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How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 06, 2008 07:16PM

I was just wondering if anyone can tell me how to go back to my natural hair color- besides letting it grow out- haha! I have my stylist put high/low lights in my light brown/ dirty blonde hair-- to make it blonder with some depth... I dont want to put these chemicals on my hair/scalp anymore. I thought about getting it back to my natural color and them trying the henna coloring for blonde. Does the sylist have a chemical they can put on it to strip the color and then left would be my natural color or do they have to color all but my roots the matching color? Hopefully this is not the case as I sooo don't want to color my hair chemically anymore.

Does anyone have any experience in this area? Thanks for reading and thanks for any advice!!



Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: pippin07 ()
Date: February 06, 2008 07:27PM


My daughter's natural hair color is a dish water blond. She was dying her hair a dark auburn and wanted her natural color back. My son's girl friend is a hair stylist and she did perform a process on her that stripped all the color out and she came very close to her natural color. It was amazing. Since the color was not a perfect match, you can see her roots as the real color grows out. The process was long and it is expensive (only I didn’t have to pay ;-). It took about 4-5 hours.

Hope this helps.

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 06, 2008 07:56PM

Hi, Pippin07,

Wow, that is a big help!! Also, I love the way you describe her hair color-- ok, to be honest-- that is really the color, to best, describe my natural hair color "dirty dish water blonde" winking smiley haha! Any idea of the price? Not too worried about that though--- the amount of money it would save me, from switching to henna from chemical coloring sessions, would well be worth it!! Has she since colored it with a natural product or decided to just stay natural?

Thanks again! And, if anyone has experience with henna for turning dirty blonde hair a lighter blonde would you let me know how it went/goes?



Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 06, 2008 09:05PM

henna adds colour, usually in the brown and red range. the only thing that can take colour out is a stripper like bleach or peroxide. take care with these products though, they lift the hair folical and can leave your hair very dry. they are not any more gentle or natural than colouring your hair either.

you could try some lemon juice and sitting out in the sun to lighten your hair. the best and most natural alternative is to let it grow out though.

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 06, 2008 10:20PM


Thanks again for all your help today--- preeeciate it! I tried the lemon juice when I was very young--- jr. high school young-- turned my hair a little orange-- but also used some product called "sun-in" and that really made my hair orange--- it looked funny-- but it probably was the sun in that did the orange more than the lemon juice, not too sure. ??

I was going to have my stylist strip my hair color and then try the henna over that... it checked out a website that sold the henna-- i think it was morraco method - can't remember. Anyway- they sell a semi-perminant blonde henna color--- you think this would do what i'm wanting? Did not know that about the henna only coloring brown or auburn hair.??? I know I should really just let my hair color grow out but, my hair is down to my rear, and I've spent many years trying to get it this long and healthy (or what I thought previously was healthy) now want to get it really healthy (although, from what you said, stipping my color does sound quite harsh!)

Not sure now what to do-- if the henna can't color my hair blonde I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to my natural color so quickly I mean my hair is very blonde right now-- not platinum blonde more honey blonde--- I have colored my hair... well, I'm 37 now, and I have been coloring my hair (highlights) since probably high school... Any thoughts?

Thanks again for helping me on this and the birth control questions! smiling smiley


Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 06, 2008 10:57PM

the best thing to do is to talk with a stylist you trust, they know hair better than anyone else. if she or he recommends going with a colour, one that has a lightener it sounds like, it's only one time, right? plus, having your hair all one colour will keep you from wanting to colour it again and again over time as whatever you put into it starts to grow out.
the thing about henna is that you can't colour match with it, you get what you get. it's interesting that there is a blonde version, i wonder what's in it. and i wouldn't be surprised if it turns out a little reddish if it's really got a henna base but who knows.

good luck!

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 06, 2008 11:06PM


Thanks again for the help-- ok, going to talk with stylist tomorrow... and see what he thinks... if it can be done, then I will strip my color and hope for the best... once this has been done, I think I will buy the blonde henna-- cut a few inches off and color the hair that i cut off -- then I can see how the henna affects my hair. Thanks for taking the time to help!



Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: selenes512 ()
Date: February 06, 2008 11:19PM

Remember that when you dye your hair, you do not just put color in, but you take color out. The first step of permanent hair dying is removing all natural color from your hair. So stripping your hair will not give you back your natural color. Your natural color is not 'underneath' the dye, it doesnt exist anymore. Thats why when you start to dye your hair, you cant really stop unless you cut the dyed portion off. The best you can do is find a dye that is close to your natural color, and dye your hair with that. Then, as your hair grows, do not dye your roots (if the dye is close enough, you shouldnt be able to tell too much) and trim as much off the ends as you feel comfortable. Eventually, the died portion will all be cut off and the endyed hair will be all that is left. Hope this helps

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Date: February 06, 2008 11:58PM

I am going through what selenes512 just wrote. I died my hair for two years and now I want my natural color. So I went to a professional hair stylist and she died it close to my natural color as possible, you can't tell the difference that much by my roots, but I know I won't be dying my hair anymore and I'll keep cutting my ends off until there is no more dyed hair and natural color is left. It will probably take 3 years or more!

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 07, 2008 12:22AM


I have to say you couldn't have explained that any better smiling smiley --- thank you so much.... having one of those aahaa moments! I get it now! sucks though-- looks like i have some decisions to make. I can either let my hair grow out and have two-tone hair for the next 5 years--- ahhh, no/ or do what deegarry is doing-- maybe?/ or have my stylist go more darker over time as to not freak me out, by the drastic dark color-- probably.?? then, once I'm used to the dark color, let my natural hair grow out...and cease all coloring. Thanks so much for the info!!!


Thanks for your input too--- at some point I hope to be where you're at-- and it will probably be years for me too!!! maybe in a few years we can post our before after hair pics and give others hope! Thanks again!



Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: GypsyArdor ()
Date: February 07, 2008 01:00AM

I love henna. It's not supposed to be permanent, but for me the color lasts forever (well, it gets less bright, but my hair never goes back to the "normal" color). I don't think there is a way to do blonde with henna, though.

I went back to my normal color many years ago (with dye) and my husband and I both hated it. I had been red for too long and the brown just didn't look right on me. So, I keep it with henna now. That way I don't use chemicals, but I get the red color that looks more natural than the bottled red colors I used to have applied to my hair.

Joanna, I hope whatever you decide will make you happy. :-)

Lots of love to you,


Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 07, 2008 01:11AM


Thanks for that info! Interesting... I thought about trying red henna but not sure-- I think I will try a new topic and ask if anyone has tried henna blonde and if it works. Also thanks for wishing me well that's sweet. smiling smiley

Thanks again,


Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: suvine ()
Date: February 07, 2008 07:10PM

Just grow it out and try to color over with your natural hair color the streaks, I did the same although now I miss streaks

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: February 08, 2008 11:04PM

I was blonde for about 5 years until one day I got absolutely sick of it. I was looking at beautiful girls with shiny healthy dark hair and getting so jealous. I realized that shiny healthy hair was more important than any particular color and although I liked trying different colors, if it took damage to achieve an unnatural color it wasn't worth it.

I used a product from Sally's in level 4, a violet based ash brown. which was a pretty good match for what I think I used to have.

Henna can be a disaster on processed hair, it can react with the applied pigments. I'd wait until my hair was all virgin again before I used it.

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: badawie ()
Date: February 09, 2008 01:08AM

I was going to say the same thing as arugula. You must be very very careful using henna on chemically treated hair and vice versa. Hairdressers HATE dealing with people who've had makes chemicals go weird..very weird..I speak from experience :-)

If I had to take a guess, I would say the blonde henna is aimed at women with already blonde hair, and it will just add shine or something. I could be wrong, but it's the only thing that really makes sense..because you would have to strip your hair with bleach to lighten it..there's no alternative that I know of..

Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 09, 2008 11:26PM

arugula and badamie,

thanks for the info... really got me wondering now--- great info everyone thanks so,so much!!!


Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: joanna2007 ()
Date: February 09, 2008 11:32PM

Hey, everyone-- have a question and wondering what your thoughts are???

wondering why our hair changes color from when we are little....?????

I had very golden blonde hair as a little girl and over the years it just got darker and darker-- now its light brown/ dirty blonde...

Is it because of:

the SAD diet? pollution? harmones? being in the sun less and less each year?

just wondering what you ladies think about this???

thanks again for any comments!


Re: How can I go back to my natural hair color?
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: February 10, 2008 01:35AM

Many animals have hair and eye colors that darken with maturity, usually before sexual maturity. Then it loses pigment again with advanced age. Like most things, it's uphill until maturity, then downhill!

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