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candida from fruit only
Posted by: minou33 ()
Date: January 23, 2007 01:14AM

I have been eating mostly fruit...and have been feeling lately like I was beginning to develop candida. Now I am having the beginning symptoms of a yeast infection..and I haven't had one in years (not since before I went vegetarian). I am disappointed because I thought going raw would make me healthier. I have been eating a large amount of dates and other sugary fruits. Considering lots of people are fruitarian, I don't understand why I would have problems with fruit. I don't really know what to do now. I really like eating fruit and really don't enjoy vegetables. Any suggestions????

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: RawSun ()
Date: January 23, 2007 02:40AM

When you first go raw and are detoxing all of the negative health conditions you've experienced throughout your life come to the surface. Stay raw, you will conquer this. One suggestion is to limit your fat intake. Yeast/candida actually needs fat to grow not fruit!!
Best wishes to you,

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: January 23, 2007 03:01AM

I don't believe that eating fruit only creates a condition more favorable for candida.

But I do believe that lots of dates does not constitue a good healthy diet. Except for B5, B6, copper, manganese, magnesium, and potassium they are basically empty kcals compared to some of the other things you could be eating. They are only 2% protein and virtually devoid of fat. In other words, there is a lot that you'd be missing if you ate a lot of dates at the expense of better choices. Bryan's diet is mostly fruit but he meets his nutrient targets but for a few. With a mostly date diet you'd be missing all of them but a few. There is a big difference!

I'd limit myself to 1 or 2 per day and concentrate on the more nutritionally-dense fruits (papaya, guava, citrus, berries, cantaloupe, etc.) And don't forget your greens: juice or blend them with fruit if it's the only way you can get them down. They do help a lot.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: uma ()
Date: January 23, 2007 03:13AM

are you mixing fatty fruit (like avo) with sweet fruit, or eating it before fruit, or not far enough apart to prevent funking combining? Even with just eating a fruit diet, food combining can be important to keep things running smoothly (at least for me), including not eating acid fruits with sweet fruits, etc. etc.


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: January 23, 2007 03:41AM

candida haunted me when I was cooked foodist. I had chronic skin fungus nail urinary infections..I could not pick right from wrong..

It all disappeared two weeks into raw..
I am fruitarian and I feel healthier than on raw, but that's just me..

anyways, I suggest you think about what candida is, its nature's housecleaners and it is there because it is eating all this bad DEAD crap inside of you.. figure out what it is, or detox it..

pills? supplements? oils? junk food?

I would make juices out of fruits and add some greens to it..

Candida does not survive on living may eat fruit sugars but not for long..

the reason we get so sick from candida is because of the wastes it gives off..

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: January 23, 2007 03:43AM

Do you have fake teeth drilled in your mouth or fillings? do you drink alcohol?

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: minou33 ()
Date: January 23, 2007 01:31PM

uma-- I have been mixing a lot. I would eat a fruit salad of banana, kiwi, cherries, raspberries, blueberries & dates (with only minor alterations) several times a day most days. I would also make smoothies with nut milk..usually with banana, cherries and coconut butter and drink green juices such as kale/cucumber/spinnach. I also eat a lot of spinach/carrots and cucumbe or zucchini salads with olive oil and raw cider vinegar.

Thanks rawsun. I like to think it's detox as well. Since going raw I have had a number of health complaints I haven't experienced in YEARS!!! like fever, eye infection, ear infection, etc. So that would definitly make sense to me. I don't plan on giving up though. But if the candida continues I am not sure what to do. I don't know what's feeding it!

coconut cream-- I haven't really had any of that stuff. No pills, no supplements. I haven't drank any alcohol. And I haven't been cheating with junk food. The only junk food I have been eating is several dates filled with almond butter. But I have only been eating about 6-8 dates a day.. It hasn't been a major part of my diet.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: khale ()
Date: January 23, 2007 02:05PM

CoconutCream is right on.

Everyone has candida. What we think of as Candida is actually an overgrowth. We are all host to a zillion little buggers that actually have a function in our bodies. The trouble comes when these "buggers" start taking over and their wastes (again as CoconutCream pointed out) is what really makes us sick.

Candida is primarily a yeast overgrowth (rather than bacteria or fungus) and so thrives in an environment fed lots of sugar. There is no getting around this.
All of these "little buggers", yeast, bacteria and fungus, feed on sugars, fats, and proteins and thrive in an acidic internal environment. If the internal environment is at a neutral pH these microzyma's go dormant and are kept in their place, and bingo! no sickness.

If I had a yeast infection I'd limit sweet fruit for awhile, especially fruit that is most acidic such as citrus, pineapple and etc. I'd drink tons of water and I do mean tons. I'd also check my pH with litmus paper to determine how acid or alkaline my insides are.


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: January 23, 2007 08:10PM


When you have symptoms, don't eat any of the overt fats. The nut milks, the oils, butters, avos, etc. You will find that your symptoms disappear in a day or so. After a few days of symptom free, try adding in the overt fats again. But try to separate them from when you eat fruit. I like to eat fruit in my first meal. My 2nd (and last) meal will start with fruit, followed by greens. When I eat an overt fat, it is in the 2nd half of my last meal.

Anyway, you can play with this and see what works for you.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: taylor ()
Date: January 25, 2007 02:24PM

can candida give u itcy inner ears?taylor

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: January 25, 2007 09:35PM

I never had a yeast infection until I began menopause somewhere in my mid to late 40s. I don't think the reason was too much fruit (since I'd been eating a whole lot of fruit already for decades), but it was at least somewhat associated with menopause.

Not that my diet was perfect -although I'd already been vegan for at least a decade - but some of the changes associated with menopause made me more susceptible (like less natural lubrication in the affected area for example, combined with peeing out in the orchard without wiping).

Whatever the reason, once you have a yeast infection, it's very itchy and impossible to ignore and extremely difficult to wait it out while you improve your diet (even if you happen to know exactly what the best diet is).

One sure nontoxic cure that you can get at the health food store is calendula gel. There's also a calendula cream. I think the gel is a little stronger. Clean the affected area with water and gently pat it dry, and then apply the calendula gel. Repeat the process every time you pee. The itching should stop almost immediately after application, and the infection should be entirely gone in a few days.

If you are susceptible to yeast infection for any reason, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would suggest that you eat well like you already are, drink lots of water, and you might consider finding yourself a good nontoxic lubricant or cream (the calendula cream or gel would be fine) that you can apply everyday. Calendula is a flower, and a traditional healing herb.

As for the candida, my understanding is that both candida and vaginal yeast infection are moniliases, but candida is more often associated with a generalized (systemic) infection, whereas vaginal yeast infection is often a localized infection that may not indicate any relationship at all with candida. You didn't mention what other symptoms you have that made you think you might have candida. If you are REALLY WORRIED you might have candida, I'd see a doctor to get a diagnosis. You don't have to take his advice or "cure", but almost any SAD doctor would be better able to diagnose candida for you than anyone on the internet who can't even see you. You probably don't have candida at all, it's probably just detox making you uncomfortable, so if a doctor tells you that you don't have candida, you'll be able to relax and do your detox with peace of mind.

Aloha, -Ally

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: bodybyblis ()
Date: January 25, 2007 09:55PM

You must be careful with fruit - many, way too many people have underlying candida issues, simply due to exposure to heavy metals. So I would SLOWLY move into fruits. Truly, I believe balance is best - until you know truly where your body is.

Here's a few things to consider about SUGAR PERIOD. Whether or not its a glyconutrient almost doesn't matter. Unless you are really healthy. IMO.

Blissed be, Annie

124 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

Contributed by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.,
Author of the book "Lick The Sugar Habit"


In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis (disturbing its normal condition or function), excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications.

�� 1
Sugar can suppress your immune system

�� 2
Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body

�� 3
Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children

�� 4
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides

�� 5
Sugar contributes to the reduction in defenses against bacterial infection (infectious diseases)

�� 6
Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you lose

�� 7
Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins

�� 8
Sugar leads to chromium deficiency

�� 9
Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostrate, and rectum

Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose

Sugar causes copper deficiency

Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium

Sugar can weaken your eyesight

Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine

Sugar can cause hypoglycemia

Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract

Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children

Sugar malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease

Sugar can cause premature aging

Sugar can lead to alcoholism

Sugar can cause tooth decay

Sugar contributes to obesity

High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis

Sugar can cause changes frequently found in those with gastric or duodenal ulcers

Sugar can cause arthritis

Sugar can cause asthma

Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)

Sugar can cause gallstones

Sugar can cause heart disease

Sugar can cause appendicitis

Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis

Sugar can cause hemorrhoids

Sugar can cause varicose veins

Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users

Sugar can lead to periodontal disease

Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis

Sugar contributes to saliva acidity

Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity

Sugar can lower the amount of Vitamin E in the blood

Sugar can decrease growth hormone

Sugar can increase total cholesterol

Sugar can increase your systolic blood pressure

Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children

High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar bound non- enzymatically to protein)

Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein

Sugar causes food allergies

Sugar can contribute to diabetes

Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy

Sugar can contribute to eczema in children

Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease

Sugar can impair the structure of DNA

Sugar can change the structure of protein

Sugar can make your skin age by changing the structure of your collagen

Sugar can cause cataracts

Sugar can cause emphysema

Sugar can cause atherosclerosis

Sugar can promote an elevation of low density lipoproteins (LDL)

High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body

Sugar lowers your enzymes ability to function properly

Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson�s disease

Sugar can cause a permanent altering in the way the proteins act in your body

Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide

Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat

Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in your kidney

Sugar can damage your pancreas

Sugar can increase your body's fluid retention

Sugar is enemy #1 of a good bowel movement

Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness)

Sugar can compromise the lining of your capillaries

Sugar can make your tendons more brittle

Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine

Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women

Sugar can adversely affect school children's grades and cause learning disorders

Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves

Sugar can cause depression

Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer

Sugar and cause dyspepsia (indigestion)

Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout

Sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates

Sugar can increase your insulin response if you eat high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets

High refined sugar diet reduces learning capacity

Sugar can cause less effective functioning of two blood proteins, albumin, and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body�s ability to handle fat and cholesterol

Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer�s disease

Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness

Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become underactive and others become overactive

Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones

Sugar can lead to the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli

Sugar can lead to dizziness

Diets high in sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress

High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion

High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer

Sugar feeds cancer

High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant

High sugar consumption can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents

Sugar slows food's travel time through the gastrointestinal tract

Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon

Sugar increases estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men

Sugar combines and destroys phosphatase, an enzyme, which makes the process of digestion more difficult

Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer

Sugar is an addictive substance

Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol

Sugar can exacerbate PMS

Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce

Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability

Your body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch

The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects

Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition

Sugar can slow down the ability of your adrenal glands to function

Sugar has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases

IVs (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to the brain

High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer

Sugar increases the risk of polio

High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures

Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people

In Intensive Care Units: Limiting sugar saves lives

Sugar may induce cell death

Sugar may impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in living organisms

In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44 percent drop in antisocial behavior

Sugar can cause gastric cancer

Sugar dehydrates newborns

Sugar can cause gum disease

Sugar increases the estradiol in young men


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: minou33 ()
Date: January 26, 2007 05:33AM


Thanks for the advice! I know it is candida. While on a SAD diet I had CHRONIC yeast infections. I was always at the doctors and on meds. So I know from experience what it is... and since I have been eating mostly raw for the past 2 months and mostly on fruits.. I am pretty sure that this is what is causing it. Right now I am cutting the fruits down and have eliminated the nuts for a while. I am eating more cooked things in place for the time being because at this point I am not sure what is and isn't safe for me to eat.

Thanks for that info. What would you think is a safe amount of fruit to eat???

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: January 26, 2007 06:56AM

I disagree that all that stuff is about fruit sugars. That is crazy to say fruit does all that. Please babies love fruit. I think yes that may refer to white sugar , but not fructose..fruits are brain fuel, we are frugivores by nature

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: dancerinthenight ()
Date: January 26, 2007 09:31AM

I totally agree with Coconut Cream. It took me a LONG time to buy this argument. but from personal experience I can attest that this indeed rings true for my body. I am an 11 year candida sufferer and a mostly fruit with some tender leafy greens diet is definitely the way to go for me. I am clear-headed, my skin is radiant, I have boundless energy, I am not depressed. It really works magically for me. I believe that we indeed are frugivores based on the design of our digestive tract, our ancestral past, and our dna composition. It makes sense. And if we look at our closest relatives in nature (the apes) who eat a predominantly fruit diet without overanalyzing it and letting their brains get in the way, they seem to be doing much better than we thinking humans!

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: January 27, 2007 09:12AM

Hi Annie,

I really have no experience with candida, but since you asked me how much fruit I think is safe to eat, I'll go ahead and give my opinion.

I think it's safe to eat as much whole organic fresh fruit as you want to eat.

However, I would also suggest that you NEVER try to avoid eating any other raw vegan food that you might actually prefer at any given time by filling up with more fruit than you really want to eat.

There are NOT A LOT of fruit-only fruitarians.

I DON'T think an abundance of whole fresh raw organic fruit will hurt you in any way. Many of the dates available even in the health food stores are not actually raw. They are dried and then steamed. They should probably be avoided as much as possible, along with most other dried fruits.

I believe it's good to be MODERATE with raw foods containing OIL (not too much, not too little, since many raw foods containg oil are the best sources for some essential nutrients). A little almost every day works best for me, but you'll probably have to experiment to see what's best for you.

I think it's probably true that processed sugar in the diet can lead to harmful symptoms from a large variety of diseases including candida and very possibly all of the diseases and conditions listed on bodybyblis's post.

BUT I also think there is a vast difference between processed sugar and whole fruit containing fructose as part of the fruit's natural makeup.

IMO, putting processed sugar and whole fresh fruit in the same category is like putting white flour and wheat grass in the same category.

To those who believe that an abundance of fruit included in a VARIED raw food vegan diet is unhealthy, I challenge you to come up with even one substantiated study to show that a significant number of subjects suffered from a decline in health while following a diet that included an abundance of fruit PLUS OTHER RAW VEGAN FOODS AS NEEDED TO MEET NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.

(This is a friendly challenge, not meant to stir up any bad feelings or anything).

I'm 56 now, and vegan for over 20 years. During those vegan years I've eaten WAY OVER the norm of fruit, but not even a teaspoonful of processed sugar or honey (In fact sweetened stuff grosses me out completely). I ran 6 miles yesterday and loved it, and I weigh the same 93 pounds that I weighed in high school. A few months ago, my doctor referred me for blood levels of nutrients (as part of a physical exam required for my part-time classroom job), and everything came out perfect.

I'm just one person though, and this is my opinion based on my experience.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2007 09:26AM by suncloud.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 27, 2007 08:38PM

Are there any testimonials of people getting rid of candida by eating a low or no fat, high sweet fruit diet? Thanks.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 27, 2007 08:50PM

Bryan Wrote:
> But try to separate them from when you eat fruit. I like to
> eat fruit in my first meal. My 2nd (and last) meal
> will start with fruit, followed by greens. When I
> eat an overt fat, it is in the 2nd half of my last
> meal.

Bryan, are you saying that if you are going to eat 2 avocados per day, to eat them separately from sweet fruit? I thought that fat in your system was fat in your system, and whether it was eaten with the fruit or later would not matter vis-a-vis candida.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2007 08:51PM by learningtofly.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: deemel ()
Date: January 27, 2007 08:55PM


Just had to reply to this email.

Here is what happened to me just over a month ago.
High raw eater, switched to fully raw (including eating little bit more fruit, but adding in flax crackers, avocado and other overt fats) - immediate candida sensations....really really really bad - worse than I have ever had. And I KNOW candida symptoms as I have experienced them my whole life (at least monthly experience since I was 17)
Switched over to 80/10/10 - which is practically all fruit, some leafy greens - and no overt fats AT ALL...and within 1 day the symptoms disappeared completely.
They have not returned as I have been keeping my fat intake very low - having only an avocado ever 2nd or 3rd day.
It works, and it works really quickly - much faster than any drug!!!
I understand the fat vs sugar intake issue - it really is about how the two interact...
Doug Grahams book 80/10/10 explains the whole situation perfectly - but if you don't want to buy a book...just drop the fat instantly and within a day or so, your symptoms will be gone.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 27, 2007 09:06PM

Hi deemel,

That is very, very interesting, and makes me want to try it. The challenge for me is that I have used avocado every day for years as the main source of satiation in my raw diet. I find that it relaxes and grounds me.

How do you achieve satiation and satisfaction without the overt fats?


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: deemel ()
Date: January 27, 2007 09:21PM

Good I love the avocado myself!!!!
I up my banana intake, in a big way
In fact, if I am eating a salad for dinner, I will either eat banana first or mix banana in with it.
I have found no candida symptoms even if I was to eat say 1/8th of an avocado with each salad.
As I am at the beginning of this whole experience, I find that I really want some avocado each day. What worked for me was to avoid it for two days, then have just the teensiest bit each day, with a full avo every 3 days or so.
As far as I am concerned, I don't care if my intake is 20% fat (from avo) it is still better than consuming all the flax crackers I had before!!
Dropping the fat really works!!! And, with the instant response, you will be really encouraged.
I am not sure if I will ever get to 10% fat - for this stage, I am thrilled that I am symptom free - at that is good enough for me..
Go the bananas!!!!
Good luck with it all

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 27, 2007 10:31PM

Thanks so much deemel. Good luck to you too.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 27, 2007 10:41PM

deemel, can you give me an idea of a sample day of eating this way? Do you gravitate towards the more filling fruits? Thanks.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: January 28, 2007 01:47AM

Djatchi, I agree with your post 100%.

I'd like to clarify something I said about dates in my previous post. I do eat dates, but only the fresh raw ones. The dates in the bins at our local health food store are dried and steamed (though organic), but the dates in the produce section are fresh raw.

One other thing: although I do believe a person can safely eat as much fruit as they want, it's good to try to be aware of what we're doing and think about whether we really want to eat or not. Habitually overeating anything is not a good thing of course, even overeating fruit.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2007 01:57AM by suncloud.

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: uma ()
Date: January 28, 2007 03:36AM


I had serious candida for years, i took so many antibiotics i would just keep getting one yeast infection after another. and if i didn't have a yeast infection i'd have a bladder infection. and then i'd take antibiotics and have another yeast infection! I did this lovely dance for years before i finally clued in to the fact that my MDs didn't know their ass from their elbow as far as my healing was concerned! I remember things started to improve when I went raw even though it was higher fat and all the condiments and stuff. But my system is definitely running much smoother now with low fat high fruit and food combining.

"uma-- I have been mixing a lot. I would eat a fruit salad of banana, kiwi, cherries, raspberries, blueberries & dates (with only minor alterations) several times a day most days. I would also make smoothies with nut milk..usually with banana, cherries and coconut butter and drink green juices such as kale/cucumber/spinnach. I also eat a lot of spinach/carrots and cucumbe or zucchini salads with olive oil and raw cider vinegar."

Once I started paying attention to food combining my whole raw world shifted. For me this means no sweet fruits with fats, but some acid fruit seems to be OK. I usually eat fruit all day and then if i do have overt fat which is only once or twice a week, i eat it last, then usually don't eat much the next day till later on, maybe some citrus because the fat takes so long to digest. If i eat sweet fruit too soon i can feel it!

Also when I eat fruit, I only tend to combine fruits in the same group -- acid and sweet don't work together for me for example. Dates take a lot longer for me to digest than other fruits so I tend to eat them last and give them a couple hours.

Anyway it could really serve you to read up about the combining, something like Herbert Shelton's Food Combining Made Easy. This stuff has sure served me.

That kale/cucumber/spinach juice sounds yummy!


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: khale ()
Date: January 29, 2007 02:26PM

Deemel wrote:

"I understand the fat vs sugar intake issue - it really is about how the two interact..."

This makes a lot of sense to me and actually seems obvious once I thought about it awhile. Either cut out the fat or cut out the sugar because the combo is problematic. I personally have had no problems with Candida, but I know many people who have or do.

Actually you guys are inspiring me to take a closer look at 80/10/10.


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: deemel ()
Date: January 29, 2007 08:14PM

Absolutely Khale

I think we would all benefit - especially those of us who have had constant candida - from looking at these two (fat and sugar) and their combination causing disagreement within our system.
I bought the book (80/101/10) - which I thought was excellent - although must say that the recipes section left me decidedly bored..and not inspired to eat in this way..however I have taken matters into my own hands, and come up with some food plans that seem to work for me.

LTF - a sample days food for me would be:

Breakfast- 5 or 6 lady finger bananas, with a punnet of blueberries (this serves 2 at my place)
If I get hungry again before lunch, I will have either a banana or a punnet of blueberries
Lunch - 1 lady finger banana, 3 figs, 2 managoes - chopped into a salad
Dinner - I have been making either a salad including cherry tomatoes, cucumber, baby greens and small amount of avocado
my personal favourite (but not completely raw - I believe that it is better to eat something vegan and lightly cooked in fat than full of fat and completely raw) is
carrot, cucumber, bean shoots, mint wrapped in eggplant. The eggplant has been soaked all day in braggs and one tablespoon oil, then grilled. (yes I know that people don't like Braggs)
This works for me - so at this stage I am happy with that!!
If I am starving at dinner time, I would eat a mango or two first before the savoury dinner.
Hope that helps.

I cannot believe how quickly this fat vs sugar thing takes effect - especially after years of candida and ineffectual treatments.

I would have to agree that it is pointless in going to the doctor for anything related to candida. I remember almost impaling a doctor who suggested that my hygiene may have been to blame for all of my outbreaks of candida. He then went on to describe how women should wipe themselves after the toilet.
I instructed him that if he didn't stop treating me like an idiot, his wife would be a tend to get fairly aggressive when faced with this situation time and again.HA HA - who is candida-free now, Doc?? (no thanks to you, buddy)
AAAhhh, that feels better!! It is always refreshing to become the master of your own health..
Good luck to you all - and seriously try it, it works!!!


Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: January 30, 2007 12:26AM

Hi Minou33 and Annie,

I apologize to you both. It looks like I got you both mixed up somehow when I entered my last post, and I also didn't notice that Minou's question was actually addressed to Annie, and not me.

Hope you we're offended. Best wishes to you both.

-Ally (suncloud)

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 30, 2007 10:53PM

Hi Minou33,

I am transitioning to raw and have experienced simliar problems. When I increased my fruit intake i started experiencing candida (i have never had this before- and its a little annoying seeings that i am eating heathier than ever before!! ) . This discussion on sugars and fats has been interesting to me- thanks everyone. I am going to phase out any remaining cooked foods this week and to seperate and reduce fats and see how it goes. I'd be interested to see how you get on so please let us know.


Also did anyone experience an intial sluggishness of the digestive system when first switching raw?? I expected things to be different with all this fruit. cheers smiling smiley

Re: candida from fruit only
Posted by: minou33 ()
Date: January 31, 2007 04:01AM

hi reet

My candida has cleared up a bit. I stopped eating a lot of fruit till I was a little better..but now I am back to eating the amount that I had been before. The only thing I cut out was the nut milks.. which I was drinking at least 2-3 cups of a day. I also limit oils a little more (olive & coconut) but I never considered my intake of fatty oils to be very high anyway. And I don't eat avocados very often. I just don't like them.

I also ate some plain yogurt and took a lot of acidophilous pills because I was in a lot of pain for the first few days. I've been reading about how ferments are very good in helping with candida. So I have been having apple-cider vinegar regularly with my salad (and sometimes just itself) and I am making some rejuvalec. Coleslaw is also a good ferment.

So far so good.. so maybe I am doing something right. We'll see...

My digestion has been weird also. My first few weeks into raw I was doing great with digestion. But then I hit a wall in the middle all of a sudden and things lsowed down and I needed to start taking herbal laxatives. Things seem to be getting better though. Apparantly candida can cause these problems also.

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