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Covid Testing?
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 09, 2021 07:02PM

The Covid Test.

My middle daughter just texted me that her husband thinks he has Covid, and she wants to know where to get a Covid Test.

They're anti-Covid Vaccine, thank god. But I can't go into a song and dance on how the test is inaccurate and it could have nanoparticles and graphene oxide in it and all that. That would never fly. So I had told her that big drug stores like CVS and supermarkets with pharmacies give the test.

Here's the thing - Then a friend of mine said not to go to those places and get a test because then they could record you're having Covid, you're a 'case', who knows what they'll do with you. Right? I can imagine.

Am I right? Could that all happen if you went to a regular place and got tested for Covid and you were positive? That you'd end up being 'In the system' and then end up dead possibly.

What about a drive through? Can you order a test online?

I just told her what I said above, and she said - yeah, but we need to know what we're dealing with - it's a necessary evil.

His symptoms (of detox) are - Fatigue and extreme body aches and headache all yesterday and now a bad sore throat and little cough. Slight fever last night.

I told her it sounds like the regular flu to me.

So the question is about - is it 'safe' to get tested? Better to order it online?


I found out the pharmacies sell a Covid Self-Test that you interpret yourself so that's what they're going with. But I saw online that a lot of the at-home covid tests are being recalled because of all the False Positives, but oh, well. Why is it these Covid tests never give False Negatives ...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2021 07:39PM by Jennifer.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: October 09, 2021 10:54PM

Sorry to hear a member of your family is possibly sick.

"Why is it these Covid tests never give False Negatives"
They do give False Negatives. The "at home" ones much more so (because of how they work).

The at home test is an anti-gen test, so it requires relatively high virus load to test positive (i.e. must have symptoms). If it tests negative, you may still have have covid, but you are not shedding - it's probably safe to be around somebody who just tested negative with an anti-gen test for an hour to two. The person who tested negative for anti-gens, might develop symptoms and test positive a few hours later...

Best option is get a PCR in store test. This stands the best chance of detection.

If the person is very symptomatic, then the "at home" anti-gen test might detect it (or it might not).

I know you don't believe in viruses/vaccines, but ignoring that, let me know if that above isn't clear, and I'll try (take more time) to write it up better.

All the best for your family.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 10, 2021 01:18AM

Thanks for being nice.

When I looked up home Covid test kits, it said how a lot have been recalled because of the false-positive test results.

They went to the drug store and got the BinaxNOW antigen self-test. He tested positive. He has a lot of symptoms - bad headache pain behind the eyes, fatigue, cough with phlegm, bad sore throat, slight temperature. So far, his breathing, lungs, and chest feel okay. So that's good.

I had gotten them the Budesonide previously, but she said they won't use it because they don't believe in 'drugs', which I don't either, but when the chips are down - especially for something man-made like this - if it's a case of using Budesonide or going to the hospital and given Remdesivir and Midazolam and being put on a ventilator which protocol causes death like 85% of the time - I'd chose Budesonide or Ivermectin.

I ordered them Vitamin C powder - Natures Way Alive that's made from organic acerola - homeopathic flu remedies - Oscillococcinum, Aconite 200C (supposed to be THE Covid remedy) and Arsenicum. I had bought her a facial steamer previously for Covid - an Indian doctor had a Covid protocol that was a certain breathing technique inhaling steam that he has great success with, so advised them to do that. Have distilled water on hand to use in the steamer. I had read to be in the sun as much as possible, but she said he's too sick.

I have to look up in my files the other natural Covid remedies that I've been researching all this time because I can't remember them all right now.

Steam inhalation therapy found to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 virions


Thermal inactivation of SARS COVID-2 virus: Are steam inhalations a potential treatment?


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2021 01:48AM by Jennifer.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: October 10, 2021 06:02AM

BinaxNOW seems to be best option. We keep those on hand as well.

Sorry to hear he's feeling so sick, glad respiratory is good. Maybe Vitamin D would help if he can't get into the sun. It's not the same, but might help prevent Vit. D getting low.

As for other things that might help, I think Turmeric might. A year or so ago I read about at pre-pandemic study using Curcumin (from Turmeric) to treat piglets for another form of corona virus. I can't find the article I read at the time, but when searching for it I found many articles for using Curcumin for preventing and treating covid:

Curcumin as a Potential Treatment for COVID-19:
"Curcumin, a well-tolerated natural compound, is a promising candidate for studies in the context of COVID-19 disorder hemostatic. In fact, several in vitro and in vivo studies have reported its anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects. Therefore, the mechanisms described in the management of other diseases can be reused for new studies regarding hemostatic disorders induced by SARS-CoV-2 deserving further investigation. The molecular mechanisms underlying the targets of curcumin involved thrombotic and coagulant disorders caused by COVID-19"

Also a few advocating for Turmeric/Curcumin as a preventive measure for covid-19:

I didn't read the entire paper/article for each link, just searched for part about Turmeric/Curcumin, and I don't know the people publishing or anything like that.

I do eat a lot of fresh Turmeric root, the powder stuff is no where near as good in flavor and taste, but should work. It would great if they could get some fresh root though. Chopped up fine (or blended) in a warm soup might be a good way of taking.

Healing thoughts to your son-in-law, and hope your daughter is fine.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 13, 2021 02:57AM

So what happened - after I bought them Vit C powder and four homeopathic remedies, my daughter told me he doesn't believe in homeopathy, so he won't take it. He doesn't believe in herbs either, only regular drugs.eye rolling smiley

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

So he's taking Nyquil and Excedrin. He has extreme body aches among other symptoms. Today he felt some better from the drugs, but then he went outside and got stung by a bee for the first time in his life - lol - that was kind of funny.

So my daughter's taking the homeopathic stuff because she's starting to feel sick and she's having an abnormally heavy period and I looked it up and supposedly that's a symptom of Covid. She wants me to get them another test kit so she can test herself again and test him when he's better.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: October 13, 2021 04:46PM

That's a pity that he's drugs-only. So many drugs are derived from plants...
Of the three main ingredients in Excedrin, two are derived from plants, aspirin was first isolated from Willow bark, caffeine is from tea/coffee/others. The third, Acetaminophen, is derived from coal(!), although it can be derived from plants as well. Nyquil is Acetaminophen plus a couple synthetic morphine derivatives (Poppy plants).

I do 'sneak' a lot of healthy things in my families diet by just making food that tastes good. But if they're far away that's not really possible.

All the best to them, hope they are back to normal quickly!

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: October 14, 2021 08:33PM

Abbott Recalls Covid Test Kits for Risk of False Positives: FDA


Search for:

covid test recall

And see the News results. Many companies are are recalling.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2021 08:36PM by Prana.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 14, 2021 10:06PM

Thanks, Prana! Yes, but with my daughter and her husband, they both have weird symptoms, so it's probably the Man-Made Covid bioweapon. But for people who have no symptoms, and a test comes back positive - that's a scam.

Also of concern to me - My oldest daughter's five-year old who's in Kindergarten - his school tests all the kids all the time. Whenever any kid in the class is sick, they all get tested. I know he's had at least two tests so far in the last month. I worry about what's on those tests that they're smearing up everybody's nose angry smiley

My daughter in CA has Covid with her husband now - she's very worried because she lost her sense of smell and taste. She's always had an extreme sense of smell especially, and now she's worried she might not get it back all the way because that happens to some people.

Meantime, her husband has turned the corner and is getting better, thank God. Must be the drugs he took - Nyquil and Excedrin. eye rolling smiley

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: October 15, 2021 11:43PM

The loss of taste and smell is the inflammation of the upper respiratory system, perhaps caused by graphene oxide or 5G or parasites or maybe some shedding spike proteins (maybe, I have my doubts).

People are taking NAC for the graphene oxide, and high doses of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C for the 5G and other respiratory issues. If she is into pharma, she can get ivermectin ( I would not take this myself, I prefer to fast ).

I believe the sense of smell and taste will return when the body has finished with the imflammation.

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Re: Covid Testing?
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 16, 2021 05:25PM

The loss of taste and smell is the inflammation of the upper respiratory system, perhaps caused by graphene oxide or 5G or parasites or maybe some shedding spike proteins (maybe, I have my doubts).

People are taking NAC for the graphene oxide, and high doses of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C for the 5G and other respiratory issues. If she is into pharma, she can get ivermectin ( I would not take this myself, I prefer to fast ).

I believe the sense of smell and taste will return when the body has finished with the imflammation.

Good, I hope you're right.

She did fast the last day or two. Her husband would take the Ivermectin, but I wouldn't know where to get it anyway, except for my raw goat milk lady, but then he'd be taking horse dewormer. lol

I'd like to get ahold of some NAC because I like to have a lot of these remedies on hand in case anybody get it, but I read that it's been banned by the FDA as a supplement a few months ago. Gee, I wonder why ...

I also heard that some doctors' protocol includes Niatonin - Niacin and Melatonin.

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