Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 03:55PM hey davey
u had a response to jgunn's nepal adventure and u said something about never having a problem about having a problem and they will pass u like strangers in the night and i was intrigued by that acceptance can u tell me more about that line of thought? would like to explore it some more i always think about transforming them ( problems) ... as a springboard to spring to a new level like i think of using problems as 'currency" to make me something better but that is still "having a problem with a problem" and i was wondering what your line of thinking was in relation to acceptance or non acceptance or... if u could just elucidate it some more i'm interested Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 04:03PM Hey LaV! Sure. These days what most folks could learn....is a form of PROCESS....a form of 'radical acceptance'. It is a skill that can bring great pleasure and vitality to even the most 'negative; circumstances. What do you think?
-When problems (stuck energy) are viewed as a challenge to be accepted and worked though....and allowed at a fundamental level....that stuck energy returns to it's source....and is absorbed....and the individual gains great skill/achievement. Having a problem WITH having problems.....is...as you say...NOT ACCEPTING and REJECTING the now moment at a fundamental level. -The most fundamental skill/art that a person can possess is to have the skill to bring true friendship/friendliness to the now moment....every moment......in its many forms....not just the forms we 'like'. The skill of bringing happiness ensures happiness.....while the search for the right circumstances/people/truth to gain happiness ensures transience, unhappiness, loss, suffering (as the buddhists say).....and often leads to non-acceptance. -What are your thoughts? -David Z. Mason WWW.RawFoodFarm.com Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2007 05:48PM What I'm understanding is that one may face a situation that needs to be resolved (aka a problem), however at at times we resist the challenge of accepting the reality of the situation, and instead fight coming to terms with it.
By doing so however, we are detouring valuable energy away from finding a solution to the original challenge and spending a significant amount of that energy resisting accepting a reality that we don't like and cause unnecessary delay in addressing the important issue. Wishing you vibrant health ![]() Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 10, 2007 05:00AM Wow, you know I just want to say I really appreciated that. I have lately been feeling very stagnant in my life, and very resentful for it. Also I have noticed that once I became really resenting my situation, I have been feeling more deeply stuck. I like you're advice of seeing my current situation as a challenge, and accepting that challenge. Off I go! Thanks! Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 10, 2007 05:31AM hey davey!
i'm glad i asked its true that if for just a moment, i just say "well, this is where i'm at.. and its all good despite the outcome that will result from my making a change" then there is a feeling of peace that overcomes me i like your thought about "making friends with each moment" i know some people can distort or pervert that statement by saying " hey.. but what i you are freeezing in the snow... or whatever..?" i see your statement as saying that acceptance is the best way to empower oneself and if one accepts... that can mobilize all the other energies ( that would have perhaps previously been used in resisting) to create the vision of whatever it is that you would like to see cool so refereshing too its no wonder why your fruit and vegetables do so well because you ACCEPT them all JUST where they are ( whether they are just hibernating seeds, hopeful roots, inquisitive sprouts, or their eyes have just peeped out of the soil) that is a nice way of thinking there were moments when i did think that way in the past amazing how i forget what brings me peace LOL ![]() Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 10, 2007 03:09PM Very helpful thoughts Dave. Thanks. Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 10, 2007 06:57PM David, Thank you so much... and LaV, thanks for getting this started.
This thread couldn't have come at a better time. I just got home from visiting my parents in Florida. Learned my Dad has Alzhiemers and I've been in a war with my thoughts for days... fighting everything, ...trying to "stay strong" for my family, ...kicking myself for not being strong enough, angry at now... sad about tomorrow, ...stuck, ...ugh. Radical acceptance! Ceasefire... breath... gratitude... Thanks for this nourishment! Aloha nui loa, Greg Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 10, 2007 07:39PM You've definitely got challenges in your life Greg. I know you'll be strong. We all support each other - you know? Each part of watch doesn't HAVE to tell time - if it can mesh with the other gears. ![]() -David Z. Mason WWW.RawFoodFarm.com Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 11, 2007 10:04AM Hi Maui Greg,
all I can do is give you a cyberspace hug Hugs your situation is deeply felt as for being "strong"? I've seen people whose parents had Alzheimers and they didn't even recognize their own son/daughter. That could hurt to the core. It is foolish to feel 'strong' in situations like that. Let yourself cry. or be angry ( even) because there is nothing fair about it If there came a day when my own parents didn't recognize me , I would cry an OCEAN of tears. hugs again LV Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 11, 2007 09:39PM I have to say I'm a big fan of yours, David. You have such a great approach to life!
The thing you said about having a goal other than health (what you want health for) changed my whole perspective in a really positive way. And this thread further inspired me. Thanks a lot Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 11, 2007 11:17PM Thank you Rainforest! That warms my heart. ![]() -David Z. Mason WWW.RawFoodFarm.com Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Date: December 12, 2007 12:19AM Yes, I find life a puzzle sometimes, and yet I know that all the pieces can be found, it's a matter of looking for them. Each problem, event, or turning point has it's own puzzle, small, med. or large..and sometimes we struggle with looking for those pieces and many times if not always they are hiding in plain sight, or are already inside ourselves, or we keep searching with a focus on finishing the puzzle we happen upon the lost piece that puts it all together..now that's pretty cool.
Sometimes, a puzzle maybe be worked on for a long time, some don't find the pieces, yet I know that the pieces are there to be found, sometimes we need to grow and become aware of what to actually look for before we can find the right pieces. I don't work on real puzzles, or crosswords, games, etc...I think life is the real puzzler and for me I like to de-stress by thinking quietly, meditating on it, reading and learning new things about it. Will we ever know how the big picture of the Universe is put together..I think when we die we have full insight and awareness of what is actually important, and gain all knowledge there is to know, which might end up fitting onto the tip of a pin, or it may just seem so small and so important because it's so simple. Love, Prism Re: TO DAVID MASON
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: December 12, 2007 12:52AM yikes! suvine that is quite the picture. i sure can see a lot of you. nearly singed my eyeballs ![]() "When problems (stuck energy) are viewed as a challenge to be accepted and worked though....and allowed at a fundamental level....that stuck energy returns to it's source....and is absorbed....and the individual gains great skill/achievement. Having a problem WITH having problems.....is...as you say...NOT ACCEPTING and REJECTING the now moment at a fundamental level." thanks david. this is the essence of what i mean when i talk about resisting and not taking responsibility for negative feelings. they are only negative if that's how you choose to view something. things that happen are neither negative, nor positive, they simply are. the other stuff is what we attach to it. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.