Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: April 24, 2006 05:30AM Does anyone have any advice for living foods and baby diets? My little one will be starting on solids soon and I'd like to start off right. Re: Babies
Posted by:
Date: April 24, 2006 09:41AM i think there is a dude name danny mack or something like that ( sorry, can't remember the exact name) but he has a little baby girl so maybe you could ask him
search this site for previous threads ( before this page) and u might come up with a couple of his posts as he and his wife seemed very devoted to getting the best nutrients for his little one Re: Babies
Posted by:
Date: April 24, 2006 11:36AM me too, us too, my babe's 6 months and I'm transitioning to all(?) raw again and he's Hungry! I've heard they start to need iron around this age, but since I don't want to give him cereal, I thought maybe soaking and mushing up dried figs and such...a cousin of mine says her wee one loves broccoli juice popsicles! of course he's a bit older...There is a website The Garden Diet or something, Jinjee and Storm and their children, who are all raw and I saw have a book out on raising raw little ones...
good luck and let me know what you find out, and I'll do likewise! Re: Babies
Posted by:
Azura Skye
Date: April 24, 2006 12:29PM
this lady had a baby girl last year, and this year she has only fed her raw. In her 2005 journals she talks about what she feeds her. Also this lady has two children who have eaten raw all their life, I think there is more info there for you. blissmummy - spinach and strawberries are both full of iron, amongst other things. Im sure your kid wouldn't mind the strawberries, or maybe the spinach blended with something? Re: Babies
Posted by:
Date: April 24, 2006 01:29PM Hi Gracie,
My almost 11 month old daughter started taking some solids about a month ago. The foods she has had are mango, banana, tangerine, cantaloupe, fresh apple juice, and a little watermelon. She still gets most of her food from mama's milk. I recommend whole, fresh, ripe, raw fruits as the best place to start. Let them have all they want and don't put any pressure on them. Audrey shows all the signs of a happy, healthy baby. Here's an example of how she loves the mangoes ) Enjoy! DannyMacK Re: Babies
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: April 24, 2006 03:14PM hee hee that is the CUTEST thing ever!
she sure looks like she's having fun (((-: thank you for sharing that Danny x Re: Babies
Posted by:
Azura Skye
Date: April 24, 2006 04:21PM so cute! thats one sticky baby :-)
Seeing as we are on the subject of babies, what if you can't breastfeed? I'd love to breastfeed my children one day, but unfortunately I can not (silly booboos!). What would someone who follows a raw vegan diet do about that? What is the next best thing for the baby that is not breastmilk? thanks for any info, and sorry for jumping on the post Re: Babies
Posted by:
Date: April 24, 2006 09:55PM That IS a lovely picture, babies are so awesome. I've let my little Dublin lick a cucumber, celery stick, and apple recently. I'd love to post a photo, but how do I do that?
As for not being able to breastfeed, my baby was without me for a couple weeks starting when he was a week old (I got sick from unclean water laboured in, I guess..) and my friend fed him coconut water (this was in Hawaii) and got him breastfed by some other mummies a bit...another woman suggested raw goat milk watered down quite a bit (human milk is like skim milk..), which she used to supplement her daughter who seemed to need more milk than she could give... My guess would be to stay away from fruit juices really, since it's basically sugar, to a baby (I've read that recently, too..) Maybe concocting one's own "formula" soaking dried fruits or something? Also, thanks for the links, Azura Skye! Re: Babies
Posted by:
Azura Skye
Date: April 24, 2006 10:35PM No probs blissmummy, thanks for the info.
I understand that babies need lots of fat hence the coconut milk, although nothing beats breastmilk for antibodies. I'd like to read up on creating your own formulas, I mean you can supplement so many things, enzymes and gut bacteria - it would be interesting to read up on this. Perhaps I should get some studying done! I'll be a scientist, muwhahaha. Im sorry to hear you got sick when your baby was born, it is great though that you had other mummies with milk to help out. I hope my sister somehow has a baby the same time as me, I can give my baby her milk! I read that Farley's Soya Formula is a good vegan formula for babies at: [] PS To post a picture you need to host it on another website like [], from there you can copy the images' URL or IMG or HTTP which is under the photo and paste it into your post and the pic should come up, Im guessing there is a forum for that somewhere on this board. Re: Babies
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: April 28, 2006 02:18AM Thanks for all your responses. Yes, Danny, the most adorable photo. It was also reassurring to hear that you didnt start Audrey on solids early. What cues lead her to eventually starting? Re: Babies
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2006 02:10PM hey danny mack
what an absolutely serene looking little human you've spawned! she looks like a baby buddha sucking on a mango congrats! Re: Babies
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2006 04:25PM Thank you all for the compliments on the photo.
Deeds - If only we could get the serene baby buddha to come out at bedtime!!! HaHa! Gracie asked...
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by cues. But I will summarize how her evolution to solids has gone and maybe that will help... Andrea (her mom) and I had pretty much deduced from our studies that 6 months would be the earliest we would allow her to have solids (provided nothing out of the ordinary happened during that time). Somewhere around 2-3 months (I think) Audrey became very adept at grabbing things and would almost always put whatever she grabbed in her mouth. I believe this is extremely common. At this point, when we would have fruits around her, it was no big deal to just give her a toy or something else to occupy her. As she grew older, she became more interested in having whatever mommy and daddy had ) Between 6-9 months, roughly speaking, we would give her a whole apple,orange, or banana. She would be content to play with it and put it into her mouth, but wasn't able to bite it or anything. Her first teeth were coming in and she actually pierced the skin of an apple once or twice and tasted some juice. Judging by the look on her face, she didn't like it too much. Around 9 months, I would say 3 major things contributed to our decision to let Audrey explore solids more aggressively. First was just the advice from others whom we consider knowledgeable in the field of health. The general consensus was that around a year old was a good time to start introducing - give or take 6 months. As you can see, the guidelines seemed pretty flexible and we we're convinced we we're no longer in the "too early" zone. Second, Andrea was becoming a bit enthused about the possibility that her breasts wouldn't be Audrey's only form of sustenance. As any mother can tell you, breast feeding is hard work. Finally, Audrey, like any 9-month old, was becoming increasingly capable of letting us know what she wanted. And she wanted to play with and eat fruits! She is now almost 11 months old. She eats at least a little fruit everyday, but I would guesstimate she still gets 80-90% of her calories from mama's milk. When we offer her fruit, we let her have as much as she wants. The most i've seen her eat is half of a small banana or cleaning up a mango pit like in the picture above. We don't force anything on her and sometimes all she does is play with the banana. She is on the verge of crawling and walking, and when she starts to be more active it will be interesting to see if she becomes more interested in fruit for her fuel. Hope this helps. And since the picture got rave reviews, here's another (please excuse me for not containing my 'proud papa' nature)... Lickin' those lips. DannyMacK Re: Babies
Posted by:
Basia Holy Healer
Date: April 28, 2006 04:37PM i'd check out The Garden Diet website that belongs to Storm Talifero & his wife Jinji + 3/4 raw beautiful children....a lot of good info there
LOOVE Namaste, Basia Re: Babies
Posted by:
dream earth
Date: April 28, 2006 05:57PM Victoria Boutenko's Green For Life, and Gabriel Cousen's 'Rainbow Green live Food Cuisine' both have content geared towards raw babies (and no, Gabriel Cousen's chapter doesn't say not to feed the baby any fruit or anything of the sort.) Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.