AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: November 27, 2021 12:25AM This article by Dr. Lorraine Day explains why our resident TROLLS attack Great Men and Great Women like Dr. Day.
AARP Attacks Dr. Day! This Scam Alert column appeared in the January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin. Lorraine Day, M.D. P.O. Box 8 Thousand Palms, CA 92276 1-800-574-2437 www.drday.com January 14, 2003 Elliot Carlson, Editor AARP Carole Fleck, author of Scam Alert Column P.O. Box 199 Long Beach, CA 90801 Dear Mr. Carlson and Ms. Fleck: I want to thank you for mentioning me in your column "Scam Alert" in the January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin, page 18. Obviously my message of Natural Healing is having a major impact throughout the country if an organization the size of AARP, 30 million members, feels the need to attack me. Yes, I am an orthodox medical doctor who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, considered to be one of the three top medical schools in the country. As Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, I trained thousands of doctors. In addition, as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital, one of the premier trauma hospitals in the country, I ran the equivalent of a M.A.S.H. unit for many years. For the past 20-25 years, I have been invited to lecture to doctors at numerous University medical schools including Vanderbilt, Baylor, Cincinnati, Tufts, South Carolina, Iowa, USC, Minnesota and countless medical societies throughout the U.S. including the Massachusetts Medical Society, as well as other medical organizations around the world, including the Royal Society of Medicine in London. How surprised they will be to find out that the very doctor, Dr. Lorraine Day, these highly distinguished medical groups invited as a guest speaker, you, the editors of AARP, have designated as a quack. How could I, overnight, go from a highly respected surgeon at the top of my field, to an AARP-designated quack? What was my "crime?" Answer: I had the audacity to successfully reverse my severe, life-threatening cancer WITHOUT DRUGS! According to your business partners, the pharmaceutical companies, this is the GREATEST crime of all! Yes, I did reverse my life-threatening, end-stage cancer by totally natural methods. (You can see the pictures of the huge tumor I had, as well as my biopsy reports at my web site www.drday.com) Yes, I did refuse chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because, as a medical doctor with years of experience, I saw thousands of cancer patients die, NOT from their cancer, but from the painful, maiming, destructive "treatments" we doctors give them. And Yes, I am TOTALLY WELL and Cancer-FREE a full 10 years after my tumor first appeared, and EVERYTHING I used to get well is totally free, except for food, and almost everyone has to buy that anyway. But I understand your need to attack me and my reputation. Certainly you don't want your membership to learn how to get well from Cancer, Heart Disease, Parkinson's Lupus, Arthritis, Diabetes and many, many other diseases by natural methods, without drugs of any kind. After all, one of the main functions of AARP, according to your own advertising, is to sell drug medications to your members. Let's see, with 30 million members (all over 55) and each one spending maybe $100.00 per month with AARP for their medication (a conservative estimate), that amounts to $3 BILLION in drug sales per month. If your organization gets a cut of just 10% of that total, that¹s $300 MILLION per month for you! If your cut is only 1%, that's still $30 MILLION per month you are receiving, a minimum of $360 MILLION per year! When you have a multi-million dollar arrangement with the drug companies as you do, my message of inexpensive natural methods of healing, with NO adverse side effects, could really cut into a truly phenomenal income such as you are receiving. It's easy to see why you would choose to attack me. One more thing, in your column you referred to natural healing as quackery, yet on the back page of your very same AARP Bulletin, January 2003, you promote a "Yearbook" with an advertising headline stating "Ordinary Ailments, Extraordinary Cures -- Health Breakthroughs and Remarkable Remedies." In that advertisement are listed SIX or SEVEN points of the TEN Step Natural Health Plan I used to reverse my end-stage cancer! Why is it "quackery" when I promote it, but it's NOT "quackery" when YOU promote it? (see ad in AARP bulletin) Even MORE interesting is the fact that you CHANGED the headline for the advertisement when it was published in your Bulletin. Here is the found in another paper. The heading is very different. It includes the words: "Remedies That Work Better Than Dangerous Drugs Or Risky Surgery" Your AARP Bulletin obviously required that the ad be changed to eliminate these important words - to protect your enormous payoff from your drug business. You have deliberately withheld potentially life-saving information from your membership for your own monetary gain. In the interest of fairness, I'm sure you will be more than happy to print this letter in a prominent spot in your up-coming February AARP Bulletin. I give you permission, but ONLY if it is printed in its entirety. You do not have my permission to cut and paste portions to suit your own agenda. Just in case there's an outside chance you are NOT interested in fairness, I will post this letter on my own web site at www.drday.com as well as other web sites, as the public does have the right to hear both sides. Again, thank you for mentioning me. I could never afford to buy publicity like this to an organization the size of AARP, and here you have provided it for me free of charge. You have probably forgotten, or at least have not considered the fact that there are millions of intelligent and discerning members in your organization who will be perceptive enough to search me out, to find out how they too can get well without the torturing pain, surgical disfigurement, and bankrupting expense of orthodox methods. Thanks for letting them know I'm here! They may not have found me otherwise. Sincerely, Lorraine Day, M.D. [www.drday.com] Byw, check out Lorraine Day's picture at 83 compared to Gates at 64 and Jacob Rothschild at 84 at Dr. Lorraine Day's Updates. Re: AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: November 27, 2021 04:01AM Yes, Dr. Day is brilliant!
Here's a really interesting Recap of an article Dr. Day wrote where I Recapped her use of Pile Drives - see below. So far Dr. Day has been the only person I've ever seen that knows we have to go through 2 Doorways to Solve Most of our Problems, although, she didn't quite articulate it as such, but she did in a very round about way. I've explained this countless times as part of my Special Teaching Tool that has 6 Boxes that all logically connect and then, there are 18 Connections or 18 Portals and all we have to do to Solve Most of our Problems is go through the 1st Doorway where we must be Willing and Able to find the Knowledge we Need and then, once we find the Knowledge we're Missing about How to Live, we have to go through the 2nd Doorway where we must be Willing to Apply what we know or what we've learned. Your Doctor Can't Cure Your Cancer Because --- He Can't Prevent or Cure His Own! 1. …by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. 2. …by the way we have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress 3. …Change the way he (or she) is living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. 4. …and the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress 5. …the power to change the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – and Get Well 1. All diseases – including ALL cancers – do NOT “fall from the sky” nor do they “just happen.” We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. We give ourselves cancer – and every other disease that we develop. None of us do it on purpose. We do it ignorantly, but we do it just the same. 2. The Good News is that if we have done it to ourselves by the way we have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – then we can REVERSE the disease by CHANGING the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. 3. But they refuse to study lifestyle factors. They refuse to accept the fact that we give life-threatening diseases to ourselves by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. Of course, one main reason they refuse to look at lifestyle factors is that would make all their high-rise glass and metal buildings, their thousands of medical researchers, their Billions of dollars of research funding, and their false erudition, completely irrelevant. 4. As mentioned above, we give ourselves disease slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. It took you years to give yourself this disease, just as it took years for me to give myself breast cancer. 5. All a person has to do to Reverse his disease is to Change the way he (or she) is living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. One must learn how to Stop doing the things that have caused his disease, and Start doing the things that will Rebuild his immune system, so his immune system can get him well and keep him well as God designed it to do. 6. But trauma is very different from “disease.” Indeed, trauma – accidents, DO “just happen.” But diseases don’t. Diseases are the result of many years of abusing our body by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. 7. All Cancers, and all other types of diseases as well, do not “fall from the sky” nor do they “just happen.” We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress, factors that suppress our immune system, the only system in our body that can get us well and keep us well. 8. It took years for you to give yourself cancer, just as it took years for me to give myself cancer. And neither one of us did it on purpose. We did it ignorantly, but we did it just the same. We did it by the way we were living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. 9. If you believe that your cancer “just happened” and the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress had nothing to do with your developing cancer, then you have no choice but to bow to the white coats and accept all the poisonous chemotherapy, burning radiation, and mutilating surgery they will prescribe for you. You are helpless to help yourself. 10. But if you will spend the time to learn how you gave yourself your disease, and how you – and only you – can reverse it, you have enormous power in your hands, the power to change the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – and Get Well! …JR’s 2nd Recap - Lifestyle Factors… 1. We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. We give ourselves cancer – and every other disease that we develop. None of us do it on purpose. We do it ignorantly, but we do it just the same. 2. …if we have done it to ourselves by the way we have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – then we can REVERSE the disease by CHANGING the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. 3. …they refuse to study lifestyle factors. They refuse to accept the fact that we give life-threatening diseases to ourselves by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. 4. …diseases are caused by one’s lifestyle – and therefore can be reversed by changes in one’s lifestyle. 5. …we give ourselves disease slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. It took you years to give yourself this disease, just as it took years for me to give myself breast cancer. 6. …ALL diseases are caused by the same factors and ALL diseases can be Reversed by Changing those factors. 7. …change his habits – the very habits that have made him sick in the first place. 8. …ONLY way to cure a disease is to find out the factors that have caused it then change those factors. 9. …We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress, factors that suppress our immune system, the only system in our body that can get us well and keep us well. 10. … It took years for you to give yourself cancer, just as it took years for me to give myself cancer. And neither one of us did it on purpose. We did it ignorantly, but we did it just the same. We did it by the way we were living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. 11. …stop doing the things that caused our cancer and start doing the things that will rebuild our immune system. 12. … You are the only one who can change your habits. You are the only one who can rebuild your immune system. 13. …You are the one who made yourself sick – so you are the only one who can make yourself well. And that is the Good News. You CAN do it. 14. …change the factors in your life that caused your disease – and Get Well! 1. All diseases – including ALL cancers – do NOT “fall from the sky” nor do they “just happen.” We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. We give ourselves cancer – and every other disease that we develop. None of us do it on purpose. We do it ignorantly, but we do it just the same. 2. The Good News is that if we have done it to ourselves by the way we have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – then we can REVERSE the disease by CHANGING the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. 3. But they refuse to study lifestyle factors. They refuse to accept the fact that we give life-threatening diseases to ourselves by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. Of course, one main reason they refuse to look at lifestyle factors is that would make all their high-rise glass and metal buildings, their thousands of medical researchers, their Billions of dollars of research funding, and their false erudition, completely irrelevant. 4. They would have to admit that diseases are caused by one’s lifestyle – and therefore can be reversed by changes in one’s lifestyle. 5. As mentioned above, we give ourselves disease slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. It took you years to give yourself this disease, just as it took years for me to give myself breast cancer. 6. It doesn’t matter if the disease is rare or common, whether it is early or advanced, or whether it is in a child or an adult, ALL diseases are caused by the same factors and ALL diseases can be Reversed by Changing those factors. 7. But in order to get well, one must be willing to obtain the proper materials, study them diligently and repeatedly, and one must have the determination, commitment, tenacity, and self control to change his habits – the very habits that have made him sick in the first place. 8. The ONLY way to cure a disease is to find out the factors that have caused it then change those factors. 9. All Cancers, and all other types of diseases as well, do not “fall from the sky” nor do they “just happen.” We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress, factors that suppress our immune system, the only system in our body that can get us well and keep us well. 10. It took years for you to give yourself cancer, just as it took years for me to give myself cancer. And neither one of us did it on purpose. We did it ignorantly, but we did it just the same. We did it by the way we were living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. 11. In order to get well, we must reverse the damage we have done to our body over many, many years. We must learn how we caused our cancer, then we must learn how to stop doing the things that caused our cancer and start doing the things that will rebuild our immune system. 12. And no one can do that for you. You must do it for yourself. You are the only one who can change your habits. You are the only one who can rebuild your immune system. And it must be done by totally natural methods, using only the things that God has created, and using them only in the form that God has created them – not modified by man. 13. You are the one who made yourself sick – so you are the only one who can make yourself well. And that is the Good News. You CAN do it. 14. But you don’t have to go that route. You can take charge of your own health and vow to change the factors in your life that caused your disease – and Get Well! …JR’s 3rd Recap - Willing to Obtain & Spend the Time… 1. …willing to obtain the proper materials, study them diligently and repeatedly 2. …determination, commitment, tenacity, and self control to change his habits – the very habits that have made him sick in the first place. 3. …willing to spend the time necessary to learn how we made ourselves sick, and what changes we need to make to get well. 4. …determination, commitment, tenacity, and self control to do what needs to be done in order to Get Well. 5. …spend the time to learn how you gave yourself your disease, and how you – and only you – can reverse it 6. …spend the time necessary to learn what you need to do to Get Well – and then Do It! 1. But in order to get well, one must be willing to obtain the proper materials, study them diligently and repeatedly, and one must have the determination, commitment, tenacity, and self control to change his habits – the very habits that have made him sick in the first place. 2. And in order to Get Well, we must be willing to spend the time necessary to learn how we made ourselves sick, and what changes we need to make to get well. The Health Plan is relatively simple – but it is not easy – because one must change almost everything about his or her life. One must have the determination, commitment, tenacity, and self control to do what needs to be done in order to Get Well. 3. But if you will spend the time to learn how you gave yourself your disease, and how you – and only you – can reverse it, you have enormous power in your hands, the power to change the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – and Get Well! 4. You are NOT helpless. Your situation is NOT hopeless. You CAN get well, but it will take perseverance, commitment, determination, tenacity, and self control to spend the time necessary to learn what you need to do to Get Well – and then Do It! …JR’s 4th Recap - do it - did it ignorantly… 1. …None of us do it on purpose. We do it ignorantly, but we do it just the same. 2. …And neither one of us did it on purpose. We did it ignorantly, but we did it just the same. We did it by the way we were living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. 1. All diseases – including ALL cancers – do NOT “fall from the sky” nor do they “just happen.” We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress. We give ourselves cancer – and every other disease that we develop. None of us do it on purpose. We do it ignorantly, but we do it just the same. 2. It took years for you to give yourself cancer, just as it took years for me to give myself cancer. And neither one of us did it on purpose. We did it ignorantly, but we did it just the same. We did it by the way we were living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress. Dr. Day's article above is a classic example of an intelligent mind knowing that all Great Leaders must PILE DRIVE the hell out of our Message for some people to get it. Notice that Dr. Day Pile Drove "Lifestyle Factors" 14 times! As one of the most EVIL men in the world, Winston Churchill, once said, "If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time--a tremendous whack.” Re: AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2021 04:56AM >The ONLY way to cure a disease is to find out the factors that have caused it then change those factors.
Exactly. And because we cannot go back and change the past, we are doomed like T.C. Fry and Herbert Shelton. And we cannot go to the hospitals and to the doctors to ease our pain or do some repairs. Re: AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2021 11:25AM Theres no WE
YOU can do whatever you want you brainless twit Re: AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2021 01:42PM Day? or another Night?
[quackwatch.org] Re: AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2021 05:04PM My arm is sore from this Tennis Match... Re: AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2021 09:52PM Thanks for the Dr. Lorraine Day info, John, and the link to her website. There are a lot of articles here I'd like to read -
[www.goodnewsaboutgod.com] I love her! What an inspiration! How she cured her cancer, etc. ![]() AARP is crap! Phil Kerpen: Unmasking AARP as a front group [www.theledger.com] For years the major health care policy debates in Washington and state capitals have been distorted by the fact that one of America's best known and trusted advocacy organizations, AARP, has functioned largely as a lobbying and PR front for the country’s biggest health insurer, UnitedHealth. ********** AARP is just a for-profit insurance company Cheating seniors by raising health care costs [m.washingtontimes.com] The AARP recently hosted a forum that included Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar ostensibly to discuss proposals to lower health care costs. The irony was unmissable. AARP — which until the 1990s was an acronym but now, appropriately, stands for nothing — is crusading for a Nancy Pelosi bill that allegedly combats “unfair pricing,” while AARP itself faces serious legal allegations that it is ripping off seniors by raising the health care costs of its own members. Sadly, the AARP has become little more than a marketing scam for its big corporate financial sponsors — UnitedHealth and its wholly-owned OptumRx pharmacy business. Doing so has become quite lucrative: Research shows that in 2017, AARP received $627 million from UnitedHealth. ********* AARP to Seniors: We're Not Accountable to You [townhall.com] Last week, the AARP sent a letter to the Department of Labor requesting a delay of a Department of Labor proposal to align its rules for investment advisers with the SEC's "best interest" standard, to give investors more choices while protecting their retirement savings. It's no surprise that the AARP would seek to thwart one of President Trump's policy objectives. Instead of being a neutral advocate for seniors, the AARP routinely engages in far-left political advocacy. Recall that when seniors were contacting the AARP 14-to-1 urging the group to oppose Obamacare, they instead supported it. Since the law’s passage and implementation, the AARP has received well over $4 billion in “royalties” from its for-profit partner UnitedHealth, most of which comes from their exclusive sale of "AARP" branded UnitedHealth insurance plans. There is some unique irony in AARP's latest foray into political activism. They are seeking to delay President Trump's retirement rules which are designed to replace an Obama administration regulation known as the fiduciary rule that was struck down in court. Obama's so-called "fiduciary rule" was dubbed "Obamacare for your retirement" because, under his proposal, if you like your retirement plan or investment advisor, you may not be able to keep it. Estimates show that the rule would have disqualified up to 7 million IRA holders from receiving investment advice and cost consumers an eye-popping $31.5 billion. Despite the fact that Obama's regulations amounted to an all-out war on seniors' retirement plans, the AARP – allegedly a seniors advocacy group – supported it due to their misguided belief that seniors aren't smart enough to plan for their own retirement. (We can't help but wonder if the Obama rule would have benefited AARP's corporate investment advisory partners.) ************* The AARP's Unholy Alliance with Insurance Companies [www.realclearmarkets.com] A lawsuit currently being pursued by Ohio Attorney General David Yost against OptumRx, a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), alleges that the company bilked Ohio state coffers of more than $1.3 million on generic medications. If true, taxpayers and patients should be outraged. But this is far from the only reason to distrust PBMs. PBMs are the corporate middlemen that drive the costs of drugs up for patients in pursuit of their own profits. Seniors, in particular, who rely on these medications in greater numbers, pay a heavy price. But here’s the real outrage: those very middlemen keeping drug prices high are aided and abetted by the very organization that purports to represent seniors—the AARP. AARP bills itself as a nonprofit organization “dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older.” But behind closed doors, it argues something else entirely. In response to a recent lawsuit alleging AARP has been overcharging seniors for Medigap insurance coverage, AARP argued that it was under no obligation to “act with the interests of [its senior members] in mind.” So, if AARP isn’t acting in the interests of its members, who does it answer to? One need only examine the organization’s financials to discover the truth—AARP is beholden to UnitedHealth Group, the parent company of the very PBM that Ohio’s Attorney General is investigating. Practically an open secret in Washington, D.C., AARP provides UHG with the exclusive right to brand medical insurance policies with the nonprofit’s name and logo—effectively their stamp of “senior” approval. In return, UHG pays AARP royalties of 4.95 percent of its sales of these products off the top—kickbacks worth billions. Over the last decade, this exclusivity deal has provided AARP with tax-free income to the tune of $4.5 billion. In 2017 alone, the nonprofit received $627 million from UnitedHealth, more than double what it took in membership fees from seniors. A recent report from Chris Jacobs at Juniper Research shows how AARP has made a habit of putting profits over patients. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.