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The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 12, 2021 11:20AM

Dave Klein (
Date: 01-17-02 15:02

by Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano

From Living Nutrition Magazine vol. 12

The most heinous crime ever is being perpetrated against the world today, especially in the Unites States of America, by those who wish to gain power, glory, money, and control over the people. Borrowing the Pope's words when he spoke on TV, I call it "The Plague of Terror." The pharmaceutical/medical/industrial complex and others are undoubtedly capitalizing on this devilish crime of 9-ll-01 for the purpose of controlling the masses with fear under the guise of protecting them. It is not merely a coincidence that they will make trillions of dollars from the sale and injection of vaccines that are neither protective nor preventive, and which in fact destroy health, and in extreme cases, life itself. Poisonous drugs and vaccines have killed thousands more people, young and old, than were destroyed on the 9-ll Day of Terror. People need to wake up to this fact!

The ancient, corrupt and worn out idea that microorganisms cause disease is passé, gone, effete, superstitious and just plain untrue. These ideas belong in the bygone days of ignorance. If we do not call a halt to the fear propaganda, more people will die from fear of the "bug" than from the microorganisms themselves. It is a fact that during "The Great Plague" more people died from fear than from the Plague itself!

Fear Itself Can Kill!

The news media began bombarding us with speculations about the horrors of bio-warfare even before the anthrax scenario, and they will keep bombarding us with scare tactics until they have everyone running to their physicians or public health authorities to get their shots. The point I want to make is that you do not have to fall prey to the peddlers of fear. Modern microbiologists have shown without a doubt that the condition of the host is paramount to an infection. You can now be reassured that the Hygienic proclamation of three centuries ago has now been proven true: "Microorganisms do not cause disease." However, this still has not been generally accepted in spite of the fact that microbiologists acknowledge the omnipresence of microorganisms, and that they are in and on everything, including you, without causing disease.

Dubos in l958 (1), Burnet in l962 (2), Theobald Smith in l934 (3) and Skinner and Carr in l974 (4) were men ahead of their time when they all declared that the condition of the host is paramount to an infection. In the Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 5th edition, 1991, we find the authors using those researchers' findings to show that germs do not cause disease. These scientists showed that toxic substances, and in general anything that lowers health will cause the individual to house a larger number of bacteria than normal. They fully acknowledged the omnipresence of bacteria and that the bacteria do not cause disease. Only when the health of the individual is lowered can micro-organisms in excess thrive in the host.

Even the so-called "virulent" bacilli are natural inhabitants in the body, and always have been; still they do not cause disease. According to Dubos, Burnet and Smith: "There are very few microorganisms to which the term 'pathogenic' can be invariably applied, if 'pathogenic' is defined as causing infectious disease at all times."

Even modern microbiologists are confused; their main dilemma is that of deciding which bacterium or virus caused a particular disease, because the body is teeming with all kinds of microorganisms. Most physicians use broad spectrum antibiotics because they don't know which bacteria is "causing the problem"! When the body is filled with bacteria everywhere, deciding which bacterium "caused" the disease is impossible. There are huge populations of many different types of bacteria living in various areas of the body. Microbiologists have even gone so far as to say that there are actually no pathogenic bacteria, because the so-called pathogens do not always cause disease.

If the misinformed doctors would give up the historically incorrect germ theory with its concomitant treatment practices and try to discover the real causes of disease, the world would be a lot better off and they would regain their feelings of love and compassion for their patients. They would also be adhering to the Hippocratic Oath: "First, Do No Harm."

A healthy person does not "get" or "catch" an infection from flu, anthrax, smallpox, or any other disease. A sick, debilitated person may develop complications because of the increased bacterial infection, but even so the bacteria did not cause the disease. The extent of the proliferation of microorganisms depends upon the health of an individual and the condition of all the cells in the body. We would not live past infancy if our bodies could not protect us from parasites and microorganisms, and it does so in spite of our unhealthful living habits.

When you hear propaganda about the dangers of germs, remember the following: 1. A healthy body does not develop disease; 2. The propaganda is aimed at reinforcing the ancient idea that germs cause disease and that one's living habits have nothing to do with the development of disease; 3. The only true immunity is that which is found in a healthy body. Where there is a cause there will be sickness. The cause is not bacteria. Do not fear the bacteria. Our bodies are designed to protect us.

Even though the scare-mongers now realize that the theory of microorganisms causing disease is effete and belongs in the trash cans of the superstitious middle ages, they still won't tell you of this. They prefer that you stay ignorant. Why? Because it is profitable. If you quit eating nutritionless packaged foods, white sugar and white flour products, stopped drinking sodas, coffee, tea, and alcohol, gave up cigarettes, and quit taking drugs of all kinds, the pharmaceutical companies, the milling, boxing and canning industries, cigarette companies, distilleries and vendors of all types of poison habits would all go bankrupt. The industries want you to keep on smoking, drinking and indulging in all the usual poison habits so they and their vendors can make a living off of your ignorance or plain willfulness. But you are the one who has to suffer for the outrages you commit against your own precious body. They do not pay your doctor bills or give you time off to rest and get well, and you can be sure they don't empathize with you.

The Cause of Disease

The cause or causes of disease are found in your lifestyle and not in microorganisms or parasites. Bacteria merely accompany disease because the body is too enervated to eradicate them. What energy it has must be spent in daily living, and in dealing with the disease processes. Most of the time the particular organism that is supposedly causing the disease is totally absent. Additionally the theory that one specific germ causes one specific disease has been completely wiped out - for example, there are at least l0 different organisms that are said to cause meningitis and/or encephalitis. This is true for other diseases as well.

As Dr. Shelton wrote: "The whole matter of resistance is evidently very closely related to nutrition. 'Infectious disease' is never a matter of accident, but of 'soil.' Bad conditions of 'biological soil' are due to faulty behavior. Bad 'soil' is that which perverts bacteria as it perverts the cells of our own bodies.

"The right kind of physiological work depends primarily upon the right or ideal kind of food, that is, a non-perverting food which supplies the requirements of efficiency and performance and not food that supplies merely local and transitory stimulation.

"It was long ago noted that heavy manuring of the soil results in the plants grown thereon being subject to parasitic infestation. On clean soil they easily resist parasitic inroads....... Plants grown on good soil and animals that feed on legitimate vegetable fare defend themselves better [from parasitic infestation]." (5)

Dr. Shelton quotes Carl Akely as saying that the gorilla is a vegetarian and maintains amicable relations with other animals. The gorilla, Akely observed, shows complete freedom from parasitical disease. "Other similar examples could be presented," says Akely. (5)

On the subject of meat-eating, Dr. Herbert Shelton states:

"The carnivores, on the other hand, are all infected with parasites; their intestines are loaded full of putrescence at all times. Dog fanciers will tell you of the trouble they have with dogs because of worms. These are merely some of the many parasites that infest and infect carnivora. Carnivorism is, itself, a form of parasitism. (5)

"Upon the integrity of its structures, the efficiency of its functions and the purity of its fluids depends the organism's powers of self- defense. These conditions depend primarily upon nutrition and legitimacy of life." (5)

Why Microorganisms Do Not Cause Disease

One important reason microorganisms do not cause disease is that disease has many underlying causes, not only one. Furthermore, germs, viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms, and parasites cannot and do not take over the body until there is practically no life force left. As long as we are alive bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract do not leave their natural bodily habitat. However, not too long after death, e. coli and a host of other bacteria have already invaded the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart and other organs that are normally free of bacteria.

Health, life and vitality, good vegetarian nutrition and plenty of rest and sleep are the essentials of a disease-free life. These elements are also essential to maintaining a toxin-free body. Such a body does not 'catch' disease. Therefore, it is important that you learn the real cause of disease and avoid all those things which contribute to enervation and its consequence, toxemia. Then you can live peacefully and happily, fearing no microorganism.

The concept of vaccines is based on producing immunity by targeting only one part of our massive immune system ––acquired immunity. However, the fight for life takes place in all the tissues, not only in the vascular system. The medical profession tries to produce health by putting filthy and toxic substances directly into our blood and vascular system, which in itself comprises only one part of our immense immune system. Our Defense System is well-equipped to defend the body. In real life, our entire Defense System is composed of every cell and tissue in our bodies from the skin and mucous membranes to the most interior parts. The entire organism works together symbiotically to keep its blood and tissues clean and free from parasitism, microorganisms and toxic agents. The Defense System is not confined to those components in the vascular system which are supposedly made more efficient by vaccines. In reality, the poisonous vaccines weaken the defensive capacities of the body.

Vaccines are designed to be specific for only certain microorganisms. To try to achieve artificial "immunity," which is a fanciful idea anyway, you would have to be inoculated with thousands of different vaccines. On the other hand, the body has non-specific means of destroying foreign invaders. The body has the ability to destroy whatever does not belong in it. If one part of the body is unable to destroy an invader, other parts of the body can, and each part of the body works cooperatively with another part.

Our real defenses begin on the skin, which is impermeable unless it is damaged. Additionally, it secretes bactericides. If a microorganism gets past the skin it is stopped by killer macrophages in the tissues. If it gets past the tissues it is destroyed in the lymph nodes and in the blood. The final battle, however, takes place on the cellular level in the organs and tissues. It was quite a shock to microbiologists when they finally understood that millions of bacteria actually live in and on us without doing us any harm, and that most bacteria are symbiotic partners, which actually help us! Yet, microbiologists were part of the system; some spoke out about this but could not change the medical paradigm. You, however, are not beholden to a huge industry. You can use this knowledge. It will set you free. Read on to gain the Power of Knowledge.


The textbook description of anthrax is as follows: "Anthrax is a ‘highly' infectious disease of animals, especially ruminants, transmitted to humans by contact with the animals or their products."(6) In humans it is characterized by the development of a red-brown papule, a small elevation of the skin like a pimple that may develop into a boil or carbuncle. It enlarges and ulcerates; serum and blood flow from the ulcer producing an adherent dense black eschar. This kind of scab is produced mainly by corrosive drugs. That is the derivation of the word "eschar." The skin under and around the papules is elevated with edema.

Animals get anthrax from eating off the ground. It is not a killer disease as we are led to believe. Very rarely would an animal or human die suddenly. If death comes from anthrax, it is because the animal or human is old, weakened and has very little resistance left.

On the goats and sheep on my ranch I have seen what I presume to be anthrax crusts that hang on for so long you would think they normally belonged there like the warty excrescences of a male warthog. The crusts are black and they finally fall off leaving a smooth skin beneath. That is all that would happen in humans should the spores get into the skin.

On a daily basis, I have close contact with sheep and goats, brushing, petting, feeding, and hugging them. They love me so much they lick my hands, arms and sometimes my cheeks, which isn't too pleasant but I tolerate it. I have clean habits so I wash all the parts the animals licked immediately after playing with them. But, I am not afraid of "catching" anthrax or any other so called contagious disease. I just maintain Hygienic cleanliness.

Anthrax infection usually occurs by way of a cut or an abrasion of the skin or a mucous membrane. I often get scratched on my face, hands, arms and legs by barbed wire, hay, and thorny trees in the woods near my home, which are undoubtedly filled with anthrax spores because Texas has been cattle, goat and sheep country for centuries. I am scratched so often I never pay much attention to the lesions. A normal scab forms, which falls off rather quickly. I have been in these "infested" woods for ten years now and have only had what was possibly an anthrax infection one time. I did not run to the lab to get the lesion checked out. Nevertheless, a scab on my left arm became thick and dark like those on the goats. I kept moistening it with saliva because it was so dry. It did not loosen or fall off quickly like all my normal scabs did. Finally, I began wondering what it was. It did not look like melanoma, nor a wart, nor the solar or actinic keratoses of old age. I was puzzled; but not enough to search the textbooks, I just went about my activities as usual.

I never developed a cold or the flu-like symptoms that are said to be prodromal symptoms of present day anthrax. The lesion did not progress to a boil as is described in the text books. There was no gangrenous center. No necrotic tissue sloughed off and I did not develop septicemia or a high temperature. To me, this proved that all the ill effects are due to the medical treatment of anthrax, and not the bacillus itself. After a couple of months the scab came off, leaving no scar or indentation in my skin. And, as I am writing this article, obviously I did not die in a few days for lack of treatment.

The so-called causative organism, bacillus anthracis, is a large, encapsulated rod that can live without air if needed. The seed-like spores form only outside the body in the presence of oxygen. The spores remain viable for many years in soil, in animal products such as bone-meal fertilizer, contaminated hides, animal carcasses and after aerosolization. The spores resist heat, radiation, disinfectants and desiccation. However, the spores can be destroyed by boiling them for over ten minutes. In an anaerobic condition, such as in the body, where carbon dioxide and its salts and acids are normally found, bacillus anthracis becomes active. It is no longer a seed-like spore. To protect itself it produces a strong polypeptide capsule. Therefore, it is highly resistant to phagocytosis (breakdown and digestion by our white blood cells). White blood cells have a difficult time destroying them by engulfing and digesting them because of the thick strong capsule. However, the natural antibodies always present in our blood stream, are a part of the immune system that helps defend against these kind of invaders.

Most invading organisms have multiple antigen (usually protein in nature) sites on their cell membranes, so the antibodies can usually combine with the bacilli at these sites, almost like a key and a lock. Antigens are proteins or large carbohydrate molecules, usually protruding from the cell membranes of bacteria, that our body recognizes as "dangerous foreign substances." The natural antibodies attach to the protein antigens on the cell membranes (capsules) of bacillus anthracis and cause them to 1. clump together, 2. precipitate and become insoluble, 3. neutralize the toxin, and 4. rupture the bacilli. All of these factors increase the ability of the lymphocytes to destroy them by phagocytosis. Our body has innumerable ways to destroy all kinds of bacilli and other extraneous agents. Unlike other bacilli which are motile, bacillus anthracis is not motile and this makes it easier for our white blood cells to attack it.

Bacillus anthracis is a saprophyte, living on dead and dying tissues. It rarely spreads from human to human, if at all. When bacillus anthracis is not in the spore form it is extremely sensitive to antibiotics. This is why antibiotics have been used to treat anthrax infections for years, especially since penicillin was discovered.

Humans are usually infected through the skin, but it sometimes occurs after ingestion of contaminated meat when there is an inflammation or a lesion in the gastrointestinal tract. Pulmonary anthrax is spread by inhalation of the spores, but only in those who already have an acute respiratory infection, or some other type of clinical or subclinical lung disease. Pulmonary anthrax became known as woolsorter's disease, because those who worked with the products of infected animals were sometimes subject to infection with anthrax. In modern times woolsorter's disease or the pulmonary type of anthrax is often fatal. But read on, and you will understand that it is the medical treatment that kills rather than the disease.

In order for lungs to become infected from spores, roughly 10,000 spores must be inhaled. These concentrations are never found in nature. Wool sorters continually inhale anthrax spores at the rate of about 150 to 700 per hour. They only become infected if the spores are inhaled in much greater numbers.

Bacillus anthracis is a bacterium with a rigid cell wall, which damages tissues through excretion of a toxic waste product. However, it takes huge quantities of bacilli with their excreted toxin to make one sick. A few bacilli won't do it. Furthermore, our body destroys the toxic waste product just as easily as it destroys all bacterial toxic waste products.

Merely finding one or two of the spores and having a positive test for anthrax does not mean that the individual will develop anthrax. Most people can carry the bacillus anthracis and a host of other so called pathogenic bacteria and never develop disease. Those people mentioned in the news last fall who were tested for bacillus anthracis may actually have had only the flu or a bad cold. In fact, one lady who supposedly died of anthrax was 94 years old! As she had eaten the conventional diet and had been subjected to the vicissitudes and stresses of modern living for 94 years, she was undoubtedly in a condition to develop any disease. Fear also probably played its part. It is the combination of the fear and the medical treatment that kills (especially if one is 94 years old), rather than just a few bacilli. To quote Frederick B. Hahn, a medical laboratory technician: "Antibiotics kill 98,000 people each year. That's about l9 times the number killed at the World Trade Center. Forty thousand (40,000) more die from taking antipyretics and antibiotics to treat their flu symptoms. Who needs terrorists to kill people?!!"

Currently, pulmonary anthrax infection is reported to be the most lethal form, while cutaneous anthrax is considered to be a benign type. It was just the opposite in the early l900s; cutaneous anthrax was lethal and pulmonary anthrax was considered benign. Individuals would die in just a few days from a skin infection, but they would invariably live through the pulmonary anthrax or woolsorter's disease. The symptoms of the pulmonary form were about the same as today, beginning with chills, fever, cough, and very rapid breathing. Many would have vomiting, and diarrhea followed by an extreme prostration. Yet, they lived though it.

In Text Book Of Medicine, For Students in Schools of Nursing , A.S. Blumgarten, M.D., F. A. C. P, Associate physician to the Lenon Hill Hospital, Lecturer to the training school of the Lenon Hill Hospital, New York, Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, and author, states that cutaneous anthrax consisted in the formation of a characteristic pustule on the skin, and was caused by shaving brushes made from the hair of infected animals. The lesion is described as a severe boil on the face with a bluish, gangrenous center. According to the text, the symptoms of septicemia developed rapidly along with a high temperature. The text further stated that the patient would die in a few days. However, since water washes the spores away, the symptoms must have been caused by something else. Actually, that something else was the treatment and not the disease.

"Killing Them To Cure Them" (Dr. Shelton's famous words)

According to Dr. Blumgarten's book, the medical treatment of cutaneous anthrax in those days was to extensively cut the skin and apply carbolic acid to the wound. Carbolic acid is phenol, an antiseptic, anesthetic, and a disinfectant used in laboratories on inanimate objects. Phenol is also an ingredient in vaccinations. In this instance, it was applied to living human cells.

The primary treatment consisted of suppressing any symptoms, such a headache, fever and malaise, with the drugs of the time, such as quinine and others. These drugs were so toxic that they invariably caused complications. Then the "coup de grace" treatment began: the aforementioned extensive cutting and application of carbolic acid to the wound. It was much the same as treatment for smallpox in those days. Gauze was immersed in carbolic acid and placed on the gaping papule, which was then covered with another layer of gauze to keep it moist. The soaked gauzes were replaced with new soaked gauzes as often as deemed necessary for the destruction of the bacillus.

Carbolic acid is a highly corrosive acidic compound. It chemically "gnaws at" living cells, weakening and destroying them. When applied locally, it is an escharotic, meaning that it causes an eschar which is a thick, coagulated black crust. The scab is thick and black because of the presence of coagulated blood caused by the excision and the destruction of living tissues by the corrosive acid. The body then naturally sloughed off the dead, necrotic tissue. That was the "slough" spoken of in days gone by. Carbolic acid, other debris and bacteria easily entered the body through the inflamed, cut, damaged and dying tissues. Septicemia, and other dreadful symptoms resulting from this, were the predecessor to death.

To recap: skin anthrax was highly dangerous in the old days precisely because of the treatment with carbolic acid. This is what caused the sloughing of dead tissues, the deep hole in the skin, and the pus, as well as the septicemia, the high temperature, and death.

Pulmonary anthrax was not treated with carbolic acid in the l900s, so fewer people died from it than from skin anthrax. However, the latest current edition of Merck's Manual states that pulmonary anthrax is always fatal. The difference in treatment will give us the answer. In l927 anti-anthrax serum was used for the pulmonary type of anthrax, while today the treatment of choice is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Lung anthrax is more dangerous in the year 2001 because of the type of treatment used. Ciprofloxacin, which is promoted as the treatment of choice today, contains carboxylic acid, among other potent toxins.

Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets and oral suspensions are synthetic broad spectrum antimicrobial agents for oral administration. People are so frightened of anthrax that they are actually begging their physicians to give them this drug! This is what the media has done to these poor people who, it can be said, are still living in the uninformed darkness of the middle ages. What is so ironic is that ciprofloxacin is not even listed in the Physician's Desk Reference as being one of the drugs tested for its ability to destroy anthrax; rather, it is effective against the various flu viruses.

Quinine, the Harmful Antique Drug Was Never Abandoned!

Many people were under the impression that quinine had been abandoned because of its known toxicity. Ciprofloxacin is a quinolone, meaning that it is a synthetic quinine. It is different from other types of quinine drugs because it contains fluorine. It is a complex hydrocarbon and a poisonous alkaloid, and is not recommended for children. Its generic name is fluoroquinolone. Ciprofloxacin is more toxic than other quinine derivatives because of the fluorine atom in its structure as well as some of the "inactive" ingredients in the mixture called "Cipro." Synthetic quinine is made from coal tar and contains three benzene rings. These carbon rings are very toxic because their breakdown and excretion is very difficult for the body.

The so-called inactive ingredients are starch, microcrystalline cellulose, silicone dioxide, crospovidone (povidone was formerly called polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, polyethelene glycol and water. The only thing in that mixture that the body needs is water, but in that combination, I would say that the water is contaminated! The "inert" ingredients are not so benign. An inert ingredient is simply a name for all the other chemicals in a drug that are not supposed to be "curing agents." But they certainly add to the toxicity of the medication. Polyethelene glycol is a type of anti-freeze frequently used to poison predators such as wolves, dogs, and other animals that prey on sheep, goats and cattle. The povidone in crospovidone, formerly called polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) sounds too much like Polyvinylchloride (PVC) found in toxic plastics for my comfort.

Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) is also hazardous because it is soluble in the body fluids and can be carried to every part of the organism, including the central nervous system. The most frequent side-effects are nausea, abdominal distress and dizziness. Ciprofloxacin accumulates in articular cartilages and can cause severe permanent damage during rapid growth of those tissues. This is why ciprofloxacin is not prescribed for persons under the age of 18. While on Cipro, strenuous exercise may be hazardous to the joints and has caused tendons to rupture. Cipro and other quinine-like drugs interfere with the hepatic biotransformation of theophylline. Therefore, if anyone is taking theophylline along with Ciprofloxacin, the "Cipro" will prevent the other drug from being eliminated. A dangerous toxicity is the result. Ciprofloxacin itself is dangerous enough.

All quinolone drugs, i.e. synthetic quinine, (there are many besides Cipro) may cause symptoms of the central nervous system, such as nervousness, agitation, insomnia, anxiety, nightmares or paranoia and seizures. Those who are taking Cipro, or other quinolones, who have an alkaline urine, frequently find crystals of ciprofloxacin or other quinolones in their urine. Warning: A dangerous hypersensitivity reaction can follow even a single dose of Cipro. If this happens, one must stop taking the drug immediately. Quinolone drugs also cause phototoxicity––increased sensitivity to light. If you are getting ultraviolet light treatments or if you remain in the sunshine a little too long, the quinolones can cause burning, conjunctivitis and other serious, damaging effects to the eyes and skin. As well, they all cause dizziness and light-headedness.

Additionally, the caffeine found in coffee, chocolate, and other beverages accumulates in the system just as does theophylline (a crystalline alkaloid found in tea and synthetically made from urea) when one is taking Cipro. Convulsions have been noted in patients taking any of the various types of quinolones, including ciprofloxacin; indicating that all quinine type drugs are definitely toxic to brain structures. Serious adverse reactions have been found in almost every organ and organ system in the body from taking Cipro, including the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, lymphatic system, the renal and urogenital organs, and in the special senses, manifested as a loss of taste and/or smell. It even interferes with biochemistry of individual cells, resulting in metabolic and nutritional problems.

Ciprofloxacin is a drug that is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, making it available almost immediately. You can even take it with meals and not appreciably slow down its absorption rate. Furthermore, the first time it passes through the liver and the kidneys, very little is bio-degraded, indicating that we do not have the specific enzymes at that time to break it down to substances that can be excreted. Some is eliminated through the gastrointestinal wall. When it is finally broken down, the metabolites are still toxic to bacteria, which indicates that the break-down products remain toxic for humans as well.

Older patients cannot eliminate toxic drugs and their metabolites as efficiently as younger individuals because their kidneys usually function less adequately. Therefore, in the elderly, all drugs have more side effects. Consequently the impaired elimination causes cipro and its metabolites to accumulate in excess, thus rendering the drug more toxic, hence more lethal, for older people. They are the ones who have recently been publicized as passing away from anthrax. Was it anthrax or the treatment?

In our fast-paced society, it may seem too time-consuming to rely solely on Hygienic care; but when contrasted with medical care, at least you get well instead of worse.

What We Must Do Now

A very important step to take to protect from terriorism by food poisoning and to improve our overall health follows: We must be on alert for the sales representative whose one goal is that of making money. The concept that the products could be hurting people does not even enter his/her mind. However, many of them are not all bad; they too are often miseducated and misled. Nevertheless, it is time for you to stop buying artificial, already prepared "stuff," whether it is vitamins, other supplements, over the counter drugs, or packaged foods. You do not know what is in those products or what they went through to become non-perishable (Genetic engineering? Irradiation?).

Over-the-counter drugs contain brain damaging substances similar to those found in Prozak, Zoloft, Ritalin and other brain destroyers. It is always best to eat and live in accordance with Natural Law. Natural Law never embraced anything but whole unchanged natural foods.

Therefore: eat nothing that has been changed from its natural state at harvesting. This is as important in this age as it was centuries ago when kings had to beware of poisoning by their enemies.

How to Care for Yourself

If you think you have been in contact with bacillus anthracis and you have an open sore or lesion of some sort, all you require is plain Hygienic cleanliness; not sterility---just cleanliness. Thoroughly wash the damaged skin with warm water. Take a complete bath or shower if desired. If a scab has formed, wash it gently without washing it off. Dry it well. Then leave it alone unless the lesion becomes secondarily infected. Then keep it open by soaking it in warm water so it can drain.

Eliminate Fear From Your Life With Knowledge

Even if a bacterium or the spore of bacillus anthracis gets into the tissues, it is stopped by the general processes of defense. This system is called "innate immunity." It is not specific for a single type of bacterium; but this system, regardless of whether it has previously encountered a particular bacterium, has many ways and means of protecting the body. This system includes: the phagocytic white blood cells and the tissue macrophages, which literally engulf and digest all foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. Macrophages are found in the lungs, lymph nodes, the liver (Kupffer's cells) and in the blood and tissues. Macrophages are widely distributed in the body and vary in size and shape though most are large, long-lived and have an abundance of digestive organelles within the cell called lysosomes and phagolysosomes. Lysosomes and phagolysosomes are the digestive organs found in each cell of your body. These cellular structures, actually "organelles," contain digestive enzymes. Both these microscopic stomachs digest bacteria, viruses, malarial parasites, spores and endogenous and exogenous toxins. Other phagocytic white blood cells swarm to the aid of macrophages and also ingest bacteria and other toxic agents. The enzymes in the lysosome and the phagolysosome also digest other worn-out organelles and damaged parts of the cell.

Even assuming you get bacillus anthracis or its spores in the lungs, if you are in relatively good health, the alveolar macrophages will digest them after they have been roughed up by other processes. Anthrax bacilli are resistant to phagocytosis, but an alternate pathway of the Complement System (a supplemental, innate Defense System using special proteins that magnify approximately 100-fold the ability of our cells to destroy microorganisms) that does not initially require an antigen-antibody reaction to function is initiated by the polysaccharide molecules in the tough cell membranes of bacillus anthracis. This system takes place within the tissues as well as in the blood because these proteins are always circulating not only in the blood but in the tissue fluid surrounding each body cell. As I mentioned earlier, every cell in the body forms and secretes these proteins for its own protection as well as for the protection of the whole organism. A combination of several of the Complement factors has the direct effect of rupturing the cell membranes of bacteria or other invading organisms. This is designated as the Lytic complex, beginning at the C5b protein and continuing through steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Complement System. "Because the alternate pathway does not involve an antigen-antibody reaction, it is one of the first lines of defense against invading microorganisms, capable of functioning even before a person becomes immunized against the organism." (7)

If the bacilli get past the lungs, the nearby lymph nodes capture them and they are destroyed by the lymphocytes and macrophages in the lymph nodes. The media can talk about all the horrors of lung anthrax, but healthy people are not susceptible to it. Only the unhealthy person whose immune system is impaired is susceptible to anthrax or any other disease. Their Defense System is: 1. weakened by the standard American diet and lifestyle, 2. hurt by the mandatory shots and excessive use of antibiotics in infancy and youth, and 3. further damaged by the long-term use of recreational and prescription drugs. Those who have been medicated and vaccinated since childhood for every little cold or flu are enervated, toxic and have less resistance. Yet even though our Defense System may be weakened and functioning below par, most of the time it is still capable of defending against excessive colonization of microorganisms and parasites. One good reason is that humans possess direct attack cells, frequently called "killer cells."

The cytotoxic T cell is a natural killer lymphocyte. These special lymphocytes can recognize and destroy foreign cells, tumor cells, and even some infected cells. The receptor proteins on the surfaces of the cytotoxic cells cause them to bind strongly to those organisms such as anthrax that contain their binding-specific antigen. While clinging tightly to the invader, the cytotoxic T cells directly secrete hole forming proteins, called perforins, into the unwanted invader. The perforins, i.e. the hole forming proteins, literally punch large round holes in the cell membrane of the unwanted invader. After that, the cytotoxic T cell discharges its cytotoxic substances into the attacked cell. "Almost immediately, the attacked cell becomes greatly swollen and usually dissolves entirely shortly thereafter." (Guyton, op. cit., p. 381)

Every cell in your body has its own defenses. The cell membrane does not permit certain substances to enter that cell. If poisons enter the cell, the lysosomes within them can produce more lysosomes when needed, as long as nutrition is good. Therefore, even with a weak immune system, the cells also help in the destruction of microorganisms and toxins of various sorts. The human organism is so resilient and has so many built in protective mechanisms, it can take a lot of punishment before breaking down. That's why some people live so long in spite of detrimental living habits that poison their bodies and minds.

All body cells are capable of eliminating and destroying various microorganisms, including their waste products, such as the toxic waste of anthrax. Our cells can also destroy man-made organic products, but most of the latter are more toxic than those made by bacteria, and they cause more damage than bacterial waste products. It can be disastrous when the body is overwhelmed by substances that do not belong there, and which the body cannot use under any circumstance. And this is what happens when diseases are "treated": the body is inundated with toxic substances and it may drown in them.

Save Your Body Cells

Living in today's turbulent and unpredictable times, we need to be extra careful of conserving our nerve energy and organ powers. Spend extra time resting, sleeping, and practicing equanimity, emotional control and balance. Be neither too happy nor too sad.

Eat wholesome, uncooked foods. Become a raw vegetarian. Cooked foods wear out our defenses through the chronic struggle against the toxins produced in foods by heat. Do not overeat. An excess of food won't be well digested and the absorption of the bacterial wastes and decomposition products from the small intestine, such as wood alcohol, damages the brain just as do drugs, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. Consistent overeating will lead to less brain power and less organ power in general.

We could write mountains of books about how the healthy body protects itself when left to its own devices. Just realize that it does so and do not worry. The only humans affected by such "horrors" as anthrax are those whose Defense Forces have already been damaged, mainly by drugs and vaccinations.

Even when one eats and drinks conventionally, and uses alcohol or has another poison habit, his/her body can still protect itself. Its Defense System is not dead! If all these Defenses were dead s/he could not continue consuming poisons on a daily basis and still be alive. The Defense System is still in there pitching. If this were not so, the body would not be able to keep going under such sub par conditions. The capacity to preserve itself is so strong in all living things that it is truly awesome. The human organism is a paragon of self-preservation, struggling continuously throughout life to maintain the purity of its own system. The human Defense System has more power to protect us than most other organisms, providing we have not permitted our Defenses to be flattened by the atom bomb of serums, vaccines and medications.

How to Protect Yourself From Anthrax

1. Keep your skin clean. If you accidentally open a letter containing a suspicious substance, close it immediately. Hold your breath, and move to an open window before breathing. Then wash your face and skin. If you are fearful, draw a little water into the nostrils and forcefully blow it out. You may do this several times. Put the letter in a plastic bag and burn it, in case it contains other poisons, and out of respect for those around you who are still afraid. If you prefer, you may boil it, bag and all, for fifteen minutes or more. I hesitate to tell you to call the authorities because you may be compelled to submit to treatment.

2. Keep the skin healthy by daily air baths, sunbaths and water baths. After using the computer for a while go out into natural light. Natural sunshine also helps prevent damage from most types of electromagnetic waves.

3. You do not require sterility, only cleanliness. Internal and external cleanliness are necessary. Internal cleanliness is maintained by eating only natural foods, abstaining from all poison habits, and by getting enough rest and sleep to keep metabolic wastes from accumulating in excess. Additionally, keep your home and yard clean. Try to maintain a chemically free inner and outer environment.

4. Electrical pollution is also a health hazard and lowers your immunity. Live as far away from high powered lines and large transformers as is possible. Place electrical clocks at least six feet or more away from you. When not in use, pull small adapters for radios, tape recorders, etc. out of the electrical sockets. Eliminate or curtail your use of electrical gadgets, such as electric razors, cell phones, and hair dryers. Purchase other gadgets that cut down the electromagnetic waves from cell phones, or use the hands free speaker cell phones.

5. Exercise for better circulation, improved nutrition and digestion, as well as for increased vigor and a better functioning immune system.

6. Stay poised at all times. Practice the "middle way" of serenity, rather than flying high, then falling down into the depths of depression.

7. Do not forget the need for sleep and rest. Go to bed early enough so that you can wake up without an alarm clock. If you feel tired or still sleepy when you wake up, then you have not had sufficient rest and sleep. Stay in bed and rest if possible. Sufficient rest and sleep are prime needs for the perfect functioning of all organs and organ systems, including the immune system.

And last but not least,



1. Dubos, R. J., "The Evolution and the Ecology of Microbial Diseases," p. 4-27; Bacterial and Mycotic Infections of Man, 3rd ed., J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1958.
2. Burnet, F. M., Natural History of Infectious Disease, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 1962.
3. Smith, T., Parasitism and Disease. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 1934.
4. Skinner, F. J. and Carr, J. G., The Normal Microflora of Man, Academic Press, Inc. (London), Ltd, London. 1974.
5. Shelton, Dr. Herbert M., Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review, San Antonio, Texas. c. 1978.
6. The Merck Manual, l7th ed., Merck Research Laboratories, New Jersey. 1999. p. 1157.
7. Guyton, Arthur C., M.D., Textbook of Medical Physiology, 8th Ed., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1991. p. 379.


Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano graduated in l965 from the Texas Chiropractic College, summa cum laude. After working at Dr. Shelton's Health School for several years she went on to study Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Medicine. In addtion to her Chiropractic degree she holds degrees in Homeopathy and Medicine. When she was an undergraduate she studied Radiation Biology at Trinity University, San Antonio and was the first person to make the public aware of the dangers of ionizing radiation through the many articles she authored on this subject. Dr. Vetrano gives personal consultations by telephone. For information you may write Dr. Vetrano at P.O. Box l90, Barksdale, Texas 78828; or call 830-234-3499; or fax 830-234-3599.



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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 12, 2021 04:36PM

Thanks, John! There's 'a lot to unpack' (I hate that overused phrase - like 'down that rabbit hole')

I remember the 'Anthrax Hoax' because that's one of the first times when I was skeptical that the whole 911 was a hoax. Then the phony War on Terror and then the Patriot Act cemented my belief. And I'll never forget when I was a Democrat because I didn't like Bush, was anti-war, etc. and I was so happy when The Democrats took over The House and Senate. But the minute Nancy Pelosi made her first speech and said, "There will be no Impeachment" (of Bush) and then when The Democrats Renewed The Patriot Act - that was when I heard Ron Paul make a speech about the horrors of The Patriot Act on the floor of the House and I became a Conservative/Libertarian, and the rest is history.

Anyway, I also remember learning about the hydrofluorocarbons antibiotics, thank God in time for me to avoid them when I got Lyme and I didn't let my girls take anti-biotics.

"Over-the-counter drugs contain brain damaging substances similar to those found in Prozak, Zoloft, Ritalin and other brain destroyers." There are so many people - friends and family - on those Anti-Anxiety, Anti-Depression drugs. sad smiley

About Quinine - there is a root that's natural Quinine. I had read about natural remedies for Covid and Quinine is one of them. I assumed that the ingredient Quinine in Tonic Water - like Fever Tree - was natural quinine, but he said Quinine is synthetic, so I have to figure that out.


He also said:

"The carnivores, on the other hand, are all infected with parasites; their intestines are loaded full of putrescence at all times. Dog fanciers will tell you of the trouble they have with dogs because of worms. These are merely some of the many parasites that infest and infect carnivora. Carnivorism is, itself, a form of parasitism. (5)"

But ADV said that parasites in us are normal and natural. A part of our microbiome. We don't have to try to kill them. Symbiotic or something like that, so that's confusing. Are Parasites ok or not? Are some good and some bad? Like parasites in vegans are good, but parasites in Carnivores are bad?


I tried to look up buying that back issue of Vibrance Magazine with that David Klein interview in it, but ended up on a porn site. (It was a naked man, so don't bother going there - hehe)

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: October 12, 2021 04:46PM

"Animals get anthrax from eating off the ground. It is not a killer disease as we are led to believe. Very rarely would an animal or human die suddenly. If death comes from anthrax, it is because the animal or human is old, weakened and has very little resistance left."

John, does this mean you're coming around to the idea that viruses exist?
This entire article does seem to assume viruses exist.

I do agree with the article premise, that living a healthy and clean life means you have to worry less about infectious diseases, compared to people who live with unhealthy life styles.

Unfortunately, most people live unhealthy life styles, so anthrax could be a formidable weapon. (I grew up near an anthrax military testing ground - the ability for anthrax spores to stay viable for such a long time really caught everybody off guard. Oops!)

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 12, 2021 10:26PM


Viruses and isolation

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 13, 2021 03:21AM

Hey fresh, does this mean you're coming around to the idea that viruses exist?
This entire article does seem to assume viruses exist.

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 13, 2021 01:30PM

Well there was a disclaimer in his article. I guess you need to put a similar one in yours.

i am traveling around informing masked sock wearing zombies of their delusions. Only been kicked out of one store so far for breathing freely.

Also when i sometimes read news i see
Many pockets of resistance

Air traffic controllers
Hospital workers
Mothers of students

So this absurd battle for sanity in medical choices continues for the u.s.

Hopefully we can avoid the fate of other countries.

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 13, 2021 02:24PM

<<<Well there was a disclaimer in his article. I guess you need to put a similar one in yours.>>>

WOW!!! Somehow I could NOT find his disclaimer just like I could NOT find anything PRO Virus in either one of our Articles.

WARNING!!! There will be people who will comment on this Article and will twist what was said in the Article and will even twist those opinions of those who share this Article.

Can anyone say Straw Man?

Hey Jennifer, here's a video about some alternatives for Quinine...

Malaria & Diseases In Wild Animals

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 13, 2021 03:10PM

John Rose
<<<Well there was a disclaimer in his article. I guess you need to put a similar one in yours.>>>

WOW!!! Somehow I could NOT find his disclaimer just like I could NOT find anything PRO Virus in either one of our Articles.

Youre right. He had one in a previous article. Like this..

"As my readers know, I’ve been proving, for the past year, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist. Therefore, the whole issue of immunity is a non-starter. Immune to what? To a phantom. A myth. A superstition. A fairy tale. A collective hallucination.

NEVERTHELESS, I make frequent forays into the fantasy bubble-world, where millions and millions of people believe the virus is real, the case numbers are real, and the vaccine is relevant. I do this to point out the ridiculous contradictions and internal inconsistencies and lies within that bubble.

I’m making another such foray now. For the purposes of argument only, I’ll assume the virus is real and viral immunity is real and discussion about the vaccine is relevant."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2021 03:24PM by fresh.

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 13, 2021 03:29PM

Hey fresh, I think you might have missed this Straw Man, which is only one of many...

John, does this mean you're coming around to the idea that viruses exist?
This entire article does seem to assume viruses exist

John Rose
Hey fresh, does this mean you're coming around to the idea that viruses exist?
This entire article does seem to assume viruses exist.

Once again, there is NOTHING PRO Virus in either one of our Articles!!!

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 13, 2021 04:21PM

I saw it.

When people cant prove anything about specifically
"""sars cov 2""" (even though virologists ADMIT that it is fabricated while somehow convincing themselves its real)
They resort to

"So you dont think viruses exist? You must be crazy!"

And "EXISTENCE" means nothing. My point is ...i will even let us assume IT exists. Can they prove anything sinister about it? Nope. Thats how utterly bankrupt and fraudulent virology is all the while sounding very serious and scientific and detailed.

The US govt is and has been a den of thieves and liars and delusions it just took me a while to see it.

By their absurdities they commit atrocities and expose themselves

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: October 13, 2021 05:46PM

Gary, I'll read the Isolation and Viruses link you sent and see if I can understand what the disagreement is about isolation requirements.

John, even if everything claimed is true, that still doesn't actually prove viruses don't exist. It would open some questions about virology, but doesn't prove that viruses don't exist.

Also, sorry John, I made a mistake, I didn't mean 'viruses exist' (anthrax is a bacteria), but meant to ask if you were coming around to the idea 'infectious diseases' exist. I ask this since the article primarily seems to be about surviving and minimizing an Anthrax infection by healthy living.

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: October 15, 2021 05:14PM

Ok, so I want to distill out the main technical reasons (and ignore the fluff/virology insults, claims virologists "pretend" to find viruses, and other comments that can't really be examined, etc.), and make a concerted effort to understand the factual reasons/arguments for non-existence of viruses.

If I've read the article correctly, then I see three main reasons you "don't believe viruses exist", please confirm or correct my understanding:

1) Since sequencing requires amplification (i.e. growing more virus), which requires a living growing medium (since a virus won't grow/multiple outside of a cell), you don't believe it's possible to separate the virus from the growing medium.

2) Sequencing doesn't work. Recovered sequences are in many segments which are very small and could be assembled in any order to create any sequence. Rather than monopoly money comparison, comparing this to a books. Such as taking 100 copies of a book, then cutout every words separately, then reassemble the book - well reassembling into any book you want (at least with the available words).

3) Exosomes are mistaken for viruses. When people claim to "image" viruses, they are really seeing Exosomes.

How is my understanding of this, can you confirm those are the main points? Do I have any wrong, is so what is wrong? Did I miss any, if so what is missing?


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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 15, 2021 06:20PM

Ian - are you a guy? Enquiring minds want to know.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2021 07:08PM by Jennifer.

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 15, 2021 08:35PM

Ok, so I want to distill out the main technical reasons (and ignore the fluff/virology insults, claims virologists "pretend" to find viruses, and other comments that can't really be examined, etc.), and make a concerted effort to understand the factual reasons/arguments for non-existence of viruses.

If I've read the article correctly, then I see three main reasons you "don't believe viruses exist", please confirm or correct my understanding:

1) Since sequencing requires amplification (i.e. growing more virus), which requires a living growing medium (since a virus won't grow/multiple outside of a cell), you don't believe it's possible to separate the virus from the growing medium.

2) Sequencing doesn't work. Recovered sequences are in many segments which are very small and could be assembled in any order to create any sequence. Rather than monopoly money comparison, comparing this to a books. Such as taking 100 copies of a book, then cutout every words separately, then reassemble the book - well reassembling into any book you want (at least with the available words).

3) Exosomes are mistaken for viruses. When people claim to "image" viruses, they are really seeing Exosomes.

How is my understanding of this, can you confirm those are the main points? Do I have any wrong, is so what is wrong? Did I miss any, if so what is missing?


That's not quite how I would assess it but let's assume that that's accurate for you .how would you then view these issues assuming that those facts are true

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Re: The Pharmaceutical/Medical/Industrial Complex...
Posted by: Jennifer ()
Date: October 20, 2021 10:47PM

SOS can make a lot of money if he does this -

$1.2 M Reward Offered For Proof COVID-19 Virus Exists


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