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The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: September 18, 2021 12:12AM

The Biden people want to monitor all bank accounts with over $400 in them. It's in that massive Democrat Wishlist Destroy America Spending Bill angry smiley

Under Biden Plan, The IRS Would Know A Lot More About Your Bank Accounts


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2021 12:14AM by Jennifer.

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: September 18, 2021 01:00AM

This is from Issues & Insights, who are the same editors who used to write the IBD Editorials before IBD stopped writing Editorials. (I wonder why ...)

Who Pays For Dems’ Plan To Spend Trillions To ‘Stimulate’ Economy? Hint: Not The Rich


The increasingly far-left Democrats and President Joe Biden seem dead set on pushing through another massive “stimulus” package of $3.5 trillion. Given the chance, they’ll make it even bigger. To pass it, they’re promising that someone called the “rich” will pay for it all. Don’t believe it.

It’s only “fair,” they say, to make “wealthy Americans” and corporations pay for all the things you want and need, especially upgraded infrastructure, improved health care, and better schools.

The best example of this mindset was this week’s viral photo of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a designer dress emblazoned with “Tax The Rich” while attending a $30,000-a-plate fundraiser (above). The irony, apparently, is lost on Democrats.

The Dems’ plan, on paper at least, claims to collect about $2.9 trillion from the wealthy and corporations, mainly by raising tax rates on high-income families from 37% to 39.6%, corporate tax rates from 21% to 26.5%, and by jacking up the capital-gains tax rate from 20% to 25%.

Another $900 billion or so will come from the vague category of “taxpayer compliance,” which seems to indicate a more aggressive IRS, and from letting Medicare directly “negotiate” – that is, extort – steep cuts in drug prices by pharmaceutical companies.

If all this sounds good to you, you’re not alone. It’s a siren song that middle-class Americans have heard, and believed, before. But it’s all a lie.

Indeed, a new report from the Joint Tax Committee shows that the Biden-Democrat spending plan breaks his promise not to tax anyone under $400,000 income. The analysis found Biden’s plan would hike taxes for those making as little as $30,000 a year starting in 2027.

As we’ve previously said, virtually all of the tax hikes the government says will hit only the “rich” and “big corporations” will be paid mainly by you, a cold fact that can’t be repeated enough.

First, let’s dispose of the idea that the rich will pay all these taxes. They won’t. The reason? Despite the left’s propaganda to the contrary, the so-called rich already pay a far bigger share of total taxes than anyone else.

In 2018, the last year for which data are fully available, the top 1% earned 20.9% of all income, but paid a record 40.1% of all income taxes. That’s up sharply since 2001, when the top earners paid “just” 33.2% of total income taxes.

Indeed, the top 1% paid more in taxes in 2018 than the bottom 90%, which paid just 28.6% of taxes. The rich won’t just sit still and have more money taken from them. They have accountants and lawyers to find loopholes. It’s guaranteed, Democrats’ revenue estimates will come up far short.

What’s more, even the $2.9 trillion isn’t likely to pay for even half of the planned spending, as a recent piece by the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) pointed out. That’s because, as estimated by the Committee for a Responsible Budget, the real spending in the Democrats’ bill is likely to total as much as $5.5 trillion over the next decade.

That leaves trillions in spending that will have to be paid for with debt, adding to our already unsustainable $29-trillion-and-rising pile of federal IOUs and permanently enlarging our massive federal government.

OK, you say, what about the billionaires, the so-called “ultra-rich”? Can’t we take their money and pay for it all? You know, a wealth tax?

FEE calls attention to a recent Wall Street Journal piece that did the math. It found even if the government “were to confiscate every asset of every American billionaire – Jeff Bezos’ rockets; Elon Musk’s bitcoin; Larry Ellison’s boats; Oprah Winfrey’s houses; Ted Turner’s ranches; Jay-Z’s car collection; even the starched shirt off the back of poor Larry Fink, who tied for last place on the Forbes list, at $1 billion – it still wouldn’t cover the cost of Democrats’ next two legislative plans.”

The point is, if the rich can’t pay for all this extravagance, how will you pay for it?

Here’s how: Even if your tax rates stay where they are, you’ll pay through higher inflation, which is a tax that benefits government, not you. Inflation has already spiked to a 20-year high, thanks to Bidenomics’ soaring government spending and the Fed’s ever-running money machine. And it’s set to go higher, shrinking both your real income and the actual value of your savings.

But you’ll also pay in other ways. Planned green taxes, rules and fees under the new infrastructure bill, for example, mean it will cost you more to fuel your car, heat your home, buy food, or buy anything made in a factory. You may think they’re going after big energy companies, but their real target is you.

Higher capital gains taxes will also hurt middle-class workers, not the rich. More than half of all American workers now own stock, either through IRAs or 401(k)s and other retirement devices, or through individual accounts.

As a recent Forbes report noted: “A study from 2016 finds that shareholders/owners bear around 40% of state corporate income taxes while employees bear 30 to 35%. So, even though corporate tax increases are not levied directly on workers, they still affect workers indirectly by lowering their wages.”

Besides, the “rich” is really just leftist code for “investors.” And when you tax investors more, as the so-called Infrastructure bill does, what do you get less of? Investment, of course. That means fewer jobs, less innovation, lower incomes, not as many choices, and higher prices for everything you buy. Punitive taxation is foolish and self-defeating.

So don’t buy the class-warfare tax-the-rich rhetoric of the left. It’s really a con game played on the middle-class by the Democrats to make the public think they’re “building infrastructure,” when in fact they’re building more government. This con will result not only in a massive, less-efficient federal government, but in more regulation, sharply lower incomes, more waste and corruption, and far less freedom to live your life as you see fit.

Promises of utopia through ever-expanding government paid for by the rich, a perennial socialist ideal, never work out. In the end, average Americans, not the rich, always pick up the tab.

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: September 18, 2021 11:03AM

This country is a sick demented joke.

The IRS should be abolished

Sales tax instead

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: September 18, 2021 01:39PM

Yup. Tax the Big Spenders.

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 15, 2021 02:47PM

The Slimy LEFT paying off the MAINSTREAM MEDIA for all their Propaganda (LIES) -

A window of opportunity has at last opened for federal aid to support local journalism


An act tucked inside the federal spending bill could deliver as much as $1 billion to subsidize local journalists’ salaries.

As the $3.5 trillion federal spending bill slowly makes its way through the House and Senate budget reconciliation process, tucked inside is as much as $1 billion to help local journalism.

Specifically, lawmakers have picked up on one of three provisions of the proposed Local Journalism Sustainability Act — a payroll tax credit for journalists employed by local newspapers, digital-only sites or broadcast outlets. The government would subsidize half of salaries up to $50,000 the first year and 30% for four subsequent years.

Of course, what goes into the draft of the mammoth spending bill can also come out as priorities compete for inclusion — and the $3.5 trillion and the passage of the bill both remain in question.

Still, the potential impact on local journalism could be enormous. Imagine, for a very rough estimate, 50,000 qualifying journalists times an average tax credit of $20,000. That would be $1 billion.

Even assuming a smaller total in the hundreds of millions, that level of federal help would be a life-saving infusion of cash for some financially pressed newspapers and struggling digital startups. And an enhancement for local TV and NPR affiliates and commercial news radio.

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: October 15, 2021 11:54PM

Not a single budget under the Biden administration has been funded. The Federal Reserve is out of cash, and they are unable to create new allocation numbers. Before the 2008 crash, there was about $14 trillion in circulation for the whole world. Today it is about $2 trillion. The Rothschilds are no longer able to create new money.

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: October 15, 2021 11:57PM

Also, you may have heard that the Biden vaccine mandate has never been ratified. In fact, not of the laws in the Biden administration, whether there were executive orders or Congressional laws, have been ratified.

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 16, 2021 06:17PM

Yes, I heard there's no Executive Order, nothing, just Biden's Edict. But that hasn't stopped the self-loathing companies (because why would they want to mandate vaccines and lose half their staff and mess up their business ...) jumping on the bandwagon and sticking it to their Unvaxxed employees. It's OSHA that's supposed to come up with the actual rule or whatever you call it.

The same as how the Vaccines that the FDA has given approval to aren't in use yet, so all the vaccines that people are getting are still under EUA, but that hasn't stopped the Sheeple from lining up to get vaxxed, even if they know that fact. eye rolling smiley

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: November 10, 2021 02:05AM

So they passed the $1.3 Trillion 'Infrastructure' Bill - thanks to 13 RINO's, the Establishment Republicans angry smiley

Only 10% of the Infrastructure Bill is actually for Infrastructure.

Waste in Joe Biden’s “infrastructure” bill:

Civilian Climate Corp —> $10 BILLION
Environmental Justice —> $20 BILLION
Electric Vehicles —> $175 BILLION


Roads and bridges: $110 billion
Power infrastructure: $73 billion
Passenger and freight rail: $66 billion
High-speed internet: $65 billion
Public transit: $39 billion

The remaining $847 billion funds a bunch of liberal pork!

Re: The $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: November 10, 2021 02:25AM

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