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wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: flipperjan ()
Date: February 17, 2008 06:02PM

Everyone seems to talk about wheatgrass as being the supreme food. some people say it's disgusting, some say it's fine.

some people grow their own, take powder, tablets, bottled juice - help.

Can you get by satisfactorily without it?

are the tablets better/worse than the juice for instance?

Is it always very expensive? (I'm in England)

looking forward to your opinions.

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: February 17, 2008 06:06PM

<<Can you get by satisfactorily without it?>>


Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: maui_butterfly ()
Date: February 17, 2008 06:13PM

> Can you get by satisfactorily without it?

yes, absolutely

> are the tablets better/worse than the juice for
> instance?

the juice is better

> Is it always very expensive?

not if you grow/juice it yourself

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: MauiGreg ()
Date: February 17, 2008 06:14PM


my body really seems to enjoy wheatgrass, but I don't know if any one food could ever take the title of "the supreme food" as we are all different. I think that you could get by without it pretty easily if you are eating a balanced raw diet.
I think that the juice loses it's life force soon after juicing (i've heard 30 minutes), so fresh will always be better than powdered, bottled or tablets. I'm pretty sure that I'm investing in a juicer this week so I will be starting to grow my own. Until then I get it at my local healthfood store for about $5 for a 2oz shot. They also sell locally grown vacuum packed fresh cut grass in small packages for folks who don't grow their own, but who want to juice theirs fresh... not sure how much that costs.

I hope this helped a little,

Aloha Nui Loa,


A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices. - William James

There is no pill that can be swallowed,
There is no guru, that can be followed, - Michael Franti (Pray For Grace)

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. - Albert Camus

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: February 17, 2008 06:23PM

I tried it once or twice while transitioning. It was potent - but all right. Later, it just made me ill. I think if it helps some one's all good. In general, I feel steadily increasing one's intake of a simple, raw, fresh plant food diet over the course of a lifetime....will grant all the health needed. Just my opinion.

-David Z. Mason

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: rawdanceruk ()
Date: February 17, 2008 07:24PM

Isnt essential

if you want to try it just buy powder, try a shot at local juice bar

If you want to have it daily grow your own smiling smiley

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: phantom ()
Date: February 17, 2008 08:20PM

(Where is Wheatgrass Yogi?! ^.^)

I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe if I get a juicer... But I've also been saying since last June, "Maybe if I get a Vitamix..." Haha.

In any case, try it, and see how it makes you feel--and then share with us! =)

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: Wheatgrass Yogi ()
Date: February 17, 2008 08:31PM

I've tried it with and without Wheatgrass Juice....Carrot Juice too. There's a certain 'Glow' you have with them that you don't have without. It's a dark, healthy look......WY

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: February 18, 2008 12:21AM

<<I think that the juice loses it's life force soon after juicing (i've heard 30 minutes),>>

If life force = antioxidants, yes, this is true, many of them will oxidize in a very short period of time. Oxidation can be lessened by storing the juice in dark in the fridge in a tall narrow bottle with minimal head space.

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: Marley_Star ()
Date: February 18, 2008 12:30AM

Hi, flipperjan... smiling smiley)

I love wheatgrass! For me, in particular, it has a wonderful effect.

When I have been in situations where I could not grow and juice my own, I have used a powder greens mix such as Alkalive Green by company in the US, ph-ion. But I believe it is best to drink it freshly juiced, as soon as possible after juicing, which is why I have paid, as MauiGreg above have mentioned, anywhere from $3.00 to $5.00 a shot at a local smoothie shop.

I have grown my own for a while now, and have my system down where I have one small tray ready each morning to juice. Granted, it takes about 30 minutes each morning from cutting the grass to drinking the juice while cleaning the juicer, but I feel so fantastic afterwards!

I mix the wheatgrass with celery, which, in my opinion, makes it easier to get down the shute of the kinds of "lubes it up", since the grass is dry. Then I add a green apple, usually, and some other greens, such as dandelion, spinach maybe, and I really love the taste of cilantro in there, as well.

Perhaps you can find a local grower, and get your own electric or hand crank juicer so you can have it fresh daily for a much lower price than you will pay if you have access to a smoothie shop or health food store or anywhere that sells shots.

When I lived in Australia I bought a large tray each week from a local grower at the farmer's market each weekend, then returned the used tray for another.
There I was using a hand crank juicer, which I can only recommend if you really wnat to build up your arms!

If you decide to grow your own, make sure to get certified organic seeds.

You can probably find a lot more info on the juicing ascpects of wheatgrass in the Juicing and Juicers section of this board. There are specific juicers that are better for juicing wheatgrass than others.

I first learned about wheatgrass from "The Wheatgrass Book", by Ann Wigmore.

Here are some links to websites that have good photos of the growing process, and/or a lot of information about wheatgrass, its benefits, and how to grow and juice it:





I hope you find success in your search over there in England!

Cheers! Marley

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: February 18, 2008 12:44AM

I've had a couple of wheatgrass shots. That was over 5 years ago, and I've been eating all raw for over 6 years now. So for me it was not necessary.

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: Marley_Star ()
Date: February 18, 2008 01:39AM

Oh, yes, Bryan's post reminded me...

I forgot to tell you that my diet is not %100 raw right now,and that's why I use wheatgrass. smiling smiley)

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: flipperjan ()
Date: February 18, 2008 08:38AM

hi Marley
why do you use wheatgrass if you are not 100% raw? Or to put it another way why do you not need it if you are 100% raw?

wish we had the kind of farmers markets that sell wheatgrass - it's wall to wall swedes here and lots of meat!!!

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: Utopian Life ()
Date: February 18, 2008 12:57PM

I got some wheatgrass for the first time yesterday and will juice it tonight. Been vegan for over 5 years and never had it. Feel great.


Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: MauiGreg ()
Date: February 18, 2008 07:39PM

I did it! I went for it and bought a juicer yesterday (Omega8003). I sprouted some wheat and barley last night and I bought some vacuum packed wheat-grass to use until I can harvest my own. Last night I made about 4oz of juice...delish! No problem getting to sleep either. This morning I made a super green juice of wheat-grass, parsley, cilantro, kale and lime... ended up with about 10-12oz... what a rush too. Instant energy! I was so into my new juicer that after that I juiced up about 12" of Burdock, 8" of Turmeric and 4" of Ginger... intense, but great! I'm still feeling the energy.

Aloha Nui Loa,


A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices. - William James

There is no pill that can be swallowed,
There is no guru, that can be followed, - Michael Franti (Pray For Grace)

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. - Albert Camus

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: Marley_Star ()
Date: February 18, 2008 07:59PM

Hi, flipperjan! smiling smiley)

What a great question!

The first book I read about the benefits of raw food was "Enzymes: The Missing Link To Radiant health" by Humbart Santillo. In the book, he explains that we are born with a certain amount of live enzymes, but as we age, those enzymes are depleted from our bodies, and that leads to all kinds of degenerative disease that is regarded by today's society as "a part of life". The only way we can replenish our bodies with more live enzymes is through eating live foods.

This is my favorite quote from the book, and it changed how I thought about food forever:

"Enzymes are needed for every chemical

reaction in the body. Our organs, tissues

and cells are all run by metabolic

enzymes. Minerals, vitamins, and

hormones need enzymes to be present in

order to to do mtheir work properly.

Enzymes are the labor force of the body."

Wheatgrass is full of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids, but most of all, it is chock full of live enzymes.

When we eat cooked food, it's dead, so someone like myself who is still eating a bit of cooked food is really not getting all of the live enzymes in their food as a person is who is eating %100 raw, like Bryan.

So I use wheatgrass to make sure I'm still getting pure, concentrated life back in my body every day. When I drink some juice (about 2 ozs) every day, I feel even less inclined to follow my old habits of craving cooked food, because it makes me feel so good.

Since I have focused actively on eating as much raw food as possible instead of cooked, I feel so much better that I can see myself eventually going %100 raw. But I will probably still have wheatgrass, beacuse I genuinely love the smell and taste of it!

It reminds me of when I was a little girl...I would run around the yard all day playing, and when I got tired, I would lie down in the grass, look up in the sky and watch the clouds. I could always smell the fresh cut grass, and I felt safe and happy. So it is really almost a comfort food for me! smiling smiley)

Re: wheatgrass - buzzword - is it essential
Posted by: maui_butterfly ()
Date: February 18, 2008 09:30PM

dang, mauigreg, you're on FIRE!!!! go, brother go!
i'm so jealous of your new juicer. i think i will be able to afford one in the year 2012. until then, any juice runs you want to make down to the coast will be met with happy smiles smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley

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