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Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: April 15, 2021 06:03PM

1:20:32 Minute Video

March 2nd, 2021

Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Lawrence Palevsky
Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: April 15, 2021 06:44PM

JR’s Notes:

6:46 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Germ Theory is the Theory that’s been around for over 100 years and has been the Main Model for Disease throughout our Western Health Care System and, essentially, what it purposes is that there are these Microscopic Organisms that exist all around us and they have Evil intent to come into our Bodies and Attack us and Cause Disease. And our Medical Model of providing Pharmaceutical Drugs and being Dependent on Professionals is really based around this Theory. But when you go and look for the Primary Evidence to actually show that this is True, what you find is that it’s full of Fault and Fraud and that’s there’s really No Scientific basis.

And Terrain Theory is the other Theory that was discovered only shortly after the Germ Theory was purposed by some very rigorous Scientists, like Antione Beauchamp and Günther Enderlein and, essentially, it’s familiar to everyone already because when you talk about the Gut and Microbiome or the Microbiome and Gut Bacteria, what you’re really talking about is Terrain Theory, which says that the Microorganisms actually function in a way that they do out in Nature where they Break Down Dead and Dying Tissue and Debris and Remove it and then, that they’re actually an integral part of our Healing Process and that they’re Not the Cause of Disease, but actually are a response to it. And, you know, we all know that Health Fails when our Bacteria that live in our Body are Not Healthy and that those Cells out number our own Cells by some estimates 10 to 1.

So Terrain Theory is really talking about a Natural Integration of all the Organisms into an Ecosystem within our own Bodies that works in a collaborative manner to Restore and bring about lasting Health. 8:49 MM

Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: April 16, 2021 12:50AM

JR’s Notes:

6:46 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Germ Theory is the Theory that’s been around for over 100 years and has been the Main Model for Disease throughout our Western Health Care System and, essentially, what it purposes is that there are these Microscopic Organisms that exist all around us and they have Evil intent to come into our Bodies and Attack us and Cause Disease. And our Medical Model of providing Pharmaceutical Drugs and being Dependent on Professionals is really based around this Theory. But when you go and look for the Primary Evidence to actually show that this is True, what you find is that it’s full of Fault and Fraud and that’s there’s really No Scientific basis.

And Terrain Theory is the other Theory that was discovered only shortly after the Germ Theory was purposed by some very rigorous Scientists, like Antione Beauchamp and Günther Enderlein and, essentially, it’s familiar to everyone already because when you talk about the Gut and Microbiome or the Microbiome and Gut Bacteria, what you’re really talking about is Terrain Theory, which says that the Microorganisms actually function in a way that they do out in Nature where they Break Down Dead and Dying Tissue and Debris and Remove it and then, that they’re actually an integral part of our Healing Process and that they’re Not the Cause of Disease, but actually are a response to it. And, you know, we all know that Health Fails when our Bacteria that live in our Body are Not Healthy and that those Cells out number our own Cells by some estimates 10 to 1.

So Terrain Theory is really talking about a Natural Integration of all the Organisms into an Ecosystem within our own Bodies that works in a collaborative manner to Restore and bring about lasting Health. 8:49 MM

26:40 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

34:00 MM
Dr. Tom Cowan:

55:57 MM
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Larry and I have/do a Webinar every Tuesday night called Critical Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P, so we have lots of discussions about this. 56:06 MM

57:14 MM
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: And I think that these Mechanisms of Injury that I’ve mapped out all relate to or most of them relate to the Injection of this Foreign Matter called, they’re calling a Vaccine - it’s actually a Shot - it’s actually an Injection of Foreign Matter to which the Body goes, whoa, this doesn’t belong here and it does create to make an Antibody and that Antibody has at least 5 different ways that it’s going to Injury people - it’s going to Destroy their Lungs, their Liver, their Kidneys, it’s going to Cause Auto-Immune Diseases, there was a Published Paper that came out a couple of weeks ago, time flies, it may have been a couple of months now, that they tested the Antibody that was made during this Process of Injecting this Foreign Matter and they tested it against 55 different Tissue Types and they found that that Antibody Cross Reacts with up to 28 different Tissue Types. So this is why you can get the Injection in a 100 different people and you have what appears to be a 100 different unrelated Reactions because that Antibody - it will Attack that Tissue Type in the susceptible person that has a Disrupted Terrain. The people that are Obese, they’re Elderly, they’re on Poly-Pharmacy, they have Clogged Up Systems everywhere. So that Antibody created to that Foreign Matter is going to be Destructive. 58:38 MM

59:42 MM
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: And the last thing I want to say is that I can’t tell you how many Text Messages and Emails and Phone Calls and different Messages we’ve got saying, “Oh, I had to get the Shot to keep my job. What can I do to Detox from it?” The answer is Nothing, Nothing, there’s Nothing that can be done because this is a Genetic Modification Technology. Once it’s in your Body, it’s NOT coming out. So if you think, oh well, you know what, I’ll just get the Shot so I can get my COVID Pass and I can keep my job, then I’ll go get a Detox and life will go on. It’s not people. It’s not. 1:00:18 MM

1:01:27 MM
Dr. Tom Cowan: There’s a lot of things I heard that I appreciate and I certainly appreciate Larry’s earlier description of Illness. The only thing I would like to add to that is, actually, myself moved from the position of the Bacteria that live in us and are part of the Terrain to imagining that actually the Bacteria, like all Bacteria do in Nature, are the Clean Up Crew. So let’s say you have something that’s Damaging your Tonsils so you have Dead and Dying Tonsils it’s the same as if you cut down a Tree in the Forest and you said I’m going to get rid of all the Bacteria and Fungus. The next thing you know you have a Clogged Up and Dead Forest.

So, in fact, not only are the Bacteria Not Pathogens - they’re actually the Agents of Regeneration and Rejuvenation. They Clean Up Dead and Dying Tissue so that we can Recycle it. And even the reason that we seem to get better, like with Strep Throat, when you get Antibiotics only because you stopped this Resolution, this Healing Process and then, you’re Sicker than when you started. So it’s not just a matter of the Bacteria are part of the Process - they’re the Agents of Healing.

Now the next thing I just want to say is there’s one reason and only one reason why the Spiked Protein that they are using in this so-called Vaccine is Not from a SARS-CoV-2 Virus and that’s because there is No SARS-CoV-2 Virus and as hard as that is for us to wrap our brain around because we’ve been talking about it’s important to be clear and precise about the wording, right? So if we’re going to be clear and precise, the only reason that we don’t have a Spiked Protein from this Virus is because nobody, and now we have the Robert Koch Institute, we have the CDC, we have most of the Governments in the World admitting the Virus has Never been isolated, the Virus has Never been characterized, therefore, there is NO possible way you could identify that such and such Protein has come from this Virus, which is purely imaginary. And that Viruses are Not Pathogens - they are Genetic Debris that comes from the Break Down of the Cells and Tissues. And I actually once heard Sherri say this in a wonderful way, the reason we get Sick is because we don’t have enough of the Good Stuff and we have too much of the Bad Stuff. So you put Bad Stuff in you and then, you Break Down and the little Garbage, the little Pieces of Paper, some of them with Dostoyevsky’s name on them, we call those - Viruses when they’re nothing of the sort of Pathogenic Viruses.

So our next step in this Process, because everything everybody is saying is absolutely correct, there is No “Vaccine” here. There’s just a Toxic Mechanism of Harm and it all comes back to something which people sometimes say, Tom and Andy, why are you harping on this that there’s No Virus? The reason is because once we really see the Facts and Science, they can’t do this to us again. They’ve been doing this to us for Measles and AIDS and, you know, Ebola and Zika over and over again because the entire World, including the Scientific Community and the Medical Doctors, unfortunately, are illiterate, essentially, on the Science of Viruses, as, actually, was I, until I opened my big mouth and Andy said, you got to look at this a little more. And so, I mean, you know, I’ve known about HIV and AIDS for 30 years. Anybody who honestly looks at the Science will come to the conclusion that they haven’t isolated Pathogenic Viruses, Viruses aren’t Pathogens, there’s a whole nother Mechanism, as Sherri said why we get Sick We get Poisoned. We have too much Bad Stuff - Not enough Good Stuff and that’s about all there is to it. And let’s all move on and build a better life because we don’t need to keep focusing on Viruses because there’s nothing there. Thanks for listening everybody. 1:06:29 MM

1:07:42 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: And what I think is that this actually heralds is a New Era of Virus Discovery and Vaccine Development that is going to be extremely accelerated compared to the Past Paradigm. So in the Past, we had Vaccines being Manufactured from, essentially, Toxic Cell Cultures - the same kind of Procedure that they use in their “Virus Isolation” which is Not Isolation. But now, we’re entering an Era where they’re more and more claiming that just because they can piece together Millions of Fragments of RNA of unknown origin into a Computer Model of a Genome that they’re going to exploit that and use this Gene Therapy Platform going forward with every time that they pretend to Discover a New Virus. And the reason that this is so easy and the reason that they were able to get this Product to Market so much faster than it’s ever been done before is because they had the Platform already designed and ready to go. And, of course, if you look at Moderna, they have tried to get this Platform approved to Treat Cancer and such, but they have Never actually had a Product on the Market before and yet, they are swimming in Cash.

But with this Platform all you have to do - because what it is - is it’s a, basically, like a Synthetic Exosome made of a some kind of Lipid Membrane that easily goes into our Cells and it delivers a Gene that we don’t know what it is, as Tom pointed out, right? They say it’s a Spiked Protein, but it could really be anything, but there’s a Vehicle, a Plasmid or in another Technology, it’s from a Modena Virus and it, basically, just delivers that Gene to our Cells.

So if they Discover or pretend to Discover a New Virus and have a New Gene Sequence of an important Protein, they can just pop that right into the Platform in hours. 1:09:53 MM

1:10:05 MM
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: And I think this is really the Plan that there’s going to be first, Mutations of, you know, SARS-CoV-2 that are Faked that they’ll make New Gene Therapies for and then, maybe they’ll introduce other Viruses and that each time they have an opportunity to influence our Genetics and also claim Property Rights over us because these Sequences are patented and then, they’re part of our Body. So there are all sorts of implications if you allow this Technology to go further forward and you participate in this. 1:10:40 MM

Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: April 16, 2021 04:38AM

Thank you for this, John. I watched it. Too bad about Tom Cowan's sound going south for most of his input. He is the one who gets it really correct, from having read pieces & parts of articles, etc.

These docs (esp. Tenpenny, I think) stress that there is NO detoxing from this injection. None. You can even be detoxed from a snake bite, deadly mushroom, mercury or anything else - but this gene therapy - nope, forget about it.

If it is your or your child's fate to have to submit to a regular vaccine, you can mitigate its immediate (and maybe longterm?) effects by dosing heavily with vitamin C before and immediately after. But not this bullshit RNA shot, according to this bunch of doctors.

On the other hand, maybe someone is indeed working on a preventive. Why not? Maybe these doctors don't know that there are mighty smart and creative people out there who can indeed find a way out. That is my hope and prayer.

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