Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 05:28AM Just curious....is it ok to juice a honeydew or cantaloupe with the rind? Tonite I juiced a honeydew...with the rind. I noticed after I drank it, it left almost a *burnt tongue* sensation...Ive juiced cantaloupe with the rind on in the past...
Any advice/tips? Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 05:34AM was it organic or regular ? even sometimes with organic there is no guarantee that something might not have contaminated it somehow .. i had a whole case of organic plums i had to toss because every single one tasted like the skin had some sort of detergent on it .. the grocer swore up and down nothing happened to them at his store but who knows if something hadnt got spilled before he got them .. he was really sorry and replaced them and the next case was fine.
perhaps ya got a zinger of something on the rind ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 05:36AM It was definitely organic, and I thoroughly washed the melon before juicing it....natural dishsoap and all....just like I did for my watermelon a few days ago. I know it wasnt the soap...it was WELL rinsed! I think it was soemthing in the rind....hmmm. Or maybe it was under ripe...it didnt seem as sweet as it shouldve been... Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 05:46AM Hmm....musta been unripe....because its giving me some major gas....and its melon for Goddess sake! I was really craving it tho... Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 11:30AM I always juice melons with the rind. Sometimes if I am not in the mood for such a bitter taste, I will leave off a portion of the rind. Also, I do not mix melons, due to their different enzyme structure.
For the record, I pretty much juice all fruits/vegetables with "all their parts" intact. The only ones I do not use the skin of is - Tangerine Orange Grapefruit The skin of these fruits contain an oil that is not digestible. Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 06:44PM strange stuff ![]() John i looked up and down over the internet this morning and couldnt find anything relatted to anything toxic in the rind ... perhaps it was yer built in stop mechanism your body telling you it didnt need that right now or perhaps some of the herbal concoctions you have been taking for your throat dont react well with something in the cantaloup ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 12:18AM I don't really know what the bitter element of the rind might be - I just know if I juice the entire melon, it is not as sweet as the red part. I can take it either way, as taste is secondary for me - nutrition first. Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
juicin' john
Date: July 19, 2009 11:49PM contrary to the general opinion...which i am not sure how it originated,
i mix other fruits with watermelon and never have any indication of a bad reaction. (you can test it for yourself) i decided after eating watermelon for desert on numerous accasions and not experiencing evan the slightest reaction to give it go with juicing and other fruits and it is really great becouse you get sooo much juice from a watermelon. i not sure if it is the same with other types of melons but i know watermelon combines well for me! i mix lemon sometimes and cherries and sometimes apples and its great. jj Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 20, 2009 12:59AM juicin' john Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > contrary to the general opinion...which i am not > sure how it originated, > i mix other fruits with watermelon and never have > any indication of a bad reaction. (you can test it > for yourself) > > i decided after eating watermelon for desert on > numerous accasions and not experiencing evan the > slightest reaction to give it go with juicing and > other fruits and it is really great becouse you > get sooo much juice from a watermelon. > > i not sure if it is the same with other types of > melons but i know watermelon combines well for > me! > > i mix lemon sometimes and cherries and sometimes > apples and its great. > > jj Jay Kordich (and I have heard other raw foodists as well) covers this topic in one of his audio book series. Apparently the different enzyme makeup of the various melons are unique onto themselves & as such should not be mixed with other fruits & vegetables. Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 20, 2009 01:28AM juicerkatz Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > ...... Apparently the different enzyme > makeup of the various melons are unique onto > themselves & as such should not be mixed with > other fruits & vegetables. In Practice, some of those Food Combining rules aren't true....but in Theory they are. JJ has a good point....use your own body as a testing ground.....WY Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 20, 2009 04:27AM yea i have to agree ... i juice all sorrts of things together and rarely have a weird reaction .. i dont think ive ever made the same smoothie twice or juice combo .. its always different , always whats handy , and always by taste ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 20, 2009 11:20AM >>>In Practice, some of those Food Combining rules aren't
true....but in Theory they are. JJ has a good point....use your own body as a testing ground.....WY>>> I understand what you are saying, but I am still hesitant to go in that direction. Using your body as the defining factor could or could not always hold true. For example; when I was 20, I could eat snickers bars for breakfast/lunch & dinner, drink cokes all day & felt absolutely great. Now, we all know that is the farthest thing from healthy there is, but at that time my body could handle those things & function on them. I am still somewhat inclined to go with what I have heard different raw food gurus teach, since they have way more experience at it that I do. However, I am not closed minded by any means, & I will take new information, consider it, and weigh it against what I know & what makes sense to me, hopefully as most people going down this raw path do. Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
juicin' john
Date: July 21, 2009 08:27PM jk ....
the relativity of the comparison must be considered. comparing with a cokacoola (sicker ..snicker) cast iron stomach and body and comparing with a clean eating stomach and bosy is two different comparisons and will in most cases give quite different reactions. just because jay kordich says something does not make it absolute. in fact just imagine all the people he ripped off on those awful juiceman machines...wh mixing watermelon with other foods has never produced any adverse reaction for me and if i had listened to what you repeat from what jay kordich say, i would miss out on something i truly enjoy. energy booster combination: watermelon rind beet tops apple lemon good tasting: watermelon black bing cherries lemon wedge lime wedge careful with the black bing cherry pits if using a samson or single gear machine... greenstar has no problem with pits and cherry both. i will have to experiment with other kinds of melons and combining, but i know watermelon is just great! juicin john Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 09:52PM "just because jay kordich says something does not make it absolute. in fact just imagine all the people he ripped off on those awful juiceman machines...wh "
lol, yeah, well he is taking a step back from those now, guess he handed the reigns over to Jack Lalanne for that. However, those juicers did introduce a nation to juicing & hopefully healthy eating, & I know of more than one family who were turned on to a healthy lifestyle from using them. Over the years, my friends & some family have graduated from those machines into higher end ones, a couple even own Norwalks now after seeing mine. So I guess they aren't without merit for those starting out, especially if you pick one up used, just to try out the concept of juicing. ---- I suppose if you handle the melon juice recipes well, then they are good for you. I personally don't care for the taste of anything else with mixed in with them. For me, they seem to have a taste that I enjoy by themselves, although a hint of lemon sounds intriguing. Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
juicin' john
Date: July 22, 2009 12:10AM ....i agree. he really did get the juicing concept out there for millions of people to see. thank you juiceman!
jj Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
Date: August 09, 2009 04:40PM I'd suggest you taste some of that "natural dish soap" that you washed the melon with. That would be my guess. The melon rind may have absorbed some of it, which didn't rinse out. Re: Juicing Melons...
Posted by:
juicin' john
Date: August 09, 2009 06:08PM my suggestion would be to test the idea again with a different source of melon...perhaps several people would each do an independent test and see what the results are....meanwhile vegan reiki angel ...could do the test with soap using another source for the melon.
honeydews are totally different when ripe and when still"greenish and hard". that may be the reason ..just guessing though. juicing melon rind is an awsome source of minerals ....i did a full canteloupe rind(with seeds) and 1/2 of a "small" watermelon rind today with some apple,ginger and 2lb of carrots and got almost a full gallon of juice in about 20 min. of juicing time. this type of yield and effieciency is only possible with a full sized twin gear. (and i can store it until its gone by tomorrow) i threw some tops from some hot peppers and i didn't think it would show up in the flavor profile but it sure did and the juice is a bit "nippy". i will be more careful next time. melon rinds are really full of liquid nutrition ...just think how many people throw them away! wow... jj Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.