what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 20, 2008 04:01AM taste experiences, feeling experiences, anyone?
heard about it not sure what it is seems kind of interesting i'm pretty sure it is not an egg i don't want to google everything up rather hear stuff from my friends Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 20, 2008 04:22AM I haven't had eggfruit in years, but I remember it having a very dense, rich, slightly dry texture, somewhere between cake and icing. It's very sweet.
If they're in season, it may be possible to order some from "Robert is Here" in Homestead, FL. Cheers. Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 20, 2008 05:14AM That sounds so strange... and so delicious. I have never seen those, either at conventional stores or the Asian markets? Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 20, 2008 07:52AM la_veronique
I just got done eating some very good Lucama or canistel aka eggfruit. It orgins are in the Americas Central and but grows well in most tropical or sub tropical places. They do not ship well they will pick them to early and green so they take longer to ripen and they are not as good as tree ripen lucama like the ones i ate today. I have been eating them for years when I can get them winter is the best time from December to about March if you find a tree good luck. I had some luck with them this year the first batch i bought from the market was OK but not as good as when a friend of mine found a tree full also my wife's cousin has a tree and brings us some every year. Florida is the best place to find them in the States and if you go to Mexico or any country in the Americas look hard and you may get Lucky. Cherimoya Love Peace and Happiness Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 20, 2008 05:53PM Add some, and texture wise it felt like cheesecake, with a dark orange color. I really enjoyed them, and the seeds are really nice too, for decoration Raw Fruit Festival [www.raw-fruit-festival.net] Health, Fitness and Fasting Retreats in Spain [www.fit-in-nature.net] Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 20, 2008 09:45PM hi thanks everybuddy
for all the notes on egg fruit learningtofly i'll check out Robert is Here when the time comes for me to attain some of the mysterious egg fruit cherimoya: lots of great information i never knew thanks so much Florida seems like the place where all good things grows that's where DMZ grows his garden and it seems like he grows EVERYTHING ![]() sgc would u say that that is the best fruit u ever tasted? from your orange cheesecake description sounds like some manna that dropped out of silver lined clouds i'm so curious ever make a raw orrange cheesecake with it? Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: January 20, 2008 11:16PM I believe its all about eggs and fruitcakes this time of year
LAV.a - little joey forcefield Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 21, 2008 05:41AM much JOY to you
joyeo ooops spelt it wrong ( ah... well) Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 21, 2008 08:03PM I just had my first Egg Fruit last week. Interesting, but not a favorite by far. It's in the same genus (Pouteria) as all the Sapotes. The ones I bought looked like mini-pumpkins...sweet tasting, but the texture wasn't pleasant to me...kind of like the yolk of a hard boiled egg... sort of pastey-ish. I also had a brown Sapote that tasted like a cross between butterscotch and rootbeer...that tasted much better than the egg fruit in my opinion.
I'd eat it again though, good luck, Greg Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 21, 2008 11:52PM On rawreform.blogspot.com Angela made "beans and cheese" out of egg fruit recently... check it out! Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 22, 2008 11:41AM hey maui greg
i dig your description " butterscotch and rootbeer" You'd eat it again? LOL ( gimme one of those!!!) ambaryarena sounds like a good raw burrito to me hey dulset the pics were gorgeous i wonder if i ever ate one i used to pick this fruit from a tree and didn't know what i was eating it looked like a little peach and had a glistening brown seed it looks like the photo hmmmm..... i love talking and thinking about exotic fruits ( probably because i've not had enough exotic fruits LOL so its always an adventure) Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 22, 2008 04:07PM Canistel. mmmmmm I saw some this weekend at tha coral gables farmer's market in Miami. Paradise farms sells them. Re: what is EGG fruit?
Posted by:
Date: January 28, 2008 07:08AM I think sapote taste more like a cross between maple syrup and brown sugar. I want to make raw pecan pie with it. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.