Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 12, 2024 05:17AM Of course, the littlest guy gets Pecked by everyone,
My chickens (small backyard flock, several generations over 24 years) did not attack or pick on each other in any pathological way. Yes, when I dumped some grain out for them, and they all crowded around to eat the food, one hen might sometimes peck at others so that she could have the food for herself first. Like she had appointed herself Official Food Taster. On watching the drama closely, I saw that the supposedly "bad", me-first hen did not go after the rest continuously. The rest of the flock all got their share. Chief Hen was just wanting to be first, that's all. She didn't hog all the food. Hope you understand. Humans are different; some groups hate us forever and want to take all that we have so that we may be left destitute and ultimately dead from want. I treated my chickens pretty good. Yes, apparently there was a bit of a hierarchy, but no hen ever had any need to get nasty about it or continually pick on any other. My chickens did not even moult; I read everywhere that moulting is normal and year after year I was waiting for this to happen, but it did not. "They" tell us that the feathers fall out so that new, better ones can appear - what hogwash. Does our head hair fall out once a year to the point of baldness so that "better" hair can come in? No. Increase your intake of highly nutritious food or herbs, and watch your hair, if gray, return to its normal color. Feed your poultry right, give them good living conditions, don't give them a reason to fear you, and their feathers do not fall out. And they will live several years, too. And treat each other quite well. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 14, 2024 08:47PM >>>Of course, the littlest guy gets Pecked by everyone,
Thanks for sharing the story about your chickens You treat them well and in response, they behave well. Many humans do not have those privileges, many are born in families with no father, or parents on drugs. They become "the littlest guy who gets Pecked by everyone" Why Is the Universe Harmonious And Most Human Life Miserable? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/2024 08:49PM by RawPracticalist. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 14, 2024 10:16PM
Is your life miserable? Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 15, 2024 02:03AM
My life is full I have been doing quantitative financial analytics on Wall Street for 20 years. Next time you are in Manhattan, send me a private message and I will take you to the New York Stock Exchange trading floor. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 19, 2024 05:02AM @RP. Thanks for reading the story of my chickens.
Many humans do not have those privileges, many are born in families with no father, or parents on drugs. They become "the littlest guy who gets Pecked by everyone" If a human with a normal brain get pecked by "everyone", it is a sign that he or she should do something about it! There are countless persons who have been cursed with terrible life circumstances, but they decided to turn the situation around. Most shitty lives are not cast in stone. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 20, 2024 12:24AM
Yes, there are some people who turn situations around under terrible life circumstances but many cannot. The few who can were probably born with inner qualities. We are born with different skills and abilities. Reincarnation may explain that but many do not believe in it. It is the natural process, we are born in families, societies, and cultures that provide the education, and the grounds for us to grow and mature. Many children are born under difficult situations, war, poverty, and social injustices. Here is a mother hen protecting her children under heavy rain. The chicks cannot do it on their own. [www.youtube.com] Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2024 01:00AM by RawPracticalist. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 23, 2024 02:27AM Thanks for the cute little video of the hen and chicks during the rain. I've seen that in real life with mine, too.
You are right about how some people can reverse their bad luck and others can't. You mentioned reincarnation. It may be a reality, I can't say this way or that, I'm agnostic. But I will say this for sure: it is the cruelest thing imaginable. Think about it; you have done some bad things, shown poor judgment, etc. etc. in one or more socalled past lives. And then you get born - with no memory whatsoever of these deeds. Instead, the power that runs the world just keeps whacking you til you supposedly "get it". If this approach worked, wouldn't we all be saints and angels by the time we are ready for another go-round? Yet this does not happen. My toes curl when I hear people say that God is a loving parent. Gee, doesn't a loving parent take his child by the hand and explain to him in the clearest possible way (according to his age and ability to understand) why it is wrong to do such & such? But no, this Loving Heavently Father just punishes you over and over and over but you are not changed; you still get horrible diseases or thrust into hideous life situations. What do you think. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 23, 2024 02:05PM
Yup! Reminds me of how they say or the statistics say - that if a person is abused by their parents growing up, they usually or often, whatever, turn out to be abusers. I think not. I think it has to do with the genes - some people have the mean gene and some people don't. And like Horsea said, if their brain is working properly, they can overcome or be more aware/sensitive to the circumstance. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 23, 2024 04:23PM Reminds me of how they say or the statistics say - that if a person is abused by their parents growing up, they usually or often, whatever, turn out to be abusers.
I think not. I think it has to do with the genes - some people have the mean gene and some people don't. Five stars! -------------------- Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 23, 2024 10:20PM
The Heavenly Father wants you to be Holy as He IS ![]() There are many living being types in the universe, angels and humans being the top beings after God. But angels are holy but have no freedom, they perform God's commands. Â Humans are born free and have to earn holiness through life experiences. The key point is freedom which is allegorically related in the bible when Adam and Eve refused to follow God's command and ate the Apple. Because you are free, you can become an angel or a satan by your actions. But the universe is ruled by laws and that freedom you have is not free, you have to bear the consequences of your actions. That is the law of compensation and it runs across incarnations, you will pay for what you have done sooner or later. So the bad or good genes you get at birth you EARNED THEM from what you have done in previous incarnations. What reincarnation says if you believe in it is that the soul after death without the body on the spiritual plane has a clear film of what was accomplished on earth, every thought and every action performed are examined. The soul judges itself. Without the body, it does not have the misconceptions it had on earth. It sees his poor judgments, especially in hurting others. The soul even begs to be reborn to compensate for the hurt to others. Let's say the soul was a young man doing drugs and fathering many children without taking care of them. The soul relives the suffering the mothers and children went through. The soul may petition to be born as a woman in a poor family. Choosing a wealthy family will not help the soul to compensate. The key point is that the soul needs to learn the lessons. Maybe the person in his life was discriminating against others based on the color of their skin. The soul on the spiritual plane after a life review may choose to be born in that race he was discriminating against to experience that pain. The soul needs to learn that human beings are primarily a soul in a body not the color of the skin. Let's take the case of our JR in this forum. He has mastered the science of health and healing the body and the mind. He has written and made videos to help many, he would most likely be reborn with healthy genes in a family that has already living and raw food as their lifestyle, because he EARNED it and it has part of his soul. After a long period of life review, With the help of the angels, the soul is awarded the family that it deserves based on all of the previous incarnations, not just the last one and what it needs to learn and compensate for. A family with a pregnant woman is chosen. There is a debate on this, some say the choice is made after the pregnancy reaches 3 months. Some even say the soul may periodically visit the pregnant mother (spiritually). The soul before birth goes through a period we may call death in the spiritual plane where the soul forgets what happened in all the previous incarnations. The soul is put to sleep by the spiritual hosts. The soul is already the sum of all of these incarnations, it does not need to remember the faces of people, and places otherwise it will go around and accuse spouses, brothers, and friends of what they did to him in a previous incarnation. If the soul was a master piano player, in the new incarnation the soul in a child's body will play the piano easily and the family will be surprised. "You are the guy who shot me in the past incarnation". The guy who shot you will pay for it, do not waste your time. The spiritual plane is divided into many levels, some say 12. The soul is driven by the urge to become holy and it cannot move to the next plane unless it has compensated for the errors committed in the plane it is on. It is like a student repeating a grade when his classmates are moving to the next grade. Here is a good reference book [www.amazon.com] Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2024 10:48PM by RawPracticalist. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 23, 2024 11:53PM The soul before birth goes through a period we may call death in the spiritual plane where the soul forgets what happened in all the previous incarnations.
That may be a fact (or not) but in any case it is repellent. Why? Because we need to know what we have done wrong in the past and then make a conscious decision as to how we will now respond to this knowledge. It is what you do when you have choices that matters, not what you are forced into enduring by some grand entity/ruler of the universe who judges that you "need" further development. There are quite a few different religions and belief systems in this world, most quite old and some more recent. How can they all be accurate? Why the difference between rebirth and reincarnation? I see every answer to the question "What happens after we die?" as just a guess, a story made up by powerful leaders possibly as a method of controlling the populace. JMO. At least standard-issue Christianity can give people hope. The reincarnation-type religions do not. What would I have to look forward to on my deathbed? That I have to go thru an earthly life 300 times more? Yes, according to the reincarnationists and rebirthers views, I am a young soul. Suits me fine, I'll own up to that. And thanks for responding to my comments. ![]() Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 24, 2024 12:18AM
In reality, we do not forget past lives You are the sum of all of the past lives You are the sum of all of the teaching of school teachers from first grade, it is not important to remember their names, the grade you got in each exam, the clothes you had on a particular day. What counts is what you became from those many days at the schools Michael Jordan is the sum of all of the years of training on the basketball court he does not need to remember every training session. The remembrance is not important, what counts is what you became. Another point is that remembrance is associated with the brain, a physical organ, and when you reincarnate, you have a new brain, a brain that will grow from your parents' living environment and teachings. What you were in previous incarnations is buried in your subconscious and it will give you inclinations toward liking certain activities at your parents' surprise. There are spiritual exercises that get you connected to your subconscious and a remembrance of some of your past lives that I have attended over the years. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2024 12:55AM by RawPracticalist. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 24, 2024 11:28PM If you do good (or bad) because your back is to the wall, it doesn't count. We need to see the choices in front of us, and then act according to our character and abilities at that time. I am not sure why it would be any other way.
So, what finally happens after my 300 trips around the merry-go-round are completed and I am one with god. Well, wise men say that we get thrown back down to insect life once more - be stepped on, poisoned or burnt by evil children. I may not be a Christian anymore, but when I hear the reincarnation version of things, I understand why Christians cling to their beliefs. You may suffer like the damned, but your faith will pull you through until you meet the Creator face to face (in a manner of speaking, of course; the Creator is not a king sitting on a throne as we learned in catechism.) If I am comforted by being not-sure (agnostic; living with uncertainty) and you feel greatly suited to your reincarnation beliefs, we can still get along. Re: Challenge to RP on AIDS and COVID etc
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2024 06:33AM >>what finally happens after my 300 trips around the merry-go-round are completed and I am one with god. Well, wise men say that we get thrown back down to insect life once more
The first law of thermodynamics says that energy cannot be destroyed, or lost. The knowledge you acquire through many lives is permanent and never lost. If you were to become an insect, where would the knowledge go, given that energy cannot be lost? Scientists will tell you the universe is always expanding, even God himself is in evolution. When Moses asked God his name, the answer God gave summarizes what the universe is. I AM THAT I AM What God meant was that He is what he was, what He is, and what He will be. He is eternal. In the Jewish tradition, the names like Moses, Jacob you are give describe your qualities, and your role in life, and God is limitless, so he does not have a name. >>If you do good (or bad) because your back is to the wall, it doesn't count The chickens you are raising, if you do not feed them will die. Actions, and choices we make have direct consequences, even animals know that they have to hunt for worn, insects to feed their children. >>I may not be a Christian anymore, but when I hear the reincarnation version of things I do go to church sometimes but fundamentally I am a mystic, not a Christian. Religion teaches belief, but I need more than that, I need to understand the spiritual laws that govern the universe, and connect to the light, and love at the core of the universe. The universe is difficult to understand without the doctrine of reincarnation. How do we become holy like God with just one life? And more importantly where does the knowledge we acquire in one life go if energy cannot be destroyed? How do we explain the difference skills, abilities children are born with? Even if it is in the genes, how did that child got the chance and the other child did not? Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2024 06:44AM by RawPracticalist. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.