Re: Sadhguru on Raw and cooked food
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 03, 2024 09:06PM I saw this video a while back when it had 1,595,215 views and now it has 1,802,558 views.
EDIT: He almost died recently and had to have a very invasive surgery to save his life, so there is a time and place for Allopathic Medicine. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/03/2024 09:09PM by John Rose. Re: Sadhguru on Raw and cooked food
Posted by:
Date: May 05, 2024 05:53AM I can't quite grasp this man's advice. First of all he says that cooked food is "dead" and therefore no good for us; but then he advises his audience to consume only 40-50 per cent raw food.
He sez if you eat cooked food, and your digestion is excellent, 50-60 percent of it is "going to waste" and further it's a burden on your body because it still has to be processed. So why eat any cooked at all? I am not judging anyone's diet; eat what pleases you. I crave some cooked but I do feel bogged down, somewhat, afterwards, so I think this speaker is correct. I envy people whose domestic situation does not require them to cook food for others in their household. Even the biggest promoter of raw foods, Norman Walker, includes a bit of cooked food in his "cook" book "Diet and Salad". His carrot souffle contains 6 egg yolks; he considers egg whites terribly unhealthy. A few of his recipes contain Swiss cheese or cottage cheese. Etc. etc. He strongly disapproves of starchy foods and not flesh foods. To him, (cooked) starch is the main problem. I guess you know all this already. Anyway, I liked this man, Sadhguru; he seems nice and comes across as kind and intelligent. Re: Sadhguru on Raw and cooked food
Posted by:
Date: May 05, 2024 02:12PM I enjoy his unique vibe
And words about life in his videos. Certainly he contradicted himself and I don't agree with everything but I focused on the good stuff he said that many don't... For example the feeling of being totally relaxed in your body (I don't remember how he put it) that occurs on raw... And some other things Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.