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20 Things Argantonio Has Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: September 24, 2021 03:49PM

Here is a snippet from my file on "Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles" from the Comment Section of a Video I watched the other day...

JR Insert from “Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles” file...
Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets
19:24 Minute Video

Dec 7, 2016
Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets: Effect of Lateral Dimension and the Oxidative Stress Paradigm

Dr. Sandra Vranic, Nanomedicine Lab, Faculty of Medical & Human Sciences & National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester (UK)



Jimmy hall
2 months ago
Who’s here after discovering that these materials are present in the COVID19 vaccine?

2 months ago (edited)
20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"

1. Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.

2. At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.

3. Fear of death is only rivaled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.

4. Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.

5. Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.

6. Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.

7. Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.

8. Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.

9. Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors -- for better or worse.

10. When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.

11. People who are dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.

12. Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said "safety" is merely an illusion.

13. Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to "normal."

14. A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.

15. "The Science" has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.

16. Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.

17. Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.

18. If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.

19. Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.

20. It's easier to fool a person than to convince they have been fooled.
End of JR Insert from “Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles” file.


It would be interesting to know what everyone here, as well as overall, thinks of "Argantonio's Epiphanies".

Which of "Argantonio's Epiphanies" do YOU NOT agree with?

Re: 20 Things Argantonio Has Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: September 27, 2021 11:35AM

Here's the only one I have an issue with...

9. Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors -- for better or worse.

I agree that it is "relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors" but this did NOT happen quickly or overnight. This has only been accomplished through Long-term Indoctrination over the last 100 years or so and according to Eustace Mullins in The Curse of Canaan, Satanists have “usurped the Educational process, through their earlier usurpation of the Priesthood to carry on their Satanic work” for over 3,000 years.

"The history of mankind for the past three thousand years has been the history of struggle between the fair-skinned descendants of Shem and the darker-skinned descendants of his brother, Ham, yet you will not find this struggle defined in any historical work. The records of the genocide against the people of Shem are apparent throughout the archives of history, but there is not a school or university whose faculty will apprise its students of this simple fact. This in itself explains much which is usually dismissed as being "beyond explanation." The reason for this odd development is that the descendants of Ham traditionally have usurped the educational process, through their earlier usurpation of the priesthood to carry on their Satanic work. They have controlled the educational system ever since, converting it to their own evil purposes. It is of even greater interest that not a single school of theology anywhere in the world takes note of this central fact of history, a red thread which runs continuously through the record of events."

I highly recommend reading The Curse of Canaan and to pique your interest, here's the Preface...


After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion-all conspiracies are Satanic! In retrospect, this conclusion should surprise no one. I admit that it came as something of a surprise to me. I had never anticipated that my decades of work would lead to such an all-encompassing and unchallengeable solution. This answer had eluded me through the years, not because I was on the wrong track, but because I had not yet consulted the ultimate source of knowledge-the Bible. To trace the machinations of the materialist conspiracy, I had deliberately limited myself to materialist sources-reference material on banking, politics, economics, and the biographies of those who were most deeply involved in these affairs.

When at last I did decide to look up some references in the Bible, a task which was greatly simplified by a number of excellent Concordances, such and Nelson's and Strong's, I was overwhelmed by its immediacy, by its directness, and by the applicability of its words to present-day happenings. As the months went by and I continued this research, I was not overwhelmed by a sense of deja vu, but by an overpowering conviction that very little had changed in the last three thousand years. My first revelation was that "God has no secrets from man." It is Satan who must confine his work to stealthy conspiracies to deception, and to promises which will never be kept. "And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world" (Rev. 12:9).

It is for this reason that politicians, of necessity, must become followers of Satan in the rebellion against God. Politicians must deceive the people in order to gain power over them, just as Satan must deceive the whole world if he is to continue his rebellion against God. Satan takes you to the top of the mountain and offers you all the kingdoms of the earth (Martin Luther King proclaimed, "I have been to the top of the mountain," but he never revealed what had taken place there); the politician offers you free food, free lodging, free medical care --everything will become "free at last!" The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to the ultimate enemy-- Satan.

God does not make offers to you in competition with Satan and his politicians. What could God offer you when he has already given you the whole world? What more could He do than to send His Only Begotton Son to preserve this world for you when it was threatened by Satan? And why would God wish to veil His love for you behind arcane mysteries, occult conspiracies, and obscene practices?

Once my return to the Bible had given me the answers for which I had been seeking so many years, I realized that I had arrived at the culmination of this life's work. I had eagerly sought out the facts about each of the many conspiracies, and I now was able to define their interlocking into the one world "Conspiracy of Conspiracies." I had traced the names and activities of the principal actors in the Satanic drama which this world has become, a world which I described in 1968 in "My Life in Christ" as "Satan's Empire." This was an over-simplification, although I was not aware of it at that time. I had written this book under great stress; my father had died as the result of harassment by federal agents. Their goal was to force me to give up this work.

Other members of my family continued to undergo daily harassment because of the federal campaign against me. I had not been overcome by despair, but it did seem to me, in that period of my life, that Satan had indeed achieved a temporal victory over this world-not a permanent victory, but a gain which he could defend and which he might consolidate for years to come.

The next forty years brought me many startling revelations of the behind-the-scenes forces which had planned and perpetrated the mass murders of humanity. I had finally, as one writer put it, "uncovered the forces of war."

I was also able to find the sources of the Satanic ideology which has been consistently employed to deceive humanity, and to trick them into becoming unwitting tools of the Satanic programs, an ideology which we encounter today in various forms, such as Communism, Fabianism, secular humanism, and other disguises.

February 22, 1987

Re: 20 Things Argantonio Has Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: September 27, 2021 05:08PM

John Rose


20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"

2. At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.

16. Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.

18. If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.

19. Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.


It would be interesting to know what everyone here, as well as overall, thinks of "Argantonio's Epiphanies".

Which of "Argantonio's Epiphanies" do YOU NOT agree with?

Regarding '20% of the population have strong authoritarian tendencies' - does that 'authoritarian tendencies' mean they're inclined to be an authoritarian or that they're ok with living under authoritarianism?

Yes, regarding most people care about looking like they're doing the right thing - that's the Virtue Signaling, Woke side.

Yeah, regarding modern people are overly complacent, etc. - I remember reading somewhere that all the previous generations have had some kind of hardship/trauma whatever it's called, like the various wars, the depression, and before all that, life was just plain sh*t unless you were rich, etc.

But this younger generation now - they've been spoiled rotten by the Baby Boomers, who had to pull themselves up by the bootstraps (contrary to The Left Narrative of our having 'White Privilege', most of us had it rough growing up, leaving home at 18 penniless, putting ourselves through college, etc.) as far as I'm concerned. The younger generation never had any hardship, unless it's that they can't find their latest version of their iPhone. So that's why they're complacent.

And maybe their parents, the older generation, are just plain burned out by busting their asses all their lives to be successful in Life (and provide their spoiled Millennial kids with everything they ever wanted) by the time they're 50, 60, whatever. So they're complacent now, too.

Re: 20 Things Argantonio Has Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: September 27, 2021 06:55PM

Let's not forget to add the 21 st Thing.

21. Raw food does not matter. We were not eating raw anyway. What counts the most is the conspiracist view of the world. Everything is bad. The government, the Bill Gates, the Nancy Pelosi are after us. Mask? You have the choice, reproductive rights? You do not have the choice

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2021 07:00PM by RawPracticalist.

Re: 20 Things Argantonio Has Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: September 27, 2021 07:56PM

Let's not forget to add the 21 st Thing.

21. Raw food does not matter. We were not eating raw anyway. What counts the most is the conspiracist view of the world. Everything is bad. The government, the Bill Gates, the Nancy Pelosi are after us. Mask? You have the choice, reproductive rights? You do not have the choice

Wrong on two counts -

We don't have a choice to wear a mask or not. We are FORCED to wear a mask. CHILDREN ARE FORCED TO WEAR A MASK!

"Reproductive Rights" is obfuscation for - "killing your baby in your belly!"

We've been over this a few times ...

Re: 20 Things Argantonio Has Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: September 27, 2021 08:23PM

For the Umpteenth time - IT'S AN OPEN CONSPIRACY!!!
A well-read and insightful person YOU are NOT!!!

Open Conspiracies - Convincing the Un-Convincible
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 19, 2021 12:55AM

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett
46:01 Minute Video

Feb 18, 2021


John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week's edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

JR’s Notes:

2:54 MM
But actually, so many of these Conspiracies are Open Conspiracies and I think that’s that really is an idea that we need to repolarize in the Public Consciousness. As I say, this is not my formulation. This is going back to H.G. Wells a century ago writing about “The Open Conspiracy” and how there was an Open Conspiracy, essentially for technocracy. He didn’t call it as such, but that’s what he was talking about - the Brotherhood of Scientists and Engineers who were going to Transform the Human population and the Planet itself and he was writing about that as being an Open Conspiracy back in the time.

Well, there is still that very sentiment of Open Conspiracy around so many of these subjects that we don’t need to pierce the 18 Layers of Secrecy in order to find out what the broad aims of this Plan are. We can see them from On the Record Statements that have been made for, well, depending on the topic, for centuries. When we look specifically at this particular refined topic of is there some sort of Culling of the Human Species going on or some attempt to do so, there are a number of On the Record Quotations that are highly relevant and highly illustrative and highly enlightening about the Mindset of some of these people and the way that they see this Open Conspiracy functioning.

So, for example, let’s turn to Charles Galton Darwin whose name might give away the fact that, yes, this is a descendant of both Charles Darwin and his cousin, Francis Galton. 4:23 MM

4:33 MM
But yes, this is the namesake of, literally, Charles Darwin and Francis Galton, who in 1953 wrote a book called “The Next Million Years” which again, is quite open about these Types of Plans.

So, for example, we can read on page 183, “Another type of discovery may be connected with hormones, those internal chemical secretions which so largely regulate the operations of the human body. The artificial use of hormones has already been shown to have profound effects on the behaviour of animals, and it seems quite possible that hormones, or perhaps drugs, might have similar effects on man. For example, there might be a drug, which, without other harmful effects, removed the urgency of sexual desire, and so reproduced in humanity the status of workers in a beehive. Or there might be another drug that produced a permanent state of contentment in the recipient—after all alcohol does something like this already, though it has other disadvantages and is only temporary in its effects. A dictator would certainly welcome the compulsory administration of the “contentment drug” to his subjects.” 5:35 MM

5:35 MM
Move along to Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society” writing the year before Charles Galton Darwin on much the same subject and I will invite you to explore that book at your leisure, but let’s look at this quote from page 92, “Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” 6:03 MM

JR Insert from “Bertrand Russell” file...
“ should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” -Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society”
End of JR Insert from “Bertrand Russell” file.

6:03 MM
A few years onwards from this we have Aldous Huxley, of course, the author of “Brave New World” and part of the Huxley Family Line, which is also an interesting Family Line to examine going back to T.H. Huxley, Darwin’s bulldog and they’re at the Foundations of what would become the Eugenics Movenment. Moving forward into Aldous Huxley and his brother Julian, who, of course, was not only the Founder of UNESCO, but openly wrote about the need to repolarize the idea of Eugenics or get the Public to accept the ideas of Eugenics, who also there at the founding of the World Wildlife Federation with some very interesting people. Again, I’ve gone through this History, for example, in my “Big Oil Documentary” so I hope you’ll be familiar with it, but you may if you are a listener of the Corbett Report, but if not, you should become familiar with his 1961 Lecture at Berkley on the Final Revolution. 6:57 MM

Aldous Huxley - “The Ultimate Revolution” Speech at UC Berkley

6:57 MM
Aldous Huxley: I notice in the most recent issue of Scientific America, there’s a very interesting article on electrodes in the brains of chickens, where the technique is very ingenious, you sink into their brains a little socket with a screw on it and the electrode can then be screwed deeper and deeper into the brainstem and you can test at any moment according to the depth, which goes in fractions of the millimeters of what you’re stimulating and these creatures are not merely stimulated by wire, they’re fitted with a miniaturized radio receiver weighing less than an ounce, which is attached to them so that they can be communicated with at a distance. I mean, they can run about in the barnyard and you could press a button and this particular area of the brain to which the electrode has been screwed down to would be stimulated and you would get these fantastic phenomena that a sleepy chicken would suddenly get up and rush around about or an active chicken would suddenly sit down and go to sleep or a hen would suddenly start sitting as though it were hatching out an egg or a rooster would start fighting or suddenly go into a state of extreme depression. 8:17 MM

End of Huxley’s Speech 9:43 MM

9:44 MM
Or we could move along to 1977 to a textbook co-authored by Paul Ehrlich, his wife Anne Ehrlich and their friend, John Holdren, who has been around a number of Administrations, including a Science Advisor for the Obama Administration who co-wrote a textbook called “Ecoscience” in which they talked about various forms of Compulsory Sterilization that may be necessary to Solve the Population Crisis, including, “Adding a sterilant to the drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be in development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.” 10:53 MM

10:53 MM
We could move forward to 1991 with The Club of Rome and their document on, “The First Global Revolution” which they wrote on page 75, “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.” 11:44 MM

11:44 MM
You can go and look at all the work that I’ve done on this subject over the years. “The Last Word of Overpopulation” my report specifically on Paul Ehrlich as a Pseudoscience Charlatan. You can look at “Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid” where I go through a lot of the Rockefeller Foundation Documents and WHO Programs, etc. to create Birth Control Injections and the work, the Scientific work that has been done on that subject over the years. I’ve talked about the Secret Meeting of the Billionaires, including Bill Gates and David Rockefeller and Ted Turner and other extremely powerful people who were met, specifically, to talk about the problem of the Growing Human Population and how they can combine their Wealth and resources to do something about that Population Problem. 12:32 MM

This is something that’s reiterated time and time again by people in positions of power and people of great Wealth, like Prince Philip and his friends. 12:41 MM

12:41 MM
Female reporter: What do you see as the biggest challenges in conservation?

Prince Philip: “The Growing Human Population from where we are there’s nothing else.” 12:52 MM

David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of Population Growth on all of our Planetary Ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.”

Klaus Schwab: “I suspect that you could read a score of reports by Bodies concerned with Global Problems and see that Population is clearly one of the drivers that underlies them all.”

13:14 MM
Bill Gates: “So Melinda and I wondered whether providing New Medicines and keeping children alive would that create more of a Population Problem. 13:25 MM

14:12 MM
So this is all well-documented, but no matter how many Pieces of Information we add to this List will it ever really Convince the Un-Convincible who are Choosing to Ignore this Information or put it to the side or to try to dismiss it in some way? And, of course, the answer is No. And I could do similar List of On the Record Information about the Open Conspiracies openly admitted to on any number of other topics, again, this is just on that one particular subject of Population Control - the Chemical Control of the Population. We could amass such a List on the subject of Global Government - the Conspiracy to create a Global Government - how could that possibly work? I’ve never heard of that. We could go through all sorts of the examples of the admitted Open Conspiracies in that realm or the Control of the Monetary Supply or the attempt to Transform a System of Education into a System of Indoctrination in order to explicitly, as has been admitted, not to create Independent Free Thinkers, but to create Obedient Workers for the Factories and other such things. Again, we could go through just a List of people saying these things and admitting to this Open Conspiracy that is Not Hidden at all. But again, what good will it do to Convince the Un-Convincible? 15:28 MM

15:28 MM
And so I guess that brings us to the question of why and how people, actually, Reject this type of Information. And the first line of Defense that I think a lot of people use is simply to Reject the entire Information and everything because of 1 Detail that they can pick out that they don’t like in any of this Information. 15:44 MM



It's a shame that the people who need to read this information more than likely never will.

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