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Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Elakti ()
Date: June 04, 2007 02:21AM

Poor Meow, I feel badly for you. That is not fun. I think the only thing you can do, as Bryan said, is go to bed and rest (maybe fast, too) and sleep. I hope #1 that a good night's sleep will take care of the headache completely and that #2 if it is still there tomorrow you don't try to drag through a day.


throughout morning--3 bananas, cherimoya
1:00---small salad, lettuce, tomato.
3:00---other half of canteloupe, eaten on streetcar
5:00---salad of lettuce, 3/4 tomato, avocado, 3 olives

If I want something else later (most certain) I will eat a champagne mango or have oranges.

I feel good. Yesterday I cut my knuckle open on a rusty garden tool---didn't even think of the fact it was rusty(!). By early eve I got so exhausted and when I got in bed my arm was hot, and I noticed 2 very thin red lines going up arm. Then I recalled how totally rusty the tool is. I didn't go to sleep until I felt safe...I mean, I didn't have a fever (well, I guess my arm did) or feel sick. This morning the cut was clean (it had been red and purple) with no inflammation and there were no more lines on I guess I am ok. (I hope this all means I am safe!) I am feeling pretty sure that if I were still eating like before and had pizza and hersheys going through my veins....

Well, I'll keep you posted. Sheesh. On top of all my past wrong eating, I had to detox a garden tool.

Take care everybody! No pbj's or rust!


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: starfruit ()
Date: June 04, 2007 03:03AM

some raw ice cream
green smoothie (lettuce, cilantro, strawberries, blueberries, lime, banana) yum
1 coconut meat
watermelon juice
some kale marinated in olive oil and garlic
some guac i made w/bell peppers and a couple brown rice crackers(not raw)
1 mini raw pizza i made yum
1/4 pice of raw cheesecake
then 4 oz of stupid chick pea curry i gotta stop eating this stuff
1 vegan brownie bite.ergh but hey i did way better than last weekend when i was mostly cooked
Those hit my stomach like a rock. I'm away from work and temptation tomorrow!
meow: yeah my dad and i had a great time together. He may be joining the forum soon. YOu should try green smoothies! THey are actaully really yummy and i don't like greens that much. NExt to green smoothies i have put in parenthese what i put in them. YOU should rea victoria boutenko's books. She talks a lot about them. Well good luck with that! They have madea radical change in my kitties i want one so badly! Yeah i have found with raw that the less restrictive i am with it the easier it is to stick to it...
ea: thanks love you too as always hehe
khale: that meal sounds beautiful and delicious yum.


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: June 04, 2007 03:29AM

Meow- I feel so bad for you. I know how miserable headaches can be. Could a PB&J really cause that?

Starfruit-How did you make that mini raw pizza?

Elakti-Glad your wound seems better. I hope it continues to heal.

Today I ate:

-Spinach, strawberry and flax oil salad
-raw tortilla, guacamole and mexican squash "rice"
-smart monkey bar

I am too full today!!

Have a great week #4!!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: meow ()
Date: June 04, 2007 04:19AM

well this is an edit to my post above- i am feeling so nauseous and out of it that i can't even think of eating, it makes me want to throw up! i was sooo looking forward to that salad, too, but i think it's best for me to not eat anything else since i'm not at all hungry and my stomach doesn't feel so good right now! ugh. i had to lay down for another hour, and that's when i know i feel bad- i never just lay around doing nothing- usually even if i'm sick, i'll still be on the computer, or at least watching a movie or reading. but i couldn't do anything. i just took a shower, which made me feel a little better, and now i'm going to lie down again and probably go to bed super-early. rest seems to help more than anything else.

suncloud- i'm sorry, i didn't answer your question in my last post. the running has been feeling pretty good! i took a good 3 weeks off when i was transitioning, but for the past 3 weeks or so i've been running here and there. not nearly as much as i used to- i used to do half-marathons and be really obsessive about running & workingout, but this is much more relaxed and gentle. i also used to base my identity around running, but now i'm feeling more like my identity isn't tied to something external, like a hobby or my job or even so much how i eat. it's more about what i believe in. so, even if i'm no longer "a runner" i still enjoy a run now and then without having to go crazy over it! it's nice smiling smiley

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 04, 2007 07:43AM

hey everyone i had a very long day....meow sorry you are feeling lousy..hope you feel well soon!! sending good vibes your way :O)
everyone have a wonderful night..i am exhausted and going to try to get some sleep but i won't forget this little detail :O)

here is what i ate today
1 cup sprouts
1/2 head of collard greens
2 zucchini
1 gaya melon
1 1/2 cups of blueberries
3 bananas
1 cup of raw coleslaw
1/4 cup of guac with 1 cup of carrots
that is it haha..hmm a lot huh?? well i mixed the bananas and berries in a smoothie with some water and ice haha and made my own banana berry (jamba juice )

okay i am out of here!! sweet dreams and happy thoughts

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: June 04, 2007 07:47AM

Meow, by the time you read this, it will be tomorrow, and I hope its a beautiful day and your headache is long gone!

Meow, there's definitely a part of me that would love to be able to run a marathon. But another part of me says 3 miles is enough. I'm not exactly a gifted athlete, just a person with a lazy streak who knows how much better I feel the more I move around!

Elakti, what do you grow in your garden?

Today I had, bananas, oranges, strawberries, a white sapote, tomatoes, cucumbers, 1/4 avocado, lemon juice, about 1/3 cup sprouted buckwheat, 1/4 sprouted brown sesame seeds (measured dry), 1/4 sprouted sunflower seeds (measured dry), and a big pink hibiscus.

The buckwheat had surprisingly very little flavor, but an interesting consistency. It was OK, but I think next time I won't make so much. 1/3 cup doesn't sound like much, but once it's sprouted, it's a lot more. I had some buckwheat with the tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and lemon juice. I also had some later with bananas (not the best food combo). It definitely did NOT help me eat any less fruit (or any less in general). That's all right though. Fruit's good.

My next experiment will be with sprouted millet, probably on Wednesday.

Exercise: walked 4 miles

My knee is OK, but I thought I shouldn't push it again like I did yesterday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2007 07:50AM by suncloud.

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 04, 2007 12:39PM

Good morning and welcome to Week 4!

I think that most of us are going to start feeling more solid and established in this way of eating and living during this week. For those of us who have been really new at this the previous three weeks have been sufficient in proving how much better we feel raw, in showing us where we are tempted to go off raw, and in discovering for ourselves what works for us and what doesn't as regards the diet itself.

I know that I've learned a lot.

I've discovered that when I veer from raw and add cooked to my diet that there arises a psychological component that may or may not be unique to me and my particular, I'll throw it out there: at any age its important to know how to re-create oneself, but at 50+ it becomes crucial as nothing ages a person faster than living in a rut, resistant to change, and enclosing oneself in a daily round of habit. For me, apart from any nutritional concerns, a cooked diet represents a "place" that I've already been, while the raw diet is ripe w/ potential and promise; promising for mind, body and spirit as well as opening up a "world" that I've never been before. Can any of you relate? The raw diet keeps me alert to potential, while the cooked diet reminds me of the ruts I've stumbled into in the past. This is probably what motivates me to stay raw more than anything else.

Meow: I do hope that you are feeling better. I want to remind you guys that magnesium DOES help with headaches and that Dr. Gillham's magnesium "tea" delivers relief pretty fast, especially when taken before a nap or bedtime. I really don't think PB&J would have given you such a chronic headache meow, unless you are allergic to peanuts, and everyone is probably right on in saying that you may have jarred yourself during the fender bender or are carrying the stress of it in your neck. At any rate I hope that you are feeling better.

Yesterday I did not jot down what I ate in my journal, so this is from memory:

juice of 2 oranges, sliced maradol papaya, leftover save the salmon patties eaten on romaine as a "sandwich", cucumbers w/ fresh dill, more papaya, carrot and celery juice and a salad last night w/romaine, kale, chard, sun-dried tomato, raisins and walnuts with evoo & acv, garlic an salt

I'm excited about the new week and very happy to have you guys as companions. I have a bit of catching up to do as a result of my "vacation" last week, but I will try and get something together for a group chat asap.

have a rawkin day,


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: the enchantress ()
Date: June 04, 2007 02:45PM

Okay, so I'm fashionably late...

Obviously I didn't officially begin the 7-week challenge with you all, but I have been aiming to be as raw as possible for at least that long and have been checking in to this thread for a while as well. So I'm gonna go ahead and invite myself in. Hi!

What prompted me to jump in was an experience I had this morning. I woke up and felt hungry, but I couldn't even think about eating my usual breakfast of green smoothie without feeling sick; the idea of fruit in any form just didn't appeal to me. I didn't have any Manna bread, otherwise I would have restorted to that. The steel-cut oatmeal in my cupboard, however, was calling my name. So, learning from similar past experiences, I decided to just make the damn smoothie while cooking the oatmeal. I had to mix one up to bring to work anyway, and chances were as soon as I tasted the smoothie (I like to like the spatula!), I'd crave it as usually happens, and wouldn't want the oatmeal by the time it finished cooking. Lo and behold, it worked!!! I am SO proud right now as I sit here typing and drinking a green smoothie! I have always resorted to snarfing down the cooked food and not even attempting anything raw, then feeling less-than-ideal for it afterwards. My tendency with everything is to get this idea in my head of what will/won't work, I will/won't like, etc., without truly entertaining any other possibilities. So this is a HUGE step for me, not just in the raw journey but in other areas of my life as well. Victory!

Thanks in advance for your support and encouragement!

~the enchantress

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: June 04, 2007 04:21PM

Welcome enchantress. Glad to have you. Congrats on winning the battle with yourself this morning smiling smiley. It is an inspiring story. I love this thread!!!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: rawdanceruk ()
Date: June 04, 2007 04:37PM

wow the weather is soo wonderful, is really putting me in a good mood smiling smiley

all the sunshine, warmth and fresh seasonal produce! cant get any better!!

Today had some strawberry juice- seived out the pulp

Lots of water


Not finding much of an appetite right now, people at work are starting to talk about my weight a lot. Which is making me really annoyed/upset.. oh well. Got some more coconut so tommorow will take some water, blend a little meat into it and add raw protein powder. Make a power shake for my workout!!

Walked for two hours today in the lovely sun, half of that uphill. Which was nice, waked me up some. Felt energised instead of half asleep like when I use the buses or car.

Hope your headache has passed meow really do xx


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Miss Joan ()
Date: June 04, 2007 07:19PM

HI EVERYONE! I haven't been posting but I read all of your postings every day. It's awesome how much perseverance everyone has maintained.

Meow, I hope that awful headache is gone. I had a dull headache all day Saturday (rare for me, so I don't have a lot of patience with one). It was very slight compared to what you endured. I don't know if you've ever seen Dr. Oz on TV before. Oprah has him on once a month re:health issues. Recently he talked about acupressure points and demonstrated that pressing between your index finger and thumb will alleviate a headache. It worked for awhile but then came back. But then, I'm not sure exactly where or how to do it. It sounded as though you were close to a migraine feeling the way you did. As someone had mentioned earlier, I agree that the jolt of the fender bender and emotion of the whole incident and then having to work just stressed your body out.

EA: You continue to amaze me. You are the perkiest, most upbeat person. I hope the move is coming along well. You're putting so much effort into it. I get tired just reading all you do in a day! That was a really kind gesture to offer your computer to.........(oops! My mind went blank on who you offered it to). It sounded like it would be great for her to be able to get online whenever instead of waiting for her house mate.

Enchantress: I want to welcome you, toosmiling smiley

Khale: It's been said many times but I'll say it again, THX! for starting this thread.

Elakti: I hope your gardening mishap is all better. Those 2 blood lines are scary. Doesn't that indicate some sort of blood poisoning? I remember taking my daughter to the emergency room when she was a baby. Out of the clear she had a "hot" bump on her tiny heel with red lines running up her little chubby leg.
They lanced it and we were on our way. She actually SLEPT thru the whole thing.
I don't even recall what the doctor said it was. (That was 38 years ago!)

Suncloud, I wish your exercise regimen would rub off on me. I am doing a lot of gardening and babysitting (overnight sometimes) for my beautiful little grandbabies -- which, in itself, is aerobic to MEsmiling smiley I started walking 2 miles but only did it for a few days. I stopped and have to get back. I totally envy those of you who are so dedicated to exercise and love it. Does that eventually happen to everybody? I feel like a slug.

So far today I've had 1L water, 2 large kale leaves, several romaine lettuce leaves and a bunch of delicious, crunchy red grapes.

I'm trying to cut back on so much fruit. I'm not losing weight (actually gained back 1 1/2" of the 3 1/2 I initially lost. Are sprouts & grains low cal but high in protein? (I KNOW ----- I NEED TO EXERCISE!!!!) I grew kamut sprouts and they were so sweet and crunchy. Right now I'm growing another batch of mung bean sprouts (they're sooo good) and I started alfalfa today. I also started a small batch of wheatgrass which is doing beautifully so I started a large tray. I can't wait to juice it. The first batch is only 4" high and The Wheatgrass Book says to harvest at 7-10". It's so decorative to boot.

Sorry to go on and on. I don't know why I wasn't posting more. I think I've been in a funk. (I KNOW ------ EXERCISE WILL HELP THAT, TOO)

Love to you all!


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 04, 2007 09:15PM

Hey, check out the new girl! ***waves to enchantress***glad you decided to join us...and thanks for sharing that story. Small victories like that add up to big wins in the long run. I believe pakd4fun enjoyed a similar victory recently too.

welp, just pokin my head in to say hi

talk later,


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: June 04, 2007 09:38PM

Today I'm feeling physically a bit low. I think it was the sprouted buckwheat. I'm feeling a bit of the same symptoms that I get from greens. It might be good for someone else, but I think it's a bit too much for me. And I personally like the taste of sprouted wheat better. I think I'll wait for a week or so before I try the millet. Unfortunately, the store didn't have kamut, but I might try that and quinoa too.

Miss Joan, don't feel like a slug! You're taking care of your grandchildren (what an important job!) and working on a beautiful productive garden, I'm sure. Good you're walking 2 miles. Walking is SO good for you! It's a bit more time-consuming than running, but possibly more healthy. What are you growing in your garden?

Exercise gets to be a habit like anything else. Once you start doing it regularly, you can feel the difference, and then you want to do it all the time. You're probably already into the habit of walking, and that's why you're thinking about it now, and you're feeling like you just have to do it!

For me, I find that even when I don't feel like walking, running, etc., once I get started, I'm fine. Then I always feel better for the rest of the day.

I did a little checking on for the caloric ratios of some different grains.

Wheat was the only grain that nutritiondata had information for both the dry kernel and the sprouted grain. There was no information on wheat grass.

For hard red winter wheat (the dry wheat kernel), the caloric ratio was: 82% carbs, 4% fat, 14% protein.
For sprouted wheat, the caloric ratio was: 81% carbs, 5% fat, 14% protein.

So the ratio stays about the same when it's sprouted, and in either case, the actual CONTENT of fat is very low: about 1 g of fat for 1/3 cup of the dry wheat kernels, and about .5 g of fat the the sprouted wheat. 1/3 cup of the dry wheat is about 200 calories, 1/3 cup of the sprouted wheat is about 71 calories.

I would guess that wheat grass probably has 0 grams of fat.

When I sprout wheat, I start with about 1/3 cup dry wheat, and it bulks up to more than twice as much. I usually can't eat all of it, so I just eat about 1/2 cup sprouted wheat. Other people might eat more; I'm kind of small.

Here's some stats for the dry (UNSPROUTED) kernels of some other grains:

-buckwheat: 79% carbs, 8% fat, 13% protein, 1/3 cup (unsprouted) has about 2g fat and 200 calories.
-millet: 80% carbs, 9% fat, 11% protein, 1/3 cup (unsprouted)has about 2.8 g fat and about 250 calories.
-rye: 81% carbs, 6% fat, 13% protein, 1/3 cup (unsprouted) has about 1.4 g fat and about 150 calories.

If those grains are like the wheat when sprouted, then 1/3 cup of the sprouted grains would have about half the fat and calories.

Hope you enjoy your wheat grass!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: June 04, 2007 09:47PM

Welcome to the enchantress!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Miss Joan ()
Date: June 04, 2007 11:50PM

Suncloud, You are SO precious for giving all that information. It helps a lot. I'm now convinced that any sprouted grains are great. By the way, I thought a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned that I bought kamut, you remembered that you had bought some awhile ago and had forgotten about them. Did I dream that? They are so delicious.

I'm sorry that you're a little down today. Some days are just like that with no apparent explanation. I hope it's just for today.

The hard red winter wheat is what I bought to grow the wheatgrass. When you uncover it (after 2-3 days) and place it in indirect light you can almost see the chlorophyll go into the little blades of grass. Then for 1 or 2 watering's you add powdered kelp so that they will take up trace minerals and iodine. Isn't nature amazing?

My garden is all certified organic. I've been using Earthboxes. Have you seen them? Once you plant your herbs and vegetables the "system" fertilizers and waters itself as needed. There's a 2 1/2 or 3 gallon reservoir with a tube that you add water to keep the reservoir supplied. You should see how everything has taken off!! We're in CT so we couldn't plant until mid to late May. I've already harvested herbs, butter-crunch lettuce and collards. I have 5 varieties of tomatoes and they're going crazy. I just sowed some beets & carrots
and the beets are poking out with tiny leaves and little red stems. I get so excited! The carrots are just peeking thru today. Yesterday, my little 5 year old granddaughter and I bought packets of certified organic romaine lettuce, spinach and kale. It rained all night and all day today so I couldn't plant them. Bummed me out.

Thx for your encouragement on the walking. What do you do with weights? I'm getting a little of that underarm jiggle LOL and I don't want to start to look like a "grandmother!" By the way, a cute grandbaby story. My just turned 4yr old little grandson asked his Mommy if I worked. She told him that I retired and don't work except when I babysit for them. Connor said, "Then why isn't her hair grey like Mimi's????" ("Mimi" is my 96 yr old Mother who is still gorgeous and attributes her health to a long life of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.) I still don't have any grey hair but not one person I know believes me. It's inherent, I guess although my sister colors her hair. So, with this getting a grip on healthy eating and exercise, maybe I'll have as great a life as my Mom!

Feel better and thanks for "listening!"


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 05, 2007 01:35AM

I hope that everyone has had a good day.

My appetite was low today so I've just kinda grazed around a bit. Had most of a large maradol papaya starting around noon and then throughout the early afternoon. When I got home I had several chard leaves; rolled them up and dipped them in tahini thinned w/umeboshi plum vinegar. Then I had 2 dates stuffed w/ four almonds.

For dinner I made a tomato sauce w/ fresh basil, oregano, and thyme and hand grated one zucchini into noodle thin slices. I put the sauce at the bottom of a shallow bowl and put the "noodles" on top. This really is good and I can just imagine how satisfying it is when prepared "angel hair" style. I need to get one of those thingamajiggies. I would probably have eaten more had I the patience necessary to grate zucchini into thin strips, but I don't.

I'll probably have some fruit a bit later.

It's STILL rainy here! Raining for days at a time changes my energy after a while...makes me want to hunker down and in. I'm having to really push myself a bit these days. Felt pretty darn good today all in all. whatever was ailing me seems to have run its course.

see you guys tomorrow,


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: June 05, 2007 01:44AM

Dear Miss Joan,

Good memory! Actually though, I don't think it was kamut, I think it was mung beans that I'd forgotten to sprout. I still haven't sprouted them, but maybe soon. That's encouraging that you say the kamut is delicious. I will definitely look for some and sprout it.

I've never heard of the Earth Boxes. That sounds great! And you're already getting lettuce and collards. Amazing! I can relate to that feeling of excitement and happiness whenever things just start to come up like that. And then, every day, going out to see how they're doing is so much fun. Your little grandchildren must be enjoying it too.

My son, daughter-in-law and grandson moved out of state last fall, but I'll be visiting them in July. Lucky you that your family is so closeby!

We put in a little organic garden at the preschool where I work part time, with each child planting one little pot of lettuce and one pot of flowers. The pots were later thinned and transplanted into the garden. The teachers all planted tomatoes, corn, green beans, peas, and carrots. The other teachers have been watering, and since I'm off for a while, I've just been going in once a week to do the fertilizing and other details. I went in yesterday, and the whole garden looks wonderful. 2 of the kids' flowers didn't make it, but we'll replant those.

That's great your Mother's still healthy. Sounds like you have some good genes and some good mentoring from your Mom! My Mother died at 90. From her late 80s, she wasn't healthy. She and my Dad ate a lot of meat. But I remember once in her late 60s she did a juice fast for a week, and she looked beautiful. She was always beautiful anyway, and she had gorgeous hair, even when it was grey. Mine's starting to turn, and it looks OK. I hope it will be pretty like my Mom's.

For aerobics with weights, I got the weights and a video from The weights are like dumbbells, but with a stationary strap on the back so they stay on your hands without having to grip them very hard (although they're a little big for me). The video is called "Walk Plus". It's pretty much fun, with a lot of different ways to use your arms while doing the exercises. I'm just using the 3 pound weights. It's set up so you can buy the basic 1 pound dumbbell, and then add weights to the ends to get the desired total weight. I ordered over the phone to make sure I was adding on the weight that I wanted. Or, you can just order the video and get some cheap dumbbells from Walmart in all different sizes, but without a strap. I'd never exercised before to a video, but this is kind of fun. My CD broke, but I'm just doing it from memory now in the evening while I watch TV. It really makes you sweat, and you can definitely feel it in your arms afterwards!

Glad you're feeling better! I am too!

Maybe Elakti will tell us what she's growing in her garden!

I just read your post Khale. Glad you're feeling better too! Must be a good day. smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2007 01:50AM by suncloud.

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 05, 2007 02:49AM

Thank you, Khale & Miss Joan for inviting me to join the par-tay!

I am trying to make a go at this, but am not quite qualified to join the "ALL RAW" club. I am just starting and find myself bloated and not quite feeling satisfied without carbs.

Any suggestions? Today I was 50% raw. (60% if you count the latte!)

I am going to try to add more raw each day. Is it healthy to go 100% raw immediately?


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Elakti ()
Date: June 05, 2007 02:55AM

Throughout day,maybe out of chronological order, but eaten according to digestion requirements:

orange, cherimoya, watermelon, papaya, champagne mango, 1/2 wonderful canteloupe, raisins, banana, salad (only lettuce and 1/4 tomato, 3 kalamata olives, a little crookneck squash)

Anything else I eat this eve will be oranges.

Bad day. I think I was detoxing the bad blood I had in system. Just lay in bed most day, turning on and off the tv, crying, abysmally depressed. Could not do anything. Except I managed to eat fruit! smiling smiley Omg, that is my first smile of the day, I think! An emoticon smile. No, I can't be that pathetic, I must've smiled at my little dog and at the parrots. smiling smiley There.

Suncloud...just a few things in garden. Red leaf lettuce. Growing zucchini plants and yellow crookneck (I had harvested one, it was good). Beets. There should be cucumbers. Turnips, which my housemate can have. Heirloom tomato plants which, like me, are waiting for sun. Cabbage which are feeding the insects. And, sunflowers which are feeding the wild parrots! That's cool, I watched them today. They are so nice to see without cage bars. They are beautiful wild raucous playful rambunctious joyful.

Elakti...............smiling smiley
More smiling smiley's tomorrow I promise!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: starfruit ()
Date: June 05, 2007 03:10AM

1 green smoothie (2 collard leaves,1 apple, 3 strawberries, cilantro, 1 banana)yum
1/2 piece raw cheesecake
1 plate of zuchgetti w/seasame oil and soysauce and seaseme seeds and cayanne
some cherries oh so good thought of you elakti
some raw chocolate
tiny bowl of curried veggie soup raw
spinach salad w/arame and olives and dressing that was raw but I don't know what was in it cause it was served at class same with the soup
I took gyrokinesis this morning which was lovely a good way to get back into dance
tomorrow i get to take my fav ballet class cause i'm working diffrent hours than usual
cross trainer for 35 minutes at gym (300cal)
ab and arm work
40 block (2mi) walk
I'm feeling really good. Full of energy.
pakd4fun: At work we sell raw stuff and we get the dehyrdrated crusts, sauce, and walnut cheese delivered and then we put our fresh veggies on as well as assembling so i have it easy haha.
Suncloud: How do you eat your seeds and sprouts just dry?
Khale: Yes raw diet comletely opens up potential i think that is why it is so scary and exciting at the same time and also threatening to people who haven't experienced it. It makes me a better person. I carry more joy with me eating like this. More things inspire me and my art is 10 times better. Sheesh why do i ever go off it?
enchantress: congrats on that victory. you rock!


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: June 05, 2007 03:49AM

Today I ate:

-two bananas
-spinach and banana smoothie
-jalepinos stuffed with cashew cheese
-carrots dipped in zucchini hummus
-chopped zucchini, tomatoes, olives covered in marinera sauce

Starfruit- you eat the yummiest sounding food.

suncloud- what a nice life you have.

Khale-glad to hear you're feeling better. I know what you mean about rain. I feel the same way.

elakti- I hope tomorrow is more cheerful.

Ava-I think it is healthy to go 100% immediately but I think the emotional cravings are what make it difficult. Everyone is different though. I think you should go at the pace that is right for you. Carbs are an addiction that got better for me fairly quickly. Good luck and welcome.

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: June 05, 2007 03:51AM

Khale, I know what you mean in the sense that being raw as I get older allows me much more a feeling of being happy to look forward, rather than being anxious about getting older like many of my friends.

Starfruit, I'm not quite sure what you mean, so I hope I'm answering your question. The seeds are measured dry before I start sprouting them, but I don't eat them dry, I eat them sprouted. Or, if you mean, how do I eat them without mixing them with something else, well, the answer is, I like them that way, and I chew a lot! smiling smiley

Elakti, hope you're feeling better tomorrow. How do you happen to have wild parrots around?

Ava, my feeling is that it's healthy to eat as high percent raw as soon as you can. But don't be angry at yourself if you find it too difficult to actually be 100% right away. Most people crave cooked foods for some time, and that takes a while to overcome. Plus there will be detox to contend with, the severity of it often depending on how old you are and/or how much junk you've eaten in the past. Try to get a good variety of raw foods so you'll always have something you'll like to eat when you get hungry, and try to completely give up the worst foods first. Cooked greens can be very helpful when transitioning.

Today I ate: Nothing. I water fasted. Yay! Two Mondays in a row. I've done this in the past, but not for a long time. This thread is helping me.

Exercise: Nothing. smiling smiley

Yes, Pakdforfun, I do have a nice life. I think all of us are so blessed. I'm sure we've all had our bad times too, but good health from the good raw food makes so many more things possible! smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2007 03:59AM by suncloud.

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: meow ()
Date: June 05, 2007 04:34AM


i am feeling much much better today. i woke up with a dull headache (which i'll take any day over the one i had yesterday!) and it actually got better instead of worse. my boss was cute, she brought me excedrin migraine, but of course i didn't take it. it's too hard to explain to people why i refuse to take pills and whatnot, so i just kept the bottle in my desk til the end of the day. it was a nice gesture though.

thank you so much to everyone who offerred sympathy and advicesmiling smiley i didn't even think that it could be the fender-bender and the physical and emotional stress it caused, but you could be onto something! i've had shoulder pain since the accident and i've even woken up in the middle of the night to a nightmare that i hit another car, and the impact in my dream is what woke me up. i think that combined with the cooked food just killed me!

miss joan, it's great that your mother is so vibrant and healthy! what a wonderful inspiration for you and the rest of your family.

elakti, you have wild parrots?!?! that is awesome! what part of the world do you live in? i hope you are feeling happier tomorrow. i've had days like that, too. i think being raw makes us feel things more deeply.

suncloud, i feel the same way about wanting to run a marathon. i've only done halfs in the past. but at the same time, i know i was pushing my body beyond healthy levels when i was training and i was so focused on losing weight and not eating too much. i think i've found more of a balance now! i don't know where i used to get the energy from- 3 miles is way plenty now!

khale, thanks for suggesting magnesium! i've heard that before, and i'm going to look into that tea. i wonder if they'd have it at the vitamin shoppe...i used to work there so i love that place! we had lots of teas.

welcome to ava and the enchantress!!! the more the merrier smiling smiley

my day:
-woke up very hungry, probably from not eating last night, and had a smoothie w/ 2 bananas, half a mango, strawberries, blueberries, OJ
-lara bar on my way to work (still sort of hungry!)
-2 very ripe (YUM!) bananas at work
-fruit salad w/ a mango and strawberries
-walked for 45 mins. on my lunch break
-another banana and an apple (my god i love bananas lately, especially ones with brown spots on the peel!)
-carrots w/ raw zucchini hummus
-walked for another 45 mins.
-HUUUUGE salad w/ spinach, mesclun greens, romaine lettuce, red pepper, carrots, a big tomato, cucumber slices, chopped broccoli and cauliflower, half an avocado, and raw dressing (raw ACV, garlic, sundried tomatoes)
-maybe another apple if hungry, but i'm still pretty full!

going to bed early again to get extra rest. my head is much better but i still have a very dull headache and i got sort of dizzy on my second walk today, so i want to give my body lots of rest this week.

i have a half day on friday so i can go and get my hair styled and maybe a makeover for free at fred segal! how awesome is my work? i don't know anyone else whose boss would say, "take the day off to get your hair done!" i love short weeks smiling smiley

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 05, 2007 07:32AM

hey week 4 already wow!! CONGRATS everyone and keep it up!
mis joan thank you so much gal..i try to get it all done and keep an upbeat attitude..i am realizing with emotional detox people take advantage of that and i am getting upset about it

hey enchantres glad to see you here gal!! keep up the good work!!!

well everyone i am off to bed very sleepy haha

okay here is what i ate today
1 cantelope
1/2 banana
1 1/2 cup of sprouts
1 gaya melon
2 glasses of orange juice
3 collard green leaves
1/2 red bell pepper
1 portabello
1/2 an avo
1/2 head of cauliflower chopped
1 stalk of broccoli chopped

take care and sweet dreams
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 05, 2007 12:43PM

good morning friends

I'm wondering if a putanesca sauce would be good raw? it's made from broccoli, cauliflower and ripe olives such as kalamata, but its usually cooked and then served tossed w/ pasta. I'll bet it would be...blended up w/ oil and fresh garlic and maybe some pine nuts for good measure and then used as a sauce for zucchini...has anyone ever tried this?

haha! I'm thinking of food first rattle out of the box this morning! Looks like I'll be eating more food today than I did yesterday ; ) But really, I do think its fun taking cooked recipes and trying to convert them into satisfying and delicious raw meals. Do any of you do this? See recipes in magazines or wherever and think, "this may work raw?"

Ava: welcome. Plunging in to 100% raw will not harm you. Quite the contrary. But you'll go at your own pace and that's fine. I did not go 100% right away, and in fact, took almost an entire year to "transition" and still its not easy. Be patient with yourself.

Meow: glad to hear that you are feeling better.

elakti: I have my own theories regarding what we call "depression". Our energies are always being drawn out into activity...often from the very moment we get up in the morning. Sometimes its necessary to pull energy away from all this outwardness and allow energy to go deep and do a work there. Besides, no one ever said that we have to feel chipper everyday of our lives. Sometimes I think that we feel worse on such days because we are being critical of ourselves for feeling "low" as if there is something wrong with it, or with us. Look for a gift in this down time. In my experience there always is one.

As always it's a great pleasure to wake up and "see" all of you here.

have a raw diddly ding dong day! (whatever that means)


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: June 05, 2007 03:06PM

have a raw diddly ding dong day! (whatever that means)

HA HA! I love it!!

I saw a show on PBS the night before last about wild Parrots living on, I think it was called, Telegraph hill in San Francisco. I only caught the very end of it. This man, Mark something or other, had been keeping a watch over them and caring for them if they were injured. I didn't get to see the first part so I didn't see how they came to be there but I am fascinated. There was a lot of media coverage on it so I am going to look it up. It was a huge flock of them living wild. This man had been living rent free for a few years and his home was being renovated so he was leaving. He didn't know where he was going. He had no paying job from what I gathered. He is such a gentle, loving man. I felt like saying come live with me. Ha Ha. I have a friend whose mother raised Parrots and their house burned. Now my friend has quite a few that need homes. She offered me one but I right now I can't make that kind of a commitment. I wish I could though. I love those birds! I have chickens and I think they are every bit as fine as any exotic bird. They are beautiful and loving. They are full of personality. We love them.

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 06, 2007 02:01AM

Hows it going guys?

It was a good day today but I'm bushed!

I started the day w/oj and then a banana and papaya smoothie, then later ate two really sweet and juicy oranges - then, handful of almonds, a raw revolution bar and a small bunch of grapes (not all at once)

Came home and juiced celery, carrots and an apple, then later diced a zucchini and had it atop the leftover tomato sauce from last night (I really DO like this - I didn't jump to make this raw classic because I tend to dislike things that masquerade as something else...but this I really like.) with a small homegrown tomato (can't beat em home grown)

then (and I really didn't need this but just wanted something) a banana w/ almond butter, raisins and chopped walnuts

I'm full and tired and happy. Today was one of those days where the only thing I felt remotely in control of was what I put in my mouth. It was a good day to be raw.

Good night everyone,


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Elakti ()
Date: June 06, 2007 02:10AM

Ah, today I felt back to normal, and I felt great!

Khale, I appreciate your thoughts on depression, but this depression was solely systemic from the blood poisoning, simply systemic symptomolgy as in "flu" or "cold" or "headache". Whatever biochemical processes my body had to do via liver or whatever , and the blood itself circulating the poison and the biochemical changes throughout system and brain...I experienced a "depressed" least THIS one wasn't psychological/emotional! I knew and felt this, but it was still a bad day. But, in a way, I am glad it happened. I was kind of wondering about my level of Vitality And Wondering how much improvement I can obtain through rawfoods, after many years of sometimes horrid abuse (altho' thankfully vegetarian since 16) and because of my age (57). I am much inspired by this demonstration of the self healing power of my body, when most people would have run to the hospital for a tetanus shot.

1/2 melon, 2 bananas, raisins & goji's (few), small simple salad, larger salad with loads lettuces, celery rib, part of tomato and red bell pepper, small bits of red onion.

If v hungry later, will eat melon. If not so hungry, orange juice.

I live in San Diego, close to Mexican border, and I think the parrots come from there. I know there are some in North Park also, by the park and zoo. (maybe some lucky escapees). There is a nice little band here. Sometimes, too, escaped pets may join these wild troops. These hang out part of the day overhead and in some trees on this property and around the neighborhood, screamin' and carryin' on. And they spied the sunflowers!

Weigh 172!!! Hooray...that's 14 pounds. I wore a skirt today I haven't worn in months.

Well, fellow rawies, we are marching on! This is so nice...good traveling with you all! Keep up the good work, all of us!

Elakti...lOTS of smiles! smiling smiley))))))))))

Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: Miss Joan ()
Date: June 06, 2007 02:34AM

Elakti: I'm glad you're feeling better. I must admit though, with your symptoms, I would have checked with a doctor. I'm very new at all of this, so maybe that's why I think this way. Glad you're feeling better. Have a great evening.


Re: Seven Weeks All Raw
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 06, 2007 02:56AM

At the health food store where I shop they carry dark chocolate covered goji's. I always linger; pick up the bag and peer through the little peep hole of cellophane and then put them back on the shelf. I mean, I've never even tasted goji why? oh why? oh why?

Well, if you love dark chocolate the way I love dark chocolate, you'll know perfectly well why...

But in your opinions, is goji worth the price tag? Are they like raisins except more tart? just curious


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