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Posted by: boyd ()
Date: February 21, 2007 06:20PM

Hi everyone! Im new to eating raw foods, and was totally oblivious to the whole idea until the other week! I had no idea how bad cooked food was for my body, it scared me that much, that i decided to do something about it. I'm going to go RAW!! Not totally straight away, i don't know enough information just yet to take such a big step. (yet) tongue sticking out smiley

I wonder, i have a question, if anyone can help me i sure would appreciate it.

Is cooked food really that bad for you? i know junk food etc is, i also know that cooking food produces certain toxins. But is it really that bad? i mean, if you eat smart, as healthy as possible cooked foods, aswell as large amounts of fresh organic raw foods would that be healthy? I would also be taking spirulina, wheatgrass, goji berries, maca, bee pollen and other superfoods that i have read about over the past couple of weeks.
Anyone here take superfoods? how good are they? i have been eating maca for the past 4 days. Ive nearly got through 250 grams and all its done so far is made me want more sex, and loads of it (!)

I suffer from mild acne and i strongly believe that going at least 80% raw will have a huge effect on my health. I have tried all kinds of cosmetics and pills but nothing seems to clear it. Its not bad, its just ive have it for 4 years now and i guess I'm just kind of getting sick of it (I'm 21)

Anyway, I'm just rambling about a totally different ballgame now so I'm going to leave it at that.

Thanks for reading

Boyd grinning smiley

Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: KathyT ()
Date: February 21, 2007 08:21PM


Acne often comes from a sluggish colon. Your body is designed to get rid of toxins in 4 ways... through your bowels, urine, sweat, and breathe. The colon is vital to good health. When you are not eliminating at least twice a day, and preferably 3 times a day, then the toxins in that fecal matter are reabsorbed through the colon wall, and those toxins will recirculate through your body. Results are varied: acne, aches, pains, exhaustion, and many times illness. Really bad breath often comes from a stopped up colon. The toxin have to get out some way, so the breathe becomes really putrid.

Many times a good colon cleanse and then eating lots of raw vegetables and fruits will do wonders for acne.

Is cooked food really bad for you? I don't know if it's a question of cooked food being "bad" for you. Certainly PROCESSED food is bad for you. But merely cooking isn't the same thing. Here's the thing: I just watched Storm and Jinjie's video Breakthrough. In it he showed some astonishing charts. A little block for every nutrient, labeled with the nutrient name. Then he showed a raw apple pie surrounded by MANY blocks of the nutrients. Same pie cooked: about 1/4 the nutrient needed.

Putting cooked food in your body and expecting it to take you through life full of health and vigor is about like putting a gallon of gas in your car and taking off on a 1000 mile journey. It just ain't gonna do the trick. Sure you keep stuffing a little more cooked food in along the way, but you just can't go the distance. You start to develop illnesses. America is in the midst of a diabetes epidemic. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, and thyroid disease are rampant. Depression is at an all time high, effecting people of all ages. Bi-polar disease rises continually and ADHD rages through our classrooms.

You are what you eat. That's what we've heard all our lives and we didn't understand what it meant. Now we do. So it's up to us. Making a change is good. Starting where you are at and increasing to more and more raw is the path for some. For me I just jumped in with both feet... doing so gave me immediate results, within 5 days I could see and feel and dramatic difference, and that encouraged me to go on. That I am an 'extreme' person... I do better with extremes because I like immediate measurable results. Thats me. For you it make be better to set up a schedule to phase more and more raw in.

Look for recipes you enjoy and if you try sometime once or twice and don't like it, move on, because there are lots of recipes to try. Some people like to get mono... meaning, I guess, just one food for any one meal. I love variety,different textures and tastes, so I'd much rather mix up some raw spaghetti with a great salad, or even a veggie plate with lots of veggies. YUM! This works for me, but I guess you will have to discover what works for you.

Superfoods... flax seeds. blueberries. wheat grass juice... omega fish oils... I'm new to this, I'm sure others can suggest many more. I'm an infant, I know nothing. LOL.

Good luck, Boyd.


Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: boyd ()
Date: February 21, 2007 10:14PM

Thanks Kathy!

You should really look into superfoods ! i have not had that many so far, but from what i experience when eating them, it is something rather ...super! tongue sticking out smiley

Thanks for the advice, i will increase the amount of fresh fruits and veggies starting tomorrow!

I'm still going to be eating my cooked foods (sounds so unhealthy when that word now don't you think? LOL) But I'm going to be eating mostly live say my diet will most probs be 90% raw, minimum! The only cooked foods I'll be eating is fish such as salmon I love salmon!

Thanks again


Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: February 21, 2007 10:39PM

Boyd, I've read so many testimonies of people clearing of acne in my 4 years of raw journey that I am very optimistic about your prospects. smiling smiley

As far as cooked food, it is only after being raw for some time, that I realized how badly cooked food affects my body. All the facts and figures, all the pro and contra arguments, all the sense and nonsense, fades away in the light of the fact that when I put cooked food into my body, I feel the adverse results. Every time. These results were manifesting before, but I was oblivious to them. Only when I stopped abusing my body, I was able to experience how wonderfully I can feel without the abuse. The first amazing results came in my first month of raw. I felt like an allien. I was changing like in some science fiction movie.

Other people experiences sound like science fiction too, but in raw it is so common, that one gets used to it. Long-life asthma gone away within a few months on raw, diabetes same, fibryomalgia, cancer, eek, if I try to list it all here, I won't have time for my other duties he he.

You made a good choice. Lucky you. Have fun. The joy ride begins!


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Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: February 22, 2007 02:48AM


important thing is to have fun
and be adventurous

raw foods is fun
and its adventurous


ha ha

Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: rosemary ()
Date: February 22, 2007 04:00AM

I found that 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds (ground/blended) improved my skin greatly.

Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 22, 2007 05:57AM

Water, water, water!!! I started to notice a HUGE difference in my skin when i cut out icky starchy foods and filled up on fruit and loads of water. PS. sometimes when i eat a grapefruit i'll cut a bit out and rub it on my skin, especially problem areas and let the juice soak in, i'm not sure if its just my imagination but it seems to clear and tighten things up!

Re: Superfoods!
Posted by: gary ()
Date: February 22, 2007 03:54PM

Is cooked food bad?

My opinion is that there are much worse things you can eat.

I think all food practices live on a scale, At the bad end of the scale you have junk food, sugary cakes/biscuits/puddings, cola / fizzy drinks, coffee, alcohol etc. Somewhere in the middle you have meat, processed and refined foods, packaged foods, preservatives and e-numbers, salt, fatty foods etc. A bit further up cooked, vegetarian, whole-foods etc. Near the top is raw vegan but even there you may find improvements and refinements. (I won't attempt to order everything precisely because I really don't know exactly).

Anyway, I think some people can live long healthy lives eating any old rubbish, smoking their fags and drinking heavily every day. For others it will be necessary to improve the diet to some degree in order to obtain good health, but I'm not convinced that everyone needs to go 'raw vegan' to achieve it.

As far as cooking is concerned, I think that steaming vegetables or cooking grains is pretty good for most people. The question is - is it good enough for you?


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