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2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 30, 2020 11:05PM

For those who want to make some sense out of all of the BS that comes from those who Lack Critical Thinking Skills, like our resident Shill, for example, watch the 2 Videos below where I explain that we have 2 Groups of Needs and I call that the Science and Art of Healing.

As I have pointed out countless times in my videos and on this Message Board, "No one has enough Wisdom and Knowledge to know how to Apply the Art in every case" BUT once you understand that we have 2 Groups of Needs, then you'll be able to understand why some people might have to Modify a Water Fast and even our Species Specific Diet, which is no longer our Ideal Diet for everyone because we NO longer live in an Ideal World and now, we have 2 Groups of Needs!

The Ultimate Solution - Part 3
17:40 Minute Video

Published on Apr 13, 2015
In Part 3, John goes into more detail with the Definitive Answer to these 3 Questions by adding 2 Preliminary Questions for the 1st Question and 1 Follow Up Question for the 2nd Question. John also explains that there are many Levels in Plato’s Cave and most people who think they’re out of this Cave of Ignorance are still in the Cave!

Per Video Tape JR# M2U00165 - 17:40 made 4-13-15:

Now that I have already given my overall Perspective based on 25 years of Extensive Research and Analysis, now that I have already told you a little bit more about my special Teaching Tool that uses Knowledge in a way that’s never been seen before, now that I have given the Definitive Answer to 3 of the most important Questions that we face as a Species, let’s take a much closer look at the Definitive Answer to 3 of the most important Questions that we face as a Species, but first, I would like to give the Definitive Answer to 2 Preliminary Questions to the 1st Question and I’m also going to give the Definitive Answer to a Follow Up Question for the 2nd Question.

So I’m going to give the Definitive Answer to 6 Questions, 3 are the most important Questions that we face as a Species. But the very 1st Question is extremely important because it’s important that we’re on the same page.

So the 1st Question is - What are Problems?

Well, Problems are Negative Effects. Problems are in the 3rd Stage of Knowledge on the Wrong Path or in the 3rd Stage of Knowledge in Plato’s Cave. And I already showed you what the Cause & Effect and Pleasure & Pain Quadrant System looks like. I also showed you my 6 Box System where there are 3 Stages of Knowledge on the Right Path that start with Knowledge and we make Good Applications and we end up in Paradise, a place where we don’t have any Problems that are Within our Control - we have Unlimited Potential and then, we have 3 Stages of Knowledge on the Wrong Path or in Plato’s Cave where we start off with False Knowledge in the 1st Stage, we make Mistakes - Bad Applications in the 2nd Stage and then we Manifest Hundreds of Thousands of Problems that are 100% Within our Control [in the 3rd Stage]. 1:35 MM

1:35 MM
So all of our Problems are in the 3rd Stage of Knowledge on the Wrong Path or they are Negative Effects.

Now when we look at our Negative Effects, those Effects are either 100% Within our Control based on the things we do - our Lifestyle Choices or they are Not 100% Within our Control based on things done to us, like Accidents and Acts of Nature where we have No Control whatsoever or Acts of War, Crime and Violence where we have Limited Control and these Piece #s can be represented as 103 & 104.

Piece 103 ties back into Pieces 81-99. But remember, I told you earlier that I hid 57 Pieces altogether, here are 19 of them I wanted to hide and let’s just call it 103. If it’s Within our Control, we don’t want to focus on the Effect. This is one way we’re being Tricked, you see?

What happens when we go to our so-called Experts?

They name the 103s! Don’t name the 103s, unless they’re Life Threatening because they all tie back to 81-99. And what we want to do is we want to name our Problems on what we’re doing if they’re Within our Control.

Sure, if you have a 104 based on the 100 where you have something done to you, yes, you can’t Prevent that with a Thought and an Action - you have to Treat the Symptom and that’s what our Current System is good for - Treating Symptoms, but Not if it’s Lifestyle Related. We’re the only ones who can Solve those Problems.

So Question #1 - What are Problems?

Problems are Negative Effects - they are in the 3rd Stage of Knowledge on the Wrong Path represented as Pieces 103 & 104. We’re going to focus on 103 because they’re Within our Control - they have to do with our Lifestyle Choices.

Now we can sit here and argue till the cows come home about what those Lifestyle Choices are, but that’s Not what we’re going to do right now. The purpose of this Information is to help us see the Invalid Structures in all of the Systems that are in charge and that if we just used a Valid Structure; we would know that we don’t get a –C unless we get a –B.

Now there are 2 ways to get a –B - there are 2 ways to make a Mistake. We can Not be Willing to Apply what we know, which is Not our case because most of us don’t know this, or we can be Willing to Apply the same Mistakes that were taught to us - our parents taught to us and that was taught to them.

Remember, these Mistakes tie back into our Traditions and we’ve been making the very 1st Mistake, which is the Fall of Mankind, for 3,000 Generations and we’ve got to Stop this Cycle.

So now we got the Definitive Answer to the very 1st Question or Preliminary Question and the 1st of 6 Questions and that is - What are Problems?

Well, now that we know what Problems are, let’s take a look at the 2nd Question. The 2nd Question is - Do Problems serve a purpose?

Well, of course they serve a purpose.

Remember, there are 3 Stages of Knowledge where Knowledge is Acquired in the 1st Stage - Applied in the 2nd Stage - Manifested in the 3rd Stage - Thoughts - Actions - Reactions - Beliefs - Causes - Effects - Belief System - Lifestyle Choices - Feedback System - Feedback System.

Yes, yes our Problems serve a purpose - they’re part of the Effects - they’re supposed to tell us - are you on the Right Path or are you on the Wrong Path? Are you Satisfying your Needs? If you’re Not Satisfying your Needs, you’re going to end up there.

So we can argue till the cows come home as far as what are the Specifics to those Lifestyle Choices, but Not now. All I want you to understand is it’s Not difficult to Solve our Problems once we figure out how to Satisfy those Needs. The Problem is we’re Sick and the Information isn’t getting out there, but enough of us are doing this to be an example for everyone else. Just look around at people who know what to do or look at someone who is deathly Ill and they do what we’re talking about. Do the 1st of my 3 Step Process and you will have a Brand New Reference so fast that you will finally be able to Challenge all of those Old References.

That’s the Problem with False Knowledge - we have way too many References that Support our Current Belief System and our Current Way of Life and there’s no way to Challenge those, so I’m Not going to look at the Details, the Specifics. 5:29 MM

5:29 MM
Remember, we don’t look for Specifics first. You always make things simple - you start with the Structure - you exclude the impossible like Sherlock Holmes would do. Once you find an Invalid Structure, you throw the whole thing out.

5:42 MM
Remember, there are 2 Criteria for Logic - the Structure must be Valid and the Content must Not have any Logical Fallacies. Well, don’t go looking for Logical Fallacies in a System that might already have an Invalid Structure. It’s real simple to figure out if the Structure is Invalid - a little child can tell when we’re going the Wrong Way.

Remember, the Contents is the Train - the Structure is the Tracks - it’s One Way just like my 6 Box System - the 3 Stages of Knowledge and if I was to tell you, OK, I want you to build a Bridge, a One Way Bridge from California to Florida and it’s going to take a lot of Knowledge and Intellect to be able to find a Logical Fallacy in the Blueprints. You got to know a lot to the find the Flaws in the Blueprints, but every 7 year old child can go, but wait a minute daddy, why is the Bridge being built from Florida to California? It’s a One Way Bridge, remember?

It’s so easy to be Tricked and Fooled. Once again, the purpose of my 6 Box System is Not to Prove the Specifics or the Contents or the Details. Everyone is going to want to argue about that, so just test an idea whose time has come. And those 5 Main Mistakes we’re making - do the best you can at Correcting at all of them and good luck.

People think you got to be perfect.

No, you got to do the best you can and the more people that do it - that’s the key - that’s why you have to understand what this is all about - the more people who actually do this the easier it is for all of the rest of us to do it. That’s why if we can reach the Tipping Point, things will change so fast we’ll look back in 10 years in disbelief and horror at what we were doing and how we couldn’t figure it out - it’s going to blow us away - there’s a very simple Solution to Solve our Problems.

So #1) Preliminary Question - What are Problems?

They’re Negative Effects - 3rd Stage of Knowledge on the Wrong Path.

#2) Do they serve a purpose?

Yes, they’re trying to tell us something, they’re Warning us that something is Wrong.

Now the 3rd Question would be the very 1st Initial Question - Why do we have so many Problems?

Well, the reason why we have so many Problems has to do with the Law of Cause & Effect and can be traced back to 11 Main Events and these can be represented as Pieces #s, well first of all, Cause & Effect is represented as the 2nd and 3rd Stage of Knowledge and then, the 11 Main Events would be Pieces 9a, 36-40 and 95-99.

So this is how we got where we are. Somehow or the other we didn’t Satisfy our Needs - we made a Mistake - that’s the Fall of Mankind. It isn’t just an Act of Disobedience. What does that tell us? It doesn’t tell us anything. We did something Wrong! What was it?

Well, we Altered 1 of our Needs. We took something we mastered and Applied it to 1 of our Needs.

8:01 MM
In fact, if you want to make this really simple, let me give you a Parable. Let’s say I’m God, ha-ha, and I have a Garden for my children and I say to my children, I want you to stay in the Garden and all you have to do is understand One Law. There’s going to be 2 Trees in that Garden - you have to Nurture 1 Tree and you got to make sure you don't Apply the other Tree to the other Tree.

So if you Apply the Tree of Knowledge to the Trees of Life, you Alter that Tree and then, it Alters us and that’s how we get Problems and that’s how you get kicked out of the Garden. One Law - Nurture the Trees of Life. Do NOT Apply what you learned to what you Need - you Alter the Need - it Alters us - that’s how we got kicked out of the Garden - we did something Wrong.

So there are 5 main things we mastered. How did that happen?

Well, Piece 9a happens to be our Neocortex. About 2 Million years ago our Brains nearly doubled in size going from just under 400 CCs to almost 800 CCs. And, of course, it kept growing up to a point till we started to make Mistakes.

Now we’re devolving - we’re getting smaller, we’re Not as robust, we’re Not as Healthy and we weren’t Savages back then. The Savages are the ones that are Civilized, oddly enough, because Cities and Civilizations just make things worse. But we have to understand on the Grand Scheme of things - where did that happen?

Well, if we put the Human Existence on a Football Field where there’s 100 Yards and 3 Feet and 12 Inches, we became Civilized on the 3 Inch Line and that was all because of the 3rd Mistake we made on the 6 Inch Line - that’s the [Agricultural Revolution] (Industrial Revolution) - that’s when we started Eating Plants we weren’t Biologically Adapted to Eat and there’s plenty of research that Proves our Brains started getting smaller when we started making this Mistake.

But don’t think that’s the Big One because the 2nd Mistake is worse than the 3rd and the 1st is worse than all of them. In other words, by the time we made the 3rd Mistake we already had 2 Mistakes under our belt.

9:57 MM
So if we put the Human Existence on a Football Field, the 3rd Mistake we made was on the 6 Inch Line - that would be about 10,000 years ago.

Remember, there’s 5 Main Mistakes we made. The very 1st Mistake happened on the 1 Yard Line - that’s when we took the very 1st thing we mastered and Applied it to 1 of our Needs. The 2nd Mistake happened on the 2.5 Foot Line - that’s when we mastered Animals and started Eating Animals that we’re Not Biologically Adapted to Eat.

The 1st Mistake created a Condition called Hypo-Heliosis and Hyper-Colonic-Tension and those are 2 Huge Contributing Factors to the Dark Side of our Behavior. The 2nd Mistake we made Darkened the Dark Side of our Behavior, which is evidenced throughout history. All philosophers and historians noticed that Grain Eating Cultures surpassed every other Culture that Ate Meat in every area except 2 - in their War-like Tendencies and their Obsession with Sex.

So those are the first 3 Mistakes. The 4th Mistake happened about 10 Generations or so ago on something like the 1/14th Inch Line and that’s the Industrial Revolution and that’s when we mastered Machines and we started Processing Food. The 5th Mistake happened when the Chemical Revolution came along and we Applied that to 1 of our Needs and that’s getting real close to almost 4 Generations ago - about the 1/28th Inch Line or so.

So those are the 5 Main Mistakes we’re making that are Causing most of our Problems.

So the reason why we have so many Problems is because we’re making Mistakes. The follow-up Question to Question #3, which was my 1st Question initially, is well, Why are we making Mistakes [or Why aren’t we Solving our Problems?] And the reason is because of Ignorance - we don’t know we’re making Mistakes - most of us are doing things that we think are OK, but they’re NOT OK - they are Wrong - they're a Mistake - they're the reason why we have so many Problems.

So those would be the first 3 Questions. Now we got to Ask ourselves, once again, Why are we Ignorant? That’s the follow-up Question. The follow-up Question to Question #3, so that would be our 4th Question - Why are we Ignorant? Why don’t we know any better?

Well, there are 19 reasons why we don’t know we don’t know - there are 12 Sources of False Knowledge and 7 Willingness Factors and I’m not going to go into those right now - I’ll save that for another Story. I’m going to tell this Story more than once and I’m going to add on to it each time. It’s a form of Pile Driving and I hope everyone can appreciate it. There’s a lot of Information I can flood all at once, but I’m not going to overwhelm you with too much at once.

So we’re going to make it simple right now. If you want to stay in the Garden, if you don’t what to get kicked out and have Problems, don’t Satisfy your Needs.

Now, what are those Needs?

We’re Not going to talk about that now. That’s Not open for debate at this point. But if you test an idea whose time has come, you’re going to have a Brand New Reference and you’re going to be thinking about everything totally differently.

Now lets’ take a look at the very last Question - How do we Solve our Problems?

All we have to do to Solve Every Problem that is 100% Within our Control is to Satisfy 2 Groups of Needs and those are based on the Law of Cause & Effect where we have to Satisfy 12 Essential Needs, thereby Removing the Primary Causes and it’s based on the Ripple Effect where we have to Satisfy 2 Additional Temporary Needs, thereby dealing with Subsequent Causes and Subsequent Needs.

So, once again, all we have to do to Solve Every Problem that is 100% Within our Control is to Satisfy 2 Groups of Needs. Unfortunately, most of us are NOT Willing and Able to do that, which is why I added 2 Preliminary Steps to the only thing we have to do, thereby, perfecting a 3 Step Process. I’ve told you this before, the 1st Step addresses the Willingness Issue on a Temporary basis so we can see what we’re missing and then, be in a better position to take the 2nd Step where we want to Correct these 5 Main Mistakes on a Permanent basis. And then, once we add these 5 Main Mistakes on to our List of Mistakes to Correct, we’ll finally be in a position to Satisfy all 2 Groups of Needs and then, we’ll have a better understanding of, well, what are those Needs.

So I cannot Prove the Specifics and I’m Not trying to. I’ve only created a special Teaching Tool to Prove the Structure and then, I have perfected a 3 Step Process so YOU can Prove the Specifics. You find out how you got to tweak this Protocol.

Remember, the Science is easy. In most cases, that’s all we have to do and remember, the Science has to do with the Law of Cause & Effect and our Anatomy - the Art has to do with the Ripple Effect and the Damage we’ve done to our Anatomy or to Ourselves, Society and our Environment and the point here is we can’t change everything overnight.

So the Art of Solving Problems is very Tricky. No one has enough Wisdom and Knowledge to know how to Apply the Art in every case. That’s why we have to take an active role when it comes to the Art. You know your Body better than anyone else. Pay attention - keep track of it - it’s Not that Complicated - once you learn some basics - that Disease is Not an Entity that’s Attacking us - it’s just a Bodily Process and once you understand that Process, you’ll be able to identify almost all of your Diseases and go OK, don’t work Downstream unless I have - go Upstream and figure out what we’re doing.

And the Tricky part about knowing what to do is the fact that we’re in Plato’s Cave and what a lot of people don’t understand is that there are many Levels to Plato’s Cave and the 1st Level most people find is the very 1st Level and that’s when we realize, oh my God, look at what’s going on - there are some Sick Psychopaths Controlling the Masses - they’re the reason why we have War, Crime and Violence and Disease and everything else - they’re keeping Knowledge suppressed.

So you’ve gone up 1 Level in Plato’s Cave, but you’re Not Out of Plato’s Cave yet - you still have further to go. It’s like you’ve identified that there’s a Fox Guarding the Hen House and you’re going around screaming at everybody, hey, there’s a Fox Guarding the Hen House. That’s what we have with people like Alex Jones, oh, there’s a Fox Guarding the Hen House. Let’s tell everybody about the Fox.

Yea, it’s nice to go up a Level, but Not to sit around and focus on them - that’s how we get Tricked and Distracted. We got to keep getting Out of the Cave. We got to figure out why we’re in the Cave.

It’s simple - the very 1st Mistake we made Destroyed a Nutrient that Feeds 1 of our Senses. Now we Lost 1 of our Senses. No wonder we Prey upon Ourselves. No wonder we Compete for Resources on an Abundant Planet. We’re Dis-Connected.

So that’s the most exciting thing about doing the 1st of my 3 Step Process - it will Bump Up your Biophotons faster than anything else. I’m telling you my friends, when you do something you’ve Never done before and you do it as aggressively as my 1st Step Process, you’re going to crawl out of a rut you didn’t even know [you were in] - you’re going to Flush Out a Cesspool you didn’t know you had - you’re going to Bump Up your Biophotons - you’re going to Reset your whole Feedback System.

Remember, Piece 5, we have a Malfunctioning Survival Mechanism and we can’t Trust ourselves anymore. But that’s why we have to do this - we have to test an idea whose time has come so that we can do what Aristotle would say to do - “Believe only your own experience. There is no fact like a fact learned from your own life.”

Right now, we can’t do that because we can’t Trust our own Experiences - we have a Malfunctioning Survival Mechanism. Remember, we Build Up a Tolerance to our Mistakes - we slide up 112 - we get a 103 in Limbo.

Now 103s are supposed to be in the –C Box - that’s a Problem, but they slide up and they’re represented with a Box around it [103]. This is how we’re getting Tricked - we’re getting Pleasure from making Mistakes - we don’t realize that what Causes a Symptom at 50 or 60 was due to what had done every day of our lives 1,000 times a year.

So it’s time to get excited - it’s time to test an idea whose time has come - it’s time to do the 1st of my 3 Step Process and you can access a 2 Hour Seminar I gave by Clicking here.

As I always say, when you guys do this, YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR A TREAT!!!
[[size=large][End of M2U00165] [3783 words]
End of The Ultimate Solution - Part 3



The Pros & Cons of Enemas & Colonics
27:57 Minute Video

Published on Jun 27, 2016
In this Video, John Rose takes a closer look at Enemas and Colonics and in order to understand Enemas and Colonics, you need to understand a little bit more about John’s Philosophy, which has to do with Satisfying 2 Groups of Needs and John calls that the Science and Art of Solving Problems that are 100% Within our Control.

Per Video Tape JR# M2U00346 - 27:57 made 6-27-16:

Hello, my name is John Rose and in this Video, I’d like to take a closer look at Enemas and Colonics and in order to understand Enemas and Colonics, you need to understand a little bit more about my Philosophy and it’s really quite simple, although it might seem a little Complicated in the beginning, but you have to understand what I’m trying to encompass - basically EVERYTHING!!! And my Philosophy is that we have to Satisfy 2 Groups of Needs and I call that the Science and Art of Solving Problems that are 100% Within our Control.

So Enemas and Colonics are part of the Art and I’ve said this over and over because this is one of the most important things we have to understand and that is that we should NEVER Apply the Art without the Science and yet, that’s what most people do, especially when they use Enemas and Colonics.

So what do I believe about Enemas and Colonics?

Well, the way most of them are using them I give them a BIG X [crossing my arms]!!! They’re Failures because they’re doing the Art without the Science.

Now when I say the Science and the Art, once again, there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy. There are 12 Essential Needs that are based on the Law of Cause & Effect and then, there are 2 Additional Temporary Needs that are based on the Ripple Effect and what I find interesting is there is One Group of people who really understand the Law of Cause & Effect better than anyone else because they know what comes before the Effect or the Cause rather - they know what comes before the Cause - they have Knowledge of How to Live and this is what most people don’t have.

So I’ve explained this before that there are 3 Ways to Screw Up the Law of Cause & Effect and you can go down to the description box below and I’ll have a link for that and 1 Way we can Screw Up the Law of Cause & Effect is when we don’t have the Knowledge of How to Live that comes before the Cause.

So there’s One Group of people - they call themselves Natural Hygienists that they understand that most people are Screwing Up the Law of Cause & Effect because they don’t know or they don’t have the Knowledge of How to Live and they’re very adamant about their approach to Solving Problems because they also are Screwing Up the Law of Cause & Effect and they don’t know it. But they deep down that they’re Right and I understand why they think the way they do because they think to themselves, I know I’m right because there’s the Law of Cause & Effect and it’s happening and you can’t Negate that.

Yes, but you can Screw Up the Law of Cause & Effect when you don’t recognize what comes after the Effect and that’s where we have a Ripple Effect that’s where Effects can actually become Causes, as in the Causal Loop and Effects can become Knowledge, as in the Knowledge Loop and I’ve explained all of that before in other Videos and I know that gets a little boring when I start talking like this for some of y’all, but bear with me on this because it’s really simple and we need to understand why people are Screwing Up the Law of Cause & Effect because what happens is the people who know what comes before the Cause don’t know what comes after the Effect, so as a result, they don’t think we Need the Art and they classify everything in the Art in the same Group as Allopathic Medicine, which is also part of that Group because there is a time and a place where we have to Treat the Symptom in that way. But most of the Art that Natural Hygiene pooh poohs and gives a Blanket Statement against is Art that we need to use because we can’t Change everything overnight.

So I’ve said this countless times we can Change what we do overnight and Remove the Primary Causes immediately, which is what the Natural Hygienists are wanting to do, but the thing is we can’t Change what we got overnight and sometimes some of the Effects we got are Causing Problems, like Diabetes, for example. 3:48 MM


23:05 MM
So what we’re doing is we’re always getting Distracted - Art - Art - Art - Art - Art - Art - Downstream Solutions - Downstream Solutions - NOT the Solution my friends - we got to go Upstream. 23:14 MM

24:52 MM
...and how this very Video might be the Fork in the Road that got you going a whole different direction.

24:58 MM
Hopefully, I can be what’s called a Spiritual Runner for you. I had one come to me - got me going a whole new direction - thank you Bob Wood - love you man - you’re the man who turned me on to Raw Food - ever indebted for what you’ve done for me.


Yes, very Emotional.

Please help me on my Mission.

Share this Message with everyone you know.

There are people Suffering right now.

Don’t you Feel the Connection?

Can’t you tell there are people in Pain all around you?

I can’t stand knowing what I know and realizing so many people are Suffering.

I FEEL it and it just [TOTAL EMOTIONAL TRANSFER] it gets me out of bed everyday EXCITED about getting out here and telling you guys about it!!!

Am I Passionate?

Yes, how could I NOT be Passionate?

I FEEL the PAIN and it’s Needless - we don’t Need it.

Things could Change, but I need your help. Let people know there’s something they can do.

Arthritis Goes Away!

Diabetes Goes Away!

Cancer Goes Away!

Tumors Go Away!

Headaches Go Away!

Our Ill-Behaviors Go Away!

War, Crime and Violence will ultimately Go Away!


How could you NOT be Passionate?

How could you NOT get Emotional?

If what I was saying is True, I couldn’t just sit here and calmly talk about it. [softly]

You GOT TO BE INFURIATED at the S-HIT that goes on on this planet - Children dying every day - being injected with Vaccines - GIVING CHEMOTHERAPY - TAKING AWAY FROM THEIR PARENTS.


We could Change All of that in an INSTANT!!!


We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for. We keep expecting some Hero to come to save the day. GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR and IT’S YOU - YOU’RE the HERO!!! Most of our Problems are Self-Inflicted - that means you are the only one that can Solve your Problems.

So please help me - be the best that you can be - that’s all I’m asking. If you don’t have the inclination to get out there - you’re not extroverted, I understand - you don’t have to do that, but at least help the people you know that are close to you keeping in mind that the ones you love the most will probably break your heart. The best we can do for them is be the Change with which we wish to see and hopefully, that will get their attention. And I’ve said this virtually every Show and it’s going to be my Trademark from here on out - when you guys do this, you’re in for a TREAT!!!

[End of M2U00346] [XXX words]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2020 11:07PM by John Rose.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 30, 2020 11:10PM

Hold on, let me set aside another LIFETIME to read all that....

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 30, 2020 11:13PM

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 31, 2020 01:36AM

Go read the list I posted of those who came before you and DIED OF THE VERY DISEASES YOU SAY WILL GO AWAY.

(Whats that post about DENIAL SAY?)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 31, 2020 02:01AM

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 31, 2020 02:22AM

^^^^^ DENIAL ^^^^^

I bring up legitimate points for discussion but JR responds by trying to smear my character with derogatory labels.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 03:17AM by NuNativs.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: December 31, 2020 03:36AM

Go read the list I posted of those who came before you and DIED OF THE VERY DISEASES YOU SAY WILL GO AWAY.

(Whats that post about DENIAL SAY?)

You really just don't know how to analyze data
and draw sound conclusions

you're cherry picking and you are biased AGAINST THE purpose of this board

there are many long term healthy vegans

you picking some people and saying their diet was the problem

ignores those who DIDN'T die early

you can't say, jameth sheridan died because of his diet
and then ignore those who live long and healthy lives

if he died because of his diet
then long lived vegans LIVE long because of their diet

why did sheridan die?
because of his diet?
I don't know, do you?
did he take supplements with heavy metals?
do you know?

prove why he died

otherwise it's just fear mongering and drawing unwarranted conclusions

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 31, 2020 05:59AM

The burden of proof is on you and especially JR who makes bold claims. Where are the long term healthy vegans? Show me the ones who lived long besides the Pelasgian myths? Tim Van Orden loosing all his front teeth?

I am NOT biased against the purpose of this board, I am trying to get to the root of HEALTH and especially LONGEVITY. The raw food authors and promoters made/make wild claims which I can dig up as to extraordinary Longevity if we could adapt to such a diet.

You're saying "long lived vegans" like it's a fact, which so far has proven contrary. I have provided proof of MANY vegans, mostly raw, who have died young despite eating so-called "superior diets" than most of the population. Not only that, they are dying of diseases they are supposed to be immune to.

As far as Jameth, when I saw his thin hair, I immediately could see the deficiencies he had, and his constant boasts about being "hard core" was a red flag.

Oh ya, add Dick Gregory whom I looked up to into the mix. In the early 2000s, Dick Gregory was diagnosed with small B-cell Lymphoma and died of heart failure (hard core raw foodist).

You & JR need to provide proof to show why WE would adopt a diet that so far shows that it shortens human LIFEspan and definitely does not provide immunity to DIS-EASE....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 06:02AM by NuNativs.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 31, 2020 06:30PM

The purpose of this Thread is to HELP people make sense out of all of the conflicting information on Diet and all they have to do is realize that there are 2 Groups of Needs that Explain Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists.

Honest Skeptics are interested about these 2 Groups of Needs and DISHONEST Skeptics are not interested, as is reflected in this Thread and all throughout this Message Board by our resident SHILL.

Most DISHONEST Skeptics are Psychopaths & Con Artists!

To all who promote less than 100%
JR's Psychopaths File
JR's Con Artists File

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 31, 2020 08:36PM

John Rose
The purpose of this Thread is to HELP people make sense out of all of the conflicting information on Diet and all they have to do is realize that there are 2 Groups of Needs that Explain Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists.

So you're saying that the above health disasters occurred because they didn't properly supplement?


Youkta, Jameth and others supplemented like crazy.

And again with the lame attempts to assassinate my character because I am able to observe, document, and question your pseudo-authority.

You are like a cult leader who wants his followers to follow orders without question even though there ARE QUESTIONABLE PHENOMENON GOING ON...

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 31, 2020 08:39PM

The purpose of this Thread is to HELP people make sense out of all of the conflicting information on Diet and all they have to do is realize that there are 2 Groups of Needs that Explain Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists.

Honest Skeptics are interested about these 2 Groups of Needs and DISHONEST Skeptics are not interested, as is reflected in this Thread and all throughout this Message Board by our resident SHILL.

Most DISHONEST Skeptics are Psychopaths & Con Artists!

To all who promote less than 100%
JR's Psychopaths File
JR's Con Artists File

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 08:42PM by John Rose.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: December 31, 2020 09:09PM

The burden of proof is on you and especially JR who makes bold claims. Where are the long term healthy vegans? Show me the ones who lived long besides the Pelasgian myths? Tim Van Orden loosing all his front teeth?

i do not have any interest in proving anything to you
it's a waste of time to try to prove anything to someone who has already made up his mind.
there was a list of long lived vegans posted here I can't find it.
when you are given information you NEVER modify your position
that's why it's pointless to discuss things with you

denise minger as another example of someone like you.
she did the raw thing, deteriorated
ignored that and BLAMED THE DIET.
that is the kind of nonsense i see over and over

I am NOT biased against the purpose of this board, I am trying to get to the root of HEALTH and especially LONGEVITY. The raw food authors and promoters made/make wild claims which I can dig up as to extraordinary Longevity if we could adapt to such a diet.

this is a raw vegan board.
you drive people away not JR and I as we are accused of doing.
and why should I care about their wild claims?
secondly if you want to focus on longevity that's up to you.
I have already indicated why that is mostly a waste of time.
and there are better things to focus on.
you see failures because that's what you focus on.
that's what all people who haven't done it focus on

You're saying "long lived vegans" like it's a fact, which so far has proven contrary. I have provided proof of MANY vegans, mostly raw, who have died young despite eating so-called "superior diets" than most of the population. Not only that, they are dying of diseases they are supposed to be immune to.

and I have asked you to show proof of why they died and how they lived
and you cannot do so.

As far as Jameth, when I saw his thin hair, I immediately could see the deficiencies he had, and his constant boasts about being "hard core" was a red flag.

again I have no idea what he did. apparently neither do you
and the hospital likely killed him anyway.

Oh ya, add Dick Gregory whom I looked up to into the mix. In the early 2000s, Dick Gregory was diagnosed with small B-cell Lymphoma and died of heart failure (hard core raw foodist).

again. you have no idea how he lived.
and he was NOT A HARDcore raw foodist.
he had a powdered supplement he took
and allegedly fasted repeatedly and damaged his body
just like robert lockhart

most of YOUR FACTS are false.
the ones that are not false are claims that YOU CANNOT know
regarding how people live.
you just use BUZZWORDS like he was fruitarian,
he was vegan, she was this he was that.
of course your conclusions will be false

You & JR need to provide proof to show why WE would adopt a diet that so far shows that it shortens human LIFEspan and definitely does not provide immunity to DIS-EASE...

I don't need to show anything.
we are all free to do what we wish

and I asked you if you were ever all raw vegan and for how long.
and I know the answer is no you were not.

because anyone who does it properly (I have done studied of people who "failed" and it was very apparent why"winking smiley
would never make your claims
since it is obvious in a hundred ways why raw plants are the best

HERE IS A PERFECT example of what I am talking about


there was a long list of people like her posted here a while back

and YOU WILL STILL SAY based on her, or based on scores of people like her

or she didn't live over 120
or show me more people
or some other excuse
because you AREN'T interested.
you are biased
you have made up your mind
you have all these incomplete STORIES of exceptions who DIDN'T DO WELL.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 09:24PM by fresh.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 31, 2020 09:54PM


and I have asked you to show proof of why they died and how they lived
and you cannot do so.

again I have no idea what he did. apparently neither do you
and the hospital likely killed him anyway.

(Dick Gregory). you have no idea how he lived.
and he was NOT A HARDcore raw foodist.
he had a powdered supplement he took
and allegedly fasted repeatedly and damaged his body
just like robert lockhart

and I asked you if you were ever all raw vegan and for how long.
and I know the answer is no you were not.

because anyone who does it properly (I have done studied of people who "failed" and it was very apparent why"winking smiley
would never make your claims
since it is obvious in a hundred ways why raw plants are the best

I immersed myself in all this starting when I was 18. I became vegan/vegetarian immediately, though I would oscillate between being strict vegan to consuming some dairy and eggs though dairy gave me allergies like hayfever.

When I was younger in my 20's I would loose extreme amounts of weight especially following Viktoras type sprout diets for extended periods of time. I would end up "binging" because I was basically starving myself according to instructions.

So yes, I put in my time, tried doing strict fruitarian, almost died living on bananas living in Tahoe. I have owned and read all the books so I feel I do know how these people lived. Dick Gregory: Dick Gregory's Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat: Cookin' with Mother Nature, he explained his whole journey, etc., etc., etc.

I always went to the Whole Life Expos in San Francisco to see Viktoras, Aris Lathem, Ann Wigmore, Cousens, Morris Krok, Gypsy Boots, Elizabeth Baker, Doug Graham and many many others.

When I worked at the big Coop for over 15 years, I got in the middle of the whole raw movement, as we would host events of some of the big players like D Wolfe, Jeremy Saffron (no longer vegan), some Fasting Vegan guy who is dead now but had a large following, even Aajonus and his crowd and many many others. I've been around the block a few times.

There was a huge raw food community there especially Rastafarian types and I got to talk to and observe their children who were not doing well. Around 45 is when I started including fish and seafood in my diet seeing the poor results and the long term raw vegans deteriorating early of diseases they weren't supposed to get.

I have always maintained a diet of at least 75% raw food and go 100% plus lots of juices when I have an ailment or feel the need to clean out.

But hey, I really object to the COP OUT "did it properly". Did Shelton do it "properly" Why did he end up bedridden with Parkinsons for the last 13 years of his LIFE?????

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 09:57PM by NuNativs.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: December 31, 2020 10:36PM

When I was younger....

But hey, I really object to the COP OUT "did it properly". Did Shelton do it "properly" Why did he end up bedridden with Parkinsons for the last 13 years of his LIFE?????


right, so you fluctuated with extreme diets like many do expecting them to work because somebody said so.

I really don't know what shelton did, or anyone else.

and I don't know what those children did.

I have seen many raw vegan children who WERE doing well.

again, you focus on those who did NOT do well.

I have simply noticed that almost all who didn't do well, really didn't know what they were doing - they were following somebody or doing extreme things or whatever.

All I was getting at is (as you stated above, when you get ill you eat more more raw) that raw gives incredible levels of endurance and strength and energy and lack of illness etc that when you feel that, you see that it's the best at least in the present moment,

and would never say cooked is necessary or beneficial, because of the obvious negative effects of cooked or animals.

on top of that, my studies of nutrients indicates to me that there's nothing missing save maybe b12.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 31, 2020 11:24PM

Satisfying 2 Groups of Needs EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!!!

Six Mistakes

1. The delusion that individual advancement is made by crushing others.
2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed.
3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot do it ourselves.
4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
5. Neglecting development and refinement of the mind, and not acquiring the habits of reading and study.
6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero, (106-43 BCE)

Imposing Our Beliefs & Way of Life On Others
13:18 Minute Video

Published on Aug 27, 2018
In this Video, John Rose takes a closer look at the Six Mistakes according to Marcus Tullius Cicero, especially Mistake #6 - Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

7:07 MM
Now #6 - y’all are going to love this one - Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

But John, what are you doing? You’re doing that, aren’t you?

No I’m not. I don’t compel others to believe and live as I do. However, I do encourage people that we do have a Species Specific Diet. I don’t impose my Diet on anybody because we all have a uniqueness to our own body. We are Not imposing our Diet on other people. We’re imposing our Diet on other people, but our Diet is going to be a little bit unique. We’re going to share the Species Specific Diet in common and then, we’re going to have our own unique situation we have to deal with. If you live up in Canada or UK and you’re not getting Sunshine, you’re not getting your Vitamin D. Now you’ve got another Group of Needs because we’re Damaged as a Society. We’re not living where we were originally designed. Can’t even Eat locally grown Food anymore because we’re not living where we’re designed, so we have to realize that I’m Not imposing my Diet on anyone, but I am imposing our Species Specific Diet on everybody helping them realize that the bulk of their Diet is the same Diet as mine. Now I only have to make one simple adjustment in my Diet and that’s B12 - that’s all I do that’s different. I take a sublingual B12 twice a week as maintenance and that’s all I do.

And again, I’m Not imposing my Way of Life or Diet on anyone else. There are Laws of Nature we all have to obey. I’m Not imposing my Laws of Nature - they’re Laws of Nature! We have to respect those Laws of Nature. We have to respect our Anatomical Limitations. I’m Not telling you what to Eat - your Anatomy is telling you what to Eat. I’m Not imposing my Diet on you - your Anatomy is imposing your Diet on you. We just happen to have the same Anatomy, so we should have something in common. The thing in common is our Species Specific Diet.

Now again, am I imposing my beliefs on anybody?

No, I’m saying there are Laws of Nature we have to obey. The biggest one is Cause and Effect and if we don’t have Knowledge of How to Live that precedes the Cause, the things we do, then we’re going to make Mistakes and end up with Problems. 9:51 MM

Related Videos:

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - []

2 Secrets from Nature Tell Us What to Eat - []

Honoring Our Symbiotic Relationship - []

If Our Food Could Talk, What Would It Say? - []

Eat Like A Bonobo - []

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 11:29PM by John Rose.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 01, 2021 04:21AM


As far as Jameth, when I saw his thin hair, I immediately could see the deficiencies he had, and his constant boasts about being "hard core" was a red flag.

not sure if what you're saying above makes sense.
thin hair doesn't necessarily mean deficiencies.
are you claiming he died because of deficiencies?

tim van orden

I guess you can believe him
or not


as I am going through your claims, I just don't see a lot of validity since each one appears to be different from your assertions when I examine them.
I understand you've had your experiences and viewpoint.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 01, 2021 05:12AM

No, I think Tim is in denial. Loosing teeth is common with many vegans because of lack of the fat soluble vitamins like with Doug Graham. A lot of the vegan kids I saw at the Coop had transparent teeth. Many were raised raw as well. JR's teeth look funny as well, but can' tell from watching him on YouTube. Weston Price covered the teeth issues in his book, that's the first sign of trouble, decay, crowded mouths etc. when the primitive tribes ate the foods of "civilization". None were vegan though he expected to find them.

Jameth had the classic vegan deficiency look. When growing the hair long, it looks dry and frizzy when it gets past the ears and very thin. No shine and no body, no vigor. I noticed meat eaters had oily, thick, abundant hair comparatively. JR has good hair especially for a man his age. I've noticed that when interacting with many long term vegans over the years, easy to spot. His brother Rick Dina looks the same. I do respect him as a raw vegan though as he tests vigorously for deficiency with extensive blood work.

I'm not really making claims, the Longevity or lack thereof, as well as dying of degenerative diseases at a fairly young age despite following the so-called healthiest "species specific diet" is all the proof you need. Winding up with Parkinsons and bedridden for the last 13 years of your LIFE, despite eating "supposedly" better than most humans is a clue. He also tried to heal himself with diet but to no avail.

Mind you, I was a fanatical true believer most of my adult LIFE, but my enthusiasm has been tempered over the years. I am not focusing on the failures per say, but I'm not going forward with blinders on like JR either...

Trouble in Paradise?!?

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 01, 2021 05:35AM

every claim you make turns out to be false.



regarding the kids all I am sure if I were able to investigate that one I would find that it's not how you are portraying it.

I will just say this..

Nearly 1 in 6 children have hypomineralisation

so you making it a vegan thing is not valid.

did you EVER see a vegan child with good teeth?

it's not a vegan thing, it has many causes, one of which could be diet.
there are deficient fruitarian diets and deficient regular diets.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 01, 2021 06:06AM

What I'm getting from you fresh is that you really haven't done much research nor read much of the books, or interacted with the pioneers and motivators of the Raw Vegan Movement other than hero JR. You seem somewhat naive, as regards the history. You also don't seem to have been exposed to the crucial players and their claims which over time, have not proven to be true.

The vegan children I observed were eating strict vegan and/or all raw, and the number I saw that had transparent teeth were appalling. That woke me up immediately! You have little experience it seems...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2021 06:14AM by NuNativs.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 01, 2021 06:23AM

John Rose
But John, what are you doing? You’re doing that, aren’t you?

No I’m not. I don’t compel others to believe and live as I do. However, I do encourage people that we do have a Species Specific Diet.

That's exactly what you're doing. So you take B-12, why is that? Hunter-Gatherer tribes that have existed for hundreds of thousands of years on a MIXED cooked and raw diet, NEVER took B-12 yet produced healthy offspring and reproduced for millennium or else WE wouldn't even be here to debate on computers.

And again, if raw vegan is OUR species specific diet, why can't you go out in NATURE as is, and eat? You will quickly die of starvation, you will never be able to do a solid food vacation in NATURE.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: January 01, 2021 06:45AM

Hey I get it. You do a "Solid Food Vacation" after a decade or two of eating like crap, you will feel fantastic and over the moon. You will heal health problems as well as you ELIMINATE, the bad foods and habits you were partaking in, as well as lack of exercise/movement.

BUT, should you continue this practice over a LIFEtime? Being Raw/Vegan is a great way to cleanse, but as far as sustainability, the evidence over TIME, has shown it's not adequate in my opinion...

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: January 01, 2021 07:06AM

it's not a vegan thing, it has many causes, one of which could be diet.
there are deficient fruitarian diets and deficient regular diets.

Bingo. And further, no symptom or collection of symptoms is a purely diet-related issue. There is the little matter of stresses of all kinds in our lives. Some of these stressors (overwork; too many pregnancies; emotional difficulties caused by living conditions, etc.) which are so severe that no diet can compensate. A diet high in nutrients can reduce health problems, but cannot prevent them altogether.

This is not some kind of perfect world where the only thing we have to do is eat right, get the right amount of the right kind of exercise, and get plenty of sunshine. Boy, if only that's all there was to it. Why the hell is some guy so defensive because he lost a few teeth. It's going to happen sooner or later and what is more, some people NEVER get a cavity, not one - but they get gum disease (scurvy affecting the jaw bones).

There also is something called constitutional health. In Chinese medicine they say you are born with so much jing. You are born with lots of jing (essence) or you aren't. If you are interested, there are dozens of articles on Chinese medicine that talk about this. Live badly and you lose your jing quickly. Then it is hard work regaining it.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 01, 2021 07:18AM

nunativs, predictably has his foundational principles destroyed by some easily done research and as a result, attempts to attack me here below. well, once again, we are done. just more of the same refusal to accept facts counter to his religious beliefs on health.
so let's go through these statements shall we.

>What I'm getting from you fresh is that you really haven't done much research

and moronic assumption

> nor read much of the books

yet another stupid assumption

> or interacted with the pioneers and motivators of the Raw Vegan Movement


>other than hero JR.

not my hero. just can't stop being a schmuck can you..

>You seem somewhat naive, as regards the history.

ah, no I'm not.

> You also don't seem to have been exposed to the crucial players and their claims which over time, have not proven to be true.

false. again. this is getting tiresome.

>The vegan children I observed were eating strict vegan and/or all raw, and the number I saw that had transparent teeth were appalling.

perfect! use that to inform you and act accordingly!

I know others who did not have transparent teeth.

your limited exposure distorts your view.

> That woke me up immediately! You have little experience it seems..

as you wish. so it shall be.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 01, 2021 08:00AM

It's hard to quantify how stupid and hypocritical this is...

That's exactly what you're doing. So you take B-12, why is that? Hunter-Gatherer tribes that have existed for hundreds of thousands of years on a MIXED cooked and raw diet, NEVER took B-12 yet produced healthy offspring and reproduced for millennium or else WE wouldn't even be here to debate on computers.

this has already been explained about a thousand times.
nunativs apparently can't understand the difference between living in the wild and living in an apartment eating store bought food and any differences that may exist.

And again, if raw vegan is OUR species specific diet, why can't you go out in NATURE as is, and eat? You will quickly die of starvation, you will never be able to do a solid food vacation in NATURE.

first of all, DEPENDING ON THE AVAILABILITY OF FRUIT, of course we could survive, without b12. that's the point. THAT YOU WILL NEVER GET. because you insist on spending all your time trying to refute things to people who aren't interested. there's nobody here to warn. it's just you pontificating for nobody.

If YOU WERE TO go out in nature right now right where you are YOU WOULD NOT SURVIVE . your perfect hunter gatherer diet would not be any better.

you spend all your time living in worlds that don't exist, ideal worlds that will never happen,

and finally using your own personal experiences giving you limited data, coming to invalid conclusions. as an example, your transparent teeth experiences with children. as I noted, 1 in 6 have that issue. first of all, did they grow proper adult teeth?

secondly, that's 600000 children every year that have translucent teeth problems. ARE THEY ALL RAW VEGAN? DIDN'T THINK SO.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2021 08:09AM by fresh.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 01, 2021 04:46PM

Did You Know That by Age 50 Americans Have Lost an Average of 12 Teeth?
Presented by: Ted Filandrianos

Many Americans lose their teeth, mainly because of cavities and periodontal disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, by age 17, 7 percent of people in the United States have lost at least one permanent tooth because of decay.

Among adults from 35 to 44-years-old, 69 percent have lost at least one permanent tooth. By age 50, Americans have lost an average of 12 teeth (including wisdom teeth). And among adults 65 to 74, 26 percent have lost all their teeth.


I just googled the article above while I was looking for some stats I heard long ago about how many teeth we lose as we age and these stats say volumes about our Diet.

At 66 years of age, I have only lost 1 tooth and I lost that tooth when I was 22. At that time, they wanted to give me a root canal, but I never got that horrible procedure and I finally lost that tooth, PAINLESSLY, a decade ago or so. I've had all of my fillings that I received as a child eventually fall out or pushed out during the first decade after I went Raw over 30 years ago and I still have not done anything about those yet because they don't cause any pain.

In fact, I have NOT had 1 down day ever since I went Raw over 30 years ago - NOT 1 Headache - Not 1 Toothache - NOT 1 Cold - NOT 1 FLu-like Symptom and I have NOT eaten any Animal Products for right at 34 years, which is when I quit Eating Animals for athletic purposes, just like those in The Game Changers are doing now for the same reason - PERFORMANCE!

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 01, 2021 04:50PM

This is so pathetic. Everything nn has said in this thread has been said before and countered and yet, he keeps wasting all of our time with his nonsense. How many times does he have to hear that we have 2 Groups of Needs? Why is it that some people can't understand the Ripple Effect?

Here's an analogy I've used before to illustrate why we have another Group of Needs based on the Ripple Effect in the 2 videos below.

The Ultimate Solution - Part 6
20:47 Minute Video

Published on Apr 22, 2015
In Part 6, John goes into more detail about the 2 Additional Temporary Needs that are based on the Anatomical Limitations from making Mistakes that have Damaged Ourselves, Society and the Environment. John also explains that all of our Problems that are 100% Within our Control begin in childhood and that it only takes one generation to get us back on the Right Path if we can just stop teaching our children the same Mistakes that were taught to us.

Per Video Tape JR# M2U00171 - 20:48 made 4-21-15:


3:29 MM
So all we have to do to Solve Every Problem that is 100% Within our Control is to Satisfy these 2 Groups of Needs. The Essential Needs are Basic - they have to do with the Law of Cause & Effect. We are Living Systems - we Need an Environment to sustain us and then, how we Interact with our Environment - that’s what determines those Needs. But if we don’t do that properly, then we Damage Ourselves, we Damage Our Anatomy and certain parts of our Body might not be working, so that’s why we have another Set of Needs. And it’s important to understand that just because we have these Additional Needs doesn’t mean we don’t have the other Needs.

4:05 MM
Remember, we have 2 Types of Anatomical Limitations. The Science has to do with the Anatomical Limitations we were given at birth and the Art has to do with the Anatomical Limitations that come from making Mistakes that have Damaged Ourselves, as well as Society and the Environment. And to illustrate my point here and to make sure that we don’t get confused and use a Subsequent Need as an Excuse Not to Satisfy our Essential Needs, let’s say someone Smokes a lot Cigarettes and they Damage their Lungs.

Well, remember our Essential Needs, we Need Air, Water and Food. Right off the bat, we Need Air - we die within minutes if we don’t get Air. What if you Smoke Cigarettes and you Damage your Lungs? You still Need Air, right? You still Need Clean Air or Pure Air, but now, in addition to this, you Need Pure Oxygen, perhaps, because you’ve Damaged your Lungs. The Pure Oxygen is an example of the Art where we’ve Damaged our Body - we have another Set of Needs. Just because we have a Subsequent Need for Pure Oxygen does Not Negate the fact that we still have a Primary Need for Pure Air.

So this Excuse is used over and over and over saying, well, this can’t be Ideal because you Need this. Well, it’s Ideal in an Ideal World. We No longer live in an Ideal World. As long as we do Not live in an Ideal World, we’re going to have another Group of Needs we must Satisfy and this is where it can get kind of Complicated.

To illustrate what I’m trying to say, Medically, Diabetes is well-known for the #1 Cause of Blindness in America and Neuropathy and Gangrene - cutting off limbs left and right and yet, Diabetes is Not a Primary Cause - it’s a Subsequent Cause.

So again, there’s Cause & Effect, there’s a Primary Cause and a Primary Effect, but then, there’s a Ripple Effect where Effects can become Causes, as in the Causal Loop and Effects can become Knowledge, as in the Knowledge Loop. An example of the Knowledge Loop is well, what’s in the 3rd Stage of Knowledge - what we get? That’s the Experience. Well, everyone knows Experience is the best teacher - that’s what Ripples around on the Positive Side - that’s Piece 114 where we Complete the Positive Knowledge Loop. On the Bottom Side, we Complete the Negative Knowledge Loop - that’s Piece 118 and that’s where we perpetuate False Knowledge.

So that’s how the Ripple Effect comes into play with Knowledge. Now when it comes to the Causes, with Diabetes especially, Diabetes is now the Cause of Blindness, it’s the Cause of Neuropathy, it’s the Cause of Gangrene and it’s Blamed for the Cause, but it’s Not a Primary Cause - it’s a Subsequent Cause.

So what you have is - Primary Cause - Primary Effect, but then, there’s a Ripple Effect where Effects become Causes in the Causal Loop, now we have a Subsequent Cause. So there’s a Primary Cause and a Subsequent Cause, but then, there’s always a Ripple Effect, so you got another Subsequent Cause, another Subsequent Cause, there’s a bunch of Subsequent Causes.

You see, everything we do affects us and then, those Effects Accumulate and are reflected in the Condition of all 4 of our Current Status Factors and it is the Condition of our 4 Current Status Factors that determines whether or not we have War, Crime, Violence, Heart Disease, Cancer or even the Common Cold and the Dark Side of our Behavior. 6:53 MM


The Ultimate Solution - Part 8
22:01 Minute Video

Published on Apr 26, 2015
In Part 8, John goes into more detail about the 3 Ways to Correct 5 Main Mistakes and the 2 forms of Consequences, which are Pieces 41-43 and 44-45, respectively.

Per Video Tape JR# M2U00175 - 23:50 made 4-25-15:


4:25 MM
So a big complaint people have is, well, we can’t go to this Raw Vegan Diet, Piece 43, an Organic Raw Vegan Diet because it doesn’t Satisfy all of our Needs. And I say, you’re right - that’s our Ideal Diet in an Ideal World, but we No longer Live in an Ideal World.

Remember, there’s a Ripple Effect - we’ve Damaged Ourselves, Society and the Environment. Now we have Another Group of Needs we must Satisfy - we have Subsequent Causes that don’t go away just because we’ve Removed the Primary Causes and Corrected these 5 Main Mistakes.

So this is something that takes a little bit of thought process to understand. You got to think about this for a while and realize, well, why do we have these other Group of Needs?

I’ve explained this before about a person who smokes cigarettes all the time and they Damage their Lungs and they still need Pure Air, but now they might need Pure Oxygen. The fact that they have Another Group of Needs based on the Art, based on the Ripple Effect, based on the Damage we’ve done and now they have a need for Pure Oxygen does Not Negate the fact that they still need Pure Air.

So if we’ve Damaged Ourselves and we’re Not Able to make certain Level 2 Nutrients, then we might need to Support our Body and provide those Nutrients whether it’s Insulin or Thyroxine or DHA or B12 or Vitamin D or Taurine or even Cholesterol. Oh my God, Cholesterol is the precursor to all of our Hormones, so if our Liver is compromised and we’re Not making Cholesterol, we’re really in bad shape.

But you always got to go back to the First Cause and realize there’s a Ripple Effect, so when you Satisfy the 12 Essential Needs, which includes Correcting these 5 Mistakes, you’re Removing Primary Causes. But then, there’s the Art of Solving Problems and that’s where we have to do Damage Control based on everything else and it’s not just what we’ve done to our Body - it’s what we’ve done to our Society.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2021 04:53PM by John Rose.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: January 02, 2021 01:00PM

That is all good but the bigger question for the new year 2021 is:

What makes some of us become conspiracists, Hitler followers, coronavirus deniers.

Is there a diet, exercise plan that can bring us back to admitting the facts on the ground?

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 02, 2021 02:34PM

Well you can ask dr. Tom Cowan and John Rappaport and dr. Andrew Kaufman and thousands of other people to see if they eat the same diet

Your first post of the year and its your dumbest one yet.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 02, 2021 02:55PM

Virus Voodoo Human Zombies

9 Mainstream Media Videos

1. How Mass Media Shapes Our Beliefs & Values - []
2. Mainstream Media Vs. Alternative Media - Part 1 - The Louder Alex Jones Yells - The More People Listen - []
3. Mainstream Media Vs. Alternative Media - Part 2 - Karen Hudes & Interlocking Directorates - []
4. Mainstream Media Vs. Alternative Media - Part 3 - Who Owns the U.S. Media? - []
5. How the Media Creates Social Justice Warriors - []
6. How the Entertainment Industry Uses FEAR to “Educate” the Masses - []
7. Invisible Killers - []
8. Discovery’s Medical Documentary FIRST IN HUMAN Is Propaganda - []
9. FIRST IN HUMAN Is Brainwashing the Masses - []

6 Fear Videos

1. Fear, Trauma & Cognitive Dissonance - Fear No Evil - Part 1 - []
2. Cognitive Dissonance, Normalcy Bias & Unrealistic Optimism - Part 2 of Fear No Evil - []
3. How the Entertainment Industry Uses FEAR to “Educate” the Masses - []
4. Fear Strikes Twice - []
5. We Manifest What We Fear! - []
6. Why Do Most People Run From the Truth? - []

17 Useful Idiots Videos

1. Take the Red Pill & Stop Being a Useful Idiot - []
2. Ignorance, Ignorant Idiots & Useful Idiots - []
3. Crack Heads, Useful Idiots & Enablers - []
4. VEGAN YouTube Drama - Infiltrators & Useful Idiots - []
5. Is John McDougall Controlled Opposition or a Useful Idiot? - []
6. Change Your Diet, Change Your Beliefs & Change the World - []
7. Raw Vegan Survey - []
8. Distractions, Psychopaths, Con Artists, Magicians, Controlled Opposition, Internet Shills & The Ultimate Schematic - []
9. Hegelian Problem Reaction Solution - []
10. Anti-Conspiracists Are Imbeciles or Instigators - []
11. Vegetable Police VS Anti-Nazi Bashers - []
12. Vaccine Deniers VS Bullshit Promoters - []
13. Vegan Gains IS a Bullshit Promoter - []
14. The MOST Important Stage On The Hero’s Journey - []
15. From Repeal to Repair - Is Trump Reneging On Repealing ObamaCare? - []
16. Conventional Wisdom Turns Intelligent Minds Into Social Idiots - []
17. Pushing Our Emotional Buttons is a Form of Intellectual Terrorism - []

The Video below followed by my Recap and Notes, which is part of my 6 Fear Videos above, is an 18 Minute Clip from the 2 Hour and 15 Minute Video by "1,500 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" and the experts in Psychology explain why so many of us are NOT Capable of Handling the TRUTH, which is FEAR and Cognitive Dissonance!

Fear, Trauma & Cognitive Dissonance - Fear No Evil - Part 1

JR’s Recap:

Trauma - Cognitive Dissonance - Fear and Anxiety - Denial protects people from this kind of Anxiety - Lack of Humility - Pride - Exceptionalism

JR’s Notes:

1:52:11 MM
Seeking Understanding
9/11: Coming to Terms

Most of us who have lived with the events of 9/11 have, as a result, experienced some kind of Trauma. It can be very difficult to come to terms with what actually happened at the World Trade Center. In fact, someone told me recently - I wouldn’t believe what you’re telling me even if it were True. Our Petition Signers with Psychological Expertise have stepped forward to offer their insight. While this section is clearly outside the Knowledge base of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth these Experts in Psychology highlight their valuable experience for us as to why this Evidence can still be so difficult for people to accept.

“At this point we have 9 years of hard Scientific Evidence that Dis-Proves the Government Theory about what happened on September 11th and yet, people continue to be either oblivious to the fact that this Information exists or are completely resistant to looking at this Information. So the Question becomes - why, why is it that people have so much trouble hearing this Information? From my work I think people would be remiss not to look at the impact of Trauma. My name is Marti Hopper and I’m a Ph.D. Psychologist and I’ve been working and living for the past 30 years here in Bolder Colorado. For the past 11 years my work has focused on helping people who have experienced personal Trauma. Now as we know the horrors that happened were televised all over the world and they were, in fact, televised live. We witnessed the deaths of almost 3,000 of our fellow Americans. We know this had a very severe and Traumatic impact on a large majority of the population. I myself cried for weeks after September 11th. A friend of mine, who is a Psychologist and has a practice here in Bolder, said that her case load increased tremendously after 9/11 and people she hadn’t seen in 10 years were coming back into her practice. So I think it’s safe to say that, Collectively as a Nation, because of what happened on September 11th we experienced Trauma.” -Marti Hopper, Ph.D.

“I’m Fran Shure and I have a Master’s Degree from the University of Colorado. I have a private practice as a Psychotherapist and am a licensed Professional Counselor for about 20 years. Why do people resist this Information - the information that shows the Official Story about 9/11 cannot be True? What I’ve learned is that, as humans, each of us have a World View and that World View is usually formed in great part by the Culture that we grow up in. When we hear Information that Contradicts our World View, Social Psychologists call the resulting Insecurity - Cognitive Dissonance. For example, with 9/11 we have one Cognition which is what the Official Story of 9/11 - what our Government told us - what our Media repeated to us over and over - that 19 Muslims attacked us. On the other hand, we have what Scientists, Researchers, Architects, Engineers are now beginning to tell us, which is that there is Evidence that shows that the Official Story CANNOT be True. So now, we’ve Lost our Sense of Security. We are starting to Feel Vulnerable. Now we’re Confused.” -Frances Shure, M.A.

1:55:54 MM
“9/11 Truth challenges some of our most fundamental Beliefs about our Government and about our Country. When your Beliefs are challenged or when 2 Beliefs are Inconsistent, Cognitive Dissonance is created. 9/11 Truth challenges the Beliefs that our Country protects us and keeps us safe and that America is the Good Guy. My name is Bob Hopper and I have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Cincinnati. For the past 29 years, I’ve been a licensed Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist in Bolder Colorado. When your Beliefs are challenged, Fear and Anxiety are created. In response to that, our Psychological Defenses kick in and they protect us from these Emotions. Denial, which is probably the most Primitive Psychological Defense, is the one most likely to kick in when our Beliefs are challenged.” -Robert Hopper, Ph.D.

I’m Danielle Duperet, Ph.D. originally from Switzerland where I studied Psychology and Psycho-Analysis. For the past 15 years, I’ve been empowering people who have experienced significant Trauma. America is a powerful Nation. It has never been attacked. We were confident, we felt secure and all of a sudden that security collapsed. People started to be Fearful with all those rumors and news - people didn’t know what to think about and it’s a very, very Uncomfortable State to be in. And eventually, our Mind Shuts Off, just like when a computer is overloaded, our Minds get overloaded - we can’t handle it anymore and we Shut Down. It’s easier to Deny it and move on with our lives.” -Danielle Duperet, Ph.D.

What some of us tend to do is Deny the Evidence that’s coming our way and stick to the Original Story - the Official Story and to try to regain our equilibrium that way. Another thing we can do is decide to look at the Conflicting Evidence and be sincere and be Open Minded and look at both Sides of the Issue and then, make up our own mind about what Reality is.” [JR: One-Valued Logic vs. Two-Valued Logic] -Marti Hopper, Ph.D.

I’m Dorothy Lorig - I have a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Colorado and I’ve been practicing Revaluation Counseling for over 16 years. If we can think of our World View as being sort of our Mental and Emotional Home, I think all of us will do just about anything to Defend our Homes, to Defend our Families and so I see that with people and I saw this with myself when my brother tried to talk with me about it. Don’t mess with me. Don’t mess with my home. Don’t mess with my comfort with how things are. In about a week later, I read a lengthy article by Professor Griffin about why he believes the Official Account of 9/11 CANNOT be True. And it was a very well researched article and I was in my office at that time. I sat there and I felt my stomach churning. I thought maybe I was going to be sick and I leaped out of my chair and ran out the door and took a long walk around the block, around several blocks and just broke down. I understand now that what was happening was my World View about my Government being in some way my protector, almost like a parent, had been dashed and it was like being cast out into the wilderness - I think is the closest way to describe that Feeling and I sobbed and I sobbed - felt like the ground had completely disappeared beneath my feet and I knew at some point during the walk that I knew that I was going to have to become active in educating other people about this - that for me to retain any sense of integrity I was going to have to take some action - I couldn’t just let something like this go.” - Dorothy Lorig, M.A.

2:00:02 MM
“Many people respond to these Truths in a very deep way. Some have a Visceral Reaction, like they’ve been punched in the stomach. To begin to Accept Responsibility that the Government was Involved is like Opening Pandora’s Box. If you Open the Lid and peak in a little bit, it’s going to challenge some of your Fundamental Beliefs about the World.” -Robert Hopper, Ph.D.

“Here are a few of those Spontaneous Initial Reactions to Hearing the Contradictory Evidence about 9/11:

‘I don’t want to know the Truth or I would become too Negative and Psychologically Go Downhill.’

‘I’m not sure I want to know. If this is True, then Up would be Down and Down would be Up - my life would never be the same.’

‘Fran, I refuse to believe that that many Americans could be that Treasonous someone would have talked.’

But these are Beliefs - they are Not Scientific Facts. But these Beliefs do keep us from looking at the Empirical Evidence.” -Frances Shure, M.A.

“I’m David Ray Griffin - I taught Philosophy, Religion and Theology at the Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University. I published about 35 Books in my Field, but then, starting in 2004 I started publishing about 9/11 and since that time, I have published 10 Books about 9/11. You have Empirical people who will simply say, look at the Evidence and if it’s Convincing, I will Change my Mind. Other people are Paradigmatic people - they have a Paradigm. They say this is the Way the World Works and I’m Convinced this is the Right Way the World Works - 9/11 doesn’t Fit into that Paradigm, so I don’t need to look at the Evidence - it’s Paradigmatic. And then, there’s a 3rd type of person that we often call Wishful Thinkers - I call it Wishful and Fearful Thinking. So they simply will Not Believe something that they Fear to be the Truth and I found that maybe the most Powerful Factor of people Rejecting 9/11 Truth and Not even entertaining the Evidence.” -David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.

“So whenever we say, I Refuse to Believe, we can be sure that the Evidence coming our way is Not Bearable and it’s Conflicting with our World View much too much.” -Frances Shure, M.A.

“Denial protects people from this kind of Anxiety.” -Robert Hopper, Ph.D.

“As I thought about all of these Responses, I realized that what is Common to every one of them is the Emotion of Fear. People are Afraid of being Ostracized, they’re Afraid of being Alienated, they’re Afraid of being Shunned, they’re Afraid of their Lives being Inconvenienced - they’d have to Change their Lives, they’re Afraid of being Confused, they’re Afraid of Psychological Deterioration, they’re Afraid of Feeling Helpless and Vulnerable and they’re Afraid they won’t be Able to handle the Feelings that are coming up. None of us want to Feel Helpless and Vulnerable, so we want to Defend ourselves and the way we often do that is with Anger. So then, we become Angry and when we become Angry, then we become Indignant, we become Offended, we want to Ridicule the Messenger, we want to Pathologize the Messenger and we want to CENSOR the Messenger.” -Frances Shure, M.A.

“So how can we overcome this Resistance and Denial? The first thing is to meet people where they’re at.” -Robert Hopper, Ph.D.

“One thing is that we need to raise people’s Awareness about this through what I would call gentle dialogue and gentle Questioning. My name is John Freedom - I’m a Counselor in Private Practice here in Tucson Arizona where I’ve been for the last 20 years. I hold a Master’s Level Certification in NLP, which is Neuro-Linguistic Programming. So it doesn’t work to challenge people’s Belief where you immediately tell them I know the Truth about 9/11, but a good way is to ask Open Ended Questions and lead them into a dialogue and discussion about it.” -John Freedom, M.A.

“Healing comes through Facing the Truth, Experiencing it, allowing the Feelings to come in, so if there are Feelings of Fear that perhaps these Events were Caused by something we haven’t thought about yet, Dark Elements within our Society, for example, we let that come in and explore it. Let the Light Shine on whatever happened. This will be the most Healing Process. The Germans did this after their War. The East South Africans did this after Apartheid. Reconciliation through the Truth is a Deep Path to Psychological Recovery from the Myths and Lies around which this Historical Event has been Cloaked in the Official View. I am Professor William Woodward - I’m trained in the History of Science with a Ph.D. - I also have a Masters in Experimental Psychology - I’ve edited 4 Books and published well over 20 Peer Reviewed Papers - I’ve taught for 35 years at a State University - the University of New Hampshire and I think as a Psychologist, to overcome our Fear of the Traumatic Event with New Information would be the best, Healthiest route to our Collective Recovery from the Trauma of 9/11. That, by the way, is a Psycho-Therapeutic Insight that to gradually Uncover the Truth in your own Life, the Sources of Anxiety, to make them Conscious is the Royal Road to Recovery.” -William Woodward, Ph.D.

“One of the ways to deal with Trauma is to find the Answers of such importance to have a comprehensive Investigation.” -Danielle Duperet, Ph.D.

“To work together to Expose what happened regardless where the Evidence takes us. That’s what we expect in our State Government - Law Enforcement. I think by putting Science down there with Psychological Healing around the impossible Cognition that has been produced on that day.” -William Woodward, Ph.D.

“I believe that to be the kind of Country that we think we are we have to face some of the things that are Not as we think they are. I’m Robert Griffin and a Licensed Psychologist practicing in Pennsylvania for 25 years. I’m a member of Psychologists for Social Responsibility and I am past President of the North Eastern Pennsylvania Psychological Association. After World War II, part of the way that Jewish people honored the dead was by making sure that the Truth was known and that the value of these people was Respected. Not pursing the Truth about 9/11 disrespects the value of the life of the people that died. Thinking that we’re above such things - that it could happen in other Countries, but it couldn’t happen here - that’s a Lack of Humility and that’s excessive Pride. And so, not being able to see our Dark Side or our Weaknesses is the most dangerous thing.” -Robert Griffin, Licensed Psychologist

“The observation that Pride is one of the basic Human Flaws is absolutely Correct. This is especially True for Americans because we for a long time looked at other Nations and say, oh, they’re in such bad shape, but luckily, we don’t have those problems. We don’t have leaders who would do those things that were done in the Soviet Union or done in Germany or done in Japan and on down the list.

So this is a type of Pride that Americans have. A feature of American History that makes us particularly liable to this Pride is this notion and it’s called Exceptionalism - that America is the Exceptional Nation. And that began from the beginning as this Country was formed and the people would say, well, there was so much Evil in European Countries, so much cheating, so much lying, so much using the people for the Rulers purposes, but Not in America. We have Leaders that are Free from those Sins. So I think this has made 9/11 particularly difficult for Americans.” -David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.

2:09:57 MM
“Anyone can make Mistakes, but our Ideals or Principles get us back on track.” -Robert Griffin, Licensed Psychologist

“This is one of the defining issues of our time.” -John Freedom, M.A.

“So we need to understand that Questioning is Patriotic. Questioning is what we’re supposed to do as citizens - that’s our Duty.” -Robert Griffin, Licensed Psychologist

“When we come to the National Level, when something like 9/11 happens, we need to be sure that we have a Real Investigation into who the perpetrators are and then, we need to be sure that those perpetrators are held legally accountable. It’s part of the Healing Process on the Individual Level, as on the Collective Level. We need the Truth in order to Heal.” -Frances Shure, M.A.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2021 02:58PM by John Rose.

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Re: 2 Groups of Needs Explains Virtually Every Objection Used by Cooked Food/Meat Eating Apologists
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 02, 2021 03:57PM

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