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NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 24, 2021 06:10PM

somebody put this lunatic out of her misery.


new freedom variant


275 protests


Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 24, 2021 07:28PM

Yeah, they're out of control. Here's the thing - this is crazy ...

They're foisting this tyranny on the people because - there have been 4 New Deaths in Australia in the last few weeks! angry smiley

Look at this -


Scroll down to Daily New Deaths in Australia.

Since the Plandemic started, there have only been 916 Covid Deaths in Australia. Out of a population of 25,000,000 people!

Since October of 2020, there was only 1 death in November, 1 death in December and 1 death in April of this year. So now this July because there have been 4 deaths, Australia has instituted Tryanny. eye rolling smiley

This is the worst thing as far as I'm concerned that France is doing -

"They will not even be allowed to buy food"

"Macron is really trying to crush France’s economy for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. Many restaurant owners are now simply terrified that new required COVID Passports will transform them into virus cops rather than business people. Macron is emerging as the most severe head of state in Europe, if not the world. His Draconian harsh campaign to force individuals to receive the coronavirus vaccine in the face of widespread demonstrations in major cities has gone too far. As mentioned, from August 1, people who cannot show a COVID Passport will be barred from accessing public transportation, visiting a theater, shopping center, bar, café, restaurant, and other places. They will not even be allowed to buy food or see a doctor. In other words, get vaccinated or die seems to be his new motto."

I'm only concerned about not being allowed to buy food without a vaccination. The rest I could endure.

This is the only good thing happening:

"For the first time, the police have joined the protesters in France."

Unlike in Canada where the police attack protesters.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: July 24, 2021 09:32PM

These are the most messed up people I have ever encountered. They can't be human...

Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 24, 2021 10:01PM

These are the most messed up people I have ever encountered. They can't be human...

Just got TT membership
Going on the road...

Re: NO talking
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: July 25, 2021 12:08AM

These are the most messed up people I have ever encountered. They can't be human...

Just got TT membership
Going on the road...

See you in Texas!

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 12:34AM

I'm living the " dream / nightmare " in Sydney. In our state ( New South Wales ) we've only had 55 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Out of the 5 people who have died recently, one was in their 90's, two in their 80's. Every day we have a one hour news conference where we're lectured about not going out, not ... luckily we're the only state where you don't have to wear a mask outdoors unless you're congregating near people. You can still go out to exercise as long as you like, and you can go shopping where you have to QR code in. Sometimes I QR code in and sometimes I don't. If you happen to be in the shop when someone has tested positive then you have to get tested and self isolate for 14 days. Because we're so isolated from the rest of the world and there's nowhere to hide it's such a police state. There was a street protest yesterday and the Police say they're going to track down all 3500 people who attended and fine them.

We used to be the nanny state, now we're the Police state. We've been in lockdown for 4 weeks and the way it's going with the Delta variant it looks like we'll probably be in some sort of lockdown till September ? October when we have 60 - 70 % vaccination rates according to the government.

Two weeks ago a health food shop owner in a country town with zero cases refused to wear a mask and didn't enforce his customers wearing masks. He was dobbed in by some grubs and the Police arrested and handcuffed him and closed his shop down using the powers of the Health orders. Also, it's a $5000 fine. People are dobbing people and shops in to the police - like Nazi Germany ( mind you, some people on this board like Nazi Germany so this is what it would look like living in Nazi Germany - you do as the State tells you ).

Crazy world we live in.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: July 25, 2021 01:18AM

Major Patriot
Jul 17··
Wow. Dan Scavino posted this video on Twitter an hour ago with the caption: DEMS CONTINUE THEIR PLAYBOOK…

“When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them...ANTI-SEMITIC...”

JR’s Notes:

0:37 Minute Video

0:00 MM
In 1943, the following directive was issued from Party Headquarters to all Communists in the United States. It read:

0:08 MM
“When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them after suitable build ups as Fascist or Nazi or Anti-Semitic and use the prestige of Anti-Fascist and Intolerance Organizations to discredit them. In the public mind, constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a Bad Smell. The association will, after enough repetitions, become fact in the public mind.” 0:37 MM

Re: NO talking
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: July 25, 2021 01:54AM

The Communist take over of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 is happening right now in America and if it wasn't for Hitler and Operation Barbarossa, what's happening now all around the world would have happened a long time ago.


What If Germany Had Won?
Fourteen Days That Saved the World

9:02 MM & 349:33 MM
What If Germany Had Won?

1. A war-torn Europe would have been spectacularly built, supervised by Hitler’s architect Albert Speer.
2. Berlin, now renamed Germania, would be the capital of Europe. All Europeans would have benefited from the German “Economic Miracle”.
3. No USSR and thus, No Cold War or “Iron Curtain”.
4. No Red China and the subsequent killing of 40-60 Million Chinese.
5. No Communism anywhere.
6. The end of the Political Ideology known as Zionism.
7. A Palestine free from Israel aggression and the relocation of Jews to Madagascar.
8. Greater stability in a Middle East without Israel.
9. No fictitious “War on Terror”.
10. A Ban on Usury and privately-owned Central Banks.
11. Abolishment of Freemasonry.
12. No depraved Hollywood Movie Industry.
13. No “Political Correctness”.
14. An emphasis on traditional family values.
15. No Cultural Marxism or Liberalism and their devastating consequences: Drugs, Abortion, Pornography, Open Homosexuality, Radical Feminist Movement.
16. No multiculturalism and present Jewish Policy of forced 3rd world non-Western immigration to the West.
10:10 MM & 350.33 MM

How Hitler Saved Europe
It astonishes and saddens me that I was taught and told such a distorted version of history all these years. That's all I can say.

“Fourteen Days that Saved the World”

Paul Ballard

‘The Nazi command succeeded in forestalling our troops literally two weeks before the war began.’ -- General S. P. Ivanov, Chief of the General Staff Academy of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1974.

The critical moment of World War Two – if not of the twentieth century – is generally regarded as Adolf Hitler’s decision in 1941 to launch an unprovoked assault upon a hitherto neutral and peaceful Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa, as it was called, is perceived as the great tactical mistake which doomed Nazi Germany to defeat. Icebreaker, by Russian historian Victor Suvorov, exposes this scenario as nonsense. This extensively researched piece of historical revisionism provides compelling evidence that Operation Barbarossa was a reluctant pre-emptive strike against a massive Soviet military machine which was at that time poised to invade not just Germany, but the whole of Western Europe.

Suvorov quotes top secret Soviet documents which make it crystal clear that Soviet military theory was based on offence and the conquest of territory “for the World revolution.” And this theoretical plan for offensive war was matched by practical preparations in every branch of the armed forces.

In 1939, when Britain declared war on Germany, Hitler came into the war with a total of 3,195 tanks, fewer than the Kharkov works in the Soviet Union was producing every six months on a “peace-time” footing. The Kharkov works produced the BT high speed tank which was capable of 100km/h and had a range of 700km. Based on a design by the American tank genius J. W. Christie, these tanks had their engine and transmission systems at the rear and were twenty-five years ahead of their time. By 1936, BT tanks were fording deep rivers underwater and driving along river beds.

On unmade roads the BT operated (although not very effectively) on heavy tracks, but once on good roads, the tracks were discarded and the tank raced ahead on wheels. The only real roads were to be found in western Europe, in particular the German autobahn network, for which the tanks were intended. The claim that Stalin’s tanks were not ready for war is not true; they were not ready for a defensive war.

The same applied to Soviet aircraft in both numbers and quality. Communist falsifiers in the post-war period claimed that although the Soviet Union had many aircraft, they were inferior. In fact, the most heavily armed fighter in the world in 1939 was the Russian Polikarov I-16; the type 17 had two synchronised 7.62mm machine-guns and two 20mm cannons mounted on the wings, conferring a weight of fire twice that of the Messerschmitt 109E-1, and nearly three times that of the Spitfire 1.

Rocket First

Soviet aircraft builders created a plane, unique in the world, which had an armoured fusilage. The IL-2 was virtually a flying tank with extremely high powered weaponry, including eight rocket launchers. Soviet planes were the first in the world to use rockets in combat.

The fatal weakness in this formidable airforce was that none of its pilots had been trained for dog-fights with enemy planes. The Soviet battle plan relied on a massive surprise attack to knock out the enemy airforce on the ground in the first few hours of the war. By mid-June 1941, in final preparation for such a blow, Stalin’s planes themselves presented an ideal target, packed wingtip to wingtip on temporary airstrips immediately behind the front line, rather than being dispersed several hundred miles to the rear as they would have been in preparation for a defensive war.

Likewise, airborne assault troops are only useful to an aggressor. Countries concerned with defence need very few. Hitler had created only 4,000 paratroopers by 1939, but Stalin already had more than a million – 200 times more than the rest of the world, including Germany, put together. There were 10 Corps, each supported by airborne artillery and even battalions of light amphibious tanks.

Soviet engineers were also hoping to land hundreds, or even thousands, of tanks in the West. Antonov, the aircraft designer, suggested that the ordinary tank be fitted with wings and a tail with its hull used as the framework. The tank crew controlled the flight by turning the turret and raising the barrel of the cannon! The entire construction of the KT was astonishingly simple. The risks of flying it even the short path between being dropped from a plane and landing on the ground were unusually great, but human life was cheap to Stalin. The idea was that just before landing the tank engine was started up and the tracks made to revolve at maximum speed. The KT then landed on its tracks and gradually braked. It is claimed that prototypes were actually flown but, like the million paratroopers, they were no use in the unexpected defensive war started by the German invasion.

Once the paratroopers had seized key points and airfields, the Soviet plan then called for huge numbers of reinforcements to be flown in. As well as building massive numbers of C-47 (Dakota) heavy transport planes under licence from the U. S. government, Stalin ordered a huge glider building programme. The ten different designs included Antonov’s multi-seater assault glider the A-7 and the KZ-20, which could carry twenty soldiers.

The human cost of this extravagant military expansion was horrific. Having sold Russia’s artistic treasures and vast reserves of gold, platinum and diamonds, the Bolsheviks began their notorious collectivisation programme. The peasants were driven into collective farms so that crops could be taken from them without payment. Ten to sixteen million died from the collectivisation and the resulting famine, compared with 2.5 million Russians in World War One. Yet Stalin sold five million tons of grain abroad every year.

Stalin Line

Some of the money was spent on the thirteen fortified regions which were built along the Soviet Union’s western frontier, in a strip of territory unofficially called the Stalin Line. A complex system of combat and supply installations, armoured and built of concrete, was constructed along the 30-50km deep zone; there were also reinforced concrete underground premises to serve as storage depots and command posts.

The fortified regions were built with enormous effort and vast expense during the first two Five Year Plans. In 1938 it was decided to reinforce each region by building heavy artillery carponiers. More than a thousand combat installations a year were concreted into the region.

In 1939 the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed. Once Poland had been partitioned there was no longer a neutral buffer zone. Stalin could have ordered the garrisons on the line to be strengthened and additional belts of fortified zones could have been constructed behind and in front of the existing line. But in fact the existing fortified regions were dismantled. Some military buildings were handed over to collective farms for vegetable storage, but most were buried or dismantled. In the spring of 1941 powerful explosions thundered across the 1,200km line as armoured firing positions were blown up.

The reason was simple: Stalin had decided to spread Bolshevism westwards, and the belt of fortifications would have blocked supply routes, creating dangerous bottlenecks for the millions of tons of ammunition, food supplies and fuel needed for the offensive.

Only a week after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, Stalin played his first dirty trick. Hitler began the war with Poland as they had agreed, but Stalin claimed that he was not yet ready. Hitler found himself on his own, and immediately at war with France and Britain as well. Meanwhile, Stalin marked the conclusion of this “non-aggression” treaty by introducing general military service.

A new “defensive” line was started in partitioned Poland, but although constructed very slowly and visibly, it remained a comparatively light and uncomplicated series of fortifications. Mines were removed from the vicinity of bridges and mile after mile of barbed wire was cut. Unnecessary bridges across rivers on the new frontier remained intact, and later greatly aided the German advance.

In the spring of 1941, the Germans began similar preparations. Both sides erected offensive fortifications. Before launching an attack great masses of troops would have to be concentrated in very narrow sectors: German troops in the Suwalki and Lublin salients and Soviet troops in the areas of Lvov and Bialystok. In order to assemble these shock groupings the secondary sectors were denuded of troops – the lightweight fortifications prevented them from being completely exposed.

With, by 1941, the last obstacles to the Red advance removed, the Soviet Union possessed thirty separate armies. This was the largest military force the world had ever seen and it could not be maintained for long without mass starvation. The plundering of neighbouring countries would have been the only means of paying for and justifying such a force.

Many of the best armies were not deployed to fight Germany but to invade virtually defenceless neutral states, as Stalin had already done throughout Eastern Europe. The 9th army was concentrated on the frontier with Rumania and an assault crossing of the Danube was planned by its 14th Rifle Corps. The 12th and 18th “mountain armies” were positioned to move south-west along the Carpathian mountains to cut Germany off from the Ploesti oilfield in Rumania and west into Czechoslovakia, which would enable Stalin to cut the Rumania-Germany oil pipeline. Without this irreplaceable Rumanian oil, the tanks, lorries, submarines, battleships and planes which were massed far away to the west would simply grind to a halt.

The seven armies in the Second Strategic Echelon included many thousands of men who had been released from concentration camps that spring to expiate their “guilt” by fighting for the Soviets. The generals and officers were also usually former political prisoners and were desperate to prove their worth. Their lives and those of their families were at stake. They were known as the “Black Divisions” because many still wore their black Gulag uniforms. The most powerful of the Second Echelon armies was the 19th, which was transferred from the North Caucasus to approximately 150km north of the Black Sea. It contained mountain rifle divisions which could also be used in Rumania. They were making their way to the frontier when Germany invaded.

They were not alone. In the final preparations for the attack on the West, millions of soldiers were still heading for the front in trains. Very often their ammunition and heavy weapons were being transported separately. Huge supply dumps were stockpiled just a few miles from the German lines. Most of the airforce were similarly exposed. For a few critical days, Stalin’s mighty invasion force was incapable of defending itself.

Stalin believed that he had convinced Hitler that the Soviet Union was truly neutral and assumed that the Germans were busy finalising an invasion of Britain. Hitler’s conquests had created an unprecedented situation in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, France, Greece and Albania. Their armies, governments, parliaments and political parties had been destroyed. Stalin’s huge armies were in an ideal position to take over Europe, but Hitler guessed Stalin’s design so that even in 1945 the Soviets only got half of Europe, and some territory in Asia.

At a Politburo meeting on 21st June 1941 G. R. U. (Military Intelligence) chief General Golikov reported that there was a massive concentration of the German airforce on the Soviet border, enormous reserves of ammunition and a regrouping of German forces. He even knew the name of the operation – Barbarossa.

Frozen Wastes

Yet Stalin at first refused to believe what was happening. He had established a sophisticated intelligence network to give him long advance warning of a decision by Hitler to wage war in the frozen wastes of Russia. His key indicators were breathtakingly simple. For an army to survive the winter, every man would need to possess a thick sheepskin greatcoat. Soviet agents therefore kept a close watch for a sudden rise in the demand for sheepskins and a fall in the price of mutton as slaughter was stepped up. Meanwhile, other agents scoured rifle ranges for scraps of cloth used by German soldiers to clean their weapons. Soviet chemists then analysed them in order to find out whether the Germans had developed a gun oil which would not freeze in harsh weather. There was still no sign of such an oil – or of a non-freezing engine oil – in June 1941, so Stalin was convinced that Hitler had no intention of attacking him. Hitler would have his forces concentrated in France, or even fighting in England, as the Red Army cut off their only source of fuel oil, crashed into a virtually undefended Reich and then “liberated” the whole of Western Europe.

Hitler, of course, had not ordered such preparations because he had not planned on a war against Russia. Only in the spring of 1941 did intelligence reports of troop concentrations and Soviet moves to cut Germany’s oil lifeline with Rumania force Hitler to take the desperate chance of opening a second front with a hasty pre-emptive strike.

Initially at least, the gamble paid off. Caught in transit or crammed together in their own start-off positions, whole Soviet armies were annihilated. Most of the airforce was destroyed on the ground. The thousands of lightly armoured assault tanks were virtually helpless, and forced to operate in the roadless wastes of Russia they were easily out-manoeuvred by the Germans’ conventional cross-country tanks.

All this makes Icebreaker the definitive account of the build up to Operation Groza (“Thunderstorm”) – the Soviet conquest of Europe scheduled to begin early in the morning of Sunday 6 July 1941. Suvorov’s revelations about the massive expansion of the NKVD [the blood-soaked forerunner of the KGB] are particularly chilling: these killers would have moved behind the assault troops to liquidate “class enemies.” The Bolshevik torture chambers and death pits which claimed millions of victims in the enslaved nations of the East would have spread throughout the West as well.

With Germany and France under the Soviet jackboot, Italy and Spain would quickly have fallen too. And Stalin’s one million paratroopers would have made short work of seizing the airfields of southern England to clear the way for a full-scale invasion.

Lenin and his pupil Stalin never made any secret of their desire for a Second World War to establish a Communist Europe. For the fact that this monstrous plan failed, the pseudo-democrats, simpering priests and court historians have no-one to thank but Adolf Hitler. If it had not been for the man they love to hate, they would have been the first against the wall.


Also see: A New Look at the Good War

Maybe the most evil man in world history (or so I was told) wasn't all that.


Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 25, 2021 02:09AM

I'm living the " dream / nightmare " in Sydney. In our state ( New South Wales ) we've only had 55 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Out of the 5 people who have died recently, one was in their 90's, two in their 80's. Every day we have a one hour news conference where we're lectured about not going out, not ... luckily we're the only state where you don't have to wear a mask outdoors unless you're congregating near people. You can still go out to exercise as long as you like, and you can go shopping where you have to QR code in. Sometimes I QR code in and sometimes I don't. If you happen to be in the shop when someone has tested positive then you have to get tested and self isolate for 14 days. Because we're so isolated from the rest of the world and there's nowhere to hide it's such a police state. There was a street protest yesterday and the Police say they're going to track down all 3500 people who attended and fine them.

We used to be the nanny state, now we're the Police state. We've been in lockdown for 4 weeks and the way it's going with the Delta variant it looks like we'll probably be in some sort of lockdown till September ? October when we have 60 - 70 % vaccination rates according to the government.

Two weeks ago a health food shop owner in a country town with zero cases refused to wear a mask and didn't enforce his customers wearing masks. He was dobbed in by some grubs and the Police arrested and handcuffed him and closed his shop down using the powers of the Health orders. Also, it's a $5000 fine. People are dobbing people and shops in to the police - like Nazi Germany ( mind you, some people on this board like Nazi Germany so this is what it would look like living in Nazi Germany - you do as the State tells you ).

Crazy world we live in.

hopefully the brave protesters will turn the tide.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 25, 2021 02:10AM

These are the most messed up people I have ever encountered. They can't be human...

Just got TT membership
Going on the road...

See you in Texas!

going to JR's place?

Re: NO talking
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: July 25, 2021 02:14AM

Hate Speech Demystified...
Posted by: John Rose
Date: July 21, 2021 12:18AM

Hate Speech Demystified | Why Most People Hate the TRUTH
23:42 Minute Video

Published on Jul 20, 2021
In this Video, John Rose takes a closer look at Hate Speech and why most people Hate the TRUTH. John reminds everyone that a small group of monsters have taken control over the minds of the masses through long-term indoctrination and policies that are meant to breed dependency.

Please join John and everyone else on the Hero’s Journey so we can Play our Role and Prove to the World that it’s up to each and every one of us to be the Change which we wish to see so we can put an end to all of the Needless Suffering on this Planet.

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” -George Orwell, Real Name - Eric Arthur Blair (1903 - 1950)

“The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” -H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

Related Videos & Videos Mentioned in this Video:

The First Step to Paradise - []
Disease Mysteries Revealed - []
What Is the Healthiest Diet for Humans? - []
Satan’s Secret Weapon - []
Those Who Control the Narrative Rule Society - []
Everything Can Be Explained With Magic! - []
The Quest of the Historical Jesus | Happiness Depends On Serving Others - []

This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech. Learn more about combating hate speech in your country.

Fourteen Days That Saved the World
11:21 Minute Video

Published on Feb 26, 2017
In this Video, John Rose takes a closer look at Fourteen Days That Saved the World.

Per Video Tape JR# M2U00232 - 11:21 made 2-25-17:

Hello, my name is John Rose and in this Video, I’d like to take a closer look at Operation Barbarossa. Have y’all heard about that one before? If you haven’t, you really should know about it because if it wasn’t Operation Barbarossa, this would be a whole different world we’re living in right now. Operation Barbarossa is referred to as Fourteen Days That Saved the World.

Now what I’m going to do in this really shot Video is I’m not going to go into much detail about this, but I will put a link down below in the description box to a really fascinating article where you can see where Hitler was forced to pre-emptively attack Russia because he found out what they were about to do. They’re about to not just attack Germany, but all of Western Europe and Hitler found out about this and because he did a pre-emptive attack he was able to foil their whole plans. If it wasn’t for Hitler, we would have been under Communists Rule a long time ago.

People always say, oh, if I could just go back in time, who would you Kill. Go Kill Hitler and you know, I’ve seen TV Shows about this. We’re so Brainwashed on this on so many levels and yet, if that was to happen, y’all wouldn’t like the outcome. We’ve got to realize that just about everything we’ve been told about what this man has done is Wrong - they’re Lies. You got to Empty your Cup and look at the other Version. Don’t ask stupid Questions about this and this and this - they’re Lies - throw them out! Look at the other Version. Consider the possibility that Hitler is the victim of the Hitlerian Lie. He was exposing that Lie - Not promoting It and it’s ironic that it’s now accredited to him when if you read his book, he points out that this is credited to someone else who then, turned it around and used it against him.

So this is a really interesting article - I want y’all to look at this. Just to give you a quick overview you can tell what type of Military you have whether it’s Offensive or Defensive based on a few characteristics. One of them is the number of paratroopers you have. Germany only had 4,000 paratroopers. If you’re all about Defense, you don’t need a bunch of paratroopers, but if you’re all about Offense, that’s how you do it you have a bunch of paratroopers. Germany - 4,000 paratroopers. Russia - 1 Million! 1 Million - 200 times more than the entire world. They’re about to attack Western Europe. They had these Huge Flying Tanks with Rockets on them. Russia was the first to use Rockets.

3:07 MM
If it wasn’t for Hitler, this would be a different world. We’ve got to open up our mind and realize what kind of injustice we’re doing to this man and it reminds me of what happened to me when I got into College and I found out that I was lied to about the American Indians - that they weren’t Savages - they weren’t scalping us - we were scalping them. The “White Man” had bounties on the Native Americans and they retaliated and yet, I grew up thinking that these were the Bad people. I really feel bad that I felt that way about someone and they didn’t deserve that type of condemnation.

Well you guys, most of us, every one of us, basically, is doing that to Hitler and the German people. These are Lies, just like we Lied about the Native Americans, just like we Lie about everybody! We’ve got to accept this and I’m not saying anybody is a Saint, but we’re at a point right now where we need some Leaders and that’s what Hitler was to the German people. He was a Great Leader. He was a man. He wasn’t perfect. But when you look at the last century and you consider that 262 Million people we murdered during peace time and that this is going to keep happening, we’ve got to realize what history is all about.

We’ve got to Empty our Cup. Sit down before fact like a little child and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion. At least try to hold 2 possibilities in your mind at the same time and when you do that, you’ll realize the Official Story falls apart like all most Official Stories do. With an open mind within 5 minutes you can Prove the Holocaust is a Scam - 5 minutes - with an open mind. And once you realize that’s a Scam, then everything else falls apart too. It’s like Building 7 is the smoking gun on 911. We know that Building was wired and if that Building was wired, we know the other Buildings were wired. We know the Official Version is Wrong! That’s part of the spoils of war - you get to have a Monopoly on writing the history for posterity.

We have to understand that my friends and we don’t need to know any details. When we look at what Germany and Japan and even Gaddafi has done, the only Message we need to take home from that is Stop letting someone else Print our Money. 5:43 MM

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 09:14AM

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 09:18AM

That's how bad it is here in the Police State of NSW. Police are treating people worse than they treat criminals -the Police here are like the Stasi, the former East German secret service.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: July 25, 2021 01:14PM

What If Germany Had Won?

6. The end of the Political Ideology known as Zionism.

NO Zionism - NO Communism - NO Tyranny -
NO Usury - NO Central Banks -
NO Fake Pandemic -
NO Lock Downs - NO Face Masks- NO Vaccines -
NO New Normal - NO Great Reset !!!

Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 25, 2021 02:45PM

does BJ STILL THINK there's no conspiracy and a scary virus?

well BJ?

Time for a mea culpa?

Do you want to apologize for trolling us?

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 03:43PM


No need to apologise. The virus is real, but that's not the same as living in a Police state and not being able to express your opinion.

Not all Raw fooders are science deniers. John Kohler from OK Raw believes he caught Covid last year, but the Alpha variant and it took him 6 months to get over it.

Paul Nisson from The Raw Life Health Show knows people who have caught it. I definitely don't want to take my chances of getting it because some peolpe it affects badly while others get off scot free.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 25, 2021 04:35PM


No need to apologise. The virus is real, but that's not the same as living in a Police state and not being able to express your opinion.

Not all Raw fooders are science deniers. John Kohler from OK Raw believes he caught Covid last year, but the Alpha variant and it took him 6 months to get over it.

Paul Nisson from The Raw Life Health Show knows people who have caught it. I definitely don't want to take my chances of getting it because some peolpe it affects badly while others get off scot free.

I see you are incapable of learning or rational thought.

I'm not a science denier

I don't believe things without evidence and you certainly have not presented any nor has anyone else. and I have presented evidence debunking the fake pandemic.

you just can't seem to get it through your thick skull
that SOMEONE SICK doesn't mean COVID.
AND a positive test is meaningless.

your level of ignorance is astounding, but you're like half the people out there.

not the same as living in a Police state and not being able to express your opinion

So does that happen every flu season? I will answer for you.
It does not.
Hence, conspiracy. you are dense.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2021 04:42PM by fresh.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 07:46PM

I'm living the " dream / nightmare " in Sydney. In our state ( New South Wales ) we've only had 55 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Out of the 5 people who have died recently, one was in their 90's, two in their 80's. Every day we have a one hour news conference where we're lectured about not going out, not ... luckily we're the only state where you don't have to wear a mask outdoors unless you're congregating near people. You can still go out to exercise as long as you like, and you can go shopping where you have to QR code in. Sometimes I QR code in and sometimes I don't. If you happen to be in the shop when someone has tested positive then you have to get tested and self isolate for 14 days. Because we're so isolated from the rest of the world and there's nowhere to hide it's such a police state. There was a street protest yesterday and the Police say they're going to track down all 3500 people who attended and fine them.

We used to be the nanny state, now we're the Police state. We've been in lockdown for 4 weeks and the way it's going with the Delta variant it looks like we'll probably be in some sort of lockdown till September ? October when we have 60 - 70 % vaccination rates according to the government.

Two weeks ago a health food shop owner in a country town with zero cases refused to wear a mask and didn't enforce his customers wearing masks. He was dobbed in by some grubs and the Police arrested and handcuffed him and closed his shop down using the powers of the Health orders. Also, it's a $5000 fine. People are dobbing people and shops in to the police - like Nazi Germany ( mind you, some people on this board like Nazi Germany so this is what it would look like living in Nazi Germany - you do as the State tells you ).

Crazy world we live in.

Thanks for the update! Amazing what's happening in other countries eye rolling smiley

I read that once the vaccination gets approval, they're going to start locking down the unvaccinated.

I never heard the word dobbing before -


Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 08:17PM

Get a load of this ...


Punch line at the end of the video eye popping smiley

Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 09:09PM


This is the only good thing happening:

"For the first time, the police have joined the protesters in France."

Unlike in Canada where the police attack protesters.

Police in Italy join the protesters -


Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 09:35PM

I wasn't sure if ' dobbing in ' was used in the US but I used the term anyway. Apparently it's a British, Australian and New Zealand term. I've been living here so long from Canada. It's like tattletale - but of a more serious nature, whereas tattletale is what kids do.

This country used to detest dobbers, but since Covid we've become a nation of dobbers. There were a few cafes that weren't wearing masks or enforcing mask wearing so some nasty people would ring the cops - even though there are dozens of cafes around the place and they don't have to go in.

You're not allowed to have visitors to your house - even relatives, so when people are having small gatherings at home and if the neighbours hear them they call the police and everyone gets a $1000 fine.

The only good thing is we don't have to wear masks outdoors but some people are trying to get the government to enforce outdoor mask wearing, but for now they're standing firm.

At the moment we have a Liberal Party in government and they're the equivalent of you're Republicans as opposed to the Labor party which is the equivalent to your Dems, but it seems that there is no differnece.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 09:41PM

Yup, remember a few years ago when they took away all the firearms from the Aussies ...


We can't let that happen here.


Ten Best Countries for Gun Owners


You can tell a lot about a national government by its trust of law-abiding, armed citizens.

Nations with a functioning government in place were considered and judged based on their rates of civilian firearm ownership, open or concealed carry legislation and other factors.


Gun Ownership by Country 2021


Yay, USA!

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 09:46PM

This all started in Sydney from a careless limousine driver who didn't follow proper protocols and picked up an infected overseas pilot who had the Delta strain and took him to his hotel and caught it off him. Then he spread it around and it spread everywhere. For the previous 8 months we were living normally without masks, social distancing or anything - just like pre Covid. There was no Covid in Sydney or NSW. No one is hospital or anything. Overnight we've gone from living normally to this nightmare - that's why a lot of people are peed off.

I would liked to have gone on the march but I didn't want a $1000 fine or be on TV.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 25, 2021 10:01PM

This all started in Sydney from a careless limousine driver who didn't follow proper protocols and picked up an infected overseas pilot who had the Delta strain and took him to his hotel and caught it off him. Then he spread it around and it spread everywhere. For the previous 8 months we were living normally without masks, social distancing or anything - just like pre Covid. There was no Covid in Sydney or NSW. No one is hospital or anything. Overnight we've gone from living normally to this nightmare - that's why a lot of people are peed off.

I would liked to have gone on the march but I didn't want a $1000 fine or be on TV.

Prove it.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 10:04PM

I wasn't sure if ' dobbing in ' was used in the US but I used the term anyway. Apparently it's a British, Australian and New Zealand term. I've been living here so long from Canada. It's like tattletale - but of a more serious nature, whereas tattletale is what kids do.

This country used to detest dobbers, but since Covid we've become a nation of dobbers. There were a few cafes that weren't wearing masks or enforcing mask wearing so some nasty people would ring the cops - even though there are dozens of cafes around the place and they don't have to go in.

You're not allowed to have visitors to your house - even relatives, so when people are having small gatherings at home and if the neighbours hear them they call the police and everyone gets a $1000 fine.

The only good thing is we don't have to wear masks outdoors but some people are trying to get the government to enforce outdoor mask wearing, but for now they're standing firm.

At the moment we have a Liberal Party in government and they're the equivalent of you're Republicans as opposed to the Labor party which is the equivalent to your Dems, but it seems that there is no difference.

That's why I kind of hope the snitches/vaccinated people, get messed up by the Vaccine, except for my siblings and the naive.

Here we also have the RINO Republicans, lily-livered cavers, who are almost the same as the Dems, except not as transparent. Probably that's whose mostly in your Liberal Party. Lucky we have the Conservatives, Libertarians and Freedom Caucus/Tea Party politicians at least.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 10:10PM

This all started in Sydney from a careless limousine driver who didn't follow proper protocols and picked up an infected overseas pilot who had the Delta strain and took him to his hotel and caught it off him. Then he spread it around and it spread everywhere. For the previous 8 months we were living normally without masks, social distancing or anything - just like pre Covid. There was no Covid in Sydney or NSW. No one is hospital or anything. Overnight we've gone from living normally to this nightmare - that's why a lot of people are peed off.

I would liked to have gone on the march but I didn't want a $1000 fine or be on TV.

Prove it.

I have to agree - that sounds like the 'Official Story' kind of narrative. Remember you can't believe anything 'they' say regarding this Covid Coup.

Also, I'm not a believer in the 'Delta Variant' narrative, either.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: July 25, 2021 10:24PM

This all started in Sydney from a careless limousine driver who didn't follow proper protocols and picked up an infected overseas pilot who had the Delta strain and took him to his hotel and caught it off him. Then he spread it around and it spread everywhere. For the previous 8 months we were living normally without masks, social distancing or anything - just like pre Covid. There was no Covid in Sydney or NSW. No one is hospital or anything. Overnight we've gone from living normally to this nightmare - that's why a lot of people are peed off.

I would liked to have gone on the march but I didn't want a $1000 fine or be on TV.

Prove it.

I have to agree - that sounds like the 'Official Story' kind of narrative. Remember you can't believe anything 'they' say regarding this Covid Coup.

Also, I'm not a believer in the 'Delta Variant' narrative, either.

People who believe that nonsense story know nothing about viruses or actual science or evidence or sickness causation. They offer no evidence other than assertions from msm articles then gaslight and think i need to prove something because everyone believes something. Its really tiresome ignorance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2021 10:35PM by fresh.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 10:28PM

Jennifer, what state do you live in and what's it like there at the moment re Covid, masks, social distancing, etc, or is it completely open?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2021 10:29PM by BJ.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: July 25, 2021 11:19PM

Virginia, and no it's not good here the last decade or so since Virginia became a Red State because of Northern Virginia where all the Washington, DC people live. We have Governor Ralph (blackface) Northam and he's pretty draconian. Not as bad as CA, NY, NJ, and Cruella de Vil Gretchen Whitmer. But since the end of May, Northam lifted the mask requirement, social distancing and capacity requirements to comply with the CDC new guidelines, so we can go anywhere without a mask unless you're unvaccinated, then you're supposed to wear one, but I, like a lot of the unvaccinated, don't wear one, and businesses aren't supposed to ask you if you're vaccinated or not, so it's not bad now. Although it's also up to the business itself, and a few places do still require masks. My Library has a sign, "Please wear a mask in the library to protect the children." eye rolling smiley

Are you thinking of moving to the US?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2021 11:34PM by Jennifer.

Re: NO talking
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: July 25, 2021 11:53PM

No, been here too long Down Under to move. Just curious where the people on this board live. Originally I'm from Montreal but that would be too cold for me now.The good thing about Oz is that quite a bit of it is the tropics so when you want to go to warmer climes you don't need to go to another country.

Good to see that you have your freedom back.

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