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Cure for Autism
Posted by: Lightform ()
Date: January 29, 2008 08:39AM

Hi all smiling smiley
This is actualy a request for anyone with information regarding success with healing autism through diet to share it with me. I have read about it on occasion and heard it in at least one interview in the past but haven't paid any more attention than just noting it.

I have a friend who has a brother with autism who periodicaly goes into a rage and beats his family up. He is the largest member and his family, and they care alot and don't like to hurt him in their deffence and it is creating alot of stress for them. My friend and his family are not raw fooders, but he is open to trying anything and is not opposed to a dietary solution. I would like to pass on some information to him about successfull cures and testimonies using wheat grass and raw etc.

Can anyone who knows where I can aquire this info please help ?

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: Stormyone66 ()
Date: January 29, 2008 02:26PM

I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome (at the high end of the autistic spectrum) and attempting to change his diet is quite a struggle. Children with autism adhere to routine and anything disrupting it can trigger tantrums. Further, kids with autism are usually amazingly picky eaters..moreso than the average child. They have a thing with textures and sound sometimes, so getting my own son to eat raw plant food is hard. He will eat only three raw foods at this time..strawberries, granny smith apples and carrots (mind you they have to be the 'big' carrots not the baby carrots). Even with the choice of apples it HAS to be the granny smith and NO other type of apple. I've been trying for years now to get him to try new foods and every once in a while, I succeed.

I would recommend first getting him off of gluten and dairy. Those can be easily substituted so that his regular dietary routines won't be disrupted. There have been studies done that show positive changes in behavior when these products are removed from their diet. You friend will just have to go slow in 'sneaking' in these substitutes.

Here is a link that talks about this type of diet. It isn't raw, but it is definitely a start. I wish your friend good luck because I'm very familiar with this battle.


Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: pampam ()
Date: January 29, 2008 02:27PM

Perhaps Gabrial Cousins has some information on this check out his web site.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: Lightform ()
Date: January 29, 2008 08:06PM

Thanks Stormy and Pam.. I'll check those out.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: maui_butterfly ()
Date: January 30, 2008 12:18AM

Check out and also

A woman named Sunshine has (i think) several kids with autism and they have made BIG IMPROVEMENTS since going raw.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: flex4life ()
Date: January 30, 2008 04:51PM

I have been reading the Elias forum lately and came across this:

JOSHA: My nephew has autism, and given it’s growing more and more prevalent (inaudible). My sister (inaudible).

ELIAS: This would be a difficult expression to engage for most individuals, for these individuals are choosing to experience their reality in a very different manner. In that, they are one of most self-directing beings, to an extreme. What generates considerable difficulty is other individuals that continue to attempt to be directing of them, for that creates an opposing energy, and it creates struggle.

My suggestion for individuals that engage these types of individuals is to be very supportive, and the manner in which you can be very supportive is to be accepting rather than instructing or opposing. These individuals automatically reject those actions. They do not view them as helpful; they do not view them as supportive. They view them as discounting. For they are ultimately directing of themselves, and that generates considerable frustration when they perceive they are not being allowed to be directing of themselves. That frustration can be expressed in many, many manners that generally are not comfortable.

JOSHA: He’s in a very structured group environment. She has him (inaudible).

ELIAS: I would express that that is a mixture for explosion.

JOSHA: Is there any information that I can impart from you to her to assist (inaudible)? She’s chosen (inaudible).

ELIAS: You may offer my condolences, for she is choosing an explosive situation. These individuals do not respond to force. They force in return, and they are exceptionally adept at matching energy.

FRAN: (Inaudible)

ELIAS: Perhaps, or perhaps not. For if you are not instructing, if you are merely offering sharing and a different perception without an expectation, that may be helpful — but without the expectation, for ultimately it is her choice of what she creates. But at times, individuals may be generating situations that they do not like but they do not know what to engage to change it, for they are moving in what is familiar to them. If they allow a presentment of other ideas, just as all of you have in different situations, it may offer a suggestion of a different avenue that can be engaged that the other individual may not have been aware of and may incorporate the perception that there is only one manner in which to engage or address the situation. And there is never only one manner. (Chuckles)

got it from


Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: yuna ()
Date: January 31, 2008 02:37AM

I think energy healings would really help. My favorite is Also, redirecting that energy into exercise moght help. If he feels mad, maybe he can walk around his room until he's tired to music. Or walk/march in place. Some sort of exercise to tire him out and relax him. But, energy healings would be my best bet. That's what I personally use to cure muyself of schizophrenia, a mental illness, and it works.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2008 02:39AM by yuna.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 01, 2008 03:56AM

I can't find the specific diet on the internet at the moment, but I know that I have heard of diet curing autism. The diet I have heard of is not raw, but it's plant based. If I come across it I will definately post it, but I know that a lot of the diet contains olive oil and spinach, and doesn't allow some stuff like apples...I wish I could remember because the people I have heard of using this diet have had AMAZING results. Good luck, and hopefully I will find the info to pass along!

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: February 01, 2008 03:55PM

there was this thing on the news that showed how this martial art instructor made a program for kids with autism

the reports were glowing ( and they were from the kids themselves)

if autism is coupled with aggression, this could be a great way to channel that aggression into something more constructive like a self discipline

most kids seem to have gotten profound improvements ( including socially)

your friend may look into that as a way to channel all his energies

( perhaps a private instructor who , ( if a really adept martial artist) would probably not have a problem holding his/her own if your friend's brother

tries to go on the attack ( since this person is a martial artist themselves)

it may allow your friend's brother to also express in physical movements what he may not be able to do verbally or socially

the kids who were in the program ( mentioned prior) also said how it boosted their confidence levels and their ability to socially interact with others

i don't have the article or the video clip someone else may however

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: dream earth ()
Date: February 03, 2008 04:34AM

Perhaps raw food will cure the family's amnesia of how they physically abused their son at a young age, and make them more sympathetic, accepting human beings. But, reading the responses here, I see that won't happen.

It is none of your business to "cure" someone's brain because you don't personally prefer the way they act; furthermore, a child's body is sovereign in deciding what it needs; most humans are "picky eaters" i.e. they trust their bodies on knowing what they want and follow those signals, until they are corrupted by "curing" old people who had shut down their own body's signals in a similar way.

I'm glad that I don't claim to love someone, but are actually so judgmental and obsessed with controlling their personality and "behavior" that I attempt to manipulate their diet to the point of gross deception in order to remake them for my petty concerns.

Raw food does not "cure autism," autism is not a disease, it is a valid neurological state that does not exempt the alleged bearer of it from their human rights.

When will society be cured from it's excluding, non-accommodative, abusive, unsympathetic, exploitative nature, and when will rawfoodists begin to contribute to this cure?

When will all parent's be cured of their hateful insistence on physically and emotionally destroying the life in their children until there is nothing left? When will the legislation be cured of it's loopholes which allow parents to physically abuse their children without penalty? Perhaps you are the one with the disease.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2008 04:45AM by dream earth.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: February 03, 2008 02:30PM

hey lightform

wishing your friend's family healing

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: cocoa_nibs ()
Date: February 03, 2008 09:09PM


I too wish your family healing. To be subjected to sick anger's spells (as a sufferer oneself and as a child receiving that anger from an adult) is a horrible horrible thing!

Nutrition can make a big difference, especially eliminating dairy and wheat. Dairy produces caseomorphins that mimic endomorphins and take their places on the receptors. Apparently with autism or aschberger's the effect of this is hightened.

best wishes to you!

PS: Also, can you talk to the children? Explain what is going on, that the rages are not because they are bad. They will understand.

The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.
Arthur Shopenhauer

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: Stormyone66 ()
Date: February 04, 2008 06:39PM

Wow...dream earth...didn't realize I was abusing my son. I thought I was helping him...sheesh.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: Lillianswan ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:23PM

Actually, from what I understand, autism and mercury poisoning have the same symptoms so it does need to be cured IMHO. Now if they would just call autism (and maybe MS and fibromialga too) "mercury poisoning" it would demystify it and we could get somewhere with a cure.

The reason that some kids get autism from vacines and some don't is that some people detoxify mercury differently than others. I read that they tested the hair of autistic kids who they knew had been vacinated and had also been exposed to mercury from thier mother's fillings and they found no mercury in the hair - this didn't mean that the kids didn't have mercury in their system it meant that the kids weren't detoxing the mercury.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: rawveggiemom ()
Date: February 05, 2008 04:50AM

Autism is a disease and if anyone can find a way to cure it that would be great.
if my children had any disease no matter what a few people think i would do everything i could to cure them.

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: Lightform ()
Date: February 06, 2008 12:47AM

To all..
I've heard and read enough to believe that it is indeed curable. Alot of autism in young people has been linked to the damage done from various toxins within the inoculations they were given at a young age, especialy mercury.

Dream Earth :
I believe in the freedoms of individual choice, but part of this is accepting compromises in our relationships with other people. It is a part of life, we live with other people and interact with them. This involves sharing, and concessions for other peoples desires as a part of our our own. When living in a family situation, ones own preferences must blend and merge with the others one lives with.

In a case like this, this mans autism is a family concern and responcabilty. The family making a decision to cure him of it is not a mutualy exclusive one. If the man who has autism wishes to live a different way he is free to do so as much as any other individual, but being or "choosing to be" autistic automaticly assumes a certain level of mutual responcabilty and decision making for ones own life !

Re: Cure for Autism
Posted by: cocoa_nibs ()
Date: February 06, 2008 03:45AM

Autism is NOT caused by child abuse. It is a horrific thing to suggest this!

Even more so, in this case, I hear you (Lightform) say that children are being subjected to an autistic person's anger. So everything needs to be done to protect the children. Your quest is valid and so is everyone's quest who wants to help relieve painful symptoms of a suffering child or adult. It is ludicrous to think that children's eating behaviours aren't grossly influenced by what they are being offered. To the extent possible it is absolutely crucial to teach the effects of food, through example, through offering dairy free choices etc.

Lightform, high functioning autists or Aschperger sufferers are oftentimes not aware that something is wrong. They sure have the ability to make everyone else around them very unhappy or even abuse them, particularly emotionally, but they dont have the ability to see that. But that does not mean that they are happy and wouldnt be happier if they were healthy, they just never knew any different. In other words, the autistic person might not BE ABLE to be aware of responsibilities or decision making for their own lives, it CAN (not always) be a symptom of the very disease. (Not sure if that was what you are saying?) And all the while they can be highly functioning in careers etc. People who love this person do well to help them make positive changes.

Your quest is a great one and I do hope you are able to help your friend's brother by suggesting dietary changes. Dream Earth's post misses the mark by denying that autism is a disease (or call it an 'unnatural state' if you will, I dislike the pathologizing talk too), by calling your valid concerns 'petty' and suggesting your motifs are selfserving.

This is about children being BEAT UP, HELLO! And it 's not because that person is evil, but because that person has a neurological dis-order/disharmony. To stick by him and want to help him speaks of the family's love for that person.

It is amazing to see their personality change as relief is achieved - it means they can be themselves rather than mis-guided by a disturbed brain situation. Noone is 'happy' when they are caught in an anger spell!

Wishing you all the best.

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