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robert j burrowes
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 04, 2021 10:47PM


it's not propaganda but obedience to authority that explains
the gullibles acceptance of official narratives

Re: robert j burrowes
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: January 05, 2021 03:42AM

I couldn't read the article at that link because it was all blurry for some reason, but here's another link to it -


Re: robert j burrowes
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 05, 2021 05:01PM

Thanks again for sharing.

The first thing I did when I saw this article was search my files for anything on Robert J. Burrowes and I found the article below in my file on "Lies, Lying & Liars" and then, I created a new file for Robert J. Burrowes. It was interesting to go back to the article in my file and re-highlight it because it's really an interesting article that, in many ways, explains a lot of our behaviors. I think that every parent that is having any type of problem with their children should really read and then, contemplate on this article and how it could possibly relate to their relationship with their children. I also think everyone else would benefit from reading this article because it illustrates how "Sickness Begets Sickness"!

Why do people lie? And why do other people believe them?
By Robert J. Burrowes

The purpose of fear is to suppress awareness of the truth.

People always lie for the same reason: fear. But the precise fear that makes a person lie in one circumstance might be different from the fear that makes them lie in another.

When a child is young, it will naturally tell the truth. Most usually, it starts to learn to lie (consciously or unconsciously) when it discovers that it is not believed when it tells the truth or it is blamed and punished for telling the truth (particularly if the truth is unpalatable to a parent or other adult). In these circumstances, lying might occur in an attempt to be believed or in an attempt to avoid blame and punishment and the lie might take the form of the child fearfully telling the parent what the child knows the parent wants to hear. Why does this happen?

Because a child is genetically programmed to behave functionally (evolution had to get this right or individuals and species would not survive infancy), it would always tell the truth. But if it is not believed then the child must 'learn' to devise strategies, including lying, to be believed. This might start as a fearfully conscious response but it will probably become increasingly unconscious and automated as it learns what is 'expected'.

If the child is blamed and/or punished for telling an unpalatable truth then, again, it must 'learn' to devise strategies, including lying, to avoid blame and punishment. Given that many social institutions routinely require behaviours that evolution did not intend and which are not functional (for example, sitting in a school classroom all day), the child will be progressively dysfunctionalized in a variety of ways, including ones that scare it out of telling the truth about how it feels and what it needs (as it would otherwise do naturally).

By the time the typical child has reached adolescence, it will live in a world of considerable delusion about itself, other people and the world in general. In these circumstances, the emerging adult will now lie unconsciously, primarily in order to maintain its delusions about itself and the complementary delusions it has about others and the world. This is why most politicians lie. But they are not alone.

JR Comment: I love the paragraph above, except for why “why most politicians lie”, because the Sick World we live in, which is the main point of that paragraph, illustrates what I have said countless times - Sickness Begets Sickness and Everything in our Society of any significance has everything to do with our Health, or more specifically, our Lack of Health.

For example, a mother will want to maintain a sense of herself as 'a good mother' (however dysfunctionalized and/or violent she is) and if one or more of her children decide to challenge her dysfunctional/violent behaviours or even to discontinue their relationship with her, then, rather than acknowledge her dysfunctional/violent behaviours and accept responsibility for dealing with these (which would require her to have the courage to feel the suppressed fear, pain, anger, sadness and other feelings that drive her dysfunctionalities and violence), she is most likely to reinforce her own delusions about herself by lying about herself and her child, including about the reasons her child no longer wants to have a relationship with her.

But much of her lying will be unconscious because, to lie consciously would mean that she could acknowledge (at least to herself) her dysfunctional/violent behaviours and, perhaps, accept responsibility for dealing with these. However, of course, this almost invariably does not happen precisely because of her fear (based on her own childhood experience) of being blamed and punished for making, and acknowledging, 'mistakes'. It is far less frightening to fearfully lie (and act accordingly) than to acknowledge her delusion about herself and to accept responsibility for her dysfunctional and violent behaviours.

So why do most people believe lies?

Each child is born with a predisposition to believe the adults in its life. This is evolutionarily functional because childhood survival depends on adult care. But the child is also born with the potential to develop a 'truth register': the mental function, related to anger, that enables it to detect lies. Unfortunately, the truth register, like all potential capacities, is a subtle and easily damaged mental function and if a child is lied to chronically by a parent or other significant adult during its childhood, the truth register will either not develop or it will be weakened to such an extent that it will no longer readily detect lies.

A person who has been lied to chronically will develop a gullibility that is obvious to those with a developed truth register but even the gullibility of others will be obscure to those with an undeveloped or weakened truth register of their own.

What can we do about lying? Just four things will fix this chronic problem: always tell the truth fearlessly yourself, always believe children, always take affirmative action in response to the child's truth, and never punish anyone (including whistleblowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden) for telling the truth. See 'Why Violence?' []

You can run from the truth
You can hide from the truth
You can deny the truth
But you cannot destroy the truth


Here is one of my related videos...

The Useful Gullibility of the Child Mind
7:21 Minute Video

Published on Oct 28, 2017
In this Video, John Rose takes a closer look at how the Powers that Be use the Useful Gullibility of the Child Mind to Indoctrinate all of us into a Belief System and a Way of Life that guarantees that History will continue to Repeat Itself where we will continue to have War, Crime, Violence, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes and Live our Lives at a meager existence as Debt Slaves to a System, which is only a very small group of people that can only Survive on our Suffering. If all of us took Responsibility and Corrected the Fall of Mankind, if all of us could just be the best that we could be, if all of us just tested an idea whose time has come, we could Put an End to our Suffering and then, this small group of people would no longer exist as the Powers that Be.

“Society attacks early when the individual is helpless.” -B. F. Skinner

“Give me the child for his first seven years, and I’ll give you the man.” -Jesuits

“Those who control what young people are taught, and what they experience - what they see, hear, think and believe - will determine the future course for the nation.” -Focus on the Family

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2021 05:08PM by John Rose.

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