Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 05, 2007 08:25PM Hi all does anyone have any ideas of smoothies I could make to gain some weight & build a little muscle? I am under weight, just want to look & feel healthier, & stronger lean bit of shape to me,look like a little weed! Or any foods that I could incorporate into my diet, I am about 80% raw at mo.
Cheers Ju! ![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 05, 2007 08:47PM Hemp seeds?-- or add the powder into your morning smoothies? Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2007 05:22AM hey, I'm having the same curiosity.
I'm real small, and I look pretty young. I want to define and build muscle. I work out with heavy weights, and I'm definitely stronger and faster than ever. But when it comes to really benefitting the most from raw foods, I'm a little mystified. I've been eating tons (literally...like 3-5 pounds) of greens, plus fruit and hemp. It's working. slowly. But I suppose faster than when I was SAD...because now I can actually work myself harder. I don't have any advice. Just some comradery in this goal. I've wanted a week long mono (I really enjoy them), but I'm refraining because I don't want to dampen my physical efforts. measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2007 07:30AM Cheers all!
Shaine iteresting paintings, how long have you been painting for? I to paint love using oils! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? How many times a week do you work out with weights? ![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2007 11:52AM You don’t necessarily have to eat a lot, a little can go a long way - Sprouts (Grains:Quinoa&Buckwheat and Beans/Peas ![]() My Weight 138 from 126 - Measured bodyfat still 4% Mocha ![]() > Myspace: [www.myspace.com] > Blog: [chefdemocha.blogspot.com] Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2007 12:59PM thanks mocha!
bracken- I'm 24. I don't mind the question. but I get asked out by boys in high shool. I was at the supermarket once, and someone asked me where my mother was...I guess I WAS wearing a baggy hooded sweatshirt, but come on people! I have breasts! I used to work with weights every other day, just doing the full curcuit. But now I work out every day, Arms and back one day, legs the next. I lift weights that exhaust me after about 10 reps. mostly free weights. I don't like how the weight machines control the motions. But I'll have to start using them for variety...ugh. I don't know what my body fat % is. I asked a trainer at the gym once to measure, but he refused. I think he didn't know how to use the machine. I'm not worries about it. But I have a competitive mind--totally goal oriented--numbers, improvements, always thinking 'better harder faster more' ON PAINTING: I guess I've been drawing since I was little, but I got quasi-focused about it around 17 or 18. (as serious as teenagers can be about anything...). I went to undergrad for painting, and now I'm working on a masters in education. I'm doing my thesis on self-censorship--and how it prevents some artists from working at all at times (ahem: ME). These paintings are very close to my heart. I've been encouraged/asked to show them, but I'm not ready. I have to let them go first. did that help? I feel like I just blabbed about myself. measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2007 01:03PM by shaine. Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
The Fruitarian One
Date: December 06, 2007 02:23PM In my opinion there's no magic "food" that will build "muscle", think about it if smoothies could actually do what your wanting them to do there would be no need for steriods,etc, building muscle naturally is a very slow process, it's my theory that building muscle is actually an unnatural process when you think of what it takes to do it, so don't be afraid of your natural size/shape, human are naturally small creatures just like gorillas are naturally big, so celebrate it and don't beat yourself up trying to be what you were when you were on cooked food!
Also as I've said before you may not make any significant gains until you are clean internaly, so if you are not 100% your progress will be hampered, the point I'm making is that you gotta go through your process first, your body wants to clean itself and knows nothing about our vanities, yes you can eat yourself to gaining "size/mass" but it's not muscle and it will just be your bodies effort to store access food, fats,water, etc and just like any other unatural method it will all go away once you stop doing it!!!! So instead of using food to solve your insecurities get out and get active,workout intensly and trust your body to do what it needs to do, when it needs to do it. Juss ma 2 cents F1 ![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2007 03:10PM I was waiting for somebody to say that F1 Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
The Fruitarian One
Date: December 06, 2007 03:35PM tanawana Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I was waiting for somebody to say that F1 Ha,ha, believe me, I tried to hold myself back as long as I could...honest...ha,ha!!! F1 Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 07, 2007 12:11AM > I used to work with weights every other day, just
> doing the full curcuit. But now I work out every > day, Arms and back one day, legs the next. I lift > weights that exhaust me after about 10 reps. > mostly free weights. Hiya Just curious - why are you lifting in sets of ten reps if you're trying to increase size? Are you training every day with no rest days at all? xx Allie =^..^= [www.stronger.me.uk] Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 07, 2007 12:26AM 'Wanting to look and feel healthier and stronger' is a valid goal imho and a far cry from 'using food to solve insecurities'. Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 07, 2007 07:32AM Thank you all again,
I can see what you mean F1, I'm not beating myself up about my frame size, I just want to be stronger, have some strength in upper body & strenghten around my hips as I have hip dysplasia. Plus my hubby & I want to have children in near future I am trying to build my self up stonger to carry, just carrying shopping home makes my arms ache! Any advice on any excercise I can do to do that, be well appreciated! Shaine its great you are beening encouraged to show your work, I know what its like in the letting go bit! do it only when you are ready when you know its right, I think you have real talent sweetie! my advice is to try and keep it up don't let life take over your talent/passion as it make it so hard to get back into it! ![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
The Fruitarian One
Date: December 07, 2007 01:10PM bracken Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Thank you all again, > I can see what you mean F1, I'm not beating myself > up about my frame size, I just want to be > stronger, have some strength in upper body & > strenghten around my hips as I have hip dysplasia. > Plus my hubby & I want to have children in near > future I am trying to build my self up stonger to > carry, just carrying shopping home makes my arms > ache! Any advice on any excercise I can do to do > that, be well appreciated! > > Shaine its great you are beening encouraged to > show your work, I know what its like in the > letting go bit! do it only when you are ready when > you know its right, I think you have real talent > sweetie! my advice is to try and keep it up don't > let life take over your talent/passion as it make > it so hard to get back into it! Cool....As far as exercise goes, you can make anything a workout, you can even make carrying your shoppng bags back home your workout, find out what activities you love doing and do them intensly. do what you love and love what you do! Go here for exercise ideas: [z12.invisionfree.com] F1 ![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 07, 2007 02:14PM thank you cocoa nibs.
I was feeling bad about my newly pointed out "insecurities" and thinking, jeez maybe I AM insecure. But I'm more confident than ever, and experiencing improvements only furtherrs that. I dont want to think of myself "using food to solve" but what's the problem with "using food to heal and strengthen?" isn't that what we're all here for? It is a rawFOOD forum... alliecat... I lift weights that are too heavy to lift more than 10 times in a row. I do 2 or 3 sets of that. I lift everyday, ALTERNATING so that I have a day off from arms, then a day off from legs, but more energy to put into those groups on their respective days. make sense? Thanks for the artistic support Bracken. is there a way to see you work? I hate being asked "what do you do..." I'd always rather just let people have a look for themselves. measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
The Fruitarian One
Date: December 07, 2007 02:43PM Ok, I'll keep my mouth shut next time...
F1 ![]() Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2007 02:44PM by The Fruitarian One. Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 07, 2007 04:37PM Cheers F1 will have a look!
Shaine, will try & post some pic either this weekend or early next week. Have good weekend all!!! ![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: December 07, 2007 05:12PM oh man, i'm not insecure at all. my stupid skinny girl body has gotten me Way too much attention over the years, i'm sure bracken and shaine can say the same thing. i am tall and slim with curves and my girlfriends hate me for it. whatever. nothing could be less important to me. what i Want is to be bigger. not because i'm insecure, just because i like the way it looks. ok, and i'm sick of being so sensitive to cold, i really am.
for me it's like wearing clothes that i like though, i like it and it's fun to do but not a life goal for me. just something i would enjoy, that's all. oh, stronger is good too. little feels like he weighs a ton. now, you might ask me what i'm doing carrying a 6 year old around and my simple answer would be that i do not know. i must be crazy. that said F1, i think your comments were totally valid. there are many people here who have issues with their bodies and i think more encouragement to love one's self is nothing but positive. you have a terrific attitude. shaine, "I was at the supermarket once, and someone asked me where my mother was..." omg, i hope you laughed instead of cried. that is beyond funny. Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 03:11AM I did not mean that F1's comments were not valid. I agree that one should not use food to solve their problems. But I took it to heart, and felt that bracken and I (don't mean to speak for, or lump us together...) were being seen as doing so.
In fact, I value F1's opinion quite a bit, and have asked for it recently. I admire his successes and others', and that's why I post. To learn what others already have--isn't that how we advance? I realize that so much of this is individuated, but as a whole it's more beneficial to learn from what others have experienced and discovered in order to scaffold on that. no? If I didn't want superior health, I'd eat ice cream after a nice long TV binge. So maybe I am using food to achieve this. But if so, I don't plan to stop. coco is right. the advice to love our bodies is totally positive. I interpreted it to mean that I was doing something wrong, or asking questions that weren't valid. measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 05:21AM i love it when people think i am younger then i am. =/ Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 06:54AM I agree with all you said there babes! Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 10:17PM I love my body. But I would also love another 10 lbs of muscle. And a little bit of more fat in my face.
![]() Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 10:49PM Doug Graham has some good articles on his website that you may want to read. I found his information interesting and helpful.
[www.foodnsport.com] I hope this helps. Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 11:55PM avocado and date Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 09, 2007 02:12AM avocado and a date sounds perfect!
pick me up at nine. (oh sorry for the lame joke. Long day of studying and lesson-planning for kids...thus the jokiness. but really--either kind of date would hit the spot.) measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 09, 2007 04:45AM thanks for the link to doug graham. he seems to emphasize cardiovascular activities. Not much about weight training. But still very encouraging and helpful. measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 11, 2007 04:37PM Bracken, they're absolutely beautiful ![]() > Myspace: [www.myspace.com] > Blog: [chefdemocha.blogspot.com] Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 11, 2007 05:02PM Cheers Mocha, How long have you been a Raw food chef? I,m going to look through you blogg looks interesting Cheers!
Take it easy Ju! Re: Smoothie ideas to gain weight/muscle
Posted by:
Date: December 12, 2007 11:41AM wow Ju!
I feel like these paintings are so inclusive/embracing. The forms and folds make the work quite easy to find yourself inside of. Have you seen the illustrations of Byrd Baylor? She doesn't look like you, but the wrapping and circling and almost womb-like theme is there. she's easy to google-image search. I love her. she works with the author Peter Parnall...together, their stories are about natural rythms and relations--rooted in American Indian traditions and the American Southwest. what is the size of these? measure twice, cut once. "In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar." ~r.brautigan I make paintings Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.