sell Quack Cures to terminally ill patients or short change the blind. They are usually charming, articulate and convincing and make successful sales persons. Unlike the Narcissists, the Con Artists is Not as concerned about Love and Attention as Money.
• There are 2 types of Cons Psychopaths engage in. The Short Con and the Big Store Con. The Short Con is probably the one that most often comes to mind when thinking about Con Artists. These are the Tricks and the Cheats that require no great intelligence to pull off, such as Short Changing, Bait and Switch and 3 Card Monte to name a few. Psychopaths that have a higher intelligence level and/ or come from a more Respectable background are more likely to establish the Big Store Con. These are Large Scale Frauds that all rely on a basic Strategy - take something of little to No Value, Artificially Inflate that Perceived Value, Sell to Gullible Investors, take the Money and Run. Traditional Big Store Cons use Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds as the Lure. Even reputable Multi-National Corporations, Accounting Firms and Banks are all capable of being nothing more than a Large Scale Con. While the Short Con can deprive a Victim of a few to a few thousand Dollars, the Big Store Cons are especially destructive - capable of destroying an entire Nation’s Economy.
• 4) Malevolent Psychopaths
• More popularly known as Anti-Social Personality Disorder or Sociopaths. The Malevolent Psychopath is the real life Monster of our nightmares. These are the wife beaters, murderers, serial killers, stalkers, rapists, sadists, pedophiles, gangsters, interrogators and terrorists. They are usually career criminals and can amass an extensive criminal record while still in their early teens. Often showing their contempt with a sneer or a smirk and with a vacant stare from cold Predatory eyes, they are dangerous, unpredictable and easily triggered into Violence. Cowardly and Sadistic, they tend to target the most vulnerable in Society - women, children and the elderly and disabled. Often impulsive and opportunistic Sociopaths will not hesitate to commit any type of Crime and will use Manipulation, Intimidation and Violence to get what they want.
• 5) Professional Psychopaths
• The Malevolent Psychopath is the most dangerous, however, it is the Professional Psychopath that is the most destructive. While the Victims of the former can range into the dozens, the Victims of the Professional Psychopath can run into the tens of millions. These Psychopaths litter history with Genocides and the destruction of entire Nations and Empires. Historical examples include such Monsters as Stalin, Pol Pot, Ivan the Terrible and Caligula. While there are many that make it to the Pinnacle of the Political Stage, there are also such historical figures as J. P. Morgan, Randall Hurst and Meyer Rothschild, Professional Psychopaths that reached the Pinnacle of the Financial Stage where they Cause no less Misery and Destruction as their Political counterparts. The Professional Psychopath is just as Malevolent, Narcissistic and Remorseless as the other Stereotypes, they are just much smarter. They can be found in any Profession, but usually Governments, Corporations and Religions will be thick with them.
• In a Corporation, the Professional Psychopaths are ideally suited for advancement. They can masterfully Fake their Abilities and Credentials and use their Intellect and Charm to Manipulate and Exploit others and generally back stab their way to a higher position. Once in Power, their Mask slips and they abuse their Power and bully and sabotage their co-workers and subordinates.
• In Politics, the Professional Psychopath’s Ruthlessness and Cunning gives them a distinct advantage over any non-Psychopath Rival (Ron Paul). They make charismatic leaders Manipulating and Brainwashing the Naïve, Vulnerable, Uneducated or Mentally Weak. Mastering of Lying allows them to make whatever outrageous Campaign Promises straight faced with, of course, no intention of keeping any of them. A life spent faking being Human gives them the Ability to assume the Roles of virtuous Public Servant, the perfect Father, Husband, Advisor, Mentor and every Man. In addition, when things get rough, they have no inhibitions in playing dirty and readily resort to Murder, Assassination, Persecution, War and Genocide.
• The 3rd Sphere of Power that has traditionally attracted more than its fair share of Psychopaths is Religion. A quick glance at the History of Religion from the bloody Sacrifices of the Aztec Priests to the Tortures of the Spanish Acquisitions and through seemingly endless Religious Wars waged in the name of Peace and Love makes their Influence plainly visible to all Willing to look. Since most, if not all great Religions are constructed on Falsehoods, Compulsive Liars make the Perfect Proselytizers. A look at recently created Religions, such as Mormonism and Scientology, show their founders, Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard, respectively, were, at least, Compulsive Liars and more likely, full blown Psychopaths.
• Charismatic Cult leaders, like Jim Jones and Sun Myung Moon, were, indeed, Psychopaths. While Televangelical Preachers that rank in millions from their Gullible Flocks are our best Con Artists of the highest caliber.
• When Psychopaths dominate and cease Control over the Major Cultural Institutions that influences a Society, a final type of Psychopath is created - the Secondary Psychopaths.
• 6) Secondary Psychopaths
• While the Classic Genetic Psychopath is one who is Born with whatever Genetic Trait that Causes this Pathology, there is another Group of people that Behaves just like the Classic Psychopath who are Not Born that Way, but were created.
• Secondary Psychopaths are created in 2 Ways - through Trauma and through Groups.
• Trauma from an Accident, Drug Addiction or severe Physical and Psychological Abuse can destroy that part of the Frontal Cortex of the Brain where Empathy and Consciousness is Processed. While such Individuals are a tragic reality in our Society, they are in most cases just as Incurable as their Genetic counterparts are.
• The 2nd Way in which Psychopaths are created is through Groups. There are certain Groups that will attract Psychopaths because of the Opportunities of Power and Influence Membership provides. Usually such Groups will quickly become lead and dominated by Psychopaths. Other non-Psychopathic Members of these Group would have to become Psychopaths in order to survive.
• For example, in a Street Gang, Sociopaths make the best leaders and, therefore, most Gangs have a Sociopath at its head. Other Psychopaths are also attracted to the Violence and the Power of a Street Gang and so together, they create a Psychopathic Value System. The Gang becomes a Psychopathic Entity. The non-Psychopathic Youth who must live within the territory of such Gang is given 2 Choices - become a Victim of the Gang or join them. By joining the Gang, the new recruit must also adopt the Group’s twisted Value System and Behave accordingly, thus becoming a Secondary Psychopath.
• Conversely, at the other end of the scale, we can see the same Principle at work in Corporations. The Money and Power of a Corporation attracts the Cerebral and Narcissistic Psychopaths. In a Corporate Environment, they have many Advantages over their Non-Psychopathic Competitors for promotion. Not surprisingly, most Corporations end up being run by Psychopaths. As with a Criminal Gang, a Corporation’s Culture adopts the Twisted Values of its Leaders. Those who would seek employment must, likewise, adopt or, at least, appear to adopt the Corporation’s Psychopathic Mindset.
• What’s important to understand is that a Mob has No Conscious. Individual members may or may Not have a Conscious, but when they are part of a Mob, they will have none. Most Organizations from Street Gangs to Corporations are Mobs. It would be a mistake to put your Trust in them since they can turn Predatory in a moment and deprive you of Time, Money, Sanity and Livelihood.
• In 1980, Hare created a diagnostic tool called the Psychopathy Checklist, which, revised five years later, became known as the PCL-R. Popularly called "the Hare," the PCL-R measures psychopathy on a forty-point scale.
• Are these people qualitatively different from us? "I would think yes," says Hare. "Do they form a discrete taxon or category? I would say probably -- the evidence is suggesting that. But does this mean that's because they have a broken motor? I don't know. It could be a natural variation." True saints, completely selfless individuals, are rare and unnatural too, he points out, but we don't talk about their being diseased.
• JR: The Saint and the Psychopath just represent the Extremes on a Bell Shaped Curve.
• Psychopaths swim in Chaos and the more the better.
• Pathocracy: a corrupt political/economic system in which capitalist psychopaths and sociopaths have seized power and rule in an insane (psychotic) manner that enhances their power and wealth while utterly destroying working class people
• Psychopaths: 3 Engagement in illegal and immoral behavior without any feeling of guilt, aggressive narcissism, glibness and superficial charm, grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, cunning and manipulation, lack of remorse, shallow affect, callousness and lack of empathy
• Ponerology: 4 the study of evil as it applies to social phenomena
...End of the Best of the File Preview...
...File Preview...
Thomas Sheridan - The Labyrinth of the Psychopath & The Intraspecies Predators
June 26, 2011
52:53 Minute Video
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• Thomas Sheridan is an artist, writer and musician from Ireland. His first major book Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath, is a first-person account of the cheats, the charlatans, the liars, the neglectful parents, abusive teachers, two-faced politicians and their Psychopathic Control Grid, tyrannical bosses and colleagues from hell we have all encountered, including the lying lovers who use us then lose us in an instant. Puzzling People takes a look at how the minds of psychopaths work and why, and focuses on what you can do to survive and thrive and ultimately escape forever. In the first hour of this interview, Thomas will talk about the individual psychopath. He'll talk about their consciousness, drive and tactics and will share a personal story of his experience with a psychopath. Thomas will tell us how psychopaths serve as evolutionary triggers and what we need to do to break free of them. He says we are at the cusp where the psycho control grid either tightens or loses control because of awareness. Topics discussed: moral insanity, internal chaos, pathology, invented personas, playing on pitty, intraspecies predator, spiritual parasite, the R-complex, managers, promoters, the enlightenment, shadow projection, Joseph Campbell, neurosis, Darwinism and more.
• JR: Sheridan thinks that Psychopaths are born that way, but it’s not Genetic and the Solution is Non-Compliance. On average, 1 out of 25 (1-22 or 1-28) people are Psychopaths.

• AJ: Whoever they are, Evil, whatever, Demon Possessed People, whatever, the Evil Psychopaths with Continuity of Agenda in every Country, putting the same Systems in, waging War against everybody, dumbing everybody down and now David, they’ve entered a Phase of flaunting it. More and more they come out and make absurd statements about George Soros is a Humanitarian, he helped Nazis round people up and if you don’t like it, you’re a Nazi.
• AJ: We were just talking during the break about the fact that the Globalists are horrified. One level is afraid of the next level and the next level in this Pyramid, in this Psychopathic System. David, break that down, the Psychology of the Psychopaths and the Sociopaths and Sadists that work for them.
• DI: Well, it’s a Pyramid of Terror really because one level has Control over the next level and so that level is frightened of it, but it’s frightened of the level above it and it’s frightened of the level above it and ultimately, there is a Spider in the center of the web. We can discuss and have different views about what that Spider is from which everything is coming out from, but they are all absolutely terrified of that Spider. And the Rothschild’s and the families like that are very close to the Spider, which is one of the key reasons why so many within the Structure are terrified of the Rothschild’s and do whatever they say.
• This is the Big Picture most people just don’t get. Most people don’t know that most of our problems can be traced back to 5 Main Mistakes. People know that there are these slimy Psychopathic people that are Ruling the World, but is every one that way? [duplicated below]
Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
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• Pathocracy is a disease of great social movements followed by entire societies, nations, and empires. In the course of human history, it has affected social, political, and religious movements as well as the accompanying ideologies and turned them into caricatures of themselves. This occurred as a result of the participation of pathological agents in a pathodynamically similar process. That explains why all the pathocracies of the world are, and have been, so similar in their essential properties.
• The actions of [pathocracy] affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every town, business, and institution. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country creating a new class within that nation. This privileged class [of pathocrats] feels permanently threatened by the others, i.e. by the majority of normal people. Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about their personal fate should there be a return to the system of normal man.

• Crazy and frightening - and real, in about 4 percent of the population....
• The prevalence rate for anorexic eating disorders is estimated a 3.43 percent, deemed to be nearly epidemic, and yet this figure is a fraction lower than the rate for antisocial personality. The high-profile disorders classed as schizophrenia occur in only about 1 percent of [the population] - a mere quarter of the rate of antisocial personality - and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that the rate of colon cancer in the United States, considered "alarmingly high," is about 40 per 100,000 - one hundred times lower than the rate of antisocial personality.
• The high incidence of sociopathy in human society has a profound effect on the rest of us who must live on this planet, too, even those of us who have not been clinically traumatized. The individuals who constitute this 4 percent drain our relationships, our bank accounts, our accomplishments, our self-esteem, our very peace on earth.

• If physicians behaved like ethicists and failed to study diseases because they were only interested in studying questions of health, there would be no such thing as modern medicine. Physicians were correct in their emphasis on studying disease above all in order to discover the causes and biological properties of illnesses, and then to understand the pathodynamics of their courses. A comprehension of the nature of a disease, and the course it runs, after all, enables the proper curative means to be elaborated and employed.
• The question thus arises: could some analogous modus operandi not be used to study the causes and genesis of other kinds of evil scourging human individuals, families, societies? Experience has taught the author that evil is similar to disease in nature, although possibly more complex and elusive to our understanding.

• It seems that there have been many such bad times in the course of human history, and it was during such times that the great systems of ethics were developed. Unfortunately, during good times, nobody wants to hear about it. They want to enjoy things, to have pleasure and pleasant experiences, and so any literature that relates to such times is lost, forgotten, suppressed, or otherwise ignored. This leads to further debasing of the intellectual currency and opens the gap for bad times to come once again.
• If a collection were to be made of all the books that describe the horrors of wars, the cruelties of revolutions, and the bloody deeds of political leaders and systems, most people would avoid such a library. In such a library, ancient works would be found alongside books by contemporary historians and reporters. The documentary evidence on German extermination and concentration camps, complete with dry statistical data, describing the well-organized labor of the destruction of human life, would be seen to use a properly calm language, and would provide the basis for acknowledging the nature of Evil.
• The autobiography of Rudolf Hess, the commander of camps in Osweicim (Auschwitz) and Brzezinka, (Birkenau) is a classic example of how an intelligent psychopath thinks and feels.
• Our library of death would include works on philosophy discussing the social and moral aspects of the genesis of Evil, while using history to partially justify the blood-drenched solutions.
• The library would show to the alert reader a sort of evolution from primitive attitudes, that it is alright to enslave and murder vanquished peoples, to the present day moralizing which declares that such behavior is barbaric and worthy of condemnation.
• However, such a library would be missing one crucial tome: there would not be a single work offering a sufficient explanation of the causes and processes whereby such historical dramas originate, of how and why human beings periodically degenerate into bloodthirsty madness.
• The old questions would remain unanswered: what made this happen? Does everyone carry the seeds of crime within, or only some of us? No matter how faithful to the events, nor how psychologically accurate the books that are available may be, they cannot answer those questions nor can they fully explain the origin of Evil.
• Thus, humanity is at a great disadvantage because without a fully scientific explanation of the origins of Evil, there is no possibility of the development of sufficiently effective principles for counteracting Evil.
• The best literary description of a disease cannot produce an understanding of its essential etiology, and can thus furnish no principles for treatment. In the same way, descriptions of historical tragedies are incapable of elaborating effective measures for counteracting the genesis, existence, or spread of Evil.
• Nevertheless, the authors of some of the books that we would find in our Library of Evil took great care to infuse their words with the proper precision as though they were hoping that someone, at some time, would use their records to explain what they, themselves, could not explain even in the best literary language.
• Most human beings are horrified by such literature. Hedonistic societies have the strong tendency to encourage escape into ignorance or naive doctrines. Some people even feel contempt for the suffering of others.
• It is true that, in tracking the behavioral mechanisms of the genesis of Evil, one must keep both abhorrence and fear under control, submit to a passion for science, and develop the calm outlook needed in natural history.

Diagnosis: Pathocracy
Cure: Commonwealth

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• Since the early decades of the twentieth century the United States has been a pathocratic society ruled by certifiably insane thugs. One of the marks of a pathocratic society is that most citizens are infected by its psychotic rulers with the same mental derangement (psychopathological capitalism), so these demented citizens believe their society is completely normal and sane.
• In a nation ruled by capitalist psychopaths, ordinary psychopaths, sociopaths, and normal persons are induced to behave insanely to survive. When illegal expediencies are concocted to make a society "adaptive" to psychopathic corruption, it makes psychopaths or sociopaths of all persons lacking mental capability to make themselves immune from the infecting propaganda and corruption.
• About 18% of the population constitute the pathocratic cabal, its zombie-rulers, its leader-puppets, and its underlings. The remaining 82% of the population remain victims of these psychotic criminals as long as they remain ignorant of their nature and activities. For examle, most Americans remain oblivious to their looting by fatcat banksters.
• Only about 10% of any population has some afinity to Perennialist 6 truth and Perennialist leaders. The remaining 90% are composed of ordinary people or sub-humans, those partially or totally possessed by outside personalities and ideologies.
• One percent of the population constitutes the cabal ruler-zombies who are totally possessed by evil. The next 5% represents the demonic "leaders" and demented puppets of the cabal zombies. The lower 12% of the cabal represents the fellow-travelers and lackeys who carry out the higher-ups' demonic machinations.
• Most companies and institutions are lead by psychopaths. Psychopaths may number as high as one in a hundred. Under Bush II, America went insane.
• Lobaczewski's primary value in overcoming pathocracy is a detailed analysis of psychopathic rulers. He unfortunately assumes that "normal" persons in a society will at last automatically rise up against their psychopathic despots. His analysis of pathocratic societies suffers from the assumption that there is only one domain: the physical, terrestrial world and that psychopaths will inevitably seize power within this realm.
• Fortunately, we have Plato's study of pathocracy and psychopathic tyrants and his revelation of the two separate domains of being:
The world of illusion, tyranny, and corruption ruled by ignorance and psychopathic terror
The world of understanding: the intelligible world accessed by dialectical interchange containing Forms such as goodness, beauty, and justice
• Through his own study of social ponerology, Plato defined disorder in the world of tyranny as polypragmosyne, the seizing of power by those who incorrectly presume they possess wisdom in all things.
• What polypragmosyne -- pathocracy as defined in this essay--means in practice is that the unskilled, unenlightened, and depraved seize the rule of a society to its detriment and final destruction. One of the essential elements of Plato's philosophy was an ongoing battle against exactly the same kind of twisted, unreal, counterfeit world that we presently face. Philosophy--the search for wisdom and truth--arises out of the resistance of the soul to its destruction by a perverted world. The situation Plato faced--and we now face--is the life-or-death of our very being.
• We must realize that we're in a battle not merely for whether this particular puppet regime of the demonic cabal in 2011 starts this pre-emptive war or that or gives trillions of taxpayer money to fat-cat bankers, but with whether or not our very being will be subverted by lies and false values. A depraved society--such as we now face--can destroy a person's soul, because the disorder of society is a disease in the psyche of its members.
• Plato reminds us that our resistance to a deranged world depends for its success on a precise comprehension of those against whom we struggle. One of the requirements for discerning the true essence of our antagonists is to describe their beliefs and actions in a straightforward manner. We must, in other words, refer to what's happening today by its true nature--pathocracy--the rule by insane thugs--instead of masking it with such lies as "incompetence," "receiving false intelligence," and "well-intentioned but bungling efforts."
• If we're to survive in a material culture dominated by psychopathic rulers--as we now experience with the pathocratic cabal--we must develop a higher form of discernment in both the terrestrial and transcendent realms. The Perennial Tradition teaches a new way of discerning the world, different from ordinary intellect or reason, requiring training in this way of Higher Cognition, and involving both seeing subtle or "invisible" entities (Forms, meanings, relationships, ramifications) and "not-seeing"--freeing oneself from the ordinary mental and visual conditionings.
• Psychopaths can be extremely clever, canny, and shrewd--though not intelligent in the highest sense of that word (see essay on social intelligence). Persons possessing Higher Discernment--to whatever degree--must now join forces to overcome this pathocracy responsible for such extensive human suffering. Only through such discerning communal effort can the current pathocracy be defeated.
• A twenty-first century Perennialist operation is now underway to create Cooperative Commonwealth Communities as a counter-force against the American pathocracy. Following Plato's lead, we must work assiduously to see that the demonic elements within the world of pathocracy--corruption, delusion, and worker annihilation--do not affect us either on the surface or in the innermost areas of our soul. At the same time, we work in connection with the transcendental domain to bring into terrestrial instantiation a new form of commonwealth where all members are able to develop their full potential.
• Pathocracy: a corrupt political/economic system in which capitalist psychopaths and sociopaths have seized power and rule in an insane (psychotic) manner that enhances their power and wealth while utterly destroying working class people
• Psychopaths: 3 Engagement in illegal and immoral behavior without any feeling of guilt, aggressive narcissism, glibness and superficial charm, grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, cunning and manipulation, lack of remorse, shallow affect, callousness and lack of empathy
• Ponerology: 4 the study of evil as it applies to social phenomena

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• The condition itself has been recognized for centuries, wearing evocative labels such as "madness without delirium" and "moral insanity" until the late 1800s, when "psychopath" was coined by a German clinician. But the term (and its 1930s synonym, sociopath) had always been a sort of catch-all, widely and loosely applied to criminals who seemed violent and unstable. Even into the mid-1970s, almost 80 percent of convicted felons in the United States were being diagnosed as sociopaths. In 1980, Hare created a diagnostic tool called the Psychopathy Checklist, which, revised five years later, became known as the PCL-R. Popularly called "the Hare," the PCL-R measures psychopathy on a forty-point scale. Once it emerged, it was the first time in history that everyone who said "psychopath" was saying the same thing. For research in the field, it was like a starting gun.
• In 1980, Hare created a diagnostic tool called the Psychopathy Checklist, which, revised five years later, became known as the PCL-R. Popularly called "the Hare," the PCL-R measures psychopathy on a forty-point scale.

• Are these people qualitatively different from us? "I would think yes," says Hare. "Do they form a discrete taxon or category? I would say probably -- the evidence is suggesting that. But does this mean that's because they have a broken motor? I don't know. It could be a natural variation." True saints, completely selfless individuals, are rare and unnatural too, he points out, but we don't talk about their being diseased.
• JR: The Saint and the Psychopath just represent the Extremes on a Bell Shaped Curve.

• This is the Big Picture most people just don’t get. Most people don’t know that most of our problems can be traced back to 5 Main Mistakes. People know that there are these slimy Psychopathic people that are Ruling the World, but is every one that way? [duplicated above]

JR Insert from “Zeitgeist” file...
• Zeitgeist: Addendum
• "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti
Part II: Social Pathology
This phenomenon is rooted in what could be termed 'Psychosocial Stress' and it is at the foundation of the greatest social distortions plaguing our society today. Its cause? The Monetary-Market System. Make no mistake: The greatest destroyer of ecology the greatest source of waste, depletion and pollution the greatest purveyor of violence- war - crime - poverty - animal abuse and inhumanity the greatest generator of social and personal neurosis mental disorders - depression, anxiety not to mention, the greatest source of social paralysis stopping us from moving into new methodologies for personal health, global sustainability and progress on this planet is not some corrupt government or legislation not some rogue corporation or banking cartel not some flaw of human nature and not some secret hidden cabal that controls the world. It is, in fact: The Socio-Economic System itself at its very foundation.
• Psychosocial Stress; Social Pathology; Social Distortions; Social Paralysis
• We live in a Sick Society…
• Monetary-Market System or Socio-Economic System
• The greatest Obstacle is NOT the Socio-Economic System any more than those who use this Socio-Economic System are the greatest Obstacle for both of these are only Subsequent Causes.
• The greatest Obstacle is NOT the Monetary-Market System any more than those who use this Monetary-Market System are the greatest Obstacle for both of these are only Subsequent Causes.
• Why do we have this Socio-Economic System?
• Why do we have this Monetary-Market System?
• Why do we have those who use this Socio-Economic System?
• Why do we have those who use this Monetary-Market System?
• What is the Primary Cause?
• Hypo-Heliosis and Hyper-Colonic-Tension.
• What Causes Hypo-Heliosis and Hyper-Colonic-Tension?
• The very 1st of 5 Main Mistakes creates 2 Conditions I coined Hypo-Heliosis and Hyper-Colonic-Tension.
• Actually, the #1 Obstacle is the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior and these Con Artists are using Money as a Tool to Control us along with as many other Needs they can Control and Monopolize.

• All 4 of these people all look at the 3rd most important Piece out of the 21 Problems of Knowledge. All 4 of these people have identified Psychopaths as the Source of all of our Problems, but none of them understand why some of us are Psychopaths. Let’s now take a closer look at what Alex Jones, Peter Joseph, Thomas Sheridan and David Icke have to say about these Psychopaths and what they think is the Solution.
• Thomas Sheridan believes that the Solution is for Society to overcome the Psychopaths through Non-Compliance and that Psychopaths are born that way, but it’s Not Genetic.
• And the #1 Problem of Knowledge is Not having it and having False Knowledge in place of it. And everybody like Thomas Sheridan or David Icke or Alex Jones or Peter Joseph who are out there trying to solve our problems is at the best recognizing that there are Psychopaths, that’s there’s a small group of people who are Ruling the World and they’re Sick. But they are a reflection of us and there’s Only One Way to deal with this aspect of us. We just can’t Ignore these people and [use] Non-Compliance. (As long as they can) If you can get everybody to say, OK, Non-Compliance.
• So all we have to do is look at what we were taught before we had the Ability for Critical Thinking. And when we do that, it gets real simple because there’s only a few things we have to look at. But now, we got to look at them with a really Open Mind and realize that are 5 Main Mistakes we’re making that are relative to 5 things we mastered and the 5th thing we mastered and Applied to our Essential Needs destroyed a Nutrient we need to feed our 6th Sense by 83%. The 1st Mistake destroyed this Nutrient by 100%, which is the Fall of Mankind and created a Dark Side to our Behavior where now we have the Extreme part of that Behavior, the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior, the True Psychopaths of the World who are Ruling the World and allowing us to suffer because they Lack the Empathy, they Lack the Connection to understand what they’re doing.
• So these Psychopaths are Con Artists, they’re Masters of Illusion, they’re Masters of Mis-Direction and they’re Mis-Directing all of our so-called Experts to make sure they’ll never find any of the Solutions to our problems. And, of course, our so-called Experts can turn around and Mis-Direct the Masses.
• JR: I know how to solve most of our problems. Psychos: We Need Problems! We need Problems to Rule the World.
• Don’t try to appeal to the Psychopaths who are Ruling the World by appealing to their Altruism by saying that I have perfected a 3 Step Process to solve most of our problems because the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior doesn’t have any Empathy.
• How many words do I have that are Interchangeable with those who are Ruling the World? 34. Psychopaths
• This is the Way we Defeat the Psychopaths that Rule our Planet. We have to acknowledge that the Psychopaths are a reflection of us, just like the Saints are a reflection of us. With all Behavior we have Extremes. We have the Psychopaths on one end that have No Remorse and could care less about our suffering, except that they realize that they need us to be suffering to take advantage of us, so they are going out of their way to Mis-Direct all of our so-called Experts to make sure they turn 1 of those Pieces in the –C Box into Hundreds of Thousands of Pieces.
• And then, when you look at those 12 Sources of False Knowledge and 7 Willingness Factors, out of those 19 Obstacles, the #1 Obstacle, the #1 reason why we don’t know we don’t know would be the Dark Side of our Behavior because the very 1st Mistake we made created 2 Conditions I coined Hypo-Heliosis and Hyper-Colonic-Tension and those are 2 Huge Contributing Factors to the Dark Side of our Behavior. And with every Type of Behavior, especially based on Mistakes, you have Extremes, you’ve got Saints and you have Psychopaths.
• Not only do we have to be aware of what some of these Subsequent Causes are doing, but we have to be especially aware of what they have done and we do need to do Damage Control, we have to reverse some of the horrible things they’ve done where they passed Laws to give advantage to certain groups - they’ve created Governmental Agencies to Control what needs to be Controlled - they simply bought out what needs to be Controlled. And the only way to Defeat this Dark Side to our Behavior and the Psychopaths that represent the Extremes that are Willing to do this to us is to realize that we created these Psychos and we can Destroy them by stop creating them.
• The Psychos just represent the Extreme part of our Behavior, like the ends of a Bell Shaped Curve. You can’t cut off the edges of a Bell Shaped Curve - the only way to get rid of the edges or the only way to get rid of that little tail is to get rid of the Bell that created the tail.
• Remember, everything we do affects us and with every Type of Behavior we have Extremes and when it comes to the Dark Side of our Behavior, we have the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior on one Extreme and then, we have Saints on the other end of the Extreme. And then, the rest of us just with this Dark Side to our Behavior and Not Able to understand why the Saints do what they do and surely don’t understand how the Psychopaths can do what they’re doing, although, Not all Psychopaths are in a position to Rule the World. But the ones Ruling the World are Psychopaths.
• And an amazing high number of people are Psychopaths. Almost 4 or 5% of our population, 1 in 22 in one study and 1 in 28 in another study. 1 in 22 - that’s 4.5% of the population are Psychopaths.
• There is a small group of people who are Ruling the World that are referred to as the Globalists or the Zionists or the Illuminati or the Cartel or the Cabal or the Banking Cartel or those with all of the Money or Big Money or Con Artists or Magicians or Illusionists or Masters of Illusion or Masters of Mis-Direction and this Sick group of people that represent the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior are Psychopaths and they are going out of their way to Mis-Direct all of our so-called Experts to make sure that they will never find any of the Solutions they’re meant to find. And if our Experts are Mis-Directed, they can, in turn, Mis-Direct us.
• And if we want to put an end to all of this needless suffering, we must understand that we must stop focusing on all of the things we got, including the small group of Sick people who want to Rule the World and focus what we’re doing. And if we can find the Mistakes we’re making, we can solve most of our problems, including all of those Psychopaths that are making solving our problems next to impossible.



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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 18, 2020 06:45PM

Defense Against the Psychopath
[ 37:37 Minute Video ]
[ [] ]

• Part One
• “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it.” -H. L. Mencken
• Psychopathy infects the whole Spectrum of Humanity irrespective of Race, Culture, Geography, Economic Class or Personality type. It is distributed in a population in the similar way that left-handedness is. One would Not notice a person is left-handed until you see him write or catch a ball. Similarly, one may Not notice a Psychopath until you see him do something that requires them to have a conscious.
• Most people think of a Psychopath as a rare creature found only in the lowest levels of Society. However, the reverse is true. They are Not Rare, but actually quite common and you are more likely to find Psychopaths in the board room than on the wrong side of the tracks. The reason is the more competitive a particular environment is, the more ruthless the use of the Cheating Strategy becomes. Within the highest circles of Power and Wealth, a Lack of Pity and Remorse is practically a prerequisite to success and only the Psychopathic Mentality can thrive.
• Because of the tremendous destruction Psychopaths reap on Society, it is vital for every one to be aware of their existence and to recognize their Behavior Traits. Understanding them is the first Step to defending against them.
• Key Characteristics
• 1) Lack of Empathy
• Empathy is the Ability to Experience within oneself the Feelings and Emotions expressed by others. It is what allows us to Feel what others are feeling. It is why we are inspired by works of art, music and poetry. Empathy allows us to Experience the grandeurs of life, to be truly alive, and is one of the defining characteristics of what makes us Human.
• Psychopaths have No Empathy and, as a result, they are neither truly Human nor truly alive. When they see Normals admiring a piece of art or playing with their children or caring for a pet or any number of Human Emotional Interactions, they cannot understand what all of the fuss is all about. Psychopaths realize at an early age that they are different and that they should Act as everyone else does in order to be accepted into Society. They learn to mimic what they see others do, but they can never understand why they should Act this way. Although they are consummate Actors, careful observation will reveal telltale cracks in their façade. They know enough to fake concern when someone is Sick or to pretend Happiness when some good fortune befalls a friend, but in Situations where the Psychopath has no pre-rehearsed Act, their adlib often reveals a stunning Lack of Empathy.
• For example, if attending a funeral, a Psychopath would correctly mimic the same expressions of sadness as the other mourners, but then makes sexual advances towards the grieving widow clueless to the gross inappropriateness of such an action. People with Empathy would instinctively understand such Behavior as inappropriate, however, the Psychopath cannot.
• 2) Lack of Remorse
• Remorse is an Emotional Expression of personal regret felt by a person after he or she has committed an Act which they deem as shameful, hurtful or violent. This very definition precludes a Psychopath from experiencing such a Feeling. With No Empathy, there can be No Emotional Expression. Nor can a Psychopath Feel Shame nor comprehend that anything they do can be harmful to others. Psychopaths understand when people are Angry with them for their Behavior and as a last resort, they may pretend they are sorry. But unlike most people, they are not the least bit disturbed by feelings of Guilt.
• Remorse is a Powerful Negative Emotional that causes turmoil in those that Feel it. Turmoil that often results in self-destructive or self-deprecating Behaviors. The Psychopath may pretend Remorse, but their real Behavior has Not changed. They still go shopping. They still go to parties. They have no problems sleeping at night.
• 3) Superficiality
• Lacking Passion for anything other than themselves, Psychopaths can never penetrate beyond the surface of most Knowledge. As a result, they exhibit a Superficial comprehension of some or many subjects, but are often seen by true Experts as being Shallow. Their Superficiality extends to their attempts at acting Normal by exhibiting False Emotions through an exaggerated Effect.
• 4) Grandiosity
• Despite being Shallow and Superficial, Psychopaths show No Self-Esteem issues. Psychopaths live in a Falsely Constructed World View in which they are both literally and figuratively God. Often seen as megalomaniacs, they also have an equally over blown sense of entitlement.
• 5) Irresponsibility
• Psychopaths are Irresponsible because nothing is ever their fault. Someone else or the world at large is always to blame for all of their problems. This makes sense if you understand that Psychopaths think themselves perfect. Nothing wrong can ever originate with them and so Logic, the Psychopath’s Logic dictates that everything Bad is always someone else’s Fault.
• 6) Impulsive Behavior
• The Psychopath’s Impulsive Behavior makes sense in light of their megalomania. In their world, whatever they want now is Good and whatever they do Not want is Bad. If a Psychopath wants Sex and his Date will not provide it, then Rape is Good and the Date is Bad. If someone has Money in his or her pocket and the Psychopath wants it, then Robbery is Good and the Victim is Bad for possessing something the Psychopath wanted. If this strikes the reader as Insane, it is.
• One of the earliest writers on the subject of Psychopathy, J. C. Pritchard, coined the now defunct term “Moral Insanity” as a way to describe Psychopathy in 1835.
• 7) Compulsive Lying
• Living at the expense of the rest of Humanity would be an impossible Situation in a Rational Society. Psychopaths have solved this dilemma through their premier Weapon - Lies. Lies hold together their view of themselves, their own Private Universe and facilitate their need to live, Parasitically, off the rest of Society. Without Empathy, Shame and Remorse, they are free to Lie as often and as outrageously as they please. Normal people would blush or sweat or tremble if they dared stretched the Truth to the same degree. However, for the Psychopath, Lying is as easy and natural as breathing. This is why they often pass Polygraphs. They do not register the physiological reactions that non-Psychopaths would when Lying. They are so good at Lying, they can fool trained Psychiatrists and even other Psychopaths. What is important to know is that given the right circumstances, they can Fool anyone.
• 8) Manipulative
• Hand and hand with the Psychopath’s extraordinary Ability to Lie, comes the Ability to Manipulate others for their own Benefit. Having spent their lifetime studying us, Psychopaths are Masters of Manipulation and Experts on knowing how to push our buttons to use our Emotions against us. They use this Ability to keep those around them confused, unable to think clearly and off balance. Psychopaths also learn very early how their Personalities can have traumatizing Effects on the Personalities of non-Psychopaths and how to take advantage of this for the purpose of achieving their Goals. Like an electric eel that stuns its Prey with an Electro Shock, Psychopaths in Human Personality [have?] an uncanny Ability to Manipulate, can psychologically stun their intended victims.
• 9) Anti-Social Behavior
• The very essence of the Psychopath is Anti-Social. Their Lack of Empathy for other people extends on to Society and the Environment. Vandalism, Pollution, Graffiti, Animal Abuse and Environmental Destruction, Building Code Violations, Reckless Driving and a host of Morally and Socially unacceptable Activities are of no concern to the Psychopath.
• These then are the basic Characteristics that Psychopaths exhibit.
• 1) Lack of Empathy
2) Lack of Remorse
3) Superficiality
4) Grandiosity
5) Irresponsibility
6) Impulsive Behavior
7) Compulsive Lying
8) Manipulative
9) Anti-Social Behavior
• Bear in mind that few Psychopaths will express all of the Characteristics and that non-Psychopaths can have many of these Characteristics as well.
• Part Two
• Common Types of Psychopaths
• While there are as many variations in the Personalities in Psychopaths as there are among Normal people, the following lists some general stereotypes.
• 1) Narcissists
• The most benign form of Psychopathology is Pathological Narcissism. Narcissists, like the Mythological Greek name sake, Narcissus, are so overcome with self-love that nothing else in the world matters to them. They need a constant source of Narcissistic supply, which is attention, adoration, recognition, award and praise. There are 2 basic types of Narcissists - the Somatic and the Cerebral.
• Somatic Narcissists take pride in their looks and appearance. They will flaunt their sexual exploits, brag of their accomplishments, show of their muscles and display their toys. They are often Health Nuts, Hypochondriacs and Sex Addicts. Because of their barren inner life, they continually need new thrills simply for the rush of adrenaline. These thrills range from criminal activity and substance abuse to increasingly bizarre sexual acts.
• Cerebral Narcissists love their own minds. They are arrogant, condescending and know it alls that pride themselves on being smarter than every one else. Their Narcissistic supply comes from fame, notoriety, awards and displays of Wealth to create Envy in others. The danger to the public from Narcissists is to drain our Energy, Time, Resources and Emotional Well-being. A Narcissist is interested in a person only for what Narcissistic supply that person can provide. They will gladly accept Love, Attention, Affection, Admiration, Praise, Emotional and Financial Support, but being without Empathy, they cannot reciprocate any of it. Any partnership they enter into will always be one-sided. Once a person ceases to be the source of Narcissistic supply or a better source comes along, they are discarded without any hesitation or consideration, thus do Narcissists leave behind them a trail of broken hearts, broken dreams, empty wallets and abandoned children.
• 2) The Victim
• Commonly used by Female Psychopaths, but by no means unheard of by Males, is the Professional Victim Stereotype. Preying on what Psychopaths see as Weakness in others, Sympathy, the Female Psychopath appears to be helpless, pitiful, Emotional Fragile, Persecuted and Sexually Vulnerable. She pretends heart felt gratitude for whatever small kindnesses strangers provide her. But behind the Mask is a Cunning, Ruthless and Loveless Predator. Often using Sex as the Hook, they can joggle several Victims at the same time draining them of Life and Money until there is nothing left. Then skipping town to avoid the repercussions.
• 3) Con Artists
• Not all Con Artists are Psychopaths, but Psychopaths make convincing Con Artists. Being excellent Liars, they put that talent to use by cheating others. Without a Conscious or Remorse to stand in the way, they are free to cheat old women out of their life savings, sell Quack Cures to terminally ill patients or short change the blind. They are usually charming, articulate and convincing and make successful sales persons. Unlike the Narcissists, the Con Artists is Not as concerned about Love and Attention as Money.
• There are 2 types of Cons Psychopaths engage in. The Short Con and the Big Store Con. The Short Con is probably the one that most often comes to mind when thinking about Con Artists. These are the Tricks and the Cheats that require no great intelligence to pull off, such as Short Changing, Bait and Switch and 3 Card Monte to name a few. Psychopaths that have a higher intelligence level and/ or come from a more Respectable background are more likely to establish the Big Store Con. These are Large Scale Frauds that all rely on a basic Strategy - take something of little to No Value, Artificially Inflate that Perceived Value, Sell to Gullible Investors, take the Money and Run. Traditional Big Store Cons use Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds as the Lure. Even reputable Multi-National Corporations, Accounting Firms and Banks are all capable of being nothing more than a Large Scale Con. While the Short Con can deprive a Victim of a few to a few thousand Dollars, the Big Store Cons are especially destructive - capable of destroying an entire Nation’s Economy.
• 4) Malevolent Psychopaths
• More popularly known as Anti-Social Personality Disorder or Sociopaths. The Malevolent Psychopath is the real life Monster of our nightmares. These are the wife beaters, murderers, serial killers, stalkers, rapists, sadists, pedophiles, gangsters, interrogators and terrorists. They are usually career criminals and can amass an extensive criminal record while still in their early teens. Often showing their contempt with a sneer or a smirk and with a vacant stare from cold Predatory eyes, they are dangerous, unpredictable and easily triggered into Violence. Cowardly and Sadistic, they tend to target the most vulnerable in Society - women, children and the elderly and disabled. Often impulsive and opportunistic Sociopaths will not hesitate to commit any type of Crime and will use Manipulation, Intimidation and Violence to get what they want.
• 5) Professional Psychopaths
• The Malevolent Psychopath is the most dangerous, however, it is the Professional Psychopath that is the most destructive. While the Victims of the former can range into the dozens, the Victims of the Professional Psychopath can run into the tens of millions. These Psychopaths litter history with Genocides and the destruction of entire Nations and Empires. Historical examples include such Monsters as Stalin, Pol Pot, Ivan the Terrible and Caligula. While there are many that make it to the Pinnacle of the Political Stage, there are also such historical figures as J. P. Morgan, Randall Hurst and Meyer Rothschild, Professional Psychopaths that reached the Pinnacle of the Financial Stage where they Cause no less Misery and Destruction as their Political counterparts. The Professional Psychopath is just as Malevolent, Narcissistic and Remorseless as the other Stereotypes, they are just much smarter. They can be found in any Profession, but usually Governments, Corporations and Religions will be thick with them.
• In a Corporation, the Professional Psychopaths are ideally suited for advancement. They can masterfully Fake their Abilities and Credentials and use their Intellect and Charm to Manipulate and Exploit others and generally back stab their way to a higher position. Once in Power, their Mask slips and they abuse their Power and bully and sabotage their co-workers and subordinates.
• In Politics, the Professional Psychopath’s Ruthlessness and Cunning gives them a distinct advantage over any non-Psychopath Rival (Ron Paul). They make charismatic leaders Manipulating and Brainwashing the Naïve, Vulnerable, Uneducated or Mentally Weak. Mastering of Lying allows them to make whatever outrageous Campaign Promises straight faced with, of course, no intention of keeping any of them. A life spent faking being Human gives them the Ability to assume the Roles of virtuous Public Servant, the perfect Father, Husband, Advisor, Mentor and every Man. In addition, when things get rough, they have no inhibitions in playing dirty and readily resort to Murder, Assassination, Persecution, War and Genocide.
• The 3rd Sphere of Power that has traditionally attracted more than its fair share of Psychopaths is Religion. A quick glance at the History of Religion from the bloody Sacrifices of the Aztec Priests to the Tortures of the Spanish Acquisitions and through seemingly endless Religious Wars waged in the name of Peace and Love makes their Influence plainly visible to all Willing to look. Since most, if not all great Religions are constructed on Falsehoods, Compulsive Liars make the Perfect Proselytizers. A look at recently created Religions, such as Mormonism and Scientology, show their founders, Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard, respectively, were, at least, Compulsive Liars and more likely, full blown Psychopaths.
• Charismatic Cult leaders, like Jim Jones and Sun Myung Moon, were, indeed, Psychopaths. While Televangelical Preachers that rank in millions from their Gullible Flocks are our best Con Artists of the highest caliber.
• When Psychopaths dominate and cease Control over the Major Cultural Institutions that influences a Society, a final type of Psychopath is created - the Secondary Psychopaths.
• 6) Secondary Psychopaths
• While the Classic Genetic Psychopath is one who is Born with whatever Genetic Trait that Causes this Pathology, there is another Group of people that Behaves just like the Classic Psychopath who are Not Born that Way, but were created.
• Secondary Psychopaths are created in 2 Ways - through Trauma and through Groups.
• Trauma from an Accident, Drug Addiction or severe Physical and Psychological Abuse can destroy that part of the Frontal Cortex of the Brain where Empathy and Consciousness is Processed. While such Individuals are a tragic reality in our Society, they are in most cases just as Incurable as their Genetic counterparts are.
• The 2nd Way in which Psychopaths are created is through Groups. There are certain Groups that will attract Psychopaths because of the Opportunities of Power and Influence Membership provides. Usually such Groups will quickly become lead and dominated by Psychopaths. Other non-Psychopathic Members of these Group would have to become Psychopaths in order to survive.
• For example, in a Street Gang, Sociopaths make the best leaders and, therefore, most Gangs have a Sociopath at its head. Other Psychopaths are also attracted to the Violence and the Power of a Street Gang and so together, they create a Psychopathic Value System. The Gang becomes a Psychopathic Entity. The non-Psychopathic Youth who must live within the territory of such Gang is given 2 Choices - become a Victim of the Gang or join them. By joining the Gang, the new recruit must also adopt the Group’s twisted Value System and Behave accordingly, thus becoming a Secondary Psychopath.
• Conversely, at the other end of the scale, we can see the same Principle at work in Corporations. The Money and Power of a Corporation attracts the Cerebral and Narcissistic Psychopaths. In a Corporate Environment, they have many Advantages over their Non-Psychopathic Competitors for promotion. Not surprisingly, most Corporations end up being run by Psychopaths. As with a Criminal Gang, a Corporation’s Culture adopts the Twisted Values of its Leaders. Those who would seek employment must, likewise, adopt or, at least, appear to adopt the Corporation’s Psychopathic Mindset.
• What’s important to understand is that a Mob has No Conscious. Individual members may or may Not have a Conscious, but when they are part of a Mob, they will have none. Most Organizations from Street Gangs to Corporations are Mobs. It would be a mistake to put your Trust in them since they can turn Predatory in a moment and deprive you of Time, Money, Sanity and Livelihood.
• Common Types of Psychopaths
• 1) Narcissists
2) The Victim
3) Con Artists
4) Malevolent Psychopaths
5) Professional Psychopaths
6) Secondary Psychopaths
• Part Three
• The Psychopath’s Modus Operandi
• One weakness Psychopaths have is that once one studies them and begins to understand them, they become predictable. While tactics vary from one to another, most Psychopaths follow a similar Strategy when Conning either an Individual or an Organization.
• Their Strategy is as follows:
• 1) The Interview
• Psychopaths are Experts at Cold Reading. First used by Psychologists to describe what phony fortune tellers do, Cold Reading is the Ability to guess a person’s Personality Types quickly through verbal and non-verbal Communication. The technique is simple. Ask Questions and watch responses. Psychopaths will Cold Read you in what is called the Interview Stage. The whole purpose of the Interview is for the Psychopath to size you up for a Potential Victim. They make Mental Notes of different ways they could possibly Manipulate you.
• 2) The Seduction
• Should you or your Organization be seen as a suitable Victim, the next Stage is the Seduction. Based on the results of their Interview, the Psychopath will tailor the Seduction to your Personality. If concerned about your appearance, they will flatter you good looks. If insecure about your Education, they will flatter you about your Intelligence. If Greedy, they will have Insider Information on a get rich quick scheme. And if cowardly, then only the Psychopath can protect you from your Fears.
• On a Personal Level, they will shower you with praise and attention in a world wind romance. They make sure that being around them is Fun and Exciting so that you become Addicted to the adrenaline rush they create.
• On an Organizational Level, they pretend to be the perfect Employee, devote follower and the most dedicated Public Servant. They work to ingratiate themselves first to the Door Keepers and finally, the Power Holders often by being shameless sycophants and boot lickers.
• 3) Divide and Conquer
• Just as a Pride of Lions will seek to separate a targeted Wildebeest from the rest of the Herd, so Psychopaths seek to isolate their Victims from the rest of Humanity. They accomplish this through the tactic of Divide and Conquer.
• In a Personal Relationship, the Psychopath will sabotage and undermine his or her Victim’s Relationships with Family and Friends. Exacerbated by the Negative Drama and Costs associated with the Victim their Friends and Family drop out of contact leaving the Victim without the Support and Guidance of their Social Group.
• In an Organizational Setting, Psychopaths are the consummate Office Politicians. They seek to create Factions within the Organization and then, turn those Factions against each other to create as much Chaos as possible. Psychopaths swim in Chaos and the more the better. Secretly, they start to draw the Gullible, Weak Minded and fellow Psychopaths to their side while intensifying their efforts to have the most talented, honest and incorruptible members, ones that could have the Strength of Character to Expose them Expelled. They Poison the Environment in a variety of ways so that everyone Feels Irritable, Edgy and Unable to perform their jobs. Control of the Organization slips into the hands of the Source behind the Dysfunction - the Psychopath who created it all.
• 4) Fear and Tyranny
• The final Stage of the Psychopath’s Strategy is Tyranny - the absolute and sadistic Control over his victims. In a relationship, the honeymoon is over and the Mask comes off. The Psychopath suddenly becomes Controlling, Abusive and Violent. Instead of flattering attention, the tactics are now Fear, Intimidation, Extortion and Emotional Blackmail.
• On the Organizational Level, one sees Benefits being cut while Time Cards and Production Quotas and Surveillance increases. Employees become Slaves, Powerless and Disposal Clogs in a Machine run for the Sole Benefit of the Psychopaths in charge.
• On the National Level, Countries Ruled by Psychopaths become Corrupt and Brutish Police States constantly at War with created and Imaginary Enemies. The population becomes paranoid, neurotic and ultimatetly Secondary Psychopaths.
• In a Psychopathic Culture, everyone must adopt a Ruthless Attitude as a Survival Strategy.
• The Psychopath’s Modus Operandi
• Their Strategy is as follows:
• 1) The Interview
2) The Seduction
3) Divide and Conquer
4) Fear and Tyranny
• Defense Against The Psychopath
• 1) Facing Evil
• One of the greatest advantages Psychopaths have is that average decent people cannot believe that such Monsters truly exists. This inability to comprehend the Predator Mentality is partly due to popular Morality. All Societies promote simplistic and idealistic Morality through schools and churches that teach such platitudes as everyone has some Good in them, everyone is special and so forth. Such ideals will often serve as cover behind which the true machinations of Society can operate without evoking the suspicion of the Mob.
• Another reason that people cannot Face Evil is because of Fear. The true nature of Psychopaths is the stuff of childhood nightmares. Many people simply cannot deal with the Fear this realization causes and so to sooth their nerves, they revert to an infantile Strategy of Denial and Magical Thinking. If they do not acknowledge the existence of Monsters, then the Monsters cannot hurt them.
• The first line of defense against Psychopaths is acknowledging their existence. By doing so, one gains a Psychological Advantage. Forewarned is forearmed and having braced oneself with Knowledge of Predatory Individuals, one is better able to think clearly and thus, spot the Predator before he can spot you. Once you accept the reality that Human Predators populate our Society, the next line of defense is in Identifying them. Because of their Abilities at Camouflage and Deception, Psychopaths are difficult to spot. They can even fool Mental Health Professionals. It is important to understand that every one can be Conned. If you feel that you are the exception, you only make yourself more susceptible.
• 2) Recognition
• A Psychopath is like a smoking ember. The sooner you can spot the smoke and dowse the ember, the better. Since the house is on Fire, it is too late to contain the damage and destruction. Learn to spot the typical Psychopathic Character Traits and recognize their Modus Operandi. Where possible, do background checks and/or speak with the suspected Psychopath’s family and friends. Most Psychopaths leave a long trail of destruction and heart break and will try to cover their tracks. A lack of background Information is, therefore, as suspicious as a history of betrayals.
• Another of their fundamental Flaws is their Lack of Patience and incredible Energy they use to maintain their façade. Over time they drop their masks, thus, one of the best methods of detecting Psychopaths is to wait them out. Once you Identify someone as being a Psychopath, you have only 2 Options - Attack or Evade.
• 3) What Not To Do
• What is vital to understand is that Empathy cannot defeat the Psychopath. You cannot change them. You cannot reform them. You cannot find the Goodness inside of them. You cannot show them the way to God. And you cannot teach them about Love. All of these approaches are doomed to failure since Psychopaths can never understand nor can they care about these concepts. While they may lead you to believe that you are getting through to them, in reality, your Empathy infuriates them and far from admiring your compassion, they despise you even more. One must develop a cold exterior to them and view them from a distance. Do Not Pity them, Feel Sorry for them or sympathize with them.
• 4) Attack
• As a rule, the only thing that can defeat a Psychopath is a bigger Psychopath. However, should you feel there is no other recourse but to confront a Psychopath, your one advantage is their Fear of being exposed for what they are. They have known since childhood that they are different from most people. Their whole advantage lies in the fact that they know what they are and no one else does. Exposing a Psychopath takes away his or her advantage and reveals their inner Corruption for all to see. However, few people have the Strength and Intelligence to do this successfully. While the statistical distribution of Genius and Idiotic Psychopaths mirrors the general population, even a Moronic Psychopath can Elude and Out Witt an Educated Accuser.
• Before you attempt to Expose and Expunge a Psychopath, you must be in a Position of Power and you must Choose the Time and Place. You also have to have your people briefed and ready to Support you. This means creating a Family and Friends Support Group and/or joining a Support Group. In an Organizational Setting, you need to have co-workers, Managers, the Legal Department and Humans Services on your side before making your move. The Chinese Strategist, Sun Tzu, warned against attacking an Enemy who has No Escape and likewise, it is best Not to corner a Psychopath since the Fight will likely be more vicious than most people can bear. Instead, use the Threat of Exposure to drive the Psychopath away. The thought that they could be Exposed at any time is unnerving and most Psychopaths will give up the Current Game and go in search of more Ignorant and Vulnerable Prey.
• 5) Evade
• A Safer and easier Strategy is to Evade. Once you have Identified someone as a Psychopath, you must cut him or her off and out of your Life completely. In a Relationship, you may need to change your locks, change your phone numbers and block your email account, close bank accounts, get a restraining order or move, take self-defense and firearms training.
• The 6th Way to Defend against a Psychopath is to stop creating it. The Psychopath is an Extreme reflection of us and if we change, so does (it) [the Psychopath].
• The 6th Way to Defend against a Psychopath, the 1 Way that no one else is suggesting is to stop creating it. We can put an end to this needless madness if we could just take Responsibility for our Actions.
• In conclusion, the Study of Psychopathy is an important new tool, not only in Crime Prevention, but in understanding the Source behind many Social Ills. The more informed and aware you are on the subject, the Safer you and your Family will be.
• Defense Against The Psychopath
• 1) Facing Evil
2) Recognition
3) What Not To Do - Empathy Cannot Defeat the Psychopath
4) Attack
5) Evade
The Art of Urban Survival
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The Most Evil Men in History
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The Most Evil Men in History - Attila The Hun
23:13 Minute Video
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Options: ReplyQuote
Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 18, 2020 06:46PM

How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away

• Psychopaths are known to be wily and manipulative, but even so, they unconsciously betray themselves, according to scientists who have looked for patterns in convicted murderers' speech as they described their crimes.
• The researchers interviewed 52 convicted murderers, 14 of them ranked as psychopaths according to the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, a 20-item assessment, and asked them to describe their crimes in detail. Using computer programs to analyze what the men said, the researchers found that those with psychopathic scores showed a lack of emotion, spoke in terms of cause-and-effect when describing their crimes, and focused their attention on basic needs, such as food, drink and money.
• What it means to be a psychopath
• Psychopaths make up about 1 percent of the general population and as much as 25 percent of male offenders in federal correctional settings, according to the researchers. Psychopaths are typically profoundly selfish and lack emotion. "In lay terms, psychopaths seem to have little or no 'conscience,'" write the researchers in a study published online in the journal Legal and Criminological Psychology.
• To examine the emotional content of the murderers' speech, Hancock and his colleagues looked at a number of factors, including how frequently they described their crimes using the past tense. The use of the past tense can be an indicator of psychological detachment, and the researchers found that the psychopaths used it more than the present tense when compared with the nonpsychopaths. They also found more dysfluencies — the "uhs" and "ums" that interrupt speech — among psychopaths. Nearly universal in speech, dysfluencies indicate that the speaker needs some time to think about what they are saying.
• With regard to psychopaths, "We think the 'uhs' and 'ums' are about putting the mask of sanity on," Hancock told LiveScience.
• As they expected, the psychopaths' language contained more words known as subordinating conjunctions. These words, including "because" and "so that," are associated with cause-and-effect statements.
• "This pattern suggested that psychopaths were more likely to view the crime as the logical outcome of a plan (something that 'had' to be done to achieve a goal)," the authors write.
• And finally, while most of us respond to higher-level needs, such as family, religion or spirituality, and self-esteem, psychopaths remain occupied with those needs associated with a more basic existence.
• Their analysis revealed that psychopaths used about twice as many words related to basic physiological needs and self-preservation, including eating, drinking and monetary resources than the nonpsychopaths, they write.
• By comparison, the nonpsychopathic murderers talked more about spirituality and religion and family, reflecting what nonpsychopathic people would think about when they just committed a murder, Hancock said.
Brzezinski: "It’s easier to kill a million people...
than it is to control them"

7:50 Minute Video
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• And these new and old Major Powers face still yet another novel reality, in some respects, unprecedented. And it is that while the lethality, the lethality of their Power is greater than ever, their capacity to impose Control over the Politically Awaken Masses of the World is at a historical low. I once put it rather pungently and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this as follows, “Namely in earlier times, it was easier to Control a Million People, literally, it was easier to Control a Million People than physically to Kill a Million People. Today, it is infinitely easier to Kill a Million People than to Control a Million People - it’s easier to Kill than to Control. And, of course, that bears directly on the use of force particularly by Societies that are Culturally alien over other Societies.
Per Audio Tape JR# C-73 - 06:58 made 9-03-11:


Per Audio Tape JR# C-75 - 06:58 made 9-07-11:

Per Audio Tape JR# C-76 - 09:13 made 9-08-11:

Per Audio Tape JR# C-77 - 06:55 made 9-09-11:




• The 6th Way to Defend against a Psychopath is to stop creating it. The Psychopath is an Extreme reflection of us and if we change, so does (it) [the Psychopath].
• The 6th Way to Defend against a Psychopath, the 1 Way that no one else is suggesting is to stop creating it. We can put an end to this needless madness if we could just take Responsibility for our Actions.
I Need to Update this Time Period from my Files


• I heard several decades ago that yelling at someone Shuts Down their Frontal Lobe and I learned about 8 years ago while researching Addictions, especially Crack Cocaine, that Crack destroys the Frontal Lobe and I remember reading how everyone on Message Boards for Family members of Crackheads were saying it’s like they (the Crackheads) seemed to have a Handbook as if there was a Crackhead Handbook that all Crackheads follow and it was only within the last month that I created a 150 page file on Psychopaths that I now know that all of these Crackheads did not have a Handbook nor did they need a Handbook because they were using the Psychopath Handbook and every one with a Damaged Frontal Lobe has the same Handbook.
I Need to Update this Time Period from my Files

Per Audio Tape JR# D-49 - 13:39 made 1-02-12:

• As long as we are still making these Mistakes and have a Dark Side to our Behavior, we’re going to have an Extreme part of our Behavior where we have the Saints on one end and the Psychopaths on the other. And now, we have the Sickest of the Sickest of us, the Worst of the Worst of us, the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior Controlling the rest of us. And these Magicians are Able to Rule the World with Magic. And Magic would be those things we mastered. And Black Magic is when we Apply those things we mastered to our Needs and those are Pieces 36-40 and 22-35, respectively, in the 2nd Numbering System.

• Piece 3 are the Psychopaths that Rule the World. They are the #1 Obstacle that’s keeping us on the Wrong Path, but we must remember these Con Artists are a Reflection of us. The Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior is a Reflection of the Dark Side of our Behavior. And the Dark Side of our Behavior is Not part of our Nature or Not part of our DNA, meaning we can’t do anything about it. The Dark Side of our Behavior is part of our Feedback System and now, it’s part of our Traditions.


• #1 Most Conspiracy Theorists don’t have an Appreciation for The Psychopath Handbook, but at least they realize that our World is Ruled by a bunch of Sick Psychopaths and they see this as a Battle and their mission is to unite our Species in the belief that if just more of us knew about the obvious Offensives these Criminals have committed that this Awareness will Defeat these Monsters.
• #2 Most Conspiracy Theorists realize that our World is Ruled by a bunch of Sick Psychopaths, but they don’t have an Appreciation for The Psychopath Handbook. So instead of realizing that these Psychopaths don’t have to be in cahoots to make it look like they are because they all have the same MO, instead most Conspiracy Theorists see this as a Battle and their mission is to unite our Species in the belief that if just more of us knew about the obvious Offensives these Criminals have committed that this Awareness will Defeat these Monsters.
• The Psychopath Handbook - The Sickest Against the Sick
I Need to Update this Time Period from my Files

Per Audio Tape JR# D-79 - 36:25 made 2-24-12:

• So Piece #3 is a Huge Problem of Knowledge because Piece #3 uses Piece #8 to Mis-Direct all of our so-called Experts so that none of them and none of us will ever be able to solve most of our problems. Piece #3 represents the Dark Side of our Behavior and in our case, we have the Extreme part of our Behavior taking advantage of the fact that we are all Dis-Connected and very easily Controlled and Manipulated.
• So in effect, what we have is the Worst of the Worst of us or the Sickest of the Sickest of us or the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior gravitating to Positions of Power, whereby, they are literally, Ruling the World.
• Now most of us don’t even want to recognize the fact we are that Sick as a Species and then, there are some who realize what’s going on and they’re screaming, going, oh my God, why aren’t you people paying attention? Don’t you know what’s going on? We got to stop these people. We got to Defeat them!
• And yet, very few of those people who understand that Piece #3 even exists knows or realizes that we create Piece 3 and that Piece 3 is just a Reflection of us and if we want the Extreme part of our Behavior to be better, then all of us have to be better. But when we’re in the Middle of the Bell of a Bell Shape Curve, we can’t relate to either Extremes of the Bell, be they the Saints or the Psychopaths.
• But right now, we are so Sick as a Species that we have Psychopaths Ruling the World. And they all have the same MO, so it looks like they’re all in Cahoots. And many of them are, but it looks like every one of them are. It looks like they all have a Rule Book and they’re all going by it. If there is a Rule Book, we could call it The Psychopath Handbook - How to Thrive Without a Frontal Lobe.
• Now there’s a good finish to that book title - The Psychopath Handbook - How to Thrive Without a Frontal Lobe or Thriving Without a Frontal Lobe - The Psychopath Handbook.
I Need to Update this Time Period from my Files

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
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• Much of this information is derived from the fascinating book, The Sociopath Next Door (, which says that 4% of the population are sociopaths. The book is a fascinating read.
• 10 signs for spotting a sociopath
• #1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.
• #2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
• #3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
• #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
• #5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
• #6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.
• #7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.
• #8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson: []
• #9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
• #10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, "I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don't need to live in this physical realm..."

• Sociopaths never answer facts; they always attack the messenger

Spotting the Psychopaths Among Us
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Spotting the Psychopaths Among Us
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Chapter 5

• Victims of Abuse, Bad Genes and Bad Ideas

• The Five Percent
• We had found evidence of oxytocin impairment in our very first Trust Games at UCLA.
• But even though the A-player had bet it all to increase the size of the pie for both of them, this guy kept every cent.
• In behavioral economics, the technical term for people like this is unconditional nonreciprocators. In my lab we call them bastards.
• Over time, we discovered that 5 percent of our mainstream, college student volunteers were like this. They chose not to give anything back no matter how much money the other player trusted them with. In these cases trauma was not a factor – they were all high-functioning college students who had not experienced severe trauma. When we analyzed their blood, we found that members of this 5 percent actually had an excess of oxytocin. This seemed counterintuitive at first, but not when we considered that the system does not react to the overall level of oxytocin but only to an immediate surge. The off-switch in their receptors was malfunctioning, flooding the system with oxytocin, and the overflow was creating a functional deficit. No surge no contrast, no oxytocin activation. No oxytocin activation, no empathy or reciprocity. So even though the problem for these unconditional nonreciprocators begins with too much oxytocin, we call the condition Oxytocin Deficit Disorder (ODD) because they simply don’t release oxytocin when they should.
• Over time, we determined that there are actually three broad categories of influence that damp or destroy the oxytocin response: temporary, acquired, and organic.
• Anyone can have a bad day, and transitory job worries or a bad commute can damp the oxytocin response. Victims of trauma like Alicia represent acquired oxytocin impairment at one extreme, while people at the opposite end of the social spectrum can lose their ability to empathize via elevated status or mental rigidity. Organic impairments include a number of genetic conditions, with autism being the most familiar, and with psychopathology being the most extreme.
• As we’ve already noted, abstract ideas – whether racist notions from eugenics or something as seemingly bland as “rational self-interest” – can impair empathy, and with it moral judgment.
• What Psychopaths Do
• At the ultimate extreme of ODD is the empathy impairment known as psychopathology. Psychopaths have far more wrong with them than thinking too much or turning people into abstractions, but they are often remarkable for their keen intelligence, and often for their highly effective – but entirely contrived – social charm.
• Psychopaths are the opposite of Williams syndrome patients who have great interest in others but little competence in dealing with them. Psychopaths can have incredible social competence on the cognitive level – the trouble is that they simply don’t care about anyone but themselves. Their lack of empathy allows them to treat others as objects, and their cognitive skill enables them to get away with it.
• Psychologist Anna Salter tells a story about a devoutly religious prison guard – we’ll call him Joe – who took pity on a convicted rapist that others had dismissed as a psychopath.
• The murderer laughed. “You just don’t get it, do you? I’m a psychopath! This is what we do.”
Psychopathic personality traits: heritability and genetic overlap with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology
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• Abstract
• Background
• Little research has examined genetic and environmental contributions to psychopathic personality traits. Additionally, no studies have examined etiological connections between psychopathic traits and the broad psychopathological domains of internalizing (mood and anxiety) and externalizing (antisocial behavior, substance abuse). The current study was designed to fill these gaps in the literature.
• Method
• Participants were 626 pairs of 17-year-old male and female twins from the community. Psychopathic traits were indexed using scores on the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). Symptoms of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology were obtained via structured clinical interviews. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate genetic and environmental influences on psychopathic personality traits as well as the degree of genetic overlap between these traits and composites of internalizing and externalizing.
• Results
• Twin analyses revealed significant genetic influence on distinct psychopathic traits (Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality). Moreover, Fearless Dominance was associated with reduced genetic risk for internalizing psychopathology, and Impulsive Antisociality was associated with increased genetic risk for externalizing psychopathology.
• Conclusions
• These results indicate that different psychopathic traits as measured by the MPQ show distinct genetically based relations with broad dimensions of DSM psychopathology.
• Psychopathy is a disorder marked by a constellation of maladaptive personality traits. Within this literature, some scholars have postulated that the disorder comprises distinct facets including interpersonal-affective traits (e.g. superficial charm, manipulativeness, poverty of affect) and antisocial traits (e.g. impulsivity, aggression;

Albert Einstein: “A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”
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• In reality, there are millions of psychopaths in the world … and they are largely running D.C. and on Wall Street.
• But the truth is that psychopaths are psychopaths … whether they’re in the private sector or government.
Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist)
34:05 Minute Video
Published on Dec 5, 2014

Exposing David Wood: Of Mosques and Men, Pt. 1
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Are Psychopaths Just Consistent Atheists?
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Psychopaths: how can you spot one?
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• So psychopaths often welcome their condition, and “treating” them becomes complicated. “How many psychopaths go to a psychiatrist for mental distress, unless they’re in prison? It doesn’t happen,” says Hare. The ones in prison, of course, are often required to go to “talk therapy, empathy training, or talk to the family of the victims” – but since psychopaths don’t have any empathy, it doesn’t work. “What you want to do is say, ‘Look, it’s in your own self-interest to change your behaviour, otherwise you’ll stay in prison for quite a while.’”

Psychopath in the family
11:39 Minute Video
Published on Mar 22, 2012

How to Tell Who's a Real Psychopath with Dr. James Fallon
6:30 Minute Video
Published on Dec 2, 2013

James Fallon - Psychopath - Insight
51:47 Minute Video
Published on Jun 10, 2014

Hare Psychopathy Checklist
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• In contemporary research and clinical practice, Robert D. Hare's Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is the psycho-diagnostic tool most commonly used to assess psychopathy. Because an individual's score may have important consequences for his or her future, and because the potential for harm if the test is used or administered incorrectly is considerable, Hare argues that the test should only be considered valid if administered by a suitably qualified and experienced clinician under controlled and licensed conditions. Hare receives a royalty on licensed use of the test.
• PCL-R model of psychopathy
• The PCL-R is a clinical rating scale (rated by a psychologist or other professional) of 20 items. Each of the items in the PCL-R is scored on a three-point scale according to specific criteria through file information and a semi-structured interview. A value of 0 is assigned if the item does not apply, 1 if it applies somewhat, and 2 if it fully applies. In addition to lifestyle and criminal behavior the checklist assesses glib and superficial charm, grandiosity, need for stimulation, pathological lying, conning and manipulating, lack of remorse, callousness, poor behavioral controls, impulsivity, irresponsibility, failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions and so forth. The scores are used to predict risk for criminal re-offence and probability of rehabilitation.
• The current edition of the PCL-R officially lists four factors (1.a, 1.b, 2.a, and 2.b), which summarize the 20 assessed areas via factor analysis. The previous edition of the PCL-R listed two factors. Factor 1 is labelled "selfish, callous and remorseless use of others". Factor 2 is labelled as "chronically unstable, antisocial and socially deviant lifestyle". There is a high risk of recidivism and currently small likelihood of rehabilitation for those who are labelled as having "psychopathy" on the basis of the PCL-R ratings in the manual for the test, although treatment research is ongoing.
• PCL-R Factors 1a and 1b are correlated with narcissistic personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. They are associated with extraversion and positive affect. Factor 1, the so-called core personality traits of psychopathy, may even be beneficial for the psychopath (in terms of nondeviant social functioning).
• PCL-R Factors 2a and 2b are particularly strongly correlated to antisocial personality disorder and criminality and are associated with reactive anger, criminality, and impulsive violence. The target group for the PCL-R is convicted criminals. The quality of ratings may depend on how much background information is available and whether the person rated is honest and forthright.
• The two factors
• Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

• Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

• Traits not correlated with either factor

• Diagnostic criteria and PCL-R assessment

• Other mental disorders

Inside Cornell: Analyzing the words of psychopaths
53:37 Minute Video
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It is Now Time to Walk Out of Hell (Thomas Sheridan Lecture)
59:45 Minute Video
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• …that approximately 1% of the Human Race in the Western World are purely Psychopathatic. They’re like a different species that lives amongst us. They’re a different kind of Human Being. And then, when you go up into Big Business, Corporations, the Top of Media, it’s about 4%.

How to identify a psychopath and liar pt 1
5:13 Minute Video
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How to spot a psychopath and liar pt 2
7:26 Minute Video

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Distractions, Psychopaths, Con Artists, Magicians, Controlled Opposition, Internet Shills & The Ultimate Schematic
1:25:34 Minute Video
Published on Oct 6, 2016

Distractions, Psychopaths, Con Artists, Magicians, Controlled Opposition, Internet Shills & The Ultimate Schematic
1:25:34 Minute Video
Published on Oct 6, 2016

Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America

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Our Leaders Are Psychopaths
54:11 Minute Video
Corbett Report Extras
Published on Jul 17, 2017

Episode 090 – Our Leaders Are Psychopaths

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...End of File Preview...

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 18, 2020 06:55PM

I would like to mention that ALL Psychopaths are Con Artists, but NOT ALL Con Artists are Psychopaths and it behooves ALL of us to STUDY Psychopathy and the Con Artists' Hand Book so we can identify these SICKOS and EXPOSE them as I am trying to do with our RESIDENT SICKO.


Note for everyone who sees this comment and may not know about this Message Board, as well as those on this Message Board who haven't studied Psychopathy and Con Artists and are unable to recognize one when they see one - we have a SHILL who CONSTANTLY posts BS from Mainstream Media and CONSTANTLY CRAPS on all of our Threads that are trying to COUNTER the BS from Mainstream Media!

This CRAPPING T--U-R-D has CRAPPED on virtually every one of my Threads, as well as everyone else's Threads. So you have been per-warned - BEWARE of the T--U-R-D!!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2020 06:57PM by John Rose.

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 18, 2020 07:20PM

JR you're such an UNDER-ACHIEVER...
(It's a joke of course...)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2020 07:45PM by NuNativs.

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 18, 2020 10:02PM

Study and Share this Knowledge and I guarantee you -
Teaching will feed you in ways nothing else will!!!

Thank you...
1:36 Minute Video

Mar 12, 2019
Pralaya Yoga by Robert Boustany
Robert Boustany shares an anecdote of his travels in India.

JR’s Notes:

0:00 MM
There was a young man in India while I was in India and someone told him thank you. He was serving food and someone told him thank you. And he didn’t understand English and so he talked to a person that was his senior who spoke some English and he said what does it mean and he was told thank you means I appreciate the fact that you’re serving me and he said, but that’s what’s Human - that’s what it means to be Human is to serve other people without looking for anything. It seems a little excessive to say that - young boy, teenage boy, young teenage boy.

0:58 MM
And this is the idea that it’s a privilege to serve. It will feed you in ways nothing else will.

1:05 MM
Teaching feeds you in ways nothing else will - it’s the most beautiful thing - most beautiful thing. And how can you tell your Teachers thank you, the ones who trained you? The only way you can tell them thank you is to Teach. The only way you can tell them thank you is to preserve what they gave you. That’s the Path. 1:28 MM

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: December 19, 2020 02:56PM

WOW. Lotsa stuff to plow thru!

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 19, 2020 03:04PM

WOW. Lotsa stuff to plow thru!

The best place to start would be with that 37:37 Minute Video - Defense Against the Psychopath, which was my second post in this thread - see below for link. I transcribed this entire video and it's one of the best presentations of knowledge I've ever seen. Not one wasted word, sentence or paragraph.

Defense Against the Psychopath
37:37 Minute Video
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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: December 19, 2020 03:14PM

Thank you, John. I really did not know where to start, to tell you the truth, and you read my mind. I suspect that we all of us occasionally behave a bit like sociopaths, though.

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 19, 2020 03:45PM

Thank you, John. I really did not know where to start, to tell you the truth, and you read my mind. I suspect that we all of us occasionally behave a bit like sociopaths, though.

"But then again... you're not to blame. You're just a human. A victim of the Insane!" -John Lennon

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -J. Krishnamurti

“In things pertaining to enthusiasm, no man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions.” -Henry Ward Beecher

"It is easy to fly into a passion - anybody can do that - but to be angry with the right person to the right extent and at the right time and with the right object and in the right way - that is not easy, and it is not everyone who can do it." -Aristotle

“Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power - that is not easy.” -Aristotle

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 18, 2021 05:46PM

Satan is spelled with an "a"...

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Re: JR's Psychopaths File
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 18, 2021 05:59PM

I know, I know, you're trying to bury all the posts about the SYSTEMIC RACISM in OUR "culture", which you yourself provoke and encourage....

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