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80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: greenpower ()
Date: December 24, 2007 05:08PM

Just wonder if any of you have solved an intolerance to fiber (bloating) by the 80-10-10 diet? Would like to hear your experiences! Is it possible that intolerance for fiber is caused by high fat diets? What do you think, can it be solved?

Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: December 24, 2007 08:38PM

>it possible that intolerance for fiber is caused by high fat diets?

If you are accustomed to a low fiber diet, yes you will have problems.

The solution is to gradually increase your fiber intake over a period of time, say incresase it by 5 g ever two weeks. You will not have much discomfort, if any, at this slow rate.

You will still have some bloating after a big meal. If you wish to minimize this bloating you can spread your food intake over several much smaller meals.

Also if you pay close attention you will find which foods work best for you. I still have trouble with cabbage so I avoid it. I also have trouble with 2 tbsp of flax in a single meal but 1 is ok.

Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: December 25, 2007 07:43PM

As Arugula says, it depends on how accustomed you are to eating fiber and how your digestion is.

Digestion and colon health are determining factors in what you can tolerate especially with regard fiber. Fiber can be soluble or insoluble and when I started out eating raw, it was so hard for me to even eat green leafy salads, that I just really couldn't do many. I got a juicer and started juicing the greens and carrots which helped me out a lot.

Then later (it was at least a year) I could eat salads much better, and after a couple years I found my fav salad ever and it has baby spinach, all kinds of leafy greens, tomatoes and onions, with salsa and guacamole or just avocado.

During that time when I was eating a fair amount of salads and greens, green juices is when I went thru the series of colonics. I was 2 sizes smaller than I am at that time because of the mostly 100% or very high raw diet, and even though I believe my digestive system was not in good repair at that time it was at least a start in repairing past damage.

I'm well on my way now to much better understanding of my digestive system, colon, etc..and I think that a lot of good repair is underway now.

My suggestion is to increase your knowledge and get to know your internal organs on a personal level, (sounds funny doesn't it), increase your green juices, then try green smoothies, take a good prebiotic or probiotic for a couple months, do a few colonics if possible, keep some fresh pineapple or papaya to eat a little after each meal or on their own or to add to your fruit smoothies, and start massaging your digestive system at night and in morning if possible. Or and try using an exercise ball to sit on while doing whatever sitting tasks you have for a length of time.

If you want you can also try taking a pinch of Epsom Salt in your drinking water thru out the day (1/4 teaspoon) or add a couple grams of magnesium per day as a supplement along with the same amount of vit-c to take with the magnesium. Take them as 1 gram of each together 3x a day. You can try it for 3-5 days, and see how that helps with digestion, gas, bloating.

If you have dark circles under your eyes, you have toxic waste build up in your digestive tract, and or stones and debris in your other organs. Your blood is not getting as clean as it should, hence the dark circles. You can see how dark your blood is thru the thin skin under your eyes so if blood is not as clean then you can see darker circles.


Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: greenpower ()
Date: December 26, 2007 06:41AM

arugula and Prism, thanks so much for your replies. I am doing a lot of green juices , there is just no other option to get the greens in. Had colon cleanses, probiotics, lots of natural sodium with the vegetable juices, exercise, etc etc everything you can imagine. Slowly improving fiber intake on raw is tough. The thing is where to get calories on a low fiber diet, I have not managed that one yet. Naturally it will be fruits, or vegetable juices or nuts and seeds. Nuts as calorie source are not well tolerated, fruits are not well tolerated, so the only option left is vegetable juices or go back to cooked foods. But I really want to stay raw. Now I have started a low fat diet (and ignoring the bloating bc of the many fruits for the time being), and expecting wonders of it, it is the only thing I have not tried yet.

Just curious to know if anyone solved fiber problems on a low fat diet?

Dark circles, yes, can't get rid of them whatever i do or don't do.

Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: December 26, 2007 07:06PM

If 8-1-1 is not working for you at this time, then do something else that may help for now, then as you get cleaner you can transition to more of getting in line with the 80/10/10 diet. It's very difficult to get to that 10% fat..and if you aren't super clean, and a consistent somewhat long term raw fooder than that may not be the diet for you.

Try eating more fatty fruits like avocados and young coconuts, and raw olives packed in olive oil, those have the fat your body desires and is easier to digest and it's the fat that will sustain you longer than ingesting harsher things on your system like nuts, and seeds. You also could add sprouted raw nuts, seeds, and legumes, and grains to your diet picking those that you like best or that agree with your digesitve issues at this time as it will improve but getting a healthy digestive system does not entail going back to cooked foods! It takes work, and there is a learning curve to getting to know your own body especially from the inside out.

I have found that gas is produced when I eat anything not raw now, even if it's just a little bit.

You also might try adding a pinch (1/4 teaspoon) of Epsom Salt to your drinking water just before a meal. And after eating try a wedge or piece of fresh pineapple or papaya. If you are inconsistent with doing that, get some papaya enzyme tablets and take 4 of those after each meal of veggies and green juices for awhile and see how that helps out. You can carry those easily with you where ever you go.

I couldn't get rid of my dark circles either..but I did recently and it only took me 1 month to do it. You can read my Raw Diary for tips if you like.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/26/2007 07:08PM by Prism.

Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: December 27, 2007 02:10AM


The secret to eating and digesting fiber well is to simplify your meals. For example, for lunch today I had about 8 fuyu persimmons. I ate all the persimmons I wanted, but I only ate one kind of fruit - the fuyus. When you eat like this, the food digests very well with very little effort. The other important thing about eating fruit is to eat fruit when it is ripe. This takes a while to learn about what really ripe fruits is like, but for example, bananas are not ripe until they have dark brown freckles on them. A banana with a bright yellow skin is not ripe, and the fruit inside is starchy, not sweet. A ripe banana should have no trace of starch when you eat it.

If you are combining foods together in a meal, you should learn about food combining. You can learn about food combining at this site:The Principles Of Digestive Physiology Which Decree Correct Food Combining.

Another thing that causes digestive distress is fat. If you eat a fat meal, it takes a long time to digest - perhaps 4 to 6 or even more hours. So if you have a salad at noon with some fat in it, and then you have few pieces of fruit at 3pm, the fat may have not fully digested yet, and the fruit you eat will get stuck in your stomach and ferment and cause bloating. Its best to eat your fruits in the day before your first fat meal, and then not eat fruits after that fat meal. This means typically saving your fat meals until the last meal of the day.

Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: greenpower ()
Date: December 27, 2007 10:13AM

Thanks Prism for your suggestions. This my 10th day of NO FAT for the purpose of detox. I plan to introduce fats again whenever I am going to see some results. Then hopefully there will be some avo's and coconuts around. I tried a mild energy soup in the evening with very few sprouts, in teaspoons (lentil, alfalfa, fenugreek, radish), which is not too bad. Dark circles, yes, can't get rid of them, not even with plenty natural sodium. I read your blog, interesting. I am not in favor of supplements, so need to find out what foods can replace the magnesium and vit C. We take a little kelp for iodine. Amount of iodine has to be limited because more than 150 mcg causes sleeplessness.

Thanks Bryan for the very interesting link. Some work to do smiling smiley I have just discovered that oranges are not well tolerated, although I always took them in the morning before anything else, things are much much better without. Otherwise we have been in the habit of choosing absolutely ripe fruit. Except for the green juices I am now practically living on mangoes, with 2 or 3 bananas a day. And without the oranges I can handle them much better.

It is a long journey he, if it wasn't for my conviction that raw is best I would have given up long ago. I somehow can not believe that my intestines will heal with cooked foods.

Re: 80-10-10 and fiber intolerance
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: December 27, 2007 10:40PM

Lots of leafy green veggies in place of magnesium supplements or maybe 1+ qts. of green juices for the day.

Keep us informed on your eating and protocols and let us know the results as each person to some extent is different and yours may help someone else.


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