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FDA to back food from cloned animals...
Posted by: cosbynian ()
Date: January 06, 2008 10:59PM

Here is the article from the washington post:


Says they could announce this as early as next week. It is my belief that if major changes do not come shortly, mad "science" and Monsanto is going to wipe out the food chain.

What is so disturbing is their blatant arrogance of continued actions that the majority of the population does not support. If it was solely injurious to themselves that would be one thing, but when it affects the entire population it is terribly selfish and proud to say the least.

Note to Jose concerning our evolution discussion: I see a direct correlation between these atrocious practices of modern science and evolution theory since it is one of its major foundational theories. When men perceive themselves to be their own gods and cease to recognize the Creator, they feel at liberty to do what they will to "improve" nature and aid it along in its so-called evolution. e.g. putting salmon genes in tomatoes to make them grow in the cold, injecting Round-up in the corn, or cloning animals, etc.

I'm not saying that everybody who believes in evolution believes this way, but it is certainly true that any TRUE believer in a Creator would not infringe into the areas of gene splicing, genetic modification, cloning and the like. Evolution effectively removes this restraint and opens the door to a flood of evils. If all life evolved through a series of beneficial mutations, than why can't enlightened man do better through gene splicing and all his fancy gizmos?

Remember, Rockefeller and boys started the NEA and they wield tremendous control over what goes into the scientific textbooks and what does not. They are the major proponents of evolution theory and its associated offshoots--depopulation, eugenics, racial cleansing, etc. We were discussing the racism issue concerning Ron Paul, why don't we open up a discussion on the other board about how Darwin's theory has strongly influenced racism. You are welcome to begin it if you want.

Here is the original and full title of his book:

The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

Notice how the second half of the title is deleted in most modern versions. Notice how the textbooks always portray "cave men" as dark skinned and aborigini like in appearance, meaning they are less evolved.

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