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Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: ILoveJen ()
Date: December 15, 2007 09:48PM

you know what?

thanks bryan for posting this.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: December 16, 2007 08:31PM

Wonderful thread Bryan.

I have been thinking about this thread at different times during my days and trying to think of what I want to write. When I first discovered this web site I was transitioning to a high percentage raw because I was so sick with candida. Now I am much better but not completely well. It is hard for me to remember how sick I was, like then it was hard to remember what it felt like to be well. I had been physically active my whole life and when I got sick I gradually got more and more tired and all my dreams seem to be fading away. My house was falling in to disrepair and I was no longer able to take in strays and I was barely able to keep up with the daily chores of homeschooling, cleaning and cooking. I am transitioning slowly for several reasons and staying grounded has not been the least of them. I experienced such a drastic change in my life within the first month of transition that I felt my head spinning. Not only was my health better right away but my husband and all our kids were suddenly like super heroes. I think, as people ground themselves with exercise, I am/will ground myself with physical projects. I am helping to totally remodel our house (something I couldn't conceive of doing a year and a half ago.) I just adopted an old horse and next I want to adopt a young horse and train it. I want to rescue and refuge many animals and build their homes and care for them. I want to have a big garden. I want to volunteer to groom shelter dogs. I have more plans than I can keep up with and always have. I can't tell you how candida drug me down and for the first time in my life I was thinking I might not get everything I want in life.

It has been wonderful to find raw but very challenging. If it were not for this group of wonderful people it would have been so much more challenging. Thank you.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: December 17, 2007 04:00AM

Yes, thank you. It is good to get just a litte bit of extra push in the up-lifting direction. This raw food experience, and I think all life experience in general, is about gradual progress (and the journey is the essence of it). I really enjoy looking forward. I made an observation that without the progress, I stagnate and get really unhappy. I only feel happy moving. Thanks Bryan so much for giving me more reasons to move.


RawGosia channel
RawGosia streams

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: uma ()
Date: January 14, 2008 06:19AM

I just reread Bryan's post--thanks Bryan.

I have been doing low fat high fruit raw, as well as emotional and spiritual healing work. Right now, my energy is getting higher because of the love I am giving myself with the fruit and the heart opening practices I've been doing.

It's like my body is saying, "OK now, here comes the healing energy for you. Don't worry, we'll take care of the rest. Just get out of the way and let it flow!"

I have been using food to ground, especially at night. If energetic experiences are occurring that I fear will interfere with sleep or that make me feel too light, or if emotions are surfacing that I don't want to experience, I eat. Even if it's mono-eating fruit or even greens, I can still manage to eat to the point of pain. That brings me back down! Then instead of being faced with some energy or emotion, I can ground in indigestion, physical pain, sluggishness, bloating, etc. It's a pattern I've been doing for a while.

Why is it so scary for some of us to have radiant health? Well, I have a history of being sickly most of my life, and I've been told it's a strategy I used to get conditional love and attention, and avoid taking responsibility for my life. Maybe that has something to do with the fear.

I have made a new commitment to myself to let go of eating to ground, and not control or deny the energy or emotions that come up. I'm starting tonight! Thought it might serve me to share what I'm playing with.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2008 06:25AM by uma.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: January 14, 2008 07:43AM

this is a good question bryan


everyone always says they want more energy
but when the full voltage in its entirety is channeled
it can be quite a feat to modulate it
sometimes it doesn't take discipline so much as just realizing that

if i was used to surfing little waves
and then there just seems to be one tsunamic wave after another

i'm going to fall into the wall of water
once in a while
and be swallowed up whole

but as long as i can see a piece of the sky
and inhale a bit of the air

i'll get back on the board again
and try to surf

those energy waves

that's all it is
just a practice

and it can be fun

bit waves
little waves

and sometimes

no waves


tranquillity and solace

those can be the hardest "waves" to surf

those are the waves that seem to have no height

but are the most enormous of all

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 14, 2008 02:41PM

Apparently I'm manifesting a flame war in the OT forum.

Thoughts or comments on why that might be?

If there is a person standing in your community hangout shouting irrational things, can one just ignore that?

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: January 14, 2008 02:48PM

I hear you learning. We either bring something positive to a situation (i.e., presence / acceptance) or we move quickly to a situation where we can. To waste time doing anything else is not helpful. Just my opinion.

Short answer: Yes - ignore ok with it. It's not about you.

-David Z. Mason

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: jono ()
Date: January 14, 2008 03:20PM

I think all the excess "energy" people feel when eating high sweet-fruit is really just over-stimulation due to all the sugar. And detox/regeneration is probably better achieved with lots of raw fats and protein, which is basically what the body is made of anyway, and what I think most humans are adapted too.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: learningtofly ()
Date: January 14, 2008 03:33PM

Thank you David.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: pampam ()
Date: January 14, 2008 08:41PM

From june to november I became a raw foodist. I lost about 90 pounds and began to experiance a rejuvination within my body. I would see all the advertisements about gaining more energy or losing weight and feel I have found the answer, My search is over and I have found the way to live and that is to be raw.... My body was feeling younger my mind clearer and my feeling of spirituality fired up. I began to experiance great emotions that I did not feel in control of and I really did not know what I was feeling but I found myself crying and tearfull at timeswith no explaination. I began to compromise my eating a little here and there. The holidays took its toll on me and I fell off the track and began to eat cooked foods. Like an alcholic turning back to the bottle I started to eat like I did before I started eating raw. In these past two monthes I have experianced my body slowy going back to the aches and pains I once had and my mind becomming more and more foggey and unclear. This time though I can see and understand why. The cooked foods were numbing my senses. I am floundering around gasping for the nutrition like a fish out of water, eating the cooked food but desireing the raw. searching for that key that I lost when I took that fatefull bite of the cooked foods that thanksgiving day. I don't know where I had the will to keep raw for six months but I did and I want it back. Perhaps I began to feel to much and I was trying to gain that balance you talk about, Bryon, Or perhaps I just fell from my focus. Whatever the case I am still learning and still going to work it out because I have experianced what it is like to be raw and I want that back. I can't really answer the question about what do I do with the energy because I am not 100% raw today but I think what you have written here has helped me understand a little more. This site is my soul source of support, I rely on what is written on these pages and the things shared here have been valuable to me. Thank-you

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: January 14, 2008 09:03PM

Pampam, What an inspiring post. I am sorry you are struggling, but I know you will overcome it.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Lee_123 ()
Date: January 14, 2008 09:47PM

Wow, pampam, I really appreciate your emotional honesty and clarity.

Hang in there. Keep trying without beating yourself up. You are worth it. Fall down a hundred times, get up a hundred and one times.

A thought, from the Pinsky translation of Dante's "Inferno" --

Midway on our life's journey, I found myself
In dark woods, the right road lost. To tell
About those woods is hard—so tangled and rough

And savage that thinking of it now, I feel
The old fear stirring: death is hardly more bitter.
And yet, to treat the good I found there as well

I'll tell what I saw, though how I came to enter
I cannot well say, being so full of sleep
Whatever moment it was I began to blunder

Off the true path. But when I came to stop
Below a hill that marked one end of the valley
That had pierced my heart with terror, I looked up

Toward the crest and saw its shoulders already
Mantled in rays of that bright planet that shows
The road to everyone, whatever our journey.

Then I could feel the terror begin to ease
That churned in my heart's lake all through the night.
As one still panting, ashore from dangerous seas,

Looks back a the deep he has escaped, my thought
Returned, still fleeing, to regard that grim defile
That never left any alive who stayed in it.

After I had rested my weary body awhile
I started again across the wilderness...

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: January 16, 2008 08:34AM

hi lee

that poem from dante's inferno
it is true

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: June 01, 2012 12:32AM

One of the members in the forum suggested I bump this post because theY found that their personal experiences matched some of the things I said in the original post of this thread. For many of you, who are new, you may not have seen this post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2012 12:42AM by Prana.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: jalanutan ()
Date: June 01, 2012 01:34AM

Thank you so much for re-energising this post Prana, as I can identify with everything you have mentioned. You have explained to me what I am only partially aware of.

I found that exercise at my local gym, and my uni study has helped me no end. But even then, I have found that I need to change the venue where I study often, as a way of coping. I go down to the beach, or up to the hinterland in the 'bush', and/or take a break from study by listening to nature and the many animals that come out when all is quiet.

I wake early, and walk along the beach during the twilight and watch the sunrise of a new creation, a new day full of opportunities and options, and experience the gratitude and feel the bliss you speak of.

I haven't read any of the comments to your post as yet, and I'll do that now, as I'm interested in how others have dealt with their 'raw energy'.

Thank you again Prana smiling smiley


Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Pistachio ()
Date: June 01, 2012 03:58AM

I too find that consistently eating most or all raw food results in high quality/ powerful energy not just physically, but spiritually. However, if the external energy in the immediate environment does not resonate in a compatible manner with the energy coming from within, this situation becomes ripe for conflict as it were, as the dissonant energies will likely clash. Add to that, unresolved prior issues that may surface as they're no longer suppressed with poor eating habits.

Wishing you vibrant health

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: chat ()
Date: June 01, 2012 08:36AM

Go for a run? Find yourself a person to spend the energy with? winking smiley Or if the age/health restricts you, find yourself a hobby that you like, and unspent energy will go there.

Personally I find my day very full, I have to think to make time for things I want to do, because there isn't enough in 24hours! Because of this the energy is rarely a problem. The only time I notice I become restless is on the days when I have to spend most of the time doing one thing. These are usually days at work when I get stuck behind the desk for most of the day. Then I feel tired, but restless nonetheless, and what I found works best of all is to do something diametrically opposite in the evening. So if I'm doing mental work all day I just go to the gym in the evening and listen to bright music and get my body tired physically, and everything falls into places, and after the shower I feel really relaxed and at peace.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: eaglefly ()
Date: June 01, 2012 02:09PM

Great thread.
I missed this one.

I believe the very nature of raw foods will promote tranquility,and that leads to creativity,and the persuit of interests,and more connection to a higher power,certainly not inner conflict.

Thats my experience in a nutshell.

When I am high raw,I am very into exercise,woodworking,lawn care,drumming,reading,and appreciating.When not,alot of these things drop off my daily to-do list.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2012 02:11PM by eaglefly.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:58AM

Great message, thanks for bumping it!
smiling smiley

RawGosia channel
RawGosia streams

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: June 02, 2012 01:05PM

For me it manifest in giving me a different perception.

Due to changes in food, changes in the chemicals in the brain, in the hormones, etc, give me a different perception of things. I don't bother to try to make it practical and to manifest it in something or to prove something. since this new perception is "newer" than the old one, I think it is better. But I got the feeling that it is not the ultimate and final perception, better but not necessarily the best. Neither is the ultimate reality as I don't believe in that. It is like when looking through a camera, what you see depends on the camera and the filter. In this case the filters are the chemicals and the camera the brain. And I guess that the usefulness of this is in seeing other things.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: June 02, 2012 01:10PM

Yeah, thanks for bumping this thread, Prana; I read it long ago and forgot some of its insights smiling smiley

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: jalanutan ()
Date: June 03, 2012 07:21AM

I feel the same panchito, as I feel that I'm almost there, but not quite.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: adamlogan ()
Date: June 03, 2012 10:25AM

Thanks for bumping this. I am relatively new here, so I had not seen this. It serves for me as a sobering reminder as to why I'm on this forum, I'm really impressed with the original post. The peripheral disturbances that I've been aware for some time are now bare and in front of me in full vision.

I ground myself by over-eating, but it's not really "grounding" it's more like self sabotage or more accurately avoidance.The connection I didn't make before is that I'm terrible at knowing what to do with myself having so much free time and then having the energy means being overwhelmed with all the possibilities and choices. As an indecisive person I tend to shutdown and prefer not to make a choice, but rather go back to what I was doing. I guess it boils down to leaving my comfort zone.

It's something I've been thinking a great deal about, what is left when I leave this world? A trail of consumption and a few select relationships? That would be a depressing thought before passing out of this world. I think of how the world should change but changing myself or rather allowing myself to feel all the things that I'm resisting is the real task at hand. I keep thinking about who I'm going to be or want to be but repress and resist the part of myself that needs to grieve, breakdown and be naked, all it wants is to be acknowledged and loved and it will transcend the ghost realm.

That's another thing though, I make too many things about me.

I aspire to meditate and practice yoga more, to improve on my use of food as sustenance and the use of resulting energy and time in a way that respects life and the connection that we all have. Living is a gift.

I find it really helps me to play on my harmonica and sing/dance while shaking a rattle to express my feelings. I do this like I'm an native American Indian or something even though I'm technically not. It's the only way I've been able to completely allow my sorrow to flow and be felt. What does a mom do when her infant dies? They howl and weep, it's about as primal and instinctual as it gets. I'll have to pick that up again.

Thanks for bumping Prana. I write not to depress but to describe my reaction and realization from this post. There's definitely a need for me to accept the things I've been resisting.

I'm realizing more and more that raw is a fantastic way to live, and I'd like to make my way there progressively. But like anything else, raw is not the be-all-end-all.

One of my favorite movies of all time is Forrest Gump. Forrest wasn't a "smart" man but intellect does not really matter all that much, "Stupid is as stupid does". In the grand scheme of things Forrest does very little of the "stupid things" that so-called "smart" people do all the time. He accepted what life handed him and look at how despite all Forrest's experiences he's virtually unscathed. For all that's happened, he made out really good considering. Although Forrest Gump is a fictional character I just know there are people like that in real life. Forrest is an inspiration & role model to me, and I hope some of you can see past the superficial trimmings and see why.

Raw is yet another tool that can be used to good benefit or ill. Too often we harden ourselves with resistance and anything and everything is fair game to batter and crush us, or we can drop our resistance our shell and stand naked and pass through life a little more gracefully. Why take offense when it's not necessary? Is it ever really necessary? Can you respond appropriately without taking personal affront. That's the challenge.

I've talked too much, and have yet to walk the talk so I'll hush. I share in the dream and hope to make it my reality.

Much love to you all,


Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 03, 2012 02:00PM


<<I found that exercise at my local gym, and my uni study has helped me no end. But even then, I have found that I need to change the venue where I study often, as a way of coping. I go down to the beach, or up to the hinterland in the 'bush', and/or take a break from study by listening to nature and the many animals that come out when all is quiet. >>

just curious what is "uni study"
when i think of uni
i think of unicorn
and unicycle

but something says you aren't studying the mythology of unicorns
or trying to learn how to ride a unicycle
though it would be cool if you spotted a unicorn while u were riding a unicycle

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 03, 2012 02:14PM

Must be our Brit connection because in Canada we also use Uni instead of University. Or is it because you refer to University as College in the States? Hm. It means something different here. College teaches trades (arts and technology) while Uni teaches academic and professional programs.

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: jalanutan ()
Date: June 03, 2012 04:03PM

Yes la_veronique, it's as Coco said including the college bit. Sorry, but I use 'uni' for university cause it's shorter and I thought everyone knew the abbreviation. Guess I live and learn, so next time I'll write the full thing.

Cheers, jalan smiling smiley

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 03, 2012 04:18PM

oh okay interesting
thanks for letting me know
but shucks, i was hoping you saw a unicorn while riding on a unicycle
let us know when u do

or... probably, i'll let u all know when I do
chances are pretty high
if only in my mind's eye

hey, that rhymed! smiling smiley

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: June 03, 2012 04:20PM

Adam, that was really beautiful. Good lucky moving forward and into the realms of what you should become smiling smiley

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: jalanutan ()
Date: June 03, 2012 04:45PM

Hahaha la_veronique. Now that would be something, but although I do clown around at times, I've no intention of learning to ride a unicyle. I wonder if unicorns actually existed???

jalan smiling smiley

Re: What will you manifest with your raw energy?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: June 03, 2012 09:21PM

jalanutan Wrote:
> I wonder
> if unicorns actually existed???

Does politics exist? Does religion exist?

They exist. They are thoughts.

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