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Raw Nerve
Posted by: EZ rider ()
Date: March 21, 2008 10:40PM

Since going all raw I have noticed that I am more sensitive to the news. Today I read an article about the Dorothy Dixon murder and it has just floored me. I am considering watching less news in the future as I cannot think of any other way to lessen the emotional impact of such a heart wrenching story. Here is a link to the story. Caution - it is vile in its depiction of cruelty.


How do you deal with this kind of thing ?
Maybe the increased emotional sensitivity just has to be swallowed along with the raw food ? Maybe I am the only one who has become more sensitive. Has anyone else noticed an increase in sensitivity since going raw ?

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: Simple Living ()
Date: March 21, 2008 10:47PM

My emotional sensitivity increased when I stopped watching television. After about 18 months (of brain-washing wearing off), I started to actually feel again and news stories like the one you mentioned get to me. I think about the families, etc.,

I honestly don't know if I need that to be heightened even more when I go raw tomorrow.

Personally, EZ rider, I think it makes you a better human being to feel other people's pain.

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: March 21, 2008 11:40PM

I hear you sensitivity is just a tool. It is what I do...and inspire...and promote with that sensitivity that matters. You know?

-David Z. Msaon

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: March 21, 2008 11:49PM

Hi EZ Rider

I'm so glad that someone has addressed this. I am the same way. In fact, I can't even click on the link that you put up there because I know that it will be hard to get it out of my mind. I just feel grateful that I have not heard about her and no one has told me because if they did, I would actually feel angry because news like that tends to put me into a spin for a LONG time and it is extremely difficult for me to get it out of my head so it is very dangerous for me. Because of that , I have not had a television in years... don't miss it.. never will. The news that I NEED to hear are :

1) earthquake warnings
2) tsunami warnings
3) fire warnings
4) GOOD and inspiring news

I don't think that hearing about someone's graphic murder could help me in any way shape or form. Since I don't know the person or their family, there is nothing that I can do to help. If a friend of mine told me that something bad happened to them, I could listen to them and be of service but a total stranger.... who is already dead... there is NOTHING I can do about it so why do they put that on the news? In what way is that helpful to ANYONE? Is it even helpful to the family to have their tragedy blared across the screens into the living room of everyone's homes? Isn't their ENOUGH pain in this world that we don't have to be CONSTANTLY reminded of things like this? I supposed someone will say: Well, you need to know what is going on out there. I don't agree. I think we have been hit over the head with news like this over and over again for YEARS. I think we get the picture but the entire world is not that.

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: ksmanthey ()
Date: March 22, 2008 01:35AM

Hi EZ Rider! I have this problem but it comes and goes. I think there is some sort of energy thing happening with raw food, I don't actually think that super sensitivity is the permanent state (for me at least). I just deal with it while I have it and it tends to go away. I don't actually even avoid the news, because the sad emotional state doesn't really bother me. It kind of feels good to cry about sad things! Ignoring sad things doesn't seem good either. Good luck! -Kate

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: March 22, 2008 01:37AM

the bad news? no thank you, i don't watch it.
it's amazing to me how many people think nothing of having the telly on for the news hour with small children in the room. it is absolutely horrendous unconscious child abuse that. the worst kind of horrors get aired on a daily basis, it's too much.

yes, i became so sensitive to everything when i was 100% raw, it was very hard to live around so many other people in the city. in fact, i moved to a small community and i have never considered moving back. excessive noise and pollution had such an impact on me, it was unbearable. it hurt me to be amidst the crush of so much humanity, to see all the plastic encased waste piled up for the twice weekly garbage pick up, all the retail stores selling instant landfill and restaurants selling slow death.
i don't wish to be totally raw again for a few reasons, not the least of which is the sensativity issue. i could not see an end in sight in that respect, it just seemed to get more and more sensative as time when on. perhaps i would have found a place of more balance if i had preservered but it was overwhelming.

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: phantom ()
Date: March 22, 2008 01:39AM

I used to read TONS of alternative news every day, I was a Shoutwire junkie. While I'm forever greatful it opened my eyes to a world of things, movies like Zeitgeist come to mind--since I've been raw, I had to STOP.

I just don't want that noise in my head. Sometimes I'll cry. Reading about things like Codex really make me feel sick.

Plus, I get enough letters in my email from and other places that keep me up to date with information I can use.

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: maui_butterfly ()
Date: March 22, 2008 02:20AM

i'm a news avoider, no tv, no paper... i realized many years ago (long before raw) that being a so-called well informed person just made me pissed off and/or depressed.

its amazing how well informed i manage to stay considering i don't go out of my way to know anything about current events! my mom is SUPER political and loves to keep me posted. i love to surf the net, but not for news usually. occasionally a headline will catch my eye somewhere and i'll click to find out more. or if an issue gets raised to my consciousness in whatever way, i might use the net to research it and find out more. i love to research things.

my brother gave me a subscription to The New Yorker for Christmas this year, and i enjoy reading it, mostly.

to my mind, news media thrives on and perpetuates a culture of fear and pessimism. i prefer to remain optimistic and unafraid.

i'm not afraid of raw making me "too sensitive" because, i also believe that EVERYTHING that is going on in the world is exactly how it should be. no mistakes, no accidents, no horrors -- except in our labeling. its all perfect, and operating for the highest good of all involved. that includes beauty, truth, justice, rape, murder, death, destruction. it includes raw foods and luther burgers. i know that's tough for some people to swallow, but its just a realization that i had. if i have a stressful or painful thought that something should be different than it IS, i inquire deeply into that thought and find it to be either untrue or essentially unknowable.

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: phantom ()
Date: March 22, 2008 03:14AM

^I must develop my consciousness to such a degree. =)

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: klandestine ()
Date: March 22, 2008 04:05AM

I can't handle watching the news anymore - depresses the hell out of me - so I don't.

On weekday mornings they give out free newspapers before you get on the train. I take one and do the Sudoku and the crossword on the way to work. That's the extent of my newspaper reading. I wish there was a 'happy newspaper'. One that would only tell you happy things - like Mrs. Beavis' cat had 3 beautiful kittens and the Murphy's bought a new electric car and are installing solar panels on their roof next month.

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: March 22, 2008 04:22AM

I don't have tv anymore, and I love it. I don't listen to the radio except in the car and then it's only music. All the news I catch is on the front page of and that's more than enough for me..sometimes too much.

I like picking a movie out to watch though, and do that from time to time. I don't like to hear about animal cruelty, human tragedy or negative and useless bits of information. It clogs my brain. I do like to hear of hopeful things, or news of human endurance, overcoming obstacles, things like that.

I have so much I can choose to do too..I don't even miss tv and I wonder how I got anything done when after 7 pm I would zone out on tv until bedtime..and it made me super tired too..when all I did was lay on the couch zoned out?

I hope to never have tv hooked up again. No matter how educational a program may say it is, it's still passive are not activily doing anything except viewing the tv screen.

The computer and IT is what I love and have for years now..but I can interact on it with others unlike tv, build websites and write articles, etc..still..I don't want to become a slave to that either so I try to stay balanced with it.


Another take on it.....
Posted by: Piano Gal ()
Date: March 22, 2008 04:20PM

I know what you all mean about the increased ability to feel absolutely everything. What I have come to realize is that it is the place in consciousness that I inhabit that determines what i do with the news. For me, I am very, very deliberate when I turn it on.....I am deliberate about deciding that I shall be an instrument of blessing, of forgiving when I watch it. Otherwise, I, personally, feel no reason to turn it on. When I use the news in this way, it offers me - and spirit or God through me, the chance to extending love, blessing, forgiving into the larger world. So it's me using the news, instead of the news using me.

With love,

Piano Gal

Re: Raw Nerve
Posted by: dvdai ()
Date: March 22, 2008 07:23PM

I'm a media production major under Journalism. When I started, all was fine(desensitized). After a year in school I started raw and now I've entered a sort of personal life crisis and I can't handle the news anymore and need to change, not only in major but in current job, living conditions, and people I surround myself with.

Like some have posted already,it's depressing as hell and I can't get it out of my head.

I'm having a hard time dealing with old friends that have old problems that we once shared. The school and its location is not all that conducive to my lifestyle, but I make due. It is harder and harder to maintain a healthy mindset, though.

A change in school and location would be nice, but talking about it is easy.



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